当前位置:文档之家› 0601《基础英语》样卷(附答案)(最新整理)





Ⅰ. Match each word with its definition: 10%


1) councilor

2) arrogant

3) fidget

4) impostor

5) intervene

6) dissipation

7) obscene

8) frailty

9) murmur

10) dingy

11) formidable

12) anguish

13) moribund

14) staunch

15) coma

16) commotion

17) restrain

18) egotism

19) distinctive

20) lust a)pleasurable but dangerous living

b)morally disgusting; likely to corrupt

c)person who pretends to be somebody he is not

d)member of a group of people chosen to make laws, rules or decision for a country

e)take action in order to prevent something from happening

f)move about restlessly

g)full of pride and self-importance

h)dirty-looking; not fresh or cheerful

i)at the point of death

j)hold back from doing something

k)clearly marking a person or thing as different from others l)a state of long unnatural deep unconsciousness caused by disease, poisoning, a severe blow and so on

m)a weakness of character or behavior

n)great physical and mental suffering

o)speak in a low but not clear voice

p)great or noisy confusion or excitement

q)very strong, obsessive desire

r)dependably loyal and firm

s)self-importance and self-conceit

t)difficult to defeat

Ⅱ. Fill in each blank with the derivative of the words in parentheses. 10% 1)They set up an __influence__ committee to advise workers on how to cut

down on their expense. ( influent) influential adj. 有影响力的

2)I want to know who has anything to say in _opposite__.(oppose) opposition

3)You could __economize__ on food by not going out to eat at the restaurants

all the time. (economically)

4)After the hard work, his face __glistened___ with sweat. (glisten)

5)The document was signed in the __presence__ of two witnesses. (present)

6)Many quarrels between friends are __inevitable___ at the time, but incredible

afterwards. (evitable)

7)We stood in awe of the _sacrarium___ of the mosque. (sacred)

8)Good news came in __succeedly___ from the battlefield. ( succeed)

successively 副词ad. 连续地,相继地;依次地

9)We are engaged in a work which is _consumedly___ of time and energy. (


consuming 形容词 a. 1.消费的2.消耗(精力或时间)的

10) We believe this is only a __proposition/proposal__, rather than a fact. (propose) 用proposal 好一点

Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. 8%

1)If you still do your homework in such a sloppy way, you will be kept

__in__after school.

2)When he looked _back__on his early struggle as a salesman in a big store, he

realized he was a changed man.

3)The young engineer made a name _for__himself because of his recent

invention on computer software.

4)The company has become a thriving business since this young man


5)The population of this new city is made __up_of several nationalities.

6)The government expresses its great concern __on__ the life of the people in

the flood-stricken area. with/ for

7)English people seem to show special aptitude __to__ two things. for

8)Mary believed her husband’s unusual behavior was attributed _by__his stay

too late outside.

attribute to 把……归因于;把……归功于

9)With the flood approaching, the villagers’ lives are measured __on__ seconds.

in seconds在很短的时间内

10)You had better turn _in__ early. You look so tired after the long journey.

11)The staff in this company are entitled __to__ free physical examination once a


12)Every citizen is supposed to act __in__ accordance with the law.

13)I won’t be put _off__ any longer; I want a straight answer to a straight


14)Are smelling salts useful in bringing a fainting person __back___?

15)Planning and outlining are only a prelude _to__writing.

16)The new year party was _in__full swing when the famous actress appeared

with a beautiful dress.

Ⅳ. Paraphrase the following sentences. 21%

1) There is no country where Shakespeare’s work is not read with something very

like awe because there is something fascinating about him.

2) I found myself on varied assignments, all the way from ship news to sports


3) People are not so inclined to think that the differences between the Arctic and

Antarctic outweigh their similarities.

4) As the sun rose higher, thirst began to take a central place in Peter’s


5) Snow fell silently and relentlessly until every ugly patch and corner of our

rather rambling garden was smoothed over.

6) Euphemisms are considered overly squeamish and affected by contemporary

writers, unless used for humorous effect.

7) When the headmaster told him that he had to split the class up into three groups

and teach them in turn at three different levels, he sat in hostile silence.

Ⅴ. Use the words given in parentheses to translate the following sentences.


1) 黄教授结束精彩的演讲时, 大厅爆发出一阵阵雷鸣般的掌声. (rock,


2) 如果你去过那小村庄,你就会发现那里最大的特点就是所有的生命都与周

围环境和谐地生活在一起,( feature, harmony)

3) 无论我怎么努力,采取什么方法,我的英语水平不知为什么总未能提


4) 除非你很好地掌握了各种语体,否则你无法在各种场合恰如其分地用英语

进行表达.( unless, command )

5) 作为一名学生,他并不轻松, 他必须边学习边打工补贴家用,其实大多数学

生的情况也一样. (easy time, true)

6) 你认为做为总经理有必要如此重视这些日常琐事吗?.(trivial, attach) 7)如果不是他的父母和同学在他绝望时给予他帮助,他不可能有今天的成功.(had, desperate)

Ⅵ. Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 8%

1) It is much more ___C__ to buy a season ticket if you travel everyday. B

A. cheap

B. economical

C. economic

D. saving

2) The woods where he picked blackberries were giving __C___ to new brick

houses. D

A. position

B. place

C. up

D. way

give way to让路,让步

3) You must let me have the money without __C___ by ten o’clock tomorrow


A. fail

B. failure

C. fault

D. miss

without fail 必定, 一定

I will give you a present on your birthday without fail.


