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Unit 1

Task 1



1) She wanted to see St. Paul’s Cathedral.

2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike.

3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers.

4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform.

5) No, he didn’t.

6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world” to prove his opinion.


If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be!【原文】

Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of London. She wanted to see St. Paul's Cathedral. She was surprised to see so many Englishmen who looked alike. They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats. They were all carrying umbrellas and newspapers. When she returned home she asked Mr clark about these strange creatures. "They must be typical English gentlemen," she said." I have often read about them and seen photographs of them. They all look as if they are wearing a uniform. Does the typical English gentleman still exist?"

Mr. Clark laughed. "I've never thought about it," he answered." It's true that many of the men who work in the City of London still wear bowler hate and I suppose they are typical Englishmen. But look at this." Mr. Clark picked up a magazine and pointed at a photo of a young man. "He's just as typical, perhaps. It seems as if there is no such thing as a 'typical' Englishman. Do you know the English saying 'It takes all kinds to make a world'? That's true of all countries-including England."

“Oh, just like the poem ‘If All the Seas Were One Sea’,” Gretel began to hum happily. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be! If all the trees were one tree, what a great tree that would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, w hat a great splash that would be!”

Task 2



1) people were much busier

2) colder than England; minus thirty degrees; last longer

3) much more mountainous; much higher and much more rocky; more beautiful

4) tend to be more crowded

5) the houses; smaller


1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) F


John is British but has worked in Japan. Etsuko is Japanese from Osaka, but she is studying in Britain. In the following passage you are going to hear, they are comparing life as they see it in the two countries. But before listening to it, think of the two countries and try to answer the following pre-listening questions.

John: I found that living in Japan, people were busier. They seem to work the whole day. Etsuko: Yes, that’s right. We work from Monday through Saturday, even in summer. You know, summer in Japan is just horrible. It’s very, very humid and hot, and you need to shower three times a day.

John: So you find it cooler in England?

Etsuko: Yes, that’s right.

John: Where I was living in Japan, in the North, it was much colder than England, especially in winter, minus thirty degrees centigrade. Does the winter in Osaka last longer than the winter in England? Etsuko: No, I don’t think so. December, January, February, March.

John: Yes. It’s a little bit shorter if anything.

Etsuko: Ever since I came here, I noticed that the countryside here in England is very beautiful. John: It’s much flatter than in Japan.

Etsuko: Yes. Japan is a mountainous country and our cities are full of people. There are lots of people in a limited flat area.

John: Yes, I found Japan much more mountainous than Britain, especially in the north. The mountains are much higher and much more rocky. I found it more beautiful than Britain, I think. Etsuko: Yes, if you like mountains.

John: And therefore the towns and villages tend to be more crowded.

Etsuko: Yes, that’s right.

John: Yes. So because the cities are more crowded, the houses tend to be smaller, don’t they? Etsuko: Yes, they are very compact, and we don’t hav e a lot of space. In big cities we have a lot of taller buildings now.

John: Is this a problem because there are more earthquakes in Japan?

Etsuko: Yes, that’s right and…

Task 3



1) In the US, people usually dance just to enjoy themselves; they don’t invite other people to watch them.

2)Usually eight people dance together.

3)Because people form a square in dancing with a man and a woman on each side of the square.

4) He usually makes it into a song.

5) They wear old-fashioned clothes.


1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T


1) eight people form a square; on each side of the square

2) what they should do; makes it into a song; sings it

3) don’t have much time to think

4) old-fashioned clothes


Rosa: Why don’t you have folk dances in the United States? Most countries have special dances that the people have done for many years. The dancers wear clothes from the old days. Everyone likes to watch them dance.

Steve: We have folk dances, too. A lot of people belong to folk dancing groups. But when they dance, they usually do it just to enjoy themselves. They don’t invite other people to watch them. Rosa: Is there a folk dancing group here?

Steve: I think so. There must be. There’s one in almost every city, and some big cities have several. Rosa: What are the dances like?

Steve: Usually eight people dance together, four men and four women. When they start, they form a square, with a man and a woman on each side of the square. That’s why it’s called

square dancing. Then there’s a man who tells the dancers what they should do. He

usually makes it into a song. He sings it while they dance.

Rosa: Oh, that should make the dances easy!

Steve: Yes, but they are very fast. They don’t have much time to think. I like to watch them, though. The dancers wear old-fashioned clothes. That makes the dances pretty to watch. Rosa: I’d like to watch a group d ance.

Steve: I’ll take you sometime.

Task 4


1) It was a time to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

2) They burned the picture of their kitchen god to bring good luck.

3) The custom said the brides must wear “something old, something new, something borrowed, and

something blue” to bring good luck.

4)Because they could not eat meat, eggs or dairy products during Lent, so they tried to use up these

things before Lent began.

5)It was a straw man made by children in Czech; it was a figure of death.

6)People brought their animals to church. And before the animals went into the church people

dressed them up in flowers and ribbons.


1) On the evening of February 3rd, people in Japanese families took one dried bean for each year of their age and threw the beans on the floor, shouting "Good luck in! Evil spirits out!" This was known as "Setsubun", a time to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

2) Before the Chinese Lunar New Year in the old days, many Chinese families burned the picture of their kitchen god to bring good luck. When Lunar New Year's Day came, they put ancw picture of the kitchen god on the wall.

3) When American women got married, they sometimes followed an old custom in choosing what to wear on their wedding day. The custom said the bride must wear "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue". This was to bring good luck.

4) Before Lent (a time on the Christian calendar), the people of Ponti, Italy ate an omelet made with 1,000 eggs. People could not eat meat, eggs or dairy products during Lent, so they tried to use up these things before Lent began.

5) When winter ended in Czech, the children made a straw man called "Smrt", which was a figure of death. They burned it or threw it in the river. After they destroyed it, they carried flowers home to show the arrival of spring.

6) January 17th was St. Anthony's Day in Mexico. It was a day when people brought their animals to church. But before the animals went into the church, the people dressed them up in flowers and ribbons. This ceremony was to protect people's animals.

Task 5



1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) T 7) T


Man: Well, I think life used to be much more fun than it is now. I mean, look at the Victorians.

They had lots of servants to do all the work; they never had to do any cooking or cleaning;

they just wore those beautiful dresses and went to tea parties.

Woman: You must be joking! Their clothes were terribly uncomfortable and their tea parties were very formal and boring. They used to wear their hats and long gloves even when they were eating cakes and biscuits. And men were not usually invited.

Man: Really? Weren't they?

Woman: And think of the poor servants. What a terrible life — just cleaning and cooking for other people all the time!

Man: But you hate housework!

Woman: Yes, I know, but there are lots of machines now to help you with the housework. People don't need servants.

