当前位置:文档之家› 六个字母的英文单词




aahing aaliis aarrgh abacas abacus abakas abamps abased abaser abases abasia abated abater abates abatis abator abbacy abbess abbeys abbots abduce abduct abeles abelia abhors abided abider abides abject abjure ablate ablaut ablaze ablest ablins abloom ablush abmhos aboard aboded abodes abohms abolla abomas aboral aborts abound aboves abrade abroad abrupt abseil absent absorb absurd abulia abulic abused abuser abuses abvolt abwatt abying abysms acacia acajou acarid acarus accede accent accept access accord accost accrue accuse acedia acetal acetic acetin acetum acetyl achene achier aching acidic acidly acinar acinic acinus ackees acnode acorns acquit across acting actins action active actors actual acuate acuity aculei acumen acuter acutes adages adagio adapts addend adders addict adding addled addles adduce adduct adeems adenyl adepts adhere adieus adieux adipic adjoin adjure adjust admass admire admits admixt adnate adnexa adnoun adobes adobos adonis adopts adored adorer adores adorns adrift adroit adsorb adults advect advent adverb advert advice advise adytum adzuki aecial aecium aedile aedine aeneus aeonic aerate aerial aeried aerier aeries aerify aerily aerobe aerugo aether afeard affair affect affine affirm afflux afford affray afghan afield aflame afloat afraid afreet afresh afrits afters aftosa agamas agamic agapae agapai agaric agates

agaves agedly ageing ageism ageist agency agenda agenes agents aggers aggies aggros aghast agings agisms agists aglare agleam aglets agnail agnate agnize agonal agones agonic agorae agoras agorot agouti agouty agrafe agreed agrees agrias aguish ahchoo ahimsa aholds ahorse aiders aidful aiding aidman aidmen aiglet aigret aikido ailing aimers aimful aiming aiolis airbus airers airest airier airily airing airman airmen airted airths airway aisled aisles aivers ajivas ajowan ajugas akelas akenes akimbo alamos alands alanin alants alanyl alarms alarum alaska alated alates albata albedo albeit albino albite albums alcade alcaic alcids alcove alders aldols aldose aldrin alegar alephs alerts alevin alexia alexin alfaki algins algoid algors algums alibis alible alidad aliens alight aligns alined aliner alines aliped aliyah aliyas aliyos aliyot alkali alkane alkene alkies alkine alkoxy alkyds alkyls alkyne allays allees allege allele alleys allied allies allium allods allots allows alloys allude allure allyls almahs almehs almner almond almost almuce almude almuds almugs alnico alodia alohas aloins alpaca alphas alphyl alpine alsike altars alters althea aludel alulae alular alumin alumna alumni alvine always amadou amarna amatol amazed amazes amazon ambage ambari ambary ambeer ambers ambery ambits ambled ambler ambles ambush amebae ameban amebas amebic

ameers amends aments amerce amices amicus amides amidic amidin amidol amidst amigas amigos amines aminic ammine ammino ammono amnion amoeba amoles amoral amount amours ampere ampler ampule ampuls amrita amtrac amucks amulet amused amuser amuses amusia amylic amylum anabas anadem analog ananke anarch anatto anchor ancone anears aneled aneles anemia anemic anenst anergy angary angels angers angina angled angler angles angora angsts anilin animal animas animes animis animus anions anises anisic ankled ankles anklet ankush anlace anlage annals anneal annexe annoys annual annuli annuls anodal anodes anodic anoint anoles anomic anomie anonym anopia anorak anoxia anoxic ansate answer anteed anthem anther antiar antick antics anting antler antral antres antrum anural anuran anuria anuric anuses anvils anyhow anyone anyway aorist aortae aortal aortas aortic aoudad apache apathy apercu apexes aphids aphtha apiary apical apices apiece aplite aplomb apneal apneas apneic apnoea apodal apogee apollo apolog appall appals appeal appear appels append apples appose aprons aptest arabic arable aramid arbors arbour arbute arcade arcana arcane arched archer arches archil archly archon arcing arcked arctic ardebs ardent ardors ardour arecas arenas areola areole aretes argala argali argals argent argils argled

