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跨文化交际复习资料Unit 1&2

Reviewing Papers for Intercultural Communication

Unit 1&2

I. Keywords

(1) Sender/Source: A sender/source is the person who transmits a message.(信息发出者/信息源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。)

(2) Message: A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver.(信息:信息指引起信息接受者反应的任何信号。)

(3) Encoding : It refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. (编码:编码指信息发出者选择言语或用非言语的方式发出有目的的信息的行为。)(4) Channel/Medium :It is the method used to deliver a message. (渠道/媒介:渠道/媒介指发送信息的方法。)

(5) Receiver: A receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. (信息


(6) Decoding: It is the activity during which the receiver attaches meaning to the words or symbols he/she has received.(解码:解码指信息接受者赋予其收到的言语或符号信息意义的行为。)

(7)Feedback: The response of a receiver to a sender ' s message is c(l反d馈ee反b&k.


(8) Noise: It is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including external noise physiological noise, psychological noise and semantic noise. (干扰:干扰指妨碍信息交流的各种因素。包括外界干扰,生理干扰,心理干扰和语义干扰。)

(9) Context: A context is the setting or situation within which communication takes place , including physical context, social context and interpersonal context. (语境:语境指交际发生的环境,包括自然语境,社会语境和人际语境。)

II. Definition of some terms

1. Culture : From intercultural perspective, culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with the world and with one another that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.

2 Intercultural communication: It refers to the communication between or among people from

different cultures. More precisely, it is the communication between people

whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event.(跨文化交际:跨文化交际指的是那些在文化认知和符号系统上存在差异的人们之间的交际。这些差异足以改变整个交际事件。)3. International communication: it takes place between nations and governments rather than - 1individuals; it is quite formal and ritualized. ( 国际交流:国际交流是指发生在国家和政府之间而非发生在个人之间的交际;此种交际非常正式和仪式化。)

4. Interracial communication: It occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races. (跨种族交际:跨种族交际是指交流信息的信息源和信息接受者来自不同的种族的交际。)

5. Interethnic communication: It is the communication between or among people from different ethnic groups in a country or culture. (跨民族交际:跨民族交际是指来自一个国家或文化内部的不同民族群体的人们之间的交际。)

6. Intracultural communication: it is defined as communication between or among members of the same culture. (文化内交际:文化内交际是指同一文化内部的成员之间的交际。)

III. Key Points

(1) The 3 characteristics of culture

Culture is coherent

Culture is learned

Culture is the view of a group of people

3 things culture does

Culture ranks what is important

Culture furnished attitudes

Culture dictate how to behave

(2) The nine components of communication.

(3) The definition of intercultural communication.

(4) The forms of intercultural communication.

International communication, Interracial communication, Interethnic communication, Intracultural communication.

IV. Difficult Points

(1) Distinct perspective definition of Culture

(2) The characteristics of Communication.

(3) How to understand Communication

(4) Relationship between culture and communication


1) Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It can be defined from distinct perspectives ;

From Intellectual Perspective

From Anthropologic Perspective

From Psychological Perspective

From Social Perspective

From Intercultural Communication Perspective

2) The following are some of the most distinctive features listed in the literature on communication.

Communication is dynamic

Communication is an on-going activity. In any communication event, the sender and the receiver of messages constantly shift from being encoders to decoders and the messages also change in each turn of interaction.

Communication is interactive

Communication is always done in two ways: the source sends messages to the receiver and the receiver responds to the message received and sends his message or response to the source. Thus the source and receiver are in a reciprocal situation attempting to influence one another in the process. What the influences are and how the influences function are among the major concerns of intercultural communicators.

Communication is both verbal and non-verbal

Speech is only one of the channels that messages are transmitted. We do not have to say everything we intend to communicate in words. We use our body, signs, and even clothing to show others what we have in our minds. According to statistics most part of our communication is done by non-verbal means.

