当前位置:文档之家› 重点单词讲解



1. favorite



My ________ ________ is volleyball.

【点拨】favorite可作形容词,意为“特别喜爱的”,相当于like ... best。如:Alan’s favorite color is white = Alan likes white best.

2. fun


Mr. Miller is great fun.


【点拨】fun可作名词,且为不可数名词,意为“有趣的人/ 事”,此时fun前可搭配great,good等。如:

Tom is good fun. We all like him.

3. for


( )On Sunday morning, I usually play basketball ________ two hours.

A. of

B. in

C. for


I’ll be at my uncle’s home for five days.

4. from ... to ...




【点拨】from ... to ... 意为“从……到……”,既可指时间,也可指空间。如:The bookstore is open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

It’s 2 kilometers from my home to school.

5. finish


This term finishes next week.



【拓展】finish也可作及物动词,常用于短语finish doing sth. 中。如:

I’ll finish reading the book tomorrow.

6. because & so


Because basketball is difficult, so I don’t like it.




高考重点词汇讲解3 11. trip 名词,旅行,远足,往返一次 辨析:journey、voyage、trip、tour、travel的用法区别 这一组词都有“旅行”的意思,但各词的含义有所不同。 ①journey指从一地到另一地,通常指陆地上的远距离“旅行”,有时也可以表示经常走的或长或短的“路程”。只作名词。例如: I took a journey from Beijing to Shanghai last year. -- How long is your journey to school? --Only about 10 minutes. ②voyage主要指远距离的水上旅行,也可以指空中旅行意思为“航海、航空、航行”等。只作名词。例如: She usually gets seasick during the voyage. They made a voyage across the Pacific by air. ③trip 一般指时间短、距离近的“旅行、远足”,也可以指长途旅行。在非正式用语中可代替journey。只作名词。例如: We made a boat trip to the island last week and had a good time. I will be on a trip to / journey to the south next summer holiday. ④tour 着重指旅行线路比较曲折,常表示“(周游各地的)参观、访问、(巡回)旅游、视察、购物、演出”等意思。可作动词和名词。例如: I will tour the world in the future. My father has gone down-town on a shopping tour. ⑤travel作“旅行、游历”解,一般表示从一地到另一地旅行这一总的概念。常指长时间、远距离的“旅行”。尤指出国旅行。可作动词和名词。其复数形式意思为“旅游笔记”、“游记”。例如: At present, many people are fond of travel in their spare time. I am reading a book about the travel to North Pole. They came home after years of foreign travel. Light travels faster than sound. 扩展:Journey to the West Romance of the Three Kingdoms Outlaws of the Marsh/Water Margin A Dream of Red Mansions/The Story of the Stone 12. dream 名词,动词,梦,梦想,做梦 (1)作不及物动词 ①表示“做梦”。 如:Do you often dream at night? 你在夜里经常做梦吗? ②表示“梦见”,后面接about短语。 如:I sometimes dream about my parents. 我有时梦见我的父母。 ③表示“渴望、向往、考虑”,后面接of短语。 如:He has dreamt of wealth and happiness. 他渴望富有和幸福。 I dream of becoming a teacher. 我一心想当个教师。 (2)dream作及物动词


必修6第3单元重点词汇讲解 1.cigarette cigar n.雪茄烟 cigarette n.香烟 记忆方法:cigar雪茄,名缀-ette表示“小”之意;形状比雪茄小的烟卷。 近意词辨析:cigar/cigarette I hate the smell of cigar ettes, but I don't mind the smell of cigar s. 我不喜欢香烟的气味,但我不在乎雪茄的气味。 (a cigar ette=把切得很细的烟丝用白纸卷成细条状;a cigar=卷成粗管状的烟叶) 2.alcohol n. 酒精, 酒 n.酒精,乙醇 记忆方法: 饿可喝——饿的时候可以喝点酒精 【灵机一动】 “alcohol”谐音“哎呦可好”,胡编:男人对酒精的歌颂“哎呦,可太好了!” 酒之所以有如此之魅力,还得靠它的主要成分——酒精(alcohol,学名“乙醇”)。酒精,酒之“精华”,它的另一种俗一些的说法叫spirit,它也是英语中表示“精神”的单词。 an alcoholic drink 酒精饮料 alcohol加上后缀ic,可以变成形容词alcoholic,表示“含酒精的”。如:an alcoholic drink 含酒精的饮料。alcoholic当名词讲则表示“酗酒者”。 the habit of drinking 喝酒的习惯 但我们日常生活中表示“喝酒”这个概念,用最普通的单词drink就可以了。例如:He drinks.他有喝酒的习惯。他喝酒。名词drinking表示“喝酒”这件事:He formed the habit of drinking in his teens.他十几岁就养成了酗酒的恶习。 wine(葡萄酒)。“葡萄藤”的英文叫做vine,二者之间的关系一目了然。常见的葡萄酒有white wine(白葡萄酒)和red wine(红葡萄酒)。但wine这个词有时也可以指代“一切酒”,并且引申出很多有趣的说法,如wine bag(装酒的皮囊,引申为“酒鬼”):When wine is in,truth is out.酒后吐真言。


