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There is one of the most sensitive global climate issues for years, which is global warming. In general, we know that the origin of global warming is the emission of carbon dioxide. It was verified that the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature: when there is more carbon dioxide the temperature gets warmer. This topic should be discussed under current situation to advocate people concerning with this severe environmental issue. Meanwhile, people should consider how to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and take some actions to stop global warming.

What caused global warming? It is caused by several factors. First, population explosion is one of the main factors of global warming; it also threatens the balance between man and nature. Second, atmospheric pollution is being on the rise, and it has already become an international major problem. It is also the basic problem of global warming. Third, marine ecology and environment took a turn for the worse. That may lead to the damage of fresh water resouces. Forth, erosion, salinization, and

desertification of land make the ecological environment deteriorated, and flood and sand storm may happen more frequently. Fifth, the forest resources are sharply decreased by natural changes and human actions. Sixth, acid rain can destroy the forests, acidate lakes, and endanger animals. Seventh, water pollution destroyed the balance between the demand and supply of fresh water. Last, toxic chemical wastes have threats on the ecological environment on the earth’ surface.

The second effect of global warming is to make many animals and plants endangered. Considerable data verified that more than 200 native plant species in the United States have gone extinct; more than 760 plant species in the U.S. are federally listed as endangered or threatened and 20 percent of our native plant species are in decline and on a conservation watch list (Keppler). As same as plants, there are also many endangered animals generating which are imputable to global warming, such as Polar bears. Some scientists believe the Polar bears in Alaska

would become extinct in 50 years' time (Keppler). These data warn us that we call for paying effort on survival of species.

The last negative effect of global warming is more related to humankind. Global warming will also threaten human society. It will cause the infectious diseases too easy to spread and infect. Bacteria will hard to control through fast breeder reactor, and threat our lives. The house will be eroded by destructive insects and it may lead a vagrant life eventually. What’s more, global warming impedes outdoor activities. Some outside entertainment sports such as skiing and snowboard will be influenced by ice melting and climate change.

However, is there any positive effect? Yes, there is. The widespread knowledge of global warming has already waked the consciousness of residents throughout the world. One of the major concerns in conservation is the use of plastic bags. Plastic bags are given away too freely by many stores. The amount of waste is alarming as we are reaching tons of waste each year!

Plastic waste is polluting the environment and we need to address it now. There are several things being done to bring plastic recycling to the forefront where these plastic bags are concerned. Companies have started to take steps to reduce the number of plastic bags been given away in their daily operations. Some Solutions Some companies place recycling bins at their stores. When customers come back to the store they can bring their bags and recycle them easily. However, the number of bags leaving the store and the number returning are not quite equal with far more going out then coming back. There are stores that even remove the use of bags. The stores have started to encourage the use of cloth shopping bags and some stores ask the customers to purchase their own bags. Some consumers have already jumped on the idea and bring their own bags when they go shopping.

In conclusion, global warming has hazard to cause sea level rise and climate change: it leads to the extinction of plants and animals, while hinders people’s daily life and threatens human

society. It also has few positive effects which leading people to focus on reuse, reduce, and recycle. Based on these negatives effects of global warming, I stressed that alleviating the effects of global warming is not a simple task. It calls for global concentration that every country takes action to preserve the earth ecosystem. This essay consequently addressed people requiring nurturing the consciousness to conserve the sources, enlightening people to preserve the planet. If people can comprehend the details of global warming well, they will realize the significance to protect the environment and what we should do in our daily life. The more attention we paid, the better world will be.

Global warming全球变暖全英文介绍

One of the effects of global warming is the destruction of many important ecosystems.Changing and erratic climate conditions will put our ecosystems to the test, the increase in carbon dioxide will increase the problem. The evidence is clear that global warming and climate change affects physical and biological systems. There will be effects to land, water, and life. Already today, scientists are seeing the effects of global warming on coral reefs, many have been bleached and have died. This is due to warmer ocean waters, and to the fact that some species of plants and animals are simply migrating to better suited geographical regions where water temperatures are more suitable. Melting ice sheets are also making some animals migrate to better regions. This effects the ecosystems in which these plants and animals live. Several climate models have been made and they predict more floods (big floods), drought, wildfires, ocean acidification, and the eventual collapse of many ecosystems throughout the world both on land and at sea. There have been forecasts of things like famine, war, and social unrest, in our days ahead. These are the types of effects global warming could have on our planet. Another important effect that global warming will bring is the loss and endangerment of many species. Did you know that 30 percent of all plant and animal species alive in the world today are at risk of extinction by the year 2050 if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit. These mass extinctions will be due to a loss of habitat through desertification, deforestation, and ocean warming. Many plants and animals will also be affected by the inability to adapt to our climate warming.