Communication can be either intentional and unintentional

Intention is not a necessary condition for communication to take place. A sigh of frown accompanying speech, if noticed by the receiver, may also carry unintended messages to the receiver. For the two parties involved in the communication process, any behavior of one interlocutor, intentional or unintentional, can produce certain effects and generate certain meanings to the other. To complicate the matter, very often we are unconscious of the message sent and the effect it has produced. Therefore, unexpected results may arise.

Communication is rule-governed

Though communication is a complex process, there are still rules for speakers to follow as to how messages are constructed and interpreted. The patterns, however, are crucially defined. To study communication and intercultural communication in particular is , to a large extent, to discover the patterns that regulate communicative behavior of the interlocutors. If the patterns are shared and understood, any communication will become easy and effective.

Communication depends on the use of symbols

Symbols or codes are the basic ingredients of communication. Symbols may take the form of written or spoken words, body signs, Braille, an object like a picture or a dress, color, and many other symbols that represent certain meanings to whoever recognize them and make sense of them.

All cultures use symbols, but they usually attribute different meanings to the same symbol and may use different symbols to mean the same. Competent intercultural communications, therefore, must learn to “ read ” the symbols used by their interlocutors and understand the exact messages.

Communication is irreversible

Communication can not be retrieved --- the message delivered and interpreted by the receiver

can never be taken back. Though we can modify our message, the effect produced by the original message still remains. The implication is that improper communicative behavior may have serious consequences.

Communication takes place in both a physical and a social context

Communication does not take place in a vacuum. We interact with other people within specific physical surroundings and under a set of specific social factors. The physical surroundings serve t to be communicated, as the background of our interaction and, to a large extent, define what we communicate and how we do it. In addition, the symbolic meaning of the physical setting may contribute to the meanings intended. The social context sets the interlocutors in various social relationships. How people relate to one another will determine both the form and content of communication. Physical and social context together define the actual practice of communication: what to be communicated, where, when, with whom and how it is realized.

3) Communication: the Process of Understanding and Sharing Meaning

The word communication is used in a variety of ways. Before we use the term any further, we should establish a common understanding of its definition. Communication comes from the Latin communicare, which means to make common. This original definition of the word is consistentwith the definition of communication used in this text.

In this text, communication is defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning. Communication is considered a process because it is an activity, exchange, of set of behaviors—not an unchanging, static product, in which we participate. David Berlo, a well-known communication figure, probably provides the clearest

statement about communication as a process.

Berlo wrote: If we accept the concept of process, we view events and relationships as dynamic, ongoing, ever-changing, and continuous. When we label something as a process, we also mean that it does not have a beginning, an end, a fixed sequence of events. It is not static, at rest. It is moving. The ingredients within a process interact, each affects all of the others.

What is an example of how a process operates in everyday communication? Picture two students passing on the sidewalk between classes and exchanging a few sentences. last long after the words stop.

Communication is a process that requires understanding. Your professor asks, what is the ontogeny of your misogeny? You hear the words, but you may not be able to understand or interpret them, An Asian student who has to struggle with English as a second language may have the same trouble with words that most Americans regard as easy to understand. Understanding, or grasping, the meaning of another person ' s message does not occur unless the two communicators

can elicit common meanings for words, phrases, and nonverbal codes. The importance of this kind of understanding was emphasized by humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers in his book On Becoming a Person., He wrote, I have found it of enormous value when I can permit myself to understand another person.

In addition to understanding, communication involves sharing. Consider the popular use of the word sharing. We share a meal, we share an event, we share a sunset. Sharing is a gift that people exchange. We can also share with ourselves when we allow ourselves time to relax and daydream, time to consider who we are and what our goals are. We share with others when we talk to them alone or in larger groups. Regardless of the context, communication involves sharing.

What exactly is understood and shared in the communication process? When you use language for expression, meaning is the shared understanding of your feelings. When you use language for pragmatic purposes, meaning is the appropriate response that indicates the message was understood. For example, you ask for a drink, and the other person gives you one. Meaning is the message you construct in your mind as you interpret the message sent.

