当前位置:文档之家› 高教版中职英语模块一教案(Unit-1)



Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you!





第一、二课时 lead-in + listening and speaking

第三、四课时 reading and writing

第五、六课时 language in use + vocabulary consolidation

第七、八课时 unit task + pronunciation practice

第一、二课时 Lead-in + Listening & Speaking



本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一、二课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型。








⑴掌握与个人信息相关的词汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss);


1) about greeting:

Good morning.


Nice to meet you.

2) about personal information

What’s you name?

Where are you from?

Which company are you from?








Step OneLead-in (8m)

1.The teacher greets each student: Good morning. Nice to meet you. May I have your name, please? Which school are you from? What do your parents do?


2.Brainstorm the ways of greeting a person. Possible answers:

Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Hi./ Hello.

Nice to meet you.

How do you do?

How are you?/ How are you going?

(collect different answers on the blackboard)


3.Let’s make it a rule: Let’s greet each other at the beginning of each English lesson, using the following patterns.

Teacher: Class begins.

The monitor: Stand up.

Teacher: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Students: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.

Teacher: How are you today?

Students: We are fine. And you?

Teacher: I’m fine, too. Thank you. Sit down, please.


4. Activity 3. Act and practice. How would you greet a person in the following



Step Two Listening and speaking (22m)

1.Activity 4. Listen and underline. Listen to dialogue Aand underline the sentences about greeting a person.

2.Practice a similar dialogue with your partner.

3.Activity 8. Listen and complete. Listen to dialogue B , and fill in the following

4.Guess the meaning of “last name” and “first name”. (The teacher may ask some students the question: Lu Zhongnan, what’s your first name? What’s your last name?) (设计意图:教师通过询问班上多名同学的名和姓帮助学生掌握“last name”和“first name”的含义和中英文名字表达顺序的差异)

5.Activity 9. Read and underline. Practice the dialogue with your partner and underline the sentences about asking one’s personal information.

6.Make a similar dialogue with the classmates around you.


A: Good morning! I’m Lu Zhongnan. Lu is my last name and Zhongnan is my first name. May I have your name, please.

B: Good morning! I’m Lin Chunning. Lin is my last name and Chunning is my first name.

A: Nice to meet you. I’m from No. 7 Middle school. Where are you from?

B: Nice to meet you, too. I’m from No.15 Middle school.


7.Ask some pairs to demonstrate their performance(greet each other and ask for personal information).


8.Activity 12. Talk and complete. Talk to five classmates and ask about their first

(设计意图:学习利用调查、询问的方式来获取信息,确保每一位同学都知道first name 和last name的意思,增进彼此了解)

Step Three Summary and Production (14m)

1. Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.

(1)key vocabulary:first name, last name, name card

(2)everyday English about greetings and personal information.


Good morning.

How are you?

How’re things?

Nice to meet you.

What’s your name?

What’s your first name?

What’s your last name?

Where are you from?

(设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确单元教学目标,方便学生补充笔记。)2. Think of ten ways of greetings.



How’s it going?

How do you do?

How are things?

How are you?

Haven’t seen you for ages.

Great to see you again.

Nice to meet you.

Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening.


3. What else would you like to know about your classmates? Ask them the following questions and make an introduction of your classmates. .

?What is your favorite animal?

?What is your favorite city in China?

?What is your favorite color?

?What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

?What is your favorite drink in summer?

?What is your favorite food?

?What is your favorite holiday? Why?

?What is your favorite kind of book?

?What is your favorite kind of movie?

?What is your favorite kind of music?

?What is your favorite magazine?

?What is your favorite memory of childhood?

?What is your favorite season? Why?

?What is your favorite sport?

?What is your favorite time of day?

?What is your favorite TV program?

?What is your favorite Website?

?What is your favorite vegetable?

?What's your favorite word in English? Why do you like it?

?Who is your favorite actor?

?Who is your favorite actress?

?Who is your favorite athlete?

?Who is your favorite singer?

?What is your best friend's name?

?Who is your favorite teacher? Why?

?What is your favorite subject in school?



Step Four Homework (1m)

1. Practice dialogue B with your classmate after class.

2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about personal information.

3. Make an introduction of your classmate.


Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you!




本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第二课时,包括reading and writing部分,具体内容为:了解并读懂名片上的个人信息,制作个人名片。








⑴掌握名片栏目词汇和职业词汇,如telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss)

⑵understand personal information in a name card;

(3)design a personal name card







Step One Lead-in (10m)

1.The teacher greets each student: Good morning. Nice to meet you. Would you please tell us something about yourself? May I have your name, please? Which school are you from? What do your parents do?