【优质文档】考研英语文章背诵word版本 (10页)

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摘要:近年来,全球气候变化已成为人类面临的最大威胁。化石燃料的大量燃烧,的无节制排 温室气体放,森林的过度砍伐,使全球气温急剧上升,导致了许多灾难性的后果,冰川退 缩,海平面上升……形势相当严峻。多种研究结果证实,过去50年观测到的全球平均温度 的升高是人为温室气体浓度增加引起的。必须将大气中二氧化碳浓度控制在一定的水平内,才能避免发生极端气候变化后果。低碳经济正是在应对气候变化背景下产生的新概念,并被视作解决气候问题的根本出路。低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的经济形态,其实质是通过能源技术和制度创新,提高能源利用效率,构造清洁能源结构,改变以化石燃料为主的现有能源消费格局。在2009年年底的哥本哈根会议上,低碳经济是“后危机时代” 的实体经济的方向与出路。气候变化危机归根到底是人类过度耗费自然资源而导致的危机,因此,要从根本上解决气候变化危机,就必须从改变人们生活态度和生活方式入手。这需要我们每一个人从身边做起,从一点一滴做起。 关键词:气候,气候变化,低碳,低碳经济 正文: 1. 气候变化( Climate change ) 气候变化是指气候平均状态统计学意义上的巨大改变或者持续较长一段时间(典型的 为10 年或更长)的气候变动。 1.1 气候变化简介 《联合国气候变化框架公约》 (UNFCC)C 第一款中,将“气候变化”定义为:“经过相当一段时间的观察,在自然气候变化之外由人类活动直接或间接地改变全球大气组成所导致的气候改变。” UNFCCC因此将因人类活动而改变大气组成的“气候变化”与归因于自然原因的“气候变率”区分开来。气候变化 ( climate change )主要表现为三方面:全球气候变暖( Global Warming )、酸雨( Acid Deposition )、臭氧层破坏( Ozone Depletion ),其中全球气候变暖是人类目前最迫切的问题,关乎到人类的未来! 1.2 气候变化的原因 气候变化的原因可能是自然的内部进程,或是外部强迫,或者是人为地持续对大气组成 成分和土地利用的改变。既有自然因素,也有人为因素。在人为因素中,主要是由于工业革命以来人类活动特别是发达国家工业化过程的经济活动引起的。化石燃料燃烧和毁林、土地利


全球变暖英语作文范文 在这一则报导中,我学到很多事,但我第一个想到的是,造成地球变暖的原因是二氧化碳增加。 In this paper, I have learned a lot of things, but I think the first one is the cause of global warming, the increase of carbon dioxide. 为什么二氧化碳会增加呢?我想到的原因是人们常常开车、养食家畜、工厂大量排放黑烟……等。不过这些是大家可以一起解决,说不定可以改善地球继续暖化,例如:目的地很近的话可以骑自行车;目的地很远的话,可以搭乘公共交通运输工具;家畜的排泄物经过处理再排入河内;工厂可以建一座废弃处理厂……等。 Why carbon dioxide will increase? I think the reason is often drive, raising livestock, food factory emissions of smoke...... Etc.. But these are all can solve them together, it can improve the Earth continues to warm, for example: the destination is close enough to ride a bike; destination long enough, can take the public transport; waste livestock treated and then discharged into the Hanoi factory; to build a waste treatment plant...... Etc.. 请大家不要小看二氧化碳的威力,等到海平面上升、都市浸水和农地淹没,到最后就会面临粮食不足的危机了。请大家跟我一起喊:“停止伤害地球的行为吧!我们居住的地球只有一个。” Please do not underestimate the power of carbon dioxide, when the sea level rise, urban water and farmland submerged, eventually facing food shortage. Please call with me: "stop the harm to the earth's behavior! Only one earth on which we live. "