4) We must prevent that kind of disaster at all ___A__ . B

A. chances

B. costs

C. expenses

D. risks

at all costs不惜任何代价

5) The students expected there __D__ more reviewing classes before the final


A. is

B. being

C. have been

D. to be

6) What would you like for the first ___B__? There are quite a lot of interesting

things on the menu. A the first course第一道菜;头盘

A. course

B. dish

C. plate

D. food

7) The little boy is never ___D__ about what he eats and what he wears.

A. particular

B. special

C. peculiar

D. specific

A particular (过分)讲究的, 挑剔的

8) The result of the examination will be __B___ on line tomorrow morning.

A. set off

B. released

C. relieved

D. given off

9) As I’ll be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate___A__ from you now and

then telling me how everyone is getting along.

B appreciate doing sth.

A. to hear

B. hearing

C. to be hearing

D. having heard

10) He was very __A___ to the old lady and did everything for her.

A. attentive

B. guarded

C. prudent

D. watchful

11) Before leaving the house, you should ___B__ that all doors and windows are


A. assure

B. ensure

C. insure

D. watchful

12) He’s the ___C__ image of his father. They’re so alike. B

A. alive

B. living

C. lively

D. live

13) After the crash, the insurance company agreed to __D___ the car as a total loss. 这个我不确定

A. discard

B. lay off

C. write off

D. get do

14) He __C____ buying drinks for people who earn twice as much as he does. A grudge doing sth.不愿意做……

A. grudges

B. disregards

C. objects

D. resents

15) __D___ I in your position, I would not do it.

A. Was

B. Am

C. Be

D. Were

16) I haven’t seen her ___A___. C

A. years ago

B. long ago

C. since long

D. long since


Ⅶ. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word according to the initial letter given.10%

It is much less 1) c omfortable_ for people to carry 2) c ash__ in the West than it is for

people to carry cash in china. Often it is not 3) s een___ to have large 4)

a mount____ of cash on 5) h ands____ in the West.

Many people use checks or credit cards to 6) a company____ carrying cash with

7)t hem____.

Checks are 8) c hiefly____ used to pay 9) r age____, for utilities, and telephone 10)

b anks____

And can also be used to make purchases while credit cards are 11) m ostly_____ used

to make purchases.

Credit cards are 12) p apers____ of plastic, usually 5.5 cm. by 8.5 cm. they are


i dentified____ by banks and 14) s hops____ that want people to 15) s pend_____ more money. When purchasing 16) s omething_____, the buyer will give his credit card to the seller. The seller will check the 17) i dentity_____ on the card and 18) r______ it, accept the card instead of accepting money. The seller will give the buyer a receipt and another receipt goes to the 19) b ank____. The bank will then send a bill to the buyer, 20) u sually_____ after 30 days

Ⅷ.Read the following passage . 5%

Many of the most damaging and life threatening types of weather torrential rains, severe thunderstorms, and tornadoes begin quickly, strike suddenly, and disappear rapidly, destroying small regions while leaving neighboring areas untouched. Such event as a tornado struck the northeastern section of Edmonton, Alberta, in July 1987, total damages from tornado exceeded $250 million, the highest ever for any Canadian storm.

Conventional computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicting short lived local storms like the Edmonton tornado, because the available weather data are generally not detailed enough to allow computers to study carefully the subtle atmospheric changes that come before these storms. In most nations, for example, weather-balloon observations are taken just once every twelve hours at locations typically separated by hundreds of miles. With such limited data, conventional forecasting models do a much better job predicting general weather conditions over larges regions than they do forecasting specific local events.

Until recently, the observation intensive approach needed for accurate, very short-range forecasts, or “ Now-casts,” was not feasible. The cost of equipping and operating many thousands of conventional weather stations was extremely high, and the difficulties involved in rapidly collecting and processing the raw weather data from such a network were hard to overcome. Fortunately, scientific and technological advances have overcome most of these problems. Radar

systems, automated weather instruments, and satellites are all capable of making detailed, nearly continuous observation over large regions at a relatively low cost. Communications satellites can transmit data around the world cheaply and instantaneously, and modern computers can quickly compile and analyze this large volume of weather information. Meteorologists and computer scientists now work together to design computer programs and video equipment capable of transforming raw weather data into words, symbols, and vivid graphic displays that forecasters can interpret easily and quickly. As meteorologists have begun using these new technologies in weather forecasting offices, Now-casting is becoming a reality.

1.The word “exceed” in paragraph 1 most probably means_____.