Man: Maybe they don't, but life then was much slower than it is now-people nowadays are always rushing, and they never have time to stop and enjoy themselves.

Woman: Life then was fine for the rich, but it was dreadful for the poor. There was much more illness. They didn't have the money to pay doctors, and they often used to die of illnesses that don't exist in England now.

Man: Maybe. But people used to talk to each other, play the piano or play cards together.

Nowadays people just sit in front of the television for hours and never talk to each other. Woman: I agree with you about television; but what about their children? They left their Children with the servants all day. Children hardly ever saw their parents! And the clothes they had to wear! Horrible, tight, uncomfortable, grown-up clothes. Children have a much better life now than they used to, and schools and education are much better too.

Man: I hate school.

Woman: And look at opportunities for women. In those days, women used to stay at home, play the piano, change their clothes several times a day and have tea parties. What a life! They didn't have any freedom at all. I'm very happy living now. I can work, have a career, do what I want to.

Man: You mean you can work hard all your life like a Victorian servant.

Woman: Life isn't all tea parties, you know.

Task 6



1) b 2) a 3) c 4) a


1) family unit; process; change; used to be; the extended; the nuclear

2) job patterns; progressed; agricultural; industrial; forced; job opportunities; split up

3) traditional; family; expanded; other living arrangements


1) mother, father, children, and some other relatives, such as grandparents, living in the same house or nearby

2)only the parents and the children

3)previously married men and women marry again and combine the children from former

marriages into a new family


The American family unit is in the process of change. There used to be mainly two types of families: the extended and the nuclear. The extended family most often included mother, father, children, and some other relatives, such as grandparents, living in the same house or nearby. Then as job patterns changed and the economy progressed from agricultural to industrial, people were forced to move to different parts of the country for job opportunities. These moves split up the extended family. The nuclear family became more prevalent; this consisted of only the parents and the children. Now besides these two types of traditional groupings, the word "family" is being expanded to include a variety of other living arrangements.

Today's family can be made up of diverse combinations. With the divorce rate nearly one in two, there is an increase in single parent homes: a father or mother living with one or more children. "Blended families" occur when previously married men and women marry again and combine the children from former marriages into a new family. On the other hand, some couples are deciding not to have any children at all, so there is an increase in childless families. There are also more people who live alone: single, widowed, divorced. Now one in five Americans lives alone.

Task 7




1) c 2) c 3) a 4) b 5) c 6) c 7) c


In Japan both men and women go to university and both men and women study the arts such as history or English. But very few women study science, medicine or engineering. In engineering classes of thirty or forty students, there may be only one or two women. Men and women both go to university in order to get good jobs: men want to work for a big company, be successful, earn a lot of money and support a family; women, on the other hand, want to work for a big company because they have a better chance of meeting a successful man and getting married. This is changing, however, as Japanese women begin to think about their own careers. They have began to take jobs which they like rather than jobs in order to find a husband.

Men work for their whole lives and usually stay with the same company. A woman may work up to ten years, but after that she usually gets married. Most women are married by the age of twenty seven, then they stay at home and look after the children. A man does not cook or look after the children. When he comes home, his meal must be ready. The woman may go out in the afternoon, shopping with her friends or having a chat, but she must go back home by four o'clock to prepare the meal. Then she may have to wait a long time for her husband to come home. Often he has to go out for a drink after work: if he doesn't he may not rise very high in the company. After her children grow up, a woman can go back to work, but it is not easy. If her former company takes older women back, she might be lucky. But most women find it difficult to find a job when they are older.

Task 8



1) a 2) c 3) b 4) c 5) c 6) b 7) c 8) b


1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) F 8) F 9) T 10) F


Matthew: Geth, how do people set about getting married in England?

Geth: I suppose the most common way is still for people to go home. For example, people who live in London now will go back to their homes in the provinces where they'll meet all their

relatives and their parents, and they'll get married in a church, with the bride wearing white,

the traditional white. Then they'll go off and have a booze-up with their relatives and

friends and a jolly good time will be had by all. Otherwise you can get married in a registry

office, which means you turn up with your bride-to-be or bridegroom-to-be with two

witnesses only. The ceremony takes about five minutes, I suppose. You sign the form and

that's it.

Matthew: There are many today who say that marriage is a complete waste of time. What's your view of marriage in the twentieth century?

Goth: Well, I live in London as you know. I think in London, the tendency is to... for a... boy and girl, man or woman to live together before marriage and often to live together without any

prospect of marriage at all. I think this probably is... is true of London and the other big

cities than elsewhere, because after all people in London are living in a big place where

home ties are obviously less restrictive. They can do more or less as they please and I think

this is the pattern.

Matthew: But do you think it helps for people to live together before taking their vows?

Geth: I think in a sense the habit of living together before marriage may, in a strange sort of way, make marriage stronger, because after all the people will know each other better when they

do get married and it might be suggested that divorce would be less likely between such a


Matthew: Sue, you've been married for two or three years now. How's it working out?

Sue: I think it's a successful marriage. It's... I mean, it's difficult to say why, because we basically suit each other very much. We have a good friendship, apart from anything else, and, you

know, we just go together very well because we respect each other's freedom and

individuality, but on the other hand we really need each other, you know, it's... Matthew: What about.., have you thought of having children?

Sue: Well, obviously, like most young couples, we have thought about it, but, you know, we both feel rather, sort of, loath to lose our freedom just yet. I think we'll probably wait

another few years.

Matthew: Is it easy in England today to people to get divorced, or is that quite difficult?

Chris: I think technically it's probably fairly easy, I think, because I'm not English but, I think technically it's fairly easy to be... to get divorced. But it's not just the technicality of it which is the problem. Divorce is... is a social stigma which people can probably Cope with to varying degrees, but it's also a lot easier for the man because the woman, after she is divorced is, in fact, frowned upon by... by a lot of people in society. She is... is... at a... a much more difficult social position in terms of... of meeting other men, or whatever, simply

because she is a divorcee.

Task 9


Social customs and ways of behaving change. But they do not necessarily always change for the better. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered impolite behaviour for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room.

The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable — especially if they are your guests. There is a story about a rich nobleman who had a very formal dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. Other guests were amused or shocked, but the nobleman calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.

Unit 2

Task 1


1) b 2) a 3) d


Texas was the biggest state before Alaska became the forty-ninth state in 1959. One good way to understand the size of Texas is to learn about its weather. Different parts of the state have very different kinds of weather.

Laredo is one of the hottest cities in the United States in summer. The best time to visit Laredo is in winter, when it is pleasantly warm.

