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【篇一:初中英语作文 a healthy lifestyle】

a healthy lifestyle

if we want to keep fit, we must have a healthy lifestyle. but

how could we get a healthy lifestyle? i think, on the one hand, we should get enough sleep, only in this way, we could have enough energy to study, on the other hand, we should do more exercise to keep fit. and then we should have healthy eating habits. in this way, we could get food to let us grow strong. finally, making yourself stay happy is also important. i wish everyone will have a healthy lifestyle.




he thinks he isnt pretty healthy. he doesnt like exercise, so he does exercise once a week. he is very fat. he doesnt like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegetables. he likes eating junk food. he thinks it is very nice. he eats them about four or five times a week. he loves milk, but he doesnt drink it every day. he only drinks them two or three times a week. he eats

fruit once or twice a week. but he sleeps nine hours every night. his lifestyle is not very well. but he knows healthy

lifestyle helps him get good grades. he tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. and he wants his parents to play sports with him. he wants to be the healthiest. 版本二:根


students watch tv every day. some students watch tv twice a week. some students watch tv four times a week. some

students have sports every day. some students have sports twice a week. most students have sports four times a week. all the students do homework every day. no students do homework twice or four times a week.


他感冒了。头很痛。请写一封信给他,并给他一些建议。 dear liping,

i am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well。i think you should see a doctor,then you should take some medicines,and drink a lot of water。 you said you are stressed out and tired。why do not you listen to music and go to bed early。

you should also try to exercise。eating less junk food。eating more healthy food,like apple,orange and milk 。i think they are good for your health。

i hope you feel better soon!


游玩计划,大意如下:早晨8:30在火车站接他后来到苏州动物园。那里有很多不同种类的动物。12:00吃午饭。然后乘车前往虎丘(tiger hill),那里风景秀丽,你们玩得很开心等。(字数60左右) one of my pen pals came to see me last sunday. i went to meet him at the train station at 8:30 a.m. we went to suzhou zoo together then. there were many

different kinds of animals. at 12:00 we had lunch. after that we went to the tiger hill by bus. it was very beautiful there and we enjoyed ourselves very much.




on the holiday morning ,i went to the park with my

friend ,because this day is my friends birthday, my friend wanted me to go to the park with her,so i went to the park with my friend, there were lots of people in the park, the weather was good.we

stayed inthe park about two hours, we left at about nine oclock.in the afternoonwent to myaunts home with my parents ,my aunt gave melots of sweet,(this ismy favorite food) ,in the

evening ,i ate dinner with my parents atmy aunts home ,

at eight oclock ,wewent home .today,i’mvery happy , howaboutyour’s holiday?



they go to school in different ways. fifteen students take buses because they live far from the school. ten students walk. they think walking is good for their health and they live near the school. twenty-five students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not very

far from the school. no one goes to school by car








dear marry:

im xxx(你的名字). tomorrow is my birthday, i want to invite you to take part in my birthday, can you come tomorrow? the party will begin at half past six in the evening. my parents, friends

and classmates will come, you can see them in the party. if you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me, i

will be pleased that you can come.

yours, xxx

版本二:你的好友sonia过生日,你不能去,请写一封e—mail 说



hi hey,

thanks for your invitation. i’m sorry i can’t come to your party this week. i am really busy this evening i’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. and tomorrow, i have to go to the dentist. (yuck!) on wednesday, i have tennis training with

the school team. and i have to study for my chemistry test on thursday. on friday evening, i’m going to the movies with some friends. can you come to the movies with us on friday? write soon,




做吗?请你根据下面所给的材料,写出制作牛肉三明治的过程。2 slices of bread; 1 teaspoon of cheese; 1 green pepper; 1 onion; mushrooms;3 slices of beef; 2 teaspoons of relish


1. 审题。本篇作文要求写如何制作牛肉三明治,注意祈使句的用法。

2. 列出相关的短语和句子:全面用到上面所列出的短语,及不可数

名词表示计量的方法(数字 + 量词 + of + 不可数名词)。3. 谋篇。

注意使用句型,特别是first,next,then,finally 四个副词的用法。

4. 注意。某些动词的使用,如:put...on...;cut up;add...to...等。

5. 写作现在同学可以按照上面的写作过程来写作啦!

范文 first, put the cheese on a slice of bread. then cut up a green pepper and an top.