People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced no-snow winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days. The side effects of global warming are alarming. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风). People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming. However global warming is mainly due to human activities, such as greenhouse gases generated by industrial production of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide. If the atmosphere in the absence of such gases, the Earth will become too cold and not suitable for biological survival. In the atmosphere of greenhouse gases have a certain thing is only natural that some people believe that there is evidence that even in the absence of human impact, we will enter another ice age. But our concern is the face of the earth's greenhouse gases increasing so quickly has been a threat to life on Earth. Human activities have led to global warming, such as deforestation, which means that a reduction of carbon dioxide into oxygen, and the burning of fossil fuels lead to sea-level rise, Antarctic melting snow and ice temperature. Mean sea-level rise can be used to reduce the land area, melting the ice means that the release of any hazardous substances may also cause further sea-level rise. The increase in temperature of bacteria and viruses will also provide a


关于全球环境经济论文范文2篇 关于全球环境经济论文范文一:全球环境变化与健康 摘要:全球环境变化条件下的人类安全与健康问题,是20世纪末提出的重要问题。全球环境变化是指全球范围的大规模的环境变化,本文主要从大气组成的改变、土地利用变化、城市化、全球化等方面对人类健康产生的影响做了一些阐述。同时提及了我国环境变化对人类健康的影响。 关键字:全球环境变化;人类健康;气候变化 一、全球环境变化 随着对全球环境变化的研究进展,科学家逐渐认识到上述环境变化的各个方面不仅加剧了空气、水污染等环境污染带来的健康问题,而且由于不良生活方式、大城市拥挤的居住环境、就业竞争的压力、贫富差距等,影响人的精神状态并引起的多种慢性疾病和疾病谱的明显改变等一系列安全与健康问题。目前,人类健康已成为全球环境变化研究的核心内容之一。 虽然目前为止尚未完全搞清楚全球环境变化的机制、各种变化之间的联系以及全球环境变化对人类健康的影响,但已有的研究表明全球气候变化、臭氧层损耗、土地利用和土地覆盖的变化、生物多样性的丧失、淡水资源、食物生产系统改变以及城市化等问题从多方面给人类健康带来直接和间接的影响。(图为人类对全球环境的影响及全球环境变化对人类健康的影响途径)

二、全球大气组成改变及其健康影响 气候变化对人类健康的影响是多方面的,而且预计消极影响会大大超过其积极影响,其影响有直接和间接两种,且以间接影响为主。 对人类和其他动物而言,其影响包括免疫系统抑制;增加严重晒斑、白内障和表皮损害的发病率;减少维生素d的合成;导致皮肤癌。臭氧层臭氧每减少1%,皮肤接触到紫外线辐射量就会增加2%,皮肤癌的患病率就要增加4%⑵。uv辐射对粮食作物和海洋浮游植物产生不利影响,会破坏食物链从而影响到人类健康.uvb辐射在低空大气层的增加会催化氮氧化合物和碳氢化合物产生高浓度的大气污染物,从而对人类的呼吸系统产生不良影响。大气成分变化对健康的另一重要影响就是臭氧层破坏使人类紫外线辐射暴。 三、土地利用/土地覆被变化与健康问题 土地利用/土地覆被变化对全球环境变化影响范围从改变大气层的组成成分到对不同尺度地球生态系统改变等多个方面,往往伴随着生物多样性的消逝,特别是生境的消逝,分裂和改变。土地利用/土地覆被变化对人类健康的影响首先考虑的就是生物多样性丧失对健康的影响。 生物多样性为我们提供了大量维持生命所需的产品和服务,并在保护生命健康和确保生命对变化所带来的压力具有恢复力方面发挥着重要作用。 首先,农业、林业、畜牧业和渔业的许多品种都来自野生物种,生物多样性还是医药的源泉,生物多样性的丧失意味着我们


英语作文范文全球变暖 People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg. The side effects of global warming are alarminS. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风). People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.


