当前位置:文档之家› 人教版高一英语教学课件





人教版高一英语教学课件 ? 英语教学的顺利开展离不开教师们制定的教学课件。


? 一、学生分析 ? 教学对象为高中三年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。






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? 二、教材分析 ? 这一课是本单元第一个课时。


我在备这一课时,发现它的 warming-up 部分会花费比较长的时间,于是我没有采用,而使用了我自己另外准备的引入(只是花了4到5分钟的时间),让学生对这课的话题作好心理准备,也为了完成本单元的目标作了铺垫。


? 三、教学目标 ? 本课为阅读课型,主要介绍有关俄罗斯遗失琥珀屋的轶事。




---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 因此要把中外文化遗产结合一起讨论。


? 教学内容大致分为以下几个方面:

? 1.看图片和听录音引入文化遗产这一话题。

? 2.从网上下载一些琥珀屋图片并展示给学生看,分辨新旧琥珀屋,给学生以感官上的刺激,而且有利于帮助学生对文章的理解。 (一些生词用板书) ? 3.学生阅读课文后完成精读练习。

? 4.两人围绕琥珀屋设计小对话。

? 5.语言学习--难句解释。

? 6.小结文章,一是找关键线索,二是写作手法。

? 7.小组讨论,包括复述课文,加深对文章的理解,以及学生总结自己通过本课学习学到了什么(达到教学目标--形成保护文物意识)。

? 四、教学策略 ? 环环相扣,设计紧凑。



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? 采用多媒体教学,用一些有关文物的精美图片,引起学生对即将阅读的文章的兴趣,减少陌生感。

? 课前需要准备中外文物图片以及对这些图片简短的录音描述。

? 五、教学过程 ? (一) warming-up 引入 ? 教师用powerpoint 分别展示三幅图片以及播放有关的三段介绍录音,并不需要学生详细记录细节,因为不是听力课,只是了解图片是什么地方,位于哪个国家等。

? ( look at three pictures and listen to three tourist guide describe each of them. what do you think of them) ? 1、3 为学生所熟悉的 ? 1. the pyramids in egypt ? 2. machu picchu in peru ? 3. the great wall of china ? 然后问问题: ? what do you think of them ? (they represent the culture of their countries, so they are called______)引导学生讲出cultural relics 这个词组接着分别说出 cultural relics 的定义(学生个人观点) ? (引入部分使学生对本节课的话题有所了解,而且很有兴趣了解其它文物) ? (二) reading 使学生了解 amber room 形成、发展,经历了几个阶段 ? 1、让学生解释文章的 titlein search of the amber room (maybe its lost) ? 2、为了让学生知道琥珀屋是什么样子,帮助理解文章,教师展示多张图片,新旧琥珀屋对照、外观、以及里面摆设的琥珀,金碧辉煌的琥珀屋使学生大开

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 眼界,叹为观止,并学会分辨新旧。

? 3、先给出一系列问题,让学生带着问题阅读课文(scanning)。


? 4、阅读后学生回答问题(大部分学生能找到答案) ? 5、在了解细节的基础上,再次阅读(skimming)。

全班分 5 个小组,分配任务给每一个组,文章共有 5 段,每组概括一个段落的大意,而且要求使用不超过 3 个单词来概括,既降低了难度又提高了学生归纳能力。

? (三) difficult points ? 因为只是阅读课,语言点不作详解,是为下个课时作准备,分别找出 4 句难句,让学生进行解释,一一说明属于什么从句(分别有宾从、状从、定从、主从)(从句是学生的薄弱环节),为学生扫除阅读障碍。

? l. frederic williamⅰ,the king of prussia could never have imagined that his greatest gift to russian people would have such a strange history. ? 2. once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape. ? 3. this was a time when the two countries were at war. ? 4. there is not doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg . ? (四) summing-up(总

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结) ? 学生掌握每段大意后,从总体上把握文章结构和特点 ? 1、找出与 amber room 有关的重要线索(3 个人物、2个国家、1 个组织) ? 2、分析写作手法(时间顺序及都用了一般过去时描述已发生的事情):

让学生将来进行写作训练描述某事经过时,可以模仿这篇文章的手法 ? (五) group-work(task)4 人小组 ? 学生此时已非常熟悉文章内容及结构,进入用英语进行交际环节 ? 1、复述课文,教师给出一段文字,中间有不少空格,学生根据课文内容填写空格(learn how to talk about cultural relics) ? fill in the blanks: ? the amber room was made________. frederick williamⅰ________.it soon became part of the czars winter palace in st. ? petersburg . later, catherineⅱ________and she told her artists to________. in september, 1941,the nazi germany ? army secretly ________. after that, what happened to the amber room________. now russians and germans have ? ________much like the old one. ? 2、谈谈自己从中的收获(what can you learn from the text)学生都能说出要保护文物(完成本课教学目标)至于怎样保护,因时间关系留待下个课时再讨论。

