当前位置:文档之家› 外贸函电复习句子



1. The relevant L/C has already been established.


2. The relevant L/C will be opened in a few days.


3. We have arranged with our bank to issue the L/C immediately.


4. We hope you will ship the covering goods within the period stipulated.


5. Please amend the L/C to allow partial shipment.


6. Please amend the quantity in the L/C to be“1000MTS, more or less 5%”


7. We have received your invoice number... and agree to accept your draft at 60 days after sight for the amount due.


8. As requested in your letter of ... we have instructed our bank to open a credit for $150,000 in your favor.


9. Please draw on us for the amount due and attach the shipping documents to your draft.


10.We should like to pay by bill of exchange at 60 days after sight and should be pleased if you agree to this.


11.We have instructed our bank to hand over the shipping documents against payment of our draft.


12. As arranged, we have instructed our bank to surrender(hand over)the documents against acceptance of our draft.


13. As soon as the credit is confirmed, we will ship the goods.


14. Please state the amount of your charges for arranging the necessary credit.


15. Please accept the draft and return it as soon as you can.


1.We have covered insurance on the 100 metric tons of wool for 110% of the invoice value against all risks.


2. Please get the goods covered against All Risks and War Risk.


3. We wish to have the shipment against our Order No.100 placed on a CFR basis insured at your end. Will you please arrange to insure the same on our behalf against WPA for 10% above the invoice value.


4. We wish to extend the coverage including TPND. Will you please arrange insurance with the People’s Insurance Company of China to cover the contracted goods, and the extra premium shall be for our account.


5.Please insure the cargo under Order No.1245 against usual risks for the value of the goods plus freight.


6.Please have the consignment under Contract No.1268 insured on our behalf against W.P.A for 110% of invoice value, and the premium shall be refunded to you upon receipt of you debit note. 关于第1268号合同项下货物,请贵公司按发票金额的110%代我公司投保水渍险.收到贵方借记通知单后,我方即将保险费汇付贵公司。

7.Insurance is to be effected by the sellers on behalf of the buyer for 110% of the invoice value against W.P.A., and the premium is for the Buyer’s account.


8.War Risk premium is calculated at 0.1%, if it is higher than 0.1% after the conclusion of the contract, the excess premium shall be for the buyer’s account and if War Risk insurance is not obtainable, the seller may be exempted from providing such insurance.


9. For the goods sold on CIF basis, insurance is to be covered by us for 110% of invoice value against all risks based on warehouse to warehouse clause.


10. Should any damage incur, you may, within 30 days after the arrival of the consignment, approach the insurance agent at your end and file the claim to be supported by a survey report. 如货物遭受损失,您可于货到后30天内向贵处的保险公司代理提出索赔,并提供鉴定报告以资证明。

11. For the goods sold on CIF basis, insurance is to be covered by us for 110% of invoice value against all risks based on warehouse to warehouse clause.


1. We understand that you are exporters of foodstuffs and should like to know if you can supply us with 10 metric tons of A-1 Grade Canned Asparagus.


2. We have been importers of …. for many years. At present, we are inte rested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.

多年来,我们公司经营…..进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围,盼能惠寄商品目录和报价单。3. We received today an inquiry from one of our trade connections in … (country or area) concerning the supply of … (product) in lar ge quantities. Please let us have full details of your products so that we can pass on the information.


4. Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.


5.Your inquiry is too vague to enable us to reply.


6. Now that we’ve already made an enquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible?


7.Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods.


8. If your prices are favorable, we can place the order right away.


9.Can you give me an indication of price?


10. Will you please tell us the earliest possible date you can make shipment.


11.Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver.


12. If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long-term contract with you.


13. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within 3 months after receipt of the covering L/C.


1. Your desire to establish business relations with us coincides with ours.


2. Our foreign trade is continuously expanding.


3. Our company mainly trades in arts and crafts.


4. For the last 2 years, we have done a lot of trade with your country.


5. Our commodities are fine in quality, and reasonable in price.


6. We assure you of our best services at all times.


7. That company is well-known in trade circles.


8. Our aim is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.


9. We will try our best to expand the business scope between us.


10. We wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather shoes.


11. We are always in a position to quote you the most advantageous prices for our quality products.


12. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.


