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Gasoline is the largest source of man-made carcinogens 汽油是人为致癌物最大的排放源头
Industry/ Utilities
Oxygenates, Like Ethanol, Substantially Reduce Harmful Gasoline Emissions 乙醇汽油可大幅减少有害汽车尾气排放
Syngas to Ethanol Process via Bacterial Fermentation 合成气生物发酵制乙醇工艺开辟 煤制乙醇新路线
Mark Niederschulte 2017 Coal/Syngas to Ethanol Conference 2017 煤/合成气制乙醇技术与市场论坛
Coal based syngas 煤制合成气
水循环 Water Recycle
Ethanol 乙醇
Jupeng Bio Technology Process Development 巨鹏生物技术发展历程
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Production of ethanol from syngas has been studied for 17 years at pilot plant scale 启动小试装置,研究合成气制乙醇工艺,至今已有17年
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Tolerant to wide range of syngas compositions 对合成气组分变化具有高宽容性
Bacteria generates H2 from H2O via watergas shift reaction 水中取氢(细菌法水气变换) CO-rich syngas preferred尤其适合富一氧化碳 的合成气
Cooling Towers 冷却塔
Oxygen Plant 制氧
Fermentation 发酵
Distillation 蒸馏 Product Storage 产品储存
24 kta Demonstration Plant in USA Syngas Fermentation Section 美国2.4万吨示范工厂—合成气发酵工艺装置
24 kta Demonstration Plant in USA Integrated Biomass Gasification – Syngas Fermentation 美国2.4万吨示范工厂--生物质气化加合成气发酵一体化工艺
Feed Handling 进料处理
Power Generation Gasification 气化 发电
China Ethanol Market 中国乙醇市场

The current ethanol market is strongly supported by the Chinese government 国家大力支持乙醇产业:
Expecting 计划
The 13th Five-year (2016-2020) Plan for Biomass Energy 《生物质能十三五规划》
110,000 hours of run time 运行时间共110,000小时
24 kta demonstration plant in USA operated for 4 years 美国2.4万吨/年示范工厂运行4年
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750 m3 CSTR fermenter and 3 fermenter growth train 750 m3 连续搅拌式发酵塔,带3个发酵生产罐 Combined run time of over 40,000 hours 一体化装置运行时间4万多小时 Longest continuous fermenter run was 300 days 发酵塔连续运行最长达 300天
Jupeng Bio Technology Process Development 巨鹏生物技术发展历程
• INEOS Bio purchased and renamed Jupeng Bio in 2017 英力士生物于 2017年并入巨鹏生物
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Included scientists, engineers, operations and commercial professionals; R&D center with lab facilities and pilot plant 包括科学 家、工程师、操作专家和商务专才;研发中心、实验室和一体化小试装置 Extensive intellectual property in gasification, anaerobic fermentation and overall process 包括气化、厌氧发酵和工艺集成等领域的众多知识产权
Jupeng Bio Technology Advantages 巨鹏生物技术优势
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Modular and scalable process equipment 设备采用模块化设计,易于放大 Low temperature and pressure - no sterility requirements 低温低压,不需无菌环境 Simple process equipment is less capital intensive 工艺设备简单、投资费用低 Bacteria can process variable CO and H2 ratios 适应广泛的合成气碳氢比 Bacteria has high tolerance for many syngas impurities 对多种合成气杂质具有高宽容性 Continuous regeneration of the bacteria in the fermenter 发酵塔内,细菌连续再生 High yield and high selectivity - produces high quality, stable ethanol ready for use as a transportation fuel 高收率、高选择性 – 高品位、高稳定性的乙醇产品,可直接用作变性乙醇
Jupeng Bio Fueling a cleaner tomorrow
China Ethanol Market 中国乙醇市场
• However, there is a large gap between the ethanol fuel demand and supply: 但是,燃料乙醇产量和预期需求存在较大缺口:
Year 年份
Fuel Demand 汽油消费量
4 million tons of annual ethanol fuel consumption by 2020 到2020年实现400万吨/年 利用规模 10 million tons of annual ethanol fuel consumption by 2020 到2020年生物燃料乙醇年 利用量达到1000万吨 The initial realization of ethanol fuel usage in vehicles nationwide全国范围内车用乙 醇汽油基本实现全覆盖
Air Toxics 有毒气体 VOC 挥发性有机物 Nitrogen Oxides 氮氧化物 Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳 Sulfur Oxides 硫氧化物 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳 Particulate Matter 颗粒物 Reduced Cancer Risk 致癌风险 -28% -17% -3% -13% -11% -4% -9% -20% to-30%
Diesel 柴油
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 来源:美国环保署
Source: Clean Fuels Development Coalition Technical Committee, California Air Resources Board 来源:美国加州空气资源委员会清洁燃料发展联合技术委员会
The Renewable Energy Mid- to Long-term Development Plan 《可再生能源中长期发展规划》
The Implementation Plan of Expanding the Biofuel Production and Promoting the Utilization of Ethanol Fuel in Vehicles《关于扩大生物燃料乙醇 生产和推广使用车用乙醇汽油的实施方案》
Jupeng Bio Syngas Fermentation Process Technology Converting Coal Based Syngas to Ethanol 巨鹏生物发酵法合成气制乙醇工艺
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Fermentation using a naturally occurring organism 自然界细菌,生物发酵路线 90% CO conversion, 98% ethanol selectivity 一氧化碳转化率为90%;乙醇选择性为98%
Ethanol Fuel Projected Demand预 期需求 >10 million tons >1000万吨
Ethanol Fuel Actual Production 当前产量 2.6 million tons 260万吨
120 million tons 1.2亿吨
Ethanol Blended Into Gasoline Substantially Reduces Harmful Gasoline Exhaust Emissions 乙醇汽油可大幅减少有害汽车尾气排放
October 19, 2017
Fueling a Cleaner Tomorrow
Jupeng Bio History 巨鹏生物发展历程
1989 – Core syngas fermentation technology discovery 发现核心合成气发酵技术 2003 – Integrated gasification – fermentation pilot demonstration 气化加发酵一体化小试装置 2008 – INEOS Bio created 设立英力士生物公司 2011 – INEOS Bio JV Chosen for $50m Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy 获得美国能源部5000万美元补贴 2011 – INEOS Bio JV Closes $75m in Financing Under U.S. Department of Agriculture Loan Guarantee Program 获得美国农业部7500万美元贷款担保 2012 – INEOSBiblioteka BaiduBio Facility Receives Registrations from U.S. EPA for production and Sale of Next Generation Cellulosic Ethanol 通过美国环保署的注册认证获准生产和销售新一代纤维素乙醇 2013 – INEOS Bio Produces Cellulosic Ethanol At Commercial Scale 实现商业规模生产纤维素乙醇 2017 – Jupeng Bio acquisition of INEOS Bio 英力士生物并入巨鹏生物