2.Demonstrate some posters. Introduce some students’ favorites. And read some students’ favorites and ask the students to guess who they are.



3. Brainstorm factors about designing a name card. Hu Xiao, our monitor, asks us to design a name card for him. What should be included in his name card? (Possible answers:

Name, company, address, telephone number, job, e-mail address, fax number ,etc) (设计意图:团队做乘法,个人做加法,通过头脑风暴,我们可以快速搜集名片基本内容,并让全体同学尽快掌握。请学生为班长制作名片,将内容真实化,也可以激发学生的集体荣誉感)

4. Show the students some name cards and discuss what are included in these name cards.


Step Two Reading (20 m ) 1.What do they mean?


2. Activity 1

3. Read and tick. Which of them may be included in a name card?

a.telephone number

b. name

c. age

d. address

e. e-mail address

f. job


3. Activity 1

4. Read and check.Answer the following questions.

1)What is Li Wenzhong? Where is he from? What ’s his email address? Where is his company? What’s his telephone number?

2)What is Sara Smith? Where is she from? What ’s her email address? Where is her company? What ’s her telephone number?

3)What is Zhang Qing? Where is she from? What ’s her email address? Where is her company? What ’s her telephone number? 4)What is Gao Bin? Where is he from? What ’s his email address? Where is his company? W hat’s his telephone number?


4.Activity 1

5. Read and complete. Ask the students to do it as quickly as possible. The first ten fastest can get a small prize. (设计意图:学会快速查找信息,并将信息归类) 5. Activity 1

6. Act and practice. Suppose you are a reporter, and you are


one of them. Make a conversation with them, using the following sentence patterns. You may ask more other questions, if you like.

1)Excuse me. May I have your name, please?

2)What is your first name? And what is your last name?

3)What’s your company’s name? Where is it?

4)What are you?

5)May I have your telephone number?

6)Do you have an email address?


Step Three Production (13m)

1.Now would you please design a creative name card for Mrs. Hu?

(设计意图:请学生为老师制作名片,引发学生学习兴趣,为学生制作个人名片做示范)2.Can you design a name card for yourself? (Imagine a future company and a future job for yourself)


3.Ask some students to design their name cards on the blackboard. Make some comments. (设计意图:上台展示即可以锻炼当事者的胆量,也可以让学生的注意力更集中,还方便教师形象评价学生设计的名片)

7.Show each student or each groupa name card. Ask the students to talk about the

information in the name card.


Step Four Homework(2m)

1.copy words: name, company, address, telephone number, job, e-mail address, fax


2.design a special name card for yourself.

3.collect as many name cards as possible.


Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you!




本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第三课时,包括language in use和vocabulary consolidation两部分,具体内容为:be动词的用法和名片各栏目词汇的表达,职业词汇收集。








⑴掌握与名片设计相关的主题词汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss)。









Step One Lead-in (10m)

1. Have a comment on the students’ name cards. Pass the cards around the class. (设计意图:教师及时对学生的作业作出评价,对优秀作业的集体肯定,可以促使学生更积极主动地做作业。)

2. Ask the students to present and talk about the name cards they have collected in groups. Use the following sentence patterns.

His name is …

He is from …

He is a …

His telephone number is …


Step Two Language in use (20 m)

1.Game: Who amI? The teacher says “I’m thinking of something and you guess what it is.”T he teacher can describe anything that the students are familiar with, however, the teacher should use “am” as many times as possible.The teacher can decide if he want to score this game or not, and how.

Eg. I am yellow.

I have a thick skin that you peel off before you can eat me.

I am white inside.

I am sweet.

What am I?

Answer: BANANA


2.Grammar focus (page 15). The teacher helps the students have a general idea of the usage of be. Then the teacher offers the following rhyme to help the students master the usage of be in a better and easy way.

英语语法学习顺口溜be 的用法口诀







3.Activity 17. Think and write. The teacher asks the students to make as many sentences as possible. Practice reading these sentences together.

Eg. I am a student.

I am a teacher.

I am a doctor.

I am a manager.

I am a secretary.

I am a cat.

I am a dog.


4.Activity 18. Talk and guess. Game: What amI? The teacher says “I’m thinking of

a jo

b and you guess what it is.”T he teacher can describe way of life, where they work, what they wear, etc. And the students have to guess the job. The teacher can decide if he want to score this game or not, and how. The teacher may also offer more jobs. The teacher may also invite one student to describe the job, if possible. Eg. I stay in the hospital.

