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一、牛津版教材里词汇相当丰富,因此给学生在学习时带来了很大困难。有些生词他们学过了,有些他们没有学过 ;同时教材中经常会出现很多词汇表上没有列出的单词。


做法:1. 在预习的时候让学生自己先找出不认识的单词。

2 .我们根据词的使用频率把生词分成两种:识记和运用。不同的单词给学生提出不同的要求。在情境中教学,让学生学会去猜测单词的意思。

3 . 教学生记忆单词的方法,了解构词法,提高记单词的效率。

4 . 在讲解的过程中,我避免面面俱到而忽略了突出基础和重点。注重词的基本含义和惯用法,通过词组、句型、句子来理解、记忆和运用句子。

5 .经常、反复默写。一个单元的跨度时间长,给我们教师和学生有足够的时间把相应的单词、词组和课文中出现的好的句子掌握。



这套教材内容相当丰富,并且在不同的板块之中贯穿始终。由于教学容量大,我们觉得有时很难按时完成课堂教学任务。我们觉得有些板块对学生的帮助相当大。比如 word power 部分帮助学生了解词汇的运用并扩充了相当多的词汇;Grammar 部分让学生循序渐进地学习枯燥的语法;task 和project部分让学生掌握运用英语的技巧并进行实际操练。因此在把握教材上,给我们教师提出了很高的要求,我们应该在了解学生的基础上,把握好内容的起点和设计好课堂容量,并根据不同的教学内容采用恰当的教学方法,注重师生在课堂中的互动。

做法:1 集体备课,认真研究教材内容,并根据学生实际制定教学目标,重点和难点,设计相应的教案、学案和练习。并适时地运用多媒体。

2 在整个英语教学过程中,让学生尽可能地多参与活动。如在课前布置相关内容,让学生进行预习,在课堂上安排一定的课堂活动,让学生就某个话题进行讨论;课后让学生进

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译练习2 学生版

翻译练习2 20130928 1.事实上,我更喜欢和有礼貌的人交谈。( prefer) ________________________________________________________ 2.孩子对父母说话的方式应该表现出尊重 (the way). _________________________________________________________ 3.在西班牙,意大利和希腊,那些人们站得很近互相交谈的地方,眼神交流更频繁和持续更久(where). ___________________________________________________________________ 4.他走进房间时,她朝他看了一眼,又深深地叹了口气。(as; sigh) ___________________________________________________________________ 5.给别人留下好印象的关键就是注意你交流的方式 (key, impression) ____________________________________________________________________ 6.在西方文化中,交谈时保持眼神交流是必要的。(maintain) ________________________________________________________________________ 7.老师常常提醒我们要毫不犹豫地向她寻求帮助,并且她总是使我们感到受欢迎。(remind) _________________________________________________________________________ 8.如果你不知道解决这些问题的关键是什么,请直接问我。(key, hesitate) ________________________________________________________________________ 9.缺乏眼神交流可能表示紧张。(lack of; signal) ___________________________________________________________________ 10.头发问题通常是饮食不健康的结果(result). ____________________________________________________________________


第一讲定语从句 一关键词 定语从句:在复合句中修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后。 先行词:定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词。 关系词:关系词用来引导定语从句。关系词有关系代词和关系副词之分。关系代词有that, which, who,whom,whose,as等;关系副词有when,where,why等。 关系词可以1) 代替先行词;2) 引导定语从句;3)在定语从句中担当一个成分。 例如:The car which my uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake.句中,the car 为先行词;which是关系词引导是定语从句which my uncle had just bought,同时代替先行词the car在定语从句中作主语。 1.关系代词引导的定语从句 who指人,在定语从句中作主语。 whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语,常可省略。 which指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时可省略。 that指人时,相当于who或whom;指物时,相当于which。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。 whose 通常指人,有时也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。 Note: whose指物时,常用of which结构来代替: 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,谓语动词要和先行词的性、数保持一致。 注意:which和as引导非限制性定语从句时,有时并没有特定的先行词,而是代表前面说的整个情况。这时which和as 被看作单数,译作“这一点”,其后的谓语动形式用单数形式。如:He said he was a Frenchman,which/as was not true. 但须注意,as引导的这种定语从句可置于主句之前,which引导的这种定语从句只置于主句之后。如:As is known to all,China is a socialist country. China is a socialist country, as/which is known to all. 2.关系副词引导的定语从句 when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。 where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。 why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语。 注意:关系副词引导的定语从句经常可以用“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句来表示。 介词+关系代词 1)根据动词选择介词。I don't know the foreigner with whom my teacher shook hands.(或I don't know the foreigner whom my teacher shook hands with.) Note: who和that不能直接位于介词后作宾语;有的短语动词是不能拆开的,常见的这类短语有:look for,look after等。