A. added up to

B. were more than

C. were about

D. were less than

2. Conventional computer models of the atmosphere fails to predict such a

short-lived tornado because________.

A. the computer is not used to forecast specific local events

B. the computers are not advanced enough to predict it

C. the weather data people collect are often wrong

D. weather conditions in some regions are not available

3. According to the passage, the word “Now-cast” means_____.

A. a way of collecting raw weather data

B. a forecast which can predict the weather conditions in small area in an

accurate way

C. a network to collect instant weather data

D. a more advanced system of weather observation

4. According to the passage, ______ is the key factor to making “Now-casts” a


A. scientific and technological advances such as radar, or satellites

B. computer scientist

C. meteorologists

D. advanced computer programs

5. According to the author, the passage mainly deals with ______.

A. a tornado in Edmonton, Alberta

B. what is a “Now-cast”

C. the disadvantage of conventional computer models of the weather forecast

D. a breakthrough in weather forecast

Ⅸ. Write a letter to your friend welcoming him or her to your town for a visit.

7% ( at least 150 words)

Your letter should include:

--- happiness on hearing the news of your friend’s planned visit

--- suggestions as to accommodation

--- suggestions as to the places to visit

--- suggestions as to what to bring



At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!


初中英语动词汇总 1alight alit alit 规则*alighted* v. 落,下2 arise arose arisen v. 站立,出现 3 awake awoke awoken 规则*awakened a. 醒的; v. 唤醒, 唤起,醒来 4 backslide backslid backslidden/backslid v. 堕落,退步,背离 宗教 5 be was/were been 是,有,在 6 bear bore born/borne v. 忍受,负荷; v. 结果实,生子女 7 beat beat beaten/beat v. 打,打败 8 become became become v. 变成,变得 9 befall befell befallen v. 降临; 降临 10 beget begat/begot begotten v. 产生,引起 11 begin began begun 开始 12 behold beheld beheld v. 看,注视; vt. 看 到 13 bend bent bent v. 弯曲,屈服 14 bereave bereft bereft 规则*bereaved v. 剥夺 15 beseech besought besought 规则*beseeched v. 恳求 16 beset beset beset vt. 包围, 镶嵌 17 bet bet bet 规则*betted v. 打赌; vbl. 打赌 18 betake betook betaken v. 去,赴,致力于 19 bethink bethought bethought vt. 思考,想起 20 bid bid/bade bidden 说(问候的话等) v. 命令,吩咐


英 语 课 程 标 准 (基础模块1) 黄陂职校英语教研组 一、课程性质与任务 英语课程是中等职业学校学生必修的一门公共基础课。本课程的任务是:使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能,培养学生在日常生活和职业场景中的英语应用能力;培养学生的文化意识,提高学生的思想品德修养和文化素养;为学生的职业生涯、继续学习和终身发展奠定基础。 二、课程教学目标 中等职业学校英语课程要在九年义务教育基础上,帮助学生进一步学习英语基础知识,培养听、说、读、写等语言技能,初步形成职场英语的应用能力;激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生学习的自信心,帮助学生掌握学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,提高自主学习能力;引导学生了解、认识中西方文化差异,培养正确的情感、态度和价值观。 三、教学内容结构 本课程的教学内容由基础模块、职业模块和拓展模块三个部分构成。 1. 基础模块是各专业学生必修的基础性内容,教学时数为128~144学时。 2. 职业模块是适应学生学习相关专业需要的限定选修内容,各学校根据实际情况进行选择和安排教学,教学时数为54~72学时。

3. 拓展模块是满足学生个性发展和继续学习需要的任意选修内容,教学时数不做统一规定。 四、教学内容与要求 基础模块 基础模块的教学要求分为基本要求和较高要求两个层次,学校根据所在地区、学制、专业等实际情况选择教学要求的层次,并要积极创造条件,争取达到较高要求。 1. 基本要求 (1)听 能根据简单课堂教学用语做出反应; 能利用关键词捕捉简单信息(如姓名、电话号码、职业等); 能听懂日常生活中的简单会话和职业场景中的简单指令。 (2)说 能给出简单的要求和指令; 能借助肢体语言进行日常会话; 能简单描述个人和日常生活情况; 能运用附件二“交际功能项目表”中不标*号的功能进行简单交际。 (3)读 能抓住阅读材料的中心意思,找出细节信息; 能读懂简单的应用文,如请柬、通知及表格等; 能读懂附件三“话题项目表”范围内常见题材的简短阅读材料。 (4)写 能填写简单的表格(如:个人信息、问卷等); 能写简单的个人介绍; 能用简单句描述事物、表达看法。 (5)语音 能朗读句子和短文,节奏、重音基本正确; 能借助国际音标和拼读规则读新单词; 能在交流中做到语音、语调基本达意。 (6)词汇 学习1 700个左右单词(含九年义务教育阶段的词汇),同时学习200个左右习惯用语和固定搭配。 (7)语法 能理解附件四“语法项目表”中不带*号语法项目的形式和意义并使用。 2. 较高要求 (1)听 能根据日常生活和职业场景中的多步骤指令做出相应反应; 能理解所听日常交际对话的大意; 能借助图片、图像等听懂职业场景中的简单活动安排和会话。 (2)说 能给出多步骤的指令; 能通过询问解决交际中的疑惑; 能就日常生活及相关职业话题进行简单交谈;


