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11. A The man failed to keep his promise.

12. C The woman should spend more time outdoors.

13. D It is not a good idea to buy the T-shirt.

14. B Most readers do not share his viewpoints.

15. A Leave Daisy alone for the time being.

16. A Batteries.

17. D The man can get the ticket at its original price.

18. A The speakers will dress formally for the concert.

19. D He is undecided as to which job to go for.

20. C They are all adults.

21. B Varied and interesting.

22. C Hosting a television show.

23. A He lost his mother.

24. B He got seriously into acting.

25. B He has long been a legendary figure.

26. C It crashed when it was circling to land.

27. A He was kidnapped eight months ago.

28. A The management and union representatives reached an agreement.

29. B rainy

30. C Very few of them knew much about geology.

31. B By noting where the most severe earthquake in U.S. history occurred.

32. C Stop him when he had difficulty understanding.

33. D It is a tool of communication among speakers of different languages.

34. D It has supporters from many countries in the world.

35. D It has had greater impact than in any other country.

36. intelligent

37. foundations

38. romantic

39. reflects

40. profound

41. dramatically

42. deprived

43. hindered

44. research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation is linked to stress, disease, and early death.

45. A group of researchers reveal scores of studies that trace the relationship between health and interaction with others.

46. loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of miner and major illnesses.


Section A

Short Conversation

11. M: Oh, I’m so sorry I forgot to bring along the book you borrowed from the library.

W: What a terrible memory you have! Anyway, I won’t need it until Friday night. As long as I can get it by then, OK?

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

12. W: Doctor, I haven’t been able to get enough sleep lately, and I’m too tired to concentrate in class.

M: Well, you know, spending too much time indoors with all that artificial lighting can do that to you. Your body loses track of whether it’s day or night. Q: What does the man imply?

13. M: I think I’ll get one of those new T-shirts, you know, with the school’s logo on both the front and back.

W: You’ll regret it. They are expensive, and I’ve heard the printing fades easily when you wash them.

Q: What does the woman mean?

14. W: I think your article in the school newspaper is right on target, and your viewpoints have certainly convinced me.

M: Thanks, but in view of the general responses, you and I are definitely in the minority.

Q: What does the man mean?

15. M: Daisy was furious yesterday because I lost her notebook. Should I go see her and apologize to her again?

W: W ell, if I were you, I’d let her cool off a few days before I approach her. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

16. M: Would you please tell me where I can get batteries for this brand of camera?

W: Let me have a look. Oh, yes, go down this aisle, pa ss the garden tools, you’ll find them on the shelf next to the light bulbs.

Q: What is the man looking for?

17. M: Our basketball team is playing in the finals but I don’t have a ticket. I guess I’ll just watch it on TV. Do you want to come over?

W: Actual ly I have a ticket. But I’m not feeling well. You can have it for what it cost me.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

18. M: Honey, I’ll be going straight to the theatre from work this evening. Could you bring my suit and tie along?

W: Sure, it’s t he first performance of the State Symphony Orchestra in our city, so suit and tie is a must.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

Long Conversations

Conversation 1

M: I got two letters this morning with job offers, one from the Polytechnic, and the other from the Language School in Pistoia, Italy.

W: So you are not sure which to go for?

M: That’s it. Of course, the conditions of work are very different: The Polytechnic is offering two-year contract which could be renewed, but the language school is on ly offering a year’s contract, and that’s a different minus. It could be renewed, but you never know.

W: I see. So it’s much less secure. But you don’t need to think too much about steady jobs when you are only 23.

M: That’s true.

W: What about the salaries?

M: Well, the Pistoia job pays much better in the short term. I’ll be getting the equivalent of about £22,000 a year there, but only £20,000 at the Polytechnic. But then the hours are different. At the Polytechnic I’d have to do 35 hours a week, 20 teaching and 15 administration, whereas the Pistoia school is only asking for 30 hours teaching.

W: Mmm…

M: Then the type of teaching is so different. The Polytechnic is all adults and mostly preparation for exams like the Cambridge certificates. The Language School wants me to do a bit of exam preparation, but also quite a lot of work in companies and factories, and a couple of children’s classes. Oh, and a bit of literature teaching.

W: Well, that sounds much more varied and interesting. And I’d imagine you would be doing quire a lot of teaching outside the school, and moving around quite a bit.