? (六)布置作业:



最新人教版高一下册英语教案 (一) Teaching Aims and Demands Words and Phrases Four Skills: stomach fever ought ought to examine plenty plenty of diet keep up with make a right choice short of fit gain now and then Three Skills: energy soft bar fuel chemical balance tasty boil mixture Spoken English: In the clinic / seeing a doctor: What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter with you? Lie down and let me examine you. Let me have a look. Where does it hurt? Drink plenty of water and get some rest. I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts. There’s something wrong with back/my knee/my arm. I don’t feel well. Grammar:

Use of Language: 1. Master the function use of language as defined above. 2. Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have learned. Learn the text about healthy eating. Get the students know about the basic knowledge of how to eat healthily. Important points: 1. Talk about different kinds of food that one favorites. 2. learn the basic knowledge of healthy eating. 3. learn how to say in the clinic. 4. Grasp the language points and grammar in the text. Difficult points: The use of modal verbs --- had better, should and ought to. Teaching aids: computer or slider-projector Way of Teaching: Communication way of teaching, discussion and group work. Lesson 1Step 1 Warming-Up First show the students some pictures of dishes and so to introduce the topic of this unit. And then show the pictures on their text books and let them to decide what is junk food and what is not.


第二学期期末考试高一英语试题 第一部分: 英语知识应用(共三节) 第一节:语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A B C D 四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 1. moustache A. machine B. chance C. catch D. cheer 2. doubt A. amount B. trouble C. shoulder D. group 3. again A. cabbage B. narrow C. famous D. tradition 4. astonish A. discovery B. mother C. comedy D. close 5. studio A. button B. cartoon C. tobacco D. tower 第二节: 单项选择 (共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分) 6. —How did you find the talk this morning? —______. A.By asking my students B.It was easy to find C.Very disappointing D.Just in time for it 7. At the meeting they discussed different ______ to the study of mathematics. A.approaches B.means C.methods D.ways 8. Up to now, he _______ most of the works by Mark Twain. A. is reading B. has read C. will read D. reads 9. Only when I left my parents for Italy ________ how much I loved them. A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realized 10. As you see , the number of cars on our roads________ rising these days. A. was keeping B. keep C. keeps D. were keeping 11. The students running on the playground are all in thei r uniforms, so it’s hard for you to_____ my sister in them. A. take up B. take out C. pick up D. pick out 12. I was in the middle of my call because I had no more coins to put in the box. A. cut off B. broken in C. hung up D. put down


高一英语考试试题 命题人:斗鸡中学王生龙白云梅 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分85分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Don’t worry too much about making ____ mistakes. They are _____ natural part of learning. A. /; a B. the; / C. /; the D. the; the 2. Tom was very sick with a bad cough, ______ he could neither eat nor sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. otherwise 3. Two thirds of the work ____ done by Jimmy, and ___ was done by Nancy. A. was; the rest B. was; the others C. were; the others D. were; the rest 4. I am his best friend, and I will always _______ him. A. look into B. watch over C. join in D. worry 5. With the great dam ___, we’ll have enough electricity f or everyday use. A. complete B. completed C. to be completed D. to complete 6. I advised that he_____ to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he _____ quite well then. A. was sent; felt B. be sent; feel C. be sent; was feeling D. was sent; felt 7. ---- Have you heard that Tom, as well as his parents, _____ moved to Beijing? ---- Really? No _____ I haven’t seen him for a long time. A. have; doubt B. has; wonder C. have; reason D. has; choice 8. The old man had one son and two daughters, ___ treated him well, ____ made him very sad. A. neither of whom; that B. neither of them; which C. none of whom; which D. none of them; that 9. ----Do you have anything to do this afternoon? ----What’s up? ----Let’s go shopping. It’s said that Yimin Shop ___and all the sweaters are sold at half price. ----Why not? A. has closed down B. was closing down C. closes down D. is closing down 10. -John admitted ____in the exam. -That’s why he was not admit ____the skating club. A. cheating…to B. to cheat…by C. cheating…by D. to cheat…to