牛津译林版高一英语高频知识点总结 重点句型 1.“So + be/have/助动词/情态动词+主词”的结构。此结构中的语序是倒装的,“So”代替上句中的某个成分。如果上面一句是否定句,则使用“Neither/Nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”的结构。 例如He’s tired,and so am I.(=I’ m also tired.) You can swim,and so can I.(=I can also swim.) She has had supper,and so can I.(=I’ve had lunch,too.) Tom speaks English,and so does his sister.(=His sister speaks English,too.) A: I went to the park yesterday. B: So did I.(=I also went to the park yesterday.) 2.“So +主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”结构中的主谓是正常语序,so相当于indeed,certainly,表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的肯定、赞同或证实,语气较强,意思是“确实如此”。 例如 A:It was cold yesterday.昨天很冷。B:So it was.的确如此。(=Yes,it was.) A:You seem to like sports.B:So I do.(=Yes,I do.) A:It will be fine tomorrow.B:So it will.(=Yes ,it will.) 3.“主语+do/does/did + so”结构指的是按上句的要求做了。此句型中do so代替上文中要求做的事,以免重复。 My Chinese teacher told me to hand in my composition on time and I did so.(=I han ded in my composition on time.) 语文老师叫我按时交作文, 我照办了。 4.So it is with…或 It is the same with…句型表示“……(的情况)也是如此。”当前面的句子中有几种不同形式的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型,不能使用so 引起的倒装句。 She doesn’t play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with my sister. 5、There you are. 行了,好。 这是一句表示一种事情告一段落或有了最终结果的用语。如:


牛津版高一英语上学期复习教案(第七讲) 主讲教师:邵磊 主审:孙德霖 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一(复习) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: attend, earn, achieve, respect, prepare, drop, miss, experience, introduce, develop, donate, display, please, regret, inform, run, approve, select, require, broadcast, continue, trust, leave, punish, upset, insist, suggest, forbid, stay, recover, contain, include, follow, consider, affect, risk, recognize, concentrate, count// assembly, grade, literature, dessert, article, field, culture, gift, speech, attention, flat, dynasty, host, generation, nature, vacation, trash, mess, charge, adult, reason, teenager, fault, scene, scenery, explanation, behavior, period, argument, relationship, figure, failure, chemical, match, damage, pressure, diet, effect, energy, calorie, system, amount, loss, suggestion// challenging, average, former, latter, recent, close, scary, crazy, rude, boring, valuable, spare, selfish, unloving, slim, ashamed, priceless, harmful, harmless, exactly, attractive, embarrassed, overweight, skinny, regular, relaxed// recently, mainly, truly, sincerely, seldom, properly. 二、重点词组: at ease with 和….相处不拘束 school hours学校作息时间 earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬 sound like听起来象 for free 免费 get a general idea 了解大意 as well as 除….以外, 也 key words 关键词 word by word 逐字逐句地 find one’s way around 认识路 develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣 surf the Internet网上冲浪, expect….from 期望 refer to 指 , , leave out省略 , relate to 和…相关 , pay attention to注意, in short

