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Chen Ping-Yan
• Statistics ━ Describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the reported results. When possible quantify findings and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Avoid sole reliance on statistical hypothesis testing, such as the use of p values, which fails to convey important quantitative information. Discuss eligibility of experimental subjects. Give details about randomisation.

统计方法 a) 特殊方法需给予简明阐述; b) 具体、确切(尤以容易混淆之处) -t检验:配对t 检验 两样本t检验(两组n相同时) -χ 2检验:χ 2检验(Pearsonχ 2检验) 校正χ 2检验 配对χ 2检验(McNemar test)
Chen Ping-Yan
- 非参数方法: 用于处理计量资料,须先说明资料不满 足参数方法(如方差不齐,不服从正态 分布等)。
Chen Ping-Yan
• 变量变换(transformation) - 交代变换目的(如满足方差齐性、正态 分布等参数方法所要求的条件,曲线的 直线化或对称化处理)。 - 最终结果变换回原始数据形式。
- 相关:积矩相关(Pearson correlation) 秩相关(Spearman correlation)
- ANOVA (各组例数相同时) : ONE-WAY ANOVA / TWO-WAY ANOVA - Wilcoxon法: 配对秩和检验(Wilcoxon one-sample / paired / sign rank test) 两样本秩和检验(Wilcoxon two-sample / rank sums test) - 多重比较:SNK, LSD, Scheffe, Duncan
Chen Ping-Yan
• Describe the methods for, and success of, any blinding of observations. Report treatment complications. Give numbers of observations. Report losses to observation (such as dropouts from a clinical trial). References for study design and statistical method should be to standard works (with pages stated) when possible rather than to papers in which the designs or methods were originally reported. Specify any general use computer programs used.
No statistical method or descriptive statistics only t test Contingency tables Pearson correlation Non-parametric tests Any survival analysis or logistic regression Regression for survival or logistic regression
- 如何处理缺失数据
- 缺失数据的估计方法
Chen Ping-Yan

- 离群点 (outlier):观察值至箱体底 / 顶线的距离为箱体高度(四分位间 距)1.5倍至3倍时。 - 极端值 (extreme value):观察值至 箱体底/顶线的距离超过箱体高度3倍 时。
Life-table Other survival analysis Epidemiological statistics Simple linear regression Analysis of variance Transformation Multiple regression
3 1 5 5 4 3 3
- logistic回归: 条件logistic回归 非条件logistic回归
Chen Ping-Yan

Chen Ping-Yan

- 缺失数据的情况和产生原因
• 基线资料的均衡性 基本情况描述,如年龄、性别等,检验各组 的均衡性(必需阐述但不宜占太大篇幅)。
• 实验效应的评价指标(outcome measures) - 所用评价指标及其测量方法 - 测量误差的控制及评价(如多中心、 多测量者、多测量仪器等问题)
Chen Ping-Yan
Chen Ping-Yan
• 研究对象(subjects):选择标准、来源 及总例数。
• 统计设计

实验设计 - 采用何种设计模型 - (非)处理因素及水平的设置 - 随机化方法及各组样本容量(n)
Chen Ping-Yan

- 何种研究方法(前瞻性、回顾性、 横断面研究等) - 样本容量及对象 - 抽样方法及过程 - 数据质量 - 偏倚(bias)的控制
Chen Ping-Yan

临床试验设计 - 随机化方法及各组样本容量(n) - 纳入和排除标准 (inclusion/exclusion criteria) - 盲法 - 随访(失访情况的详细阐述) - 处理标准(治疗或诊断标准) - 数据管理与质量控制
Chen Ping-Yan
DG Altman. Statistics in Medicine. 1991; 10: 1893-1913
Chen Ping-Yan
78-79 Procedure
78-79 Original %(n=760) %(n=332) 1990 Original %(n=100) 11 39 30 17 25 32 27
Multiple tables Multiple comparisons Adjustment and standardization Other methods Total
2 2 2 2 2 145
Chen Ping-Yan
• 对统计学方面的要求占正文(text)内容 约三分之一。 (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. BMJ 1991; 302: 338-41. www.icmje.org) Introduction, Methods, Ethics, Statistics, Results, Discussion
Chen Ping-Yan

- 数据中出现极端值时,应剔除后进行分析 - 数据中出现离群点时,用敏感性分析方 法(sensitivity analysis),即将这些 数据剔除前后各做一次分析,若结果不 矛盾,则不剔除;若结果矛盾,并需要剔 除,必须给以充分合理的解释(如用何法 确定偏离数据,该数据在实验中何种干扰 下产生)。
Chen Ping-Yan
78-79 78-79 Original %(n=760) %(n=332) 4 4 3 3 3 186 1990 Original %(n=100) 9 7 5 1 19 315
Non-parametric correlation
Chen Ping-Yan
箱丝图(box and whisker diagram)
* Extreme value

Chen Ping-Yan
- 参考值范围 若用x uα · S,须先说明资料服从正态 分布(经正态性检验); 若用百分位数法,亦须先说明资料不服 从正态分布。
Chen Ping-Yan
How to Report Statistics in Medicine
陈平雁 第一军医大学卫生统计学教研室
Chen Ping-Yan
• Proportion of papers in New England Journal of Medicine using certain statistical methods of analysis in 1978-79 and 1990
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Chen Ping-Yan
• Put general descriptions of methods in the methods section. When data are summarised in the results section specify the statistical methods used to analyse them. Restrict tables and figures to those needed to explain the argument of the paper and to assess its support. Use graphs as an alternative to tables with many entries; do not duplicate data in graphs and tables. Avoid nontechnical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as "random" (which implies a randomising device), "normal", "significant", "correlations", and "sample". Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols.
58 24 15 7 6 ━ 1
27 44 27 12 11 11 ━
Chen Ping-Yan
78-79 Procedure
78-79 1990
%(n=760) %(n=332) ━ ━ 9 8 8 7 5
%(n=100) 19 15 13 18 14 8 6
Chen Ping-Yan
• 引言(Introduction) 明确阐述研究目的 (objective)
• 方法(Methods) 阐述统计设计思路及所用统计方法 • 结果(Results) 表述实验(观察)数据的统计分析结果 • 讨论(Discussion) 根据统计分析结果展开论述