2018~2019学年度第二学期《英语》期末考试试卷(A卷) 班级学号姓名总分 (考试形式:闭卷时间:120分钟) 适用班级:高一英语 说明: 1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分, 共10 页6大题。 2. 满分150分; 答题时间120分钟。 3. 卷I答案需用2B铅笔填涂到答题卡上相应题号下,卷II答案用黑色水笔、黑色钢笔 书写到答题卡上。铅笔书写卷II内容不得分。 第I卷(共90分) 第一部分听力(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 略 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 从A、B、C及D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. On this map what does a star ________? A. tell B. represent C. say D. mean 17. I first met Mr Smith in America. He ________ at Stanford University then. A. studied B. had studied C. is studying D. was studying 18. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ________, our minds are developed by learning. A. Possibly B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally 19. ________, most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, John likes classical music better. A. In a word B. In general C. In time D. In total 20. The letter “X” can be used ________ an unknown number. A. to expressing B. to express C. expressing D. expression


第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共20小题,满分20 分) 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项选出最佳答案。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What kind of music does the girl prefer? A. Rock music. B. Classical music. C. Pop music. 2. What does the man like in New Zealand? A. Its food. B. Its beaches. C. Its air. 3. What does the woman think of the new movie theater? A. It’s too far. B. It’s convenient. C. It’s big enough. 4. Why was the teacher angry? A. A student used his mobile phone in class. B. A student forgot to do his homework. C. A student was sleeping in class. 5. At what time should Victor arrive there? A. 10:50. B. 11:10. C. 11:50. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三

个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. What probably happened? A. The man hit the woman’s son. B. The man’s son broke the woman’s window. C. The woman refused to apologize. 7. What’s the man’s child like? A. Naughty. B. Polite. C. Clever. 8. What does the woman ask the man to do at last? A. Pay for her window. B. Bring his son here. C. Apologize himself. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. Why did Will look tired? A. He didn’t have a good sleep. B. He was busy preparing his speech. C. He had taken a long walk. 10. What’s Alice’s suggestion? A. Going to bed as early as possible. B. Listening to some soft music. C. Talking in front of many students. 11. What day is it today?


高一上知识归纳(U18) 1.run vi.(物)延伸,扩展;(事情)继续。 [举例](1) The road runs along the river. 那条道路沿着河流延伸。 (2) The ivy runs along the hedge. 常春藤沿着篱笆攀爬。 (3) The musical play has been running for five years. 那出音乐剧已经连续演了五年。 [搭配] run across 偶然遇见;跑过 run after 追求,追逐 run against与……相撞 run at 向……冲去 run away 逃跑,跑 run back to 追溯到 run out of 用完 run up to (数目)达到…… 2.be made up of 由....组成 [举例] Our class is made up of six groups. 我们班由六个小组组成。 [比较] be made up of / be made with / be made out of / be made into (1) be made with指制成品中包含的某种原材料,是“由……做成的”的意思。 A fruit cake is made with fruit. 水果蛋糕是用水果制成的。 (2) be made out of 指做成整个成品的材料,多用于口语,意思和be made of/ from差不多,只是语气强一些。 The shirt is made out of the material. 这衬衫是用这种料子做成的。 (3) be made into是指“某种原料制成某种成品”。 Wool has been made into sweaters. 羊毛已做成羊毛衫了。 3.Surround vt.包围、环绕 [用法]surround指一物四周被另一物围绕或完全覆盖;也可指人(尤指土兵或警察)包围一个地方。 [举例](1) The house was surrounded by high walls.房屋四周围着高墙。 (2) The whole cake is surrounded by a thick coat of jelly. 整个蛋糕覆盖着一层厚厚的果冻。 (3) The village was surrounded by troops.村庄被部队包围了。 (4) They have surrounded the town with troops. 他们动用部队包围了这座城镇。 4.same adj.同一的,同样的 [搭配] the same.., as 与……一样the same.., that 是……同一个 at the same time 同时 all the same 尽管,如此,仍然[举例](1)We are the same age. 我们同岁。 (2)Let's meet at the same place as yesterday. 我们在跟昨天一样的地方见面。 (3)That jacket is the same as mine. 那上衣与我的一样。 (4)This is the same pen that I lost. 这正是我遗失的那支钢笔。 (5)They began to laugh at the same time. 他们同时笑了起来。 (6)He has faults, but I like him all the same. 他有缺点,然而我还是喜欢他。 5.be famous for以……闻名 [举例] He is famous for his fine acting.他以演技精湛著称。 China has been famous for its silk trade.中国以丝绸贸易著称。 [比较] be famous for/be famous as, be famous as表示“以……身份闻名”,be famous for是“以……而著名”。


