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I( Vocabulary and Structure(40points,1*40)

Part 1

Directions: Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter.

1. “The giant was bit” is a tautological statement, to say the least.

A tight

B redundant

C illogical

D relative

2. There is an embargo on any more video games coming into the house.

A landing place

B prohibition

C violation

D permission

3. Youngsters are usually more impetuous than old people .

A impatient

B immature

C impulsive

D imperial

4. Unfortunately, I’ll spend the weekend doing a bunch of prosaic chores.

A dull

B practical

C trivial

D rhyming

5. The crowd at t he town meeting found the mayor’s assurance too


A sarcastic

B flashy

C malicious

D readily fluent

6. Gazing at the crystalline lake, I decided it was too beautiful to swim in.

A breakable

B futuristic

C delicate

D sparkling

7. We cannot vacillate on the question of the party’s leadership.

A lead

B doubt

C check

D repeat

8.It is more difficult for a chronic smoker to give up the habit than for a novice, but it can be done.

A affluent

B confirmed

C disciplined

D indecisive

9. They were furious when one of their best managers was poached by another company

A headhunted

B punched

C plundered

D probed

10. The ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were unreadable.

A indelible

B inscrutable

C illegible

D illegitimate

11. She bristled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest.

bridled B bridged C breathed D boasted A

12. Investors should study a prospectus before putting money into a big company.

A positive outlook

B banking agreement

C profit-and-loss statement

D formal business document

13 .The real hero is never ostentatious.

A frivolous

B pretentious

C presumptuous

D ponderous

14. If you have never held a driving license before, you should apply for a provisional license.

A providential

B temporary

C provincial

D improvised

15. John Smith is a voracious book collector.

A vicious

B luxurious

C insatiable

D valuable

16. I don’t think we should make precipitate decisions.

A precipitous

B precocious

C precarious

D precautious

17. You need an excursion to break the monotony.

A gaunt

B jaunt

C vaunt

D taunt

18. The government appears in a quandary about what to do with so

many people.

A border

B marshy ground

C dilemma

D situation

19. It was an auspicious beginning to her career as an author.

A unexpected

B interesting

C favorable

D doubtful

20. The governor was usually circumspect when dealing with the media.

A skilled

B cautious

C impatient

D obedient

Part 2

Directions: Choose one from the four alternatives that best

completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter.

21. The children were having a wonderful time _____ on the frozen lake.

A slipping

B slithering

C skidding

D sliding

22. The campers ______ their tent in a sheltered valley.

A established

B installed

C pitched

D fixed

23. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning. Whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on _____ .

A response

B impulse

C instinct

D consciousness

24. The cultural traditions of the invaders slowly ______ the practices of the island dwellers.

A spread

B perpetuated

C permeated

D reinforced

25. He had always had a good opinion of himself, but after the publication of his bestselling novel he became unbearable _____ .

A bigoted

B proud

C conceited

D exaggerated

26. This is the _____ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

A actual

B real

C original

D genuine

27. Although ____, new deposits of oil will be found, sooner or later, the world’s

supply will be exhausted.

A in all likelihood

B in all possibility

C in all circumstances

D in all conditions

28. I should like to rent a house, comfortable and ___ in a quiet position.

A before all

B above all

C first of all

D over all

29. He came to inspect the house ___ buying it.

A in the event of

B with a view to

C in case of

D with regard to

30. Let’s not ____ over such a trifle!

A fall through

B fall off

C fall out

D fall back

31. He is a clever mimic who can take ____ most of the lectures in this college.

A over

B down

C off

D for

32. He tried for forgery in a law court but was lucky enough to

_____ .

A get on

B get off

C get through

D get out

33. The captain turned ____ early that night, not realizing that the icebergs were so close

A in

B down

C into


34. You promised you would do it. Why did you go ____ on your word?

A back

B away

C over

D by

35. The numerals have become, _____ , his friends, and he knows all their relations and acquaintances.

A as it is

B as it was

C as it were

D as they are

36. A safety analysis _____ the target as a potential danger.

Unfortunately, it was never done.