M: Yes, whereas with the Polytechnic position, I’d be stuck in the school all day.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard:

Q19. What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

Q20. What do we learn about the students at the Polytechnic?

Q21. What does the woman think of the job at the Language School? Conversation 2

W: Good evening and welcome to tonight's edition of Legendary Lives. Our subject this evening is James Dean, actor and hero for the young people of his time. Edward Murray is the author of a new biography of Dean. Good evening, Edward.

M: Hello Tina.

W: Edward, tell us what you know about Dean's early life.

M: He was born in Indiana in 1931, but his parents moved to California when he was five. He wasn't there long though because his mother passed away just four years later. Jimmy's father sent him back to Indiana after that to live with his aunt.

W: So how did he get into acting?

M: Well, first he acted in plays at high school, then he went to college in California where he got seriously into acting. In 1951 he moved to New York to do more stage acting.

W: Then when did his movie career really start?

M: 1955. His first starring role was in East of Eden. It was fabulous. Dean became a huge success. But the movie that really made him famous was his second one, Rebel Without a Cause, that was about teenagers who felt like they didn't fit into society.

W: So how many more movies did he make?

M: Just one more, then he died in that car crash in California in 1955.

W: What a tragedy! He only made three movies! So what made him the legend he still is today?

M: Well I guess his looks, his acting ability, his short life, and maybe the type of character he played in his movies. Many young people saw him as a symbol of American youths.

Q22 What is the woman doing?

Q23 Why did James Dean move back to Indiana when he was young?

Q24 What does the man say James Dean did at college in California?

Q25 What do we know about James Dean from the conversation?

Section B

The time is 9 o’clock and this is Marian Snow with the news.

The German authorities are sending investigators to discover the cause of the plane crash late yesterday on the island of Tenerife. The plane, a Boeing 737, taking German holiday makers to the island crashed into a hillside as it circled while preparing to land. The plane was carrying 180 passengers. It’s thought there are no survivors. Rescue workers were at the scene.

The British industrialist James Louis, held by kidnappers in Central Africa for the past 8 months, was released unharmed yesterday. The kidnappers had been demanding 1 million pounds for the release of Mr. Louis. The London Bank and their agents who had been negotiating with the kidnappers have not said whether any amount of money has been paid.

The 500 UK motors workers who had been on strike in High Town for the past 3 three weeks went back to work this morning. This follows successful talks between management and union representatives, which resulted in a new agreement on working hours and conditions. A spokesman for the management said that they’d hope they could now get back to produci ng cars, and that they lost lot of money and orders over this dispute.

And finally the weather. After a cold start, most of the country should be warm and sunny. But towards late afternoon, rain will spread from Scotland to cover most parts by midnight.

Questions 26 – 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26 What does the news say about the Boeing 737 plane?

27 What happened to British industrialist James Louis?

28 How did the 3-week strike in High Town end?

29 What kind of weather will be expected by midnight in most parts of the country?

Juan Louis, a junior geology major, decided to give an informative speech about how earthquakes occur. From his audience and analysis he learned that only 2 or 3 of his classmates knew much of anything about geology. Juan realized then that he must present his speech at an elementary level and with a minimum of scientific language. As he prepared the speech, Juan kept asking himself, “How can I make this clear and meaningful to someone who knows nothing about earthquakes or geological principles?” Since he was speak ing in the Midwest, he decided to begin by noting that the most severe earthquake in American history took place not in California or Alaska but at New Madrid, Missouri in 1811. If such an earthquake happened today, it would be felt from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and would flatten most of the cities in the Mississippi valley. That, he figured, should get his classmates’ attention. Throughout the body of the speech, Juan dealt only with the basic mechanics of the earthquakes and carefully avoid technical terms. He also prepared visual aids, diagramming photo line, so his classmates wouldn’t get confused. To be absolutely safe, Juan asked his roommate, who was not a geology major, to listen to the speech. “Stop me,” he said, “any time I say something you don’t understand.” Juan’s roommate stopped him four times. And at each spot, Juan worked out a way to make his point more clearly. Finally, he had a speech that was interesting and perfectly understandable to his audience.

Questions 30 – 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q30 What did Juan Louis learn from the analysis of his audience?

Q31 How did Juan Louis start his speech?

