当前位置:文档之家› 2018-2022年 国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试学习辅导书 缩减完整版

2018-2022年 国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试学习辅导书 缩减完整版

2018-2022年 国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试学习辅导书 缩减完整版
2018-2022年 国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试学习辅导书 缩减完整版


1.The orange is too high on the tree .

It’s out of my reach(伸出手).I need someone to help me.

2.The city is named after famous

president. (这个城市是著名的总统

名字命名的) named after短语”命


3.It took millions of people several

years to build the Great Wall.

4.I have always considered(考虑过的

/认为) you my best friend.

5.If I take this medicine twice a day,

it should cure (治愈)my cold.. 如果



6.It is considerate 考虑周到的 of you

to turn down the radio while your

sister is still ill in bed. 这是体贴你



7.It’s not quite certain 肯定that he

will be present at the meeting. 这不


8.It was natural (自然)that he

count(计算) the days before going


9.when she saw the clouds(乌去密布)

she went back to house to fetch(取) her umbrella(伞).

10.The metals which we find in the

earth include(包括) iron , lead and

copper. 在我们地球上发现金属包


11.Your hair needs to be cut(剪) 。

would you like me to do it for you..

12.It was difficult难to guess猜测

what her reaction反应 to the news

消息 would be.

13.Contrary相反to your prediction

预言 , they lost the game..

14.We say that a person has good

manners if he or she is polite , kind

and helpful to others. 我们说一个


有礼貌,善良和乐于助人。15.He is always kind , never

cruel ,either to people or to animals.



16.we should be careful仔细 when we

are doing our exercises.练习

17.The tallest hat帽子would make

him so tall that people would stop

calling him a little man. 高顶帽子



18.Everyone seemed(似乎) to turn(变

成) a blind(失明) eye to the rubbish

(垃圾)on the floor. 每个人都似乎在


19.If you have a house full of children

an rubbish垃圾, you will next keep

it clean(清扫)

20.You are very lucky(幸运), because

you have a chance(机会) to study at


21.I was ashamed of 耻于when I lived


22.Xiao wang always comes up with

(提出)wonderful(极好) ideas.

23.Considering(考虑到) his age(年龄),

he is unable to take the job.

24.It is impossible to know in

advance(预先) what will happen.

25.Although尽管many young people

are keen (热心,渴望)on going

abroad(出国), he prefers(宁愿) to

stay and work in his own country.

26.The doctor has warned(警告) time

and again(屡次) that smoking will

affect(影响) his health, but johny

just won’t listen

27.You’d better最好have your cat

repaired at once立刻, or you will

be late for professor’s 教授lecture


28.This is the very house in which

Mr.Zhou once 曾经lived居住.

29.The old photo ( reminded him of

使..记起 )his childhood儿童时代 in

the countryside农村

30.He slipped and broke his leg. As a

result 因此he would have to away

from school for two weeks. 他滑倒




1.Peter’s latest book is so good that is

beyond all praise赞美不尽彼得的


2.His failure to pay his debts

confirmed证实their suspicion怀

疑 that he was not to be trusted. 他



3.Sorry, I took your pen by mistake


4.The sisters differ in在…不同 their


5.I long for渴望 an opportunity 机会

of seeing you. 我渴望见到你一个机

6.We have lessons every day except

除外on Sunday

7.Failure(失败) to communicate沟通

resulted in导致the high divorce

rate. 不沟通导致离婚率高

8.I am glad to have been given已获

得 a change改变visit访问our

country. 我很高兴能有更改访问贵

9.Ruth finally最后managed达成to

find what she was looking for露丝


10.The local 地方government政府

will offer提供 us what we need. 当


11.The room became completely dark

when the candle went out熄灭房间


12.Pollution is said to cause使many

people to suffer from患cancer癌.


13.The doctor said he would try his

best to relieve减轻 her of her pain



14.Do you enjoy reading about the

adventures冒险of the great

explorer伟大探险家 in the African


15.It is impolite无礼to stare盯着at

somebody or follow跟着him



16.We entered the museum just to find

只是为了找a shelter避难所from

a shower阵雨. 我们走进博物馆只


17.Baby-sitting保姆is part of an off-

camp job. 保姆是场外阵营工作的


18.Please speak loudly and clearly to

make yourself heard and

understood. 请大声说话,显然使



久scars 疤痕on George

Washington’s nose and cheeks脸颊

but most artists艺术家 kindly亲切

left out遗漏the pockmarks痘痕

when painting画 his portraits画像.




20.Handwriting is how you present现

在 yourself on paper.

21.It is a Japanese custom风俗\习惯

to take off one’s shoes before

entering a house.

22.You may ask your teacher in case

of difficulty在生活上遇到困难时


23.The young girl made up her mind

to get rid of摆脱her bad habit习

惯. 这位年轻的姑娘下了决心摆脱


24.It was in Greece希腊 that Olympic

competitions started.正是在希腊的


25.It seems似乎that his opinions看

法are always different不同from

his girl-friend. They don’t get along


26.The price of houses is going up

while that of cars has been brought

down only to about 80 thousand



https://www.doczj.com/doc/e0238460.html,k easily goes bad in hot weather.

You’d better put it into the


28.Mr. White was made chairman主

席of the committee委员会, who

was in charge of负责the project


29.Her husband wasn’t content with

满足于what he gained and wanted

to get more. 她的丈夫并不满足于


30.When Tom woke up he was in the

hospital, but he didn’t know how

that had come about发生造成的.




1.John’s sudden突然的death死亡

was a great blow打击to his

mother and it took her a long time

to get over自……中恢复过来the


2.Unless除非you go by依照nature

自然, you are sure to be punished

处罚 by it.

3.His heart stopped beating跳动 just

when we reached the hospital.

4.–look! The flowers in the garden

are growing成长 lovely可爱.

-How I wish I had a small piece of

ground士地when I could plan打

算 some flowers of my own!

5.His parents couldn’t get through打

通 to him on the telephone , so they

decided决定 to go to his school and

see what’s wrong.错误.

6.–Mum, why do you always make

me drink a cup of fresh新鲜milk

every day?

To get为了 enough足够 protein蛋

白质 and nutrition营养 as you are

growing up成长.

7.Selecting选择 a mobile移动 phone

for personal个人use is no easy

task工作because technology科技

is changing变化go rapidly迅速.



8.With the gas cut off , I couldn’t

cook dinner煤气切断,我不能做

9.–Would you mind介意if I used

your dictionary字典?

-Go ahead继续

10.She took a glance一瞥,一眼 at her

watch and saw that it was already

lunch time.

11.Grown-ups成年人should be

responsible负责for their own

behavior行为. 成年人应该对自己


12.By improving改进his learning

habits习惯a(n) average均分/平均

水平 student can be a top one.

13.When you meet with a problem,

find a way to solve解答 it.

14.The kitten小猫 climbed爬 the tree

and c ouldn’t get down下来

15.If you check检查your paper

carefully , some grammar 语法

mistakes错误 can be avoided避免.

16.The city Zhangjiakou was


坏 in the earth-quake地震

17.The case手提箱contained包含a

lot of things, including包括 a

second-hand watch.二手手表

18.Do you enjoy listening to records

录音? I find records are often as

good as和…几乎一样or better

than an actual真实performance


19.The high school graduated 毕了业

300 students this summer夏季

20.–I suppose料想you have got the


-You have guessed猜对 it.

21.You’re too weak虚弱. It’s good for

you to have plenty大量 of exercise


22.We will have plenty of大量 time to

go to the railway铁路station站.

Take it easy!

23.She was caught(catch抓住的过去

式) spitting吐出,喷溅物in public

公众and fined罚款ten yuan on the spot现场.

24.When the bike was repaired , it

looked as good as和…几乎一样


25.The custom风俗 goes back to可以

追溯到 the 12th century世纪

26.We haven’t found the missing不见

的 wallet皮夹. Let’s go through详

细检查the room again.

27.How is Mary getting on with继续

干her study? get on with sth继

28.We should pay给予 more attention

注意 to generation gap代沟 , for it

has become a social 社会problem


29.His father is very busy every day.

He can’t help complaining of抱怨

the rapid快速pace步子of modern现代 life生活. the pace of


30.After my mother finished cleaning

up the house , she went on read接

着读today’s newsp aper.


1.With the help of the policeman, the

parents got in touch with和……取

得联系their lost失去child by accident意外.

2.Intelligent聪明的people can

always come up with提出good solutions解决方案 to problems.

3.If anyone ever catches sight看见 of

the mugger行凶抢劫的路贼

anywhere, please call the police at


4.Where shall I get off the train?我在


5.Every evening after supper晚餐,

my parents would go out for a walk.


6.Johnson has come down 败落in

the world上层社会since his

business生意 failed失败.

7.If you don’t give up放弃smoking

you’ll never get better.

8.With the country population人口

growing fast, the government政府

has taken the birth出生 control 控


9.–“It’s already midnight午夜. Why

not go to bed?’

-‘There’s still too much housework

to do.’

10.An average平均 Japanese has 30.6

square平方metersM living space.



11.The building of the bridge has been

held up by the heavy rain. 大桥的


12.Do you know when and where the

sports meeting was to be held举行.

13.You had better not drink water

that is not boiled煮沸.

14.The woman I came across 碰到

yesterday is Mrs.Black.

15.Work is often considered认为 to be

most important thing in our life,

but in fact事实there are many

other things more important than

it. 工作通常被认为是最重要的东西



16.Tom’s mother is seriously严重ill.

He is going to the hospital to see


17.No matter what you do, you should

put your mind 专心into it. 不管你


18.George left( leave离开的过去式)in

such这样的a hurry匆忙that I

hardly几乎 had time to thank him.



19.Would you please do me a favour

帮帮忙by lending借me your

dictionary for several days?

20.I happened to see偶然遇见him in

the department store. 我碰巧看到


21.May we have the pleasure荣幸of

your company友伴for dinner宴会?


22.I’m sorry, sir. There’s no double

room 双人间available有空的 now.

23.Although she was disabled伤残的

when she was only six years of age,

yet she aimed high力争上游, for

which her friends spoke highly高

度评价 of her.

24.It’s a nice spring day春天. Mrs.

White puts on穿上her coat外套,

goes out and shuts关上 the door.

25.Their voices声音are so alike相像

than I often mistake Tom for his

brother Jim on the phone.

mistake for把…误认为

26.It was so quiet安静at night. We

listened收听carefully but heard


27.They fell in love with each other,

however . After a few months, they

realized the did not have much in




28.Although my friends disliked不喜

欢Jenny, I insisted on坚持her

coming with us. 虽然我的朋友不喜


29.The photo hanging悬挂 on the wall

is taken by my father.

30.Can you tell me who can best

handle处理the problem? 你能告



1.Such customs were handed down

流传下来from father to son. 这种


2.My brother was such a handsome

英俊young man that many girls

like him.

3.Nearly all weather occurs出现in

the lowest layer层of the

atmosphere大气. 几乎所有的天气


4.The thief小偷broke into(break

into闯入) the store and helped

himself to a lot of money. 小偷闯入


5.After the lecture演讲, the students

participating in参加it had a

heated热烈的 discussion讨论 on it.

6.To be honest, I didn’t agree with

what you said. 老实说,我不同意


7.It has been raining for a week. I

hope it will clear up转晴.

8.The terrorists threatened威胁to

blow up the building if their

demands要求were not met. 恐怖



9.–What’s the matter要紧?

-The shoes don’t fit符合properly

完全. They are hurting伤害my


10.The government is trying best to

improve the housing. 政府正在努


11.Where is my pocket computer? 哪


Here it is. 在这里

12.He is the candidate候选人 to carry



13.Hundreds of students attended参

加 the party聚会 last night昨晚.

14.I’m going to have my car repaired

tomorrow morning.

15.Mary’s parents couldn’t help

worrying 担心about her. 玛丽的父


16.I heard her talking about Mrs .

Handerson whom I had never

heard of. 我听到她谈起那个我从来


17.She held back( hold back隐瞒) ,

not knowing what to do or say.

18.All those expensive昂贵shoes are

made by hand手工制成.

19.Remember to turn off the gas when

you go on holiday. 记住要关掉煤气


20.What is the price of that T-shirt?

21.The soldier士兵was badly严重


22.If Mary is aware of all the dangers

危险, she should change her mind

想法. (be aware of意识到)

23.He hurried to the railway station in

the hope of catching the early train.

( in the hope of希望,怀着。。。


24.The students failed in在…上失败

the experiment实验again, but

they didn’t lose heart失去信心.

25.Have you heard about听说


Yes, I read about him in a


26.She likes wearing boots at home,

for they are very comfortable舒适.



27.That is a building about thirty feet

英尺high. 这是一个大约30英尺高


28.The plane was arriving in half an


29.How about staying at home if we

weet with stormy暴风雨day?

30.If you were in my position位置,

you have some idea how I feel. 如果




1. There were quantities of rain last

year. (quantities of大量的)

2.Poor贫穷quality 质量goods货物

won’t sell 出售easily.

3.Don’t quarrel吵架about small


4.No one questioned 怀疑his theory

理论学说 for almost几乎 800 years.


5.There are quite a few相当多的

new magazines杂志and books in

the bookstore.

6.I was learning my lessons on the

radio when she called me up.

7.The rains have started early this


8.He rose(rise起身)early the nest

day , finding the river河 had risen

升起one foot英尺.

9.The weather was rather相当 worse

恶劣 than we had expected期待\预

期.( rather than胜于)

10.I would rather have noodles面条

than rice.would rather ...than.宁


11.John wants to see you today.