13. As an importer, I want to set up direct contact with a manufacturer.


14. Our company is thinking of extending our trade to your region.


15. Our company specializes in export of fluffy toys.


1. We are pleased to introduce our new…and feel sure that you will find it very interesti ng.


2. Are you troubled by the noise of your refrigerator?


3. “ Common cold,” says Dr. James Carter, “causes more lost time at work in a year than all illnesses put together.

詹姆斯卡特医生说:“一年中普通感冒误工的时间比所有疾病加在一起误工的时间还多。4. Modern scientific inventions are real blessings to the human race.


5. At half the actual cost you can now have SOLAR HEATING installed in your home.


6. We are able to offer you favorable prices on some goods we have recently purchased.


7. We hope you will take full advantage of this exceptional offer.


8. We feel sure you will find a ready sale for this excellent material and that your customers will be well satisfied with it.


9. We would be pleased to provide a demonstration if you would let us know when this would be convenient.


10. We feel sure you will agree that this product is not only of the highest quality but also very reasonably priced.


11. With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples and are sending to you under separate cover.


12. By virtue of its superior quality, this item has met with a warm reception in most European countries.


1. We’d like to order your products. We’ll send our official order today.


2. Did you get our order for your telephones?


3. We’ve noticed that your orders have been falling off lately, haven’t you?


4. That’s because we have switched to made-up goods market.


5. Is there anything I can book for you now?


6. What we can order from you right now are cotton goods.


7. Can you let me have the name and quantities?


8. Unless you order in March, we won’t be able to deliver in June.


9.I’m ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that the goods are confined to Fi nland.


10. Advanced samples must arrive in London before the end of August; otherwise the goods are useless.


11. Can we make a change on order No. 29734?


12. We want to increase the number of AR- 26 on order No. 99725?


1.We will pack your ordered goods exactly in conformity with your instructions.


2. Cartons must be lined with damp-resisting paper.


3. The packing are expected to be sufficient enough to withstand transport over rough road.


4.Our packing for microwave oven is strong enough to protect the goods from possible damage. 我们微波炉的包装坚固,可保护货物不受损失。

5.Our tea is packed in boxes of 0.2 kg. each, a dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper.


6.The form and the quality of packing which you offer should be in accordance with our requirements.


7.Soya beans can be supplied in bulk or in gunny bags, which is at the discretion of the buyer.


8.Please be sure to mark and number the packages in strict accordance with our instructions.


9.Please see to it that the cartons should be marked “Fragile” and “Handle with care”.


10.Please see to it that no name of the country of origin or trade mark is to appear on the packing.


11.The crux of packing lies in protecting the goods from moisture.


12.Each case is lined with foam plastics in order to protect the goods against press.


13. 商品的外包装主要是为了安全运输。

The outer packing for commodities is mainly for the safe transport.


The soya beans are packed in new sacks of 50 kg. each.

15. 我们用纸板箱包装衬衫,内衬防潮纸,外用塑料包装带加固。

Our shirts are packed in cartons, lined with water-proof paper and reinforced with plastic straps outside.


For more shares in foreign markets, packing becomes more and more important.

17. 请注意,纸板箱外面要刷上“易碎品”和“小心轻放”的标志。

Please see to it that “Fragile” and “Handle with Care” should be stenciled on the cartons.


If cartons are not placed in containers, they are likely to suffer from pilferage and theft.


2002 年4 月全国高教自考外贸函电试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20 小题,每小题1 分,共20 分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有 一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to packing.( ) A. inferior B. superior C. faulty D. mistake 2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter right away.( ) A. settle B. to settle C. settling D. settled 3. By joint efforts we can both friendship and business.( ) A. increase B .promoted C .expand D. extend 4. We you for the special offer you send us.( ) A. thank B. appreciate C. be grateful D. beindebted 5. We are looking forward to your L/C for Order No 123.( ) A .receive B. receiveing C. be received D. be receiving 6. This is our best price, which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( ) A. on B. for C. by D. at 7. As it involves only a small , we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( ) A. quality B .figure C. quantity D. number