Q32 What did Juan ask his roommate to do when he was making his trial speech?

Passage 3

Esperanto is an artificial language, designed to serve internationally as an auxiliary means of communication among speakers of different languages. It was created by Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof, a Polish Jewish doctor specialized in eye diseases. Esperanto was first presented in 1887. An international

movement was launched to promote its use. Despite arguments and disagreements, the movement has continued to flourish and has members in more than 80 countries. Esperanto is used internationally across language boundaries by at least 1 million people, particularly in specialized fields. It is used in personal context, on radio broadcasts and in a number of publications as well as in translations of both modern works and classics. Its popularity has spread form Europe, both east and west, to such countries as Brazil and Japan. It is, however, in China that Esperanto has had its greatest impact. It is taught in universities and used in many translations, often in scientific or technological works. EL POPOLA CHINIO, which means from people’s China, it’s a month ly magazine in Esperanto and it i s read worldwide. Radio Beijing’s Esperanto program is the most popular program in Esperanto in the world. Esperanto’s vocabulary is drawn primarily from Latin, the Roman’s languages, English and German. Spelling is completely regular. A simple and consistent set of endings indicates grammatical functions of words. Thus, for example, every noun ends in “o”, every adjective in “a”, and basic form of every verb in “i”. Esperanto also has a highly productive system of constructing new words from old ones.

Questions 33 – 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q33 What does the speaker tell us about Esperanto?

Q34 What is said about the international movement to promote the use of Esperanto?

Q35 What does the speaker say about Esperanto in China?

Section C

George Herbert Mead said that humans are talked into humanity. He meant that we gain personal identity as we communicate with others. In the earliest years of our lives, our parents tell us who we are. "You're intelligent." "You're so strong." We first see ourselves through the eyes of others, so their messages form important foundations of our self-concepts. Later we interact with teachers, friends, romantic partners, and coworkers who communicate their views of us. Thus, how we see ourselves reflects the views of us that others communicate.

The profound connection between identity and communication is dramatically evident in children who are deprived of human contact. Case studies of children who were isolated from others reveal that they lack a firm self-concept, and their mental and psychological development is severely hindered by lack of language.

Communications with others not only affects our sense of identity but also directly influences our physical and emotional well-being. Consistently, research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation is linked to stress, disease, and early death. People who lack close friends have greater levels of anxiety and depression than people who are close to others. A group of researchers reveal scores of studies that trace the relationship between health and interaction with others.

The conclusion was that social isolation is statistically as dangerous as high blood pressure, smoking and obesity. Many doctors and researchers believe that loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of miner and major illnesses.

36. intelligent

37. foundations

38. romantic

39. reflects

40. profound

41. dramatically

42. deprived

43. hindered

44. research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation is linked to stress, disease, and early death.

45. A group of researchers reveal scores of studies that trace the relationship between health and interaction with others.

46. loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of miner and major illnesses.


翻译在最后 Conversation One M: Guess what? The worst food I've ever had was in France. W: Really? That's odd. I thought the French were all good cooks. M:Yes. That's right. I suppose it's really like anywhere else, though. You know, some places are good. Some bad. But it's really all our own fault. W: What do you mean? M: Well, it was the first time I'd been to France. This was years ago when I was at school. I went there with my parents' friends, from my father's school. They'd hired a coach to take them to Switzerland. W: A school trip? M: Right. Most of them had never been abroad before. We'd crossed the English Channel at night, and we set off through France, and breakfast time arrived, and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little café. Th ere we all were, tired and hungry, and then we made the great discovery. W: What was that? M: Bacon and eggs. W: Fantastic! The real English breakfast. M: Yes. Anyway, we didn't know any better— so we had it, and ugh...! W: What was it like? Disgusting? M: Oh, it was incredible! They just got a bowl and put some fat in it. And then they put some bacon in the fat, broke an egg over the top and put the whole lot in the oven for about ten minutes. W: In the oven! You're joking. You can't cook bacon and eggs in the oven! M:Well. They must have done it that way. It was hot, but it wasn't cooked. There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon. W: Did you actually eat it? M: No! Nobody did. They all wanted to turn round and go home. You know, back to teabags and fish and chips. You can't blame them really. Anyway, the next night we were all given another foreign speciality. W: What was that? M: Snails. That really finished them off. Lovely holiday that was! Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Question 1. What did the woman think of the French? Question 2. Who did the man travel with on his first trip to Switzerland? Question 3. What does the man say about the breakfast at the little French café?


