当前位置:文档之家› 英语考试制度应不应该改革英语辩论(中英对照版)






First Debater: Most people now learn English not for practical, but for the exam, they are still unable After studying English fluently with foreigners dialogue, but this time in English subjects spent no less than in other subjects, sometimes even more than in other subjects, which greatly reduced the time to learn other subjects, and language classes to learn if focus on practicality, it is easy for students to feel boring, undermine students' motivation. So we think we should reform.




Second debater:

1.a reform is not carried out all the time, not because of some previous efforts once and for all.

2. successful or not, I do not know how the other is defined. So reform can make the existing system more successful English exam.

3. English entrance is now certainly will not rush to cancel, but must be carried out throughout the English examination system reform, including the English exam.



Third debater:

1. Why do you say for sure that I ask the other party to cancel the English entrance will lead to a significant decline in the standard of English people, there is no substantive research conducted it?

2. With the various aspects of China's working with international standards, be sure there will be more and more people come into contact with English, English, either dialogue or read. Each other in such a world development background also

believe not so many Chinese people to use English?


Forth Debater: French higher education is divided into two levels, elite education and public education, corresponding to engineering schools and universities, engineering schools graduation requirements TOEIC or TOEFL scores over the line, most of the university did not have any mandatory requirement for English. This result is caused by some groups speak English very well, but ordinary or general government offices generally do not speak English even in. Of which there are cultural factors that French pride, and more importantly, they know that the French are not from the English would not go on. But that did not affect the ability to innovate France. Back to China, the answer is very obvious. So we believe that, as a country with a non-native speakers of English, should reform the higher education entrance exams in English as compulsory subjects of this English test system. English education should be differentiated, those who are willing to learn, those who can learn, who need to learn more.



First debater: the current examination system is the ancient English educator who time and again by the failure to learn the lessons only now look. So far, the current English examination system can be said to be largely successful. College entrance exam itself is a very important country, many people will spend a lot of effort to learn, to cancel the English entrance will significantly decrease people's English proficiency. So we think we should reform.




Second Debater:

1. Will the other how to define practical. I only know that there are certain people who can read English proficiency certain amount of English literature and English related articles.

2. The vast majority of Chinese people do not need a dialogue with foreigners, in fact, not so much to foreigners for dialogue with the Chinese people.

3. As regards the time-consuming, vary. For example, the methods and classes to learn English is to listen carefully and so on.



Third debater:

1. success which we define as the English examination system now allows much of the Chinese people's English level is maintained at a high level, such as the ability to read English literature and related articles. There is the other side must have thought that after the reform of the examination system would certainly be more successful right now.

2. China is indeed increasingly influential in the international arena, there will be more and more people are exposed to English, but this part of the entire Chinese people compared with merely a fraction.


Forth Debater: Dialogue ability is not important to most Chinese people, the Chinese people to learn English, to a greater extent in response to "Learn the skills to self-reliance," the old saying. Chinese people learning English greatest value lies in its ability to read in English, can read information in English, can visit the English forum, so that you get a wider range of knowledge and communication, rather than face to face conversation with a foreigner, it is just a small part of the people who need to achieve, not need universal reach. So we think we should reform the current English examination system.


PTE 学术英语考试 PTE 简介 PTE学术英语考试是于2009年10月26日推出的新一代的国际性英语水平测试,由金融时报的母公司英国培生集团以及GMAT 的开发机构管理专业研究生入学考试委员( GMAC )共同研究主办。 PTE 学术英语考试,英文名称Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic),也被译为培生英语考试,是由培生教育集团(Pearson开发并得到GMAC(Graduate Man ageme nt Admissio n Cou ncil)认可的一款新的基于电脑的国际学术英语考试。它为那些需要学术英语的机构例如大学,高等学府以及政府部门提供了一个真实的衡量考生能力的工具。为需要通过英语考试获得赴英语国家学习机会的非英语国家的学生提供了一种新的选择。 PTE 学术英语考试融合了听说读写四种考试形式,考试时间为独立的三小时,所有听说读写四项技能的考核均在三小时内完成。考试分为三部分,口语与写作部分、阅读部分和听力部分。通过电脑自动评分,避免人为因素带来的不公正性。总分90分,分为6个分数等级,考试成绩5个工作日内网上可查。成绩两年内有效。 所有程序包括报名、付费、修改考试时间、修改考试地点、查阅成绩以及后续的向申请大学寄送考试成绩单的服务安排均在网上完成。 考试结构 全场考试需一次完成,考试总时间约为三个小时。每台考试终端计算机的屏幕上都有计时显示,提醒考生每节考试剩余的答题时间。整个考试分成说写,阅读和听力三个部分。除此之外,还有一个短暂的自我介绍以及10分钟的选择性休息。除考试成绩以外,考生会获得一份详细的成绩报告单,包括考生的个人信息和照片,考生的总分,以及各部分的分项成绩。这有助于考生了解自己的优势和薄弱环节,以便在今后的学习中将重点放在需要提高的方面。 口语与写作