A would identify

B will identify

C would have identified

D will have identified

37. Jennifer took this opportunity to repay her friends for

their kindness ____ , she would have had to entertain them in her small apartment in Charlotte town.

A Otherwise

B However

C But

D Nevertheless

38. The window is never opened ____ in summer.

A but

B except

C when

D while

39. Generally, prompt cooling and proper refrigeration of foods can hold ____ bacteria in foods to a safe level.

A a number of

B the number of

C an amount of

D a quantity of

40. Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of

Afro-American poetry is his insistence that is ____ in religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.

evidence that huge thunderstorms are occurring about the equator of the planet.

III. Cloze (10 points, 1*10)

Directions: Fill in each underlined space with one word that best suits the context of the following passage.

Today it is out of fashion to speak in ___61______ of characters.

But there is no more essential aspect of any person.

Character is made up of those principles and values that give your

__62___ direction, meaning and depth. These constitute your inner sense of ___63_____ is right and wrong based not on laws or rules of conduct ___64____ on who you are. They include ___65____ traits as integrity, honesty, courage, fairness and generosity ------ which arise ___66______ the hard choice we have to _67___ in life. So wrong is simply in doing wrong, not in getting caught.

___68____ some people wonder if our inner values __69_____ anymore. After all, hasn’t our noted bank executive succeeded in every visible way ___70____ his transgressions( 错误,过失)。

VI. Translation from Chinese into English (30 points)















V . Translation from English into Chinese. (30 points)

It used to be said that English people take their pleasures sadly.

No doubt this would still be true if they had any pleasures to take, but the price of alcohol and tobacco in my country has provided sufficient external causes for melancholy. I have sometimes thought that the habit of taking pleasures sadly has crossed the Atlantic, and I have wondered what it is that makes so many English – speaking people somber in their outlook in spite of good health and a good income.

In the course of my travels in America I have been impressed by a

kind of fundamental malaise which seems to me extremely common and which poses difficult problems for the social reformer. Most social reformers have held the opinion that, if poverty were abolished and there were no more economic insecurity, the millennium would have arrived. But when I look at the faces of people in opulent cars, whether in your country or

in mine. I do not see that look of radiant happiness which the aforesaid social reformers had led me to expect. In nine cases out of ten. I see instead a look of boredom and discontent and an almost frantic longing

for something that might tickle the jaded (腻烦的)palate.

But it is not only the very rich who suffer in this way.

Professional men very frequently feel hopelessly thwarted. There is something that they long to do or some public object that they long to work for. But if they were to indulge their wishes in these respects, they fear that they would lose their livelihood. Their wives are equally

unsatisfied, for their neighbor, Mrs. So-and-So, has gone ahead more quickly, has a better car , a larger apartment and grander friends.

Life for almost everybody is a long competitive struggle where very few can win the race and those who do not win are unhappy. On social occasions

when it is de rigueur(按照礼节时尚所要求的)to seem cheerful the necessary

demeanor is stimulated by alcohol. But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who had just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose (泪流满面的) melancholy.

One finds this sort of thing only among English speaking people. A Frenchman while he is abusing Government is as gay as a lark. So is

an Italian while he is telling how his neighbor has swindled him. Mexicans, when they are not actually starving or actually being murdered, sing and dance and enjoy sunshine and food and drink with a gusto which Is very rare north of the Mexican frontier. When Andrew Jackson conquered Pensacola from the Spaniards, his wife looked out of the widow and saw the population enjoying itself although it was Sunday. She pointed out the scandal to her

husband, who decreed that cheerfulness must cease forthwith And it did.

When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are

two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. The one that goes least deep is the necessity for

)in some large organization. If you are an energetic man with subservience (服从

strong views as to the right way of doing the job with which you are concerned, you find yourself invariably under the orders of some man at the top who is elderly, weary and cynical. Whenever you have bright idea, the boss puts a stopper on it. The more energetic you are and the more vision you have, the more you will suffer from the impossibility of

doing any of the things that you feel ought to be done. When you go home and moan to your wife, she tells you that you are a silly fellow and

that if you became the proper sort of yes-man your income would soon be doubled. If you try divorce and remarriage it is very unlikely that

there will be any change in this respect. And so you are condemned to gastric ulcers (胃溃疡) and premature old age.