I would rather he came tomorrow

than today. 我宁愿她明天来而不是


12.For what reason原因did she

quarrel with you. 原因是什么,她


13.I received( receive 收到, 接到)the

invitation邀请to the conference会

议, but have no idea if I should

accept接受it . 我收到的邀请参加


14.I recognized认识。认出。辨认

him the moment瞬间 I saw him.

15.What I have to say refers to涉及

all of you. 我要说的事和你们大家


16.I tried to remember to put记得把

everything in good order整齐/秩序

井然 , but I sometimes有时 forgot

to do so忘记了.

17.I cans still remember us walking

hand in hand through the street

together. 我还记得我们一起携手走


18.Now repeat重复the words and

phrases 短语exactly正确的,严密

的 as you hear them. 现在重复的单


19.The manager will reply to 回复all

the letters that have been sent to

him. 经理会回答所有已发送给他


20.He shows no respect尊敬for at

this rules规则. 他表明,对此规则


21.On her way to Wuhan on business ,

a pickpocket扒手robbed her of

her money.一名扒手扒手抢走了她


22.The roofs屋顶of the cottages村舍\

小别墅were covered隐蔽with leaves树叶.

23.We have run out of sugar糖. Ask

Miss Hones to lend us some.我们已



run out of用完,耗尽

24.She is afraid担心to run a risk冒

25.I ran across her in the public

library yesterday. 昨天我在公共图

书馆(run across)偶然碰见她

26.How about Jim?

He came home with safely平安. 27.The students and teachers in the

school salute敬礼 the flag 旗every

Monday morning.

28.One day , walking along the sands

沙滩towards his boat小船\小艇, Crusoe saw in the sand沙子the mark痕迹 of a man’s foot.

29.The broadcast广播came from

America by satellite卫星and was

heard at the same time in Europe.



30.Your answer satisfied满意her so

much that she was very satisfied

with you.


1.The policeman saved the children

from the fire火.

2.Our neighbors邻居 always make a

noise噪声, scolding责骂their


3.There are two score(二十)eggs

in the basket.

4. I have been to Beijing scores of

times. scores of许多,大量

5.It was a good game, and at the end

the score得分was Argentina阿根

廷3, Germany德国 2.

6.The policeman searched搜索the

prisoner战俘,囚徒 to see if he had

a gun枪.

7.Soldiers士兵hurried in search of

the building , but they found

nothing in it.

8.The boy seated就座的there is my

younger brother.

9.I t seems that he has formed 成形a

good idea.

10.The ticket票 cost花费 so much but

were sold out quickly.

11.The doctor sent for派人去叫will

arrive in no time.

12.The sentence宣判was 10 years in

prison监狱and a fine罚款of


13.Oceania 大洋洲is separate分开的

landmass陆地板块, but it is

separated 分开from Asia亚洲by

very shallow浅的 water.

14.The two sisters shared分享one

bed for the night.

15.I had my shoes shined 擦亮just

before I came.

16.He shot(开枪shoot 的过去式及过

去分词)at the bird , but it flew


17.It is four years since the left home.

18.Why must you persist in坚持\固执

19.making fun乐趣of your disabled

伤残 neighbour邻居?

20.The eggs laid产by the hen were

laid 放置in the fridge电冰箱.

21.It is personal个人taste嗜好

whether you like western西方

classic传统music or Chinese folk

民间 music.

22.Since you have to stay home, why

don’t you do some shopping? 既然



23.The sea was smooth平

滑. ”Smooth” here means意味


24.Mr. Jones’ new job smoothed away

his worry about money. smooth


25.You should not make so many


26.-Do you like these shoes? -No,

show me some others .

27.No sooner had I got home than it

began to rain. no sooner ... than


28.The sound声音of voices噪音

which we had heard came from the

television 电视set .

29.Mr. Black ,can you spare 抽出 a

minute for me ? I have something

important to tell you.

30.In order to improve提高his

spoken English英语口语, he

practiced练习talking to others in

English. 为了提高自己的英语口


31.They went on with the experiment

实验in spite of her so much that

she was very in spite of with you. in

spite of不管,不顾;尽管,虽然


1.The man came here to spy on监视

us. “Spy on “ here means watch监


2.It’s starting to rain。 we had better

hurry home. 下起雨来,我们最好


3.The soldiers士兵 were stationed驻

扎 at the border边界.

4.The salesman 售货员scolded责骂

the girl caught stealing 偷窃and let her off. let...off饶恕某人

超市 to buy some bread 面包and the went to pick up接her little girl from school。she killed two birds

with one stone.她一石二鸟\一举两

6.Our ship sailed航行through the

strait海峡 between the two islands

岛 and went straight 一直to Rome

罗马 without staying in paris. 径直


7.She is very strict严谨的with

herself in her work.

8.He has been studying the problem

in his study for a long time.

9.We were talking on the phone,

when , all along 一直the line went

dead线断了. Which of the

following在…这后can’t be used


10.She can’t eat much because she

suffers from忍受stomachaches胃


11.Their actions行动suggested表明

tha t he shouldn’t be a bad man,

and I suggested建议that we should let him go. 他们的行动表



12.The suggestion建议 that we should

have another talk with them was of

no value价值. 有人建议,我们应



13.-Isn’t Jane here yet ? -No. Much to

my surprise令人惊讶, she is late.



14.The film star stood there,

surrounded by被…环绕着a lot of


15.When I arrived , my friends were

already seated at table. We had a

big dinner宴会.

16.If the streets had been clearly 明朗

的marked记号, it would not have

taken us so long to his house. 如果



17.Take your time. There is no hurry

at all. 利用时间。不用着急的

18.People throughout全部the

country were called on (be called


take up开始从事the struggle for

为…努力their own freedom自由.



19.We took up a grammar语法 lesson

after we had a PE体育 class.

20.Mother had a taste味道 of the soup

汤 to see if it was tasty美味.

21.The team is the best in the country.

And now the team are training训

练hard for the coming就要来的

Asian亚洲 Games.

22.Don’t make fun of her, John. Can’t

you see she is in tears泪水? make

fun of sb开某人的玩笑;取笑某人

23.Who can tell what will happen in

the future未来?

24.He lay(躺 lie的过去式)awake醒 all

night, thinking over思考the


25.The traveler in the desert felt

thirsty口渴的. That is to say, the

traveler in the desert suffered from

忍受thirst口渴. 在沙漠旅行的旅



26.We thought(think的过去式) she

was going to die, but the medicine

pulled her through. pull through恢


一套衣服 is old and it is

high time he bought a new one. it is

(high) time后接一般过去时,表示


28.We shouldn’t lose heart in time of

difficulties. 我们不应该在困难时候


29.The train is timed同步的, 定时的

to arrive at 6 o’clock.

30.It was raining hard outside and

John was too anxious 渴望的\急切

的to go. he is anxious to go他急着



1.His total income of a year is $500.

His yearly income totals $500. It

reached a total of $500 a year. 他一




2.Teachers are trained培养in the

training college师范学院.

3.The naughty顽皮boy is

troublesome麻烦的, and he is a

great trouble烦恼 to his parents.

4.Never trouble trouble until trouble

troubles you. 不要自找麻烦,除非


5.The sick病态的boy mustn’t be left

alone(leave alone让…独自呆着。

不管)all night and we should take

our turn我们轮流 at sitting up.( sit



6.There are various不同的

techniques技术that have to be

learnt要学会before one can do

this job properly完全.

7.I never expected 期待you to turn

up出现;at the meeting。I

thought you were abroad往国外.



8.These words are wrongly 错误地

spelled拼写, that’s to say, he

spelled the words wrong错误.

9.These masterpieces杰作,名著of

music can stand经受the test考验

of time. 这些音乐的杰作可以经得


10.The young man has conquered克

服 his fear害怕 of failure失败 and is making great steps步伐in his work.

11.Followed by跟随his students, the

teacher entered the classroom. 12.You may have difficulty in learning

English at the beginning.

13.Anybody who has broken违犯the

law法律won’t escape逃避being punished处罚. 如果谁违反法律将


14.Since由于the boss of the

department部门wasn’t in , we

decided to have a meeting another


old man devoted投入himself to teaching for many years. he

devoted himself to teaching他把自


16.As a result结果是, he succeeded成

功reaching the castle城堡but failed to未能 find the way to enter

it . 他成功地达到了城堡,但未能


17.Her deeds are worthy of值得 being

praised. 她的事迹是值得被赞扬18.The girl would rather stay alone独

自 in the classroom than play with

her classmates同学 outsides外面.

to meeting the great writer. look

forward to盼望,期待

20.Jimmy is the oldest boy and is

taller than any other boy is the


21.Once you understand the sentence ,

you will find he passage通过 quite

相当easy to grasp掌握. 一旦你理



22.Only when the rain stopped did the

sports meeting start again.

23.I prefer宁愿staying at home to

playing outside.

24.My family bought a second-hand

car at the price of 500 dollars.

25.There is no easy method方法to


26.She changes her mind so constantly

经常地that no one wants to work

with her .

27.Look back into history回顾历史,

and we’ll see Chinese people have

achieved取得 a great deal交易,

(政治上的)密约, 待遇.

28.They were listening to light 轻的

music when a thunder打雷came


29.Chinese brown medicine has little

side 侧面旁边effect结果, 效果, 作

用, 影响. 中医药几乎没有副作用

30.If a person is exposed暴露to

constant持续的noise噪声, he

may gradually逐渐的suffer from

患 a loss of hearing. 如果一个人暴





produced生产in that big plant

account for占one third of all the

fibers turned out in the area地区\

领域.. account for1.解释,说明 2.




to sum up his speech讲话. 你只有

100个字来概括他的讲话to sum


3.The jury陪审团must weigh 权衡

考虑the evidence证据before they

reach a verdict判决. 陪审团必须权


4.Scientists科学家have spent years

researching研究 in to the effects 影

响\作用of certain 某些chemicals

化学药品 on the human人类 brain

头脑 with no result结果. 科学家们



5.The firm公司 will have to step up

提高,加快,加紧production if it

is to defeat击败its competitors竞

争者. 该公司将不得不加紧生产,


6.You’ll never finish that job unless

you forget everything else and get

down to it. 你永远也不会完成这项


get down to开始,着手

7.The American company whose


India exploded爆破了的will have

to compensate补偿the loss of

human lives. 美国公司在印度的化


8.Many new opportunities机会will

be opened up in the future for

those with a university 大学


9.The manager promised答应to

keep me informed of how our

business was going on. 经理答应让


10.John regretted后悔not going to

the meeting last week. 约翰后悔上


11. The above上述mentioned论及

reactions反应 are bound必定的 to


顺利. 上述反应是必然的顺利进行

12.The meeting drew to a close late in

the afternoon. draw to a close渐近


13.From his appearance外表 we may

safely确实地 conclude推断 that he

is a heavy 重的\大量的smoker. 从



14.Someone must have left the tap on ,

for the water was running over and

flooding淹没the bath-room. 有人

忘了关浴室的水龙头leave on

让……开着 run over溢出

trees in proportion to the many

benefits受益they give us. in

proportion to与…成比例

16.Whatever无论怎样you decide to

take up , you should try to make it

a success. 无论你决定采取行动,


17.I am tired 厌倦of your stupid乏味


18.The appearance出现of the book

has marked标志 a new era时代 in

the history of the question. 该书的


19.The shopkeeper店主 is facing面对

fierce 激烈competition竞争from

supermarkets. 店主是面对超级市


20.They are building the railway in

association联合with another


21.The students will put off推迟the

outing until next week, when they

won’t be so busy. 学生们将推迟至


22.I found the little boy sitting on the

steps台阶, crying bitterly悲痛. 23.In his speech言谈\说话 he referred

提到 to the great help that the club

received from收到 supporters支持

者. 他在讲话中提到了很大的帮


24.Carbon is an element元素, while

carbon dioxide二氧化物is a

compound. 碳是元素,而二氧化碳


25.When I arrived in this country, I

had to start learning the language

from none一点也不.

26.After being rescued 营救from the

wrecked破坏ship, the people

agreed that they had much to be

thankful for 感谢. 有很多要感谢的27.His ambition 雄心\野心had always

been to become an architect建筑师. 28.This new method 方法not only

saves time but also saves energy能

量by operating运行\工作on two

batteries电池 instead of four. 这种



29.He was very near-sighted近视,


without glasses眼镜.

30.Despite尽管all the heated激烈的

arguments 争论they had, they

remained仍然是 the best of friends

throughout全部 their lives. 尽管他




1.He said the situation情形there

was not so bad as had been painted

描述. 他说,那里的情况并非如所


2.If it wasn’t an accident意外, he

must have done it on purpose打算,


3.When Tom was doing his French

translation翻译, he left blanks空

白for all the words he did not

know. 汤姆在做他的法语翻译

4.But, because Barbary is all that

matters要紧/有关系to me for the

time, I don’t suggest 建议going

away离开. that's all that matters

to me.所有时间,巴巴拉就是我的


5.You can consult商量/请教 different

kinds of people各种各样的人/不同

的人, dictionaries字典, or maps地

图to find out what you wish希望

to know.

6.The elephant fell into the trap陷井

the hunters猎人had set for it. 大



7.He said it in such clear terms that

nobody was in any doubt怀疑

about what was meant(mean用意).


8.Although her marriage结婚was

very unhappy, Mrs.Stephens

remained(保持) with始终和her

husband for the sake(缘故) of为

了……起见the children.

9.These envelops信封are so small

that letters have to be folded折叠

起来several 几times 次before

they can be put inside.

10.It is forecast 预测that heavy rains

are threatening危险的to flood淹

没the area in a few days. 据预测,


11.Einstein was a mathematical genius.