Amarillo gets very cold in winter. Sometimes there is more snow in Amarillo than in New York, which is a northern city. Summers are better, but sometimes it gets quite hot. The best time to visit Amarillo is in the autumn when it is cool.

If anyone asks you about the weather in Texas, ask him, “What part of Texas do you mean?”

Task 2



1)T 2) F 3) F


1) d 2) c 3) c


climate, reputation, extraordinary, unreliable, dry, wet, clear, dull, hot, cold, bad, mild


Our friend, Nick, whose English gets better and better, declared solemnly the other day that he thought that the British climate was wonderful, but the British weather was terrible. He went on to

explain by pointing out that the British climate was a temperate one. This meant, he said, "that you could always be certain that the weather would never be extreme — at any rate not for any length of time — never very hot and never very cold." He quite rightly pointed out that the rainfall in Britain, according to the statistics, was not very heavy. "Why then," he asked, "has the British climate such a bad reputation?" He answered by saying it was because of the extraordinary, unreliable weather. There was no part of the year at which you could be certain that the weather would be dry or wet, clear or dull, hot or cold. A bad day in July could be as cold as a mild day in January. Indeed you could feel cold at almost any time of the year. Nick blamed drafty British houses for this, but agreed you could also blame the small amount of sunshine and a great amount of dampness. He advised every student coming to Britain to bring an umbrella and to understand the meaning of that splendid word "drizzle".

Task 3



the country; Trees, grass, lakes and steams



1. concrete, iron, steel

2. take in the heat during the day and throw off heat into the air at night

B. Warmer winters, car engines; electrical appliance


A. air pollution may stop sunlight from reaching the earth


1. Ice near the North and South poles to melt

2. to be slowly flooded and people living in these cities to move to higher land


Cities change the climate around you. In the country, there are trees, grass, lakes, and streams. In hot weather, the trees and grass cool the area around them. Lakes and rivers also cool the area around them.

But cities are not cooled in these natural ways. Cities are built of asphalt, concrete, iron, and steel. There are few trees and usually not much grass. Rain falls onto the streets and into the sewers.

When the summer sun shines, streets and buildings take in the heat; after the sun sets, the streets and buildings throw off heat into the street. Once the sun sets, the countryside cools off, but a city may stay hot all night.

Cities are hotter than the countryside in winter, too. Standing near a car with its motor running, winter or summer, you will feel the heat thrown off by the engine. The heat comes from the gasoline burned by the engine. This heat warms the air and the ground around the car. Thousands of running cars are almost like thousands of small fires burning.

Carefully put your hand near a light bulb or television set. As you can see, electricity creates a lot of heat. This heat from electricity warms the house and the outside air.

The heat given off by cities can affect the climate. Some experts even believe that cities can change the climate of the whole world. They think that air pollution may stop sunlight from reaching the earth. If less sunshine reaches the earth, the earth may become cooler.

Still other experts think the world will get warmer. If the world did get warmer, great changes

would occur. Ice near the North and South poles would melt. This would make the oceans rise. Cities near oceans — like Los Angeles, Boston, and Miami — would slowly be flooded. People living in these cities would have to move to higher land.

Task 4



1) b 2) c

B. night, delight; morning, warning; gray, way, red, head


1) F 2) T 3) F


A red sky at either dusk or dawn is one of the spectacular and beautiful weather predictors we have in nature. By closely observing this phenomenon, you can achieve short-range accuracy of the weather as good as, or better than your local weatherman. In the Bible, Jesus in Matthew 16, 2-3 is quoted as saying, “When it is evening, it will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning it will be foul weather today: for the sky is red” when speaking to the Pharisees. An old English weather proverb based on this passage is:

Red sky at night, sailors delight.

Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.


Evening red and morning gray,

Sends the traveler on his way.

Evening gray, morning red,

Brings the rain down on his head.

At dusk, a red sky indicates that dry weather is on the way. This is due to the sun shining through dust particles being pushed ahead of a high pressure system bringing in dry air. A red sky in the morning is due to the sun again shining through dust. In this case however, the dust is being pushed on by an approaching low reassure system bringing in moisture. Don't confuse a red sky in the morning with a red sun in the morning. If the sun itself is red and the sky is a normal color, the day will be fair.

Task 5


1) c 2) b 3) d 4) c 5) c


Mark: I am an avid fly fisherman and frequently find myself on the river in a raft during lightning storms. We always have a debate at these times on where we are safest

— pulling into shore or staying on the water. Since I have heard one is safe in a

car when lightning strikes I wonder if the raft floating on the water is insulated,

and therefore the safest place to be.

Meteorologist A: We spoke with some scientists about your question, and they all agreed that under no circumstances should you remain on the water during a lightning storm. If

your raft is made of rubber, you might feel that you're .well insulated, but don't

kid yourself. Typical lightning flashes travel 10 to 15 kilometers and can deliver as

much as 100,000 amps of current. In comparison, a toaster uses about 10 amps of

current. If lightning strikes the water near you, it will have no trouble traveling

through a few extra centimeters of rubber.

Meteorologist B: So, if you're on the water and a thunderstorm approaches, get to the shore and seek shelter on land. Try a building or car. If neither is available, look for a cave, cliff,

wall, or a group of trees. Never take shelter under an isolated tree-it's also a good

target for lightning.

Task 6


1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) T


Incredible, one minute, one kilometer, destroyed, lifted up, carried away, killed, injured


Every spring and summer many inland areas are hit by tornados. A tornado is a kind of storm. It's a revolving, funnel-shaped column of air that moves through the sky at very high speeds. A tornado looks like a huge, black ice cream cone whirling through the sky. The speed of a tornado is very fast-it is believed to be between 200 and 700 kilometers per hour.

Tornados form under very special weather conditions, and these special weather conditions occur most often in inland areas, such as the central United States. A tornado forms when a layer of warm, dry air is on top of a layer of cooler, moist air. This combination of dry, warm air above wet, cool air creates a condition that causes the lower layer of air to lift up. As the lower air rises, both layers of air begin to rotate, to turn around and around. The air begins to rotate faster and faster because of centrifugal force. The tornado has a center called an “eye” and the air rotates quickly around this eye.

As the air begins to rotate faster and faster, the tornado cloud begins to grow downward; that is, it begins to form a funnel or cone, and this cone goes down toward the ground.

The cone of air is dark because it develops from a dark rain cloud. As the cloud gets longer, as the cloud gets closer to the ground, it begins to pull up dirt from the ground. Then the funnel of rotating air becomes very dark because of the dirt in it. As the tornado funnel gets longer, it begins to drag along the ground.

When the tornado touches the ground, it does incredible damage. It usually touches the ground for only about one minute, and it usually travels along the ground for only about one kilometer, but during that one minute, buildings are destroyed, trees are lifted up out of the ground, small objects are carried away, and sometimes people are injured or killed.