版本二:请你写一篇制作玉米花(popcorn)的小短文。注意使用first, next, then, finally等表示过程的词。不少于50个词。

how to make popcorn

i like popcorn very much. i learned from my mother how to make popcorn. now let me show you the ways. first you put the popcorn into the popper. next, turn on the popper. wait for several minutes. then you pour the popcorn into the bowl. and put salt on the popcorn. finally you can eat the popcorn.




michelle kwan is famous. she is an american figure skater. her father, danny, is chinese. her mothers name is estella. she is

an american. she was born on july 7, 1980. she has a brother and a sister. michelle has won seven medals at national championships of america, and has won eight medals at the world championships. she has also won two olympic medals, the silver medal in 1988, and the bronze medal in 2002.




my good friend mike

i have a good friend. his name is mike. he was born in september, 1988 in a small town near london. he is a middle school student. he came to china with his parents two years

ago. his parents are teaching english in china now. he and his parents like china and chinese food very much


my dream job

everybody both has a dream job. do you want to know what i want to be in the future? well, i want to be a singer. because i love singing very much. and i think that i can sing on the

stage(舞台). i will move to new york and be a singer there。and i will sing my favorite english songs there. although it is a tired job, i love it . because when i sad, i can sing songs to be happy and i will become very popular. that’s so interesting and exciting. for my dream job , i will sing every day and sing well. i hope that day come quickly, i can’t wait! how about you? what’s your dream job? 版本二:单元作文我的梦想

when i grow up , i’m going to do what i want to do. i’m going

to move somewhere interesting. pairs sounds like a city that i could enjoy. they have lots of fashion shows there. i want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. so how am i going to do it? fi rst, i’m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. then i’m going to be a student at art school in paris. and i’m going to study french at the same time. next, i’m going to hold art exhibitions because i want to buy a big house w ith the money and i’m going to travel all over the world. finally, i’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.




1.请使用could you …句式及祈使句。




1. could you please…?

2. please …

3. dont forget to …

dear li ming,


一、write an essay of no less than 150 words on the topic my understanding of environmental protection. your writing should cover the following points:

1) the relationship between man and the environment 2) the urgency of environmental protection 3) ways to protect the environment

environmental protection

directions: please write your composition according to the outline below:




my understanding of environmental protection man and the environment are closely related. man relies on the environment for water, food and shelter. a harmonious relationship between man and the environment is essential for human survival on the earth.

however, man and the environment have never been on such bad terms as they are now. as society develops, mans transformation of nature has severely polluted his living environment. deforestation leads to changes in rainfall patterns, causing devastating floods, droughts and sandstorms. the discharge of chemical pollutants endangers our health and the lives of other beings. and mass production has resulted in the shortage of irreplaceable natural resources such as coal and oil. if we take no immediate and effective steps to protect our environment, human beings may be the next species to become extinct.

we should do our best to protect our environment by planting more trees, taking care of wildlife, reducing industrial wastes, using renewable energy, and imposing heavy fines on environmentally-unfriendly activities, so as to preserve the environment for future generations.

二、write an essay of no less than 150 words about a technological invention. your writing should cover the following points:

1) a brief description of the invention

2) the positive impact of the invention on peoples life 3) the negative impact of the invention on peoples life 4) your opinion the impact of technology on peoples lives

directions: please write the composition according

to the outline:

1. the positive impact of technology

2. the negative impact of technology

3. your opinion

the impact of the mobile phone on peoples lives among the many technological inventions, the mobile phone impresses me most.

the mobile phone brings considerable convenience to our lives. it not only enables us to keep in touch with each other almost anytime and anywhere but also helps us solve problems or do business efficiently. in emergencies, a mobile phone can even be a life-saver. besides, its multi-functions add ease and color to our lives. with a mobile phone, we can receive mail, read news, listen to music, play games, and take pictures.

yet, the mobile phone has its disadvantages, too. most of us have experienced the nuisance of unwanted or wrong calls. we are inconvenienced by calls on occasions when we least expect one. besides, the technology infrastructure to support mobile communication has consumed valuable natural resources and caused significant environmental problems. it is reported that electromagnetic radiation waves from the phone may result in health problems. despite its negative side, the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh its disadvantages. i believe that with advances in science and technology, improved and safer models of mobile phones will surely serve us still better.