英语六级听力真题及答案 【篇一:2006-2014历年大学英语六级听力真题及答案 (完整版)】 s=txt>答案集合在全部真题之后(复合式听写中的长句无答案) 200606 1. a) she met with thomas just a few days ago. b) she can help with orientation program. c) she is not sure she can pass on the message. d) she will certainly try to contact thomas. 2. a) set the dinner table.b) change the light bulb. c) clean the dining room. d) hold the ladder for him. 3. a) he’d like a piece of pie.b) he’d like some coffee. c) he’d rather stay in the warm room. d) he’d just had dinner with his friends. 4. a) he has managed to sell a number of cars. b) he is contented with his current position. c) he might get fired. d) he has lost his job. 5. a) tony’s secretary. b) paul’s girlfriend. c) paul’s colleague. d) tony’s wife. 6. a) he was fined for running a red light. b) he was caught speeding on a fast lane. c) he had to run quickly to get the ticket.


2016年6月英语六级真题听力原文(二) Part ⅡListening? Comprehension Section A Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. W: So, Mike, (1)you manage the innovation project at CucinTech. M: I did indeed. W: Well, then, first, congratulations. (1)It seems to have been very successful. M: Thanks. Yes, I really help things turn around at CucinTech. W: (2)Was the revival in their fortunes entirely due to strategic innovation? M: (2)Yes, yes, I think it was. CucinTech was a company who were very much following the pack, doing what everyone else was doing and getting rapidly left behind. I could see there was a lot of talent there, and some great potential, particularly in their product development. I just had to harness that somehow. W: Was innovation at the core of the project?


Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 11. [A] The man is the manager of the apartment building. [B] The woman is very good at bargaining. [C] The woman will get the apartment refurnished. [D] The man is looking for an apartment. 12. [A] How the pictures will turn out. [C] What the man thinks of the shots. [B] Where the botanical garden is. [D] Why the pictures are not ready. 13. [A] There is no replacement for the handle. [B] There is no match for the suitcase. [C] The suitcase is not worth fixing.


2007年12月大学英语六级听力原文 Section A Short Conversations 11. M: The biological project is now in trouble. You know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed. W: Why don’t you compromise? Try to make it a win-win situation for you both. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 12. M: How does Nancy like the new dress she bought in Rome? W: She said she would never have bought an Italian style dress if she had known Mary had already got such a dress. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 13. M: You are not going to do all those dishes before we leave, are you? If we don’t pick up George and Martha in 25 minutes, we’ll never get to the theater on time. W: Oh, didn’t I tell you? Martha called to say her daughter was ill and they could not go tonight. Q: What is the woman probably going to do first? 14. M: You’ve been hanging onto the phone for quite a while. Who were you talking with? W: Oh, it was Sally. You know she always has the latest news in town and can’t wait to talk it over with me. Q: What do we learn about Sally from the conversation? 15: W: It’s always been hard to get this car into first gear and now the clutch seems to be sleeping. M: If you leave the car with me, I’ll fix it for you this afternoon. Q: Who is the woman probably speaking to? 16. M: Kate, why does the downtown area look deserted now? W: Well, there used to be some really good stores, but lots of them moved out to the mall. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 17. W: I find the lounge such a cozy place to study in. I really like the feeling when sitting on the sofa and doing the reading. M: Well, for me the hardest part about studying here is staying awake. Q: What does the man mean? 18: W: These mosquito bites are killing me. I can’t help scratching. M: Next time you go camping, take some precaution, say, wearing long sleeves. Q: Why does the man suggest the woman wear long sleeves? Long Conversations Conversation 1 M: Hello and welcome to our program “Working Abroad”. Our guest this evening is a Londoner who lives and works in Italy. Her name is Susan Hill. Susan, welcome to the program. You live in Florence. How long have you been living there? W: Since 1982, but when I went there in 1982, I planned to stay for only 6 months. M: Why did you change your mind?


