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#FD6{ width:90%; margin:3px auto;}#FD6 li{border-bottom:1px solid #efefef; margin-top:8px;}Work experience What's your greatest weakness? Why do you feel you are qualified for this job? What kind of salary did you have in mind? If hired, when could you start work? What kind of work does the posi-tion involve? 常见面试题


典型的英语面试问题 典型的英语面试问题集锦 First One: Work experience "work experience" is the type of work you"ve done in the past.Ifyou haven"t started working yet you can say "center now I"m stillastudent." or "I"m a recent grad and Ihaven"t started workingyet."In the second sentence, "recent grad" is short for"recentgraduate" and means that you have just finished school. 请告诉我你过去的工作,工作经验就是你过去所做的工作。 如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“center now I"m stillastudent.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“I"m a recent grad and I haven"tstartedworking yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recentgrad”是“recentgraduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。 Second One: What"s your greatest weakness?

This is a popular question that western employers like to asktomake candidates nervous! In fact, they ask this to know howyourespond to a difficult question. You shouldn"t answer by ___ingyour greatest weakness since you might not get the job!Instead,you can ___ them something that isn"t directly related tothe jobposition. 你最大的缺点是什么?西方老板特别爱问这个问题,让者感到很紧张。事实上,他问这个问题是看你对棘手问题的反应。你没必要如实回答你的`弱点,因为那有可能让你得不到这份工作。相反,你可以告诉他们一些与工作不直接相关的事情。 Third One: Why do you feel you are qualified for this job? This question is a good opportunity to brag a little bit.Youshould talk about some extra skills you have that maybewasn"tincluded in your resume, or talk about your greatest strengthinmore detail.


面试常见37个问题 1."Tell me about yourself" 简要介绍你自己。 2."Why are you interested in this position?" 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣?3."What are your strengths?" 谈谈你的优势? 4."What is Your Biggest Weakness?" 谈谈你最大的弱点是什么? 5."Why do You Feel You are Right for this Position?" 为什么你认为自己适合这个职位? 6."Can you give me the highlights of your resume?" 谈谈你的简历上有些什么值得特别关注的吗? 7."Why did you choose your major?" 你为什么选择这个专业? 8."What are your interests?" 你有哪些兴趣爱好呢? 9."What are your short and long term goals?" 你对于短期和长期的目标是什么?10."Tell me how your friends/family would describe you?" 如果我向你的朋友或者家人询问对你的评价,你认为他们会怎样说? 11."Using single words, tell me your three greatest strengths and one weakness." 用简单的词,描述你的三项最突出的优点和一个缺点。 12."What motivates you to succeed?" 你争取成功的动力是什么? 13."What qualities do you feel are important to be successful in _____ (i.e. customer service)?" 哪些品质在你看来对成功是最重要的? 14."What previous experience has helped you develop these qualities?" 哪些之前的精力帮助你获得了这些品质? 15."Can you give me an example of teamwork and leadership?" 你能向我列举一个团队活动和领导力的例子吗? 16."What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?" 你经历过最大的挑战是什么?你如何跨越它的? 17."Why should I hire you over the other candidates I am interviewing?" 我为什么要从这么多应聘者中选择你呢? 18."Do you have any questions?" 你有一些什么问题吗? 19."What are your compensation expectations?" 你去年的收入是多少?你对于报酬有什么样的期望? General Questions: 20."What was your greatest accomplishment in past time?" 在过去的日子里,你觉得自己最大的成就是什么? 21."Have you ever been asked to do something unethical? If yes, how did you handle it?"曾经有人要求你去做一些不道德的事情吗?如果有,你是怎么处理的呢? 22."What do you do if you totally disagree with a request made by your manager?"如果你完全不同意你上司的某个要求,你怎么处理? Leadership Questions: 23."When in a group setting, what is your typical role?" 你在团队中通常的作用是什么? 24."How do you motivate a team to succeed?" 你怎么激励团队达到成功?

英语教师面试问题 合集

1、你打算怎么样给小朋友上课? How are you going to give lessons to little kids? A: a good lesson is based on the teacher’s fully prepared. B: I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. C: I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. 2、你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同? What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children? A: when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient. B: He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn English.The forms of each lesson should be different. C: Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children. 3、如何让小学生对英文感兴趣? How are you going to keep the students interested in learning English? /如何将你的课上得有趣?How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?