环境类英文期刊列表: A Acta Oecologica《生态学,国际生态学报》法国 ISSN:1146-609X,1980年创刊,全年6期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子1.143。刊载有关理论与实验生态学方面的研究论文。内容涉及自然环境和实验条件下的群体研究。 Advances in Environmental Research《环境研究进展》美国 ISSN:1093-0191,1997年创刊,全年4期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子0.626,2003年EI收录87篇。刊载研究环境科学方面的研究论文与述评。 Advances in Water Resources《水资源进展》英国 ISSN:0309-1708,1977年创刊,全年12期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子1.806,2003年EI收录98篇。刊载水资源研究论文与评论,侧重基础开发、模拟技术与实际应用。涉及数值模拟、系统分析与数学程序、地表水、水文学、水质、水电系统和废水循环等方面。 Atmospheric Environment《大气环境》英国 ISSN:1352-2310,1967年创刊,全年40期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2002年影响因子2.352,2003年EI收录543篇。刊载研究人与大气环境的相互影响,包括空气污染、微气候学和污染控制对策等方面的论文和简讯。https://www.doczj.com/doc/b73143946.html, Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere《大气环境,B部分:城市大气》英国ISSN:0957-1272,1989年创刊,全年4期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,刊载城市气候、能与湿度平衡、气象、水文、卫生、建筑、城市规划、大气污染及污染控制等方面的考察研究、数据分析和数学模拟等方面的论文和报告。 Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law《亚太环境法杂志》荷兰 ISSN:1385-2140,1996年创刊,全年4期,KluwerAcdemic出版社出版,刊载亚太地区环境法方面的研究,以促进该区域环境法律、法规的建设和研究。 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology《环境污染与毒物学文献》德国ISSN:0090-4341,1973年创刊,全年8期,Springer-V erlag出版社,刊载有关环境污染和毒物学实验与理论研究方面的论文,包括对空气、水和土壤的污染研究。 Archives of Toxicology《毒理学文献》德国 ISSN:0340-5761,1930年创刊,全年12期,Springer-V erlag出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2002年影响因子1.852。刊载毒理学有关临床与实验的研究论文、评论与短讯,注重人与动物对药物反应的机理、新的分析方法、药品实验研究及法医毒理学等内容。 B Biological Conservation《生物保护》英国 ISSN:0006-3207,1969年创刊,全年18期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,SCI收录期刊,