Translations: 1.We are an exporter specializing in ceramic products. 2.Our company has a wide range of /various kinds of carpets and other textile floor coverings available for export. 3.We accept orders against/by customers’samples, specified designs, specifications and packaging requirements. 4.We have dealt in/handled import and export of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed a good fame/reputation in many countries. 5.We have learnt that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients/customers intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We would appreciate it if you could send us by separate post/airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present. 6.We avail ourselves of /take this opportunity to inform you that we wish to expand our business into African market. 7.We hope to receive your specific enquiry at an early date. 8.Samples and quotations at favorable prices will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 9.We enclosed/Enclosed please find our price list and brochure for our new products. 10.W e accept orders for goods with customer’s own trade marks


【关键词】外贸英语函电;语气 外贸英语函电是集国际贸易实务、英语写作、营销、商务谈判及应用文写作等知识为一体,是国际贸易传递信息的主要媒介之一,得到了越来越广泛的使用和重视,是贸易双方彼此相互了解、进行贸易往来的主要途径,可以说是“以笔代口谈生意”。其作为商贸英语的一个分支,具有独特的语域并影响其语言形式。一则好的外贸英语函电除了词汇、语法上准确无误外,在语气的选择与使用上也是十分讲究的,函电使用的语气反映了写信人的态度,对读信的人心理影响很大,可能会影响到交易的成功与否,因此我们在撰写外贸书信时应注意使用正确的语气。然而,在外贸英语函电课的教与学过程中却往往忽视这一点。学生所写的信函即使在词汇、语法上准确无误,却往往语气生硬,违反了交际原则,则传递的信息不为对方乐意接受,无法达到写信的目的。这个问题亟待大家的重视。 一、语气要亲切自然 外贸函电是贸易双方相互往来的途径。读信的人与写信人一样有他自己的感情,我们不得忽视他的感受,他们是在以笔代口谈生意,因而使用的语言不能生硬呆板,冷冷冰冰,显得缺乏亲切感。一则上乘的外贸书信的秘诀就是轻松自然、简单明了,好像是在谈话,亲切友善。但有些人本性热情亲切,然而写起信函就忘了自已是在以笔代口谈生意,所用的文字结构显得冷漠,缺乏热情,如常称自己为“writer”(笔者),该说“I visited yourshowroom.”却说“The writer visited yourshowroom”。殊不知籍借强调你、我或我们的亲切的文句有助于产生比较适合函电的热情友好的语气。 二、谦恭有礼、心平气和 语气委婉谦恭有礼是商场上的重要法则,接待顾客要有礼貌,函电往来也要有礼貌。利奇(Leech,1983)认为言语交际除了讲究合作原则(Cooperative Principle)外,还要讲究礼貌原则(Politeness Principle)。有礼貌的信可博得对方的好感,诸如“Please”、“Thank you”、“We have pleasure”、“We regret that”等用语,定能使对方产生好感.有助


外贸函电常用句式 1.Your enquiry is having our immediate attention and we hope to make you an acceptable offer in a few days.我们正在研究你方的询盘几天便可以给你合适的报盘 2.We thank you for your enquiry of July 6 and are sending you, under separate cover, a specimen of ….together with our price list 感谢你方关于7月6号的询盘现另寄上…的样品及价格回单。 3.Thank you for your recent enquiry ,we have a large quantity of …..in stock, and are pleased to offer them as follows.感谢你方最近的询盘,我们有大量的….的库存,欣为报盘如下。 4.With reference to your letter of ….,enquiring for …,we enclose our quotation No….for your consideration and trust you will find our prices accepted .关于你方…来函询购…..,兹附上第…..号的报价单供你方考虑,我们相信你们会认为我们的价格是可以接受的。 5.This offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply 6.本报盘以你方复到时货尚未售出的有效 7.Our best offer is given below subject to our final confirmation 8.现报最低价如下须经由我方的最后确认为有效 9.We must stress that this offer is for two days only because of the heavy demand for the limited supplies of this ….in stock.我们必须强调此报价在两天内有效,因为该…..的需求量极大但库存有限 10.This offer must be withdraw if not accepted within three days 此盘三天内不接 受就做撤销论 11.This offer is open for three days only此盘有效期仅三天 12.This offer expires on august 20 ,your immediate reply by cable will be appreciated. 13.该盘在8月20号失效请即回电 14.We wish to state that our quotations are subject to alternation without notice and to our confirmation at the time of placing your order 我们的报盘可以随时变动


