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授权书AUTHORIZATION 兹证明我公司,为YYY @歪歪歪@ 品牌持有人,现授权北京XX科技有限公司为我司和品牌在中国地区的唯一代理经销商,同时负责我司于中国地区的产品销售、品牌宣传、售后服务等相关业务活动。


I hereby certify that our company , the YYY @歪歪歪@ brand official holder, hereby authorizes Beijing XXX Technology Co., Ltd. as the sole agency dealer for our company and brand in China and is responsible for the sales of our products in China, Brand promotion, after-sales service and other related business activities.

The power of attorney effective from the date of signing, valid for 3 years.






Brand Authorization Certification This is to certify that xxx,registered in accordance with xxx represented by the General Director xxx, have registered the brand of xxx in xxx and have the right of this brand . The company xxx officially authorizes xxx to use this brand xxx (The design of this brand was in the attachment on products. One of the products xxx carton design with this brand was in the attachment . Company :xxx and company xxx both have the right of using this carton design . This certification is valid from xxx to _xxx . Party Xxx(company name ) Responsible Person Signature : Date : Authorized Party Xxx Responsible Person Signature : Date :

品牌授权书 兹证明 xxx,在俄罗斯注册法人代表为xxx, 在俄罗斯注册商标 xxx,拥有这个商标的所有权。该公司xxx正式把商标xxx 的使用权(商标图案见附件授权给xxx 使用。其中的一款产品xxx印刷有品牌xxx的纸箱设计已经在附件. xxx公司和xxx公司都拥有这个纸箱设计的使用权。 此授权书有效期为xxx到xxx___ . 授权方: 公司名称:(公司盖章) 负责人签字: 日期: 被授权方: 公司名称(公司盖章) 负责人签字: 日期:



甲方(授权方): Party A (Authorizing Party): 乙方(被授权方): Party B (Authorized Party): 丙方(生产加工方): Party C (Manufacturing and Processing Party): 丁方(生产加工方): Party D (Manufacturing and Processing Party): 鉴于: WHEREAS, 1、甲方系一家依据大韩民国法律设立的企业法人,有意依据本合同之约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售产品,并愿意向丙方和丁方提供生产产品的相关制造工艺和技术,以便丙方和丁方可即使依据乙方的指示向乙方提供产品; Party A, a corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, desires to, pursuant to provisions contained herein, authorize Party B as its agent to sell within the territory of China, and agrees to provide Party C and Party D with related manufacturing processes and technologies for intended manufacture of, thus enabling Party C and Party D hereto to furnish to Party B subject to instructions of Party B; 2、乙方系一家依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,愿意接受甲方的授权和委托,按照本合同之约定在中华人民共和国境内销售产品; Party B, a limited liability corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the applicable laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, hereby agrees to accept such authorization and entrustment by Party A hereunder whereby to sell Products within the territory of China pursuant to provisions described herein; 3、丙方和丁方均系依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,且具备生产产品的能力,愿意依据本全责的约定为乙提供产品。 Party C and Party D, both limited liability companies duly incorporated and existing under the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and having sufficient capability and competence to manufacture the saidProducts, hereby agree to provide Party B with desired Products in accordance herewith.


品牌授权书(中文版本) 兹授权通过互联网在全球范围内销售*********** 系列产品,以本公司品牌授权经销商的名义从事合法的商业活动。所有由本公司直接提供的 ************* 系列产品,均保证为合格正品。 授权使用的商标和标识为: 授权范围如下(选填): 授权期限:年月日至年月日 授权到期后,如本公司未终止本授权,则授权日期自动顺延,顺延期无限制。 授权方:

盖章与签名: 日期: Certificate of Authorization(for English) We hereby authorize to carry out online sales / distribution of******* products all over the world, as thebrand authorized distributor. We assure that all the products provided by us are authentic without quality problems. The abovementioned trademarks are: The authorized products are (optional): This authorization is valid from month-day-year to month-day-year .