When people are ill, they ask me for help.

I take care of patients.

I usually wear in white or green.



5. Exercise. Fill in the blanks.用be的适当形式填空。

(1)The man _________ a science teacher.

(2) Mary's new dresses _________ colorful.

(3)Mother _________ in the kitchen now.

(4) _________ the woman an English teacher?

(5)I_________ astudent.

(6) __________ your father a worker﹖Yes, he __________ .

(7) They __________ in the classroom.

(8) This __________ an apple.

(9) Where __________ my books﹖

(10) We __________friends.

(11) You __________ a good student.

(12) These ___________her pens.

(13) How much _________the T-shirt?

(14) How much __________ the socks?

(15) Our mother _________forty.

(16) _________ you in our school music club?

(17) I want to ________ a teacher.

(18) Let’s ___________friends.

(19) He and I _________friends.

(20) A: ______ this a bird?


A: Thank you.

B: That _____ OK.

(设计意图:专题练习检测和巩固教学效果,确保学生能灵活使用动词be的基本用法。) 6. Activity 19. Write and talk.Talk about your parents and the persons that you know with your partner and take notes of what your partner tells you.

Eg. My father’s name is Li Ming. He is a doctor.


Step Three Vocabulary consolidation (14m)

1. Show job flash cards and ask the students the following questions:

What are they? What is he? What is she? Is he a doctor? Are they students? Is she a teacher?


2.Activity 21. Think and write. Group competition: write down as many jobs as possible in the given time.

(设计意图:小组竞赛体现团队合作意识,也测试学生对工作词汇的掌握程度, 并指导学生记笔记,让学生养成记笔记的良好习惯。)

3. Activity 20.Look and mark. Look at the name card and fill in the blanks. (设计意图:标注名片中各栏目名称,巩固检查名片栏目短语的表达。)

4. Interview five classmates and write down their future jobs.

( X XX wants to be …)


5.More exercises.Fill in the blanks with the verb BE.

(1)Who you ? I new here.

(2)What your job? I a nurse.

(3)How old your mother? She forty.

(4)The old man Helen’s grandfather.

(5)We late for school.

(6)How you? Fine thank you.

(7)What their jobs? They waitresses.

(8)Who the old women? Sorry. I don’t Know.

(9)she teacher? No, she . she a nurse.

(10)The girl in orange Helen.


Step Four Homework (1m)

1. Copy job words three times.

2. Create ten sentences with the verb is, am or are.


Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you!




本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第四课时,包括unit task和pronunciation practice两部分,具体内容为:单元任务和发音练习。


















Step OneLead-in (5m)

1. Make a comment on the students’homework. Read some good sentences made by the students. Type some of the sentences on ppt and ask the whole class to fill in the blanks with be.


2.Review the ways of greeting a person and the job words.


Step Two Video&Exchange name cards (25m)

1.Do you know how to offer your name card? Do you know how to accept a name card? Collect the students’ answers on the blackboard.


2.Watch a video clip about how to use your name card.(百家讲坛《金正昆谈礼仪之名片礼仪》) Ask the students to take some notes while they are watching the video.


3.Now let’s exchange name cards with each other.


4. The students who greet the most people and get the most name cards will be the winner. The teacher may ask these students to talk about their experience and introduce the persons they meet.


Step Three Pronunciation Practice (9m)

1.Teach the pronunciation rules of the given eight phonetics.


Eg. bee meat key jeep sea sleep tea sheep pea sheet


Eg. dig pig win twin lip ship pin tin skip this

下面让我们来读一下这些句子。注意,朗读速度一定要慢,并仔细体会两个音标之间的区别。This is a sheep. These are ships.


2.Listen and repeat. Read the following sentences after the tape and the teacher. Pay attention to

the pronunciation and intonation.


3.Watch the flash.(英语发音规则和练习测试)


4.Offer each student a phonetic chart.