VI. Writing (20 points)

Directions: Write an expository composition of no less than 200

words on the topic

“My View on a Balanced Personal Development”


1. B


3. C

4. A

5. D

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. A 10. C

11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. B

21. C 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. B

31. B 32. B 33. A 34. A 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. C

41. B 42. A 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. B 49. A 50. B

51. A 52. C 53. A 54. D 55. B 56. A 57. B 58. C 59. D 60.B















2019年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语一真题及答案 Section ⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones. 1 of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone. But phones 2 on batteries, and batteries can die faster than we realize. 3 you get lost without a phone or a compass, and you 4 can’t find north, a few tricks to help you navigate 5 to civilization, one of which is to follow the land... When you find yourself well 6 a trail, but not in a completely 7 area, you have to answer two questions: Which 8 is downhill, in this particular area? And where is the nearest water source? Humans overwhelmingly live in valleys, and on supplies of fresh water. 9 , if you head downhill, and follow any H2O you find, you should 10 see signs of people. If you’ve explored the area before, keep an eye out for familiar sights—you may be 11 how quickly identifying a distinctive rock or tree can restore your bearings. Another 12 : Climb high and look for signs of human habitation. 13 , even in dense forest, you should be able to 14 gaps in the tree line due to roads, train tracks, and other paths people carve 15 the woods. Head toward these 16 to find a way out. At night, scan the horizon for 17 light sources, such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution. 18 , assuming you’re lost in an area humans tend to frequent, look for the 19 we leave on the landscape. Trail blazes, tire tracks, and other features can 20 you to civilization.


2018年北航数学专业考研(0701)考试科目、招生人数、参考书目、 复习指导 一、招生信息 所属学院:数学与系统科学学院 招生人数:53 所属门类代码、名称:理学[07] 所属一级学科代码、名称:数学[0701] 二、研究方向: 01 代数学及其应用 02 复分析及其应用 03 泛函分析及其应用 04 偏微分方程及其应用 05 微分方程与动力系统 06 信息数学与科学计算 07 概率与数理统计 08 运筹学与控制论 三、初试考试科目: ①101思想政治理论 ②201英语一 ③609数学专业基础 ④891数学专业综合 四、参考书目 《高等代数》第三版高等教育出版社北京大学数学系编 《数学分析》(上册、下册) 高等教育出版社陈纪修等

五、复习指导 1、参考书的阅读方法 (1)目录法:先通读各本参考书的目录,对于知识体系有着初步了解,了解书的内在逻辑结构,然后再去深入研读书的内容。 (2)体系法:为自己所学的知识建立起框架,否则知识内容浩繁,容易遗忘,最好能够闭上眼睛的时候,眼前出现完整的知识体系。 (3)问题法:将自己所学的知识总结成问题写出来,每章的主标题和副标题都是很好的出题素材。尽可能把所有的知识要点都能够整理成问题。 2、学习笔记的整理方法 (1)第一遍学习教材的时候,做笔记主要是归纳主要内容,最好可以整理出知识框架记到笔记本上,同时记下重要知识点,如假设条件,公式,结论,缺陷等。记笔记的过程可以强迫自己对所学内容进行整理,并用自己的语言表达出来,有效地加深印象。第一遍学习记笔记的工作量较大可能影响复习进度,但是切记第一遍学习要夯实基础,不能一味地追求速度。第一遍要以稳、细为主,而记笔记能够帮助考生有效地达到以上两个要求。并且在后期逐步脱离教材以后,笔记是一个很方便携带的知识宝典,可以方便随时查阅相关的知识点。 (2)第一遍的学习笔记和书本知识比较相近,且以基本知识点为主。第二遍学习的时候可以结合第一遍的笔记查漏补缺,记下自己生疏的或者是任何觉得重要的知识点。再到后期做题的时候注意记下典型题目和错题。 (3)做笔记要注意分类和编排,便于查询。可以在不同的阶段使用大小合适的不同的笔记本。也可以使用统一的笔记本但是要注意各项内容不要混杂在以前,不利于以后的查阅。同时注意编好页码等序号。另外注意每隔一定时间对于在此期间自己所做的笔记进行相应的复印备份,以防原件丢失。统一的参考书书店可以买到,但是笔记是独一无二的,笔记是整个复习过程的心血所得,一定要好好保管。


