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iron hand 机械手

eye irritation 眼发炎,眼刺痛

mix pattern 配料方法

LK.Coach ltd. LK.Coach有限公司

eye contour 眼睛范围轮廓线

Aisin Warner Aisin Warner

icing 结冰

mating hole 配合孔

mating gear 配对齿轮

No.of teeth in mating gear 配对齿轮齿数

mating part 配合零件

idling 怠速运转

rough idling 不稳定怠速运转

I-mark I-标志

vibration at idle 怠速振动

eyellipse [驾驶员]眼睛活动范围

Audi AG 奥迪自动变速器

output 输出

outrigger 悬臂梁,支架

Zn(zinc) 锌

zinc plating 镀锌

blue return 蓝色申告

drop side/side drop 侧倾斜

riser 提升器

luminosity/brightness 亮度

axial clearance/ 轴向间隙

axial internal clearance 轴向内间隙

raceway run-out with side 座圈侧向振动

raceway run-out with seat face 座圈座面振动

Acura Acura

axial flow converter 轴流式净化器

Malodor Control Law 异味控制法

action vent 作用通风孔

axle load ratio 轴向载比

rev-up response 加速响应

accessorization 配备或提供附件

Akzo Akzo(美)-涂料

sales incentive parts/ priority sales parts 优先销售零件actinolite 阳起石

acrylic rubber 丙烯酸橡胶

acrylic melamine 丙烯酸- 三聚.氰胺

acryl resin type paint 压克力树脂型漆

ABS 丙烯腈- 丁二烯- 苯乙烯

(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) (柄烯腈二乙丁二烯树脂)rough road,rough terrain 不平整道路

off - road per formance 越野性能

hand grip/ handhold 把手,手柄

(engine) burst (发动机)爆破,爆裂

(production)requires long lead time 需要长周期的生产

pedal disengagement type 踏板拆除型

chassis/ chassis dynamics/ underbody/suspention and wheels 底盘leg room/ leg space/ footwell space 腿部活动空间

to have adverse effect on…对……有负面影响

Ascot Ascot -款车型

Ascona 阿斯科纳牌汽车(德)

ground terminal 地线接线柱

Astra Ascot-款GM欧洲车

Astra motors Astra Motors 公司

aspect ratio 纵横化

asbestos 石棉

asphalt impregnating 灌注沥青

blacktop/ asphalt paved road 柏油路

deposit reveived 已收定金

acetyle - cellulose lacquer 乙酰- 纤维素漆

play/ backlash/ gap 游隙,间隙

play/ looseness 游隙

play angle 间隙角

to reach the ceiling 达到最大限度

contact 接触

required quality 必需的质量

thick plate 厚板

rolling 滚压

cold roll (ing) 冷轧

hot rolling 热轧

a rolling machine (mil) 轧机

collapse 压坏

Ackerman steer angle 阿克曼转向角

Ackerman steer angle 阿克曼转向角

nick/ indentation 压痕,凹痕

thickness/ gauge 厚度

assembled core 拼装式芯子

compression pressure 压缩压力

compression set 压缩永久变形

compression load/ compressive load 压缩负载

helical compression spring/ compression coil spring 螺旋压缩弹簧compression ratio 压缩比

pressure welding 压力焊接

upper back panel/ rear waist panel/ back window lower panel/ rear beck panel 后围上盖板

press - fit 压入配合

full coat/ round coat 厚涂

pressure gauge/ pressure regulator 压力表

pressure switch/ vacuume switch 压力开关

eye-catcher/ decoy 假目标,锈饵

aftermath/ backlash 余波

subsequent (downstream) process 后期过程

pull system 牵引系统

aftertreatment 处理后

after burning 后燃

Atrium 中庭

atrai 前庭

rust - through/ perforation 锈蚀/空孔

piercing 穿孔

piercing die 冲孔模

plugging/ stop - gap measure 堵漏措施

stop-gap loan 堵漏贷款

boring 镗孔

reaming/ enlarging hole (bore) / to ream 锪孔

hydroplastic 氢化塑料

oil seepage 油渗流

potholed road 壶穴路

aneroid compensator 膜盒补偿镜

apitong 大花腊树

after - sales service 售后服务

oil core sand 油砂

oil quenching 油淬火

approach angle 接近角

oil hardening 油硬化

apex seal 径向密封片

apex seal sliding speed 径向密封片滑动速度

apex seal tip radius 径向密封角顶半径

Avenir 一款日产车

Amigo 一款美国车

the remainder/ the remnant/ the rest/ the remaining/ the balance/ the surplus 剩余

amsler tester 阿姆斯勒检测器

amosite 石棉状铁闪石

diamond knurl 金刚石滚花刀

performing 性能表现

worsted felt 毛料感