注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,用2B铅笔将答案涂在答题卡上。第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,用0.5mm黑色签字笔将答案答在答题纸上。考试结束后,只收答题卡和答题纸。 2.答第Ⅰ、Ⅱ卷时,先将答题卡首和答题纸首有关项目填写清楚。3.全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共95分) 第一部分英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音。 1. wander A. surface B. wallet C. operate D. jacket 2. author A. theory B. weather C. mouths D. worthy 3. puzzle A. university B. umbrella C. business D. supply 4. approach A. Christmas B. moustache C. chemical D. match 5. astonish A. freedom B. brother C. common D. woman 第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两个为多余选项。(如选“E”用“AB”表示,选“F”用“BC”表示、选“G”用“CD”表示。) Rini: Do you often read newspaper? Laura: 6 My mother sometimes brings it from her working


高一英语期末测试卷 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — When shall we meet again? —Make it ____ you like; it’s all the same to me. A. one day B. any day C. another day D. some day 22. With the old worker ____ , we finished the work on time. A. help us B. helped us C. helping us D. to help us 23. —What are you going to do this afternoon? —I’ll probably go for a walk later on ____ it stays fine. A. as far as B. so long as C. even if D. as if 24. More and more people come to realize that much must be done to prevent pollution ____ well. A. from living B. to live C. to go D. from going 25. — Mrs. Brown will come to visit our school tomorrow, you know? — Tomorrow? I ____ she ____ today.. A. think; comes B. think; will come C. thought; is coming D. thought; was coming 26. The train ____ arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late. A. was supposed to B. was likely to C. was about to D. was certain to 27. — Let Pete take the place. He’s older and should be more experienced. — I don’t think so. A man doesn’t necessarily grow wiser ____ he grows older. A. because B. that C. than D. as 28. —This is only between us. — I see. I will ____. A. keep it secret B. keep it a secret C. I won’t let the secret out D. all of the above 29. ____ the window, his finger was cut but it was not serious. A. Cleaning B. While cleaning C. To clean D. When he was cleaning 30. My computer crashed, and ____ I didn’t make a copy of what I had typed. A. what’s worse B. on top of that C. in addition D. all of the above 31. My parents had to use ____ they had to buy the house in which we are now living.. A. what B. what that C. all what D. that 32. — Did you hear the gunshot last night? — Yes, ____ was when I was just about to enter the room ____ I heard it. A. there; when B. it; when C. it; that D. there; that 33. After ____ seemed a very long time, the badly wounded soldier came back to life. A. that B. it C. which D. what 34. —Who would you rather have ____ your computer? —My friend. A. repairing B. to repair C. repaired D. repair 35. You can never imaging what great difficulty I have ____ your house. A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

如何上好高中英语公开课 (1)

谈如何上好高中英语公开课 对青年教师来说,开一节公开课,如同完成一次蜕变,累掉一层皮,有着刻骨铭心的阵痛,但换来的是突飞猛进的专业成长。可以说,公开课是青年教师培训的有效途径,是名师培养的摇篮。下面,我将以自己的亲身经历和所见所闻为基础,从如何看待英语公开课、课前如何备课、课中如何实施、课后如何总结等四个方面,来跟大家谈一谈如何开设英语公开课。 一、理性看待公开课 当前对公开课的定位有点错位和异化,在一些教育行政领导和教师眼里,英语公开课是“面子工程”,它所代表的是一个学校,甚至是一个地区的英语整体教学水平,容不得有半点差错。 对于上课教师来说,公开课是一个崭露头角、获得关注、赢得荣誉的好机会。于是就有个别上课教师想借公开课一鸣惊人,毕其功于一役,成为“一课成名天下知”的教育明星。 在这种背景下,公开课已不是教师个人的教学或教研行为,而是一场经过反复演练、精雕细琢的“样板戏”,凝聚了当地专家、教学同行的集体智慧,体现着学校和当地行政领导的教育意志,教师和学生早被沦落为逢场作戏的演员。但是,作为青年英语教师,我们要对公开课要有客观理性的认知。 1.正确定位,凸出研究意识。 虽然教育界对五花八门、精心包装的公开课提出强烈质疑,褒贬不一,但是有一点是肯定的,那就是公开课作为评价和提高教师教学基本功的一个高效平台,在相当长的一段时间内都是无法替代的,很多青年教师正是汲取着公开课的营养,迅速成长起来的。 公开课具有展示和研究的双重性质,既可以用来赛课评奖,展示教师的课堂教学水平,也可作为一种研讨方式,用以同行之间切磋教学技艺,后者更有利于青年教师的专业化成长。 那种过分强调公开课的展示选拔性质的风气和做法,肯定会诱导和强化教师的外在动机,是造成公开课形式化、表演化和作秀的重要原因。我们要认识到,公开课的主要功能是探讨教学规律,研究教学方法,推广教学经验,提升教学质量。 青年英语教师要争取多上研讨课,强化对课堂的研究意识,彰显个性探索;另外一