Step Four Homework (1m)

1. Finish self-check.

2. Write a short article: my comment on the lesson (in Chinese or English)





中职英语第一册教案(全) 目录 UNIT 1 Greetings and Instructions (2) UNIT 2 School and Daily life (5) UNIT 3 TIME (8) UNIT4 Weather (12) Unit 5 Asking the way (15) Unit 6 Food and service (18) Unit8 Invitation (24) Unit9 Past Events (27) Unit10 Festivals and Holidays (30)

UNIT 1 Greetings and Instructions 一、词汇(课本14页) 1. address postal address postal adj. 邮政的 2. boss This is my boss. worker 3.call 【教材原文】Please call me Jianjun.请叫我建军好了。 ①.命名,把…叫作call sb.sth May I have your name? call me Tom.叫我汤姆吧。 ②call on sb.拜访某人 call at sp.拜访某地 (3)打电话 call sb.(up)给某人打电话 I’ll call you this evening.今晚我将给你打电话。 (4)m.电话give sb. a call 2给某人打电话 make a phone call打电话 This is my friend Mary (call) 4. computer 5. customer 6. e-mail 7. greet 打招呼,问好greeting n.问候(通常用复数) 【教材原文】Can you greet people in English? 你会用英语打招呼吗? greet each other彼此问候、彼此打招呼 We greet each other with smile. 我们微笑着彼此打招呼。 Greeting is very important in our daily life 问候在我们的日常生活中很重要。 【应用】please send my Christmas greetings Greets to your parents (greet). 8. handsome 形容人的特征的形容词 女士:beautiful (美丽的)pretty (靓丽的)charming (迷人的) 男人:handsome (英俊的)-特别常用 孩子: cute (小巧可爱的)lovely(亲爱的,可爱的) 品质特征的:outgoing, shy , friendly ,kind ,kindhearted, hardworking 9. interested adj.感兴趣的(用来修饰人)


第七周 Topic Unit 4 Education Total16 Language goals Words & expressions: university intermediate advanced cooking register Key sentences: I want to enroll my child in your school. All of the regular courses are open. 8000 yuan per year. We offer three levels of scholarship. We only accept students from 15to 19. Ability goals Enable the students to listen to materials that describe education. Enable the students to talk about education. Emotion & attitude goals Enable the students to share their happiness with others Strategy goals Learn how to summarize information Culture awareness goals Learn the western attitude about education. Teaching important points Listening Teaching procedures and ways Steps Teacher’s activities Students ’ activities Teaching Time reference Step11 T: Do you offer any answer the questions Brainst5min Lead in scholarships 2. Learn the new words orming s Write the activities and phrases. that Ss talk about and read and tick the teach the phrases in activities they did Activity 1before in Activity 1 Step2 1. Play the tape and Listenin get the Ss to finish g Activity21. Ss read the sentences Tape5min and get the meaning of recordi s each sentence.ng 2. Ss listen and match. Step 3Which university will 1.Look and talk about Tape12 Listenin Mary study in the pictures.recordi mins g When will Mary begin 2.Ss listen and tick .ng


Unit10 Why was it built? (第一课时教学设计) 【课题】Unit10 Why was it built? 【课时】第1课时(45分钟) 【设计理念】 本教案以学生为主体,以任务型教学为中心而设计,通过多媒体网络课件的图像、声音、动画、文字等多种信息功能激发学生的学习兴趣和内在学习动力,设置层层递进的学习任务,在做中学,在做中练,在做中巩固,使学生掌握基本的语句表达,设置真实情境,让学生能以导游的身份简单介绍著名建筑。在运用英语完成任务的过程中不仅学习英语语言知识,更培养了学生用英语获取信息、处理信息及分析与解决的能力。 【学情简析】 本单元的话题是国内外著名建筑物, 有助于开阔学生眼界,激发学生兴趣。是本课时的教学重点是要求学生能够听懂建筑物的建造时间、所在位置及其他简单信息;能够读懂著名建筑物的简单对话;理解并学会运用有关建筑物和景点表达所需的词汇和句型;能正确运用一般过去时的被动语态简单介绍建筑物的历史。本单元的设计对象是国贸专业学生,该班总体学习气氛较好,大多数学生对英语感兴趣,希望学好英语,但口语表达能力不强,大部分同学不敢开口说英文。针对此现象,考虑通过教师铺垫、同伴互助、小组合作学习的方式引导更多学生自主学习,使更多学生愿意参与教学活动,尽力完成各项语言任务。 【教材解析】 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语2》(基础模块高教版)第十单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:了解有关著名的建筑物,听懂关于著名建筑物的建造时间、所在位置及其他简单信息。掌握有关表达建筑物的建造时间、所在位置等简单信息的词汇、句型。 2. 教学目标 (1)语言知识目标 了解世界著名建筑物的专有名词,如the Golden Gate Bridge,the Palace Museum,Stonehenge,Sydney Opera House,the Pisa Tower,the Taj Mahal,Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower etc。 掌握与建筑物有关的词汇和短语,如build,locate,design,tour guide,start,complete,celebrate,revolution,keep out 掌握有关表达建筑物的建造时间、所在位置等简单信息的句型 Asking for some information of the famous building: When was it built? Why was it built? Who designed it? What was it used for? How long was it? How was it built? Giving some information of the famous building: It was started in…