argles argols argons argosy argots argued arguer argues argufy argyle argyll arhats arider aridly ariels aright ariled ariose ariosi arioso arisen arises arista aristo arkose armada armers armets armful armies arming armlet armors armory armour armpit armure arnica aroids aroint aromas around arouse aroynt arpens arpent arrack arrant arrays arrear arrest arrive arroba arrows arrowy arroyo arseno arshin arsine arsino arsons artels artery artful artier artily artist asanas asarum ascend ascent ascots asdics ashcan ashier ashing ashlar ashler ashman ashmen ashore ashram asides askant askers asking aslant asleep aslope aspect aspens aspers aspics aspire aspish asrama assail assais assays assent assert assess assets assign assist assize assoil assort assume assure astern asters asthma astony astral astray astute aswarm aswirl aswoon asylum atabal ataman atavic ataxia ataxic atelic atlatl atmans atolls atomic atonal atoned atoner atones atonic atopic atrial atrium attach attack attain attars attend attent attest attics attire attorn attune atwain atween atypic aubade auburn aucuba audads audial audile auding audios audits augend augers aughts augite augurs augury august auklet aulder auntie auntly aurate aureus aurist aurora aurous aurums auspex ausubo auteur author autism autoed autumn auxins avails avatar avaunt avenge avenue averse averts avians aviary aviate avidin avidly

avions avisos avocet avoids avoset avouch avowal avowed avower avulse awaits awaked awaken awakes awards aweary aweigh aweing awhile awhirl awless awmous awning awoken axeman axemen axenic axilla axioms axions axised axises axites axlike axonal axones axonic axseed azalea azides azines azlons azoles azonal azonic azoted azotes azoths azotic azures azygos baaing baalim baases babble babels babied babies babkas babool baboon baboos babuls baccae bached baches backed backer backup bacons bacula badass badder baddie badged badger badges badman badmen baffed baffle bagass bagels bagful bagged bagger baggie bagman bagmen bagnio baguet bagwig bailed bailee bailer bailey bailie bailor bairns baited baiter baizas baizes bakers bakery baking balata balboa balded balder baldly baleen balers baling balked balker ballad balled baller ballet ballon ballot balsam balsas bamboo bammed banana bancos banded bander bandit bandog banged banger bangle banian baning banish banjax banjos banked banker banned banner bannet bantam banter banyan banzai baobab barbal barbed barbel barber barbes barbet barbut barded bardes bardic barege barely barest barfed barfly barged bargee barges barhop baring barite barium barked barker barley barlow barman barmen barmie barong barons barony barque barred barrel

barren barres barret barrio barrow barter baryes baryon baryta baryte basalt basely basest bashaw bashed basher bashes basics basify basils basing basins basion basked basket basque basses basset bassly bassos basted baster bastes batboy bateau bathed bather bathes bathos batiks bating batman batmen batons batted batten batter battik battle battue baubee bauble baulks baulky bawbee bawdry bawled bawler bawtie bayamo bayard baying bayman baymen bayous bazaar bazars bazoos beachy beacon beaded beadle beagle beaked beaker beamed beaned beanie beanos beards bearer beasts beaten beater beauts beauty beaver bebops becalm became becaps becked becket beckon beclog become bedamn bedaub bedbug bedded bedder bedeck bedell bedels bedews bedims bedlam bedpan bedrid bedrug bedsit beduin bedumb beebee beechy beefed beeped beeper beetle beeves beezer befall befell befits beflag beflea befogs befool before befoul befret begall begaze begets beggar begged begins begird begirt beglad begone begrim begulf begums behalf behave behead beheld behest behind behold behoof behove behowl beiges beings bekiss beknot belady belaud belays beldam beleap belfry belgas belied belief belier belies belike belive belled belles bellow belong belows belted belter beluga bemata bemean bemire bemist bemixt bemoan bemock bemuse