4) Culture and Communication

Understanding the intertwined relationship between culture and communication is crucial to intercultural communication. On the other hand, culture conditions communication. First of all culture is the foundation of communication. Without the sharing and understanding between speakers, no communication is possible. Secondly, culture dictates every stage of the communication process. We communicate the way we do because we are raised in a particular culture and learn its language, rules and norms. What we say, what gestures we use, with whom we talk, when and how to talk are all determined by our culture. On the other hand, communication had made the development of human culture possible and it is through communication that culture is transmitted from one generation to another. At the same time, culture is learned through communication. We acquire our membership of culture mainly through socialization with other members of our culture and this socialization is realized by interacting with different social groups: families, friends, neighbors, teachers, colleagues, etc. without socialization through communication, the learning of culture is totally impossible. Culture and communication are said to be like Siamese twins, one is inseparable from the other; the understanding of one demands the understanding of the other and the changes to one will cause changes in the other. If the culture is different, the communicative patterns in that culture will different too. The major task of intercultural communicators is to find out how culture and communication condition and transform one another so that real understanding can be achieved among intercultural interactions.

跨文化交际试题 附答案

《跨文化交际》试题(附答案) Paper 1 Communication Analysis ? The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.? ? Question 1 Case 1: Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant. Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it! Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.? ? Question 2 Case 2: Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory. Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong! Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job. Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure. Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music. Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment. Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game. Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment! Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.? ? Question 3 Case 3: This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.


英语知识 一、导论 20 世纪90 年代,语篇分析开始在翻译研究中占主导地位。语篇分析法侧重于描述语言意义交流及建立社会和权力关系的运作方式。翻译研究中, 最具影响力的语篇分析模式当数礼德的系统功能语篇分析。语篇分析模式引入翻译研究后,对翻译研究那种众说纷纭,莫衷一是的混乱局面无疑注入了一塘清水,尤其对中国翻译界挥之不去的语文学式的翻译研究产生了重要影响。西方翻译研究者把语篇分析引入翻译研究后,已经取得了重要进展,出版了几部重要作品,主要有:J uliane House 的《翻译质量评估模式:一种重访模式》( Translation QualityAssessment : A Model Revisited ) ,[ 1 ]Mona Baker 的《换言之: 翻译教程》( In Other Words : A CourseBook on Translation ) ,[ 2 ] Bell 的《翻译的理论与实践》( Translation and Translating ) ,[ 3 ] Basil Hatim和Ian Mason 合著的《语篇与译者》( Discourse andthe Translator ) [ 4 ] 和《作为交际者的译者》(The ranslator as Communicator ) ,[ 5 ] Basil的《跨文化交际—翻译理论与对比篇章语言学》(Communication across Cultures : Translation Theoryand Cont rastive ) 。[6 ] J uliane House 通过对原文和译文进行语域对比分析以确定译作评估模式,并分析了显性翻译(overt translation) 和隐形翻译(coverttranslation) 。显性翻译自称不是翻译,隐形翻译则被定义为在译语文化中享有和源语文本平等的地位。Baker 探讨了翻译中语言各层次尤其是语篇和语用层次上的对等。Basil Hatim 和Ian Mason 将符号层上的语篇融入其翻译研究模式,代表了更广泛意义上的话语观。在我国,将语篇分析模式引入翻译研究的应首推黄国文和美芳二教授。黄国文在《外语与外语


考试需知:考试前每一列学生把课本放在第一排。考试时间为2.5个小时,试卷1为闭卷考试,前面40分钟用于完成试卷1。待老师收上试卷1后,发下课本,学生做试卷2,试卷2 为开卷考试。可携带纸质词典进考场,不许携带电子词典及手机进考场。 Test Paper 1 Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.Generally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.Generally speaking, in terms of world views, the West adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopt s holistic view 3.Generally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius,