高一英语译林牛津版必修一Module 1语法专练练习

一、用正确的关系代词填空 1. You'll find taxis waiting at the bus station ________ you can hire to reach your host family. 2. The famous basketball star, ________ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention. 3. In spite of all ________ has been said, quite a lot of people are still uncertain about the prices of housing in China. 4. Don't talk about such things ________ you are not sure of. 5. Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, ________ is a stupid thing to do in such weather. 二、用“介词+关系代词”填空 1. Have you ever read the book ________ ________ there are many pictures? 2. The man ________ ________ he had a talk yesterday is a doctor. 3. The library ________ ________ we often borrow books is very large. 4. The gentleman ________ ________ you just spoke is our headmaster. 5. This is the new bicycle ________ ________ I spent five hundred dollars. 6. The tool ________ ________ he is working is called a spade. 7. Give me a piece of paper ________ ________ I can write the phone number. 8. Here are the table tennis players, some ________ ________ are our old friends. 9. The student ________ ________ the teachers are talking has won the first prize in the English contest. 10. This is the hospital ________ ________ her mother works. 三、用正确的关系副词填空 1. In the UK, what impressed me most was the student activity, ________ I got lots of information. 2. The days are gone ________ we can freely breathe the fresh air when we go out to have a walk. 3. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places, ________ other visitors seldom go. 4. It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, ________ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup. 5. Sales director is a position ________ communication ability is just as important as sales. 四、完成下列反意疑问句 1. I'm afraid there might have been 1,000 audience in the concert last night, ________? 2. —The government must have taken measures to lower the house prices next year, ________? —Yes. I guess so. 3. There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, ________? 4. — I spent two weeks in London last summer. —Then you must have visited the British Museum during your stay, ________? 5. —He'd like some coffee, ________? —Yes, but he can't afford it. 6. They should have informed you of the result of the competition by the time it was eventually given out, ________? 7. When you have finished with that book, don't forget to put it back on the shelf,


高一第一学期牛津英语课文 Unit one Reading Read this story in a school newspaper, Debby and Simon are college students. They have part-time jobs at a travel agency. They are sitting in the office. Student stories The City School Times Debby and Simon looked up as a well-dressed lady entered. The lady glanced at them both, then walked over to Debby. Debby greeted her cheerfully. The lady said, ‘I want to go by train to…’ Simon sighed and took some papers over to the fax machine. Mr. Young, a senior employee, was standing there. ‘What’s up, Simon? You don’t look very happy.’ ‘People always prefer Debby to me. I can’t understand it.’ ‘I can. It’s the way you communicate.’ ‘How can that be?’ Simon said. ‘I don’t even get a chance to speak to them.’ ‘Communicating is more than speaking and listening. Your body language is important, too.’ ‘Body language?’ ‘It’s the way you stand and sit. It’s your gestures and the expression on your face and in your eyes. Your whole appearance communicates things. The way you look at people doesn’t give them a good impression, Simon. You often rest your head on your hand. You look downwards. You never smile. You don’t turn your head or body towards people.’ ‘Look at Debby. She’s holding her head up, she looks at people’s eyes. She smiles. Your body language is telling people to go away. Debby’s body language is making them feel welcome. That’s why they go to her for assistance, and not to you.’ After that, Simon decided to improve his body language. He sat up and smiled at people. This seemed to work. Minutes later, a very beautiful girl entered. She looked at Debby and then Simon. Without hesitation she went to Simon and gave him a big smile. A few moments later, she left, still smiling. Mr. Young came over at once and remarked, ‘You made a good impression on her.’ ‘That was my sister’, said Simon, “She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.’ More reading Eye contact Eye contact is a form of communication which can mean different things in different cultures. Read this article about eye contact on a website. Throughout the history of mankind, people have communicated with body language. In many situations, the way you say something is far more important than what you say. Eye contact is sometimes the key to communication. It can signal friendliness or hostility, interest or boredom, and understanding or confusion. In western cultures, maintaining eye contact in conversations is necessary. As a matter of fact, a