bename benday bended bendee bender bendys benign bennes bennet bennis benumb benzal benzin benzol benzyl berake berate bereft berets berime berlin bermes bertha berths beryls beseem besets beside besmut besnow besoms besots bested bestir bestow bestud betake betels bethel betide betime betise betons betony betook betray bettas betted better bettor bevels bevies bevors bewail beware beweep bewept bewigs beworm bewrap bewray beylic beylik beyond bezant bezazz bezels bezils bezoar bhakta bhakti bhangs bharal bhoots bialis bialys biased biases biaxal bibbed bibber bibles bicarb biceps bicker bicorn bicron bidden bidder biders bidets biding bields biface biffed biffin biflex bifold biform bigamy bigeye bigger biggie biggin bights bigots bigwig bijous bijoux bikers bikies biking bikini bilboa bilbos bilged bilges bilked bilker billed biller billet billie billon billow bimahs bimbos binary binate binder bindis bindle binged binger binges bingos binits binned binocs biogas biogen biomes bionic bionts biopic biopsy biotas biotic biotin bipack bipeds bipods birded birder birdie bireme birkie birled birler birles birred birses births bisect bishop bisons bisque bister bistre bistro biters biting bitted bitten bitter bizone bizzes blabby blacks bladed blades blains blamed blamer blames blanch blanks blared blares blasts blasty blawed blazed blazer blazes

blazon bleach bleaks blears bleary bleats blebby bleeds bleeps blench blende blends blenny blight blimey blimps blinds blinis blinks blintz blites blithe bloats blocks blocky blokes blonde blonds bloods bloody blooey blooie blooms bloomy bloops blotch blotto blotty blouse blousy blowby blowed blower blowsy blowup blowzy bluely bluest bluesy bluets blueys bluffs bluing bluish blumed blumes blunge blunts blurbs blurry blurts blypes boards boarts boasts boated boatel boater bobbed bobber bobbin bobble bobcat bocces boccia boccie boccis boches bodega bodice bodied bodies bodily boding bodkin boffin boffos bogans bogeys bogged boggle bogies bogles boheas bohunk boiled boiler boites bolder boldly bolero bolete boleti bolide bolled bollix bollox bolshy bolson bolted bolter bombax bombed bomber bombes bombyx bonaci bonbon bonded bonder bonduc bonged bongos bonier boning bonita bonito bonked bonnes bonnet bonnie bonsai bonzer bonzes boobed boobie booboo boodle booger boogey boogie boohoo booing booked booker bookie boomed boomer boosts booted bootee booths bootie boozed boozer boozes bopeep bopped bopper borage borals borane borate bordel border boreal boreen borers boride boring borons borrow borsch borsht borzoi boshes bosker bosket bosoms bosomy bosons bosque bossed bosses boston bosuns

botany botchy botels botfly bother bottle bottom boubou boucle bouffe boughs bought bougie boules boulle bounce bouncy bounds bounty bourgs bourne bourns bourse boused bouses bouton bovids bovine bowels bowers bowery bowfin bowing bowled bowleg bowler bowman bowmen bowpot bowsed bowses bowwow bowyer boxcar boxers boxful boxier boxing boyard boyars boyish boylas braced bracer braces brachs bracts braggy brahma braids brails brains brainy braise braize braked brakes branch brands brandy branks branny brants brashy brasil brassy bratty bravas braved braver braves bravos brawer brawls brawly brawns brawny brayed brayer brazas brazed brazen brazer brazes brazil breach breads bready breaks breams breast breath bredes breech breeds breeks breeze breezy bregma brents breves brevet brewed brewer brewis briard briars briary bribed bribee briber bribes bricks bricky bridal brides bridge bridle briefs briers briery bright brills brined briner brines brings brinks briony brisks britts broach broads broche brocks brogan brogue broils broken broker brolly bromal bromes bromic bromid bromin bromos bronco broncs bronze bronzy brooch broods broody brooks brooms broomy broses broths brothy browed browns browny browse brucin brughs bruins bruise bruits brulot brumal brumby brumes brunch brunet brunts