Unless otherwise terminated, authorizations are automatically extended in perpetuity. Authorized by:__________________ Signature:_______________ _______ Date:___________________ ______



Brand Authorization Certification This is to certify that xxx,registered in accordance with xxx represented by the General Director xxx, have registered the brand of xxx in xxx and have the right of this brand . The company xxx officially authorizes xxx to use this brand xxx (The design of this brand was in the attachment on products. One of the products xxx carton design with this brand was in the attachment . Company :xxx and company xxx both have the right of using this carton design . This certification is valid from xxx to _xxx . Party Xxx(company name ) Responsible Person Signature : Date : Authorized Party Xxx Responsible Person Signature : Date :


涉外法律实务中经常要用的好资料:授权委托书(中英文对照珍藏版) 在法律英语中,Power of Attorney和Proxy 均可用作表示授权的委托书,区别在于Power of Attorney所指的被委托人应为律师,即具有律师身份,而Proxy则无此种要求,即被委托人一般不需具备律师身份。 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY 一般授权委托书 I,__(1)__,of__(2)__,hereby appoint__(3)__,of__(4)__,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until__(5)__or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party. 我,__(姓名),__(地址等),在此指定__(姓名),__(地址或律师事务所名称等),为我的律师,以我的身份履行一切实践中我通过律师所能从事的合法行为。本权利在以下载明日期全权生效并一直持续到__或持续到双方当事人规定的延展期或提前撤销期。 Dated__(6)__,20_(7)_. __(8)__ STATE OF__(9)__(签名处) COUNTY OF__(10)__ 日期:__ 地址:__ 州名和县名:__ PROXY委托书 BE IT DNOWN, that I,__(1)__,the undersigned Shareholder of__(2)__,a__(3)__corporation, hereby constitute and appoint__(4)__as my true and lawful attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at the Meeting of the Shareholders of the said corporation, to be held on__(5)__or any adjournment thereof, for the transaction of any business which may legally come before the meeting, and for me and in my name, to act as fully as I could do if personally present; and I herewith revoke any other proxy heretofore given. 兹有我,__(姓名),为__(公司名称及性质)的以下署名股东,在此任命和指定__(姓名)为我的事实和合法授权代理人,为我和以我的名义、职位和身份,在上述公司于__(日期)召开的或就此延期召开的股东大会上作为我的代理人对与会前合法提交大会讨论的任何事项进行 表决,且为我和以我的名义,在大会上全权履行我的职责;在此我撤销此前所作的任何其他授权委托。 WITNESS my hand and seal this__(6)__day of__(7)__,20__(8)__. 于20__年__月__日签字盖章,特此为证。


品牌授权书(中文版本) 兹授权_________________________________ 通过互联网在全球范围内销售 *********** 系列产品,以本公司品牌授权经销商的名义从事合法的商业活动。 所有由本公司直接提供的************* 系列产品,均保证为合格正品。 授权使用的商标和标识为: 授权范围如下(选填): 授权期限:年月日至年月日 授权到期后,如本公司未终止本授权,贝y授权日期自动顺延,顺延期无限制。 授权方:______________________________

盖章与签名:__________________________ 日期:________________________________ Certificate of Authorization (for English ) We hereby authorize ________________________________________________ to carry out online sales / distribution of ******* products all over the world, as the brand authorized distributor. We assure that all the products provided by us are authe ntic without quality problems. The aboveme nti oned trademarks are : The authorized products are (optio nal):