词语点击 Reading Adopt [例题] 单项填空。 1. The new tax would force companies to ______ energy-saving measures. A. adopt B. carry C. adapt D. accept 2.The old couple decided to ______ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own. A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt 3. Our eyes slowly ______ to the dark. A. adopted B. adapted C. fitted D. matched [讲解] adopt主要有“收养”、“采用”两个意思。如: She adopted a child whose parents were dead. 她收养了一个父母双亡的孩子。 The government decided to adopt the plan. 政府决定采纳这个计划。 We adopted several measures to deal with the disease. 我们采取了一些措施来对付这种疾病。 [联想] adopt的名词是adoption,其过去分词adopted可以单独用作形容词,表示“领养的,采纳的”。如: He was pleased by the adoption of a little girl. 他对收养了一个小女孩感到高兴。 He is their adopted son. 他是他们的养子。 the adoption of new technology 新技术的采用


1. an abrupt scream 一声突然的尖叫 2. too numb with sorrow to weep 因为悲伤太过麻木哭不出来 3. give a sideways glance 向旁边扫了一眼 4. sth happen to sb sb发生了sth sb happen to do sth 碰巧做了sth 5. with no outward symptoms 没有外在的症状 6. lose the ability to do 失去做sth 的能力 7. cure sb of sth 治愈sb sth 8. at a high rate 极高的速率 9. pass on 传递 10. share sth with sb 和sb分享sth 11. be pregnant 怀孕期间 12. give birth to sb 把sb生下来 13. contrary to 和……相反的 on the contrary 相反的 14. be familiar with 对……熟悉 15. burst on the scene 突然爆发,突然出现 burst into laughter 爆发出笑声 burst out laughing 16. upwards of =-over 超过 17. lost their parents to Aids 因为Aids而失去了他们的父母 lose ground 失利,落后 be lost in 沉迷于 be buried in be occupied with sth be occupied in doing sth 18. in a bid to do 尝试做sth 19. provide free drugs for Aids patients provide sb with sth 提供sb sth 20. devote oneself to doing sth sb致力于做sth 21. be active in doing 在……方面积极 22. the agenda of 日程表 23. keep sb from doing sth 阻止sb 做sth 24. care for sb= attend to sb 照顾sb 25. be the key to doing sth是做sth 的关键