跨文化交际意识和能力的培养 发表时间:2011-02-22T09:47:45.713Z 来源:《现代教育科研论坛》2010第12期供稿作者:施恩设 [导读] 英语教学中,文化意识的培养是学习语言的重要组成部分。 施恩设(宿迁市宿豫中学江苏宿迁 223800) 【摘要】我们学习英语的主要目的是用来与其他国家人民进行交流,然而现阶段的英语教学并没有把学生的英语学习置于一定的文化氛围中,从而导致很多学生说出或写出了令人费解甚至令人贻笑大方的语句。其原因是我们教师在教学中割裂了文化与语言之间的密切联系,忽略了语言的实际场合运用。针对此种现象,笔者结合了自己的多年教学经验,叙述了在教学中如何培养学生的跨文化意识以及跨文化交际能力的培养,从而使教师能真正地达到英语教学目的。 【关键词】英语教学;文化差异;跨文化意识 语言是人类最重要的思维和交流工具,我们学习英语的目的之一就是要在实际生活中使用它来跟其他国家人民进行交流和沟通,这也是英语作为语言的重要用途,尤其是在当今社会生活和经济活动日益全球化的这种形式下,外国语言特别是英语已经成为世界各国公民的必备的素养之一。但是,由于不同民族所处的生态物质、社会及宗教等环境不同,因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的语言习惯、社会文化、风土人情等语境因素。因此,在交流中,人们总是喜欢用自己的说话方式来解释对方的话语,这就可能对对方的话语作出不准确的推论,从而产生语言上的冲突和障碍。 英语教学中,文化意识的培养是学习语言的重要组成部分。学习一种语言就意味着学习一种文化,语言是不能离开文化而存在的,它仅仅是文化的载体,文化是语言的底座和环境,语言和文化相互影响、相互制约。文化的生命力在于传播,语言作为文化传播的工具,自然对文化传播有着极大的促进作用,是文化得以生存的力量;另一方面,由于文化的传播,尤其是异族文化的传播,语言中又会出现新的词语、新的表达方式,因此,文化又影响和制约着语言。所以,在日常教学中我们必须充分认识到跨文化交际意识到培养重要性。 然而长期以来,我们在教学中过于强调语言知识的传授和语言技能的操练,却割裂了语言和文化之间的有机联系,没有在教学中将学生置于一定的文化氛围中,没能对比我国与外国的文化差异,学生尽管学到了一定的知识,但缺乏对外国国家文化精神层面的深厚理解,结果使学生难以摆脱母语的影响,无法利用英语进行得体的交际所以。当他们与外宾交流时就难以沟通,因而就出现了学生向外宾问“where are you going?”、“How old are you?”之类涉及别人隐私而使人不愿作答的问题,出现尴尬的局面。其原因在于我们教学了忽视语言形式的正确性,忽视语言与文化之间的密切联系,忽视了语言实际场合的运用,只顾培养学生的一般语言能力。所以,学生在使用英语时候往往不自觉地根据自己的文化背景来作出判断,从而产生的语言障碍,如何摆脱这一现象就成为日常教学中的一项重要任务。 结合自己的教学经验,笔者认为:教学中学生跨文化交际意识的培养必须依赖于以下几个方面。 1.教师不仅自身要具备广博的文化知识,还要转变自己的教学观念 在实际教学过程中,英语知识的获得主要靠教师的传授,因此,英语教师的文化修养就显得尤为重要。这就要求教师必须具备广博的知识面,对西方文化尤其是英美文化要有深入了解。对西方国家的地理概貌、风土人情、交际礼仪等都要能在日常教学中比较出它们之间的差异,并且能够向向学生解释这些差异的成因。教学中,教师也应不断关注西方社会的发展,追踪语言的最新变化以适应现代教学。同时,教师还要转变观念,作为一名英语教师,不能一味追求分数而忽略对学生英美文化的教学。教师要注重培养学生的跨文化交际意识、进行交际化的教学,真正使学生在跨文化交际中对不同文化之间的差异与冲突具有深刻理解。 2.教师要帮助学生理解什么是跨文化交际意识及其作用 跨文化交际意识是指对本民族文化与另一种文化之间异同的敏感性以及在使用另一种语言时应根据相应的文化背景作出判断的一种主动意识。教学中,首先应使学生在认识上有一个提高,克服不自觉的民族中心主义。由于受到本民族文化的影响,在接触另一种文化时,人们往往以自己的文化作为出发点进行判断,其表现为先入为主的文化偏见,或认为自己的文化最好、最先进、最标准,形成了民族文化中心论。因此,教师要使学生提高对外国文化的认识,,抛弃偏见,克服民族中心主义,做到态度开明,心胸宽广,对外国文化采取一种客观的态度。只有做到接纳和理解外国文化,才能使英语教学质量得以提高,才能真正培养学生实际生活中的跨文化交流能力 3.教师应充分利用各种教学资源,采用多种教学途径培养学生的跨文化交际意识和交际能力 3.1 利用实物举办一些活动如英语角、英语沙龙、英语晚会等来促进学生感受异国文化,激发他们的兴趣并且增强学生的跨文化交际意识。这些活动能够为学生提供用英语直接交流的机会,让学生在娱乐中体会中西方文化的差异,从而有意识地培养和提高其对文化差异的敏感性和适应性。 3.2在课文讲解教学中,对于那些涉及到西方历史、风俗的文章可以向学生做出详尽的讲解,在提高他们学习英语兴趣的同时又加深了他们对西方文化的理解。如在阅读到一篇文章时,学生对“Uncle Sam”(山姆大叔)一般都感到迷惑不解,如果教师能把它的相关文化背景知识介绍给学生,相信既培养了学生跨文化交际意识又调动他们的积极性;再如新概念英语3中的一篇课文讲述的是skeleton in the closet(“壁柜里的骷髅”)的故事,如果教师能告诉学生这个短语所表达的是不可或不愿外传的家丑,那么他们也就不会产生恐惧感了。这两个实例都要求我们教师在教学中应一改传统的教学方法。过去,在进行新授课的时候,对每一单词的讲解都只局限于音、形、义,而且在讲授“义”的时候,最多是翻阅字典,将词义讲解得全面一些,但这些仍仅停留在单词本身的字面意思上,没有挖掘其真正的内涵。在讲授文中段落和句子也只是强调语法规则。对学生考核也只要求学生会听、读、写,对于文化背景知识往往一带而过,甚至置之一旁,于是就出现了吧“力大如牛”翻译成“as strong as a cow”笑话来。(正确翻译为“as strong as a horse”)。 3.3在训练口语的教学中,教师应充分创造出相应的文化氛围来进行语言交际训练。如在讲述西方某些节日的时候,可以利用一些costume(化妆服)作为道具,暂时忘却本民族的文化,完全融入到西方文化环境中进行表演,这样可以起到一箭双雕的作用,既增添了课堂的情趣,活跃了气氛,又让学生感受到了西方节日的氛围,对学生跨文化交际意识的培养起到了潜移默化的作用。教师也可以借助多媒体,在课堂上播放一些幻灯片,对涉及到西方文化的文章进行讲解、注释,有助于学生深层次地理解文章的内涵。 3.4让学生体会文化对语法的影响。语法是语言表达方式的小结,它揭示了连字成词、组词成句、句合成篇的基本规律。文化背景不同,语言的表达方式各异。英语注重运用各种连接手段达到句子结构和逻辑上的完美,如要表达“他是我的一个朋友”,不能说“He's my a friend”,而应该说“He's a friend of mine”,双重所有格准确地体现了“他”与“我的朋友们”之间的部分关系。又如“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”(冬天来了,春天还会远吗?)一看到if,两句的语法关系便了然于胸。我们常说英语重形合,汉语重意合,西方人