现代大学英语 精读A 1-9课翻译题答

1.他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。 They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company. 2.虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。 Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own. 3.只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。 It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems. 4.他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。 He loves to show off his wealth, but this is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison. 5.他不久就爱上了这个村子。他决心和村民一起把这个地方变成一个花园。 He soon fell in love withthe village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with other villager. 6.我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。另外,我认为我们还必须采用严厉的法律措施。这不只是一个钱的问题。 We must spend more money fighting against global warming. In addition, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money. 7.当警察到达学校的时候,学生和老师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。 When the police arrive at the school, the students and the teachers were still in a daze.


世界500强常见英语面试题大全 500强企业时,常常用英语来进行问答,当面试官用英语向你提出问题时,你要是能讲一口流利的英语,再配合使用眼神、手势等形体语言,那无疑是为您的面试锦上添花,所有的面试官都会对你刮目相看。宏威管理咨询有限公司的美籍华人、核心咨询师Dejun Lee 告诉大家:在国内,英语的口语有两大类:一类是中国式的英语,这种口语是将要回答的问题先用汉语组织好文章或句子,然后再翻译成英语,这当然是口语不过关的表现,也是不过关的症结所在;另一类就是完全按外国人的方式和习惯,直接用英语来组织语言,这当然是英语口语已经很顺畅或完全过关了。二者之间当然还跨越着一段距离,还需今后继续努力,目前,你达到哪类就按哪类准备,先解燃眉之急吧,反正那也不是一日之功。 500强企业面试时,常用英语提出问题。宏威职业顾问经过归纳总结,将500强面试的问题基本上是按前面我们所说的能力素质

模型,分成3类16条,每一条里有几个不同的问题,大体如下: 分析判断能力: 1.分析能力: 1) 请给出一个事例,表明你在面对情况非常复杂的局面的时候是如何分析和评估的。 Tell me about a complex situation which you have had to analyze and assess. 2) 当你面对一个有矛盾冲突的问题时,你会怎么做? When you have been faced with conflicting information about a problem, what have you done?

3) 请列举一个你在工作中面对一种微妙而又困难的局面时,能够成功地保持客观的分析能力的例子。 Tell me about an occasion where you successfully maintained your objectivity in addressing a sensitive and difficult situation at work. 2.市场敏感度: 1) 请给出一个你满足消费者或客户需求变化的例子。 Tell me about a time when you have addressed a change in consumers or customers needs. 2) 你最近的一次创新活动是什么?


常见的英语面试问题 xx常见的英语面试问题大全 中应试者是否能够将自己的思想、观点、意见或建议顺畅地用语言表达出来。考察的具体内容包括:表达的逻辑性、准确性、感染力、音质、音色、音量、音调等。下面盘点了xx常见的英语,希望对求职的您有帮助: Why do you feel you are qualified for this job? This question is a good opportunity to brag a little bit. You should talk about some extra skills you have that maybe wasn’t included in your resume, or talk about your greatest strength in more detail. 你为什么觉得自己胜任这份工作?这时候你要充分发挥你的“自夸”本领。你可以讲述一些资料里面没有包括的技能;或者是再详细强调一下你的特长。 What kind of salary did you have in mind?

Salary is how much money you earn, usually per year. When asked this, it’s best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure. This shows that you are familiar with the industry if you know what the approximate salary should be. 你期望的薪水是多少?“salary”就是你赚多少钱,通常是年收入。回答这个问题时,最好说出一个大致范围,而不是一个确切的数字。如果你能说出这个工资范围,那就说明你对此行业非常了解。 If hired, when could you start work? When answering this it’s best not to say you can start right away. This might make you seem very desperate for a job. A safe answer would be I can start at the beginning of next month. 如果雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?回答这个问题时。一定要注意!不要说我马上可以工作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。一个非常保险的回答可以是“I can start at the beginning of next month.”(我下月初可以开始上班。)