brushy brutal bruted brutes bryony bubale bubals bubble bubbly buboed buboes buccal bucked bucker bucket buckle buckra budded budder buddle budged budger budges budget budgie buffed buffer buffet buffos bugeye bugged bugger bugled bugler bugles bugsha builds bulbar bulbed bulbel bulbil bulbul bulged bulger bulges bulgur bulked bullae bulled bullet bumble bumkin bummed bummer bumped bumper bumphs bunchy buncos bundle bundts bunged bungee bungle bunion bunked bunker bunkos bunkum bunted bunter bunyas buoyed buppie buqsha burans burble burbly burbot burden burdie bureau burets burgee burger burghs burgle burgoo burial buried burier buries burins burked burker burkes burlap burled burler burley burned burner burnet burnie burped burred burrer burros burrow bursae bursal bursar bursas burses bursts burton busbar busboy bushed bushel busher bushes bushwa busied busier busies busily busing busked busker buskin busman busmen bussed busses busted buster bustic bustle butane butene buteos butled butler butles butted butter buttes button bututs butyls buyers buying buyout buzuki buzzed buzzer buzzes bwanas byelaw bygone bylaws byline byname bypass bypast bypath byplay byrled byrnie byroad byssus bytalk byways byword bywork byzant cabala cabals cabana cabbed cabbie cabers cabins cabled cables cablet cabman

cabmen cabobs cacaos cached caches cachet cachou cackle cactus caddie caddis cadent cadets cadged cadger cadges cadmic cadres caecal caecum caeoma caesar caftan cagers cagier cagily caging cahier cahoot cahows caiman caique cairds cairns cairny cajole cakier caking calami calash calcar calces calcic calesa calico califs caliph calked calker calkin callan callas called caller callet callow callus calmed calmer calmly calory calpac calque calved calves calxes camail camass camber cambia camels cameos camera camion camisa camise camlet camped camper campos campus canals canape canard canary cancan cancel cancer cancha candid candle candor caners canful cangue canids canine caning canker cannas canned cannel canner cannie cannon cannot canoed canoes canola canons canopy cansos canted canter canthi cantic cantle canton cantor cantos cantus canula canvas canyon capers capful capias capita caplet caplin capons capote capped capper capric capris capsid captan captor carack carafe carate carats carbon carbos carboy carcel carded carder cardia careen career carers caress carets carful cargos carhop caribe caried caries carina caring carked carles carlin carman carmen carnal carnet carney carnie carobs caroch caroli carols caroms carpal carped carpel carper carpet carpus carrel carrom carrot carses carted cartel carter cartes carton cartop

carved carvel carven carver carves casaba casava casbah casefy caseic casein casern cashaw cashed cashes cashew cashoo casing casini casino casita casked casket casque cassia cassis caster castes castle castor casual catalo catchy catena caters catgut cation catkin catlin catnap catnip catsup catted cattie cattle caucus caudad caudal caudex caudle caught caulds caules caulis caulks causal caused causer causes causey caveat cavern cavers caviar cavies cavils caving cavity cavort cawing cayman cayuse ceased ceases cebids ceboid cedarn cedars ceders ceding cedula ceibas ceiled ceiler celebs celery celiac cellae cellar celled cellos celoms cement cenote censed censer censes censor census cental center centos centra centre centum ceorls cerate cercis cercus cereal cereus cerias cering ceriph cerise cerite cerium cermet cerous certes ceruse cervid cervix cesium cessed cesses cestas cestoi cestos cestus cesura cetane chabuk chacma chadar chador chadri chaeta chafed chafer chafes chaffs chaffy chaine chains chairs chaise chakra chalah chaleh chalet chalks chalky challa chally chalot chammy champs champy chance chancy change changs chants chanty chapel chapes charas chards chared chares charge charka charks charms charro charrs charry charts chased chaser chases chasms chasmy chasse chaste chatty chaunt chawed chawer chazan cheapo cheaps cheats