浙江省2018年7月高等教育自学考试 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填 在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1. ( ) the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment from July 11th to August 12th. A. Owing to B. According to C. In order to D. So as to 2. The buyer made a bid ( ) $600 per ton for peanut meat. A. in B. at C. for D. with 3. So far we ( ) business relations with the firms in more than one hundred countries in the world. A. are established B. have established C. had established D. shall establish 4. ( ) the goods under Contract No.1986 are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C with the least possible delay. A. If B. Unless C. Although D. As 5. Under separate cover, we have already sent you samples of ( ) sizes of shoes. A. varying B. various C. variable D. variant 6. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools on ( ). A. reply B. order C. request D. call 7. We wish to ( ) that this is the best price we can quote, and therefore any counteroffer from you cannot be considered. A. point at B. point to C. point of D. point out 8. We find your price is rather on the high side. We wonder ( ) you can do better in the near future. A. if B. why C. what D. as 9. All the cases are strongly packed ____compliance _____ your request.( ) A. for...with B. in...with C. for...in D. in...for 10. Please ( ) that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay. A. see to them B. see them C. see it D. see 11. Can you offer us machine tools with the following ( ). A. informations B. messages


1.第268号合约项下的800辆自行车已备妥待运已久,但至今我们尚未收到你们的有关信用证。 The 800 bicycles under Contract 268 have been ready for shipment for a long time, but we haven’t received your covering L/C to date. 2.我们包装为每件套一塑料袋,10打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 Our packing is each in a polybag, 10 dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper and bound with tow iron straps outside. 3.运到我们口岸的货物必须在伦敦转船,因此你们的包装必须具有适航性,并能经得起运输途中的粗鲁搬运。 It is necessary to make transshipment at London for goods to be shipped to our port. Therefore, your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handling during transit. 4=9 5.兹通知268号订单名下之货已于11月30日装“东风”轮运出,有关货样已于该轮启程前航空寄给你方。 We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No.268 were shipped by the direct steamer “East Wind” on Nov.30,and the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed. 无6. 7. 第2048号订单的货物70%在11月装运,其余在12月装运。 70% of the goods under Order No. 2048 will be shipped in November, and the rest in December. 8. 由于本月没有直达轮,我方要求延长信用证有效期至5月31日。 As there is no direct steamer to your port this month, please extend the validity of L/C to May 31. 9. 我们已于十五日通过东京的中国银行给你方开出1758 号信用证。 We opened Letter of Credit No. 1758 through the Bank of China, Tokyo, on the 15th. 10.我们了解到你方市场对EVA行李箱需求强劲,随函附上第555号报价单,供你方考虑。 We understand that there is a strong demand for EVA luggage in your market. Attached is our quotation sheet No.555 for your consideration. 11. 我们对标题商品还实盘125美元,以本地时间星期三中午前答复有效。 Our counter offer for the subject goods is USD125, subject to your reply reaching here before 12:00 Wednesday our time. (valid until Wednesday our time). 12. 因制造厂接到订货太多,我们只能答应三月份装船都已售完。 As our manufacturers are heavily committed, we can only undertake March shipment. 13. 为了今后的业务,我方同意不用即期信用证,而改用即期付款交单方式。 With an eye to our future business, we’ll agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight. 14. 为了节省开立信用证的大量费用,我们将在货物已备妥待运且舱位已订下时,电汇全部金额。 In order to save a lot of expenses on opening the letter of credit, we will remit you the full amount by T/T when the goods are ready for shipment and the freight space is booked. 15. 由于所订货物已备妥待运,请即开信用证,我方一收到信用证,立即装运。 As the goods ordered are ready for shipment, please open the L/C ASAP. We will effect shipment upon receipt of L/C. 16. 由于规定的装运期就要到了,请按要求尽快修改信用证,以便我方能按时装运。 As the prescribed time of shipment is approaching, please amend the L/C so that we can make


外贸函电词汇 UNIT ONE 1 ESP: English for Specific/Special Purposes 专门用途英语 2 BE: Business English 商务英语 3 Correspondence for Import & Export 进出口函电 4 Good quality stationery 优质信笺信纸 5 Neat typing 整洁 6 Even spacing 间隔匀称 7 Short paragraphs 段落精短 8 Correct Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation 语法、拼写、标点正确UNIT TWO INQUIRIES 1 potential business 潜在业务 2 prospective customer 潜在顾客 3 customers of long standing 长期顾客 4 potential supplier 潜在供应商 5 trade fair 贸易博览会 6 the latest issue of 最新一期… 7 integrated software package 完整软件包 8 substantial order 大宗订单 9 quantity discount 数量折扣 10 cash discount 现金折扣 11 list price 标价、目录价格 12 export terms 出口条件