英语专业四级动词词组 第一组: absent oneself from 缺席,不到 be abundant in丰富的,有大量的 be abundant with有丰富的 take into account考虑,重视,把···考虑在内 account for说明···的原因,解释 make allowance(s) for考虑到,为···留余地,体谅amount to总计达到 play the ape模仿(ape类人猿、模仿者) assuming that假定··· avenge oneself on对···进行报复 awaken to醒悟,使···意识到 go bankrupt破产 You bet!的确,你说的没错!当然,一定 be blessed with具有···,赋有(能力),享有 call one's bluff接受某人的挑战 go bust破产 capitalize on;利用,从···中捞油水,由于···而获益 show concern for关心 have a guilty conscience内疚 consult with商量,商议,与···商量(协商) make contact with sb.与···联系 crack down对···采取严厉措施,镇压 depart from背离,违反 go into detail(s)详述,逐一细说 leave to one's own devices go to the devil走开,完蛋,滚开,见鬼,毁了 Talk of the devil. Speak of the devil(and he will appear).说曹操曹操到 be/go on a diet节食,按规律饮食 stand on one's dignity(尊严) dip one's hand into one's pocket 掏腰包 dispose of处理(安排,解决)丢掉,除掉 extinguish oneself What is done cannot be undone. beat the Dutch非常奇特(叫人吃惊,空前出众) go Dutch各自付账,各付各的 dwell on细想,详述,老是想着 lay/put/place emphasis on sth.重视,强调,重点在 be endowed with被赋予,赋有,天生具有···,以···而告终exert oneself努力,尽力 come into existence出现,产生 take a fancy to喜爱,爱好,喜欢···起来


一、规则动词(Regullar Verbs) 的过去式由"动词原形+-ed”构成,具体变化有: 1.一般的直接在词尾加-ed 。如: want —wanted, work —worked, need —needed, clean —cleaned 2.以不发音的e 结尾的在词尾加-d 。如:like —liked, live —lived, use —used, move—moved smile--smiled; hope--hoped. 注意:ie 结尾动词,直接加d: died;tied. 3.以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加 -ed 。如:stop —stopped, trip —tripped planned; 4.以辅音字母加y 结尾的动词,先把y 变成i ,再加-ed 。如:study —studied, carry —carried, hurry —hurried, marry —married worried; studied. 注意:规则动词过去式加“ ed”后的发音规则: 在浊辅音和元音后面[d] called [k?:ld] borrowed [b?r??d] moved[mu:vd] 在清辅音后面[t] helped[helpt] passed[pa:st] 在[t] [d]音后面[id] started['sta:tid] counted['kauntid] needed['ni:did] counted['kauntid] 补充说明: 二、不规则动词(Irregular Verbs) 的过去式大体上归纳有以下记忆法: 1.以t 结尾的词,过去式与原形相同。如:put—put, let —let, cut —cut, beat —beat read —read must--must 2.以d 结尾的词,把d 变成t。如:build —built, lend —lent, sen d —sent, spe nd —spe nt 3.以n 结尾的词,在词后力口t。如:mean— meant, burn —burnt, learn —learnt 4.以ow / aw 结尾的词,把ow / aw 变成ew。如:blow —blew, draw —drew, know—knew, grow —grew throw —threw (动词show 除外,show—showed) 5.含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t 。如:keep—kept, sleep —slept, feel —felt, smell —smelt sweep —swept 6.含有元音字母o / i 的词,将o / i 变成a/口:come— came become —became sing —sang, give —gave, sit —sat, drink —drank 7.以ought 和aught 结尾,且读音是〔:t 〕的过去式。如: bring —brought ,buy—bought ,think —thought ,catch —caught,teach—taught &把重读开音节中的i改为o,变成过去式。如: drive —drove ,ride —rode ,write —wrote 9.动词原形中的e改为o,如: get —got , forget —forgot 10.动词原形中的ee改为e,如: feed —fed , meet—met 11.动词原形中的eak改为oke,如:


I. V+ doing: finish doing sth enjoy doing sth practise doing sth be good at doing sth be worth doing feel like doing be used to doing look forward to doing be interested in doing sth see/hear/watch sb doing sth thank you for doing sth be for / against doing stop doing sth give up doing sth mind doing sth stop sb from doing sth go on doing sth be busy doing sth feel like doing sth hate doing sth like doing sth do well in doing sth be afraid(terrified) of doing sth suggest doing imagine doing There is sb. doing remind sb of doing have fun ding have a hard time doing have problems (trouble / difficulty) doing Sb. spends some time doing sth. II. V+ to do: hope/wish to do sth 希望做某事 wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事(后接动词不定式) asked sb (not) to do sth 叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事) be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be amazed to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶 be amazed at sth 对某事感到惊讶 be busy doing/with sth 忙于做某事 be coming/going/leaving/fiying/moving/dying(位移动词用进行时态时表将来)The bus is coming/the dog is dying. be excited to do sth 对做……感到兴奋 be excited about sth be excited about doing sth be frightened to do sth 害怕去做某事 be glad/happy to do sth 高兴去做某事 be pleased to do sth高兴做某事 be pleased with sth 对某事感到高兴/满意 be interested in sth/doing sth 对某事感兴趣/对做某事感兴趣 be/get ready for/to do sth be ready for sth 为某事做好了准备 Be ready to do sth 为做某事做好了准备 get ready for sth为某事在做准备 get ready for sth 为做某事而做准备 be sorry to do sth 对做某事感到抱歉