Task 7



1) b 2) a 3) b


1) It has been nice weather during the day, but it is going to change at night.

2) Fine weather in southern Europe and not so nice in northern Europe

For today

Southeast England---26 degrees Celsius by mid-afternoon

Southern Scotland---Maximum temperatures of around 21 degrees

Brighton---15 hours of lovely sunshine

Midlands---23 degrees Celsius by early afternoon

Northwest of Scotland---Light showers around midday

For the weekend

Spain---34 degrees Celsius

Greece---32 degrees Celsius

France---Cloudy with rain, maximum temperatures of 22 degrees

Northern Ireland---Heavy rain, 17 degrees Celsius

Most of England---Cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods, 23 degrees Celsius


Radio Announcer: You’re listening to Radio Metro. It’s two minutes to nine, and time for the latest weather for cast from Dan Francis at the London Weather Centre.

Francis: Hello. It's been another warm and fine day for most of us. Temperatures in southeast England reached 26 degrees Celsius by mid-afternoon, and Brighton had 15 hours of lovely sunshine. Further north it was a little cooler with maximum temperatures of around 21 degrees in southern Scotland, and in the far northwest of Scotland there were some light showers around midday. But the rest of the country, as I said, has been warm and dry with temperatures in the Midlands reaching 23 degrees Celsius by early afternoon though it was a little cooler along the west coast and in Northern Ireland. But already the weather is beginning to change, I'm afraid, and during the night showers will slowly move in from the Atlantic to reach south-west England and the southern coast of Wales by early morning.

The rest of the country will have a very mild, dry night with minimum temperatures no lower than 15 degrees in the south, a little cooler — 11degrees or so — in the north. Any remaining showers in northwest Scotland will pass quickly to leave a mild, dry night there too.

And now the outlook for Friday and the weekend. Well, southern Europe will, once again, get the best of the weekend weather, and if your holiday starts this weekend, then southern Spain is the place to go, with temperatures of 34 degrees along the Mediterranean coast. At the eastern end of the Med, too, you can expect uninterrupted sunshine and temperatures of up to 32 degrees Celsius in Greece and southeast Italy, but further north the weather's not so settled. Much of France, Belgium and the Netherlands will be cloudy with occasional rain, and maximum temperatures will be around 22 degrees — very disappointing for this time of the year.

Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend and temperatures will drop to a cool 17 degrees. Across most of England the weather will be cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods. And when the sun does come out, temperatures could rise to a maximum of 23 degrees.

Task 8


As the air pressure around you either rises or falls, many changes in nature occur. Most of these are very obvious changes while others are of a more subtle nature.

Mountains and other far away objects will appear to be much closer and more sharply focused as wet weather approaches and the air pressure drops. The dust particles in the air begin to settle to the ground and the air clears, allowing you to see more details of faraway objects. As a high pressure front approaches and the air becomes “thicker,” more dust particles become suspended in air and things take on their normal somewhat hazy appearance.

“Sharp horns on the moon threaten bad weather.” This and a bri ght, clear moon are good indicators that wet weather is on the way. As the air clears of dust particles ahead of a low pressure system, the moon appears to come closer and be more sharply focused due to the lack of dust.

Sound also becomes sharper and more focused prior to stormy weather. Instead of traveling upward and outward into the atmosphere sound waves are bent back to the earth and their range extended. Bird calls sound sharper, and, at my house, we can hear the blowing of the train horn as it rumbles through the valley below.

If you find yourself out in a marsh or swamp and the air really seems to stink more than normal, expect rainy weather. This happens when the pressure drops and the methane trapped on the bottom of the swamp is released in greater quantities. In reverse, as fair weather approaches and the pressure rises, things won't smell quite so strong.

Birds and bats have a tendency to fly much lower to the ground right before a rain due to the “thinning” of the air. They prefer to fly where the air is the most dense and they can get greater lift with their wings. With high pressure and dry air, the atmosphere becomes denser and they can easily fly at higher altitudes.

Smoke rising straight into the air means fair weather and smoke hanging low means rain is on the way. This is pretty much the same as with the birds and methane in the swamp. When high pressure approaches, smoke will rise whereas with low pressure it can't rise and tends to lay low.

Remember a grandparent talking about how their corns, bunions, or joints ached right before a rain? Again, this is due to the decreasing atmospheric pressure allowing the gas in our bodies to expand.

Task 9


A. Statements 3, 6, 7 are true.




1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F


1) d 2) b


It was 1974. Richard Nixon was still president. Kidnapped heiress Patty Hearst was still missing. In Xenia, a pretty spot of 25,000 people amid fields of soybeans and corn, American Graffiti was held over at the Cinema. The Xenia Hotel offered a chicken and dumpling dinner for $2.25, but everyone flocked to the A&W drive-in for burgers and root beer floats. That's where five of the bodies were found after the storm.

In all, 33 people died in Xenia's tornado, the deadliest of 148 storms that raged through 13 states during the infamous "Super Outbreak'' of tornadoes April 3 to 4, 1974. In 16 hours and 10 minutes, 330 people were killed and nearly 5,550 were injured from Illinois to Georgia.

Though the Xenia death toll has been matched by other killer storms, the degree of devastation makes the city's tornado among U.S. history's most destructive. The storm still is studied in colleges by aspiring meteorologists, a textbook case of a rare Category F-5, the most intense of tornadoes.

On that fateful day, I was a young boy of 8 years old. We lived in the Arrowhead Subdivision. That afternoon I was around the corner playing with some neighbor kids. I thought I could hear my father calling me, so I ran back to the house. Thinking back now, there is no way I would have been able to hear him. I was too far away for a voice to have traveled in the afternoon noise. Besides, Dad had a very bad case of tonsillitis that day. Like I was saying, I went back home and got through the door just in time to answer the ringing phone. On the other end of the phone was my Mother. Mom was working. She told me she heard a bad storm was on the way. She told me to make sure the garage door was shut and to stay inside. After I hung up the phone, I settled down to watch The Dennis Show. To this day I can vividly remember the electricity going out. I looked out the large window in the living room and didn't have a clue as to what I was looking at.

Dad was asleep on the couch, so I woke him up to look. Dad looked and said to get into the bathroom. We sat on the floor. Dad had his back to the door and his feet pushing against the wall opposite the door. I remember that as soon as we sat down, the windows broke. Glass blew under the door, and the sound was tremendous. I know it really didn’t take too long for the tornado to go past, but I do remember the conversation we had in the process. I could feel the cool air rushing under the floor through the crawlspace vents. I asked if we were flying. He said he wasn't sure, but he didn't think we were. He said the house was tearing apart. I asked him how he knew. He said he just knew it was.