13 pictured/illustrated catalog 带插图的商品目录 14 article number / Art. No. 货号 15 bulk buyer 大买户 16 business concern 商行 17 business relations / relationship 业务关系 18 business status 业务状况 19 commercial counselor 商务参赞 20 commercial counselor's office 商务参赞处 21 means of packing 包装方法 22 parent company 母公司 23 sales literature 促销资料 24 trading association 贸易关系 25 trade journal 行业刊物 26 firm offer 实盘 27 non-firm offer: offer without engagement 虚盘 28 trade discount 同业/批发折扣 29 bill of exchange (bill / draft; B/E)汇票 30 documents against payment: D/P 付款交单 31 shipping documents 装运单据 32 line of business 业务/经营范围 33 specific inquiry 具体询价 UNIT THREE REPLIES AND QUOTATIONS 1 regular customer 老顾客


Warm-up exercises Warm-up exercises One 1.我们无意催促你们作出决定,为你方利益着想,建议你们尽快利用此次报盘We have no intention of urging you to make the decision, thinking about for the interests of you, advise you to utilize this offer as soon as possible 2.将我们的报价与其他公司比较后,相信你们会赞同我们所提供的商品价廉物美。 After comparing our quotation with other companies, it is believed that it is good and cheap that you will agree to the goods that we offer. 3.我方欣然接受你们A103号订单订购1,000件“英雄”牌男式衬衣,请按合同规定的条款开立以我方受益人的即期信用证。 We accept your order No. A103 and order 1,000 " hero " brand shirts in men's style joyfully, the clause that please stipulate according to the contract is opened with our beneficiary's sight letter of credit. 4.依照随函附上的详细情况,我们向贵公司订购中国面料。请注意,货物必须与样品完全相符。如果第一份试购单令人满意,我们将继续大量订购。According with the details enclosed, we purchase the Chinese surface fabric from your company. Please note, the goods must be in full conformity with the samples. If the first trial order is satisfactory, we will continue ordering in a large amount. 5.抱歉,不能接受你们的还盘,因我衬衣的报价与当前市场价格相符。 I am sorry, can't accept your counter offer, because the quotation of my shirt is in conformity with market price at present. Warm-up exercises TWO 1.要求定购我们产品的人越来越多。The demand for our products has kept rising. 2.这些报价比其他任何地方都要低得多。 They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere. 3.我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。 I"d like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country. 4.我们相信双方都有一个光明的前景。We are sure both of us have a brighter future. 5.我们的对外贸易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有无为基础的。 Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. Warm-up exercises 3 我认为你推销时不会有任何困难。I don"t think you"ll have any difficulty in pushing sales. 一般你们报盘的有效期是多长?How long will your offer hold good?


