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2.The chaplet and official robes(凤冠霞帔) 2.White wedding dress
a chaplet and official robes(凤冠 霞帔)
The bridegroom go to the bride's home to escort(/ɪˈsk 护送) ɔrt/ her to the wedding 新郎到达新娘家迎亲
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Some kinds of special wedding
Bicycle Wedding:
No costly team, no expensive car ,more and more people now like to hold a romantic and low carbon bike wedding. They Use the balloon, ribbons, drawing to dress up the bike and then lined up neatly, when the groom arrived, festive party of vastly start. It can not only be unforgettable but also also adapt to the advocation of green harmonious civilization and low carbon life .
❤ Wedding Location ❤ Wedding Dress ❤ Wedding Ceremony ❤ Wedding Music
Two different colours
• Chieese -Red
• The west -White Meaning: quiet pure love
Meaning: luck, festive
Wine should be poured to the brim of a cup but must not spill over.Of course, marriage customs differed by region, but these were the most common. They have been maintained for thousands of years, but in recent years (especially after the founding of modern China), people have tended to discard some of the details and advocate simplified marriage procedures and wedding ceremonies.
Chinese wedding dress
Western wedding dress
1.Chinese traditional costume, most bride for red costume
1.The bride on wedding day wears the wedding dress with five items must be included as the old, new, blue and borrowed, the happy bride, and, in a sixpence shoes.
Candles ceremony Flowers ceremony Wedding chant
Sign engagement written 签写婚约 Declared married 宣告成婚
The difference between Chinese wedding music and Western wedding music
Solemn(/'sɑləm/ 庄重的 ) and holy, weddings are generally more quiet in the church or other place to hold the wedding in good order, but relatively speaking, less exciting than the Chinese wedding. Attention has been paid much to the Western concept of emotional expression, the pursuit of the perfect combination of romance and reality.
中 国 婚 Arrive next car, the bride wedding location到达婚礼地点,新娘下轿 礼 bows(heaven and earth, parents, bride) 流 拜天地(一拜天地,二拜父母,夫妻对拜) 程
抬花轿 The bridegroom lift the bridal veil新郎掀新娘的盖头
Wish you all a happy marriage! Thank you!
Some specific examples of Eastern and Western weddings
China wedding:
In the past , the bride would wear a red skirt as Chinese believed red foreshadowed(/fɔrˈ doʊ/预示) delight. ʃæ Covered by a red head kerchief, the bride must cry with her mother to show her reluctance(/ri'lʌktəns/不情愿) to leave home. She would be led or carried by her elder brother to the sedan. The bridegroom, was also in a red gown(/ɡaʊn/礼服). They would kowtow three times to worship the heaven, parents and spouse(/spaʊs/配偶/. Then the new couple would go to their bridal chamber(/ˈt eɪmbər/卧房) and ʃ guests would be treated to a feast.
Lift sedan(/sɪˈdæn/ 子) 轿
Drink the nuptial(/ˈn ʌpʃəl/结婚的) wine 喝交杯酒
Minister addressed 主婚人致辞 New vow to marry each other新人互致结婚誓言 Exchange rings 交换戒指 点蜡烛仪式 鲜花仪式 婚礼诵读
Sky wedding:
Naked Wedding:
• Naked marriage, is now one of the most trendy marriage ways among the generation after 80s.they use "have no room, no car, no diamond ring, no wedding gown, no deposit, no wedding and no honeymoon ", with many of the "no" to explain the thrifty married way, in short, they need to do nothing to get married except going to the registry office to handles the red marriage certificate.
Korea wedding:
In Korea , the traditional wedding custom is the same as China .But the process has been divided by different ways.in the wedding of Korea , Ducks are included in the wedding process because ducks mate(配对,结伴)for all life. The groom once travels to the bride's house on a white pony(/ˈpo ʊni/小马) along with a gray drake(/dreɪk/公鸭) and a duck(母鸭) symbolizing fidelity(忠诚).
Meet or apart,live or die, we've made oath you and I. Give me your hand I'll hold,
and live with me till old.
❤ Wedding Colour
America Wedding:
There is a proverb can summarize America marriage custom.
1.something old ( 某样东西是旧的,象征着新娘的 家庭和过去) 2.something new (某样东西是新的,象征新的生 活) 3.something borrowed(某样东西是借来的,通常 是指要从已婚的幸福夫妇那里借借光,新娘以后也 会向他们一样持家) 4.something blue(某样东西是蓝色的,表示纯
洁纯真的爱情就像圣母玛利亚一直穿着的 蓝色长袍一样)
French Marriage:
1.France eyes the marriage should be pure. 2.During the wedding, the bride will prepare fine handwork.It is stand for healthy and prosperity ,so it is "magazine of hope".(希望之匣) 3.Most French girls prepare for their future marriage when they are teenagers.They buy sheet, dishes, towels and other family daily necessities. 4.In France, friends or relatives usually send some daily necessities to them as gifts in stead of money.
Wedding Location

Weddings are usually grand , inviting many friends and relatives.It is usually held at the hotel or a spacious courtyard. All kinds of ceremonies are relatively complicated, and tried every means to pursue an auspicious (/ɔˈsp ɪʃəs/吉利的) meaning.