12.Then she went back to重新回到a

deliver发表 a series系列of

lectures演讲which she prepared

准备over here. 然后,她又回到1



13.The Smiths are too protective(保护)

towards呵护their children, they

should let them see more of the


14.In his boyhood, he was slow in迟钝

的learning to read and write. 在他


15.The bus ran over .(跑)过去;撞

倒the cliff because its brakes刹车

failed. 巴士辗过的悬崖,因为它的


16.There were some artificial人造的,

假的 flowers on the table.

17.Many people complain抱怨of the

rapid快的pace of modern life. 许


18.The teacher doesn’t permit 允许

smoking in class.

19.The last time we had a family

reunion团圆was at my sister’s

wedding ceremony结婚典礼five

years ago.

20.The match 比赛was cancelled取消

because most of the members成员

objected反对to having a match

without a standard标准 court球场.



21.American blacks 黑人were denied

否认, 拒绝equal同等rights权利

with the whites白人 until the 1970s

after many years of hard struggle


22.Children are very curious好奇by


23.I couldn’t find a large enough coat

一个足够大的外套, and so I took

this one.

24.Will all those in favor of赞成the


hands? 同意这个提议的都会举手


25.His business生意 is growing so fast

that he must take on雇用more


26.I tried to call you up last night , but

no one answered the phone. 我试着


话call up 打电话

27.He is the manager经理of the

company. He’s in charge of负责it.

28.He said he had every confidence信

心in his secretary秘书。she

would do the right thing. 他说,他



29.The boy cheated欺骗 his friend out

of the apple by insisting坚持that

is was rotten腐烂, if not poisonous


30. A baby learns to creep爬 before it

learns to walk


1.He touched on涉及到many points

without enlarging on any of

them .enlarge on进一步详述他谈

到了许多问题没有对其中任何扩大2.Accuracy精确性 is fundamental基

本原则to the programming设计 of


3.The judge sentenced判决the

burglar夜贼to two years’

imprisonment关押. 法官判处窃贼


4.The glass will crack破裂if you

pour 灌注boiling沸腾 water into it.

5.The meeting broke up at midnight

午夜and we all went home. break


6.We tried to confine限制our

conversation谈话to arguments争

论relevant 有关的to the topic话

题. 我们试图限制我们的谈话争议


7.When he writes, he always keeps a

dictionary at hand. 在手边

8.Roger gave me some beautiful

Japanese stamps in exchange作为

交换for two sets of两套1968

British英国special 特殊issues出


9.You are really running a risk to

drive at such a high speed速度!

run a risk冒风险

10.It isn’t much of a car, but at any

rate无论如何,至少it was not


11.How can I have put on戴上 a

pound 英磅since yesterday? I’ve

eaten吃 nothing!

12.American school children should

learn Lincoln’s Gettysburg address

演说 by heart. 牢记/熟记美国学校


13.In old times , property财产was

usually handed down传给to the

oldest son at his father’s death.

14.My cousin堂兄弟姊妹, 表兄弟姊妹

submitted提交his playground运

动场plans to the city council参议


15.Thanks to his expert老练的

driving , we reached the airport on

time准时, despite尽管the heavy

繁重的 traffic交通.

16.I don’t know I’d react to对…作出

反应a situation情形like the one

you have described描述. 我不知道


17.When the king appeared出现in

the crowd人群, the people cheered

欢呼 and made way for him. make


18.Under certain确定的, 某一个,

conditions条件, 情形of stress压力,

some people reveal展现, 显示, 揭

示, 暴露qualities 品质,they had

never known they possessed拥有.

19.It’s up to轮到us to give her all the

help we can.

20.He intends打算 to replace替换 the

secretary秘书he has dismissed开

除, 解职by a less glamorous不起

眼but rather more efficient能干

one. replace by.取代用…来代替

21.As winter gave way to让位给

spring the days began to lengthen


22.It is not easy to rid oneself of 摆脱/

改掉 a bad habit

23.Before moving to another city,

Brenda disposed 安排of the house

and the furniture家具.

24.It is reported报导that

approximately大约over 1000

factories closed down关闭last year.

25.Although the family trusted her,

she let them down badly. 虽然家庭


26.The town erected(erect竖立) a

monument纪念碑to its heroes英

雄who had lost their lives during

the war.

27.The government has a very bad

image形象because it continues 继

续with plans that nobody likes.

28.Our principal校长/负责人has

already placed an order订购with

the company for the textbooks课本.

29.Jack almost fell off the cliff , but

managed 设法to hang on抓紧不放

until help came. 杰克几乎掉下悬



30.Can we hold out维持,支持for

another day without water? Section13

1.He came to inspect视察the house

with a view( 观点)to为的是buying it.

2.His job was to sort分类, 拣选out

the good apples from the bad ones.

3.This is the very factory I worked in

ten years ago.

4.My father was born in Germany

and still speaks English with a

German accent口音. 我的父亲出


5.I had to stand in a queue排队等候

for hours to get tickets for the film.

6.The departmentu部门 is fortunate

幸运 in having the most up-to-date

新式的 equipment设备 with which

to complete 完成its research研究.



7.He was finally convinced确信的

after a heated debate辩论. 经过激


8.Teaching as a career事业appeals

to呼吁/有吸引力many people because of the long holidays.

9.The infected girl was isolated隔离

的,孤立的from the rest of其余的

the family. 受感染的女孩脱离了家


10.He hoped the firm公司would

transfer转移him to the Paris branch分部, 分店. 他希望该公司


11.We substituted 代替red balls for

blue to see if the baby would notice.

12.Our branch分部stuck out and

caught the rider扶手by the hair.

stick out伸出,突出;坚持到底,


13.His father paved (铺)the way for

him to climb to the top. 他的父亲


14.The are queuing up to buy tickets

for the opera歌剧. queue up 排除


15.This story is not real真实的, it is

only imaginary虚构的.

16.Ice and water are the same

substance物质in different forms.


17.When two people feel the same way

about each other, their feeling are

mutual相互的/共有的. 当两个人感



18.He read a book on the plane to

while away消磨the time.

19.If you really understood the

difficulties facing the government,

you wouldn’t be so critical吹毛求

疵的, 批评的of its spending开销

reductions减少. 如果你真的理解


20.There could have been a war作战

over it but in the end reason


21.Tom was not handsome and he was

not brilliant有才气的, but at all

events在任何情况下he worked

hard and was loyal忠诚 to his boss.

22.The old woman is too feeble 虚弱的

to cross the street without he

nephew’s侄子 help.

23.Don’t judge下判断 a crime犯罪行

为until you know all the


24.As soon as一……就his party政党

came into power上台, he changed

the law.

25.I have tried in vain徒然的to

account for解释the riddle迷惑.

What a pity!真可惜try in vain to

do sth枉费心机地试做某事

26.The doctor allowed允许 him to go

home on condition条件that he

remained保持in bed. 医生让他回


27.When John was arrested逮捕/拘留

for drunken driving酒后开车, he

expected预计to lose his driving

license驾照, but he was let was let

off with a fine罚款.

28.This train ticket is valid 有效的for

ten days.

29.No matter有关系 how hard we try,

we can at best充其量,至多do

only half as much as差不多/和……

一样多last year. 无论我们怎样努


30.It is unwise不明智的/愚蠢的to

show off炫耀,卖弄your greater

knowledge学问in front of the



1.The defeated失败army had to


the field战场of battle战役to the



2.The Oxford English Dictionary is

the best authority权威on English

words. 牛津英语词典是英语单词最


3.Anything that is dropped(动:落下)

falls(名:落下) towards the centre中

心of the earth because of the pull

引力 of gravity地心引力.

4.Apart from blue eyes, blonde hair

is also characteristic 特征of

Swedish people. 除了蓝眼睛,金发


5.He has a peculiar特有habit习惯

of biting his lips咬他的嘴唇when

he is puzzled迷惑.

6.Every government that refuses(动:

拒绝/名:垃圾) to meet the needs of

its people must accept the



7.In this job must face up面对 to the

problems and not run away 逃跑

from them.

8.The doctor squeaks发出尖叫. It

needs oiling加油. Will you please see to it? 请你去检看一下

9.She told us most of the story, but

kept back the bit小块, 少量, 片刻

about her uncle. keep back阻止,


10.I wanted to make a dress, but I

didn’t know how to set about开

始,着手 it.

11.The house has been vacant空的

ever since从那时起一直到现在the Johnsons moved out two years ago.



12.She got married although her

parents had not given her their


13.She inherited继承a large amount

of money from her father when he


14.They had a accident事故on the

road and didn’t check in at their

hotel登记入住酒店until after midnight午夜.

15.Her family sympathized with赞同

her desire愿望 to be a lawyer. 她的


16.The roof 盖/顶of the old mine(洞/

井) is dangerous 危险and could cave in塌陷at any time. 旧的井盖


17.Five years ago the pox 水痘wiped

out the population居民of the

island岛. wipe out消灭

18.In contrast相反to his brother , he

was always considerate考虑周到地

in his treatment对待of others. 19.The fire火灾 was the worst最严重

disaster灾难ever to hit击中the


20. A really真正地powerful有力的

speaker演说者can work up激

发,激起the feeling情绪of the

crowd人群to a fever(使兴奋) of

excitement兴奋/激动. 极度兴奋

21.Camping facilities设备include a

tent , a sleeping bag, a rucksack, a

stove, and so on. 露营设施包括一



22.The h eart is one of the body’s vital

organs器官. 心脏是人体的重要器


23.The change was so gradual逐渐的

that we hardly几乎不 noticed注意

it .

24.The talk between the two countries

has been conducted in a friendly,

cordial热忱的 atmosphere气氛. 两



25.We took off起飞so smoothly平稳

地 that the passengers could hardly

feel it. 我们如此顺利起飞,乘客很


26.Can you run off复印,打印200

copies of this notice通知 before the

post(邮政/邮件) goes?

27.An argument争论was inevitable

必然的because they disliked不喜

欢 each other so much.

28.His fatness renders致使him

unable to touch his toes. 他的肥胖


29.He’s taken to drink and never does

a stroke of work一点点工作. be

taken to被带到

30.His failure失败 in the examination

考试/检查is fatal致命的to the



1.Mr.Smith was asked to check out


hours before he left the hotel. 史密



2.Young children look up to尊敬;

钦佩older ones, so older children

should be good examples 例子.

3.A(n) desperate 绝望的man will

stop at nothing不择手段to get

what he wants.

4.We reached the station车站 to late,

just as the train was pulling out. 离

5.The country set up设立trade贸易

barriers 障碍物against(相反,逆着)

imported(进口,输入) goods. 该国对


6.The doctor sat up(sit up熬夜)all

night with the patient病人.

7.The government had granted准予

them permission许可to leave the

country. 政府已经批准允许他们离


8.The doctor knew how to cope with

应付an emergency紧急情况like

this. 医生知道如何应付这样的紧急


9.You’ll end up告终getting

burnt( get burnt被烧伤) if you

don’t keep away from避开,远离

the fire. 你会最终会被烧伤,如果


10.For all尽管his knowledge and

academic background , he is

basically stupid(笨的,无价值,无意

义的). 尽管他有知识和理论背景,


11.After flying across the Atlantic,

Charles Lindbergh became famous

overnight一夜成名. 横跨大西洋的



have an advantage over占优势

others in getting a job. 大学毕业生


13.One group favors支持gradual逐

渐的integration综合, another


integration, and a third opposes反

对integration altogether完全. 其




14.All the workers in the factory are

provided with提供protective保护

hats. 所有的工厂工人提供防护帽

provide with提供

15.It will cost you very little to give

the boy a pat on the back赞扬,鼓

励once in a while偶尔。 he needs encouragement鼓励. 这将花费你


16.The veteran workers are doing

their best to pass on传递their technical know-how to the younger

generation. 这位经验丰富的工人正



17.He was only too willing to accept 同

意the proposal提议,建议. 他非常


18.Her father flew into a passion激情/

热情 when he learned得知that she wanted to get married 结婚before she graduated毕业from the university大学. fly into a passion


19.The company will send a

representative代表to attend to their business in that region地区.


20.That was quite a large sum of

money. But they were still 12000

dollars short(还短) for the project

计划. 这是相当多的一大笔钱. 但是


21.The story of his adventures冒险

makes excellent极好的 reading. 他


22.Given their inexperience缺乏经验,

they’ve done a good job. 鉴于缺乏



23.He was very ill but a good doctor

and careful nursing brought him

through. 他病得很厉害,但一个好

医生和精心护理使他转危为安24.We got to work and succeeded ,

after a good deal of很多的trial(实

验) and error(错误)反复实验, in

making our butter黄油(我们的生

计). 我们得到了工作和成功, 经过


25.He supplies(supply提供) them with

food and clothing. 他向他们供应食

品和衣物supply ...with向……供

26.The agree同意 with us in principle

原则but differ不同with us in

terms of根据/在…方面certain某

些 measures 措施to be taken. 我们



27.He didn’t live up to无愧于;做

到;符合what had been expected

期望of him. 他没有辜负了曾经对


28.The other families in the apartment

公寓house weren’t friendly to

them. 在公寓房子的其他家庭,对


29.The reason for his success is that he

worked hard.

30.He has kept up a correspondence

通信with his friend in New York

for over a year now. 他保持了与他


keep up保持


1.She was so touched感动by his

generosity慷慨 that for a moment

she was at a loss for words. 在那一


2.The nurses there are most


the patients病人.

3.I will have him come and keep me

company和我做伴. 我将让他来与


4.The big difference between men

and women is that men are



5.When he dines in吃饭 a

restaurant餐馆Mark likes to

have a table to himself.

6.The spectators观众held their

breath屏住呼吸as因为the two

teams tried to break试图打破the

tie僵持in the last minute of the


7.You’ll start working to the job

after you’ve been here a week or


8.I must admit 承认my whole heart

is set on being a medical biologist.