chebec checks cheder cheeks cheeky cheeps cheero cheers cheery cheese cheesy chegoe chelae chelas chemic chemos cheque cherry cherts cherty cherub chests chesty chetah cheths chevre chewed chewer chiasm chiaus chicer chichi chicks chicle chicly chicos chided chider chides chiefs chield chiels chigoe childe chiles chilli chills chilly chimar chimbs chimed chimer chimes chimla chimps chinas chinch chined chines chinks chinky chinos chints chintz chippy chiral chirks chirms chiros chirps chirpy chirre chirrs chisel chital chitin chiton chitty chives chivvy choana chocks choice choirs choked choker chokes chokey choler cholla cholos chomps chooks choose choosy chopin choppy choral chords chorea chored chores choric chorus chosen choses chotts chough chouse choush chowed chowse chrism chroma chrome chromo chubby chucks chucky chufas chuffs chuffy chukar chukka chummy chumps chunks chunky church churls churns churrs chuted chutes chyles chymes chymic cibols cicada cicala cicale cicely cicero ciders cigars cilice cilium cinder cinema cineol cinque cipher circle circus cirque cirrus ciscos cistus citers cither citied cities citify citing citola citole citral citric citrin citron citrus civets civics civies civism clachs clacks clades claims clammy clamor clamps clangs clanks claque claret claros clasps claspt classy clasts

clause claver claves clavus clawed clawer claxon clayed clayey cleans clears cleats cleave cleeks clefts clench cleome cleped clepes clergy cleric clerid clerks clever clevis clewed cliche clicks client cliffs cliffy clifts climax climbs climes clinal clinch clines clings clingy clinic clinks clique cliquy clitic clivia cloaca cloaks cloche clocks cloddy cloggy clomps clonal cloned cloner clones clonic clonks clonus cloots cloque closed closer closes closet clothe cloths clotty clouds cloudy clough clours clouts cloven clover cloves clowns cloyed clozes clubby clucks cluing clumps clumpy clumsy clunks clunky clutch clypei coacts coalas coaled coaler coapts coarse coasts coated coatee coater coatis coaxal coaxed coaxer coaxes cobalt cobber cobble cobias cobles cobnut cobras cobweb cocain coccal coccic coccid coccus coccyx cochin cocked cocker cockle cockup cocoas cocoon codded codder coddle codecs codeia codein codens coders codger codify coding codlin codons coedit coelom coempt coerce coeval coffee coffer coffin coffle cogent cogged cogito cognac cogons cogway cohead coheir cohere cohogs cohort cohosh cohost cohune coifed coiffe coigne coigns coiled coiler coined coiner coital coitus cojoin coking colder coldly colead coleus colics colies colins collar collet collie collop colobi cologs colone coloni colons colony colors colour colter

colugo column colure colzas comade comake comate combat combed comber combes combos comedo comedy comely comers cometh comets comfit comics coming comity commas commie commit commix common comose comous comped compel comply compos compts comtes concha conchs conchy concur condom condor condos coneys confab confer confit congas congee conger conges congii congos congou conics conies conine coning conins conium conked conker conned conner conoid consol consul contes contos contra convex convey convoy coocoo cooeed cooees cooers cooeys cooing cooked cooker cookey cookie cooled cooler coolie coolly coolth coombe coombs cooped cooper coopts cooter cootie copalm copals copeck copens copers copied copier copies coping coplot copped copper coppra coprah copras copses copter copula coquet corals corban corbel corbie corded corder cordon corers corgis coring corium corked corker cormel cornea corned cornel corner cornet cornua cornus corody corona corpse corpus corral corrie corsac corses corset cortex cortin corvee corves corvet corymb coryza cosecs cosets coseys coshed cosher coshes cosied cosier cosies cosign cosily cosine cosmic cosmos cosset costae costal costar costed coster costly cotans coteau coting cottae cottar cottas cotter cotton cotype cougar coughs coulee

