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photoshop and so on. at the same time, in m spare time involved extensive measures of the large number of books, not onl to enrih themselves, but also to develop their abilities in various, more importantl, rigorous stud and orret learning attitude shaped m simple, stable personalit harateristis.

i have a half ears of orking experiene in the united states, son internship, there are ertain soial praties, through the ear and a half of ork i learned a lot, but also to develop m perseverane and hard ork spirit, enhane their sense of responsibilit, muniation skills and abilit to learn, ultivate a spirit of

solidarit, so that i an ontinue to ork to overe diffiulties. i ant m energ to get our loalt and reognition, i am more rih soial experiene and helpful personalit an get ou to enjo!

i look forard to our fling the sk, i ill use m seat to prove our ise hoie!



dear sir,

i have learned from hina dail that our pan is looking for a seretar ho is fluent in english i ould like to appl for the post.

m name is fu tao and i m 25, i ve been orking as an english guide sine i graduated from the english department of zhejiang universit four ears ago. i am hard orking and i have learned to operate puter and i an tpe both in english and hinese. i seek a position more hallenging and ith more opportunities than m urrent one. i think i am fit for the post.

should ou entertain m appliation favorabl, i ould spare no efforts to aquit mself to our satisfation.

ours trul,



dear leaders:


hen ou open the resume, ou have to, i opened the door to opportunit and suess. thank ou ver muh for taking the time to read m material, i hope it is different from our other job searh materials hands, and an help ou in the intense market petition and knoledge-based eonom as reorded for the tide to the talent ou need.

ear of ork experiene, let me get the experiene of life. i am inreasingl XXre that onl the good do everthing reall serious to plete the ork of eah in order to fulfill the great trust of the leadership, but also have a hane for the individual apait to be refleted. in the universit, i did

three ears for broadasters and journalists, had the shool s munist outh league adres and

students, abilit and apait of muniation and o-ordination of the exerise. ork over the past ear beause of the stead

don-to-earth ork and alm personalit, led b the praise, but also established a friendship ith his olleagues.

toda, i reruited the offie of the seretar of the posts, i think i have the abilit to do the job. i understand that theseretar of the importane of the ork, beause this is a need for more responsible and areful ork to plete. i studied politial eonom, have been negotiating an eletive siene, human psholog and publi relations, the should have knoledge of the ork i ant to be useful.

at ork in the disipline at the same time, i ill establish the overall situation XXreness. the anients sai

d: good game ho seek poer, poor sub-seeking game are. as the interests of the hole offie and i ill, under the unified ation in the overall situation. from a strategi and overall perspetive, from the perspetive of the leadership to be seen

to ant to do and proedure for the leadership of a good staff, good assistants. fous on the overall situation, identif their loation, identif the diretion of fous and effort.

determined to do so is not onduive to the overall situation is not that a matter is not onduive to the overall situation does not hold. establishment of sense of dediation, to establish a blind ee to personal gain or loss for the ause of the spirit of devotion, uphold the ause of the first, ork es first. the establishment of servie, offie servies as a basi funtion as a full XXreness and understanding of the noble servie, and to establish the role of onsious XXreness of servies. buried bo沉住气,静下心seriousl do a good job in ontrast, the ork of foil. as soon as possible to plete various tasks, not beating about the bush. in the premise of qualit, pursuit of effiien.

i love, so i tr, i tr, i sueed.


英文简历中Cover letter 写作技巧

英文简历中Cover letter 写作技巧

教你Cover letter 技巧简历的首页应该是你的自我介绍,以及说明你是所应聘公司职位最佳人选的有力论证。要避免把你的首页做成流传的最普通的那种样式。When riting our over letter, keep

in mind that the revieer is onl interested in one thing: the fats. Do not think of our over letter as an autobiograph; it should be brief and to the point. The purpose of the over letter should be one thing it should demonstrate that ou meet or exeedthe requirements listed in the job desription. It should demonstrate that ou're interested in the position, and that ou're available to aept the position if offered. Additional information beond this an be ounterprodutive, as

it dilutes the ore purpose of the over letter. 在写简历首页的时候,一定要铭记在心,读简历的人只注重一件事:

事实。不要把简历首页认为是自传书,它应该是简明扼要的。简历首页(和简历)的目的是一样的证明你能适应或者胜任工作描述中的要求。还应该表明你对这个职位很感兴趣,并且你随时都能上任。超过这个范围的附加信息只能让人产生反感,而且它削弱了首页的核心目的。When riting the over letter, avoid negatives. A over letter is not the plae to explain h ou left or are leaving an emploer, h there are gaps in our emploment dates, et. These negatives are best delivered in person during the intervie so that our personalit an ounter them. 在写首页的时候,避免消极否定的表达。首页不是你解释为什么离开、将要离开某公司的原因或者其他原因的地方。这些消极的方面最好在面试的时候面对面的交流,这样你可以酌情对待。Tr to avoid a salar histor in the over letter. Even if the position speifiall asks for our

salar histor, providing this information ill more likel ost

ou a job than not. If the job ad speifiall sas that resumes ithout a salar histor ill not be onsidered, give a historial salar range, and state that our salar requirements are

flexible based on the opportunit the position ill provide. 首



这个工作广告特别说别不注明以往薪金就不予考虑那么就给出一个范围,并且注明你的薪金要求很灵活,以所提供的职位机会决定。Spend time thinking about the laout of our letter, and make sure

that it's eas on the ees. It should be eas to san the letter, and have a logial progression. Keep in mind, the revieer of

our over letter and resume has hundreds of over letters and resumes to look at, so make it easfor himher to find the information ou ant to highlight. Bunhed up text inlong paragraphs ill frustrate anone ho has to revie hundreds of resumes and over letters a eek. In addition to the laout,

don't just repeat our resume. Your over letter is not a summar of our resume; instead, it's an introdution of ourself, and an argument for h ou are the best andidate for their pan and the speifi position. Above all, avoid the generi over

letter that ou get from books.花时间来考虑一下简历的版面,确





Cover Letters are Neessar! Cover letters are simpl a letter of introdution. In these letters ou are explaining ho ou are and h ou are riting to the resume reader. It is a matter of ourtes that ou introdue ourself hen ou are requesting something of them, in this ase an intervie. COVER LETTER是简历天然的伴侣。它给雇主一个快速的参考,尤其是你的简历是很通用的简历,没有专门为申请的公司裁剪的时候,COVER LETTER 可以起很大的作用。 COVER LETTER主要覆盖以下三个问题:Who are ou and here are ou? This should be stated in the first paragraph. Where did ou hear about me? What an ou do for me? What an ou provide relevant to the job? 一般你可以通过INTERNET或其它途径查到公司的有关背景。你可以略为写一点,使雇主知道你不是随意发出简历的。简历按道理不应该是通用的,但许多时候人们不愿意花更多的时间去准备简历,有时候版本太多搞得人无从适应。所以其实很多人总是用一份简历来应付众多公司。但是,无论如何,COVER LETTER是不应该写成通用的,一定要瞄准申请的公司来写。信上也可以写上你最方便的电话号码和拨打时间。一定

要再三检查雇主的姓名和地址。COVER LETTER不能有任何拼写错误和语法错误。 COVER LETTER例子:

Dear Ms. Rogers, Please aept m appliation for the position of programmer, advertised in the OttXX Citizen. I have alas enjoed orking on programming, and have developed man appliations in various fields, suh as telemuniation, transportation and POS management . I have orked as a senior developer at XYZ Softare In. I gained a lot of experiene there in MS C++ and S base SQL Server, hih I think ould be valuable to our pan. I am enlosing m resume, but ould ver muh like to talk ith ou in person. I look forard to hearing from ou. Yours trul, Dashan Wang What Instanes Require a Cover Letter? M rule is - if ou are not shaking hands ith the