9.When the Smiths lived in the

country, they had to send away for

邮购many of the things they


10.What he has done is open to



11.I am very sleepy困乏because I

stayed up熬夜late last night.

12.He left out遗漏 an important重要

detail细节in his report of the


13.She is very modest谦虚的. Her

success成功only stimulates激励

her to make greater efforts努力..

14.The little girl caught her breath屏

息as she saw the man fall from

the tree从树上跌下来.

15.I recommended推荐buying this

dictionary but he could not afford

提供 it .

16.I often look back on回顾过去my

stay in England as a happy period

时期 in my life.

17.We drive our car fast and soon

overtake追上other cars on the


18.Good work deserves应得good


19.There is always room for

improvement however much you

have already done. room for



20.I much prefer更喜欢 factual事实

的 books such as biographies传记

to fiction小说 of any kind种类. 我



21.This plan must be realized实现 by

all means尽一切办法.

22.Smoking will interfere干扰with


23.There are eight members成员in

the family. She has borne(产生

bear的过去分词) him six sons. 她


24.It’s not safe to carry携带 so much

money with you. You’d better

deposit储存the money in the


25.They met with遭遇 an accident事

故on their way to San Francisco


26.Egypt is famous for the Nile river.

So we often associate联想的,联合

的Egypt with the Nile. 埃及以尼



one calls a man “Jack”

instead代替of “Mr.Hill”, he is on


条件)with him. be on intimate

terms with与关系密切

28.He had hoped to get希望得到

$120 for his old bike but had to

settle for勉强接受$100.

29.His honesty诚实is out of

question .毫无疑问: nobody can

doubt怀疑 it.

30.It has been decided that measures

措施should be taken to bring

down降低 the costs of the projects.




31.Take it easy, we have got plenty of

time and money. 别着急,我们有


32.The city was named in honor尊敬

of以纪念the first president总统

of the U.S., who decided upon对..

作出决定is location位置in the

first place. 这个城市被命名为在美



33.The aged年老的 man took a great

delight高兴in collecting搜集

stamps邮票. take delight in.以…为

34.I had not even甚至 a vague含糊的

idea of what was going to happen.



35.He is said to be generous with his

money. be generous with sth在某


36.If this is the case, how is he

justified证明…是正当in blaming

责备her? 如果是这样,他是怎样

有正当的理由责备她? be justify in


37.The inspector started off with a

comment评论 that the design设计


fashioned过时的. 调查员开始了与


38.This newspaper article文章 throws

some light on就..提供一些情况the

situation形势in the Middle East.



39.He considers himself a great singer ,

and in a way he is justified. 他认为

自己是一个伟大的歌手, 并在某种

程度上,他是有道理的in a way在


40.In the preface to序言this book, we

are given the reason why it has

been republished再印刷. 在这本书



41.State国家 financial财政的 support

支持given in the form of以…形式

scholarships奖学金has stimulated

刺激the students to greater efforts

努力. 国家的财政支援,在奖学金


42.He restricts限制himself to

smoking two cigarettes a day. 他每


43.Once he decided what he wanted,

he would go after追求it with a

single单一mindedness有思想. 一



44.I disapproved不赞成 of the way he

behaved表现at the meeting. 我不


45.As a result of由于……的结果the

neglect疏忽 of all safety安全 rules

规则, the workers were exposed暴

露to considerable相当大danger

危险. 由于所有安全规则的疏忽,


46.Let me see all the official官方


the sale出售 of this land土地.

47.They would just drop下降in for

顺便a chat聊天at any odd临时



48.“I don’t see that I have deserved应

得的 any fame名利and I have no

taste for it ,” he once said. “看不出



49. A good dictionary is indispensable

不可缺少的to the study of a

foreigh language. 一个好的字典是


50.Let’s begin the lesson at the place

where we left off (leave off停止;

中断)last time. 让我们从上次中断


51.This wealthy富人 lady has a great

sympathy同情心 for the poor.

52.Candidates报考者who wish to

withdraw退出from the

examination考试must notify通报

the secretary秘书immediately立


53.With the introduction介绍/传入/入

门 of the electronic电子 computer,

there are no complicated复杂的

problems but can be solved. 随着电



54.The newspaper published发表an

open 公开letter in answer to作为

对……的回答the reader’s


55.The doctor told the overweight超

重 lady to cut out meat肉 from her

diet饮食. 医生告诉超重夫人削减


56.I didn’t expect that these few books

would come to达到so much. 我没


57.Jim threatened恐吓to take

revenge on向…报复the shirt

factory that had fired解雇 him. 58.Fruit水果in best and cheapest便

宜 when it is in season季节. 正是水


59.I speak for代表…讲话my

colleagues同事 as well as也;还;

而且myself when I thank you all

for your great kindness. 我代表我



60.They would be delighted to do all

in their power for Dorothy, who

had set them free from slavery奴

役. 他们很乐意用他们力量为多萝



1.The story the film based以...作基

础on derived from来源于an old


2.The actual实际的process过程/程

序 by which coal is extracted选录/

提取 is well worth watching是非常


3.His energetic积极 efforts努力 met

with only partial部分 success. 他积


4.The old man held on to his job and

would not retire退休. hold on to紧


5.For almost an hour the workers

were just hanging about waiting

for materials材料/原料to arrive.

hang about.闲荡,徘徊,逗留在将



6.Sometimes his lectures讲演are

boring令人厌烦的 , but by and by

不久以后I find them helpful an


7.The plane climbed steeply险峻地

after take-off起飞, and then

leveled off at 25000 feet. 这架飞机


零零零英尺关闭level off趋向平


8.We forgave(forgive原谅his bad

temper脾气 because we knew that

his son’s illness had put him under

great stress重压. 我们原谅了他的




9.She’s the most efficient有效率的,

能干的secretary秘书I’ve ever

had. 她是最有效的秘书我曾经拥有

10.Many petroleum 石油products 产

品can serve适合as raw生的

materials 原料for the chemical 化

学industry工业. 许多石油产品可


11.He’s a nice person, to be sure坦率

地说, but not very competent有能

力的as a manager. 但不是很能干


12.Sometimes you have to make a

sacrifice牺牲 to get what you want.


13.The plain平原 occupies占 the west,

south南部and central中部parts

of the continent大陆, though虽然


异 are to be found over so extensive




14.Towards the top of the mountain

the cliffs悬崖easier to climb,

though rather相当seeper. 对山的


15.Seeing that nobody was very

enthusiastic热心的about it , they

decided to cancel the trip. 看到没



16.How can you avoid mistakes when

you’re in such a hurry? 如此匆忙/


17. A dog was run over辗过by a bus

and killed.

18.Now that I have lost the notes笔记,

we’ll have to go without them.

19.Look out, that step is not safe! 看出


20.This is much inferior to低于…

的,次于…的the one I bought last

week. 这个非常不如我上周买的

21.The building remained保持 mostly


the earthquake, and only minor较

小repairs were necessary必要的.



22.It is only by accident偶然 that you

see me here . I ought to应该 be in

the office. 你看我这里这只是偶


23.She told her children that they

must not , on any account无论如何,

play with matches火柴. not on any


24.We had to leave quietly静静so as

not to免得disturb扰乱other

people. 我们不得不悄悄地离开,


25.Look after照顾 the chidren for me

while I’m out.

26.He is an expert专家/内行at

making himself understood in

foreigh外国languages. expert at


27.We must recover追回the

stolen(steal偷盗) goods at all costs

不惜任何代价. 我们必须不惜一切


28.It is very difficult to keep the trains

running on time准时in winter过


29.When they got back from the

cinema电影院they found their

house on fire着火.

30.The was nothing but sand沙滩as

far as远到,直到;就…而言we could see.


1.Industrial工业countries consume

消费, 消灭a great amount of大量


原料. 工业化国家消耗了大量的原

2.Tom lay awake醒的all night

thinking of them. 汤姆想他们整夜

地睡不着觉lie awake躺着没睡

3.The cost 花费of living is rising

again. 在生活成本再次上升

4.We are all indignant愤怒at the

injustice不公平done to him. 我们


indignant at对……感到愤慨

5.Don’t eat anything that will spoil

扰乱 your appetite食欲 for dinner.


6.It’s no use ringing铃声me给我找

电话 at the office this week because

I’m on holiday.

7.“I’ve been away a long time, and

that name is not familiar熟悉to

me.” 我已经离开很长一段时间,


8.It is encouraging奖励的 to note注

意that in recent近来的years,

cigarette香烟smokers have been

on the decline下降, especially其

among之一 older people. 令人鼓舞



9.Since he lied撒谎to me , he will

never persuade(使)相信me of his

sincerity真实or truthfulness坦率.



10.The journey usually takes six

weeks but you should allow for考


bad weather. 这次旅行通常需要6



11.“My mother asked after you.”

“how kind of her!” “我的母亲后问


12.The tiger老虎is pacing踱步于

back and forth来来往往的,来回地

in his cage笼

13.The atmosphere大气,气氛in the

crowded拥挤hall 大厅became so

stifling沉闷的that two of the

women passed out昏倒,死去. 在



14.By way of经由,通过……方式an

excuse借口 he said he was tired累

的. 通过这样的借口,他说他累了

15.Steam蒸气trains gave way to

electric电气trains soon after the

war. 战后蒸汽机车很快就被电气机

车取代. give way让路

16.I must count up算出…的总数how

much money I’ve spent today.

17.The light灯bulb泡in the bath-

room burned烧 out and Father put

in投入a new one. burn out烧坏

18.If George cannot earn赚得money

for a bicycle, he will have to do

without将就. 如果乔治不能赚取自


19.Two soldiers士兵 are on duty(责任)

值班guarding保护的the gates大


20.“Enjoy yourselves玩得开心,

children”, Mother urged促进the

guests at our party.妈妈敦促我们


21.Harris turned a page to two and

the title of a poem诗,象诗一样

caught his eye. 哈里斯翻过一页两


22.As they crossed Broadway, he came

face to face with a new problem. 当



face to face with与…面对面

23.Mary was not promoted促进,发扬

because she dreamed梦too much

and fell behind落后in her lessons.

24.Far from远离admiring赞赏的 his

paintings描绘,I dislike厌恶them

intensely激烈地. 我不但不钦佩反


25.After Tom passed his driving test

he filled out填写an application申

请表for his driver’s license许可.



26.First the curtain窗帘caught fire

and then the bedclothes床单. 开始


27.If you can make friends交朋友

with her ,so much the better. 如果


28.Mike thought that he could get by

通过;走过,侥幸躲过with the

minimum最小值of work . His

tutor导师quickly disabused纠正


29.Libyan demonstrators示威者set

fire to the U.S. embassy大使馆in

Tripoli. 利比亚示威者放火焚烧了


30.Because he stammered口吃

slightly些微的, the other boys

made fun of him. made fun of取笑


1.The Palestinians who live in the

occupied 占领lands remain仍然

as determined坚决 as ever不断 to shake off 摆脱Israeli以色列rule

统治. 巴勒斯坦人生活在被占领的



students indicate指出that young children stop being creative

创造性的as soon as they reach

school age because the classroom is

a place where facts事实rather

than 胜于imagination 想象

predominate成为主流. as soon as


3.He is always respectful尊敬的to

older people.

4.The true真正reason原因who

Jane went fishing钓鱼is as transparent 透明的as glass玻璃—

she didn’t want to have to clean the


5.I was told that this sweater 毛线衫

would not shrink收缩in the wash

洗 but is has. 我被告知,这件毛衣


6.She is 40, but I think she could pass

for 25 without much trouble烦恼.

pass for被认为是

the opposing对方player比赛者fouled违规John, John let anger恼火get the better of his

good sense理智and hit he boy back. 当对方球员犯规约翰,约翰

让愤怒胜过理智,还击了那男孩get the better of占上风,胜过hit back反击

8.We have to go by the rules. 我们必


9.We have to hurry up赶快 this job

if we want to finish by Thursday.



10.The only way to get your weight体

重down is to keep off远离

fattening 养肥的foods食品.

11.People had lined up排队in front

of the theater剧场. 人们不得不排


12.I promise允诺/答应you shall see

her again before long不久以后. 我


13.The children were eagerly急切

looking forward to盼望;期望the


14.It was so hot that the workmen just

marked time停止不前. 它是如此


15.The building was named Ford Hall

in memory记忆of a man named

James Ford. 该大楼被命名为福特


16.He made up his mind not to speak

a word. 他下定决心不要说一个


17.John comes to visit拜访me every

now and then. every now and then


18.He was saving节省as much as

possible尽可能in order to为了

repay偿还/报答Jennie eventually

最后. 他尽量节省,以偿还最终珍

19.He did it out of gratitude感谢的心

情 for all she had done for him. 他


20.Montanelli took no part in the

discussion. 蒙塔内利没有参与讨论

take part参加,参与

21.You may think you can get away


responsibilities责任, but events事

件will pay you back. 你可能认为



22.He decided to attend the

conference会议 in person亲自.

23.The Vice-President副总统talked

at the meeting in place of代替the

President总统, because the

President was sick病.

24.My golf is not too good just now.

I’ve been busy and I’m out of

practice久不练习,荒疏. 我的高尔



25.I’ve a nice little sum of money put

aside备用for a rainy day穷困时

期. 我有一笔不错的小数额款项放


26.The company puts out生产13 new

machines机器 every month.