New English Curriculum for Chinese Primary Schools and Junior/Senior Middle Schools Experimental Version drafted by the Education Ministry of the PRC Part 1: Introduction With the advent of the information age and the global economy, English has become increasingly important. English is the dominant carrier of information and the most widely spoken language in the world. Many countries have made English a cornerstone of quality education when developing strategies for basic education. Since China’s ref orm and opening, the scale of its English education has continually grown, attended by significant achievements in teaching and learning. However, English education in its current form is failing to meet the needs of contemporary social and economic development. The current round of reforms to the English curriculum aim to end the following practices: Over-emphasizing the transmission and explanation of knowledge about grammar and vocabulary Neglecting to develop students’ ability to use langu age for real In their place, the reforms aim to establish a curriculum that: Develops students’ comprehensive language competence Motivates students, is relevant to their life experiences and cognitive level Promotes task-based teaching methods Involves students in experiential, practical, participatory and cooperative learning Develops students’ positive attitudes, thinking skills, practical abilities, cultural awareness and autonomy through the language learning process 1.The Nature of the New Curriculum The new English curriculum strives to accomplish far more than just help students learn English. At one level learning English should involve helping students to: Develop a certain level of comprehensive language competence and the ability to use language for real communication Master certain basic language knowledge


七年级动词短语固定搭配 want to do sth想要做某事I want to be a teacher./ He wants to have milk for breakfast. want sb to do sth想要某人做某事My mother wants me to clean the room. want sth想要某物I want an apple. like doing sth喜欢做某事I like playing football. like to do sth喜欢做某事He likes to go shopping with his friends. like sth喜欢某物I like apples. enjoy doing sth喜爱做某事My brother enjoys playing football. enjoy sth喜爱/某物I enjoyed my winter vacation. have fun doing sth愉快地做某事I had great fun playing in the water. =have a good time doing sth = I had a good time playing in the water. =enjoy oneself to do sth = I enjoyed myself to play in the water. let sb do sth让某人做某事Lucy lets me go shopping with her. let sb not do sth让某人不做某事My mother lets me not play on the road. tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事Tom tells me to work hard. tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要去做某事Tom tells me not to play every day. tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事My math teacher tells us about the exam. tell sb sth告诉某人某事My friend told me the traffic accident. hope to do sth希望去做某事I hope to go to Beijing on summer vacation. hope +从句希望……I hope you have a good trip. It’s +形容词+of sb to do sth某人做某事真是太……It’s kind of you to help me. It’s+形容词+for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说……It’s good for you to have vegetables every day. be interested in doing sth对做某事很感兴趣Lucy is interested in dancing. be interested in sth做某事/某物很感兴趣My parents are interested in Beijing Opera. be friendly to sb对某人很友好My classmates are friendly to me. be friendly with sb和某人很友好My classmates are friendly with each other. wait for sb等待某人Jeff often waits for his sister after school. can’t wait to do sth迫不及待去做某事Summer is coming , I can’t wait to go to swim. work for为……而工作Do you want to work for a magazine? work as从事……职业My father works as a doctor. work with和……一起工作Do you like to work with other young people?