Test Paper Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.G enerally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.G enerally speaking, in terms of world views, the We st adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopts holistic view 3.G enerally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius, Lao Tze, Mo Tze, and the great thinker in India is Siddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palestine are Hebrew prophets, and the great thinkers in the West are Plato, Homer and Archimedes Ⅱ. Choose the best answer: 1.Non-verbal messages are classified into two comprehensive categories: those that are primarily produced by the body, such as_________,________,_______; and those that the individual combines with the setting, such as _______, _______, _______.D A.physical contact, eye contact, paralanguage; space, time, man B.facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, silence C.appearance, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, man D.movement, smell, paralanguage; space, time, silence 2.In Chinese writing, there are usually more adjectives, proverbs and allusions than in English writing. Some Western scholars name this style “flowery”, stating that its aim is to give a more fanciful impression than information, and the information is usually of beauty, fragrance, happiness, and any other “goodness”aspects so as to attract people. We may term this style as_______-oriented. Western writing is more direct with objective inform ation. To them, much-repeated words may mean less after a while. We may term the Western writing as ________-oriented.C A. adjective, objective B. Chinese, Western C. impression, information C. indirect, direct 3. As to the human nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.B A. basically good; basically bad B. evil but perfectible, basically good C. the mixture of good and evil; the mixture of good and evil; D. unknown 4. As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.D A. subjugation to nature; harmony with nature B. harmony with nature; mastery over nature