牛津英语M1U3 重点词汇讲解 1.make 后接名词、形容词、省略to 的动词不定式或过去分词等作宾补。例如: The workers made him head of the workshop. 工人们选他当车间主任。 A heavy rain made the road rather slippery. 一场大雨使道路相当滑。 He began to make faces just in order to make the other students laugh. I raised my voice to make myself heard. 我提高声音为的是让别人听见我的话。 2.stay 保持,是系动词,后接形容词,副词,介词。(注意和remain与keep的区别) The weather has stayed warm all week. stay up 不睡觉、熬夜stay in 呆在家里stay still 静止不动 3.be dying to do=have a strong desire to do=be anxious / eager to do sth. 常用于口语,意为“很想做某事”或“渴望做某事”。例:I’m dying to see you. 我渴望见到你。 There was a time when many young people were dying to go abroad. 类似的短语有be thirsty for sth.(渴望得到某物),long for sth.(渴望得到某物),expect to do sth. (期望做某事),wish to do sth.(希望做某事),hope to do sth.(希望做某事)。 be dying for something He is dying for a cigarette. 他很想要香烟。 She is dying for a cup of coffee. 她很想要一杯咖啡 4.hear form 与hear of/about ①hear from sb.= receive one’s letter / telephone 意为“收到某人的来信/电话”。例如: I’m looking forwar d to hearing from you. 我期待收到你的来信。 ② hear of / about sth. 意为“知道某事”或“听说过某事”。例如: I’ve never heard of this story. 我从未听说过这个故事。 5.figure n. ①体态,体型She has an attractive figure. How does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much? ②人物,名人He has become a figure known to everyone. ③数字Add up these figures. ④画像,肖像The stone figures in the temple look frightening. 【短语】figure out = ①come to understand by thinking 弄明白,理解 = ② calculate 计算出 have/ keep a good figure 拥有/保持好身材be good / poor at figures 擅长/不擅长计算 6.work out 的用法 ①它可表示“锻炼”或“运动”。例如: The famous actors keep fit by working out in the gym every day. 这些著名的演员们通过每天在健身房做大量的运动来保持健康。 ②它可表示“计算出”或“解决”。例如: I have worked out the expenses of the month. 我已经计算出这个月的开支。 ③它可表示“计划”或“设计”。例如: We must work out a plan as quickly as possible. 我们必须尽快地做出计划。 ④它可表示“结果”。例如: We didn’t plan our art exhibition, but it worked out very well. 我们并没有计划我们的艺术展览,但它的展出结果非常令人满意。 ⑤它可表示“理解”。例如: The plot is very complicated, and it’ll take you a while to work it ou t. 情节极其复杂,你要花一些时间才能弄明白。 ⑥它可表示“按某种方式发生”。例如: Financially, things have worked out very well for us. 我们的经济情况很好。 7.辨析:especially, specially ① especially 意为“非常地”或“尤其”,通常用于强调某事物,或表示该事物比其他谈论的事物更值得一提或重要。例如: It can be especially difficult for drivers to see cyclists at night. I hate interruptions, especially when I’m trying to work. 我不喜欢被打断,尤其是在工作时间。 ② specially 表示“专门地”。通常用于表示所做之事因某种特殊目的而异于平常。例如: I have come specially to see you. 我专门来看你的。 8. weight ①n (U) 重量,体重 lose weight put on weight = gain wei ght watch one’s weight 注意体重 buy or sell sth. by weight按某物的重量买卖in weight 在重量方面 be of a weight=be of the same weight 一样重(be of an age=be of the same age 年龄一样大) 注:提问“……多重,重量多少”时用what, 不用how much. What’s you r weight? ② weigh v. 称…的重量; 权衡How much do you weigh? weigh your words before you speak 9. ashamed 的用法 ① be ashamed of sth.意为“对(某事)感到羞愧或难为情”。例如: He is ashamed of his failure. 他对自己的失败感到惭愧。 另外,表示“做了某事而感到羞愧”习惯用be ashamed of doing sth. 或be ashamed of having done sth.。例如:He is ashamed of having failed. 他为自己的失败而羞愧。 be ashamed to do sth. 因惭愧而不情愿做某事 ②辨析:ashamed, shameful ashamed 意为“感到羞耻的”或“羞愧的”,它一般作表语或后置定语。shameful 意为“可耻的”或“令人羞耻的”。它是贬义词。例如:She felt ashamed. 她感到羞愧。 What a shameful thing he did just now! 他刚才做了一件多么可耻的事啊! 注:to one’s shame 令人感到羞耻的是 10. work ①它作动词时可意为“能”、“行得通”、“生效”或“起作用”。例如: Your idea won’t work in practice. 你的想法在实践中是行不通的。 Does this light work? 这个灯还亮吗?The medicine worked. 那药物产生了作用。 ②它作动词时可意为“做工作”。例如: Many people have to work in order to make a living. 大多数人为生存而不得不工作。 He is working on a new novel. 他在写一本新小说。 ③它作动词时可表示“(机器等)运转”或“操作(机器等)”。例如: The machine works by electricity. 这台机器是电动的。 Can you work this machine? 你能操作这台机器吗?