考试规章制度 1

考试规章制度 【篇一:考试工作规章制度】 江苏悦达技工学校 考试工作规章制度 为严肃考纪,端正考风、公平公正地评价教学成绩,特制定江苏悦达技工学校考试工作规章制度。 (一)监考要求 1、前20分钟,监考员到教务处办公室签到,由考场负责人安排当堂考试科目,讲注意事项。 2、考前15分钟,监考员领取经检验的试卷、草稿纸等直接入考室。 3、考前10分钟,监考员核查考号,另一监考员宣布纪律,当众拆试卷袋。 4、考前5分钟分发试卷,提醒考生写姓名、班级、考号等。 5、各考室把有桌子档板的那一面朝学生,教室内前后黑板擦净,学生物品一律放在讲台前面。考生坐定后,当众拆卷若份数有缺少,立即报告考场负责人以作处理。

6、监考时,监考员一前一后呈对角线坐,非监考人员不得进入考室内,监考者不许看书报、不许关教室门、不吸烟、不走动。 7、若试题有“更正”或不清楚的地方,应用粉笔抄在黑板上。 8、监考员按考室分年级清点试卷后,再交装卷组复查无误后在考场记录表上签字。 (二)考生守则 1、每科考前10分钟,考生进考室。 2、按考室、考号对号入座,考生自备垫纸板,学具。考生一律用蓝黑墨水笔答题或用2b铅笔涂答题卡,不能使用涂改液或改正纸,不用添卷纸,若作文写不下可写在作文纸的背面。不得在答卷上做任何标记。 3、考前5分钟发试卷,考生写姓名、班级、考号等。 4、开考信号发出后,考生才能答题。 5、在考室内必须保持安静,不准喧哗。考试中,不准交头接耳、左顾右盼、打手势、做暗号,不准夹带、偷看、抄袭或有意让人抄袭,不准传抄答案或交换试卷。 6、考生提问,先举手,得到允许后,可提问有关试卷字迹不清、卷面缺损、污迹等问题。


大学英语四级考试听力样题 一、听力原文 Tape Script of Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. Kenyan police say one person was killed and 26 injured in an explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. The blast hit a bus about to set off for the Ugandan capital Kampala. Last July, the Somali group al-Shabab said it was behind the blasts in the Ugandan capital which killed more than 70 people. Will Ross reports from the Kenyan capital. The explosion happened beside a bus which was about to set off for an overnight journey from Nairobi to the Ugandan capital Kampala. Some eyewitnesses report that a bag was about to be loaded on board, but it exploded during a security check. Windows of the red bus were left smashed, and blood could be seen on the ground beside the vehicle. Just hours earlier, Uganda’s police chief had warned of possible Christmas-time attacks by Somali rebels. 1. What is the news report mainly about? 2. When did the incident occur? Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. Woolworths is one of the best known names on the British High Street. It’s been in business nearly a century. Many of its 800 stores are likely to close following the company’s decision to call in administrators after an attempt to sell the business for a token £1 failed. The company has huge debts. The immediate cause for the c ollapse has been Britain’s slide toward recession, which has cut into consumer spending. However, the business had been in trouble for years. Known for low-priced general goods, Woolworths has struggled in the face of competition from supermarkets expanding beyond groceries and a new generation of internet retailers. Many of the store group’s 25,000 employees are likely to lose their jobs. Some profitable areas such as the DVD publishing business will survive. 3. What do we learn about Woolworths from the news report? 4. What did Woolworths attempt to do recently? Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. Cairo is known for its overcrowded roads, irregular driving practices and shaky old vehicles, but also for its air pollution. In recent months, though, environmental studies indicate there have been signs of improvement. That’s due in part to the removal of many of the capital’s