1.These figures boil down to no significance as they are statistically imperfect. A amount to B conform to C contribute to D attach to 2.The researchers are working hard to find the optimal concentration of this drug. A most poisonous B most likely C most famous D most desirable 3.This young lawyer dares to take on the powerful on behalf of the poor and weak. A with the favor of B find good jobs for C assume the responsibility for D accept the challenge of 4.The last traces of respectability had vanished by the time he was convicted and imprisoned. A collapsed B disappeared C perished D scattered 5.Fearful of losing her job for good, this lady decided to talk to the manager directly. A for benefits B by luck C for ever D at hand. 6.An important innovation in this college was the introduction of the seminary method for advanced students. A idea B change C matter D policy 7.This archaeologist made a study of the vast area through which the Roman civilization has been propagated. A extended B terminated C speculated D restricted 8.The investor would suffer a lot from a television series that was heavily invested in but never came off. A was released B proved satisfactory C failed completely D won awards 9.Given the gravity of the situation, the best thing we can do is to declare the company bankrupt. A gravitation B fascination C seriousness D incurability 10.When the symptom occurs, she finds it difficult to manipulate a pencil despite her young age. A utilize B handle C master D dominate Section B : Directions: There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B , C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 11.The country once threatened to ___ diplomatic relations with its neighbor if the latter was too friendly to the rebels. A show off B keep off C break off D call off 12.In English leaning, a ___ circle occurs when a student makes more errors after being scolded. A vicious B vigorous C vertical D voluntary 13.Some ancient people were able to tell the time by the shadow ___by the sun on the slate. A thrown B flung C cast D tossed(upward) https://www.doczj.com/doc/c46482093.html,petition compels districts to devote their limited resources to achieving results that compare ___ with other local districts. A significantly B favorably C dramatically D superficially 15.If you don’t know how to ___ your achievements, your parting from this world is going to be a nightmar e. A take hold of B get rid of C let go of D make fun of 16.This country could have as many as 10 million cases of AIDS in 2010 if the ____ is not taken seriously. A episode B epidemic C equivalent D eruption 17.With a wide variety of fresh fruit ___available, canner fruit is no longer so popular as before. A willingly B appropriately C confidently D readily =easily 18.The crisis over parliamentary election illustrated the unpredictable ____that events could take once the coalition troops are withdrawn. A process B line C way D course 19.Decades of ___ might have been partially responsible for our ignorance of development abroad. A insulation B irrigation C integration D isolation 20.There have been some insensible people who attempt to end their pains ____ through suicide. A by and large B once for all =forever C heart and soul D on the whole Part II. Cloze Directions: There are 10 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrases marked A, B, C and D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet. There is now a new keychain device that lets people turn off most TVs anywhere---- from airports to restaurants. And it is selling faster than 21 . “I thought there would just be a few sales, but we can’t 22 demand,” said inventor Mitch


全国硕士研究生入学考试英语(一)试题_附答案 Section ⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D]on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices became an important issue recently. The court cannot__1___ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law___2___ justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that__3___ the court’s reputation for being independent and impartia l. Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito Jr., for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be__4__ as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not ___5__ by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself____6___ to the code of conduct that __7____to the rest of the federal judiciary. This and other cases ___8___the question of whether there is still a ___9__ between the court and politics. The framers of the Constitution envisioned law__10__ having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions __11__ they would be free to __12__those in power and have no need to__13___ political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely __14___. Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social ___15___like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it __16___is inescapably political —which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily ___17__ as unjust. The justices must __18___doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making