Book 1 Unit 3 How much is it教案 执教者:黄政娟班级15电子 时间:2016年11月9日(第二节) 一、教学内容: 本课时是教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第三单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的部分内容,具体内容为:部分商品和购物场所的词汇、买卖商品活动中展开的对话和讨论购物计划的对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生学以致用的语言表达活动提供了语言铺垫。 二、教学重点 1.学生能掌握部分商品和购物场所的词汇,如medicine,cola,disk,cell phone,shopping mall,grocery,bakery,supermarket,department store等。 2.学生能掌握讨论购物计划时所使用的句型,如: — (1)What’s your plan for… (2)Would you like to go shopping with me (3)What’s on your shopping list (4)There are many beautiful dresses. 3.通过创设情境,学以致用,使学生能够用以下句型在购物场所进行买卖商品的对话。 (1)Can I help you = What can I do for you (2)I want to buy a/an/some+某物. . =I’d like to buy a/an/some +某物. (3)How much is /are +某物

=What’s the price of+某物 It’s +价钱./They’re +价钱. (4)It’s on sale now. (5)I’ll take 5 kilos. 三、教学难点:(1)学生能听懂关于购物和讨论购物计划的对话。 (2)学生能够创设情境开展关于讨论购物计划的对话。 ' (2)学生能够创设情境在购物场所进行买卖商品的对话。 四、教学工具:多媒体课件、卡片等。 五、教学步骤: Step 1Lead-in 1.通过谈论淘宝网购物,引到实体店购物场所名称。运用句型: Where can we by something We can buy something in a/an…学生能够说出一些常见购物场所的英文名称。2.通过引入服务用语Can I help you/What can I do for you让学生掌握在购物中的日常用语。通过句型I want to buy a/an/some+某物.或I’d like to buy a/an/some +某物.学生能够掌握一些常用商品的英文名称。 ? 3. 学生学会运用句型How much is /are +某物/What’s the price of+某物 It’s +价钱./They’re +价钱.询问商品价格并能说出商品的价格。 4.学生能够用以下句型谈论购物计划: (1)What’s your plan for… (2)Would you like to go shopping with me (3)What’s on your shopping list (4)There are many beautiful dresses. Step 2 Part 5 }


Senior English For V ocational School Student’s Book Basic Module II Unit 5Danger and Safety Teaching Aims: ● Be aware of the danger of daily life ● Learn about the safety signs ● Learn how to handle emergency ● Learn about the phonetics: Word stress ● Master the grammar: Imperative sentences ● Get prepared in an emergency ● Real life skills: What will you do at the emergency? ● How to keep yourself safe Teaching Time: Period 1 Warming up and Discussion Period 2 Listening and Speaking Part A Period 3 Listening and Speaking Part B Period 4 Reading and Writing —— Text and Exercises Period 5 Language in Use —— Phonetics and V ocabulary Period 6 Real Life Skills ——What will you do at the emergency? Period 7 Further Reading and Unit Summary Period 1 Warming up and Discussion Teaching Aims: 1.Be familiar with the topic “danger and safety”. 2.Recognize the safety signs. 3.Discuss how to handle the emergency.. Teaching Key Points: 1.Master some words and phrases about danger and safety. 2.Enable the students torecognize the safety signs. 3.Improve the students’ ability of oral English. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.Be familiar with some phrases about danger and safety. https://www.doczj.com/doc/d2572531.html,e proper words to express themselves. Teaching Methods: 1. Brain storming 2.Group discussion: What can you do in case of emergencies, such as robbery, fire earthquake, nose bleeding, broken arm and so on? Teaching Aids:


Book1 Unit 2 I can do it! (第一课时教学设计) 一、学情分析 本单元是教材的第二单元,关于个人能力描述,要求能进行口头能力描述,向别人了解能力,能看懂求职表,根据求职表安排合适的工作岗位,填写求职表等,实用性强,内容贴近学生生活,新的词汇量不大,句型简单。但是职业学校的学生通常会说却不能正确拼写单词,会七嘴八舌地说出许多词组,但是不能长段地独立表达个人观点,课堂热闹但是课后较少主动复习。因此,教学中应重视基本词汇的四会,重视指导性作文的写作,重视指导学生养成课堂记笔记的能力。职业学校的学生普遍发散性思维较强,教师可以充分利用集体的力量开展教学,集思广益。 二、教材分析 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第二单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。 这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生用英语流利表达个人能力提供了模版,还利于教师挖掘学生的多元智能,学生间进一步促进了解。 2.教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点 通过与个人能力描述相关的词汇和句型的学习,学生采访同学、老师,并拟写采访单。