全球变暖 选修课论文 3000字

全球气候变暖是一种“自然现象”。由于人们焚烧化石矿物以生成能量或砍伐森林并将其焚烧时产生的二氧化碳等多种温室气体,由于这些温室气体对来自太阳辐射的可见光具有高度的透过性,而对地球反射出来的长波辐射具有高度的吸收性,也就是常说的“温室效应”,导致全球气候变暖。近100多年来,全球平均气温经历了冷-暖-冷-暖两次波动,总的看为上升趋势。进入八十年代后,全球气温明显上升。全球变暖的后果,会使全球降水量重新分配,冰川和冻土消融,海平面上升等,既危害自然生态系统的平衡,更威胁人类的食物供应和居住环境。 什么是全球气候变暖 全球变暖是指全球气温升高。近100多年来,全球平均气温经历了冷-暖-冷-暖两次波动,总的看为上升趋势。进入八十年代后,全球气温明显上升。 1981~1990年全球平均气温比100年前上升了0.48℃。导致全球变暖的主要原因是人类在近一个世纪以来大量使用矿物燃料(如煤、石油等),排放出大量的CO2等多种温室气体。由于这些温室气体对来自太阳辐射的可见光具有高度的透过性,而对地球反射出来的长波辐射具有高度的吸收性,也就是常说的“温室效应”,导致全球气候变暖。 全球变暖的后果,会使全球降水量重新分配,冰川和冻土消融,海平面上升等,既危害自然生态系统的平衡,更威胁人类的食物供应和居住环境。 出现全球变暖趋势的具体原因是,人们焚烧化石矿物以生成能量或砍伐森林并将其焚烧时产生的二氧化碳进入了地球的大气层。政府间气候变化问题小组根据气候模型预测,到2100年为止,全球气温估计将上升大约1.4-5.8摄氏度(2.5-10.4华氏度)。根据这一预测,全球气温将出现过去10,000年中从未有过的巨大变化,从而给全球环境带来潜在的重大影响。 为了阻止全球变暖趋势,1992年联合国专门制订了《联合国气候变化框架公约》,该公约于同年在巴西城市里约热内卢签署生效。依据该公约,发达国家同意在2000年之前将他们释放到大气层的二氧化碳及其它“温室气体”的排放量降至1990年时的水平。另外,这些每年的二氧化碳合计排放量占到全球二氧化碳总排放量60%的国家还同意将相关技术和信息转让给发展中国家。发达国家转让给发展中国家的这些技术和信息有助于后者积极应对气候变化带来的各种挑战。截止2004年5月,已有189个国家正式批准了上述公约。 全球变暖的历史与预测 根据仪器记录,相对于1860年至1900年期间,全球陆地与海洋温度上升了摄氏0.75度。自1979年,陆地温度上升速度比海洋温度快一倍(陆地温度上升了摄氏0.25度,而海洋温度上升了摄氏0.13度)。根据卫星温度探测,对流层的温度每十年上升摄氏0.12度至0.22度。在1850年前的一两千年,虽然曾经出现中世纪温暖时期与小冰河时期,但是大众相信全球温度是相对稳定的。 根据美国国家航空航天局戈达德太空研究所的研究报告估计,自1800年代有测量仪器广泛地应用开始,2005年是最温暖的年份,比1998年的记录高了摄氏百分之几度。世界气象组织和英国气候研究单位也有类似的估计,曾经预计2005年是仅次于1998年第二温暖的年份。 在人类近代历史才有一些温度记录。这些记录都来自不同的地方,精确度和可靠性都不尽相同。在1860年才有类似全球温度仪器记录,相信当年的记录很少受到城市热岛效应的影响。从最近的千禧年内的多方记录所展示的长远展望,在过去1000年的温度记录中可以看到有关的讨论及其中的差异。最近50年的气候转变的过程是十分清晰,全赖详细的温度记录。到了1979年,人类更开始利用卫星温度测量来量度对流层的温度。


The serious problem of earth--Global Warming Recent years, we are in a good environment, generally, and do not feel the cold. Why? Do you think this is a problem of earth? Certainly, it is a serious problem of earth—Global Warming. More and more climate experts are beginning to pay more attention to the threats of global warming and figure the solution, caused by greenhouse effect. According to the authoritative survey, the reason are as follows .Firstly, the amount of greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide, rapidly increasing in atmosphere. Secondly,the direct effect of global warming is glaciers melting. Thirdly, effect of global warming is that the sea level is rising along with the glaciers melting. Certainly, these things bring many dangerous things. For example,first, the global surface temperature has risen about 3.5 centigrade during the past 100 years and the rate of temperature rise is speeding up. The effects of global warming, including glaciers melt, sea level rise and crisis of human living, is from bad to worse. Second, with the global temperature increasing, the glaciers of north and south poles are melting gradually. Third,the animals, which live on the south and north poles, is facing the threat of extinction in future. For example, the number of polar bear is decreasing year by year. As the sea level rises, a large number of islands are facing the threat of being devoured. In fact ,in order to survive, the devoured countries must look for other lands to live. A more terrible thing is coming stealthy. In the process of searching for other lands, a war, which fights for living space is likely to break out. The worst effect is that global warming is influencing the survival of human being. The earth is a complete ecological system. As we mentioned before, the melting glaciers,the rising sea level and the potential war, will aggravate the wreck of ecological system. Due to the wicked environment, the human can not live on the earth any longer in future. How terrible the effects are! If we do not hope to encounter the awful effects, we must pay more attention to aware of the bad effects of global warming and put forward forceful and effective measures to prevent the aggravation of global warming.