北京航空航天大学2005年硕士研究生入学考试基础英语试题 考生注意:所有答题务必写在考场提供的答题纸上,写在本试题单上的答题一律无效(本题单不参与阅卷)。 I. Vocabulary and Structure(40points,1*40) Part 1 Directions: Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter. 1. “The giant was bit” is a tautological statement, to say the least. A. tight B. redundant C. illogical D. relative 2. There is an embargo on any more video games coming into the house. A. landing place B. prohibition C. violation D. permission 3. Youngsters are usually more impetuous than old people. A. impatient B. immature C. impulsive D. imperial 4. U nfortunately, I’ll spend the weekend doing a bunch of prosaic chores. A .dull B. practical C. trivial D. rhyming 5. The crowd at the town meeting found the mayor’s assurance too glib. A. sarcastic B. flashy C. malicious D. readily fluent 6. Gazing at the crystalline lake, I decided it was too beautiful to swim in. A. breakable B. futuristic C. delicate D. sparkling 7. We cannot vacillate on the question of the party’s leadership. A. lead B. doubt C. check D. repeat 8. It is more difficult for a chronic smoker to give up the habit than for a novice, but it can be done. A. affluent B. confirmed C. disciplined D. indecisive 9. They were furious when one of their best managers was poached by another company A. headhunted B. punched C. plundered D. probed 10. The ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were unreadable. A. indelible B. inscrutable C. illegible D. illegitimate 11. She bristled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest. A. bridled B. bridged C. breathed D. boasted 12. Investors should study a prospectus before putting money into a big company. A. positive outlook B. banking agreement C. profit-and-loss statement D. formal business document 13 .The real hero is never ostentatious. A. frivolous B. pretentious C. presumptuous D. ponderous 14. If you have never held a driving license before, you should apply for a provisional license. A. providential B. temporary C. provincial D. improvised 15. John Smith is a voracious book collector. A. vicious B. luxurious C. insatiable D. valuable 16. I don’t think we should make precipitate decisions. A .precipitous B. precocious C. precarious D. precautious 17. You need an excursion to break the monotony. A. gaunt B. jaunt C. vaunt D. taunt 18. The government appears in a quandary about what to do with so many people. A. border B. marshy ground C. dilemma D. situation 19. It was an auspicious beginning to her career as an author. A. unexpected B. interesting C. favorable D. doubtful


福州大学博士研究生入学考试 英语考试大纲 一、考查目标 本考试重点考查考生的英语语言知识和语言技能(本考试属水平考试,不 指定任何参考书)。具体要求如下: 1.词汇 要求考生掌握约 5000 个英语词汇和约 500 个常用词组。此外,还应掌握词汇间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生成的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等。 2.语法 要求考生熟练掌握英语的基本语法知识、常用句型和结构,能正确理解包含这些知识、句型和结构的句子和语篇,并能在实践中准确、自如地运用这些知识。 3.阅读 要求考生能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能熟练地阅读和理解一般性题材的文章、科技文章及应用性形式的阅读材料。要求能理解主旨大意,读懂细节,能理解上下文的逻辑关系,并领会作者或话语参与各方的主要意图和态度及其异同等。 4.语篇完形处理 在理解阅读材料的基础上能综合运用词汇、语法、搭配、语段、篇章逻辑 等方面的知识和上下文等对语篇各层次的信息进行正确判断和完形处理。 5.翻译 (1)英译汉 要求考生能在 30 分钟内把一篇 150 词左右的一般性题材的英语短文或科学常识性文章中的段落译成汉语,能准确表达原文的意思,语句通顺,用词正确,无较大的语言错误。 (2)汉译英 要求考生能在 30 分钟内把一篇 150 字左右的一般性题材的汉语短文或科学常识性文章中的段落译成英语。要求译文忠实于原文,译文达意,符合英语表达习惯,无较大的语言错误。 6.写作 要求考生能根据命题或图表等在 30 分钟内写出一篇 200 字以上的短文,或根据所给文章(中文或英文)要求写出 200 字以上的英文摘要。写作部分的考查目标是测试考生用英语书面表达思想和见解的能力。所写文章应切合主题,能正确表达思想,意义连贯,无较大的语言错误。