如何培养英语跨文化交际能力 中宁五中张永宏 摘要:本文通过分析我国英语教学现状,探索英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的必要性,具体分析“跨文化交际能力”的三大组成,思考培养英语跨文化交际能力的具体方法。 关键词:跨文化交际语义文化语用文化 多年来,我国的英语教学主要采用传统的教学方法,即传统的听说法“with its end less and mind-numbing repetitive drills”和古老的以教师为中心的语法—翻译法。教师往往只注重学生语言形式的正确与否或使用是否流畅,而较少注重结合语言使用的场合来培养学生综合运用的能力。学生在这种教学模式下,经过十几年的英语学习,即使是有些成绩很好的学生也不能用所学的英语同外国人进行有效地交流。为了改变这种现状,人们必然对英语教学提出新的要求。而跨文化交际能力的培养却能在一定程度上弥补传统教学的这种缺陷。 首先,何为跨文化交际呢?“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“intercultural communication”或“cross-cultural communication”,它既指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和社会文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质社会及宗教等环境的不同,因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的社会文化、风土人情和语言习惯等诸语境因素,造成人们不同的说话方式或习惯话语。这就可能使交际双方对对方的话语做出不准确地推论,从而产生冲突、误会或交际的故障。 跨文化交际能力就是针对文化冲突提出来的,它是一种在理解、掌握外国文化知识与交际技能的基础上,灵活处理跨文化交际中出现的实际问题的能力。 一、英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的必要性。 1、近年来, 随着改革开放步伐的加快, 对外交往日益频繁, 国与国之间的交流也越来越 广泛, 特别是社会信息化提高, 国际互联网的开通使更多的人足不出户便涉及到跨 文化交际。中国成功地加入WTO后,国际市场对能用英语熟练有效地交际的复合型人才的大量需求给外语教学提出了新的挑战,所以培养跨文化交际能力有其现实意义。 2、培养跨文化交际能力有助于我们要打破以往“就语言教语言”的模式,把交际因素引 进到英语教学中来,在英语教学过程中揭示那些隐伏在语言背后的,易引起误会和冲突的文化因素。掌握语言不只是掌握语法、音位和语义规则,还必须考虑到外国社会文化背景造成的语言之外的规则。 3、培养跨文化交际能力有利于处理好语言和文化的关系。语言和文化是不可分割的,二 者相互依存、相互影响。语言是文化的载体,又是文化的重要组成部分,也是文化的