一、外贸函电的写作要领:completeness(完整)、concreteness(具体)、clarity(清楚)、conciseness(简洁)、courtesy (礼貌)、consideration(体谅)以及correctness(正确)。 二、信息可以分为四大类:肯定信息(positive message)、中性信息(neutral message)、否定信息(negative message, 也称负面信息)和说服信息(persuasive message). 三、布局可以分为平铺直叙法(Direct Plan or Approach)和曲折迂回法(Indirect Plan or Indirect Approach)。 四、书信的组成部分 (必备部分)(可选部分) 1.信头(The Heading)8、事由( The Subject Heading Or Caption) 2.日期(Date Line)9、经办人(Attention line) 3.封内地址(The Inside Address)10、附件(The Enclosure)简写Encl. or Enc. 4.称呼(The Salutation)11、抄送(Carbon Copy)简写C.C. 5.信的正文(The Body of the Letter)12、再启(The Postscript)简写P.S. 6.结束语(The Complimentary Close) 7.签名(The Signature) 五、打信格式 1.缩行式:封内地址和其需要分行的地址的后一行,都比前一行缩进两格或三格;信的正文,每一段的开始一 行都缩进若干格(一般与称呼末一字母取齐)。 2.平头式:需要分段的地方,及每段的开始一行都与前一行取齐,一律不缩行。平头式各段之间要用double space 以示分段。 3.混合式:封内地址和称呼采用平头式(从左边的空白边缘打起),其他部分采用缩行式,两种格式的混合采 用所以称之为混合式。 八、撰写询函的理由通常包括: (1)获取信息(如价格和技术数据) (2)获得印刷品(如商品目录本、说明书、公司介绍等) (3)索取样品 (4)取得帮助(如得到特别允许,帮助或建议等) 九、询函的回复分几种情况,有肯定的答复,有否定的答复,也有部分肯定、部分否定的答复。如果答复是肯定的,则采用平铺直叙的结构,答复开门见山,先说最紧要的。如果答复是否定的,或者是部分肯定,部分否定,回复九要采用曲折迂回的布局。在部分否定的答复中,肯定的那一部分内容正好可以充当缓冲垫。 十、报盘(Offer)又称发盘。卖方的Offer称为Selling Offer,Offer to sell。买方的Offer,称为Buying Offer,Offer to buy 或Bid。 十一、报盘有实盘(Firm Offer)和虚盘(Non-firm Offer)两种形式。实盘又称“不可撤销的发盘”,指由发盘人向受盘人提出完整、明确、肯定的交易条件,并愿在一定期限内按所提条件与受盘人达成交易的一种肯定表示。 虚盘是卖方所作的非承诺性表示。往往附有保留条件,买方接受后卖方仍然可以改变注意。 报盘属于中性信息,布局采用平铺直叙法。 We are now ___c____ your inquiry of October 12th。 a. on receipt of b. upon receipt of c. in receipt of d. in reception of I want to acquaint myself ____b__ the supply position of steel products. a. of b. with c. for d. about Our new low-cost solutions may be ____d_____ particular interest to you. a. in b. with c. for d. of ___c___ we would like to close the business with you , we find your bid unacceptable. a. Much b. However much c. Much as d. Despite ___a___ your counteroffer, we regret that we can’t accept it . a. As regards b. In regards to c. With regards d.In regards

函电句子翻译 中--英

外贸函电句子翻译(中→英)(共220题) 1.兹介绍,本公司是一家人造珠宝(imitation jewelry)的出口公司,在这一行已有多年经验。 2.你们上周写给总部(the headquarter)的信已转交给我们公司,因该产品属我们经营。 3.我们可供出口的轻工产品(light industrial products)种类繁多。 4.很高兴收到你方内附插图目录的来信。 5.我们盼望收到你们对于我们产品的具体要求。 6.我们是一家信誉良好的私人公司(private company),非常希望与你们建立贸易关系。 7.经理简单地给我介绍了一下Johnson公司的情况,他们有可能成为我们的客户。 8.为了让你们对表格中的产品有个大体了解,特随附小册子及最新的价格单各一份。 9.当出口值超过进口值,被称为贸易顺差。 10.我们的产品质量(quality)上乘,价格优惠。 11.贵公司已由中国国际贸易促进委员会推荐给我们。 12.供过于求时,价格就会走低。 13.经当地商会推荐,特致函贵方,希望建立贸易关系。 14.从你方寄来的最新目录中,我们注意到你们能大量供应玉米。 15.寄来的茶杯样品上,都装饰有卡通人物(cartoon figures)。 16.目前可供出口的商品在目录中都有插图说明。 17.一俟收到你方答复,即航寄样品及小册子。 18.请注意目录中第A-228和A-315两种货,目前供应短缺。 19.为避免耽误时间,请将信直接寄给我们在新泽西(New Jersey)的分公司。 20.我们等待着你们的样品。 21. 如能在规定的时间内履行订单,不胜感激。 22. 请随时告诉我们你处花生市场的变化情况。 23. 我们向你方保证,所有关于该公司资信情况的资料都将严格保密,并且你们不承担任何责任。