& Are interpersonal relationships more important than one’s practical ability to a successful career 介绍环节 正方:Good morning, everyone we are the objective part. I am debater 1 I am debater 2 。。。。 . I am debater 3 。。。。 . I am debater4 。。。。 . ` 反方:We are the negative part. I am debater 1 。。。 I am debater 2 。。。。 .I am debater 3 。。。。 . I am debater4 。。。。 . !

立论环节() 正方立论Hello everybody! As is known to all , The 21st century is the century of talents’ ou tbreak. It is a highly competitive age. but if you want to obtain a successful career, it relays on not only the practical ability of outstanding individuals, but also good relationships. Therefore, our view is that relationship is more important than the practical ability for a successful the enterprise, a top staff should know how to handle interpersonal relationships, and has harmonious relations with colleagues, if he have not good interpersonal relationships, I don’t think he will be able to improve his ability or achieve success. So that our sides insist on that relationships are more important for success. ' 反方立论: Hello everyone! Today's opportunity to come to grips with so many friends and this undoubtedly superior personal quality and ability is a promotion of opportunity. We think that an individual career success, personal ability is more important than relationships. We think: an individual career success, by strength, no strength, interpersonal and how


策划编号:YT-FS-8834-75 大学英语辩论赛策划书参 考(完整版) Develop Detailed Rules Based On Expected Needs And Issues. And Make A Written Plan For The Links To Be Carried Out T o Ensure The Smooth Implementation Of The Scheme. 深思远虑目营心匠 Think Far And See, Work Hard At Heart

大学英语辩论赛策划书参考(完整 版) 备注:该策划书文本主要根据预期的需求和问题为中心,制定具体实施细则,步骤。并对将要进行的环节进行书面的计划,以对每个步骤详细分析,确保方案的顺利执行。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 时间:12月2号,星期六7:00—9:30 地点:大学生活动中心206(初定)由班长联合团支书借用 人物:生技062生技061生科061生工061全体同学(参赛选手每班各15人) 主持人: 邀请嘉宾:各班辅导员和英语教师外语系学生系团总支李老师 准备工作: 1,定好论题,分组(已安排) 2.通知各班参赛选手积极准备,增加比赛的精彩性(包括写阐述官观点,自由辩论论据,提问环节的问

题,总结陈词 3,奖品:奖项(1)最佳团体奖(2)最佳辩手奖男女各一个(3)互动环节奖品(保密) 各奖品有各班班费分摊, 4.宣传工作:三份宣传海报,具体分配给两班的宣传委员23#9#5 # 5.现场布置:各队用两张桌子,对放(侧向观众).播放放灯片:三页.每页包括辩论时,论题,辩手名字,各队所持观点,任务交给有能力做好的同学. 6.组织::各班组织委员及纪保委员负责监督全班人员到场并保持现场秩序(辩论时不要虚声,喧哗,吵闹,发泄情绪等) 7.互动环节的题目 8.计时员:主持人负责,外加一个助理比赛流程及评分细则: 双方分别总体阐述自己的观点,每队2', 自由辩论10分钟(双方互相辩论,不允许使用过激语言,不能过于情绪化,否则扣一分)


精心整理 Unit Two Task1Familiarizing Yourself with Classif ication 1.Skim the f ollowing passage f or the answ ers to the questions below. 1) Man-made or anthropogenic causes, and natural causes. 2) Pollution (burning fossil fuels, mining coal and oil, etc.), the production of CO( the increase of population, the demolition of trees, etc.) 1. 2. 3.Listen again,paying a ttention to the f ollowing classif ica tions and then complete the tables below. Idea One: The existence of an unconscious motivation Idea Two: The notion of unconscious dynamics or conflict 4.Listen again and piece y our notes together into a shor t summar y.Then r etell the lectur e to y our par tner. There are two interesting ideas in Freud’s theory: first, the existence of unconscious motivation; second, the concept of unconscious conflict. Freud believes that unconscious motivation might play an important role in a lot of situations, such as marriage, forgetting a person’s name, calling out the wrong name etc. In his view, there are three processes going on in the head,