⑵教学难点 学生了解词汇记忆的策略之一——分类记忆; 学生区分出不同购物场所的特点; 三、教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴学生能掌握描述个人能力的词汇,如speak Chinese, drive cars, repair puters, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers。 ⑵学生能掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,如: Can you say something about yourself Can you sing English songs Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese. 2.能力目标 ⑴学生能听懂关于询问和描述个人能力的对话。 ⑵学生能罗列个人能力,并询问和了解同学的个人能力。 3.情感目标 学生能欣赏自我,欣赏他人。 四、教学步骤 Step One Lead-in (10 min) 1. Facts or lies Start with a game. The teacher makes a list of his abilities, and two of them are lies. Ask the students to pick them out. Eg. I can read in English. I can sing many English songs.


Unit 4 favorite food (The 3rd period--reading) 教学目标: 1、掌握重要单词 because hear problem answer enough leave computer game suddenly remember hurry hour late find talk busy angry table ticket minute news homework 2、重要短语的识记与运用 get to in the morning look forward to get up in great joy hurry to talk with be busy with be delighted to say a word next to on time 教学重点: 学习并掌握文章中的重要短语及句型 教学难点: 文中精彩句子的熟练运用 教学方法: 讨论法、练习法 教学过程: 一、复习检查(听写、小组互查) 本单元重要单词。 because hear problem answer enough leave computer game suddenly remember hurry hour late find talk busy angry table ticket minute news homework 重要短语的识记与运用 get to in the morning look forward to get up in great joy hurry to talk with be busy with be delighted to say a word next to on time leave for 二、出示目标,自主学习 互相讨论,找出文章中重要短语、句型 1、重要短语 get to in the morning look forward to get up in great joy hurry to talk with be busy with be delighted to say a word next to on time leave for 2、重要句型 I was very glad to hear this because I was looking forward to seeing my grandpa .

高教版中职英语基础模块 第3册unit 3《what courses do you offer》教学设计(精品).docx

Unit 3 What courses do you offer? 一、教材分析 这是《英语3(基础模块)》(高教版)第三单元的内容,主要让学生了解学习、培训和教育相关主要内容,通过听说熟悉有关选择培训学校时的相关表达方法,通过本课学习,需要了解Zhang Ling在澳大利来读书时做兼职工作的经历、感受及对未来的态度,从而结合自己的专业,谈论自己的兼职工作经历和对学生从事兼职工作的一些看法。 教学重点、难点 熟悉与培训内容相关的话题词汇、句型,并能熟练运用这些词句进行对话。 能听懂有关咨询培训内容的对话,并能在真实的情境中,使用相关词句描述与自己参加培训有关的内容。(1) To make Ss know some purpose of doing part-time jobs. (2) To make Ss talk about some advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs. (3) To make Ss think about their own future career plan. 能识别“what”引导的主语从句和“It is ...”的主语从句结构。能区分“what”引导的主语从句和“what”引导的感叹句。 二、教学目标 1. 词汇目标 (1) 学生能识别offer, course, schedule, lecture, certificate, homepage, register的意思。 (2) 学生能用get a certificate, offer a course, register on line等重要词组来描述参加培训的相关内容。 2. 能力目标 (1) 能听懂关于课程名称、时间、证书和注册方式等的问题。 (2) 学生能运用“I’m calling to ask if you offer ...” “Will I get a certificate?” “Are there any part-time courses?”和“How do I sign up?”等句子咨询有关培训课程的咨询。