一、Take place 发生,举行,进行 When will the basketball game take place?篮球赛何时举行? The Olympic Games take place every four years.奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。 【拓展】:take one’s place代替某人;就座 take the place of... 代替…… In place of=instead of代替... We will go by bus instead of /in place of on foot我们坐车去,而不是步行。 Nowadays plastics have taken the place of many materials. 现在塑料已代替了许多材料。 易混词(组)解析一言辨意 take place “发生,举行”指经正式安排 的事 When the earthquake occurred /happened , many people happened to be out.After the happen ①偶然“发生”,常带有未能预见的意思,是不及物动词,固定用法:sth.happen(s) to sb. ②“碰巧”: happen to do sth.碰巧做某事

happen to be doing sth.碰巧在做某事 happen to have done sth.碰巧干过某事 It happens that... 碰巧 earthquake an emergency rescue took place.Fortunately ,n fire broke out during the earthquake. 地震发生的时候,碰巧很多人不在家。地震过后一场紧急救援开始了。幸运的是,地震没有引起火灾发生。 occur “发生””想起”sth. occurs to sb.=It occurs to sb. that某人突然想起某事 break out 指战争、火灾、疾病等的“突 然爆发” 二、Celebrate V.庆祝(仪式、庆典等);(以文章、演说等)颂扬,赞美,歌颂 We celebrated New Year with a party.我们举行聚会庆祝新年。 It is a poem that celebrates the joy of friendship.这是一首赞颂友谊之欢乐的诗歌。 celebrate a victory/success庆祝胜利/成功 Their courage was celebrated in all the newspapers. 所有的报纸都颂扬了他们的勇气。 拓展:celebration n.庆祝,庆典

高考英语 常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(三)

2012届高考常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(三) 重点单词详解 1.occasion n.时机;场合 occasion 常与on搭配,on occasion = occasionally, from time to time, at times, sometimes, now and then “有时;偶尔”。 1)You shouldn't have lost control of your temper ________ ________ ________ ________.你不应该在这种场合发脾气。 2)I meet him ________ ________at the club or in the theatre. 我有时在俱乐部或剧院遇到他。 3)All the people involved ________ ________ ________ must be present. 所有与这起案件有关的人都必须出场。 【答案】1)on such an occasion 2)on occasion 3)in this case occasion,situation, condition和case用法辨析 occasion 指特定的“时机;场合;良机”。 situation往往指“情况;形式”。 condition指某事发展、存在的状况、状态或条件。 case常指事物的特定情况、情况真相,如“病例;案件”等。 occasion后面的定语从句多由when或on which引导;situation,case后面的定语从句多由where或in which引导。 (1)用occasion,case,condition或situation的适当形式填空 1)There are _______ when (on which) one must give in. 2)Living ________ have improved here over the last few years. 3)In the study of modern science, there're many ________ where soldiers can teach officers. 4)The current international________is not optimistic. 【答案】1)occasions 2)conditions 3) cases 4)situation (2)名校押题 It's helpful to put children in a situation ________they can see themselves differently. A.that B.when C.which D.where 【答案与解析】 D 考查定语从句的引导词。先行词是situation表示情景、形式,从句不缺少主语、宾语,所以选用连接副词where。 2.depend vi. 依靠;相信;信赖 depend常与介词on或upon连用,后接名词、代词或从句作宾语。其后可接不定式作宾语补足语,其在口语中意为“看情况”,有that depends, it depends, it all depends等。depend on 后跟that引导的宾语从句时,应该在on后面加it,再加从句。 dependence n. 依靠;依赖;信任 dependent adj. 依靠的;依赖的;由……决定的 independent adj. 独立自主的;不受约束的 independence n. 独立;自主 1)It may take several months to reach your target weight—it ________ ________ how much you want to lose. 要达到你锁定的目标体重可能要花几个月的时间——这取决于你想要减掉多少。