When things calmed down, we opened the door. The odd feeling I had, looking up the street from inside what once was my hallway, is still with me today.

I think back often to that day. I think back and wonder what would have happened if my Dad hadn't been sick that day. Like a lot of kids, I stayed home by myself after school back then. I

seriously doubt I would be able to tell you my story, if I had been alone that day. I still live in Xenia and wouldn’t trade this town for any other.

Task 10


Undoubtedly, Tibet is one of the harshest places for human existence. It is cool in summer but freezing cold in winter. In Lhasa, the mildest city temperature may exceed 29C in summer while plummeting to -16C in winter! Sun radiation is extremely strong in Tibet. The sunlight in Lhasa is so intense that the city is called Sunlight City. The thin air can neither block off nor retain heat so that the temperature extremes can be met in daytime and the same night respectively in Tibet. However it is not impossible to visit the holy snow land. April to October is the best time to visit Tibet, out of the coldest months, which are from December to February usually. The average temperature in north Tibet is subzero and winter arrives in October until the following May or June. July and August are the best time to visit the area, enjoying warm temperature, intense sunshine, beautiful scenery and festive events. May, June and September is the tourist season in east Tibet. In winter, roads are all blocked by heavy snow. Landslides and rock falls frequently occur, which will make travel difficult.

Unit 3

Task 1



1) Stress on the job costs American companies as much as $150 billion a year in lower productivity, unnecessary employee sick leave, and higher medical costs.

2) The most stressful professions are those that involve danger and extreme pressure and those that carry a lot of responsibility without much control.

3) The best way to deal with stress is through relaxation, but sometimes the only answer is to fight back or walk away.


1) Three-quarters

2) psychologists, doctors

3) nervousness, anger, frequent illness, forgetfulness, mental problems


Stress on the job costs American companies as much as $150 billion a year in lower productivity, unnecessary employee sick leave, and higher medical costs. Three-quarters of the office workers today say they suffer from stress at work. Recently, psychologists and doctors have begun to study the problem more closely. They have discovered that the most stressful professions are those that involve danger, extreme pressure and those that carry a lot of responsibility without much control.

The sign of stress range from nervousness, anger, and frequent illness to forgetfulness or even mental problems. The best way to deal with stress is through relaxation, but sometimes the only answer is to fight back or walk away.

Task 2



1)give in so easily to hijackers’ demands

a) threaten to blow up a plane, commit some other outage

b) hold out against this kind of blackmail, always have terrorists, Start executing terrorists


c)be prepared to face the consequences of evil


a) It’s the lesser of two evils. Terrorists have proven often enough that they really mean business.

b)Innocent lives, threatening the innocent will achieve its ends.


She implies that if the first speaker was one of the victims of terrorism, she would want the government to give in to the demands so that she wouldn’t die.


Margaret: Governments give in so easily to hijackers’ demands. A hijacker only has to threaten to blow up a plane or commit some other outrage, and a government gives in to his demands. Valerie: Naturally. It’s the less er of the two evils. What government would risk innocent lives just to see if terrorists will really do what they threaten to do? Terrorists have proven often enough that they really mean business.

Margaret: Yes, but i f a government doesn’t hold out against this kind of bl ackmail, we will always have terrorists. Governments are afraid to punish these people. They almost always let

them go free. Start executing terrorists automatically wherever they land, and terrorism will


Valerie: And what about the innocent lives that will be lost in the process? Terrorism is based on the simple idea that threatening the innocent will achieve its ends.

Margaret: You can’t get rid of evil without being prepared to face the consequences of evil. Valerie: So long as you’re not one of the victims!

Task 3



1)thirty-five, natural light, a small window, hot, airless, very noisy

2) Mexico

3) ought to, shouldn’t


1)It is located in a narrow street with five-and six-storey buildings eight kilometers from downtown

Los Angeles.

2) This factory makes shirts and jeans

3) She’s already been working for ten hours, but won’t stop for another two hours.

4) She can’t complain about those things because she is an illegal immigrant.


Eight kilometers from downtown Los Angeles there is a narrow street with five- and six-storey buildings. Inside one of these buildings there is a small factory making shirts and jeans. The women working in the factory sit close together, each with a small table, each with their own sewing machine. The women say nothing, and work hard. In one of the rooms there are thirty-five women. There is

only a little natural light, and this comes from a small window in the roof. The room is hot, airless, and very noisy. On the left-hand side of the room there is a young girl sitting next to the wall. Every now and again she closes her eyes, and her fingers stop working. She's already been in her chair for ten hours, but she'll be here until the bell rings — and that won't be for another two hours. Her name is Maria, and she comes from Mexico. She won't complain about her work. She won't say that the working hours ought to be changed; she won't say that the working conditions shouldn't be permitted.

Task 4



Every year the British government publishes statistics about social trends. Their findings show definite patterns in the British way of life.

1)marked differences

a)one hour more every day, three hours more every week

b) 1 percent, cleaning and ironing, keep household accounts, do repairs or improvements

c)30 percent

2)leisure activities, watching television, 20 hours a week, going for walks, Swimming, British



Unlike the other couples, Carla has always kept her won accounts and Adrian has always done his own housework. Neither of them like watching television very much and they both like swimming.【原文】

When Adrian Hutton and Carla Leone get married they will move into a new house that they have bought. But what sort of life will they have? What can they expect in modern Britain? Every year the British government publishes statistics about social trends. Their findings show definite patterns in the British way of life.

In most marriages there are some marked differences between husbands and wives. Working wives, for example, sleep (on average) one hour more a day than working husbands. Housewives, on the other hand, sleep only about three hours more every week than their working husbands. And what about housework? The government survey showed that only 1% of men do the household chores — like cleaning and ironing. But they do usually keep household accounts and it is always men who do repairs or improvements in the house. 30% of all marriages end in divorce.

The government survey also looked at leisure activities. They found that the two most popular leisure activities in Britain are watching television (the average family spends 20 hours a week in front of the TV set) and going for walks. Swimming is an especially popular activity among British women.

Carla and Adrian's life, though, will probably be different from the average marriage. In the first place Carla has always kept her own accounts and Adrian has always done his own housework. Neither of them like watching television very much and they both like swimming.

Task 5



Topic: How a city in Japan solve the problem of garbage disposal.

Supporting details: 160 million, every year, 10 percent, 10 percent, the rest, public cooperation

1) garbage that can be easily burned, kitchen and garden trash

2) electrical appliances, plastic tools, plastic toys

3) are poisonous, cause pollution, batteries

4) bottles and glass containers that can be recycled

5) metal containers that can be recycled

6) furniture and bicycled

on different days, on request, fertilizer, to produce electricity, recycled, cleaned, repaired, resold cheaply, give away


1) The garbage will be taken to a center that looks like a clean new office building or hospital. Inside

the center, special equipment is used to sort and process the garbage.