2002年12月听力原文 Section A: 1. M: How well are you prepared for your presentation? Your turn comes on next Wednesday. W: I spend a whole week searching on the net. But it came up with nothing valuable. Q: What did the women say about her presentation? 2. W: Good morning, Jack. Late again! What’s the excuse this time? M: I’m awfully sorry I must have turned the alarm off and gone back to sleep again. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 3. W: Excuse me, but could you tell me where I can change American Dollars into British Pounds? M: There is a bank around the corner, but I’m afraid it’s already past it’s closing time. Why don’t you try the one near the railway station? Q: What does the man mean? 4. M: Could I speak to Dr. Chen? She told me to call her today. W: She’s not available right now. Would you like to try around three? Q: What does the woman tell the man to do? 5. W: Oh dear, I’m afraid I’ll fail again in the national test. It’s the third time I took it. M: Don’t be too upset. I have the same fate. Let’s try a fourth time. Q: What does the man mean? 6. W: Professor Smith, I really need the credits to graduate this summer. M: Here of this school, the credits are earned, not given. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 7. M: How did you go to Canada, Jane? Did you fly? W: I was planning to, because it’s such a long trip by bus or by train, but Fred decided to drive and invited me to join him. It took us two days and one night. Q: What can we infer from the conversation? 8. M: How do you like the way I’ve arranged the furniture in my living room? W: Fine, but I think the walls could do with a few paintings. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 9. W: I don’t imagine you have any interest in attending my lecture on drawing, do you? M: Oh, yes, I do. Not that you remind me of it. Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation? 10. M: You are my campaign manager. What do you think we should do to win the election? I’m convinced I’m the best candidate for the chairman of the Student Union. W: We won’t be able to win unless you get the majority votes from the women students. Q: What is the man doing? Section B Passage One There are some serious problems in the Biramichi river. The local chamber of commerce, which represents the industry in the area, hired me as a consultant to do a one year study on fishing in the Biramichi river and write a rep ort for them. This is my report: One of the major problems in the Biramichi river is that the level of oxygen in the water is too low. Several chemicals have displaced the oxygen. This chemical pollution has two sources: the


2019年6月英语六级听力答案及解析:听力对话2 5. A) Attend a board meeting. B) Raise some questions. C) Give a presentation. D) Start a new company. 6. A) No new staff will be hired. B) No staff will be dismissed. C) It will raise productivity. D) It will cut production costs. 7. A) The communication channels C)The timeline of restructuring B) The company’s new missions D) The reasons for restructuring 8. A) By visiting the company’s own computer network B) By exploring various channels of communication C) By emailing questions to the man or the woman D) By consulting their own department managers 5. What is the man going to do? 依据首轮对话W:So, how’s our presentation about the restructuring of a company coming along? M: Fine, I am


巨微英语 2016 年 12 月英语六级听力原文及参考答案听力稿原文 section A Conversation 1 气候变化和全球经济发展 W: Professor Henderson could you give us a brief overview of what you do ,where you work and your main area of research ? M: Well the Center for Climate Research where I work links the science of climate change to issues around economics and policy。 Some of our research is to do with the likely impacts of climate change and all of the associated risks 。 W:And how strong is th e evidence that clima te change is happening that it ‘ s really something we need to be worried about 。 M: Well most of the science of climate change particularly that to do with global warming is simply fact 。 But other aspects of the science are less certain or at least more disputed 。And so we ‘ re really talking about risk what the economics tells us is that it ’s probably cheaper to avoid climate change to avoid the risk than it has to deal with the likely consequences 。 W: So what are we doing ? What can we do about it ? M:Well I would argue that we need to develop the scienc e specifically to understa nd the likely impacts of climate change in different contexts 。


英语六级听力试题答案 原文 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

2018年12月大学生英语六级考试真题卷一(听力部分)PartⅡ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike. B) It lists the various challenges physicists are confronting. C) It describes how some mysteries of physics were solved. D) It is one of the most fascinating physics books ever written. 2. A) Physicists’ contribution to humanity. B) Stories about some female physicists. C) Historical evolution of modern physics. D) Women’s changing attitudes to physics. 3. A)By exposing a lot of myths in physics. B) By describing her own life experiences. C) By including lots of fascinating knowledge. D) By telling anecdotes about famous professors. 4. A) It avoids detailing abstract concepts of physics. B) It contains a lot of thought-provoking questions. C) It demonstrates how they can become physicists. D)It provides experiments they can do themselves. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) He is too busy to finish his assignment in time. B) He does not know what kid of topic to write on. C) He does not understand the professor’s instructions. D) He has no idea how to proceed with his dissertation. 6. A) It is too broad. B) It is outdated. C) It is challenging. D) It is interesting.