上海牛津高一英语专项练习(词汇语法) Vocabulary (50%) 1. Mr. Smith ______ that he had made a mistake and that he had corrected it. A. accepted B. admitted C. talked D. promised 2. If your parents couldn't ____ to send you to college, you may ask our national Hope Project for help. A. afford B. offer C. give D. be able 3. He _____ the lion, fired but missed it. A. shot B. aimed C. aimed at D. killed 4. In our city, smoking is not _____ in such public places as the cinema, the theater, the library and the museum. A. let B. permitted C. promised D. agreed 5. Don’t worry! I'll _____ his safety. A. answer B. answer for C. reply to D. see 6. ____ ! There is a train coming. A. Look out B. Look around C. Look forward D. Look on 7. Don't worry! He ____ no attempt to leave. He will stay here to help you. A. made B. got C. had D. tried 8. She always ____ her opinion ____ facts. A. depends, on B. bases, on C. put, into D. bases, by 9. Everyone should remember it is very important to _____ the balance of nature toady. A. get B. make C. keep D. remain 10. --- Please tell me how to work out this maths problem. --- Use your ______ , then your find a way. A. heart B. brains C. hand D. mind 11. Because of the year 2008 Olympic Games, the American corporation board of trustees(董事会) decided to set up a Chinese _____ in Beijing. A. room B. group C. counterpart D. branch 12. The little boy has learned many Tang dynasty poems _____ though he is very


2018高考牛津高中英语-模块一至模块十语法 牛津高中英语-模块一 第一单元 一定语从句:定语从句的介绍 ?就像是一个形容词或介词短语修饰名词一样,定语从句也可以修饰名词。定语从句所修饰的名词称为先行词。 形容词:The green team 介词短语:The team in green 定语从句:The team who were wearing green ?定语从句通常由关系代词来引导,如which, that, who, whom, whose,或关系副词来引导,如when, where, why。关系代词可以在定语从句中担当主语,宾语,表语,定语;关系副词可以在定语从句中担当状语。 如:做主语The trees which are on the school campus have lost their leaves. 做宾语The student whom we saw just now is the best runner in our school. 做表语Jack is no longer the lazy boy that he used to be. 做定语She has a brother whose name I can’t remember. 做状语The school where he studied is in Shenzhen. 二定语从句:关系代词:that,which,who,whom,和whose ?在定语从句中,that和which用来指代物。 如:This is the story that /which we wrote for our storytelling contest. ?在定语从句中,who 用来指代人。 如:I am going to see a friend who has just come back from the UK. ?当who在定语从句中做宾语时,可以用whom来取代,且whom比who 更正式。 如:I don’t know the name of the teacher who/whom I saw in the computer room the other day.


U1重点词汇精讲 1.glance (v)瞥/ (n)一瞥;扫视 词组:glance at匆匆看一眼 at a glance一眼就… 例句:She glanced at the watch and hurried to the office.她匆匆看了一下手表就匆忙地赶去办公室。 He saw at a glance that she had been crying.他一眼就看出来她哭过了。 [拓展]: watch注视 observe观察 read读 see看见 look at看着 peep at窥视 glare at怒视 gaze at凝视 stare at凝视 2.senior (a)年长的;级别高的/(n)较年长者;<美>(中学)最高年级的学生 词组:be senior to比…年长(级别或地位高) 例句:She is three years senior to me.她比我大三岁。 3.prefer (v)宁可;更喜欢 词组:prefer A to B喜欢A胜过喜欢B prefer doing A to doing B比起做B来更喜欢做A prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿……而不… 例句:I prefer tea to coffee.比起喝咖啡,我更喜欢喝茶。 I prefer playing basketball to watching TV.比起看电视,我更喜欢打篮球。 He prefers to rent a car rather than buy one.他宁愿租一辆车也不愿意买一辆。4.communicate (v)交流;沟通 词组:communicate with与……交流