高一(六)英语学习评分细则 1.早读:进行组与组之间的竞赛,声音最大声的组+2,其次+1,最小声的组-2。组内有讲话、做作业等一人-1.不开口念书的-2。早读听听力的材料没带的个人-1. 一个月统计一次,最高分的组组员一人+5,第二的组组员一人+3,第三的组组员一人+1,最后的组组员一人-5 2.听写:一次100+2,95以上(包括95)+1,低于90的一次-2分。补测还是不及格-2,满分+1,95以上+0.5 3.句子与笔记测试:一次100+3,95以上(包括95)+2,低于90的一次-2分。补测还是不及格-2,满分+1,95以上+0.5 4.佳句背诵:熟练+2,不熟练不加不扣,不会背的-3 5.课外自我加强:成绩在平均分以上的同学周完成三篇完型填空训练,六篇阅读训练;成绩在平均分以下的同学周完成5篇完型填空训练,10篇阅读训练;每周要求做到能认真及时完成,每人次+5分,反之,除了扣本人的分数,并要求及时补足,同时绑定小组的扣分。凡是能追求上进并自发自觉多完成的同学,多完成一篇多加一分。此项一周检查一次,安排在周一,凡未带来的同学-5分,第二天重检-3分,不存在第三天及以后的重检,若此项作业没有查词,各题解题的依据体现,一律当做抄袭或应付检查,每人次-5。 6. ①课堂提问:知识点等不会的-2,熟练的+2。(被提问的同学由陈静负责记名加减分) ②课堂竞赛:一个月统计一次,最高分的组组员一人+5,第二的组组员一人+3,第三的组组员一人+1,最后的组组员一人-5。(课后陈静负责评比表的计分,请大家督促。)以上1至6项扣分都绑定小组,请大家爱惜小组的荣誉。 7.演讲评分细则:(满分10分) 一、语言能力及应用(满分3分) A. 语音语调标准,口齿清楚,语句流畅,用词正确,无明显语法错误,显示较强的语言功底,记满分3分。 B. 发音有个别错误,语句偶尔有阻碍,或个别用词不当,或个别语法错误,得分在1-2分之间。 C. 整体语言表达能力一般,或有一些词汇错误或语法错误,得分在0.5-1分之间。 二、演讲内容(满分3分)


英语考试改革 一、改革原因 英语教学的目的是“培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力”,避免“哑巴英语”和“填鸭式英语”。考试是反映学生学与老师教的一个 重要手段,而现下我校的英语考试已不能充分体现这种要求。尤其是一二年级的学生,整天为了应付考试而写写画画的学习着,不知道学英语是为了什么。课堂上老师为了完成教学任务和期末考试一味地抓 进度,课堂气氛不够活跃,课堂活动不够丰富。 为了改变现状,为了更好的凸显英语的语言特性,更有利于激 发学生学习英语的兴趣和更好的成长,同时也为了让我校的英语考试更趋合理,英语教学水平上一个新台阶。特制定本方案。 二、改革后我校英语考试考查内容包括: 一二年级:口试50分(读单词10分,读句子10分,读课文10分,英汉互译10分,回答问题10分) 听力20分卷面30分 三年级: 字体10分口语20分听力20分卷面50分 四年级: 字体5分口语10分听力20分卷面65分 五年级:听力10分卷面90分 三、英语考试内容 一年级:

口试50分 1、读单词,10分,(重点有基数词、颜色、文具等。) 2、读句子,10分。 3、读课文,10分。(内容必须是课文的重点段落或篇章。) 4、英汉互译,10分。 5、口语交际,10分。 听力20分 1、听音圈子母或单词。5分 2、听音判断。5分 3、听音连图片。5分 4、听音排序。(不超过5个选项)5分 卷面30分(尽量避免画图、着色等。) 1、选择。10分 2、判断。10分 3、连线题。10分 二年级: 口试50分 1、读单词,10分。(重点有基数词11---20、颜色、文具、服装、身体部位等。) 2、读句子,10分。 3、读课文,10分。(内容必须是课文的重点段落或篇章。) 4、英汉互译,10分。

