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1.那个狠心的男人抛弃了他的妻儿。/ 那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。(abandon)

1. The cruel man abandoned his wife and child./Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed.


2. The old man was utterly absorbed in the book, adding, “So many good ideas! It's too much for me to absorb all at once.”

3. 市民可以免费使用这个新建的图书馆。(access)

3. Citizens may have free access to the newly-built library.

4. 他告诉罗伯塔他将和她结婚并说服了她陪他来到僻静的湖边度假村。(accompany)

4. He told Roberta he would marry her and persuaded her to accompany him to an isolated lake resort.

5. 他住在市中心,所以已经习惯于噪音了。(accustom)

5. He is accustomed to hearing noise, because he lives right in the center of the city.

6. 中国实行计划生育取得了举世公认的巨大成功。(acknowledge)

6. It is universally acknowledged that China has achieved tremendous success in family planning.

7. 他们正在学习如何适应新的环境,了解与自己很不一样的人。(adapt)

7. They are learning how to adapt to the new environment and develop an understanding of people very different from themselves.

8. 城市移民增加了劳动力的供应。(add)

8. Urban migrants add to the supply of labor.


9.He made an attempt to break the world record.

10. 为了适应新环境,他设法调整日常时间表,以便能有时间顾及所有的事。(adjust)

10. To adjust himself to the new environment, he tried to adjust his daily schedule to leave time for everything.

11. 尽管他说孩子都不能进。公平而论,我们必须承认他的用意是好的。(admit)

11. Although he said no children were to be admitted, to do him justice, we must admit that his intention was good.

12. 学校应采用新的外语教学法。(adopt)

12. The schools must adopt new methods of teaching foreign languages.

13. 旅馆,尤其是大城市的旅馆,多数要预先订房。(advance)

13. Reservations in advance are necessary in most hotels, especially in large cities.

14. 那店员一点也不怕麻烦。他就是不敢和顾客说话。(afraid)

14. The shop assistant is not in the least afraid of trouble. He is just afraid to talk to customers.

15. 有一些人匆匆忙忙,似乎急于超过别人。(anxious)

15. Some people were hurrying, as if they were anxious to get ahead of others.

16. 你应该为对她发脾气而道歉。(apologize)

16. You should apologize to her for losing temper with her.

17. 他们年轻而干劲十足,并喜欢在实践中运用他们新学到的知识。(apply)

17. They are young and ambitious and would like to apply their newly-learned knowledge to practice.

18. 我真的很感谢你过来帮我数学。您能在百忙之中抽出时间,谨致以衷心的感谢。(appreciate)

18. I really appreciate your coming over to help me with my math. It was good of you to take the time and trouble, and I sincerely appreciate your kindness.

19. 这些变化是由这个国家的气候和自然环境的不同而产生的。(arise)

19. These changes arise from differences in the climate and nature of the country.

20. 未能完成任务,我感到很惭愧。(ashamed)

20. I feel quite ashamed that I have not fulfilled the task.


21.We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the theory of evolution.

22. 我们及早订票以确保有座。并且,我向你保证表演是精彩的。(assure)

22. We book early to assure ourselves of seats. And I can assure you that the performance will be wonderful.

23. 他挥手以吸引我的注意力。(attention)

23. He waved his hand to catch my attention.

24. 困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。(attitude)

24. It's not his work but his attitude that bothers me.

25. 那本书一到就通知你。(available)

25. You will be informed when the book becomes available.

26. 他是逃犯,正试图逃避警方的追捕。(avoid)

26. He is an escaped prisoner trying to avoid being caught by the police.

27. 这疼痛让我睡不着觉。(awake)

27. The pain's keeping me awake.

28. 他们突然的攻击使我们更加注意我们周围的危险。(aware)

28. Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around us.

29. 你得回到属于你的地方。(belong)

29. You have to go back where you belong.

30. 体育运动有益于增进我们的体质。(beneficial)

30. Sports are beneficial to building our bodies.

31. 充分利用上课时间就意味着课后少花时间。(mean)

31. Making full use of time in class means less time after class.