PEP人教小学英语必会动词词汇表 浙江省温州鹿城区教研员高晓霞(按字母顺序排列) answer the phone接电话become变成 buy购买 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶clean the bedroom打扫卧室clean the room打扫房间clean打扫,清洁 climb mountains爬山climb往上爬 collect leaves收集树叶collect stamps收集邮票come from来自,从……来come out露出,出现come来 cook dinner做饭 cook the meals做饭 count insects数昆虫 dive跳水 do an experiment做实验 do homework做作业 do housework做家务 do morning exercises晨练do the dishes洗碗碟 draw pictures画画 drink喝水 drive驾驶 eat breakfast吃早饭 eat dinner吃晚饭 eat吃 empty the trash倒垃圾enjoy从……获得乐趣 fall落下,跌落 feel感觉到 fight打架 find寻找 fly kites放风筝 fly飞 get off下车 get to到达 get up起床go to school上学 go to the cinema去看电影 go to work上班 go去 have a look看一看 have a picnic举行野餐 have art class上美术课 have breakfast吃早餐 have Chinese class上语文课 have dinner吃晚饭 have English class上英语课 have lunch吃午餐 have math class上数学课 have music class上音乐课 have P.E. class上体育课 have science class上科学课 have吃 help帮助 jump跳 know知道 leave离开 like喜欢 listen to music听音乐 live居住 look at看…… look for寻找 love爱,热爱 make a snowman堆雪人 make kites制作风筝 make the bed铺床 meet遇到,碰见 open打开 pick up leaves采摘树叶 plant trees种树 play chess下起 play football踢足球 play ping-pong打乒乓球 play sports进行体育活动 play the piano弹钢琴 play the violin拉小提琴 read a magazine阅读杂志 read books看书 read读,看 remember记住 ride a bike骑自行车 run跑 say说,讲 see看见 send寄,发送 set the table摆餐具 show展示 skate滑冰 sleep睡觉 speak说话,讲话 stop停 sweep the floor扫地 swim游泳 swing荡秋千 take a trip去旅行 take pictures照相 take乘坐 teach教 tell告诉,说 think想,思考 try尝试,试一下 use a computer使用计算机 use使用 visit grandparents看望(外)祖父 母 wait等 wake up醒,醒来 walk走 wash the clothes洗衣服 wash the windows擦窗户 watch insects观察昆虫 watch TV看电视 watch看 water the flowers浇花 welcome欢迎 work工作


《上海市中小学英语课程标准(征求意见稿)》说明 (社会版) 上海市中小学第二期课程教材改革已经全面推进。外语学科的教学改革正在不断深入发展。外语课程的性质、地位、功能,外语教育和教学的理念、目标、内容、要求、模式、手段,以及与之相适应的评价、师训、环境等一系列问题倍受关注。现就外语界和社会上共同关心的一些问题进行讨论,共同切磋。 1.一期课改的英语教材已基本熟悉,为什么要进行二期课改? 从1988年开始启动、历时十年的上海市中小学课程教材改革第一期工程,取得了瞩目的成就。英语教学改变了培养听不懂、不会讲的“聋哑外语学生”为最终结果的传统教学模式,提出了“知识和能力并重”的教学理念。 然而在实践中发现,实际上我们原先心目中的“能”,还是局限在课堂和学校范围以内的、用于应付书面考试为主的技能,学生的能力并没有在学以致用上得到充分体现。 因此,我们必须从上海的城市定位和社会经济发展趋势对英语的需求这样的高度来重新思考上海的外语教育。这就是从“一期课改”进入“二期课改”的必要性和必然性。 通过进入“二期课改”多年多来的研究、探索和思考,我们至少明确了外语课程是集知识性、工具性、交际性和文化性于一体的基础课程,当前要特别突出外语课程的应用性,真正把外语作为交际的工具来教和学,提倡学用结合、学以致用。 现在有许多学生利用假期到国外学习、探亲或旅游的机会越来越大越多,按学生自己的体会,他们觉得课堂所学的东西在实践生活中是非常有用的,因为课本中不但学了在什么场合说什么,而且也教了怎样填写登记表等生活常识,学生们不但能够独立交流,而且可以充当父母的翻译。

2.英语新教材有什么明显特点? 在当今经济全球化、信息网络化、教育现代化的大背景下,英语课程作为一门工具课程,是学生获取信息的载体,处理信息的重要基础和手段。因此,《上海市中小学英语课程标准(征求意见稿)》在规定了各学段语言知识的同时,强调学习素材和其呈现形式的优化。英语教材在课程标准的指引下,同样加强了主题、素材、活动的设计。如以城市与国家、生活环境,、运动、社会交际、自然世界、交通运输、个人信息、假日与节日、兴趣和爱好、职业、疾病、饮食等学习主题为主线,通过对话、游戏、信件、语篇、歌曲、故事、调查等活动来培养学生听说读写的综合能力,让学生充分体会到学习与生活实际密不可分。 3.如何看待外语课程的重要性? 语言(包括母语和外语)是人类社会交际不可或缺的一种特殊工具,而不是一般意义上的生产劳动工具。可能有人会问,在信息社会的今天,难道电脑只不过是一般性的工具吗?(问得好)电脑本名叫计算机,当初科学界的先驱发明计算机是为了代替人类对大量繁琐复杂的数字或算式进行快速高效精确的计算。后来随着计算机性能的不断改进,其功能也逐渐发生了微妙的异化:人们更多地用计算机进行语言文字(即信息)的处理,而不仅是数值的计算。“信息高速公路”、“网络语言”等新名字也应运而生。换句话说,计算机的语言功能已远远超越了计算功能。与其叫它计算机,倒不如称呼它为“语言学习/交流机”、“信息传递机”更为妥帖。计算机功能这一有趣的变化,足以作为语言重要性的有力佐证。 上海的城市定位和发展目标,决定了其外语教育必须达到世界一流的先进水平。英语已是上海的第一外语,近年来上海的英语水平有了很大程度的提高,但以一流外语的标准来衡量,我们还有很长的一段路要走,然而又不能慢慢地走,必须急起直追。重视外语、强化外语,不仅是学科自身发展的需要,更是国家建设发展的需要,是时代的需要。我国进入世贸组织前后,准备工作千头万绪,其中最迫切、最重要的不是别的,恰恰是外语的准备。2008年奥运会、2010世博会等重大国际项目将在中国举行,现在的中小学生将是数年后的志愿者、工作者中不可缺少的主力军。从这个角度上看,我们可以说,外语的重要性、加强外语的迫切性再强调也不为过。