英语辩论赛常用词汇和表达法汇总 辩论赛 English debating Competition

英语辩论赛常用词汇和表达法汇总辩论赛English debating Competition 辩论赛事debating event 主办host\manage 议会制辩论preliamentary debating style 循环赛preliminary debate 淘汰赛elimination debate 八分之一决赛octofinals 四分之一决赛quarterfinals 半决赛semifinals 决赛grand final 正方pro side 反方con side 正方一辩the first debater of pro side 反方一辩the second debater of con side 计时员timekeeper 打分score the competition 定义要合理the definition should be reasonable 素材要有说服力matter should be persuasive 没有平局there is no draws in competitive competition 一辩:first debater 二辩:second debater 对方辩友,my fellow debaters 开始的陈词,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... 如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进行假设:according to your logic You are missing the point!(你没有说重点!你没有围绕中心!即,他在钻洞子,这个时候他很有可能会说漏。注意,要用are,不能说成You're,因为这样语气,士气就没有了。) You just don't understand what we talked about!(你根本就没有明白我们刚说了什么!即:误解了,曲解了) You know what? You are straying from the main point!你知道吗?你已经跑题了!(也要注意,都用You are) 自由辩论的阶段,可以在他在说的时候,插进去,说“Wait!Wait!You just said……,did you?”(当然这句话要用在,你发现对方说的不正确时~~) You are generalizing what I asked!(你在以偏盖全!即:我要你回答这个,但对方你绕过去了!) Please ask my question!(请不要回避我的问题!请你回答!!) 正方affirmative 反方negative 辩题topic /issue 校园辩论赛academic debate 辩手/辩护advocate 歧义ambiguity 主事者agent of change(负责采取正方计划的人或单位) 论点,论据argument 辩论argumentation (正式)辩论debate 断言assertion 佐证backing "Balance of arguments" judge 裁判式评判人员 "Better job of debating" judge 评审式评判人员 主张claim 交锋clash 资料data,也作ground 推定presumption 论据evidence 目标goals 通案反驳off-case 命题proposition Refutation 反驳Stock issues 核心议题Topicality 合题性Warrant


英文辩论赛流程和规则 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

附件: 英语辩论赛流程以及评分标准 一、英语辩论赛流程 英语辩论赛采用国际议会制比赛形式,参照第十三届“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛的要求,具体流程为: 1、主席致辞:宣布辩题及辩题相关背景资料;介绍选手包括学院、专业、年级及正反方所持观点等;介绍评委及比赛规则。 2.、比赛阶段: 比赛由正方和反方组成,双方各两名选手,选手可自行分工,一人担任一辩,一人担任二辩。比赛前15分钟主席将辩题(motion)公布给两队,并由抓阄决定正反方,正方对辩题持肯定态度,反方对辩题持否定态度,双方在辩论开始前有15分钟准备时间,辩论具体进行过程如下:1)正方一辩发言(7分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第六分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时---举牌提示 2)反方一辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示 3)正方二辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示 4)反方二辩发言(8分钟)

第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示 5)反方一辩总结(4分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第三分钟结束时--举牌提示,第四分钟结束时---举牌提示\ 6)正方一辩总结(5分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第四分钟结束时--举牌提示,第五分钟结束时---举牌提示 比赛阶段注意事项: 在提示牌提示结束后,有20秒宽限期,发言者必须在此期间内完成自己的发言,如果超过宽限期,则扣分.如果发言者发言时间远远少于规定时间,则评委会将此看作没有充分展开自己的观点而给发言者扣分. 在前1-4环节中,对方可以根据发言者正在申诉的论点提出本方的观点(pointofinformation,简称为POI) 比赛阶段提问者提出POI的注意事项: 1)POI要简短,切题,机智。严禁针对比赛规则和个人提出问题;2)提出POI时要从座位上起立,并举手示意.提问者可以用类似onthatpoint,Sir/Madam 的话引起发言者的注意; 3)发言者可以采取以下方式回应对方提出的POI:语言拒绝(类似sorry)、接受提问(类似ok);