2) Official from cities around the world visit Machida to see whether they can use some of these ideas and techniques to solve their own garbage disposal problems.


Disposing of the garbage we produce every day is a major problem in cities around the world. In the United States, over 160 million tons of garbage are produce every year. Ten percent is recycled, ten percent is burned, and the rest is put in landfills. But finding land for new landfills is becoming more difficult.

A city that has solved this problem in an unusual way is Machida, in Tokyo, Japan. They have developed a totally new approach to garbage disposal. The key to the operation is public cooperation. Families must divide their garbage into six categories:

1. garbage that can be easily burned (that is, combustible garbage) such as kitchen and garden trash?;

2. noncombustible garbage, such as small electrical appliances, plastic tools, and plastic toys?;

3. products that are poisonous or that cause pollution, such as batteries and fluorescent lights?;

4. bottles and glass containers that can be recycled?;

5. metal containers that can be recycled?;

6. large items, such as furniture and bicycles.

The items in categories1 to 5 are collected on different days. Large items are only collected upon request. Then the garbage is taken to a center that looks like a clean new office building or hospital. Inside the center, special equipment is used to sort and process the garbage. Almost everything can be reused: garden or kitchen trash becomes fertilizer; combustible garbage is burned to produce electrical; metal containers and bottles are recycled; and old furniture, clothing, and other useful items are cleaned, repaired, and resold cheaply or given away. The work provides employment for handicapped person and gives them a chance to learn new skills.

Nowadays, officials from cities around the world visit Machida to see whether they can use some of these ideas and techniques to solve their own garbage disposal problems.

Task 6


1) They were talking about Mrs. Carter.

2) She was a tall, handsome woman who used to come into the shop at least twice a week.

3) She lived alone in a large house on an old farm---about three miles from the shop.

4) He was absolutely certain, otherwise he would never call the police. His evidence was this: First, he saw her do it; second, he found the things in her bag; third, she had done it before.

5) Because two young people saw her. The shopkeeper believed that if they didn’t punish her, young people would think that stealing didn’t matter.

6) The judge thought that it was difficult case from a humanitarian point of view. The excuses her found for her were: First, the woman was old and she lived alone---she was lonely. Second, she wasn’t poor---she was well-known for her generosity to charities and she didn’t need to steal. Te items were only worth a pound or two. Third, she pleaded not guilty and she didn’t know that she had done it.


Shopkeeper: I knew Mrs. Carter very well. She was a tall, handsome woman who used to come into the shop at least twice a week. She lived alone in a large house on an old farm — about

three miles from here. People ask me if I am certain she did it. The answer is yes. I was

absolutely certain, otherwise I would never have called the police. In the first place, I saw

her do it. I watched her put the things into her bag and I watched her walk out of the

store. In the second place, we found the things in her bag, and finally, she had done it

before. It wasn't the first time. I think she was in such a confused state that she didn’t

know what she was doing, but two other people say her — two young people. We had to

punish her, otherwise young people would think that stealing didn’t matter.

Judge: It was a difficult case from a humanitarian point of view. The woman was old and she lived alone —she was lo nely. She wasn’t poor—she was well-known for her generosity to charities and she didn’t need to steal. The items were only worth a pound or two. She pleaded not guilty and said she didn’t know that she had done it. From the legal point of view the case was straightforward. The woman stole; she was caught and reported. There were witnesses. She had to be punished or else no one could be punished for stealing.

Task 7


A. not all modern cities are alike; modern city.

1) a single high-density center, skyscrapers, motorways, as far as you can see

2) the low-density multi-center city, a large collection of a number of small centers, shopping centers, factories, businesses, skyscrapers


1) He thinks that the second type( the Los Angeles model) is more sensible.

2) He considers it highly likely that the kind of city we know now will completely disappear.


Interviewer: Would you say then that all modem cities are pretty much alike?

Urban Planner: Quite definitely not. There seem to be two types of modem city. In type one there is

a single high-density centre, and that's where you'll find the skyscrapers. This is

surrounded by motorways. And all around this centre, low-density suburbs stretch as

far as you can see. This is like Houston, or Calgary, or Toronto. Interviewer: And the

second type?

Urban Planner: The other type is like Los Angeles — the low-density multi-centre city. As I'm sure

you know Los Angeles is really a large collection of a number of small centres, each

with its shopping centres, factories, businesses, and skyscrapers scattered everywhere.

In a way it's almost one enormous suburb.

Interviewer: Do you. think one type is better than the other?

Urban Planner: I think the Los Angeles model is more sensible.

Interviewer: And so do you think Los Angeles is the city of the future?

Urban Planner: Well, it is arguable that the next step after Los Angeles is the complete disappearance of the city, with no real centre, where well-designed forms of urban life-modem

factories and office blocks which are clean and quiet, and beautiful forms of rural life

— the trees and parks of suburbs, live side by side.

Interviewer: So are you saying that the city as we know it will disappear...

Task 8



1) He thinks that this country’s problems all come from inflation, which is the result of the

Democrat’s careless spending.

2) No, she doesn’t agree with Ned. She believes that the problem is unemployment. If the

government cuts spending too much, people will fall into a vicious circle of more unemployment and fewer taxpayers to share the burden.

3) She agrees with Barbara. She believes that unemployment is a big problem, especially in the big industrial cities. And the government isn’t doing very much to help the big industries out.

4) He believes in the free market system rather than government regulation or protection. He thinks that without a lot of government interference everything will be okay.

5) No, they think it’s bad for the weak, the poor and the unprotected/ it’s bad for the underprivileged.


more and more money, come from somewhere, higher taxes and higher prices


Ned: ... you know, I think this country's problems all come from inflation. That's the main cause of our troubles right now. And what's causing the inflation? It's the reckless spending of the

Democrats! Every year they spend more and more money, and that money has to come

from somewhere. So we pay it in the form of higher taxes and higher prices on the goods

we buy.

Barbara: Well, I'm not sure that I agree with you. It seems to me that inflation is only one of our problems. What about unemployment? If people don't have jobs because the government

cuts spending too much, they can't buy things; and then you have a vicious circle of more

unemployment and fewer taxpayers to share the burden.

Ellen: You know, I think Barbara may have something there. Unemployment is a big problem, especially in the big industrial cities. The auto industry is fighting for its life right now, and

the government isn't doing very much to help it.

Ned: Well, it's true that the auto industry is in a mess, but I don't think the answer is in government regulation or protection. I believe in the free market system — let the system

work without a lot of government interference, and everything will be okay.