Unit 1 Page 22 The growth of intercultural communication as a field of study is based on a view of hi story that clearly demonstrates people and cultures have been troubled by a persistent i nability to understand and get along with groups and societies removed by space, ideol ogy, appearance, and behavior from their own. What is intriguing about many of huma n civilization's failure is that they appear to be personal as well as global. The story of h umankind is punctuated with instances of face-to-face conflicts as well as international misunderstanding--major and minor quarrels that range from simple name-calling to i solationism or even armed conflict. It is obvious that increased contact with other cultures and subcultures makes it impe rative for us to make a concerted effort to get along with and to try to understand peop le whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from our own. The ability, thr ough increased awareness and understanding, to peacefully coexist with people who do not necessarily share our lifestyles or values could benefit us not only in our own neigh borhoods but could be the decisive factor in maintaining world peace. 纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰 和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。在这种情况下,跨文化交际作为一个特定的研究领域得以形成和发展。值得注意的是,人类文明在 发展过程中所遭受的许多挫折,既是个人的,又是全球性的;人类历史进程总是充 满了个人间的直接冲突和民族间的误解——从骂骂咧咧到孤立主义直至到武装冲突,大大小小争端不绝。 很显然,文化间以及亚文化间的交往比以前多了,这迫切要求我们共同努力,去 理解有着不同信仰和文化背景的人们,并与之和睦相处。通过加深认识和理解,我 们能够与生活方式、价值观念不同的人们和平共处;这不但有益于我们周遭环境的 安定,也是维护世界和平的决定性因素。 Unit 2 Page 60 Culture is sometimes referred to as our mental programming,our “software of the mind. ” But we can take that computer analogy further and say that culture is the operating environment that enables software programs to run. Culture is like DOS or Unix or Windows:it is what enables us to process information in various specific application. The metaphor of windows seems to be very appealing to describe culture: culture is a mental set of windows through which all of life is viewed. It various from individual to individual within a society, but it shares important characteristics with menbers of a society. Culture is like the water fish swim in┄a reality that is taken for granted and rarely examined. it is in the air we breath and is as necessary to our understanding of who we are as air is to our physical life. Culture is the property of a community of people, not simply a characteristic of individuals. Societies are programmed by culture, and that programming comes from similar life experiences and similar interpretations of what those experiences mean. If culture is mental programming, it is also a mental map of reality. It tells us from early childhood what matters, what to prefer, what to avoid, and what to do. Culture


跨文化交际与翻译真题2015.6.5临床专业 一、案例分析(答题说明:每题10分,合计10.0分。) 1. Situation: Two Americans, Bill and Tony, are talking about Tony’s unhappy experience with his Chinese college. Bill: Hi, Tony. How’re you doing? Tony: Fine. Just got back from visiting the home of one of my Chinese colleagues. Bill: Oh, have a good time? Tony: Oh yes, very good. Mind you, I was bit hurt about the way they treated my present. You see, I know they like western music so I brought them back some of the latest tapes from the UK. Had them all wrapped up beautifully and gave them to them as soon as I got inside the door and what do you think happened? Bill: What? Tony: Nothing. Well, more or less, they said thank you but then just put them away in a corner. Didn’t even bother to unwrap them. I must say I felt a bit miffed after all the trouble I’d taken. 参考答案:答题点:Gift giving in the West 三、跨文化单选(答题说明:每题1分,合计15.0分。) C22. Cathy is talking to her friends Bill and Tod outside the cinema. Cathy: Well, what did you think of the film, then? Bill: Oh, I thought it was great. Didn’t you think so?