1. quiz: 小测试 The program hosted by Wang Xiaoya is a television quiz show. a reading comprehension quiz 阅读理解小测试 Cf: test, exam 2. Canada Canadian He is from Canada, so he is a Canadian. 3. polar: 极地的 the South/ North Pole The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic 4. prime 主要的,基本的 Winning is not the prime objective in this sport. prime minister 首相 Chinese Prime Minister/ Premier Wen Jiabao will pay official visits to Europe. 5. govern 统治,管理 Our country is governed by people. Arnold Schwarzenegger, was elected Governor of California. Government 6. rather than:(1)并列连词,可连接两个并列成分 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. You rather than I are going to go camping. The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. She enjoys singing rather than dancing. We should help him rather than he should help us. He ran rather than walked. I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 7. chat: v. 聊天 My kid likes chatting with his friends on the phone. n. We had a long chat with her. 8. scenery: 风景 The snow scenery in Canada is very beautiful. scene, sight, view 9. surround: 包围 Tall trees surround the lake. The lake was surrounded by tall trees. We have five chain stores in this city and its surrounding areas. Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings. 10. measure: vt. 测量 The tool is used to measure how much oil is left. vi. 量为… The pond measures about 7 meters deep. n. 尺寸 We will make a new suit to your own measure. take measures to do sth. We should take some measures to prevent the river from being polluted 11. aboard 在船,飞机,火车或公交车上prep./ adv. We are already aboard the plane. They went aboard the plane. Welcome aboard! There were altogether five Chinese passengers aboard the plane. 12. settle down 定居下来 When are you going to get married and settle down? 舒适地坐下 After the dinner, I settled down with a book. The teacher told the students to settle down and study the lesson. He is settling down to his new job settle 解决,结束(纷争等) I would rather you settled the problem by yourself. 13. manage to do sth 设法做某事 They managed to get to the airport in time. Vt. 努力完成… Can you manage another piece of cake? manager 经理 try to do sth. He tried to pass the exam, but failed 14. catch sight of 看见 She caught sight of a car in the distance. They finally lost sight of land. catch up with , catch hold of 15. have a gift for: 对…有天赋 She has a great gift for music. She was a gifted musician. 16. within 在…之内 You will receive the reply within seven days. The house is within walking distance. within the reach of 17. border: 边境 There is a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania. 18. slight 轻微的 I woke up with a slight headache. The slight difference between these two


高考重点词汇讲解 1.fast adj. five minutes fast 块五分钟; fast road快速路 adv. fast asleep快速入睡; run fast n./v.禁食,斋戒 2.fault a fault(缺陷,过错)in the theory He always finds ~ with my work. merits and ~s; 优缺点 faultless 完美的,无懈可击的 3. favor do sb. a ~ , a style in ~ 流行的一种款式 That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。 in ~ of: in support of 支持 4.feed feed on 以……为食 Feed sb. with sth. 用……喂养…… well-fed营养充足的 feedback n. 反馈 be fed up with… 厌烦…… 5. feel ~ like doing 想要做某事 It ~s good to be home. 回到家真好 ~ one?s way 摸索 ~ the earth moving (注意后面的动词用-ing形式) Can you feel the tension in this room? 你能感受到屋里的紧张气氛吗? The dead cannot feel。死人没有知觉。 6.fetch 回去取,强调动作的一来一回。 区别get比fetch口语化,意思基本一致,take 是拿走,bring是拿来 7. field in the fields 在田里in the field of… 在……领域 on the field 在……场地 8. figure the ~ of a hero 英雄的风姿 They figured(估计,认为,料想)it was better to stay where they were. 他们认为呆在他们原来的地方比较好。 ~ out(make clear弄明白)…:I can't figure out why he quit his job. 9. fill ~… with… 用……填满…… ~ in the time 填写时间~ in the form 填写表格 Laughter filled the room. 屋里充满了笑声。

unit3 computers 重点词汇

重点词汇: 1.have ....in common 共有,共同 无/几乎没有共同之处have nothing/little in common 有一些/很多共同之处have something/ a lot /much in common 和...一样in common with 句子翻译: ①令我吃惊的是,我发现自己和这个艺术家有许多共同点。 ②和其他孩子一样,他喜欢把玩具汽车拆开。 2.simplify v. 简明;使简明 句子翻译: ①申请表现在已经简化了。 ②她使自己的言语简单以便于孩子们能听懂。 单词积累:简化n.__________________ 简单的adj. __________________ -fy 为动词词尾,表示“使。。。化”,类似构词法的词:______________ ____________________ 3.In 1936 my real father, Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a universal machine to solve any difficult mathematical problem. solve vt. 解决;解答 解决问题____________________________ 辨析:solve / settle _____________ a puzzle / difficulties ______________ a matter / an argument/ an issue 单词积累:解决;解答n.___________________________ 对于。。。的解答the solution ______ the problem 4.reality n. 现实;事实 常用词组搭配: 面对现实_____________________ 接受现实____________________________ 实际上__________________ =________________________=___________________________ 单词积累:理解;认识到v. ____________________ 真的adj. ______________________ 5.As time went by, I was made smaller. as 引导时间状语从句,意思是_____________________ 表示“随着”有两种方式:as 引导从句,with 复合结构 翻译句子:随着时间的推移,情况会有所改善。 ①________________________________________________________________. ②_______________________________________________________________.