2001年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section II Cloze Test Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points) The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases 31the trial of Rosemary West. In a significant 32of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a 33bill that will propose making payments to witnesses 34and will strictly control the amount of 35that can be given to a case 36 a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons Media Select Committee, Lord Irvine said he 37with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not 38 sufficient control. 39of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a 40of media protest when he said the 41of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges 42 to Parliament. The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which 43the European Convention on Human Rights legally 44in Britain, laid down that everybody was 45to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families. “Press freedoms will be in safe hands 46our British judges,” he said. Witness payments became an 47after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995. Up to 19 witnesses were 48to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised 49witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to 50 guilty verdicts. 31. [A] as to [B] for instance [C] in particular [D] such as 32. [A] tightening [B] intensifying [C] focusing [D] fastening

2019年北京航天航空大学翻译硕士英语笔译mti考研真题分享 经验贴

北京航空航天大学英语翻译硕士考研 by育明教育506马老师 推荐复习参考书: 汉语写作与百科 《实用汉语语法与修辞》,杨月蓉,西南师范大学出版社1999 《中国文化读本》,叶朗,北京外语教学与研究出版社2008 《自然科学史十二讲》,卢晓江,北京中国轻工业出版社2007 《中国文学与中国文化知识应试指南》,林青松,东南大学出版社2005年版《公文写作》,白延庆,对外经贸大学出版社2004年4月 《汉语写作与百科知识》,首都师范大学,;李国正。2018年版 翻译硕士英语 《英语专业考研基础英语高分突破》,吴中东,世界图书出版社 《英语专业考研名校全真试卷——基础英语(全新精华版)》,张光明 《名校全真试卷(基础英语)》,郭棲庆 《英语笔译综合能力2级》,外文出版社 英语翻译基础 《当代西方翻译理论探索》,廖七一 《翻译学词典》,中英两版,Mark&Moira原著,谭载喜译著 《西方翻译理论流派研究》,李文革

《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》,叶子南,清华大学出版社 《英汉翻译教程(修订本)》,张培基 录取分数线: 北航翻译硕士一直以来是比较热门的考研专业之一,总体来说,北航翻译硕士招生量大,考试难度也不算太高。每年都有大量二本三本的学生考取,其中,北航翻译硕士的考生中94%是跨专业考生,在录取的学生中,基本都是跨专业考的。但是北航的报录比大约在1:7左右,近两年的难度是一直在上升,其中典型的就是添加了文言文翻译。2018年北航招收人数为24,历年都在50人左右,北航每年招生统考人数不断递减,推免人数不断增加,非全日制(在职研究生)扩招,2017年非全日制招收计划数150人,所以在以后的考研选择问题上非全日制也是一个大的突破口,而且各个高校都在不断地增加非全日制科目,日后非全日制必定是一大趋势! 在考研复试的时候,老师更看重跨专业学生的能力,而不是本科背景。其次,翻译硕士考试科目里,百科,翻译及基础本身知识点难度并不大,跨专业的学生完全能够学得懂。即使本科学翻译的同学,专业课也不见得比你强多少(大学学的内容本身就非常浅)。所以记住重要的不是你之前学得如何,而是从决定考研起就要抓紧时间完成自己的计划,下定决心,就全身心投入,要相信付出总会有回报。 复试形式和内容: 考核内容包括思想政治及综合素质、外语基础、双语互译、相关专业知识与能力。 复试形式为面试,包括三个环节:自我陈述、考生-考官交谈、回答问题,每个环节各满分100分。 每生面试时间20分钟。复试总成绩为三个环节成绩之和,满分300分。思想政治及综合素质考核不计入总分,但作为面试重要参考依据,不合格者不予拟录取。 录取办法: 1. 复试成绩与初试成绩相加,得出考生总成绩,根据各类型、各专业拟录取名额从高分到低分顺序拟录取;