定义题 1. What is “intercultural communication”? P6 refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication event. There are three kinds of things you need to learn if you want to be able to communicate effectively with Westerners. First, you need to learn a foreign language, usually English. Second, you should learn as much as possible about Western cultures. However, studying English language and Western culture is not enough. You should also learn something about what happens when people from different cultures try to communicate with each other —in other words, "intercultural communication." 2.What is a culture? P13 A culture is essentially a group of people who carry many of the same ideas in their heads. Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people 3.What are stereotypes?P13 Stereotypes means very broad generalizations such as “British people are polite,”“Americans are friendly”, and so forth. It is a derogatory word. It means that image, idea, character that has become fixed or standardized in a conventional form without individuality and is therefore false and shallow. Stereotypes may have a basis in fact, but they are too broad and shallow, and they give us the mistaken idea that a people’s culture can be summed up easily in a few short , simple statements. Stereotypes are also dangerous because they may trick us into believing that knowing a few stereotypes is the same thing as understanding another culture. 4.What does “interpretation” means?P24 A very important aspect of intercultural communication is “interpretation”, t he process of deciding what foreigners’ words and actions mean and why they do what they do. For example, when Xiao Li tries to understand why the taxi driver asked for so much money, she is “interpreting” his behavior. 5.I n dividualist p32 Individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others. 6.Collectivist P32 Collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Most Asian cultures, including China's, tend to be collectivist. People see themselves as parts of one or more collectives; are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of


《英语跨文化交际》课程教学大纲 课程编号:1233201 课程名称:英语跨文化交际 总学时:16学时 试验或上机学时:无 先修课及后续课:先修课:涉外礼仪 一、课程说明 1.课程性质:本课程是继《涉外礼仪》之后的专业必修课。 2.教学目标及意义: 本课程是与专业基础课同时开设的专业课,旨在通过学习跨文化交际基础理论,结合涉外礼仪实践,分析跨文化交际案例,提高跨文化交际意识,并在语言学习的同时,更多关注相关国家的文化,特别是通过与本族文化的对比,提高跨文化交际能力。 3. 教学内容与教学要求: 英语专业教学大纲强调,在语言学习过程中要培养学生的跨文化交际意识,增强对文化差异的敏感性和宽容性,提高处理跨文化交际冲突的灵活性,即跨文化交际能力。 跨文化交际能力包括语言运用能力,相关国家文化知识以及相关专业的能力和交流能力。通常认为语言运用能力特指外语知识和外语技能,忽视了学习者对目的语国家的文化知识的要求,特别是灵活运用已有的本国和目的国的相同之处,相似之处和差异进行跨文化交流的能力。 交际的主要媒介是语言但语言并非唯一的媒介。诸多非语言手段,如手势,面部表情,时间和空间的使用等,都具有重要的交际功能。而任何交际,无论是语言的还是非语言的,都是在特定文化环境中进行的,必然受到该文化中价值观念、思维方式、传统习惯、交往规约等的影响和制约。因此,这些文化内涵也是交际能力的重要组成部分。 不同文化之间,在方方面面都存在明显的差异。实践证明,文化背景不同的人进行交际时,这些差异常常成为障碍。要减少此类交际障碍,促成有效交流,跨文化意识与跨文化交际能力必不可少。 任何人都生活在特定的文化之中,思想、语言、行为等都受到该文化的影响与支配。 文化意识即指对此有清醒的认识。跨文化意识首先涉及对文化多元的认识。对文化而言,既有国别文化的不同,一国之内亦有主流文化与种种亚文化之分,同时个体间的差异也不容忽视。因此,不能理所当然地以本文化的规则来评价不同文化背景人的交际行为。 其次,不同文化间既有异(个性),也有同(共性),要辩证的看待文化。另外,应该树立文化平等观。文化没有高低优劣之分,跨文化交际目的是理解和沟通,促进各民族间的长期友谊和共同发展,在培养文化意识和跨文化意识的同时,还要认真思考汉语与英语文化在主要方面的异同之处,分析跨文化交际中可能出现的问题及其对应策略。 本课程以语言学习为前提,强调在语言学习的过程中提高利用外语进行跨文化交际的能力,通过对交际与语言,语言与文化,文化与价值观的学习和讨论,提高跨文化交际意识;通过对文化现象的思考和讨论,反思语言学习过程,增加对文化差异的敏感性; 通过课堂活动和案例学习,提高跨文化交际意识和能力,达到有效交流的目的。 4. 教学重点和难点: 本课程内容包括:交际与文化,语言与文化,文化与价值观,语言交际和非语言交际,

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