温室效应对气候的影响 文献综述 院(系): 专业: 班级: 学生姓名:学号: 2013 年10 月31 日

摘要 由于人类不节制的排放二氧化碳,大气中的二氧化碳逐渐增多,它使阳光透过却阻挡了热量向太空辐射, 从而使大气层增温, 这一现象称为温室效应. 温室效应(英文:Greenhouse effect),又称“花房效应”,是大气保温效应的俗称。自工业革命以来,人类向大气中排入的二氧化碳等吸热性强的温室气体逐年增加,大气的温室效应也随之增强,已引起全球气候变暖等一系列严重问题,引起了全世界各国的关注。全球变暖将给人类造成极严重的社会经常问题,所以必须及早采取切实的预防与控制措施。 关键词温室效应,气候改变,环境影响,预防措施,防止对策

ABSTRACT Due to human emissions of the excesses, the atmosphere, it makes the sun through blocking the heat radiation into space, thus make the atmosphere temperature, this phenomenon is called the Greenhouse effect. The Greenhouse effect (English: Greenhouse effect), also known as the "Greenhouse effect", is also known as atmospheric heat preservation effect. Since the industrial revolution, human into carbon dioxide into the atmosphere increases year by year, strong sex of heat-trapping greenhouse gases such as atmospheric greenhouse effect also increases, has caused a series of serious problems such as global warming, caused the attention of the countries all over the world. Global warming will cause very serious social problem often to human being, so must take effective prevention and control measures as early as possible. Key words greenhouse effect, Climate change, The environmental impact,Preventive measures, Prevent countermeasures

六级考研作文 全球变暖

全球变暖,global warming Our planet’s atmosphere is warming up rapidly. Researchers are certain that emissions from human activities have caused this unnatural change. Using the latest computer models, their forecasts are worrisome of what might global warming mean to our planet. Fortunately, everyone can be a part of the solution in slowing down global warming. It requires strong commitment from big corporations down to everyday people. This combined effort can make a significant difference. 文章的首段陈述了全球变暖的大致情况——情况不容乐观。随后作者话锋一转,说幸运的是每个人都可以成为治疗全球变暖的一份子。于是我们可以预见,在下一段中作者将要具体说每个人可以的角色。 关键词:worrisome; a part of the solution in; All of us can play vital part of the climate change solution. As a citizen, you can ensure that governments recognize the importance of global warming and follow through on their promises. As a consumer, you can support companies that are making the biggest strides in fighting climate change and encourage other companies to make reducing greenhouse gases a priority. If you’re really passionate about having your voice heard, you might even want to consider joining a group dedicated to spreading the word about global warming. You can also make many changes in your daily life some that seem


全球变暖的原因英语作文 Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth’s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding. 很多人都认为是人类活动导致了全球气温上升。他们说全球变暖会对我们的环境造成可怕的后果,如干旱和洪水。 What should governments do to help prevent global warming? Give reasons for your suggestions. 政府该做什么来防止全球变暖呢?给出你建议的原因。 The earth’s temperature is rapidly changing. As a result there has bee n a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods. Scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, which is polluting the Earth’s atmosphere. This could become a disaster if governments do not act to help prevent global warming. They can act in three ways; by supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed. 地球的温度正在迅速改变。导致很多气候变迁,如热浪、干旱和洪水。科学家认为这是人类活动污染了地球的大气层的结果。如果政府不采取行动来防止全球变暖的话,这可能会成为灾难。他们可以在三个方面上有所行动;支持研究,制订法律和保持公众知情。 Firstly, governments can support research. For example, they should encourage companies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution. They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal. As well, they should sponsor conferences to discuss the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to the problem. 首先,政府可以支持研究。例如,他们应该鼓励公司致力于汽车研发来减少污染。他们也应该支持来自风和水的’电力替代能源,而不是来自石油和煤的电源。同时,他们应该主持会议来讨论温室气体排放的影响和可能解决问题的方案。 Secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies can emit. Private companies should be rewarded for following


英语演讲文章(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语演讲 i’m glad to be here to share with you my definition of success. when we mentioned the success, the usual worldly criteria are wealth, fame, high social status and something other like that. in reality, we can’t deny that these things represent the success in some way. but personally, i believe that success is the realization of people’ hopes and ideals. and to live with a high ideal is a successful life. it is not what one does, but what one tries to do, that make a man strong. so i believe that success is niy-nine percent mental attitude, it calls for lots of positive quality: effort, love, diligence, efficiency and so on. i think the successful life always have these characters. if a person inherits his family’s millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person in material terms, it just can be said that he has the smooth way of life, he is lucky in some way, but that is not the success .unceasing effort is the price of success. no matter what is the result, we

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