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Section A Building Up Your Vocabulary and Grammar

1. These white walls are a big on that disgusting old wallpaper.

A. progression

B. impact

C. reflection

D. improvement


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. progression “n.前进;进展;连续” B. impact “n.影响;冲击力;撞击” C. reflection“n.倒影;反射;反映;沉思;考虑” D. improvement “n.改进,改善”。题意“这些白墙较之原来的旧墙纸有了很大的改善。”

2.Michael Evans is leaving the company to his own business interests.

A. chase

B. quest

C. pursue

D. pose


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. chase “ v. 追捕;追求;镂刻;雕刻;试图赢得” B.quest “v.寻找;搜索” C. pursue “v.努力去获得(或完成),追求” D. pose “v.摆姿势;把…摆正位置;造成;提出;假装”。题意“迈克伊万离开这家公司去追求他个人的商业兴趣。”

3.The exhibition will how life evolved from water.

A. explain

B. project

C. illustrate

D. quote


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. explain “v. 说明;解释”B.project “v.计划;设计;预计” C. illustrate “v.说明;举例说明” D. quote “v.引述;报价;举证”。题意“这个展览将说明生命如何由水进化而来的。”

4.These measures will increase the club's ability to revenue.

A. compose

B. stimulate

C. create

D. generate


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. compose“ v. 作曲;编排;形成;创作” B.stimulate “v.刺激;激励;鼓舞” C. create “v.创造;造成” D. generate “v.产生;发生;引起”。题意“这些措施将提高俱乐部的收入。”

5. An extra lock on the door is an added against burglars.

A. insurance

B. assurance

C. reliance

D. resistance


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. insurance“ n.保险;保险费;安全保障” B.assurance “n.保证;担保;确信;自信” C. reliance “n.信赖,所信任的人或物” D. resistance “n.抵抗;抵触;反对”。题意“门上额外的锁增加了抵御窃贼的安全保障。”

6. The health club chargesan annual membership.

A. fare

B. fee

C. pay

D. payment


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. fare “n.车费;路费” B. fee “n.费用;酬金” C. pay “n.薪资;雇佣” D. payment “n.支付;支付的款项;报偿”。题意“健康俱乐部每年要向会员收取会员费。”

7. There's been an increase in offences, such as traffic violations and petty theft.

A. major

B. delicate

C. minor

D. massive


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. major “adj.较多的;主要的” B. delicate “adj.微妙的;精美的;纤细的;脆弱的” C. minor “adj.轻微的;较小的;次要的” D. massive “adj.巨大的;大量的;大规模的;大范围的;严重的”。题意“近来较轻微的案件有所增加,比如违反交通规则和偷窃。”

8. I hardly watch any television, from news and current affairs.

A. away

B. aside

C. free

D. immune


解析: 本题考查固定短语aside from “除...以外”的用法。题意“除了新闻和时事,我几乎不看其他电视节目。”

9.The firm has drawn upa for the coming financial year.

A. policy

B. list

C. budget

D. prediction


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. policy “n.政策;方针” B. list “n.目录;名单” C. budget “n.预算” D. prediction “n.预言;预报”。题意“这个公司为下一个财政年度拟定了预算。”10.Nuclear weapons cause destruction on a massive .

A. scale

B. extent

C. degree

D. level


解析: 本题考查固定短语on a massive scale“大范围”的用法。题意“核武器会造成大范围的破坏。”

11. A lot of companies will from the fall in interest rates.

A. profit

B. benefit

C. expand

D. bankrupt


解析: 本题考查固定短语profit from “从...获益”的用法。题意“很多公司将会从利率下跌中获益。”

12. He is concerned with his work, not his family.

A. excessively

B. partly

C. merely

D. primarily


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. excessively “ad.过分地;过度地;极度地” B. partly “ad.在一定程度上;部分地;不完全地” C. merely “ad.仅仅,只不过” D. primarily “ad.主要地;起初地;”题意“他主要考虑他的工作,而不是他的家庭。”

13. Some vegetarians like to their diets with iron tablets.

A. supplement

B. integrate

C. reinforce

D. nourish


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. supplement “v.补充;增补” B. integrate “v.整合;结合” C. reinforce “v.加固;加强;增强” D. nourish “v.滋养;培育;给营养”。题意“许多素食主义者服用补铁的药片作为对日常饮食的补充”

14. The government has announced plans to on defense spending by 10% next year.

A. cut up

B. cut off

C. cut out

D. cut back


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. cut up“切碎;谴责” B. cut off“切断;使隔绝;剪下” C. cut out “切断;删除;停止;取代” D. cut back“削减”。题意“政府宣布明年的计划,削减国防开支的百分之十。”

15. Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large is man-made.

A. percent

B. percentage

C. ratio

D. section


解析:本题考查词语辨析。A. percent “n.百分比” B. percentage “n.百分率;比率;部分;好处” C. ratio “n.比率;比例” D. section “n.部分;部门;章节;区域”。题意“当今人们使用的所有纤维,很多都是人造纤维。”