1.为什么要选择教师这个行业? 我之所以选择就是这个行业,首先这是我从小到大的梦想。我特别崇敬老师。我上中学的时候曾经遇到一位非常优秀的老师,她的人格力量在短短的一年里影响了我的人生理想。因此,我考大学时义无反顾的选择了师范专业。立志做一名优秀的人民教师。其次,我个人很喜欢和孩子们相处。喜欢校园的工作环境和氛围。 2.你认为一个优秀的教师应该具备哪些素质? 首先要爱岗敬业,热爱和关心学生,其次要有扎实的专业水平和教学能力,另外还要拥有开朗的个性,,良好的道德品质。因为自己也是从学生时代过来的,从学生的角度来说,学生喜欢能够尊重学生,理解信任学生,民主公正,学识渊博,有耐心,真诚值得信赖的老师。而不喜欢偏心,不平等对待学生,照本宣科、心胸狭窄,辱骂体罚学生的老师。 3.你怎么理解为人师表? 所谓“为人师表”,在我看来,至少要具备两个方面:即“学为人师,行为世范”。 教师不仅要教书,更要育人,以自己模范的品行来教育和影响学生,成为学生的典范。教师把学生造就成一种什么人,自己就首先应当是这种人,成为学生的榜样;必须先受教育,躬行自明。在学生的心目中,教师是智慧的代表,是高尚人格的化身。教师的言行就是道德的标准。同时,青少年学生又具有“向师性”强、可塑性大的特点,他们往往把教师的一言一行、一举一动都化作自己学习的内容,仿效的榜样。因此, 教师从思想到作风,从言行到举止,处处都应带头做得最好,成为“学生之范”。 4.你同意“没有不合格的学生,只有不合格的教师”这句话吗? 本句话源于教育家陈鹤琴老先生的名言“没有教不好的学生,只有不会教的老师” 我不完全赞同。这句话说的太过绝对,造成不合格学生的原因有很多,每位学生自身条件和生活环境都是完全不同的,因此出现不合格的学生老师不能完全负责。但是老师对待资质不高和成绩不好绝对不能视而不见听而不闻,任其自生自灭,对待此类学生,老师应该积极努力帮助学生找到落后的原因,平时多关心,多辅导,尽快帮助学生把成绩赶上来。 5.你的座右铭是什么? 我的座右铭是,只有辛勤的付出和努力,才会有秋天的收获。 6.谈谈你自己的个性特征,是否外向,内向,是否有幽默感 我想,每个人的性格都是双向的,有外向的一面,也有内向的一面,要看所处的环境,所面对的人。 我本人是比较文静的,尤其在师长面前,比较内向。而在同学和朋友面前,则很开朗活泼。我自认为,还算是是一个比较幽默的人。 如果当了老师,我希望自己幽默中不失严肃,严肃中有幽默。与学生做朋友,但也会保持一定的距离,师是师,友是友。 1..怎样当好班主任?


Unit 1 Growing Up Ⅱ. Translation 1.那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。(formal) As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.他的女朋友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。(take hold) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。(anticipate) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。(violate) It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. / Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。 (avoid, severe) It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 苏珊(Susan)因车祸失去了双腿。有一段时间,她真不知如何面对自己再也不能行走的事实。 一天,苏珊在浏览杂志时,被一个真实故事吸引住了。那个故事生动地描写了一个残疾(disabled)姑娘是如何成为一位作家的。苏珊读后深受鼓舞,开始相信她最终会成为一个有用的人生活下去。 Inspire vivid scan face up with finally Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Friendship II. Translation 1)半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。我们只好走路回家。(go by) Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home.