《现代大学英语听力2》听力原文及题目答案Unit 4Unit 4 Task 1 【答案】 1) They were orphans and had nobody to support them. 2) Each boy was given only one bowl of gruel for supper and no more —far from enough. 3) They boys were so hungry that they could not bear it any more. They decided that tone of them must ask the master for more gruel. Olive Twist was chosen by casting lots. 4) He never thought that any boy would dare to ask for more food than the given portion. Therefore, he was both surprised and angry on hearing Oliver’s request. 5) He was struck on the head by the master and pushed out of the room. And for a week Olive remained prisoner in the cellar. 【原文】 Oliver Twist had no parents and lived in the workhouse. The room in which the boys had their food was a large stone hall. Each boy was given one bowl of gruel and no more. The bowls never needed washing. The boys polished them with their spoons. But still the boys were hungry. Oliver Twist and the other boys suffered from slow starvation for three months. At last they got so wild with hunger that one of the boys, who was tall for his age, said: "If this goes on, I am afraid I shall eat the boy who sleeps next me." He had wild hungry eyes and the boys believed him. The boys gathered and thought of a plan. "One of us must walk up to the master at supper this evening and ask for more gruel," said one boy. "Let us east lots," said another. "In that way we shall see who must go up to the master and ask for more." So they cast lots. The lot fell to Oliver Twist. He had to go up to the master


《现代大学英语听力2》听力原文及答案U n i t1U n i t1 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) She wanted to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. 2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike. 3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers. 4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform. 5) No, he didn’t. 6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world”to prove his opinion. B. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be!

Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of London. She wanted to see St. Paul's Cathedral. She was surprised to see so many Englishmen who looked alike. They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats. They were all carrying umbrellas and newspapers. When she returned home she asked Mr clark about these strange creatures. "They must be typical English gentlemen," she said." I have often read about them and seen photographs of them. They all look as if they are wearing a uniform. Does the typical English gentleman still exist?" Mr. Clark laughed. "I've never thought about it," he answered." It's true that many of the men who work in the City of London still wear bowler hate and I suppose they are typical Englishmen. But look at this." Mr. Clark picked up a magazine and pointed at a photo of a young man. "He's just as typical, perhaps. It seems as if there is no such thing as a 'typical' Englishman. Do you know the English saying 'It takes all kinds to make a world'? That's true of all countries-including England." “Oh, just like the poem ‘If All the Seas Were One Sea’,”Gretel began to hum happily. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be! If all the trees were one tree, what a great tree that would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, w hat a great splash that would be!” Task 2

现代大学英语听力2 原文及答案

Unit 1 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) She wanted to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. 2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike. 3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers. 4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform. 5) No, he didn’t. 6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world” to prove his opinion. B. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be! 【原文】 Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of


Unit 4 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) They are farms that grow vegetables for city people to eat fresh. 2) It’s a farm that grow plants and flowers to sell. 3) They protect the plants from the cold in the winter but let them get plenty of light, so the plants can be grown all through the year. B. 1) canned, frozen 2) flowers, garden plants, home gardens, yards, window boxes 3) buildings, furniture, firewood 【原文】 Grain, vegetables and fruits are found on most farms. All of them are food for animals and people. Grain can be fed to animals just as it is harvested. But before people use them grains are usually made into flour or breakfast cereal. Bread, macaroni(通心粉), and cereals(麦片)all come from grain. Tomatoes, beans, potatoes, beets(甜菜), lettuce(生菜), carrots and onions are field and garden vegetables. Can you think of any others Vegetables are good for people and for some animals such as pigs and rabbits. Farms that grow vegetables for city people to eat fresh are called truck farms. Truck farms are usually close to big cities. Each day hundreds of loads of fresh vegetables are brought to stores on the farmers' trucks. Without the truck farmers people in cities would not eat well. And without city people who eat fresh vegetables, the truck farmers would have no work. There are many kinds of fruit. Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, oranges, grapefruit, and berries are a few kinds. You will be able to think of other kinds that you like. Most fruit is grown on specialized farms. But many general farms have some fruit to use and sell also. Like vegetables, fruit is sold fresh in markets. But a large part of both fruit and vegetable crops is sent to factories to be canned or frozen. In warm parts of our country farmers grow cotton, rice, tobacco, sugar cane(甘蔗), and peanuts. Specialized farms raise flowers and garden plants. They are sold to florists(花商)and to families for home gardens, or yards, or window boxes. A farm that grow plants and flowers to sell is called a nursery(苗圃). Most nurseries have glass buildings, called hothouses or greenhouses. The hothouses are heated to protect the plants from cold in the winter but let them get plenty of light, so they can be grown all through the year. Some farms grow only trees. Some of these are Christmas tree farms. Others are large forests where trees are grown for their wood. The wood is used for buildings, furniture and firewood. Some tree farms grow only nut trees. Task 2 【答案】


全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程2 Unit 1 Sports Part A] Listening Strategy Identifying Numbers Numbers appear very often in every kind of listening material. The a bility to catch the exact numbers spoken in English is an important but difficult skill for a Chinese learner. A good way is to pract ice over and over again the pronunciation of the numbers, particularl y the different ways to say thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. It also helps to practice writing down the numbers you hear quickly in numerical forms, without translating them into Chinese. You 're going to hear a passage about Michael Jordan, a retired American professional basketball player. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb.17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He is 1.98 meters ta ll and weighs 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls team for the 1984 season. In the 1986 season he shot 3041 points, the third highest score ever. He was named NBA Slam Dunk Champion(扣篮冠军)in 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 1988, an honor repeated four times in the next ten years to 1998. Jordan guided his team to win six NBA championships during the 1990s, scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals. In 1 999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th c entury. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of the 1993-1994 NBA s eason to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn't quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for five more years, h e once again announced his retirement in 1999. But he returned for two more NBA games in 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards. [ti:Unit 1 Part B] Listening Tasks A Conversation Why Don't You Join Me at the Gym Sometime? Exercise 1 Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the quest ions you hear. Peter: Hi Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag? Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you know. I try to go three times a week, but I'm busy so I can' t always make it. Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main re ason you work out? For your health, or to look good? Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a