常用英语动词短语大全 一、动词be构成的短语动词 1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名 be known for因……而出名 be known to为……所知 be known by凭……而知 The hill is known for the temple.LuXun is known to us as a writer. One can be known by his words and deeds. 2.be married to与……结婚 She is married to a musician...3.be tired of/with对……厌烦 He is tired of/with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life.4.be terrified at被……吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake. 5.be burdened with负重 He is burdened with a heavy load.6.be crowded with挤满 The shop is crowded with people.7.be dressed in穿着 She is dressed in red. 8.be experienced in对……有经验He is experienced in mending bikes. 9.be equipped with装备 They are equipped with guns and food. 10.be furnished with提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food. 11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) He has been engaged in writing novels. 12.be engaged to与……订婚


动词过去式规则变化大全: [1] e结尾的情况: e结尾的动词, 直接加d: smile--smiled; hope--hoped. ie结尾动词,直接加d: died;tied. [2] 双辅音结尾的情况: 两个辅音字母(consonant)结尾的, 直接加ed: helped; learned. [3]两个元音+一个辅音结尾的情况: 两个元音(vowels:a,e,i,o,u)加一个辅音字母结尾的动词,直接加ed: rained; heated. [4] 一个元音+一个辅音结尾的情况: 一个元音(vowel)加一个辅音字母结尾的动词: (1) 对单音节(one-syllable)单词,双写最后一个辅音字母加ed. . stopped; planned; (2) 对双音节(two-syllable)单词,如果重读在第一个音节处,不双写加ed. 如: visited(重读在vis前); offered(重读在of前); (3) 对双音节(two-syllable)单词,如果重读在第二个音节处,双写词尾辅音字母加ed. 如: preferred(重读在fer前); admitted(重读在mit前); referred; deferred; [5] y结尾的情况: 元音+y结尾动词,直接加ed: played; enjoyed. 辅音+y结尾动词,y变i加ed: worried;studied. 1.把动词原形中的i改为a,变成过去式。如: begin—began,drink—drank,give—gave,ring—rang,sing—sang,sit—sat,swim—swam 2.把重读开音节中的i改为o,变成过去式。如: drive—drove,ride—rode,write—wrote 3.改动词原形中的aw /ow为ew,变成过去式。如: draw—drew,grow—grew,know—knew,throw—threw(动词show除外,show—showed) 4.动词原形中的e改为o,变成过去式。如: get—got,forget—forgot 5.动词原形中的ee改为e,变成过去式。如: feed—fed,meet—met 6.动词原形中的eep改为ept,变成过去式。如: keep—kept,sleep—slept,sweep—swept 7.动词原形中的eak改为oke,变成过去式。如: break—broke,speak—spoke 8.动词原形中的ell改为old,变成过去式。如: sell—sold,tell—told


初中英语高频考点之动词短语及习题(附解析) 一.同一动词+不同介词/副词 break 短语 break in 打断;闯入 break into 破门而入 break out 爆发 break up 打碎;结束;解散 break down 发生故障;抛锚,分解 break away 脱离,放弃 come短语 come up 升起;发生 come up with 想出(主意) come across (偶然)遇见(或发现) come along 进展;一起去 come down 下降;下落 come in 进来 come from 来自 come back 回来 come on 赶快;加油 come out 出版,发行;出现;开花;发芽 come over 过来;顺便来访

come true (希望、梦想等)实现,成为现实cut 短语 cut up 切碎 cut down 砍到,消减 cut off 切断,切除 cut out 删除;删去;剪下 cut in 插嘴 fall短语 fall into 落入;陷入 fall behind 落后 fall down 摔倒,倒塌 fall off (从……上)掉下 fall asleep 入睡 fall over 绊倒;跌倒 get短语 get away 逃离 get back 返回 get down 下降 get on 上车 get off 下车 get over 克服

get up 起床;起来 get along/on with sb. 与某人相处 go短语 go away 走开;离开 go back 回去 go up 上升;增长 go out 出去;熄灭 go off(闹钟)发出响声 go over 仔细检查;复习 go through 通过 give短语 give away 赠送;分发 give back 还给;归还;恢复(健康等) give in 投降,屈服 give out 发出(气味、光线、声音、信号);分发give up 放弃 jump短语 jump into 跳入 jump over 跳过 jump off 跳离 leave短语