hiring deision maker and introduing ourself, then ou need a over letter to introdue ou. If ou are shaking hands ith the hiring manager, ou are introduing ourself verball and requesting an intervie. In this ase, hand them our resume ithout a over letter. On the other hand, if ou are sending a resume b mail, if ou give our resume to a friend to hand in, or if ou leave our resume ith the hiring manager's seretar then ou are not shaking the hiring manager's hand and ou need to have a over letter enlosed ith our resume. Cover Letters Should Be Brief and Simple Hiring managers onl glane at over letters. The have 50+ resumes to read out of hih the ill

selet a fe andidates for intervies. I remend letters be 3-4 paragraphs . Man people provide length autobiographies in the over letter. The regurgitate their resume and then some. This is a aste the riter's and reader's time. Cover Letter Content Address these 4 topis in a suint manner and the hiring manager ill be grateful. -For hat position are ou appling? -Ho did ou learn of the position or pan? -Wh are ou perfet for the position? -Who ill ontat ho? I usuall over in the first paragraph and a paragraph eah for 3

4. Thank You Letter Follo up Letter Referene Letter Cover Letters are Neessar! Cover letters are simpl a letter of introdution. In these letters ou are explaining ho ou are and h ou are riting to the resume reader. It is a matter of ourtes that ou introdue ourself hen ou are requesting something of them, in this ase an intervie. COVER LETTER是简历天然的伴侣。它给雇主一个快速的参考,尤其是你的简历是很通用

的简历,没有专门为申请的公司裁剪的时候,COVER LETTER 可以起很大的作用。 COVER LETTER主要覆盖以下三个问题:

Who are ou and here are ou? This should be stated in the first paragraph. Where did ou hear about me? What an ou do

for me? What an ou provide relevant to the job? 一般你可以通过INTERNET或其它途径查到公司的有关背景。你可以略为写一点,使雇主知道你不是随意发出简历的。简历按道理不应该是通用的,但许多时候人们不愿意花更多的时间去准备简历,有时候版本太多搞得

人无从适应。所以其实很多人总是用一份简历来应付众多公司。但是,无论如何,COVER LETTER是不应该写成通用的,一定要瞄准申请的公司来写。信上也可以写上你最方便的电话号码和拨打时间。一定要再三检查雇主的姓名和地址。COVER LETTER不能有任何拼写错误和语法错误。 COVER LETTER例子:

Dear Ms. Rogers, Please aept m appliation for the position of programmer, advertised in the OttXX Citizen. I have alas enjoed orking on programming, and have developed man appliations in various fields, suh as telemuniation, transportation and POS management . I have orked as a senior developer at XYZ Softare In. I gained a lot of experiene there in MS C++ and S base SQL Server, hih I think ould be valuable to our pan. I am enlosing m resume, but ould ver muh like to talk ith ou in person. I look forard to hearing from ou. Yours trul, Dashan Wang What Instanes Require a Cover Letter? M rule is - if ou are not shaking hands ith the

hiring deision maker and introduing ourself, then ou need a over letter to introdue ou. If ou are shaking hands ith the hiring manager, ou are introduing ourself verball and requesting an intervie. In this ase, hand them our resume ithout a over letter. On the other hand, if ou are sending a resume b mail, if ou give our resume to a friend to hand in, or if ou leave our resume ith the hiring manager's seretar then ou are not shaking the hiring manager's hand and ou need

to have a over letter enlosed ith our resume. Cover Letters Should Be Brief and Simple Hiring managers onl glane at over letters. The have 50+ resumes to read out of hih the ill

selet a fe andidates for intervies. I remend letters be 3-4 paragraphs . Man people provide length autobiographies in the over letter. The regurgitate their resume and then some. This is a aste the riter's and reader's time. Cover Letter Content Address these 4 topis in a suint manner and the hiring manager ill be grateful. -For hat position are ou appling? -Ho did ou learn of the position or pan? -Wh are ou perfet for the position? -Who ill ontat ho? I usuall over in the first paragraph and a paragraph eah for 3

4. Thank You Letter Follo up Letter Referene Letter

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