B r a n d A u t h o r i z a t i o n C e r t i f i c a t i o n This is to certify that xxx,registered in accordance with xxx represented by the General Director xxx, have registered the brand of xxx in xxx and have the right of this brand . The company xxx officially authorizes xxx to use this brand xxx (The design of this brand was in the attachment No.1) on products. One of the products xxx carton design with this brand was in the attachment NO.2. Company :xxx and company xxx both have the right of using this carton design . This certification is valid from xxx to _xxx . Party Xxx(company name ) Responsible Person Signature : Date : Authorized Party Xxx Responsible Person Signature : Date : 品牌授权书 兹证明 xxx,在俄罗斯注册法人代表为xxx, 在俄罗斯注册商标 xxx,拥有这个商标的所有权。该公司xxx正式把商标xxx 的使用权(商标图案见附件NO.1) 授权给xxx 使用。其中的一款产品xxx印刷有品牌xxx的纸箱设计已经在附件NO.2. xxx公司和xxx公司都拥有这个


品牌授权书范本模板_品牌授权协议【中英文对照】 品牌授权书范本模板 编号:- 商标使用许可人(甲方): 商标使用被许可人(乙方): 根据《商标法》和《实施条例》的规定,双方遵循自愿和诚信的原则,经过友好协商签订本商标使用许可合同。 商标授权范围 一、甲方将注册登记的第类商标(注册号:)许可乙方使用在其生产的产品包装上。 二、商标标识:(另附页) 三、许可使用的期限自年月日起至年月日止。合同期满,如需延长使用时间,由甲、乙双方另行续订商标使用许可合同。 四、甲方许可乙方使用商标的地域范围:中华人民共和国境内。 五、甲方许可乙方使用商标的形式为:在中华人民共和国区域行业内普通许可使用。合同存续期间,不在省内行业同类产品上,授权其他生产厂家使用甲方的第类商标。 六、许可乙方在产品包装、企业牌匾、宣传资料上使用的说明文字: 双方的权利和义务 七、乙方向甲方交纳万元人民币作为商标、冠名使用费。

八、根据《中华人民共和国商标法》的规定:“许可人应当监督被许可人使用其注册商标的商品质量;被许可人应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量。”乙方必须保证在其生产的商品上,使用甲方注册商标的产品,要符合国家有关该产品卫生、质量、计量、环保、包装、行业标准及法定说明文字的要求。 九、乙方不得任意改变甲方注册商标的文字、图形或者其组合,不得超越许可的产品范围使用甲方的注册商标。 十、根据《中华人民共和国商标法》规定,乙方必须在使用甲方注册商标的商品上标明乙方的企业名称和产地。 十一、甲、乙方应在商标许可合同到期前两个月,就是否继续授权使用商标进行协商,到期继续使用重新签订《商标使用许可合同》并续费备案,不续签合同则自行终止。 十二、合同终止后,乙方不得在其生产的产品上使用甲方的授权商标、标识,以及在本合同第6项中许可乙方在其产品包装,企业牌匾、宣传材料中所规定的文字,否则甲方有权依法追究其侵权责任。 十三、甲方在合同有效期内,依据《中华人民共和国商标法》第四十条规定,有权利监督乙方产品质量,乙方有责任将包装设计文稿交给甲方审核备案,以免出现与法律相违背的情况。 十四、甲方对乙方的商标使用许可授权,是根据《中华人民共和国商标法》及《实施条例》的规定,仅为提高乙方知名度、扩大市场占有率所进行的企业形象和产品形象策划和包装。是在法律许可下的合法授权并受到法律保护。同时应当强调,双方都是独立法人,各自独立承担法律责任;甲、乙各方的债权、债务,以及与本合同无关的法律责任均不得涉及对方;甲、乙各方的债权、债务,以及与本合同无关的其他法律纠纷和责任,也均不能构成对各方的法律连带责任。

2018年国外品牌英文授权书-精选word文档 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 国外品牌英文授权书 篇一:品牌授权书中英文版本 品牌授权书(中文版本) 兹授权通过互联网在全球范围内销售系列产品,以本公司品牌授权经销商的名义从事合法的商业活动。所有由本公司直接提供的 授权使用的商标和标识为: 授权范围如下(选填): 授权期限:年月日至年月日 授权到期后,如本公司未终止本授权,则授权日期自动顺延,顺延期无限 制。 授权方: 盖章与签名: 日期: Certificate of Authorization(for English) We hereby authorize to carry out online sales / distribution ofproducts all over the world, as thebrand authorized distributor. We assure that all the products provided by us are authentic without quality problems. The abovementioned trademarks are: The authorized products are (optional): This authorization is valid from to Unless otherwise terminated, authorizations are automatically extended in perpetuity.