M/Ts 公吨(Metric Ton) D/A 承兑交单(Days after Acceptance) D/P 付款交单(Document against Payment)L/C 信用状(letter of credit) L/G 银行保证书 T/T 电汇. D/D 票汇 B/L 海运提单Bill of Lading 提单INCOTERMS 国际贸易术语解释通则 CIF 到岸价(Cost Insurance and Freight)CFR 成本加运费 FOB 装运港船上交货 FCA 货交承运人 ICC 协会货物条款 CIP 运费、保险费付至 ETA 预计到港时间 CIC. 中国人民保险海洋运输货物保险条款FPA 平安险(Free From Particular Average) breakage 破碎险 W.P.A and War Risk 水渍险和战争险Packing List 包装清单 Inspection Certificate 检验证书 Insurance Policy and Clean 保险单和清洁On Board B/L 已装船的提单 freight prepaid 运费预付 after sight 见票后 draft at sight 即期汇票

shipping advice 装运通知EMP 欧洲主要港口 1. Chamber of commerce商会 2. Quotation报盘 3. Counter-offer还盘 4. Customs invoice海关发票 5. Open account terms赊帐方式 6. Certificate of origin原产地证 7. Import quotas system进口配额制 8. Bill of exchange汇票 9. Promissory note本票 10. Confirmed L/C保兑信用证 1. Quantity Discount数量折扣 2. Proforma Invoice形式发票 3. Non-Tariff Barriers非关税壁垒 4. Sales Contract销售合同 5. Documentary Bill跟单汇票 6. Sight Draft即期汇票 7. Irrevocable L/C不可撤消信用证 8. On Board B/L已装船提单 9. More or Less Clause溢短装条款 10. Insurance Policy保险单 1. Cash Discount现金折扣 2. Commercial Invoice商业发票 3. Import Licence System进口许可证制


Unit 1 Business Letter Writing 商业书信撰写 1.The Salutation 称呼 这是写信人对收信人的一种称呼,其位置是在封内地址的下面空两行,目前外贸书信中一般通用的称呼语有:Dear sir , Dear Madam, Dear Sirs,Dear Mesdames, Gentlemen(不能用单数),Dear Mr.xxx https://www.doczj.com/doc/c74683838.html,plimentary Close 结束客套语 结束语是一种客套用语它应与前面的称呼相呼应,后面加逗号。如: Dear Sir(s): Yours faithfully,or Faithfully yours, Gentlemen: Truly yours,or Yours truly, Dear Mr.xx, Yours sincerely or Sincerely yours, 3.Enclosure 附件 如信中有附件时,应在签名下注明Encl.或Enc.如附件不止一件应注明2 Encls or 3 Encls,或详细列明如下: Encls: 2 Invoices Enc: 1 Photo 1 Certificate 4.

5. 6. Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系1.说明信息来源(The source of information) Your company has been kindly introduced to us by… we learn from…that… 简单介绍自己公司(brief introduction to your own company ) We wish to introduce ourselves to you as… Our lines are mainly …


全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试外贸函 电试题 全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试外贸函电试题 湖北自考网8月20日整理 课程代码:00094 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. We __________ your quoting us your competitive prices on a CIF basis for the following. A. appreciate B. are appreciated C. appreciate it D. will be appreciated 2. Under the __________, it is impossible to decline our price again. A. circumstance B. circumstances C. case D. cases 3. Please see to __________ that goods should be delivered in 3 equal lots. A. us B. it C. the L/C D. them

4. We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still __________. A. owned B. owning C. standing D. outstanding 5. Marketing is __________, we have received a crowd of enquires from our customers. A. declining B. advancing C. weak D. going 6. Through our joint efforts, we have successfully concluded a __________ with your company. A. business B. order C. trade D. deal 7. The __________ creates a power of acceptance, permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation. A. free offer B. firm offer C. non-firm offer D. offeree 8. Our __________ catalogue and price list are sent together with the letter for your reference. A. illustrated B. illustrating C. be illustrated D. that illustrated 9. The stipulations in the relevant L/C should strictly


外贸函电非常有用的英语句子 1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that...... 兹欣告你方...... 2)We have the pleasure of informing you that...... 兹欣告你方..... 3)We are pleased (glad) to inform you that...... 兹欣告你方...... 4)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have (the) pleasure in informing you that...... 续谈我方昨日函, 现告你方...... 5)We confirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that...... 我方确认近来双方往来电报/传真,并欣告...... 6)We confirm cables exchanged as per copies (cable confirmation) herewith attached. 我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本. 7)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in .....business, and would like to establish business relationship with us. 我方从...公司获悉,你方对...业务感兴趣且颇有经验,意欲与我方建立业务关系. 8)Although no communication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business.

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