2019-2020年高教版中职英语(基础模块第1册)Unit 1《Nice to meet you!》word教案 一、学情分析 本单元是新生入学的第一单元,教学重点是活用招呼用语、相互了解个人基本信息、制作个人名片、 学习不同职业的表达与描述以及练习发音。就学习英语而言,职业学校的许多学生是胆大心粗,能说不会 写或写不到位。因此,教师在教学过程中应充分利用学生的特点开展相应活动。我们可以利用学生胆大、 敢说的特点,充分利用头脑风暴法采集相关素材,开展如招呼用语集锦、刨根问底探隐私、名片栏目大荟 萃等活动。教学中名片栏目的设计、描述不同职业、圆润的发音是本单元难点。圆润的发音要靠长期的示 范与坚持来实现。名片中各栏目的设计可以集体讨论商定,个人名片设计则可以体现个性化、专业化,并 决出最佳名片设计奖,教师还可以请学生一起收集生活中的名片,探讨名片的基本要素和个性特色。职业 的描述教师可以借助体态语、道具、图片、视频等来推进,还可以设计相应的练习强化学生的认知。 本单元设计分为4个课时: 第一课时lead-in + listening and speaking 第二课时reading and writing 第三课时language in use + vocabulary consolidation 第四课时unit task + pronunciation practice 第一课时Lead-in + Listening & Speaking 二、教材分析 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking 两部分,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型。 2.教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型 ⑵教学难点:个人信息的词汇、句型 三、教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴掌握与个人信息相关的词汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss); ⑵掌握提供或询问个人信息时所使用的句型,如: 1) about greeting: Good morning. Hi. Nice to meet you. 2) about personal information What’s you name?Where are you from? Which company are you from? 2.能力目标


Unit1 Our new school 一、教学目标 1.步入新的人生阶段-----职业中专,要知法,懂法,守法。 2.谈论人名及来自何处。 3.介绍自己所在班级。 4.掌握“主—系—表”结构和“there be”句型。 5.掌握代词和介词的基本用法。 6.学会如何发前元音[i:]与[i] 二、教学向导 三、课文讲解 (一)Warm-up 1.老师首先用英语向全班学生作自我介绍,并提出新学习阶段的英语学习要求。例如: Hello, everyone. My name is…. I’m your English teacher this year. Let’s do our best together to improve our Learning of English. Now at the beginning of this term, I would like to advise you to plan your time carefully. Be sure to have enough time to recite the new words and useful expression, to listen to enough English tapes, to read

many English articles, to do oral practice as much as possible and to finish your homework on time. Second, I advise you to make good use of your time in class. Listening carefully in class really means less work later. Taking notes will help to remind you what the teacher said. Another important suggestion is that you should develop a good attitude towards your English reading, listening, speaking and writing. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when you are speaking English. Just try your best to say what you want in English every time。 Besides,we should obey the rules of the school ,be polite to our teachers and be glad to help the others.We should also learn the laws,understand the laws,obey the laws ,otherwise we will be punished by the laws. I’ll do my best to help you and I hope everyone will get a great progress in the shortest possible time…. 此外,还可以设计一些常用口令、手势、规定一些纪律,以便在以后的教学中,形成良好的习惯,达成默契。 2.Warm-up 部分应在10分钟内完成。 3.Warm-up 部分的练习可以鼓励学生在课前独立完成,然后在课上检查,也可以在课上引导学生集体做。 4.除了将卡片上的信息补充完整外,教师还可根据具体情况,补充一些简单的问题。如: What’s your English name? Where are you from? Which school were you at before you came here? 5.有奖励机制。例如:赏识性语言。无论回答情况怎样均应给予鼓励,建立说英语的自信心。 6.最好能在开课前布置并引导和鼓励学生预先自学、预习并记忆本单元的生词和短语,在Warm-up中涉及一些。 (二)Listening and Speaking以及Reading and Writing--边讲边练习学会介绍自己及自己的班级。


英语国际音标表(48个) 元音(20个) 辅音(28个) 轻辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/ 浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//e/ /z/ 轻辅音/?// h//ts//t?//tr/ 浊辅音/?// r/ /dz/ /d?//dr/ 鼻音/m//n/ /?/ 半元音/ j// w/ 边音/ ?/ 英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:]○1长元音,发音时声带振动②舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽力向上腭抬起③双唇微微张开,呈扁平口形。 2)发[i:]的字母及字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i) Eg: pea three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please sea bee meet he she me piece receive ceiling 3)发音练习 /p i: s // i:t// k i:p //f i: t/ /θr i:/ /s i: //b i: //d i:d / /e i:z/ /? i:p/ / h i: t/ /tr i:/ / r i: d/ /d? i: p/ /dr i: m/ /m i : t//n i: d / / w i: p // ?i:d/ / s i : t/ 2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u a sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 3) [ ? ] 发音字母a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) [e] 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay) head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world 6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen famulus Saturday 7) [a:] 字母组合ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) [ ? ] 发音字母u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 长元音/ɑ://?:// ?://i://U:/ 短元音/ ?//?//?//?//?//e//?/e?//a?//??/ 双元音/??//e?//??/ /??//a?/