品牌授权书范本 中英文

品牌授权书 兹授权通过互联网在全球范围内销售系列产品,以本公司品牌授权经销商的名义从事合法的商业活动。所有由本公司直接提供的 系列产品,均保证为合格正品。 授权使用的商标和标识为: 授权范围如下(选填): 授权期限:年月日至年月日授权到期后,如本公司未终止本授权,则授权日期自动顺延,顺延期无限制。 授权方: 盖章与签名: 日期: Certificate of Authorization

We hereby authorize to carry out online sales / distribution of products all over the world, as the brand authorized distributor. We assure that all the products provided by us are authentic without quality problems. The abovementioned trademarks are: The authorized products are (optional): This authorization is valid from to Unless otherwise terminated, authorizations are automatically extended in perpetuity. Authorized by:__________________ Signature:______________________ Date:_________________________


英文授权书 {下面为一些具体格式和步骤: A为委托方,B为被委托方 {首先是委任:} 1 Appointment 1. 委任 A hereby appoints the B as the global Distributor for the distribution, sale and promotion of the Goods all over the world (“Territory”) upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained. 甲现根据以下条件和条款委任乙作为其在中国大陆地区的唯一加盟机构,负责甲方的中美教育交流项目、校长教师专业发展项目以及甲方所开发的各类教育项目在中国大陆地区的推广、传播。 2. B’s General Duties 2. B的义务 B agrees and undertakes with the A that, for the duration of this Agreement the B shall punctually and faithfully observe the following:

B同意并承诺A在本协议有效期内如期并忠实遵守以下条款: {然后列举一些条款}如: It shall use its best endeavors’ to promote and extend the sale of the Goods throughout the Territory. 我们会尽最大努力在中国大陆推广和扩大甲方教育项目的影响力 B shall not sell the Goods to A’s Customers, unless authorized in writing by A, for the duration of this Agreement. 乙方不会去做甲方在中国大陆已有项目 Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, any contracts for the sales of the Goods by B to its own Customers shall be exclusively concluded between B and its Customers. B shall have the sole right to offer and/or accept terms and conditions of such contracts.


品牌授权书 兹授权____________________________________ 通过互联网在全球范围内销售 _____________________________ 系列 产品,以本公司品牌授权经销商的名义从事合法的商业活动。所有由本公司直接提供的___________ 系列产品,均保证为合格正品。 授权使用的商标和标识为:________________________________________________________________________________ 授权期限:____________ 年 ____________ 月 ___________ 日至_____________ 年____________ 月 授权到期后,如本公司未终止本授权,则授权日期自动顺延,顺延期无限制。 授权方:__________________________________________ 盖章与签名:________________________________________ 日期:_________________________________________ Certificate of Authorizati on We hereby authorize to carry out on li ne

sales / distribution of products all over the world, as the bra nd authorized distributor. We assure that all the products provided by us are authentic without quality problems. The aboveme nti oned trademarks are : The authorized products are (opti on al): No. Category r :厂 :厂 4~ 5 This authorizati on is valid from _to __________________ _______________________________ Un less otherwise termi nated, authorizati ons are automatically exte nded in perpetuity. Authorized by: __________________ Signature: ______________________ Date:


中英文品牌(商标)授权书模 板 标准化文件发布号:(9312-EUATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