四、write a composition of no less than 150 words on the

topic my career choice. your writing should cover the following points:

1) the kind of job you prefer to do

2) factors you consider when choosing the job 3) conclusion

how to choose a right career

directions: directions: write a composition on the topic above according to the outline below: 1. importance of choosing a right career. 2. ways to choosing a right career. 3. conclusion my career choice

when it comes to the choice of career, different people consider the matter from different perspectives.

personally i prefer to be a teacher.

i have three reasons for my decision. the first reason is that the profession of teaching is in agreement with my personality. being an outgoing, patient and understanding person, i think i am able to communicate with my students and understand their feelings easily, which constitutes an important factor in ensuring success in teaching. the second reason is that i am interested in the job. it would always give me great joy and satisfaction to see the happy faces of my students, to share my knowledge and life experience with them and to participate in their process of growing up. the third reason is related to my occupational attitude. i always believe that school teachers all over the world are respected for their profound knowledge and higher social status. i have always held my teachers in respect and i hope i would be respected as a teacher, too, in the future.

i think teaching is an ideal career for me. being a university student now, i will work hard to realize my dream.

五、write a composition of no less than 150 words on the topic fame — good or evil. your writing should cover the following points:

1) the advantages of being famous 2) the disadvantages of being famous 3) your attitude towards fame

fame: good or bad?

directions: directions: write a composition according to the following outlines:

1. fame is good

2. fame is bad

3. conclusion

fame — good or evil

fame has always been pursued by many people for the advantages it brings about. fame can assure one of a high social status, high regard, great

admiration, etc. fame can also bring one wealth as a celebrity has more chances to earn big money. besides, the applauses and flowers from the fans may boost ones self-confidence and increase ones sense of fulfillment.

however, fame can ruin ones life, too. it deprives one of his privacy. as a public figure, he is often chased by fans and journalists, and his private life

work in line with public expectations and thus becomes the slave of his own success.

so fame is a double-edged sword. i dont seek fame and i dont envy those who are famous. i highly appreciate what the

american poet hey wadsworth longfellow says about fame: the talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.

六、write a composition of no less than 150 words on the topic attitudes towards life. your writing should cover the following points:

a. different attitudes people hold towards life

b. the benefits of holding a positive attitude

c. ways to develop a positive attitude towards life

attitudes towards life

directions: write a composition according to the following outlines:

1. different attitudes people hold towards life

2. the benefits of holding a positive attitude

3. ways to develop a positive attitude towards life.

attitudes towards life

people hold different attitudes towards life. some take a positive attitude and they always appreciate the beauty of life with zeal and gratitude. some take a negative attitude towards life and any slight trouble in life may seem like the end of the world to them.

a positive attitude ensures a happy, successful and healthy life. with a positive attitude, people find it easy to accept challenges and overcome obstacles while maintaining peace of mind. besides, a positive attitude boosts their self-esteem, lifts their morale and helps them fulfill their commitments both in their career and in their everyday life. moreover, medical research shows that positive thinking can improve the immune system and strengthen the bodys resistance to diseases.

there are several ways to develop a positive attitude towards life. one needs to think positively, read uplifting stories, hang around with optimistic people, give up jealousy, and participate in meaningful activities. by building a positive attitude towards life, one can enjoy a happy, successful and healthy life.

七、write a composition of no less than 150 words on the topic healthy lifestyles. your writing should

cover the following points:

1. your understanding of a healthy lifestyle

2. the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle

3. ways to develop a healthy


healthy lifestyle

directions: base your composition on the outline given below: 1. your understanding of a healthy lifestyle 2. the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle 3. ways to develop a healthy


healthy lifestyles

different people have different interpretations of a healthy lifestyle. to me, a healthy lifestyle means living in a way that helps us to be physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

we can benefit a lot from living a healthy lifestyle. on the one hand, a healthy lifestyle can help us to keep fit, increase our

life expectancy, and help us form good living habits. on the other hand, a healthy lifestyle enhances self-esteem and confidence, reduces stress and pressure, and enables us to develop a positive outlook and live in harmony with each other. in short, a healthy lifestyle improves our overall sense of well-being and happiness.

there are many ways to develop a healthy lifestyle. we need to exercise regularly, keep a balanced diet, and avoid alcohol and cigarettes. it would also help if we could balance our time for work and play, and find ways to release stress and pressure. with such efforts, we will be able to live in a way that contributes to our physical, mental, and emotional health.

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