高教版中职英语模块一教案设计(Unit 1)

Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you! (第一、二课时教学设计) 一、学情分析 本单元是新生入学的第一单元,教学重点是活用招呼用语、相互了解个人基本信息、制作个人名片、学习不同职业的表达与描述以及练习发音。就学习英语而言,职业学校的许多学生是胆大心粗,能说不会写或写不到位。因此,教师在教学过程中应充分利用学生的特点开展相应活动。我们可以利用学生胆大、敢说的特点,充分利用头脑风暴法采集相关素材,开展如招呼用语集锦、刨根问底探隐私、名片栏目大荟萃等活动。教学中名片栏目的设计、描述不同职业、圆润的发音是本单元难点。圆润的发音要靠长期的示范与坚持来实现。名片中各栏目的设计可以集体讨论商定,个人名片设计则可以体现个性化、专业化,并决出最佳名片设计奖,教师还可以请学生一起收集生活中的名片,探讨名片的基本要素和个性特色。职业的描述教师可以借助体态语、道具、图片、视频等来推进,还可以设计相应的练习强化学生的认知。 本单元设计分为8个课时: 第一、二课时lead-in + listening and speaking 第三、四课时reading and writing 第五、六课时language in use + vocabulary consolidation 第七、八课时unit task + pronunciation practice 第一、二课时Lead-in + Listening & Speaking 二、教材分析 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一、二课时,包括Lead-in

& Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型。 2.教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点 招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型 ⑵教学难点 个人信息的词汇、句型 三、教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴掌握与个人信息相关的词汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss); ⑵掌握提供或询问个人信息时所使用的句型,如: 1) about greeting: Good morning. Hi. Nice to meet you. 2) about personal information What’s you name? Where are you from? Which company are you from? 2.能力目标 ⑴学生能听懂关于询问和提供个人信息的对话。 ⑵学生能编写关于询问和提供个人信息的对话。 (3) 在日常生活中灵活应用招呼用语以及询问、提供个人信息时所用到的关键句型. 3.情感目标 在真实情景交流中,师生间、生生间建立融洽的关系,主动参与、相互赏识。

高教版中职英语(基础模块 第2册)Unit 1《We laughed into tears》word教案

Unit 1 We laughed into tears! Part1: 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material) 本课时系教材《英语 2》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一部分,学生听一段关于和家人度假描述的对话。训练学生在一定的语境下用合适的方式和语句组织关于描述假期活动的对话。 Part2: 教学目标(Teaching aims) Ss can understand expression of vacation description and make a dialogue discussing vacation Lead-in Ask the students where did they go and what they did in the summer vacation and winter vacation. (Group discussion and then answer my questions) Step1: Lead students read the phrases and ask Ss to tick the activities they had taken part in. then check the answer. Step2: Teacher show the pictures for the Ss , explain the requests and then play the radio for the Ss. Next, teacher asks some students to answer these questions. Listening & Speaking Part1: 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material) 本课时系教材《英语 2》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的听力及口语第一部分,学生听一段关于Cindy和家人度假描述的对话。训练学生在一定的语境下用合适的方式和语句组织关于描述假期活动的对话。 Part2: 教学目标(Teaching aims) Ss can understand expression of vacation description and make a dialogue discussing vacation Vocabulary: Ski Mountain sail parent beach skate vacation wonderful Phrases: Visit the zoo go swimming pick apples go skiing climb mountain play volleyball Go sailing go skating go fishing


Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie Listening & Speaking Part1: 教材分析 (Analysis of the teaching material) TB 本课时系教材《英语 2》(基础模块高教版)第二单元的听力及口语,学生听一段关于 唐华和Sara谈论周末活动的对话。训练学生在一定的语境下用合适的方式和语句组织关于 描述周末娱乐活动的对话。 Part2: 教学目标 (Teaching aims) Ss can understand expression of weekend activities and make a dialogue discussing weekend Vocabulary: movie Internet gym pop music special relaxing cartoon brave smart Phrases: surf the Internet play computer games see a movie go to a gym watch TV watch a cartoon listen to music go to a club Sentences: What did you do last weekend I went to see a movie called Titanic with my father. What do you think of the movie The story is moving. How about you Did you do anything special Nothing special. Part3: 教学重点(Teaching important points) Ask and answer of the weekend description Part4: 教学难点 (Teaching difficult points) Different questions of weekend description Step 1: Ss tick the activities they took last week Ss listen and order the pictures Step 2: Ss listen and number the activities they listen

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