Book 3_U2_重点词汇讲解

U2 重点词汇讲解 Reading 1. throughout prep.遍及;贯穿;在……的各个部分 The disease spread throughout the country. 这种疾病蔓延全国。 It rained throughout the night. 雨下了一整夜。 adv.到处;自始至终 The building is painted green throughout. 这栋建筑物彻底漆成绿色。 2. confusing adj. 令人迷惑的,令人不解的 Your explanation is confusing。你的解释令人迷惑。 【拓展】 confuse v. 使迷惑,使困惑 The heavy traffic confused the new driver. 繁忙的交通使司机不知所措。 We tried to confuse the enemy. 我们试图迷惑敌人。 confused adj. 感到迷惑的,感到不解的 I am confused about the problem. 对这个问题,我很困惑。 If the situation is confusing, you will get confused. 如果形势令人困惑,你会被弄糊涂的。There is a confused look/expression on his face. 他脸上露出迷惑的表情。 3. be made up of 由……组成,可与consist of 互换 The class is made up of 15 girl students and 20 boy students. = The class consists of 15 girl students and 20 boy students. 注意两者作定语时的区别 a group made up of five doctors and 10 nurses = a group consisting of five doctors and 10 nurses 【拓展】: be made of/be made from/be made out of 由……制成 be made into 被制成 make up 组成,编制,弥补,化妆,和解 make for 走向……;有助于…… make out 理解,辨认出

外研版英语九上M10 U3

Module 10 Fitness Unit 3 Language in use 课型:复习课执笔:审核:时间:2012-02-22 一.学习目标 1.系统总结whose引导的定语从句的用法,并在本单元安排的练习题Activity1、 2、3中体会它们的用法;2.听力训练,Finish Activity6、7. 3.通过本模块了解不同国家饮食;了解不同国家健康运动和不同文化对健康的看法。二.课前预习: 1. 动动脑,动动手: 1) 本模块从运动谈到健康饮食,你能介绍几种运动名称吗?你在坚持哪项运动,谈谈它的好处。 2) 通过学习,你知道哪些食品是健康的,哪些是垃圾食品。为了保持健康,你经常吃什么食物?你是否经常买一些垃圾食品吃? 3) 词组在线:①get fit _________②in order to_________ ③for the first time_________ ④encourage sb. to do sth. _________ ⑤put on weight_________ ⑥have health problems_________ ⑦at the sports centre_________ 2.将下列句子译成汉语: 1)What do you sometimes have to do in order to get fit? __________________ 2)What happens to some people after they exercise for the first time? _________ 3)Jamie Oliver is a cook whose ideas encouraged teenagers to eat more healthy food. ____________________________________ 4)I’ve put on so much weight after the summer holidays. __________________ 3.阅读p86短文,回答下列问题: 1)What place is a spa in Europe? 2)how many cities are called spa towns? 4.语法知识whose引导定语从句(请同学们看《资源与评价》p92)whose定语从句小练: 1. Here comes the girl ________ handwriting is the best in our class. A. which B. whose C. that D. that 2. Please pass me the dictionary ________ cover is blue. A. whose B. which C. which of D. its 4. They rushed over to help the man ________ car had broken down. A. whom B. which C. that D. whose 三课堂学习:1.创设情景,导入课堂. 2.预习检查: 1)小组讨论课前预习情况;2)师生共同解决存在问题。 3.当堂验收: I. 翻译句子,每空一词。1我们应该禁止学生在校使用手机。We should ________ students ________ using mobile phones at school. 2他说服我买那本书。He ________ ________ ________ buy the book. II.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. The food that my aunt cooked yesterday was really ________ (taste).

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