大型飞机高级人才培养班 航空工程全日制工程硕士研究生培养方案 一、适用类别或领域 航空工程(085232) 二、培养目标 材料工程、电子与通信工程、控制工程、航空工程领域全日制工程硕士 (以下简称航空工程等领域全日制工程硕士)是与以上各工程领域任职资格相联系的专业学位,主要为国民经济和国防建设等领域培养应用型、复合型高层次工程技术和工程管理人才。大飞机班旨在探索一条“以国家大型项目人才需求为索引,培养具有献身精神、团结协作精神、开拓创新精神的设计型和复合型人才”的研究生培养新模式,是北航研究生培养体系的一部分。 航空工程等领域全日制工程硕士培养的基本要求是: 1、坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国、遵纪守法、品行端正、诚实守信、身心健康,具有良好的科研道德和敬业精神。 2、在本领域掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识,有较宽的知识面和较强的自立能力,具有大飞机设计、制造、运营、管理等领域需求的创造能力和工程实践能力。 3、掌握一门外国语。 三、培养模式及学习年限 1.航空工程等领域全日制工程硕士研究生培养实行导师负责制,或以导师为主的指导小组制,负责制订硕士研究生个人培养计划,选课、组织开题报告、论文中期检查、指导科学研究和学位论文,并与中国商飞、第一飞机设计研究院、西飞公司等航空企业联合培养,实行导师组指导。 2.硕士研究生一般用1学年完成课程学习,课程学习实行学分制,具体学习、考核及管理工作执行《北京航空航天大学研究生院关于研究生课程学习管理规定》。 3.专业实习是全日制工程硕士研究生培养中的重要环节,全日制工程硕士研究生在学期间,应保证不少于0.5年的工程实践。 4.学位论文选题应来源于航空工程等领域工程技术背景。鼓励实行双导师制,其中第一导师为校内导师,校外导师应是与本工程领域相关的专家,也可以根据学生的论文


2013年研究生入学考试英语一真题 Part A Text 1 Inthe 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly, played byMeryl Streep, scold her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashiondoesn’t affect her. Priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistant’ssweater descended over the years from fashion shows to department stores and tothe bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment 。 Thistop-down conception of the fashion business couldn’t be more out of date or atodds with feverish world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline’s three-yearindictment of “fast fashion”. In the last decades or so, advances in technologyhave allowed mass-market labels such as Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo to react totrends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely. Quckier turnroundsmean less wasted inventory, more frequent releases, and more profit. Thoselabels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposal—— meant to last only a wash or two, although they don’t advertisethat——and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks. Byoffering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands havehijacked fashion cycles, shaking all industry long accustomed to a seasonalpace 。 Thevictims of this revolution, of course, are not limited to designers. ForH&M to offer a 5.95 knit miniskirt in all its 2300-plus stores around theworld, it must rely on low-wage, overseas labor, order in volumes that strainnatural resources, and use massive amount of harmful chemicals 。 Overdressedis the fashion world’s answer to consumer activist bestsellers like MichaelPollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Mass-produced clothing, like fast food, fillsa hunger and need, yet is non-durable, and wasteful,” Cline argues, Americans,she finds, buy roughly 20 billion garments a year——about 64items per person——and no matter how much they giveaway, this excess leads to waste 。 Towardsthe end of Overdressed, Cline introduced her ideal, a Brooklyn woman named SKB,who, since 2008 has make all of her own clothes——andbeautifully. But as Cline is the first to note, it took Beaumont decades to perfect her craft; herexample, can’t be knocked off 。 Thoughseveral fast-fashion companies have made efforts to curb their impact on laborand the environment——including H&M, withits green Conscious Collection Line——Cline believeslasting-change can only be effected by the customer. She exhibits the idealismcommon to many advocates of sustainability, be it in food or in energy. Vanityis a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they can’tafford to it 。21. Priestly criticizes her assistantfor her [A] poor bargaining skill 。 [B] insensitivity to fashion 。 [C] obsession with high fashion 。 [D]lack of imagination 。22. According to Cline, mass-maket labelsurge consumers to [A] combat unnecessary waste 。 [B] shut out the feverish fashion world 。 [C] resist the influence of advertisements 。 [D] shop for their garments morefrequently 。 23. The word “indictment” (Line 3, Para.2) is closest in meaning to 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况 ,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。

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