1,what’s your english name,please? ----女HR,名字叫ALICE类似的,太吵了,在食堂外面面的试,听不大清楚, 但是感觉是个很不错的HR,相当nice 2,please introduce yourself....about your campus life ------这个必然要准备的。。。我就直接给背出来了 3,where are you from? which city? what is it famous for? Have it developed during the last years? ------这是一类问题的,还是需要点准备;这个最faint,我居然只能想起我们家乡 的面条有名了。。估计是因为买了拌饭,还想吃学苑的面条导致我耿耿于怀 4,what is a typical day in your university? ------这个也得想一下。。。 5,what’s your hobby...? what do you like doing in your spare time? 基本就是这些问题了,其实还是很简单的,华为的英文面每一次都是基本相同的问题。。。电话10分钟左右,英语交谈的时间估计是8分钟左右,估计本来有更多问题的,不过我每个问题都debodebo说了一大堆,估计HR也无语了,现在觉得自己是不是有点说多了,我一 用英语交谈就很激动。。。sigh。。。 最后HR给了我建议,说我的英语很smooth,但是发音chinglish,,要多和外国人联系发音才能够standard...这样的话英语就perfect了。。。这是在安慰我呢。。。 我为各位整理出英文面试最常见的五大问题,并且提醒各位一些回答的技巧,希望大家能针对这些问题多演练,当成练习英文面试的重点。 问题一:Could you please describe yourself?(能否请你形容一下自己?) 这个问题,一来是想要了解你是什么样的人,二来是想看看你是否知道如何重点式地自我简 介。在回答时,要针对应征工作的性质来凸显自己的特色,可以多用形容词,并且引用过 去的工作经验,但是不必提及公司组织的名称,再者,你还可以谈谈未来的生涯规画;但如果你是个社会新鲜人,就可以谈谈在校时的丰功伟业。比方说,今天你打算去应征行销的 职务,你就可以说︰I am dedicative and motivated. I worked on several major inves tment & promotion projects with positive results and I have more rich experiences in the government. I am now working as a general director assistant and administ ration office director for communicating and coordinating in an logistics company. (我有创意、又积极。曾负责数项大型的行销项目,皆有成效。我现在希望在一家深具规模 的公司内,担任有挑战性的行销职务。) 问题二:Why do you think we should employ you?(你认为我们为何要雇用你?) 雇主问此问题,希望你试图证明自己是最佳人选,并且测试你是否熟悉应征职务的工作内容。 回答时,要迎合该公司对该职务的期望,不过切记别给人狂妄自大的印象。假设你今天要 应征机械工程的工作,你就可以说︰I think I am suitable for the position,not only be cause I have a masters degree, but also because I have worked in this field for m ore than 3 years. I believe that my experience can be put to use in further develo ping your business. (我很适合该职位,不只因为我有机械工程学的硕士学位,更因为我 在该产业已经有五年多的工作经验,我相信,我的经验可以派上用场,进一步推动贵公司的 事业。)


考研原因 (reasons for my choice) There are several reasons accounting for my endeavor. Above all, I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came h ere last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous XXX in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further achievement. This is the first reason. The second one is I am long for doing research in XXX throughout my life. It?s a pleasure to be with my favorite XXX for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision. Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my XXX job during the past two years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. 3.研究生期间你的计划(plans in the postgraduate study) First, I hope I can form systematic view of XXX. As for XXX, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as XXX. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. 4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown) I am from XXX, a famous city with a long history over 2,200 years. It is called XXX because there were lots of XXX even 900 years ago. The city lies in the eastern part of the province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. Many celebrities were born here, for instance, XXX,XXX and XXX . . You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it. In addition, it is famous for the hot springs. They are known for high-quality. Visitors at home and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here.There is my beloved hometown. 5.你的家庭(about family) There are four members in my family: my parents, my XXX and me. My father is a technician in XXX. He often goes out on business and therefore, most of the housework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too.During my prepareing for coming here, my parents?love and support have always been my power and I hope in the future I wil be able to repay them.


内容摘要:你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids? I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. 关键词:教师面试题 一.幼儿英语教师面试技巧 面试可能问的问题: 你教了几年书? How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for... 有教小学的经验吗? Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school? Yes, I did. or No, I didnt. 你打算怎么样给小朋友上课? How are you going to give lessons to little kids? I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. 能否示范一下?


外企常见12道英文面试题 外企各大类型题考察意图烂熟于心,英文面试易如反掌。以下举例说明: 1、Tell me about yourself这是面试官惯用的开场白。千万不要长篇大论背诵简历。你可以在这时将最突出的优点概括性地总结,并引导面试官向你早已准备好的方面发问。 -- I studied computer in 1999-2003. After that I joined ... and worked as a ... .I am fluent at oral english... 2、What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most?Which prospective job tasks do you least care to do?主要考察应聘者会否对工作中的很多地方感到厌倦;另外还考察你对自己的喜好是否诚实,你是否了解这份工作的基本职责;你是否认识到任何职业都会包含一些枯燥无味的日常工作。 3、What is your greatest weakness?不要把那些明显是优点的品行当成缺点说,这种落入俗套的方式早已被面试官厌倦。可以说一些对于你应聘这个职位没有影响的缺点,对于那些在面试中已经表现出的明显弱点,你可以利用这个问题加以弥补,显示你早已意识到,并且正在改进,已经取得了较大进展。 4、What do you plan to be doing five years from now?主要考察你的职业目标是否符合公司的要求;这份职业是否是你达到目的的合理选择;你是否有继续发展的热情;你的野心是否和这份职业的要求相契合;你的发展潜力有多大。如果你应聘大企业,千万不要提你想创业,如果应聘小企业,这倒是个合理的回答。 5、What college subjects did you like best and least? Why?这个