英语六级听力短文原文历年英语六级听力原文 听力技能的培养和提高高职高专英语教学的一项重要任务。下面是精心收集的英语六级听力短文原文,希望大家喜欢! W: Grag Rosen lost his job as a sales manager nearly three years ago, and is still unemployed. M: It literally is like something in a dream to remember what is like to actually be able to go outand put in a day's work and receive a day's pay. W: At first, Rosen bought groceries and made house payments with the help fromunemployment insurance. It pays laid-off workers up to half of their previous wages whilethey look for work. But now that insurance has run out for him and he has to make toughchoices. He's cut back on medications and he no longer helps support his disabled mother. It isdevastating experience. New research says the US recession is now over. But many peopleremain unemployed and unemployed workers face difficult odds. There is literally only one jobopening for every five unemployed workers. So four out of five unemployed workers haveactually no chance of finding a new


2019年6月英语六级听力真题原文解析 Section A Conversation 1 Cathy: Hi, my name's Cathy, nice to meet you. John: Nice to meet you too Kathy, my name's John. I'm a university friend of the bride. What about you? Who do you know at this party? Cathy: I am a colleague of Brenda. I was a little surprised to be invited to be honest. We've only been working together the last six months, but we quickly became good friends. (1) We just wrapped up a project with a difficult client last week. I bet Brenda is glad it's done with, and she can focus on wedding preparations. John: Oh, yes. So you are Cathy from the office. Actually I've heard a lot about you in that project, the client sounded like a real nightmare. Cathy: Oh, he was, I mean we deal with all kinds of people on a regular basis, it's part of the job, but he was especially particular. Enough about that, what line of work are you in? John: Well, right out of college I worked in advertising for a while. Recently though, I turn my photography hobby into a small business. (2) I'll actually be taking photos during the big event as a wedding gift. Cathy: That sounds wonderful and very thoughtful of you. I bake, just as a hobby. (3) But Brenda has asked me to do the cake for the wedding. I was a bit nervous saying yes because I'm far from a professional. John: Did you bake the cookies here at the party tonight? Cathy: Yes, I got the idea from a magazine. John: They're delicious! You've got nothing to worry about. You are a natural.


六级听力试题及答案(红色字体为答案) Part III Section A 11. A)He is quite easy to recognize B)he is an outstanding speaker C)he looks like a movie star D)he looks young for his age 12. A)consult her dancing teacher B)take a more interesting class C)continue her dancing class D)improve her dancing skills 13. A)the man did not believe what the woman said B)the man accompanied the woman to the hospital C)the woman may be suffering from repetitive strain injury D)the woman may not followed the doctor’s instructions 14. A)they are not in style any more B)they have cost him far too much C)they no longer suit his eyesight

D)they should be cleaned regularly 15. A)he spilled his drink onto the floor B)he has just finished wiping the floor C)he was caught in a shower on his way home D)he rushed out of the bath to answer the phone 16. A)fixing some furniture B)repairing the toy train C)reading the instructions D)assembling the bookcase 17. A)urge Jenny to spend more time on study B)help Jenny to prepare for the coming exams C)act towards Jenny in a more sensible way D)send Jenny to a volleyball training center 18. A)The building of the dam needs a large budget B)the proposed site is near the residential area C)the local people fel insecure about the dam D)the dam poses a threat to the local environment Question19 to21 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19 A. It saw the end of its booming years worldwide


2018年12月大学生英语六级考试真题卷一(听力部分)PartⅡ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike. B) It lists the various challenges physicists are confronting. C) It describes how some mysteries of physics were solved. D) It is one of the most fascinating physics books ever written. 2. A) Physicists’ contribution to humanity. B) Stories about some female physicists. C) Historical evolution of modern physics. D) Women’s changing attitudes to physics. 3. A)By exposing a lot of myths in physics. B) By describing her own life experiences. C) By including lots of fascinating knowledge. D) By telling anecdotes about famous professors. 4. A) It avoids detailing abstract concepts of physics. B) It contains a lot of thought-provoking questions. C) It demonstrates how they can become physicists. D)It provides experiments they can do themselves.

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