27.I gave him a present but he gave

me nothing in return作为回报. 我



28.You can rub out擦去 pencil marks

记号by rubbing摩擦them with a


29.Tomato soup汤 that is usually sold

at twelve cents a can is now on sale

出售 for ten cents. 番茄汤,通常可



30.One of our water pipes小管has

burst破裂. We must send for派人

去请the plumber管道工. 我们有




Advice on Friendship

1.People can’t.(A)

2.If you want.(A)

3.Cooking some.(A)

4.If you have.(B)

5.If you want.(A)


1.Australia is.(B)

2.The majority.(A)

3.The delivery.(B)

4.The attempt.(A)

5.The schoolwork.(B) Biomass

1.As a source .(A)

2.One of the advantages.(A)

3.Biomass doesn’t produce.(B)

4.Despite its advantages.(A)

5.Only trees and crops.(B) Business and risks

1.The work.(A)

2.For 20%.(B)

3.For 100%.(A)

4.For 200%.(B)

5.The pursuit any risks.(A)

6.The pursuit friendship.(B)

7.There are two ownerships.(A)

8.Only bright.(B)


1.Electricity is not.(B)

2.Dry wood.(B)

3.Conductors like.(A)

4.Human body.(B)

5.You can use.(A)

6.Wet hands.(A)

7.The best tool.(A)


1.The electric power(B )

2.The power system is (A)

3.The unification of(A)

4.A power system is (A)

5.The power network(B)

6.A link line is (A)

7.A link line is(B)

8.An electric power (A)

9.The main network (B)10.The networks are not(B)

Heat treatment

1.The post-weld two.(A)

2.One of the purposes.(A)

3.The other purpose.(B)

4.The welding 5 categories.(A)

5.To change the internal (A)

6.There are 5 kinds of.(B)

7.The processes 4.(A)

8.The electric not widely.(B)

9.Heat treatment.(B)

10.The control device.(B)

Hydraulic structure

1.The type of dam.(A)

2.The main purpose.(A)

3.The equipment.(B)


5.Temperature stress.(B)

6.The monitoring method. (A)

7.Some monitoring devices.(B)

8.The monitoring result.(B)

Livestock’s Long Shadow

1.With the increase.(B)

2.It was not until.(B)

3.Rain forests.(A)

4.The global.(A)

5.According to.(B)

Nuclear radiation

1.The mystery.(A)

2.We cannot sense.(B)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/e0238460.html,mon radio.(A)

4.Even at.(B)



1.A kind of (A)

2.The composite (B)

3.One of (A)

4.Optical fiber (A)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/e0238460.html,rge capacity of (B)

6.The communication (B)

7.The carrier 300KHZ.(A)

8.The carrier between 3and 5 (B)

9.The main problem (A)

10.The cables made by (B)

Pain management

1.pain is a natural.(B)

2.Today,it is believed.(A)

3.To provide.(A)

4.Our respect .(B)

5.The drugs.(A)

Power plant

1.Base on energy (A)

2.A power plant (B)

3.The power co-generation.(A)

4.A power net plan (B)

5.Two important (A)

6.Environmental (B)

7.Water sources (B)

8.The total 1200to 3600.(A)

9.The number of six.(B)

10.The ranks within two.(A)

Selection of metal

1.The 1000MW.(A)

2.The 570 to 650℃.(B)

3.The tube 600 to 650℃.(A)

4.The anti-high highly.(A)

5.The anti-high no.(B)

6.The temperature 593℃.(A)

7.The temperature 620℃.(B)

8.The temperature 650℃.(A)

9.The temperature 700℃.(B)

10.Only heat-resisting.(B)

The Obama

1.The Obama too huge.(B)

2.The word “float”(para.3).(B)

3.According to cash.(A)

4.The bailout plan.(B)

5.The last paragraph.(A)

The role of the condenser

1.A condenser.(A)

2.It is suggested.(A)

3.The saturation not.(B)

4.It is unnecessary.(B)

5.The condenser control.(B)

6.The important factor.(A)

7.The temperature water.(A)

8.The terminal difference.(A)

9.The temperature increase of.(B)

10.The exhaust .(B)


1.Contactora (A)

2.The insulation (A)

3.The arc-extinguishing (B)

4.An oil circuit (A)

5.A vacuum circuit (B)

6.A pure SF6 gas (B)

7.The insulation strength (A)

8.An oil is very safe in use.(A)

9.An oil bad heat (B)

10.An oil in the power grid.(A) Undersea Life


2.Now people.(A)

3.You can stay.(A)

4.It is warm.(B)

5.Under about 3000.(A)

6.Many fish.(B)

7.The sea is a dangerous.(A)

8.Deep sea animals.(A)


1 The function of

power transmission/power

networks/step-down substations and connected transmission

equipment/transmission at high voltage/power network operation

2 In ( ) such as U.S.A

some advanced countries/great advantages on economy and environmental protection/good homogenization of distribution/whole process management is strengthened

3 Circuit breakers are automatically

to control electrical power networks/to switch the current which can be from a few amperes/to perform any switching operation after long periods/of the highest importance for high

reliability/of the circuit breaker

4,Fuel cells are devices that

there is no storage capacity in a fUel cell/further development is under

way/as they are being developed there have been some applications/many cells are operated in series to obtain voltages/supply alternating current from fuel cells

5 Many large cities are anything

there is still something that can be useful/there is no time to be lost/it can be put to use again/more and more machines are designed for this purpose/building beautifUl cities out of garbage is only a dream

6,The weather in winter

They can sleep for a long time/We call this kind of sleep in wintertime “hibernation/Hibernating animals don’t need to eat much because they don’t move/So they don5t need to worry about bad weather and other dangerous animal/As it gets warmer and warmer in spring, the sleeping animals begin to wake up and look around for food

7,The body that is

It circles the Earth and is therefore know as a satellite of the Earth/A satellite stays in orbit because the planet gravitational force keeps pulling it into a circle/The bigger and heavier a body is, the greater is its force of gravity/To get out into space we have to overcome the Earths gravitational

pull/Artificial satellite can be used for various purpose

8,The secondary equipments

the equipments that provide protecting, monitoring/the equipments that send the command signal/current values in

secondary system/5 A rated current of

the current transformer secondary

winding/50V rated voltage of PT

secondary side

9,A sudden change in the configuration

by the operation of a circuit

breaker/determine the insulation

requirements of transmission line/the

cost of transmission and line failure

rat/at both opening and closing of

circuit breakers/by means of circuit

breaker dosing resistor in 500kV


10,The high voltage power

transmitted from power planfs step-up

substation to step-down substatio/the

power line that transmits the power

from step-down substation/the

overhead transmission line/lightning

frequently happening and heavy

raining/large spanning line section

11 ,The aim of introducing market

a wholesale market/a retail market/to

agree on the price and quantity to be

traded/to register as a market

customer/to choose electricity suppliers

12,Electric power is a most

the lack of electricity (a blackout)/its

unavailability/social disorder, and even

national tragedy/its growth rate/high

electric power consumption per capita

13,There are numerous examples

the research and development/the fake

and real items/new chemicals/the

intellectual property/physical property

14, Electrical energy is the presence

static electricity/electrical

charge/electrical energy/Alternating

current/Electrical potential

15,Many people think of

Sustainable/the best known is

photovoltaic cells/inefficient/the

collected energy is used to heat a


16,Electrical energy conservation

reducing energy consumption can be

undertaken at home/making use of

alternative clean energy sources

/contributing to climate change/turning

the thermostat up in the summer and

down in the winter/looking for other

opportunities for electrical energy

conservation in the home

17,Advanced Distribution Automation

The electrical power grid/distribution

systems/at lower voltages/to control

smaller entities/for a number of reasons

18,Solar energy is lauded

like satellites in Earth orbit/buildings

and futuristic cars/such as a battery/to

collect the sun's energy/United States

19, The American idea of

from the very beginning/how much

items cost/have paid for/after the

sale/The customer service


20,The necessity of reliable

developing countries/there are more

people/renewable energy systems in

particula/highly reliable/For this


21, “Look it up in the dictionary

But it was not until 1604 that a book of

uncommon English words

appeared/Each time, it has been

updated/Dictionaries that list all kinds

of words are known as general

dictionaries/General dictionaries are

not the only kind/Thus there are many

kinds of special dictionarie


Parameters of the medium/the rise in

temperature/external forces/heat

transfer/internal energy

23,according to the mode of energy

Nuclear,wind,solar/supplies power to

users/supplies steam to the user/fuel

supply and ash disposal/newly

scheduled power

24,the most important pumps

It must be located/motor

frequency/three sets/two of them/it

pressurizes and


1,Have you ever seen a moon that

All of these/ inform/mysterious/ it is near the horizon/ helps farmers see as they harvest their crops

2,Strange thing happens to time when How Time Changes Around the

World/one hour/ is divided into five time zones/ the point where a new day begins/ahead one hour in each new time

3,The diner is only a humble

The attraction of diners to different people/give a summary of the whole passage/ Ifs a haven against loneliness/many different kinds of people/fascinating

4,Doctors have known for a long time one may lose his hearing when he hears a terribly loud noise/will be damaged even if he has heard a loud noise for only little more than one second/makes hearing damage from loud noise worse/take too much aspirin/whether aspirin would increase the temporary hearing damage from loud noises

5,Just two months ago, Ana,

she must do well on the exam/seven years/the professor’s lect ures/ her family/Ana comes through with flying colors

6,Any mistake made in the printing of a mistake is made in the printing/not yet using postage stamps/wording/ the Twopenny Blue/British printers

7,The communications explosion is on display the influence of communications on life/amazing/The low-orbit satellites would replace towers and poles functionally/talk and see each other no matter where we are/ each car

8,Japan is getting tough about

the consumers/It retains its original strength through reprocessing/a kind of plastics with different integration in each layer/21-inch TV with magnesium case isn’t very popular so far/inform 9,A friend of mine,in response

like his friend, he also thought life was unfair/make us know ifs our duty to perfect things/it’s nice to accept the injustice of life/ life isn’t and won’t be fair/positive

10,People appear to be bom to

The development of mathematical ability in children/begin to master simple counting soon after they learn to walk and talk/objective/didn’t

think/Children learn mathematics naturally and easily

11,A new technology is going to ripe

is still under development/it is being

cultivated in research labs around the

world/ Dramatic/Asian scientists gain

the lead in the growth of the new

technology/Superconductivity: A New


12,People become quite illogical when

Disgusting/was angry because they

might damage his beloved plants/are

the most controversial food/One Man’s

Meat is Another Man’s Poison/they

learn to eat certain foods in their


13,All the useful energy at the surface

atomic power/plants/water/absorbed

by the earth’s atmosphere/ a very small


14,The market is a concept. If you are

What Is the Market?/attending a night

school/dine at a restaurant/concrete/It

tells you what to produce

15,X-rays were first discovered by a

some radiation coming through the

covered tube/it was moved to the next

room/find out more about the


16,Body clocks,? are biological

one can help maintain balance in the

“body clock”/poss ible illnesses/our

body is most active then/at night/every

hour in the day time

17,Plastics are materials which are

Agreeable/plastics are cheap as


Development of Plastics as a Modem


18,When we analyze the salt salinity of

the causes of the variation in oceanic

salinity/evaporation/Formation of sea

ice/The temperature of the water has

much to do with the oceanic salinity/to

give an example of cold-water salinity

19,The science of meteorology is

Approaches to the Science of

Meteorology/anticipated needs of

industry/Sports/greater protection of

human life and property/mathematics

and physics

20,As we have seen, the focus of

removing people’s bad living

habits/good health is more than not

being ill/is free from any kind of

disease/to strive to maintain the best

possible health/People who try to be as

healthy as possible, regardless of their


21,If you want to teach your children

the child may feel that he owes her an

apology/I’m aware you’re upset,but

Ifm not to blame/it is vague and

ineffective/their ages should be taken

into account/not as simple as it seems

22,Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and

shorten the duration of the illness/over-

the-counter drugs can be taken to ease

the misery caused by a cold or the

flu/one should take medicine upon

catching the disease

/A high temperature/are advised not to

give them aspirin

23,Sign has become a scientific hot

a challenge to traditional views on the

nature of language/an English teacher

in a university for the deaf/a genuine

language/a language could only exist in

the form of speech sounds/language is a

product of the brain

24,It is hard to track the blue

the civilian use of a military detection

system/to trace and locate enemy

vessels/the unique property of layers of

ocean water in transmitting

sound/military technology has great

potential in civilian use/It is now partly

accessible to civilian scientists

25,You never see them,

It is an indispensable device on an

airplane/Data for analyzing the cause

of the crash/The early models often got

damaged in the crash/To make them

easily identifiable/There is still a good

chance of their being recovered

26,New technology links the

Positive/are attaching more

importance to their overseas

business/missing opportunities for

promotion when abroad/Ability to

speak the client5s language/better

control the whole negotiation process

27,A properly designed electrical

produce dangerous heat/It will cut the

electricity supply immediately/To

supply electricity to other circuits/the

electrical meter outside/It cuts off

electricity supply when the limit


28,Every hour the sun beams

a technology/Less then one

thousandth/On rooftops/as a heat

source/By moveable mirrors

29,Researchers say people traveling

polluted air/women driving in a

car/Pollutants from vehicles/more

likely to die from lung diseases/Traffic

and Heart Attacks

30,Congratulations. Your decision

On their deciding to quit smoking/help

smokers give up smoking/From


国家电网公司计量现场施工质量工艺规范 1 总则 1.1 为确保电能计量、用电信息采集的准确性和可靠性,落实电能计量装置、采集系统建设质量管理要求,提升计量装置、用电信息采集终端及其附属设备的现场安装质量和工艺水平,特制定本规范。 1.2 本规范规定了计量箱(柜)、电能表、互感器、用电信息采集终端、试验接线盒等设备及连接导线的现场施工质量、工艺要求。 1.3 本规范适用于国家电网公司系统计量现场施工质量、工艺过程控制和检查验收。 2 计量现场施工一般要求 2.1 计量现场施工应遵守Q/GDW 1799的规定《国网公司电力安全工作规定》。 2.2 计量现场应按照计量箱(柜)安装(检查)、箱(柜)内设备安装、导线敷设、设备连接、检查、封印的顺序进行施工。 (1)计量箱(柜)安装(检查):高压计量柜(高供高计),低压计量柜(高供低计),直接接入式三相动力表箱,经互感器接入式表箱,配变出口表箱,单相表箱。 (2)箱(柜)内设备安装:电压互感器,电流互感器,刀闸开关,试验接线盒,电能表,采集终端,采集器,集中器,断路器,接线端子等。 (3)导线敷设:互感器至试验接线盒,试验接线盒至电能表,电能表至采集终端。先强电,后弱电安装,先安装采集器、集中器电源线,安装采集终端、采集器至电能表的通信线,安装采集终端天线。 (4)设备连接:

(5)检查:核对计量倍率,接线是否正确,是否专用计量绕组,导线连接是否可靠,电能表是否清零,标识和档案资料是否齐全等。 (6)封印:互感器二次端钮盒、试验接线盒、电能表端钮盖、采集终端、计量箱柜门。 2.3 计量装置、采集终端配置应满足GB/T 16934、DL/T 448、Q/GDW 347、 Q/GDW 11008及其他现行相关标准要求。 2.4 施工前应对设备外观进行检查。设备外观应满足以下要求: 2.4.1 设备外观完整、无破损、变形现象; 2.4.2 计量箱(柜)应有永固铭牌、有电气原理接线图、条码等必要信 息;各类信息正确、字迹清晰,无缺失或脱落可能,如图1、图2所示; 2.4.3设备资产号、型号、规格应与SG186系统的任务单、图纸一致; 2.4.4 强制检定的计量器具封印应齐全、合格证应在有效期内、计量准 确度等级应符合DL/T 448规定的要求。 强制检定计量器具:电流互感器(JJG1021:电磁式电流、电压互感器的检定周期不得超过10年,电容式电压互感器的检定周期不得超过4年,JJG313/314是2年检定周期)。 电能表: 图1 计量箱外壳标识安装位置示意图 图2 计量箱内部标识安装位置示意图 2.5 施工后应满足如下要求: ; ; 3 设备施工要求 3.1 安装前(后)应重点检查计量箱(柜)下列项目: ,柜门、铅封设施及防误操作安全联锁装置应完备、好用; 3.1.2各单元之间宜以隔板或以箱(盒)组件区分和隔离; ,并配置电能表、采集终端安装支架;


技术标准基本配置清单 序号文件编号文件名称 一法律 1 2009年第3号主席令修订中华人民共和国森林法 2 2014年第9号主席令修订中华人民共和国环境保护法 3 1996年第71号主席令中华人民共和国档案法 4 2010年第39号主席令中华人民共和国水土保持法 5 2011年第46号主席令中华人民共和国建筑法 6 2013年第8号主席令修正中华人民共和国计量法 7 1999年第15号主席令中华人民共和国合同法 8 1999年第21号主席令中华人民共和国招标投标法 9 2014年第13号主席令中华人民共和国安全生产法(2014年修正版) 10 2002年第74号主席令中华人民共和国水法 11 2002年第77号主席令中华人民共和国环评法 12 2004年第28号主席令中华人民共和国土地管理法 13 2004年第31号主席令中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法 14 2008年第6号主席令中华人民共和国消防法 15 2009年第18号主席令中华人民共和国电力法 16 2014年第 4 号主席令中华人民共和国特种设备安全法 二法规 (一)行政法规 1 1984年国务院令国务院关于在我国统一实行法定计量单位的命令 2 1987年国务院令中华人民共和国强制检定的工作计量器具检定管 理办法 3 1993年120号国务院令 2011年1月8日修正 水土保持法实施条例 4 1998年239号国务院令 2011年1月8日修正 电力设施保护条例 5 1998年253号国务院令建设项目环境保护管理条例 6 2000年279号国务院令建设工程质量管理条例 7 2003年393号国务院令建设工程安全生产管理条例 8 2005年432号国务院令电力监管条例 9 2006年466号国务院令民用爆炸物品安全管理条例


2019年国家电网电力工程师中级职称复习题库 判断题: 1、在一经合闸即可送电到工作地点的断路器隔离开关的操作手柄上,应悬挂“止步,高压危险!”标志牌。√ 2、对地电压在380V及以下的电气设备,称为低压电气设备。× 3、电网分析中的单相计算所采用的线路参数就是指只存在A相输电导线时的元件等值参数。× 4、电力网包括发电机、变压器、线路等,电力系统包括电力网以及各种用电设备。√ 5、节点导纳矩阵的对角线元素与该行其他元素相加的总和为零。× 6、最大运行方式就是能够提供最大出力的运行状态。× 7、输电线路导线换相的目的是为了保持三相对称性。√ 8、电磁环网有利于提高电力系统运行的经济性。√ 9、潮流计算中,牛顿法比快速接耦潮流精度高。× 10、闭环式电力网潮流计算是非线性问题,开式电力网潮流计算是线性电路问题,因此开式电网潮流计算更简单。√ 11、电力系统静态稳定性指的是在系统中频率或者电压会越限,或没有可行的潮流解。√ 12、静态安全分析研究电力系统静态稳定性,动态安全分析研究电力系统动态稳定和暂态稳定性的问题。√ 13、稳态短路电流值和短路开始瞬间的短路电流值都可以通过同一种短路电流计算方法求取,两种计算的不同点在于发电机需要选用不同的模型和参数值。√ 14、发电机发出的有功出力要受到原动机出力的限制,无功功率要受励磁电流的限制。√ 15、在合理的运行方式下,线路上有功功率的传输主要由线路两端的电压相角差确定。√ 16、当用户端电压下降比较大时,在给用户供电的变压器出口处改变电压分接头是提高电压的

唯一有效手段。× 17、长距离输电线受电端电压一定会比供电端低一些。× 18、电力系统正常运行时零序电流为0,当电力系统发生不对称故障时,就会出现零序电流。√ 19、当电力系统发生不对称故障时,一定会出现负序电流,但不一定存在零序电流。× 20、中性点加装消弧线圈的系统出现单相接地故障时,故障所在的线路会因通过的单相短路电流过大使继电保护动作。×1、电流对人体危害的程度只与通过人体的电流强度有关,而与通过人体的持续时间、频率、途径以及人体的健康状况等因素无关。× 21、中性点不接地的电力系统主要应用于220kV以上的电网。× 22、在中性点接地的三相四线制低压系统中,可以将一部分电气设备的金属外壳采用保护接地,而将另一部分电气设备的金属外壳保护接零。× 23、零线在短路电流作用下不应断线,零线上不得装设熔断器和开关设备。√ 24、停电拉闸操作必须按照断路器(开关)→负荷侧隔离开关(刀闸)→母线侧隔离开关(刀闸)的顺序依次操作,送电合闸操作应按上述相反的顺序进行。√ 25、当电气设备发生接地故障,若人在接地短路点周围,此时人应当快步跑出电位分布区。× 26、谐波对供电系统无功计量装置的正确性没有影响。× 27、与停电设备有关的电压互感器,只须从高压侧断开即可。× 28、直流电动机与同一容量的三相异步电动机相比效率低。× 29、企业变配电所的位置应接近负荷中心,减少变压级数,缩短供电半径,按经济电流密度选择导线截面。√ ▲单项选择题: 31、10KV及以下三相供电电压允许偏差为额定电压的_____C______。


国家电网公司输电运维检修管理规定普考题库 副本 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

国家电网公司输电运检管理规定题库 一、填空题 1.为规范国家电网公司架空输电线路检修管理,依据状态检修导则,按照“( )、( )”的原则开展检修工作,提高线路检修工作质量和效率,特制定本规定。 2.线路检修工作分为五类:A类检修、B类检修、C类检修、D类检修、E类检修。其中 A、B、C类是(),D、E类是()。 3.线路运检单位应考虑关联设备的(),编制线路检修计划),避免同一回路设备重复停电。各级运检部门对检修计划进行审核,并协调停电计划。 4.线路运检单位组织输电检修班在检修实施前根据检修内容进行()。 5.现场查勘应查看检修作业现场的设备状况、需要停电的范围、保留的带电部位、作业环境、危险点、()及()等,并作好现场查勘记录。 6.线路运检单位组织输电检修班在检修作业实施前编制符合现场实际、可操作的作业指导书,编制()、()、安全措施等。 7.对危险、复杂和难度较大的检修作业项目,应编制(),经运检部审核后报本单位分管生产领导()批准后实施。 8.输电检修班应配备符合相应电压等级、机械荷载、试验合格、数量足够的()、()和()。 9.输电检修班在检修作业前应做好(),工作负责人应确认作业人员()和()良好,保证作业人员知晓危险点和安全技术措施,确保检修项目顺利开展。 10.实施外包的检修项目应符合公司外包管理办法的相关规定,并在检修作业前签订相应的外包合同和()。 11.检修工作中使用的爆炸物品必须符合《民用爆炸物品安全管理条例》、《爆破安全规程》等相关规定,并应取得当地公安部门签发的()。危险化学物品的管理应符合《危险化学品安全管理条例》的规定以及公安、环保、质检等部门的要求。 12.导、地线()检修:打开线夹检查、打磨处理、单丝缠绕处理、补修预绞丝或补修管处理或();


最新电力中级职称考试题库 电力中级职称复习题 ▲判断题: 1、在一经合闸即可送电到工作地点的断路器隔离开关的操作手柄上,应悬挂“止步,高压危险!”标志牌。T 2、对地电压在380V及以下的电气设备,称为低压电气设备。F 3、电网分析中的单相计算所采用的线路参数就是指只存在A相输电导线时的元件等值参数。F 4、电力网包括发电机、变压器、线路等,电力系统包括电力网以及各种用电设备。T 5、节点导纳矩阵的对角线元素与该行其他元素相加的总和为零。F 6、最大运行方式就是能够提供最大出力的运行状态。F 7、输电线路导线换相的目的是为了保持三相对称性。T 8、电磁环网有利于提高电力系统运行的经济性。T 9、潮流计算中,牛顿法比快速接耦潮流精度高。F 10、闭环式电力网潮流计算是非线性问题,开式电力网潮流计算是线性电路问题,因此开式电网潮流计算更简单。T 11、电力系统静态稳定性指的是在系统中频率或者电压会越限,或没有可行的潮流解。T 12、静态安全分析研究电力系统静态稳定性,动态安全分析研究电力系统动态稳定和暂态稳定性的问题。T 13、稳态短路电流值和短路开始瞬间的短路电流值都可以通过同一种短路电流计算方法求取,两种计算的不同点在于发电机需要选用

不同的模型和参数值。T 14、发电机发出的有功出力要受到原动机出力的限制,无功功率要受励磁电流的限制。T 15、在合理的运行方式下,线路上有功功率的传输主要由线路两端的电压相角差确定。T 16、当用户端电压下降比较大时,在给用户供电的变压器出口处改变电压分接头是提高电压的唯一有效手段。F 17、长距离输电线受电端电压一定会比供电端低一些。F 18、电力系统正常运行时零序电流为0,当电力系统发生不对称故障时,就会出现零序电流。T 19、当电力系统发生不对称故障时,一定会出现负序电流,但不一定存在零序电流。F XXXX年值法77、电源规划不包含的内容是____A____。A、机组类型选择B、电厂厂址选择C、机组容量选择D、无功电源规划 78、下列可以用来调压的设备中,哪一种不是无功电源___C______? A、电容器B、SVG C、变压器D、发电机79、变电站装设并联电容器的目的是_____B____。A、提高变电站母线电压水平 6 B、降低变电站高压进线上的无功输送容量 C、提高负荷的无功功率需求 D、降低变电站低压出线上的无功损耗


附件11: 10kV~66kV干式电抗器 技术标准(附编制说明) 国家电网公司

目 次 1.总则 (1) 1.1目的1 1.2依据1 1.3内容1 1.4适用范围1 1.5干式电抗器安全可靠性要求1 1.6电抗器的型式1 1.7选型原则2 1.8关于干式电抗器技术参数和要求的说明2 1.9引用标准2 1.10使用条件3 2.干式电抗器技术参数和要求 (4) 2.1基本要求4 2.2.引用标准4 2.3.使用条件4 2.4.技术要求4 2.5.工厂监造和检验10 2.6试验11 2.7.制造厂应提供的资料16 2.8备品备件16 2.9专用工具和仪器仪表16 2.10包装、运输和保管要求16 2.11技术服务16 2.12干式电抗器性能评价指标17 附录A制造厂应提供的技术数据178 10k V~66k V干式电抗器技术标准编制说明22

1.总则 1.1目的 为适应电网的发展要求,加强干式电抗器技术管理,保证干式电抗器的安全、可靠、稳定运行,特制定本技术标准。 1.2依据 本标准是依据国家、行业和国际有关标准、规程和规范,并结合近年来国家电网公司输变电设备评估报告、生产运行情况分析以及设备现场运行经验制定。 1.3内容 本标准对10kV~66kV干式电抗器的设计选型(运行选用)、订货、监造、出厂验收、包装运输、现场安装和现场验收等环节提出了具体的技术要求。 1.4 适用范围 本标准适用于国家电网公司系统的10kV~66kV干式电抗器,包括并联电抗器和串联电抗器(含并联补偿电抗器、调谐电抗器或滤波电抗器、阻尼电抗器、限流电抗器、分裂电抗器)。 1.5干式电抗器安全可靠性要求 10k V~66k V干式电抗器应优先采用设计制造经验成熟、结构简单、经受过运行考验的干式电抗器。 1.6电抗器的型式 1.6.1按电抗器有无铁芯分为三类: (1)空心电抗器:由包封绕组构成、不带任何铁芯的电抗器。 (2)铁芯电抗器:由绕组和自成闭环的铁芯(含小气隙)构成的电抗器。 (3)半芯电抗器:在空心电抗器的空心处放入导磁体芯柱的电抗器。 1.6.2按电抗器接入电网方式分为两大类: (1)并联电抗器:主要用于补偿电网中的电容性电流等。 (2)串联电抗器:主要用于限制系统的短路电流、涌流及抑制谐波等,包括限流电抗器、阻尼电抗器、调谐电抗器或滤波电抗器等。 1.6.3按相数分类:分为单相电抗器和三相电抗器。