Keys to Task Extensions Unit1 Task6:Extensions 6.1(for reference only) Introduction The purpose of this project is to find out the real situation in which the students in a particular college spend their time surfing Internet.It includes how much time they spend doing so,for what reason they work with Internet,and what impact it has on students’learning. To find out the facts about Internet,a survey will be conducted among the students,teachers,and administrative staff.The main proposed problems related to Internet at most colleges can be the overuse of it and overspending of time on it.The serious impact resulted from overdoing Internet needs to be discovered in this project. At most colleges in China,one policy is that freshmen are not allowed to possess a computer,and there are some limitations for them to surf online,which is regarded as one kind of protection to them.In this way,they will not be easily exposed to unhealthy films,pictures,or essays.Also,they can spend not so much time on it and their study will not be affected.In the information society, it is necessary to get information quickly.One of the main sources is Internet.Therefore,it would be wiser to let college students make use of Internet and offer them some guidance. Main body For senior college students,overuse of Internet has become a serious problem.Some students stay up very late surfing the lnternet.Some play video games,some do a lot of chatting,and some spend more time watching films.One student said that on average he spent five hours a day surfing the lnternet.Due to the large number of hours spent on Internet,some students have,to some extent,ruined their academic study and their health. At present,the policy is flexible to the senior students at some colleges.To reserve Internet use, it would be wise for the college to set up an appropriate policy on the one hand and carry out education on the other.It will be important to let students know the passive effect the overuse of Internet might bring to them.At the same time,some rules should be set up.For example,there could be a limit on the use of Internet:after11p.m.no students are expected to surf online. Conclusion To sum up,it is imperative for college students to obtain information they need for their academic learning through Internet,and it is also necessary to let the students know the bad impact the overuse of Internet would cause on their study and health. 6.2(for reference only) Introduction The purpose of this project is to find out the main reasons why some families like to send their teenagers to study abroad,and what problems might be brought about to these families and the children.Several articles in various newspapers reported that it had become a social phenomenon for parents to send their children abroad to study.This phenomenon has drawn much public attention.For some families,it has become a big financial burden,and some teenagers could not manage to study and live independently in a foreign country.The project is trying to expose a real picture about it and see how serious problems it might bring about.The project will also try to search for a better policy to help solve this problem.


写考试制度的英语作文 Chinese examination system sometimes is full of controversy. When it comes to the CET-6, some people think it is necessary, while some people do not think so. Both of them have their reasons. As far as I am concerned, I think it is necessary to take part in the CET-6 examination. For the non-English major, although they can take part in other English level exams to show their ability, CET-6 is the most common certificate for them to improve themselves. And many employers think highly of CET-6. As every interview is will not last too long, in most cases, the employer can not have a better understand about the employees. So certificate would be the most powerful certification. And students in university can have two chances every year for to join this exam. They do not have too much stress for taking this exam. So, when you have chance, why not have a try. 有时候中国的考试制度是有争议的。说到英语六级考试,有些人认为是必要的,而有些人则不这么认为。他们都有自己的理由。就我而言,我认为有必要参加大学英语六级考试。对于非英语专业的学生,虽然他们可以参加其他英语水平考试来证明自己的能力,但是大学英语六级是最普遍的证明。许多雇主都很看重大学英语六级考试。由于每次面试的时间不会持续太久,在大多数情况下,员工雇主都没法很 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


大学英语四六级考试改革样卷试题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of learning basic skills. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1. A) The man has left a good impression on her family. B) The man’s jeans and T-shirts are stylish. C) The man should buy himself a new suit. D) The man can dress casually for the occasion. 2. A) Its price. C) Its location. B) Its comfort. D) Its facilities. 3. A) It is a routine offer. C) It is new on the menu. B) It is quite healthy. D) It is a good bargain. 4. A) Read the notice on the window. C) Go and ask the staff. B) Board the bus to Cleveland. D) Get a new bus schedule. 5. A) He is ashamed of his present condition. B) He is careless about his appearance. C) He changes jobs frequently. D) He shaves every other day. 6. A) The woman had been fined many times before. B) The woman knows how to deal with the police. C) The woman had violated traffic regulations. D) The woman is good at finding excuses. 7. A) She got hurt in an accident yesterday. B) She has to go to see a doctor. C) She is black and blue all over. D) She stayed away from work for a few days. 8. A) She will ask David to talk less. B) She will meet the man halfway. C) She is sorry the man will not come. D) She has to invite David to the party. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

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