2016年修改版初中英语课程标准 一、课程性质 义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。就工具性而言,英语课程承担培养学生基本英语素养的任务,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听说读写技能,形成用英语与他人交流的能力,为今后继续学习英语和用英语学习其他相关科学文化知识奠定基础。就人文性而言,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务,即学生通过英语课程能够开阔视野,丰富生活经历,发展跨文化意识,促进创新思维,形成良好品格和正确价值观,为终身学习奠定基础。 二、基本理念 (一)注重素质教育,充分体现语言学习对学生发展的价值 义务教育阶段英语课程的首要目的是为学生发展综合语言运用能力打基础,为他们继续学习英语和未来职业选择创造有利条件。同时,英语课程有利于学生体验中外文化差异,丰富思维方式,增进国际理解,提高人文素养。英语教育应做到人文性与工具性并重,使学生在英语学习过程中既能够发展综合语言运用能力,又能够学会如何学习,养成良好的意志品质和合作意识,学习如何处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然的基本关系,形成创新意识,发展科学精神,从而全面提高综合素质。 (二)面向全体学生,充分考虑语言学习者的个体差异性 义务教育是全民教育的重要组成部分,义务教育阶段的英语课程应面向全体学生。课程要体现以学生为主体的思想, 在教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学评价和教学资源的利用与开发等方面都应考虑全体学生的发展需求,课程应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、发展技能、拓展视野、活跃思维、展现个性的过程。英语学习在很大程度上是个性化的活动,学习者由于年龄、性格、认知方式、生活环境等方面的差异而具有不同的学习需求和学习特点。只有最大限度地满足个体需求才有可能获得最大化的整体教学效益。因此,教师要在充分了解学生个体差异和不同需求的基础上,在教学方法、教学内容以及教学评价等方面做到灵活多样,力求使每个学生都有所收益。 (三)整体设计目标,体现语言学习的渐进性和持续性 英语学习具有明显的渐进性和持续性等特点。语言学习持续时间长,而


高考英语动词短语总结 1.break 2.bring 3.call https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc9733048.html,e 5.cut 6.drop 7.fall 8.get 9.give 10.go 11.hold 12. keep 13.knock https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc9733048.html,y 15.leave 16.live 17. look 18.make 19.pay 20. pick 21.put 22.send 23.set 24.show 25.stand 26.take 27.think 28.turn 1.break break away (突然)离开 break away from 脱离 break down 抛锚,(身体)垮掉,出故障,失败 break in 闯入,打断,插嘴 break into 破门而入,突然…… break off 中断,折断,停止 break out(火灾,战争等)爆发 break through突破 break up打碎,(关系)破裂,解散,分解,放假,垮掉2.bring bring about 引起,导致 bring along 拿来,带来 bring back 带回来,使回忆起,恢复 bring…back to life 使……生动、活泼,使苏醒 bring down 降低 bring forward 提出,提前 bring in 引进 bring on 引起,导致 bring out 拿出,出版,使显示 bring up 养育,提出(话题) 3.call call at 拜访(某地) call back 回电话 call for号召,需要,要求 call in 招来,召集 call off 取消 call on 拜访(某人),请求,要求 call out 大声叫喊 call up 打电话,使想起,召集 https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc9733048.html,e


过去式的概念、动词的过去式变形、句子的过去式变形和不规则动词列表 i一般过去时态 定义:表示过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态。 结构:“主语+动词的过去式” 用法: 1.表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 he was here yesterday. i got up at seven yesterday morning. my mother was at work yesterday afternoon. did you have a good time last summer? 2.表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 my mother often went to work by taxi last year. when i was a student, i often listened to music. 3. 常与一般过去时态连用的时间有:一般过去式的用法: 一般过去式表示过去的动作和状态,通常一般过去式带有表示动作时间状语的词,词组 或从句, 如yesterday, the day before last, last week, two days ago 等,上下文清楚时可 以不带时间状语。 i worked in that factory last year. 去年我在那一家工厂工作。 i met him yesterday. 昨天我碰见了他。 i went to the tian long mountain yesterday. 昨天我们去了天龙山。 一般过去式构成:表示一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过 去式是在动词 原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。 4. 一般过去时的标志词: last year; last night yesterday (+morning, afternoon, evening) in +过去时间词: in 1998… 依上下文或句子。 ii 过去式规则变化 (a)动词词尾+“ed”。 walk →walked(走)need →needed (需要) (b)动词词尾为“e”时,加“-d”。 live →lived (住)like →liked (喜欢) (c)动词词尾为“辅音字母+y”时,去“y”加“ied”,若是词尾为“元音字母+y”,只 加“ed”。 study →studied (学习)play→played (游戏) (d)原形动词词尾为重读闭音节时,先双写该辅音字母再+“ed”stop →stopped (即 后三位中两个辅音夹着一个原音时,要再写一次最后的辅音) 过去式“-ed”的发音规则 (1)动词词尾为“t,d”时,发/ id /音, want →wanted (要)need →needed (需要) (2)动词词尾为等清辅音时,发/ t / 音。 help →helped (帮助)laugh →laughed (笑)look →looked (看) kiss →kissed (吻)wash →washed (洗) watch →watched (注视) (3)下列动词的过去式如下变化,发/ d /音。 call →called (叫)stay→stayed (停留)cry→cried (哭)

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