国家电网公司输变电工程安全文明施工标准化工作规定 国家电网公司输变电工程安全文明施工标准化工作规定(试行) [国家电网基建[2005]403号] 第一条为贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,进一步规范输变电工程现场安全文明施工管理,全面推行建设工程安全文明施工标准化工作,提高安全作业环境水平,保障从业人员安全与健康,倡导绿色施工,依据国家有关安全健康与环境保护的法律、法规和《国家电网公司电力建设安全健康与环境管理工作规定》等文件,结合输变电工程建设具体情况制定本规定。 第二条本规定用于指导、规范公司系统220kV及以上电压等级新建输变电工程建设现场的安全文明施工组织与管理,其他工程项目可参照执行。 第三条贯彻以人为本的理念,通过创建安全文明施工工地,努力做到:安全管理制度化、安全设施标准化、现场布置条理化、机料摆放定置化、作业行为规范化、环境影响最小化,营造安全文明施工的良好氛围。 第四条项目法人(工程建设管理单位)负责工程建设现场安全文明施工的规划、监督和指导。 (一)依法选择具有相应资质和安全业绩的设计、监理、施工单位,并与其签订安全管理责任书,明确各方工程安全管理责任。 (二)负责组建项目安全生产委员会(以下简称安委会),并担任安委会主任。安委会要定期召开会议,协调解决工程建设过程中重大的安全文明施工问题。(三)依据本规定编制工程建设项目安全文明施工总体规划,提出工程建设项目安全文明施工管理目标、管理及保障措施,并对本规定在工程建设全过程的有效实施进行监督、指导。 (四)依法管理工程项目,坚持合理工期、合理造价,为安全文明施工创造条件。

(五)招标时根据工程建设规模、电压等级,单列安全文明施工补助费用(此费用不作投标报价,具体规定由国家电网公司另行发文),并确保此费用及时拨付到位。 (六)委派专人负责工程项目安全文明施工管理工作,定期组织安全文明施工检查。 (七)对设计、监理、施工等工程参建方建立安全绩效考核制度和激励机制。第五条工程建设监理单位依据法律、法规、工程建设强制性标准及工程建设监理合同实施监理,履行安全文明施工监理职责。 (一)根据业主提出的项目安全管理目标及安全文明施工规划,制定相应的控制措施。 (二)在监理大纲、监理规划中明确工程项目安全监理目标、措施、计划和工作程序。 (三)监督施工项目部自身安全保障体系的有效运转,严格审查安全文明施工方案和安全技术措施,并监督实施。 (四)监理人员责任意识和专业能力满足安全控制要求,并配备合格的专责安全工程师。 (六)对重要工序、危险性作业和特殊作业实施旁站监理。 (七)控制工程关键节点(如开工、土建交付安装、安装交付调试以及整套启动、移交运行等)所具备的安全文明施工条件。 (八)协调解决各施工承包商间交叉作业和工序交接中影响安全文明施工的问题,并进行跟踪控制。 (九)定期组织安全文明施工检查,监督检查施工现场安全文明施工状况,发现


给水排水初中级职称考试模拟试题-基础知识 一.单选题,共45题,每题1.5分 1、大样图采取的比例是 C 。 A、1:10 B、1:100 C、1:50 D、1:200 2、正等轴测图OX、OY、OZ三个轴之间的夹角是 B 度。 A、135 B、45 C、120 D、90 3、读给水管道施工图时,一般按 A 的顺序进行。 A、引入管、干管、立管、支管、用水设备 B、引入管、立管、干管、支管、用水设备 C、支管、干管、立管、引入管、用水设备 D、用水设备、干管、支管、立管、引入管 4、给水管标高一般为__B____标高. A、管顶 B、管中心 C、管底 D、管内底 5、排水管标高一般为___D___标高. A、管顶 B、管中心 C、管底 D、管内底 6、图例在排水系统中表示 B 。 A、清扫口、地漏、 B、清扫口、通气帽、 C、地漏、通气帽、 D、检察口、清扫口、 7、图例在给水系统中表示 B 。 A、消防水泵结合器、单出口消火栓 B、消防水泵结合器单出口消火栓、 C、Y型过滤器、双出口消火栓 D、减压阀、消防水泵结合器 8、图例符号表示 D 。 A、给水管 B、排水管 C、热水给水管 D、热水回水管 9、.图例符号表示 C 。 A、给水管 B、自喷给水管 C、热媒给水管 D、热水回水管 10.下面排水系统图A~B点的距离为4米,排水管道坡度为0.006则,若板底无梁,楼板的厚度为0.2米,则A点的标高可取为__A___ A、h-0.43 B、h-0.45 C、h-0.35 D、h+0.40 11、建筑工程图中尺寸单位,总平面图和标高单位用( C )为单位。

A、mm B、cm C、m D、km 12. 详图索引符号为2 3圆圈内的3表示( C )。 A.详图所在的定位轴线编号 B.详图的编号 C.详图所在的图纸编号 D.被索引的图纸的编号 13、标高符号的三角形为等腰直角三角形,髙约(A)mm。 A 3 B 5 C 6 D 8 14..水泵按其作用和工作原理可分为( A ) (A)叶片式水泵、容积式水泵、其他水泵;(B)大流量水泵、中流量水泵、小流量水泵(C)高压水泵、中压水泵、低压水泵; (D)给水泵、污水泵、其他液体泵大类; 15水泵的几个性能参数之间的关系是在( D )一定的情况下,其他各参数随Q变化而变化,水泵厂通常用特性曲线表示。 (A)N (B)H (C)η (D)n 16、离心泵装置用闸阀来调节要注意的是,关小闸阀增加的扬程都消耗在( C )上了,只是增加了损失,不能增加静扬程,而在设计时尽量不采用这种方式。 (A)管路 (B)水泵出口 (C)阀门 (D)吸水管路 17、离心泵装置最常见的调节是用闸阀来调节,也就是用水泵的出水闸阀的开启度进行调节。关小闸阀管道局部阻力S值加大( A ),出水量逐渐减小。 (A)管道特性曲线变陡 (B)水泵特性曲线变陡 (C)相似抛物线变陡 (D)效率曲线变陡 18、泵轴与泵壳之间的轴封装置为( A ) (A)压盖填料装置(填料盒) (B)减漏装置 (C)承磨装置 (D)润滑装置 19.离心泵泵轴的要求:应有足够的( B ),其挠度不超过允许值;工作转速不能接近产生共振现象的临界转速。 (A)光滑度和长度 (B)抗扭强度和足够的刚度 (C)机械强度和耐磨性 (D)抗腐蚀性 20. 水泵叶轮相似定律的第三定律(功率相似定律),即N~n、D的关系为( C ) (A) 3 4 m m N n N n λ ?? = ? ?? (B) 3 3 m m N n N n λ ?? = ? ?? (C) 3 5 m m N n N n λ ?? = ? ?? (D)2 m m N n N n λ ?? = ? ?? 21.图解法求离心泵装置工况点就是,首先找出水泵的特性曲线H~Q,再根据( D )方程画出管路特性曲线,两条曲线,相交于M点,M点就是该水泵装置工况点,其出水量就为Q M,扬程为H M。 (A)S~Q2 (B)Sh~Q (C)Sh=SQ2 (D)H=H ST+SQ2 22.两台同型号水泵在外界条件相同的情况下并联工作,并联后在并联工况点上的出水量比一台泵工作时出水量( C )。 (A)成倍增加 (B)增加幅度不明显 (C)大幅度增加,但不是成倍增加 (D)不增加 23.水泵气蚀余量(H sv)是指在水泵进口处单位重量液体所具有的超过该工作温度时汽化压力的( B ),用米水柱表示。


阅读理解 Passage 1 Have you ever seen a moon that looks unbelievably big? 1.To what do—harvest moon(All of these) 2.The main purpose—is to(inform) 3.The author knew—the moon(mysterious) 4.The moon looks bigger if(it is--horizon) 5.The autumm moon(help farmers--crops) Passage 2 Strange thing happens to time when you travel. 1.The best title—is(how time--world) 2.The difference in—is(one hour) 3.From this –ocean(is divided--zones) 4.The international—name for(the point--begins) 5.If you cross—clock(ahead one--zone) Passage 3 Holidays in the United States usually occur at least once a month 1.The government—have a(3-day) 2.Workers in the—from(Tuesday to Friday) 3.Which statement—passage?(All the--vacation) 4.The reason—that(no one--place) 5.Which of the—passage?(Something—U.S) Passage 4 Sarah Winchester was a very rich woman. 1.What did—house(Making it bigger) 2.The story—had(7 floors) 3.Who did—house(Carpenters--workers) 4.How long—continue(For 38 years) 5.Sarah’s—finished(when she died) Passage 5 The diner is only a humble restaurant, 1.What’s the—2(The attraction--people) 2.The purpose—to(gove a--passage) 3.Why do—diner?(It’s--loneliness) 4.Diners attract(many--people) 5.Diners are(fascinating) Passage 6 In the past two years,millions- 1.The word—to(make use of) 2.It can—fitness,(bicyle--rise) 3.The bicycle is(enjoying--revival) 4.The reader—are(concerned--lives) 5.in the—means(a rapid--sale) Passage 7


电力工程师中级职称考试分为基础考试和专业考试。基础考试分2个半天进行,各为4 小时;专业考试分专业知识和专业案例两部分内容,每部分内容均分2个半天进行,每个半天均为3小时。基础科目有高数、物理、电子(数模电路) 。 电力工程师职称的获得方式有两种: 考试和评审 一、正常申报条件 1.助理职称: (1)大学本科毕业,从事专业技术工作一年以上。 (2)大学专科毕业,从事专业技术工作二年以上。 (3)中专毕业,从事专业技术工作三年以上。 (4)高中毕业,从事专业技术工作七年以上。 (5)初中以下学历人员,从事专业技术工作十年以上,同时应具备员级职务。 2.中级职称: (1)大学本科毕业,从事专业技术工作五年以上,担任助理职务四年以上。 (2)大学专科毕业,从事专业技术工作六年以上,担任助理职务四年以上。 (3)中专(高中)毕业,从事专业技术工作十年以上,担任助理职务四年以上。 (4)初中以下学历人员须从事专业技术工作十五年以上,担任助理职务四年以上。 3.高级职称: (1)大学本科毕业,从事专业工作十年以上,担任中级职务五年以上。 (2)大学专科毕业,从事专业技术工作十五年以上,并担任中级职务五年以上。 (3)中专、高中毕业,从事专业技术工作二十年以上,并担任中级职务五年以上。凡符合上述申报条件的人员,还必须遵纪守法,具有良好职业道德,能认真履行岗位职责,在本专业岗位上做出显著成绩,且具备相应的专业理论水平和实际工作能力。 二、破格申报条件 为了不拘一格选拔人才,对确有真才实学,成绩显著、贡献突出的人员,可以不受学历、资历的限制破格申报高、中级职务任职资格。 (一)破格申报高级职务者必须具有下列条件中的二条: 1、获得部、省级表彰的学科带头人;地市级以上有突出贡献的中、青年专家;荣获国家、省级表彰的乡镇企业家或优秀厂长、经理。 2、获得国家科技进步三等奖以上;省、部二等奖以上;地市一等奖以上(含发明奖、成果奖、自然科学奖、星火奖)项目的主要完成者;获得国家级金、银产品奖或省、部级名牌产品奖或优秀工程奖的主要生产技术负责人;创国家级、省级新产品奖的主要生产技术负责人。 3、直接主持完成大型项目或全面负责大中型企业生产经营管理工作或对非公有制企业技术发展作出突出贡献,取得明显经济效益者;企业连续二年营业收入在2000万元以上(省确定的山区县1000万元以上)、或利税在400万元以上(省确定的山区县200万元以上)的主要负责人。 4、在技术发明、创新、改造、专利、推广、应用中,取得的经济效益连续二年(申报高级职务的前二年)占本企业利税总额(400万元以上,贫困山区200万元以上)20%以上的主要技术负责人。 5、对本专业技术岗位的工作创立了有价值的经验,并在省内同行业中推广的主要贡献者;担任中级职务期间,成绩显著,并获得省级以上先进工作者称号的;或者在地市以上报刊或会议上发表过两篇以上被同行专家认定为有价值的学术论文,或正式出版过有价值的著作