Part III Practice One Ex.1. 1. ice-skating 2. chemistry 3. outgoing, bright, funny 4. moody, self-centered 5. wavy blond 6. runner-up Ex.2. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T Practice Two Ex.1. 1. Four 2. Colleagues 3. Teacher 4. Susan 5. Barbara Ex.2. 1) Paul D E J 2) Susan B F 3) Maria C H 4) Peter A G I Practice Three Ex.1 1. energetic 2. patient 3. honest 4. stubborn 5. creative Ex.2 1. favorite way to relax 2. how to divide 3. bad unripe 4. stiff sore 5. fastening a basketball hoop Practice Four Ex.1 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 1. It was easy to tell the English from the British. 2. Speaking the same language helped one Australian visitor a lot. 3. By “much nicer”, one of the visitors meant th at the British people were more friendly than people of other countries. 4. The majority of continentals thought hightly of English manners. 5. To the young student from South Africa, Britain seemed to have a lot of foreign visitors. Ex.2. 1) flattering 2) critical 3) popular 4) reserved 5) English Ex.3. 1) understand the Scots’ English 2) the friendliest people 3) most hospitable 4) much nicer than 5) English courtesy 6) no views on the matter/no comments. Unit 3 Part III Practice One Ex.1. 1. natural riches 2. desert 3. extinction 4. species 5. oxyen 6. economic development 7. conservation 8. valuable income 9. awareness 10. slow down


Task 1 1) Man: I had the girls running in circles when I was in college、 Woman: I never knew you were the campus hero、 Man: I wasn't、I was the women's track coach、 2) Instructor: Mr、Jenkins, why are you late? Student: I guess because the class started before I got here、 3) Woman: Doctor, you have to e immediately—my baby swallowed some camera film! Doctor: Just calm yourself, nothing will develop、 4) Customer: Waiter, this water is cloudy、 Waiter: The water's okay, madam、It's just that the glass is a little dirty、 5) Woman: The bride wears white on her wedding day as a symbol of happiness, for this is the most joyous day in her entire life、 Man: Why does the groom wear black? Task 2 Catherine: I think firstly I find the French language, very melodic to listen to、It's very easy on the ear, and it almost sounds poetic、No matter what kind of mood the individual is in, who's talking, or what they're talking about, there seems to be a rhythm to the language、And it's rounded; there are no sharp, jagged edges to the language, so it's very pleasing to the ear、 Chris: I think the accent I really like is the Dane speaking English、They sound awful when they speak Danish, but when they speak English there's a beautiful, low, sensitive, very soft quality about it、 Donald: I like the way they bring their French pronunciation into English、They can't pronounce "h"s and they can't pronounce "th" properly、And I think that actually sounds very nice、Also I like the rhythm they bring French rhythms into English—nice, steady rhythms and I like that too、It's just it, it、、、whenever I hear a French person speaking English it sounds more gentle and more lyrical、 Lesley: I think the most attractive foreign accents for me are Mediterranean accents because they, if you like, import their own culture into the English accent and give it a lot of life that sometimes, that kind of—the gestures and everything that the English people don't have, so you get a beautiful mixture of the serious Northern European and the Southern European together、Susan: I like the Swedish accent because it, it makes me smile and the way it's spoken is so sing-songy that you can't help but smile when other people actually speak it、And it always makes you want to try and put the accent on yourself、 Task 3 The spelling and meaning of words are very interesting、But what's more interesting is the history of a word, or where it came from、Let's examine some of the words and see how they got into our language、 LUNCH Lunch perhaps es from an old Spanish word lonje, a slab of ham、We may also get our word from a form of lump, maybe a lump of bread, but whether lunch es from ham or bread, it meant a hunk of something to eat、 ATLAS An atlas is a strong man, and also a book of maps、The story of this word begins a long time ago in Greece、The ancient Greeks believed that their gods had once been a race of giants called Titans、The Titans fought with another group of gods called Olympians, and the Olympians won、Atlas was a Titan、He was punished for fighting by having to stand at the


I had two months until my new job began. It was like waiting an entire summer for school to start. I spent those two months talking to figure skating coaches and judges. I read boring rule books. I drove to the rinks where the skaters trained, and made notes about our conversations. I even took a lesson, which made some of the skaters laugh. Unit 6 Task 1 【答案】 A. [d]—[b]—[a]—[e]—[c] B. a 【原文】 Laura usually leaves the offices of Quest Productions at about 5 o'clock, but last Monday she left at 5:30. She wanted to get home by 6:30 and she ran to the bus stop but she couldn't get on a bus. There were too many people and not enough buses. Laura was desperate to get home so she decided to go by tube. In the station she went to one of the automatic ticket machines but she didn't have enough change, so she had to join the queue at the ticket window. She bought her ticket and ran to the escalator. Laura went to the platform and waited for the tube. It arrived and the crowd moved forward. Laura was pushed into the train. It was almost full but she was given a seat by a man with a moustache. Laura thanked him and sat down. She started to read her newspaper. In the tunnel the train stopped suddenly and Laura was thrown to the floor together with the man with the moustache. Somebody screamed. The lights went out. It was quarter past 6 on a cold, wet December evening. Task 2 【答案】 A. 1) a 2) b 3) d 4) c B. 1) T 2) T 3) F C. wondered; television plays; exciting; every cigarette lighter; tape recorder; held in a certain way; the touch of a gold ring against the hand of; reveal; How wrong they were 【原文】 X was a secret agent. He had rented a furnished room in a provincial town not far from the public park and had been there two weeks. He was standing at the window looking out at the dull beds of geraniums, the park gates and the cold, uninviting statue of Queen Victoria that stood across the street from him, It was raining hard and the few people who passed by looked wet and miserable. X was miserable, too. How, he wondered, could anybody think there was anything interesting about the life of a secret agent? He knew it was because people had seen so many television plays about glamorous spies that they thought the life of a secret agent was exciting. They were convinced that every cigarette lighter concealed a secret tape recorder; that a fountain pen held in a certain way would open a locked door, that the touch of a gold ring against the hand


Unit 1 Parents Part B Listening Tasks Passage 1 Dating with My Mother (Part One) Exercise 1 Listen to the recording and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. After 22 years of marriage,I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman. It was Peggy's idea. One day she said to me, "Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer." The "other" woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays. Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you," I said. "Just the two of us." "I would like that a lot," she said. When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door

现代大学英语听力基础教程 听力文本 unit7

Unit 7 Task 1 WA: I can't stand places like Beidaihe. M: No, nor can I. WA: Y ou know, where you have to share the beach with thousands of other people who are all tourists. WB: Oh, I don't mind that. M: Oh, I do. I never go to places like that. I like to get right away from all the tourists, go somewhere that's really peaceful, like an island or something, WA: Y es, so do I. WB: What's wrong with so many people? I like meeting people when I'm on holiday. I like places with a good night life, and plenty of men around, and ...well, you know, where you can have a good time... Landowner landlady renter lodger Task 2 Hello. Is that Oxford 40414? Y es, it is. Erm...I'm asking about the flat which was advertised in the local paper. Oh yes? Wonder if you could tell me how much the rent is per month, please?

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