人教版高一下册英语教案 人教版高一下册英语教案(一) Teaching Aims and Demands Words and PhrasesFour Skills: stomach fever ought ought to examine plenty plenty of diet keep up with make a right choice short of fit gain now and then Three Skills: energy soft bar fuel chemical balance tasty boil mixture Spoken English: In the clinic / seeing a doctor: What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter with you? Lie down and let me examine you. Let me have a look. Where does it hurt? Drink plenty of water and get some rest. I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts. There’s something wrong with back/my knee/my arm. I don’t feel well. Grammar: Use of Language: 1. Master the function use of language as defined above. 2. Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have


2019年人教版英语高一下学期综合检测卷一 一、阅读理解(30分) 1.(6分) Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit and you keep all of them in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce (弹跳) back. But the other four balls, family, health, friends and spirit, are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be broken. They will never be the same. You must understand that and try to have balance in your life. How? Don't look down on your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different and each of us is special. Don't let other people set goals for you. Only you know what is best for yourself. Don't give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. Don't be afraid of difficulties. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible. The quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; the best way to keep love is to give it wings. Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been, but also where you are going. Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is a treasure you can always carry easily. Don't use time or words carelessly. You can't get them back. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery (秘密), and today is a gift;


11-12学年高一上学期期末考试 英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 和第II卷(非选择题) 两部分,共120分。考试时间120分钟。 第I卷(选择题三部分共85分) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Such ________ medical equipment is in ________ danger of breaking down, if not take n good care of. A. a; the B. a; / C. /; the D. /; / 22. Let’s paint one side of the paper red, and _______ side black. A. the other B. another C. the others D. one another 23. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it. A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom 24. _______ the Internet is of great help, I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it. A. If B. Because C. Although D. As 25. The manager of the company told us that very little _______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 26. If you aren’t interested in the subjects your teachers suggest, you can ______ some of them. A. enjoy B. drop C. leave D. prove 27. His movie won several awards at the film festival, _______ was beyond his wildest dream. A. which B. that C. that D. it 28.—The window is dirty. —I know. It _______ for weeks. A. hasn’t cleaned B. didn’t clean C. wasn’t cleaned D. hasn’t been cleaned 29. You can’t imagine ______ when they received these nice Christmas presents. A. how they were excited B. how excited were they C. how excited they were D. they were how excited 30. The under-water meeting in Maldives has been put off _______ the bad weather. A. in charge of B. in search of C. instead of D. because of 31.—What about going to the cinema this evening? —Oh, I don’t know. I’ve got a bit of a headache. _______, John’s coming to see me, so I ought to stay in. A. However B. In other words C. What’s more D. Though 32.—Cathy, the door bell is ringing! I’m doing the dishes. —Mum, I see who it is. A. would B. will C. am about to D. am going to 33. The hotel wasn’t perfectly good, but I ________ in many worse hotels.


2019学年度第二学期高一第一次月考 英语试卷 时间:100分钟分数:120分 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A There are a lot of great national parks in the US. If you love visiting national parks, here are some for you. Zion National Park Location: Utah As one of Utah’s 5 national parks, Zion National Park is surely the most amazing. The summer is packed with people and very hot, so it may be best to visit it during the spring or fall for the best conditions. Acadia National Park Location: Maine Here in Maine, where America starts its day, you’ll catch the sunrise before the rest of the country. And it is especially amazing at Acadia National Park. Here you’ll be able to explore(探索)wonderful mountains and lakes. Shenandoah National Park Location: Virginia Escape the busy city life and have some exciting experiences right at Shenandoah National Park. After a quick drive from Washington D.C., you’ll find


高一英语期末试卷 第二部分完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题中所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Last year I was put into a lower-level math class at school. The reason had nothing to do with my math 36 . I was blind. The school decided that it would be better for me to 37 at a lower level because it took me a great deal longer to 38 the homework. The only problem in this class was that I was surrounded by 39 students. These were boys who didn?t do well in school. Their home life was 40 different from mine, and they were constantly (经常地)in trouble 41 the school. I remember sitting at my desk one morning, 42 what I had gotten into. We had already finished our lesson for the day, and 43 of the boys began to talk about what they had done at the past weekend. I tried not to 44 , but it was really impossible not to. 45 the teacher was in the room, that didn?t stop my classmates from46 the parties they had been to, and how drunk they had been. One Tuesday morning, I went to a 47 . There was a speaker talking to us about 48 for our enemies. I began to

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