高一下语法 名词性从句:在单选和完形里考的可能性很大,对我们写作文也是有很大帮助的。(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句) 注意问题:1.that 在句中可省或不可省 宾语从句和表语从句可省,也有例外,在非正式语体中,如果一个动词后跟两个或 两个以上that引导的宾语从句,第一个可省,后几个都不可省。 We believe (that) we will try our best and that the work will be finished within the given time. 2. it 可用作形式主语和形式宾语的情况。 It’s a pity that you missed the train. We find it necessary that we should drink milk at night. (当谓语动词时make,find,see,hear等等) 3.if和whether在句中可互换否 宾语从句可互换,其他从句、介词之后、有or not的情况只能用whether。 同位语从句和定语从句的区别 The news that they had won the game arrived soon.(同位语) The news that you told me yesterday is true.(定语) 意义上解释;修饰

结构上连接词疑问代词疑问副词;关系代词关系副词 解释的词语上抽象名词(idea new fact等);各种名词 强调句:it + is/was + 被强调部分+ that (强调人用who,其他部分用that)强调部分是一个完整的信息,一个短语和句子,也不好强调谓语动词。 宾语补足语(无时无刻不体现在题目中,正面考的题型可能有单选,但 是它会从各个侧面来加强学生的理解。)


高一英语A班20150706-20150817 上海教材牛津版 高一年级英语词汇考点(上册) Unit 1 Body Language I.Words for reading 1.well-dressed 2.glance 3.sigh 4.senior 5.employee 6.prefer https://www.doczj.com/doc/b516042743.html,municate 8.gesture 9.expression 10.appearance 11.impression 12.downwards 13.assistance 14.without hesitation 15.remark 16.remind II.Words for more reading 1.eye contact 2.signal 3.hostility 4.boredom 5.confusion 6.maintain 7.consider https://www.doczj.com/doc/b516042743.html,ck of https://www.doczj.com/doc/b516042743.html,st 10.avoid 11.respect 12.authority 13.in authority 14.concentration 15.subtle 16.stare 17.rude III.Lpts. 1.look up 抬头向上看 2.look up to sb尊敬某人look down on 轻视 3.a well-dressed lady 一位穿着讲 究的女士 4.glance at 瞥一眼 5.greet sb with a smile 用微笑打 招呼 6.a senior employee资深的员工 7.be senior to比…年长的,资深的 8.prefer sth to sth 喜欢…不喜欢.. 9.prefer doing a to doing b喜欢做 a不喜欢做b 10.prefer to do a rather than do b宁 愿做a而不愿做b 11.the way +that 做….的方式, 方法;+in which ;+ /12.more than 超过,不只是,经常 13.more than speaking and listening 不只是 14.gesture 手势 15.expression 表情 16.expression on your face 你的脸 部表情 17.appearance 外貌,外表 18.appear 出现,似乎disappear 消失 19.It appears that….. 似乎,好像 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b516042743.html,municate with sb 交流 https://www.doczj.com/doc/b516042743.html,municate sth to sb 把(信 息,消息)传递给某人 22.keep up/lose communication with sb 与某人保持/失去联系23.leave/make/ give sb a good


牛津高一英语(上)单词练习 新教材高一英语(上)单词练习 01、She prefers popular music to c________________(古典的)works. 02、She learned to survive in a d________________ (荒芜的) island. 03、The headmaster gave a feelingful s________________ (演说)about good manners to the whole school. 04、Life has many joys and s________________ (悲伤). 05、She is a brave girl. She is never s________________ (害怕的)of anything. 06、He is leading an i________________(独立的)life. He lives on his own. 07、This is his n________________(本国的)town. He was born here. 08、The doctor asked me to show my t________________(舌头). 09、C________________ (相比较)with the service industry, foreign trade is more important . 10、people c________________ (交流)with each other by means of words. 11、Only a narrow strait(海峡) s________________(分隔)North America from Asia. 12、Her temperature has returned to n________________(正常). 13、Have you ever had any a________________ (冒险的)experience? 14、The two countries c________________ (联合起来)against their common enemy in the past. 15、You should do with the matter r_________________(有责任地). 16、All these difficulties were caused by natural d________________ (灾难). 17、We ________________(吞咽了)all our food and drink.