国家电网公司电能表技术规范 1 总则 1.1本通用要求适用于国家电网公司系统(以下简称公司系统)计量用单相多功能载波电能表的招标采购,它包括指标、机械性能、适应环境、功能、电气性能、抗干扰及可靠性等方面的技术要求、验收要求以及商务、供货、质保、售后服务等要求。 1.2 本通用要求提出的是最低限度的技术要求。凡本通用要求中未规定,但在相关设备的国家标准或IEC标准中有规定的规范条文,卖方应按相应标准的条文进行设备设计、制造、试验和安装。 1.3 如果卖方没有以书面形式对本技术规范的条文提出异议, 则买方认为卖方提供的设备完全符合本通用要求。如有异议, 都应在投标书中以投标差异表为标题的专门章节中加以详细描述。 1.4 本通用要求所建议使用的标准如与卖方所执行的标准不一致,卖方应按较高标准的条文执行或按双方商定的标准执行。 1.5 本通用要求经买、卖双方确认后作为订货合同的技术附件, 与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。 2 规范性引用文件 下列标准中的条款通过本规范的引用而成为本规范的条款,其最新版本适用于本规范。除本规范中规定的技术参数和要求外,其余均应遵循最新版本的国家标准、电力行业标准,这是对设备的最低要求。如果供方有自已的标准或规范,应提供标准号及其有关内容,并经需方同意后方可采用。但原则上采用更高要求的标准。 GB/T 15284-2002 《多费率电能表特殊要求》 GB/T 17215-2002 《1级和2级静止式交流有功电能表》 GB/T 18460.3-2001 《IC卡预付费售电系统第3部分:预付费电能表》 DL/T614-2007 《多功能电能表》 DL/T645-2007 《多功能电能表通讯规约》 GB/T 17215.211-2006 《交流电测量设备通用要求试验和试验条件》第11部分:测量设备DL/T 830-2002 《静止式单相交流有功电能表使用导则》 GB/T 17442-1998 《1级和2级直接接入静止式交流有功电能表验收检验》 JJG 596-1999 《电子式电能表》 3 术语和定义 3.1静止式载波电能表 应用于低压电网,测量单元由电流和电压作用于固态(电子)器件而产生与电能成比例的输出量,并对该输出量具有记录、存储以及通过电力线进行数据交换能力的电能表。 3.2CPU卡 配置有容量很大、类型不同的存储器和逻辑控制电路及微处理(CPU)电路,能多次重复使用的IC卡。 3.3CPU卡预付费电能表 用CPU卡作为预购电费的传输介质实现先付费后用电的电能表。 3.4ESAM模块 嵌入式安全存取模块,用于对IC卡进行认证和数据交换的模块,由电力公司发行,安装在仪表中。 3.5剩余金额 在电能表中记录的可供用户使用的金额值,该值应大于等于零。


范文范例学习指导 中级专业技术资格评定 考试复习题库 XX供电公司 2017.10

范文范例学习指导 前言 为了加深员工有关专业岗位技能知识、电气理论知识及国家电网企业文化的理解,拓 展员工知识面。威海供电公司培训分中心特根据中级专业技术资格评定考试大纲要求,针 对各个岗位进行了试题的编写。 题库主要包括了电力系统专业知识和公司企业文化等通用知识,电力系统专业知识主 要包括公司各岗位专业知识和电工基础等电力理论知识,岗位专业知识分别包括变电试验、继电保护、变电运维、调度、配电、营销、信通等各专业; 电工基础及电力有关理论课程主要包括电路知识,电力系统分析知识,电机知识,高电压知识和继电保护知识等。通用部分包括公司企业文化内容、行政能力测试 内容,国网公司安全规定知识请参考公司安规题库,行政能力测试内容可以到外网搜索“国 家公务员考试行政能力测试” ,查找有关内容进行自学。 本题库仅作为员工自学辅助内容,不指向特定复习重点,不保证覆盖全部考试内容, 不确定与考试难度相当。题库编制人员水平有限,如有错误,请致电培训分中心及时更正。有关题目答案如存疑,请先行查阅有关课程教材,培训分中心将适时组织有关人员更新题库,敬请谅解。

范文范例学习指导 电专业知识 单项选择题: 1.电流的参考方向是指()。 A、电路任意设定方向 B、电流实际方向 C、负电荷移动方向 D、正电荷移动方向 答案: A 2. 电阻与电感元件并联,它们的电流有效值分别为3A 和 4A,则它们总的电 流有效值为()。 A、7A B、6A C、 5A D、4A 答案: C 3.支路电压等于其支路两端电压之差,与()无关。 A、节点 B、电压 C、路径 D、电流答案: C 4.电路中两个并联的电容元件()相等。 A、能量 B、电压 C、电流 D、电荷 答案: B 5.理想电流源的()在平面上是与电压轴平行的一条直线。A 、 伏安特性B、电压特性C、VRC D、电压电流关系 答案: A 6.实际电源的电路模型可以由()表示。 A、理想电压源 B、理想电压源与电阻串联 C、理想电压源与电阻并联 D、理想电流源与电阻串联答案: B 7.通过电阻上的电流增大到原来的 2 倍时,它所消耗的功率增大到原来的()倍。 A、1 B、2 C、3 D、4 答案: D 8.理想电压源和理想电流源间()。 A、有等效变换关系 B、没有等效变换关系 C、有条件下的等效关系 D、不能确定有没有等效关系 答案: B 9. 电阻是()元件。 A、储存电场能量 B、储存磁场能量 C、耗能 D、不储能也不耗能答案: C 10. 一个输出电压几乎不变的设备有载运行,当负载增大时,是指()。 A、负载电阻增大 B、负载电阻减小 C、电源输出的电流增大 D、电源输出的电流减小 答案: C 11.当恒流源开路时,该恒流源内部()。 A、有电流,有功率损耗 B、无电流,无功率损耗 C、有电流,无功率损耗 D、无电流,有功率损耗答案: B


规章制度编码:国网(基建/3)186-201 5 国家电网公司输变电工程标准工艺 管理办法 第一章总则 第一条为全面深化应用标准工艺,持续提升输变电工程质量和工艺水平,全面创建优质工程,依据《国家电网公司基建质量管理规定》等制度,制定本办法。 第二条本办法所称标准工艺,是对公司输变电工程质量管理、工艺设计、施工工艺和施工技术等方面成熟经验、有效措施的总结与提炼而形成的系列成果,由输变电工程“工艺标准库”、“典型施工方法”、“标准工艺设计图集”等组成,经公司统一发布、推广应用。标准工艺具有技术先进、安全可靠、经济适用、便于推广等特点,是工程项目开展施工图工艺设计、施工方案制定、施工工艺选择等相关工作的重要依据。 第三条公司依据“统一研究、集中发布、全面推广、严格考核”的原则进行标准工艺全过程管理。 第四条本规定适用于公司建设管理的35千伏及以上输变电工程(含新建变电站同期配套10千伏出线工程)的标准工艺管理,其他工程参照执行。 第二章职责分工

第五条国网基建部管理职责 (一)负责公司系统输变电工程标准工艺的归口管理。 (二)负责组织开展标准工艺的深化研究、成果发布。 (三)指导标准工艺应用与实施工作。对省公司级单位标准工艺的应用管理情况进行检查、评价、考核。 (四)负责组织标准工艺应用培训,组织召开标准工艺研究与应用现场交流会,总结、推广工作经验。 第六条省公司级单位(包括省(直辖市、自治区)电力公司和公司直属建设公司,以下同)基建管理部门管理职责 (一)负责所辖区域标准工艺应用管理工作。 (二)在年度质量管理策划方案中编制标准工艺应用专篇,明确标准工艺管理目标及措施。 (三)负责对建设管理单位(负责具体工程项目建设管理的省公司级单位、地市供电企业、县供电企业,以下同)标准工艺实施管理的督导、检查、考核工作,负责组织在本单位投资或建设管理的输变电工程中全面应用标准工艺。 (四)负责组织标准工艺应用培训,组织召开标准工艺研究与应用现场交流会,总结、推广工作经验。 (五)负责标准工艺研究项目的初审和申报,以及标准工艺更新建议的汇总、审核、上报。 (六)负责组织标准工艺研究成果的初审、上报。 (七)开展本单位标准工艺应用管理工作的自评价。 第七条建设管理单位(业主项目部)管理职责


国家电网公司企业标准1 国家电网公司企业标准 SG/T XXXXX.XX 电网企业门户系统认证 设计和管理规范 Portal authentication for electric grid enterprise Design and management specifications (初稿) YYYY-MM-DD发布YYYY-MM-DD实施国家电力公司信息化工作办公室发布 SG/T XXXXX.X 2 目次 1范围(5) 2规范性引用文件(5) 3术语和定义(5) 4电网企业门户系统认证框架(7) 4.1认证的概念(7)

4.2认证的方式方法(8) 4.2.1故障转移cookie (8) 4.2.2CDSSO 标识标记(8) 4.2.3客户机端证书(9) 4.2.4表单认证(用户名和密码)(9) 4.2.5SPNEGO(Kerberos)(9) 4.2.6基本认证(用户名和密码)(9) 4.2.7HTTP 头(9) 4.2.8IP 地址(10) 4.3电网企业认证的范围(10) 4.4电网企业认证实施的步骤(11) 5认证标准的具体内容(11) 5.1用户安全域体系的建立(11) 5.2用户身份的统一管理(12) 5.3统一的身份认证和授权(12) 5.4用户身份ID编码规则(13) 5.4.1定义原则:(13)

5.4.2用户ID编码遵循以下原则:(13) 5.5用户身份认证技术规范(13) 5.5.1认证过程简介(13) 5.5.2认证过程概述(14) 5.5.3受支持的会话数据类型(14) 5.5.4受支持的认证方法(14) 5.5.5HTTP头认证管理(15) 5.5.6数字证书认证管理(16) 5.6用户管理流程(16) 5.6.1总体流程(17) 5.6.2添加用户(17) 5.6.3删除用户(19) 5.6.4信息变动—不跨域(19) 5.6.5信息变动—跨域调动(19) 5.6.6管理员变更――超级管理员变更(20) 5.7统一域名管理(20) 5.8附录(21)

国家电网公司重点推广新技术目录 版

国家电网公司重点推广新技术目录(2017版) 《国家电网公司重点推广新技术目录(2017版)》是在2014版基础上,由国网科技部会同相关部门、单位系统梳理电网技术发展需求和新技术工作成果,以“先进成熟、普遍适用、影响重大”为原则总结提炼,今天小编为大家介绍配电与用电重点推广新技术。 环保气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备 一、技术原理与特点 环保气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备是指采用环保气体为主绝缘、真空灭弧、所有高压带电部件(进出线装置除外)全部密闭在微正压(≤金属箱体内、用少量固体绝缘材料作支撑、连续运行性不低于LCS2A、具备零表压条件下正常开断额定短路故障能力的金属封闭开关设备。 环保气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备按其应用功能可分为环网柜(RMU)和开关柜(充气柜、C-GIS)两大类,以干燥空气、纯N2或其它合成环保气体为主绝缘,可以从根本上消除对SF6气体的依赖,且制造成本与原SF6气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备相当。主要有欧式和日式两种结构。欧式结构的气箱采用薄金属板焊接,制造工艺简洁,能保障规模生产时产品质量的稳定性、一致性和运行的可靠性;日式结构采用厚金属板焊接,体积大,防腐处理工艺落后,整机的机械联锁复杂。国内主要采用欧式结构,以干燥空气或纯N2为主绝缘的环保气体。 环保气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备相对于敞开式空气绝缘金属封闭开关设备,设备占地可减少50%以上,安全性可提高70%,耐受恶劣运行环境影响的能力提高90%以上,维护成本降低80%以上;相对于SF6气体绝缘的金属封闭开关设备,环保性可提高10000倍以上,安全性也显着提高,设备LCC全生命周期成本有效降低,在生产和运行过程中不产生、排放任何可吸入颗粒物和有毒气体及温室气体,性价比较高。 二、适用条件 (1)对环保要求和供电可靠性要求高的地区; (2)运行环境恶劣的地区(沿海、潮湿、高热、严寒、高海拔、具有腐蚀性化学气体或污秽严重地区等); (3)偏远、交通与运输不便、不易巡视维护的地区; (4)额定电流630A及以下、开断电流20kA及以下宜优先选用环保气体金属封闭环网柜;额定电流630A以上,开断电流20kA以上,宜优先选用环保气体金属封闭开关柜。

20050617 国家电网公司输变电工程安全文明施工标准化工作规定(试行)(国家电网基建[2005]403号)

国家电网公司文件 国家电网基建[2005]403号 关于印发《国家电网公司输变电工程安全 文明施工标准化工作规定(试行)》的通知 公司系统各区域电网公司,省(自治区、直辖市)电力公司,国网建设有限公司,国网新源控股有限公司: 为规范输变电工程安全文明施工管理,实现“安全管理制度化、安全设施标准化、现场布置条理化、机料摆放定置化、作业行为规范化、环境影响最小化”的管理目标,营造安全文明施工的良好氛围,保障从业人员的安全和健康,树立新时期国家电网施工新形象,公司组织编制了《国家电网公司输变电工程安全文明施工标准化工作规定(试行)》,并征求了各网、省(自治区、直辖市)公司及送变电施工企业的意见,现予以印发。 与本规定配套的《国家电网公司输变电工程安全文明施工 — 1 —

标准化图册》另行印发。 附件:国家电网公司输变电工程安全文明施工标准化规定(试行) 二○○五年六月十七日 主题词:输变电安全文明施工规定通知 国家电网公司办公厅2005年6月17日印发 — 2 —

附件: 国家电网公司输变电工程安全文明施工 标准化工作规定(试行) 第一条为贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,进一步规范输变电工程现场安全文明施工管理,全面推行建设工程安全文明施工标准化工作,提高安全作业环境水平,保障从业人员安全与健康,倡导绿色施工,依据国家有关安全健康与环境保护的法律、法规和《国家电网公司电力建设安全健康与环境管理工作规定》等文件,结合输变电工程建设具体情况制定本规定。 第二条本规定用于指导、规范公司系统220kV及以上电压等级新建输变电工程建设现场的安全文明施工组织与管理,其他工程项目可参照执行。 第三条贯彻以人为本的理念,通过创建安全文明施工工地,努力做到:安全管理制度化、安全设施标准化、现场布置条理化、机料摆放定置化、作业行为规范化、环境影响最小化,营造安全文明施工的良好氛围。

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