当前位置:文档之家› 初中英语代词讲解与练习




1、在定语从句中,当先行词是代词he / she / those / anyone等时,从句的引导词指人时用who, 指物时用that。

e.g. Those who know the answer can go on with the other exercises.

He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.

Anything that benefits the people will be accepted.

2、all ( both, every, each)……not = not all ( both, every, each) 构成部分否定,他们的全部否定分别是:none, neither, no one ( nothing)

e.g. Not all the students could understand his explanation.

Each child can not go to school in the mountain village.

3、含有else的所有格有以下几种表示法:somebody else’s, anybody else’s, nobody else’s ; who else’s = whose else


e.g. Everyone knows how to do it, doesn’t he/ don’t they?

4、all 作主语时的数:代替可数名词,是复数;代替不可数名词,是单数;作“所…的一切”解释时,不可数,动词用单数。

5、反身代词:by oneself: 亲自、独自、自动地;of oneself: 自动地;be oneself: 身体好help oneself (to…): 自助、自己拿……;in itself: 本质上、就其本身而言。

e.g. The man is too old to live by himsel

f. / The door closed of itself.

I’m not quite myself today. / The question in itself is not very difficult.

6. 用人称代词简略回答时,要用人称代词的宾格。

e.g. ---- Who is knocking at the door? ---- Me, Tom.

7. The rest、The remainder作主语时,谓语动词取决于它们所替代的名词。

e.g. I have read half of the book. The rest is to be finished in a week.

Several people were saved, but the remainder were still inside the burning house.


1、none, nothing, no one(nobody)

none:(指三个以上之中)没有任何(人、物),常用来否定回答以How many/ How much…?引起的疑问句。可以后接介词短语of…;作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可以用复数。

e.g. ---- How many sheep did you see on the hill? ---- None.

---- Please give me some ink. ---- Sorry, there is none(no ink) left.

None of the students could answer the question, which made the teacher disappointed


e.g. After the fire, nothing was left on the hills.

Nothing did he say and he went home silently.

no one= nobody:没有一个人,只能指人,是单数,常用来否定回答Who…?的疑问句,后面不可接of介词短语。

e.g. ---- Who broke the window? ---- No one. It broke of itsel


2、it / they,one / ones,the one / the ones ,that / those

it / they:用来指前面所提及的名词本身,起替代作用,避免重复;

e.g. He bought a pen. It cost him 50 yuan. / He has two brothers. They are both workers.

one / ones:用来指前面所提及的可数名词中的一个或几个,是泛指; 还可以泛指人。

e.g. ---- Do you have a camera? ---- No, but my father has one.

A chair made of iron is usually heavier than one made of wood.

One can not be too careful when crossing the road.

the one / the ones:用来特指前面所提及的可数名词中的一个或几个。

e.g. ---- I’m looking for a pen. ---- How do you like the one in the box?

---- Who are the boys? ---- You mean the ones playing basketball?

that / those:“that”用来替代前面出现过的可数名词单数= the one或不可数名词,以避免重复;“those”用来替代前面出现过的可数名词复数= the ones,以避免重复。

e.g. The price of a pen is often higher than that of a pencil.

The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai.

The students in Class Two are more hard-working than those(the ones) in Class One.

3、some / any, everybody / anybody


但当some用于疑问句时,表示对所涉及的名词持肯定态度,everybody用于疑问句时,译为“大家、每个人”。e.g. Is everybody pleased with the show?

试比较:Do you have any water? (对water持怀疑态度)

---- Do you like some more water? ---- No, thanks. (对water持肯定态度)


e.g. ---- When shall we meet again? ---- Any time you like.

Anybody here knows how to treat a stranger.

4、who / whoever , what / whatever , which / whichever, whom / whomever

who / what / which/ whom是疑问词,引起的句子具有疑问色彩;whoever / whatever / whichever /whomever 是代词,并不引起疑问句,而用来引导名词性从句或让步状语从句。

e.g. Who will teach us English is still unknown.

Whoever did it will be punished. / Whoever did it, he will be punished.

What would you do if you had that sum of money? / Whatever you do, do it well.

5、other / others; the other / the others ; another

other:作代词时,一般不单独使用,而必须与any, some, no 等连用。

e.g. He is no other but Tom. / These are all we have, we have no other(s).


e.g. Some people like fishing, some like boating, others skating.

the other: 与one连用,构成词组:one…the other:指两者中“一个……另一个……”

the others: 指在一定范围中的“其余的”。

e.g. In our class some students are good at maths, some are good at Chinese, the others are good at physics.

another: 是形容词,“另一个、在一个”,一般作定语,既可以修饰单数名词,又可以修饰复数名词,还可以修饰数词。

e.g. We stayed in New York for another three weeks. / Please have another apple.

当another修饰单数名词时,在上下文意思明确的情况下,可以把名词省略,这时another 起代词作用。

e.g. After eating an apple, I had another (one).

6、all ; both ; each ; every ; either




e.g. There are trees on each side / both sides of the river.

Each of us has a chance to go to university.

We each have a dictionary.


e.g. If you keep still, you can sit on either end of the boat.

I don’t like either of them. Do you have any other blouse?


1. ---- Do you want tea or coffee?

---- _____ . I really don’t mind.

A. Both

B. None

C. Either

D. Neither

2. I read about it in some book or other, does it matter ______ it was?

A. where

B. what

C. how

D. which

3. ---- You’re always working. Come on, let’s go shopping.

---- _______ you ever want to do is going shopping.

A. Anything

B. Something

C. All

D. That

4. The boss decided to dismiss two workers: ________ .

A. you and Tom

B. I and you

C. Mary and I

D. she and you

5. I don’t care for ______ of the hats. Would you show me a third one?

A. all

B. none

C. either

D. both

6. I now do not accept ______ that is offered to me, I only choose those useful.

A. anything

B. any

C. whatever

D. everything

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