英文面试常见问题和答案 关于工作(About Job) 实际工作中,员工常常需要不断学习和勇于承担责任,求职者如果能表现出这种素质,会给应聘方留下良好的印象。 面试例题 1What range of pay-scale are you interested in (你感兴趣的薪水标准在哪个层次) 参考答案 Money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most. (薪水固然重要,但这工作伴随而来的责任更吸引我。) 假如你有家眷,可以说: To be frank and open with you, I like this job, but I have a family to support. (坦白地说,我喜欢这份工作,不过我必须要负担我的家庭。) 面试例题 2 What do you want most from your work (你最希望从工作中得到什么 答案 I hope to get a kind of learning to get skills from my work. I want to learn some working skills and become a professional in an industry. (我最希望得到的是一种学习,能让我学到工作的技能。虽然我已经在学校学习了快16年但只是学习到了知识,在学校里,没有机会接触到真正的社会,没有掌握一项工作技能,所以我最希望获得一项工作的技能,能够成为某一个行业领域的专业人士。)


新标准大学英语1课后翻译unit1-5 UNIT1 1. 他们对业余剧社的介绍给索菲留下了深刻的印象,于是她就报了名。(Amateur Dramatics; sign up for) Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it. 2. 网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受继续教育的机会。(work full time) Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time. 3. 刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。(be supposed to; scribble down) When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor's mouth. 4. 没有人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望。(detect) Nobody detects his despair well hidden behind his smile. 5. 有些学生能轻松自如地与陌生人交谈,可有些学生却很难做到这一点。(be easy about) Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so.


常见的英语面试题目 如果你象大多数的人,仅仅一次应聘面试的预想就足够让你紧张了。要是用英语面试,那可以真正让你坐立难安的。你想像不到,面试室里会是怎样的情形,考官会问什么问题。考官希望看到什么样的你,对一个合格的面试者又有什么样的要求呢?这些问题是你在面试前必须经过充分设想,并且有针对性地做好准备的。下面,英孚来给你支两招。告诉你,英语面试其实可以很简单。 穿着职业化,对公司进行背景调查,并随后附以一张私人的感谢条是非常重要的。但是,更重要的是知道如何对常见的问题给出最佳的答案。使用这些提示,你可以在英语面试中获得优势。 tellmeaboutyourself. 这将是你听到的第一个问题。不需要叙述你的生活记录。你应该着重强调你和此职位相关的特质,例如谈判的工作经历,技巧和成就。 whatareyourthreegreateststrengths? 了解你自己身上最重要重要的,决定你是否适合这份工作的特殊因素。利用你的特质,并用你过去工作经验的例子来支持,说明你自己能对公司作出不同于他人的贡献。例如,你可以利用你优秀的沟通技巧,帮助解决客户的问题和焦躁感。 yourthreegreatestweaknesses? 你是需要诚实,但这并不表示你真的要展示自己缺点——特别是那些让你看起来缺乏能力的缺点。取而代之,选择可以同时视作优点的弱项,例如说你有时比别人花更多的时间完成一项项目,因为你paycarefulattentiontodetail。 tellmeaboutatimewhen... 如果应聘你的人用这样的方式开始问你,他或她是在从你的过去的工作经历寻求特别的例子,你必须了解这一点,不能把回答变成如何处理这种情况的综合性论述。准备一张可以用来举例对付类似问题的纸,将以前取得的成绩的分类列表,是非常有用的。 dopreferworkingindividuallyorwithateam? 雇主希望寻找能够独立工作,能在团队中配合默契的职员。陈述你的偏好是相当重要的,但同时要提到你在两种情况下都能应付自如。 whydoyouwanttoworkhere? 在此,你的面试者不是希望寻求对他公司的赞美。而是希望知道,你以前怎样的相关工作经验让你适合这份工作,并帮助你对此公司作出贡献。你对当前应

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