高一上牛津英语翻译 1.当一位穿着讲究的女士走进来时,黛比和西蒙抬起了头。(as) 2.我们到电影院时电影刚刚开始。(as) 3.公司的高级职员杨先生正站在那。(同位语) 4.美国第一位总统乔治·华盛顿生于1732年。(同位语) 5.交流不仅仅是指听和说。(more than) 6.写作不仅仅是造句。(more than) 7.你的肢体语言是让别人走开。黛比的肢体语言是让他们感到自己是受欢迎的。(welcome) 8.作为女主人,我要让我的客人有宾至如归的感觉。(welcome) 9.那就是为什么他们向她而不是向你寻求帮助的原因。(why,and) 10.她没赶上公共汽车,所以没及时赶到。(why) 11.冰淇淋应在餐后供应,而不是在餐前供应。(and)

12.她毫不犹豫地走向西蒙并冲他开心地笑。(hesitation) 13.她毫不犹豫地同意了他的要求。(hesitation) 14.杨先生立刻走过来说:“你给她留下了好印象。”(impression) 15.面试的时候给考官留下好印象是很重要的。(impression) 16.她想要提醒我明天是她的生日。(remind) 17.母亲提醒我外出旅行的时候不要吃不健康的食物。(remind) 18.我只好提醒他星期二要考试。(remind) 19.我们应该提醒乘客飞行期间不得吸烟。(remind) 20.在很多情况下,你说话的方式比你说话的内容重要得多。(way) 21.在西方文化中,在交谈时保持目光接触是必要的。(maintain) 22.在西班牙、意大利和希腊,人们交谈时站得很近,目光接触也就更加频繁,而且持续的时间也更长。(where) 23.比如,亚洲人在专心听对方讲话时有可能会闭上眼睛或目光向下看。(concentration)


牛津高中英语语法复习(模块1-4) 语法经典练习: 1. He ______ you more help, even though he was very busy. A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give 2. Jenny______ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind. A. must B. should C. need D. would 3. . -Could I borrow your dictionary -Yes, of course you_________ A. might B. will C. can D. should 4. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ______ for her. A. had to write it out B. must have written it out C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out 5. —Shall I tell John about it? —No, you ______ . I've told him already. A. needn't B. wouldn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't 6. ─There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. ─ It______ a comfortable journey. A. can't be B. shouldn't be C. mustn't have been D. couldn't have been 7. It's nearly seven o'clock. Jack______ be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. can 8. .When he was there, he______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A. would B. should C. had better D. might 9. .Sir, you _____ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only. A. oughtn't to B. can't C. won't D. needn't 10. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ______ get out. A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to 11. --When can I come for the photos I need them tomorrow afternoon. --They _____be ready by 12:00. A. can B. should C. might D. need 12. .--I stayed at a hotel while in New York. --Oh, did you You_ ____with Barbara. A. could have stayed B. could stay C. would stay D. must have stayed 13. -Will you stay for lunch? -Sorry,_____ ,My brother is coming to see me. A. I mustn't can't C. I needn't won't 14. Sorry I'm late. I ______ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. A. might B. should C. can D. will 15. I should have been there, but I _______ not find the time. A. would B. could C. might D. should 16. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he ___ your lecture. A. couldn't have attended B. needn't have attended C. mustn't have attended D. shouldn't have attended 17. --- Are you coming to Jeff's party? --- I'm not sure. I ________go to the concert instead. A.must B.would C.should D.might 18. Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How _________ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? A.can B.should C.may D.must 19 He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ________ a goal. A.had scored B.scored C.would score D.would have scored

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