九年级上册 Unit1 基础知识归纳

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9A Unit1 Know yourself基础知识归纳

Period 1 Comic strip ~ Welcome to the unit


1.对……感兴趣:(1)________________________ (2)_______________________

对……感到兴奋:_______________________ 做某事很兴奋:_________________________



3.对某人慷慨:_______________________ 在时间/金钱方面慷慨:_____________________

4.吃光:_________________ 用光:_________________=_________________(无被动)

5.分析句子结构:People with different personalities behave in different ways.

behave v.表现⑩n.______________(英式)________________(美式)




anized adj.有条理的;有效率的⑩v._____________ ⑩n. _______________

10.patient adj.耐心的cn.__________ ⑩adv._____________ ⑩ant._____________

11.act v.行动;行为;扮演⑩n.___________行动n.___________演员

⑩adj.____________ 活跃的⑩ant._____________不活跃的


1.一篇关于性格的有趣的文章an interesting article about personality

2.让我看一下let me have a look

3.吃光早饭eat up the breakfast

4.举止不同behave in different ways

5.描述人的性格describe people’s personalities

6.很有条理的be well organized

7.使她的所有东西保持井然有序keep all her things in good order

8.炫耀show off

9.足够耐心地为我们重复语法规则patient enough to repeat grammar rules for us 10.想出新主意come up with new ideas11.对一切感到好奇be curious about everything

12.喜欢问问题like asking questions13.踢几个小时的足球play football for hours

14.谈论他们自己的性格talk about their own personalities

15.容易生气get angry easily16.有时很粗心be careless sometimes

17.有令人兴奋的主意have exciting ideas 18.喜欢有创造力的工作like creative jobs


1.和别人分享东西使他们感到快乐。It makes them feel good to share things with others

2.不同性格的人举止不同。People with different personalities behave in different ways.

3.我父母和我都不认为我能成为一个好会计。Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.

4.整天只工作不说话对我来说太可怕了。It’s terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.

Period 2 Reading



2.impress v.给……留下印象⑩ n._____________印象给……留下……的印象:_______________________

3.praise un._________ 赢得了高度赞扬:____________________

vt. ____________ 被……赞扬;受到……的赞扬:____________________

4.general adj.________________ 总的来说;大体上:_______________


6.challenge cn.挑战……的挑战:___________________ 面对/接受挑战:_____________________

7.以高速/低速:________________ 以……的速度:___________________


9.miss cn._________ v.__________ 其后跟动词的_______形式。⑩adj.________丢失的;缺少的;失踪的

10.as good as ①__________________ ②_______________________

11.pay attention to中的to是介词,其后可接名词、代词或___________。

更加注意……:__________________ 不注意……:______________________

12.carelessness n.粗心词根:__________ ⑩adj.粗心的:____________ 小心的;仔细的:_______________⑩adv.粗心地;满不在乎地:______________ 小心地;仔细地:______________

13.devote vt.把……贡献;把……专注于n.___________奉献;贡献adj.___________忠诚的



___________________________ _______________________ _____________________

14.respect vt.尊重;尊敬尊重某人:______________

15.suitable adj.合适的;适宜的适合……:__________________

suit vt.①相配;合身:____________(适合某人)

②适合;适宜;有利于:This hot weather doesn’t suit me.


1.对他们的工作满意be happy with their jobs

2.在阳光日报上on Sunshine Daily

3.在他们的领域杰出be outstanding in their fields

4.一个天生的艺术家a born artist

5.和人们分享最好的艺术share the best art with people

6.寻找某些更好的或不同的东西search for something better or different

7.放弃她的会计的工作give up her job as an accountant

8.为一个大公司的销售部工作work for the sales department in a big company

9.活跃且精力充沛be active and energetic

10.日复一日地和数字打交道work with numbers day after day

11.公司的总经理the general manager of the company

12.任何时候接受新的挑战take on new challenges any time

13.关注每一个细节pay attention to every detail

14.严谨又有条理serious and well organized

15.按照高标准工作work to high standards

16.谦虚且容易共事modest and easy to work with

17.阳光医院的院长head of the hospital

18.一个心脏外科先锋a pioneer heart surgeon

19.再怎么仔细也不为过can’t be too careful

20.乐意多工作几个小时be willing to work extra hours

21.一天做大约十个小时的手术do operations for about ten hours a day