Brand Authorization Certification This is to certify that xxx,registered in accordance with xxx represented by the General Director xxx, have registered the brand of xxx in xxx and have the right of this brand . The company xxx officially authorizes xxx to use this brand xxx (The design of this brand was in the attachment on products. One of the products xxx carton design with this brand was in the attachment . Company :xxx and company xxx both have the right of using this carton design . This certification is valid from xxx to _xxx . Authorizer Party Xxx(company name ) Responsible Person Signature : Date : Authorized Party Xxx Responsible Person Signature : Date :



商标及其标识授权委托书 委托方(甲方):上海XXX 机械设备制造有限公司 受委托方(乙方):上海XXX 配件供给设备制造有限公司 今委托方: (下简称甲 方) 授权受委托方: (下简称乙方) 加工和生产甲方提供的带有由 LOGO-LOGO-LOGO 所有的商标(商标图形) 印花 产品图案(模具),并许可乙方将所生产的带有上述商标及其标识的配件、机械设备的产品用于商业性宣传。 乙方对于上述商标,委托方应保证对其享有合法的使用权,特提供相应的证明文件如下: 第一:XXX 机械模具印花图案 第二:XXX 标识标志配件 第三:XXX 纸箱包装材料,印刷吊牌应制品 以上附件文件有权使用我司提供的商标 此认证从 年 月 日起到 年 月 日止有效,超 出时间此授权无效。 委托方(签章) 负责人: 时 间: 年 月 日 受委托方(签章) 负责人: 时 间: 年 月 日 BRAND AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATION CLIENT(PARTY A): Shanghai XXX Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd.. ? ?

Client(Party B):Shanghai XXX Accessories Supply Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd.. Client: (hereinafter referred to as Party A) Authorized Client: (hereinafter referred to as PartyB)Processing and production of the product patterns(molds) with the trademark(trademark graphics) owned by LOGO-LOGO-LOGO provided by Party A, and licensing Party B to use the products produced with the above-mentioned trademarks and their logos, accessories, machinery and equipment for commercial promotion. Party B shall guarantee the legal right of use of the trademark mentioned above, and provide the corresponding supporting documents as follows: First: XXX mechanical mold printing pattern Second: XXX logo accessories Third: XXX cartons packaging materials, printing tag products The above documents are entitled to use the trademarks provided by us This authentication is valid from year month day to year month day, beyond the time this authorization is invalid. Authorizer party XXX(company name) Responsible Person Signature: Date: Authorized party XXX Responsible Person Signature: Date:


授权书 Letter of Authorization 授权方: The Authorizing Party: 地址: Address: 被授权方 The Authorized Party: 地址:Address: 授权方是一家在新加坡共和国依法设立的有限公司,拥有“A”品牌的完全所有权,负责“A”品牌所有商品的研发、生产、市场合作、销售、售后服务等。The Authorizing Party, with complete ownership of the brand “A” , is a limited liability company legally established in Singapore and responsible for the development, manufacture, market promotion, sales and after-sales of “A”products. 被授权方是一家在中华人民共和国依法设立的有限公司,是授权方的关联公司。The Authorized party, a limited liability company legally established in PRC, is the affiliate of the Authorizing Party. 现授权方授权被授权方在中华人民共和国境内(包含香港、澳门、台湾)及东南亚地区独家全权负责“A”品牌所有商品的市场合作、销售、售后服务等。并授权被授权方作为权利人在中华人民共和国依法申请注册“A”商标。 The Authorizing Party hereby authorizes the Authorized Party to be solely and exclusively responsible for market promotion, sales, after-sales and other issues relating to the brand“A”in China (including Hong Kong and Macao). Meanwhile, the authorized party is entitled to file the trademark registration of “A” acted as the right holder in China in accordance with the laws and regulations


