《英语国家社会与文化入门》(第3版)(朱永涛、王立礼主编)(复习笔记 英国教育体系)【圣才出品】

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Ⅰ.Purpose of education

1.To teach“the three R’s”

2.To socialize children

Ⅱ.The relationship between education and social class

1.Inequality in British education

2.Good education guarantees a career

Ⅲ.The influence of the Church on schooling

1.In the past

2.At present


Ⅳ.Major changes to British education system

1.Involvement of government

2.The1944Education Act

3.Introduction of comprehensive schools

4.“The Great Education Debate”

5.National Curriculum in1989

Ⅴ.The present education system

pulsory education in the UK

2.State sector and private sector schools

3.Schooling stages and exams

Ⅵ.Higher education


2.Founding time

3.Open University

4.Degree titles

I.Purpose of education(教育目的)

1.To teach“the three R’s”(教授基础科目)

①“The three R’s”—“reading,’riting and’rithmetic”(reading,writing and arithmetic).

②That is to say,the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they need to become active members of society.



2.To socialize children(提高适应社会能力)

Children learn the rules and values they need to become good citizens,to participate in the community,and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy.


Ⅱ.The relationship between education and social class(英国教育和社会阶级的关系)

1.Inequality in British education(英国教育的不平等性)

(1)Though the split of British middle and working class are about half and half,the opportunities of education are rather different.

(2)The school tie is a clear marker of social class



2.Good education guarantees a career(接受良好教育是事业成功的保证)

(1)The right schools

Particularly the famous boys’public schools like Etonand,Winchester.


Oxford University and Cambridge University.

(3)The old boy’s network

An elite group of men who go to famous school and university together.Not only do they dominate government,but they are also very influential in banking,the media,the arts and education.








Ⅲ.The influence of the Church on schooling(教会对学校的影响)

1.In the past(过去)

Historically,education was voluntary and many of the schools that existed were set up by churches.


2.At present(现在)

The influence of the Church on schooling is still strong:


①Until very recently,religious education was the only subject which the state insisted all schools teach their pupils.

②Daily prayers and singing hymns are still a regular part of school life.




Christianity is no longer the only religion officially recognized.Some state-funded schools have Islamic religion as their creed.


IV.Major changes to British education system(英国教育体系中的重大变化)

1.Involvement of government(政府参与)