品牌授权书 兹证明 xxx,在俄罗斯注册法人代表为xxx, 在俄罗斯注册商标xxx,拥有这个商标的所有权。该公司xxx正式把商标xxx 的使用权(商标图案见附件NO.1) 授权给xxx 使用。其中的一款产品xxx印刷有品牌xxx的纸箱设计已经在附件NO.2. xxx公司和xxx公司都拥有这个纸箱设计的使用权。 此授权书有效期为xxx到xxx___ . 授权方: 公司名称:(公司盖章) 负责人签字: 日期: 被授权方: 公司名称(公司盖章) 负责人签字: 日期:

Brand Authorization Certification This is to certify that xxx,registered in accordance with xxx represented by the General Director xxx, have registered the brand of xxx in xxx and have the right of this brand . The company xxx officially authorizes xxx to use this brand xxx (The design of this brand was in the attachment No.1) on products. One of the products xxx carton design with this brand was in the attachment NO.2. Company :xxx and company xxx both have the right of using this carton design . This certification is valid from xxx to _xxx . Authorizer Party Xxx(company name ) Responsible Person Signature : Date : Authorized Party Xxx Responsible Person Signature : Date :



品牌授权书范本模板_品牌授权协议【中英文对照】 品牌授权书范本模板 编号: - 商标使用许可人(甲方): 商标使用被许可人(乙方): 根据《商标法》和《实施条例》的规定,双方遵循自愿和诚信的原则,经过友好协商签订本商标使用许可合同。 商标授权范围 一、甲方将注册登记的第类商标(注册号: )许可乙方使用在其生产的产品包装上。 二、商标标识:(另附页) 三、许可使用的期限自年月日起至年月日止。合同期满,如需延长使用时间,由甲、乙双方另行续订商标使用许可合同。 四、甲方许可乙方使用商标的地域范围:中华人民共和国境内。 五、甲方许可乙方使用商标的形式为:在中华人民共和国区域行业内普通许可使用。合同存续期间,不在省内行业同类产品上,授权其他生产厂家使用甲方的第类商标。 六、许可乙方在产品包装、企业牌匾、宣传资料上使用的说明文字: 双方的权利和义务 七、乙方向甲方交纳万元人民币作为商标、冠名使用费。 八、根据《中华人民共和国商标法》的规定:“许可人应当监督被许可人使用其注册商标的商品质量;被许可人应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量。”乙方必须保证在其生产的商品上,使用甲方注册商标的产品,要符合国家有关该产品卫生、质量、计量、环保、包装、行业标准及法定说明文字的要求。 九、乙方不得任意改变甲方注册商标的文字、图形或者其组合,不得超越许可的产品范围使用甲方的注册商标。 十、根据《中华人民共和国商标法》规定,乙方必须在使用甲方注册商标的商品上标明乙方的企业名称和产地。 十一、甲、乙方应在商标许可合同到期前两个月,就是否继续授权使用商标进行协商,到期继续使用重新签订《商标使用许可合同》并续费备案,不续签合同则自行终止。 十二、合同终止后,乙方不得在其生产的产品上使用甲方的授权商标、标识,以及在本合同第6项中许可乙方在其产品包装,企业牌匾、宣传材料中所规定的文字,否则甲方有权依法追究其侵权责任。 十三、甲方在合同有效期内,依据《中华人民共和国商标法》第四十条规定,有权利监督乙方产品质量,乙方有责任将包装设计文稿交给甲方审核备案,以免出现与法律相违背的情况。 十四、甲方对乙方的商标使用许可授权,是根据《中华人民共和国商标法》及《实施条例》的规定,仅为提高乙方知名度、扩大市场占有率所进行的企业形象和产品形象策划和包装。是在法律许可下的合法授权并受到法律保护。同


产品授权书英文范本 授权书是由当事人预备,及赋与一位他信任的人之一项权力——当他在精神或健康上出现问题,以致不能打理他个人财务时,替他作出财务上之决定,如买卖物业、银行存支、交税及交其他单据。产品授权书的英文范本应该怎么写? 产品授权书英文范本篇一: The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney) I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name). Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.

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