coulis counts county couped coupes couple coupon course courts cousin couter couths covens covers covert covets coveys coving covins cowage coward cowboy cowers cowier cowing cowled cowman cowmen cowpat cowpea cowpie cowpox cowrie coxing coydog coyest coying coyish coyote coypou coypus cozens cozeys cozied cozier cozies cozily cozzes craals crabby cracks cracky cradle crafts crafty craggy crakes crambe crambo cramps cranch craned cranes crania cranks cranky cranny craped crapes crappy crases crasis cratch crated crater crates craton cravat craved craven craver craves crawls crawly crayon crazed crazes creaks creaky creams creamy crease creasy create creche credal credit credos creeds creeks creels creeps creepy creese creesh cremes crenel creole creped crepes crepey crepon cresol crests cresyl cretic cretin crewed crewel cricks criers crikey crimes crimps crimpy cringe crinum cripes crises crisic crisis crisps crispy crissa crista critic croaks croaky crocks crocus crofts crojik crones crooks croons crores crosse crotch croton crouch croupe croups croupy crouse crowds crowdy crowed crower crowns crozer crozes cruces crucks cruddy cruder crudes cruets cruise crumbs crumby crummy crumps crunch cruors crural cruses cruset crusts crusty crutch cruxes crwths crying crypto crypts cubage cubebs cubers cubics cubing

cubism cubist cubits cuboid cuckoo cuddie cuddle cuddly cudgel cueing cuesta cuffed cuisse culets cullay culled culler cullet cullis culmed culpae cultch cultic cultus culver cumber cumins cummer cummin cumuli cundum cuneal cunner cupels cupful cupids cupola cuppas cupped cupper cupric cuprum cupula cupule curacy curagh curara curare curari curate curbed curber curded curdle curers curets curfew curiae curial curies curing curios curite curium curled curler curlew curran curred currie cursed curser curses cursor curtal curter curtly curtsy curule curved curves curvet curvey cuscus cusecs cushat cushaw cusped cuspid cuspis cussed cusser cusses cussos custom custos cutely cutest cutesy cuteys cuties cutins cutlas cutler cutlet cutoff cutout cutter cuttle cutups cyanic cyanid cyanin cyborg cycads cycled cycler cycles cyclic cyclos cyders cyeses cyesis cygnet cymars cymbal cymene cymlin cymoid cymols cymose cymous cynics cypher cypres cyprus cystic cytons dabbed dabber dabble dachas dacker dacoit dactyl daddle dadoed dadoes daedal daemon daffed dafter daftly daggas dagger daggle dagoba dagoes dahlia dahoon daiker daikon daimen daimio daimon daimyo dainty daises dakoit dalasi daledh daleth dalles dalton damage damans damars damask dammar dammed dammer damned damner damped dampen damper damply

damsel damson danced dancer dances dander dandle danged danger dangle danios danish danker dankly daphne dapped dapper dapple darers darics daring darked darken darker darkey darkie darkle darkly darned darnel darner darted darter dartle dashed dasher dashes dashis dassie datary datcha daters dating dative dattos datums datura daubed dauber daubes daubry daunts dauted dautie davens davies davits dawdle dawing dawned dawted dawtie daybed dayfly daylit dazing dazzle deacon deaden deader deadly deafen deafer deafly deairs dealer deaned dearer dearie dearly dearth deasil deaths deathy deaved deaves debark debars debase debate debeak debits debone debris debtor debugs debunk debuts debyes decade decafs decals decamp decane decant decare decays deceit decent decern decide decile decked deckel decker deckle declaw decoct decode decors decoys decree decury dedans deduce deduct deeded deejay deemed deepen deeper deeply deewan deface defame defang defats defeat defect defend defers defied defier defies defile define deflea defoam defogs deform defray defter deftly defund defuse defuze degage degame degami degerm degree degums degust dehorn dehort deiced deicer deices deific deigns deisms deists deixis deject dekare deking dekkos delate delays delead delete delfts delict delime delist deltas deltic

delude deluge deluxe delved delver delves demand demark demast demean dement demies demise demits demobs demode demons demote demure demurs denary dengue denial denied denier denies denims denned denote denser dental dented dentil dentin denude deodar depart depend deperm depict deploy depone deport depose depots depths depute deputy derail derate derats derays deride derive dermal dermas dermic dermis derris desalt desand descry desert design desire desist desman desmid desorb desoxy despot detach detail detain detect detent deters detest detick detour deuced deuces devein devels devest device devils devise devoid devoir devons devote devour devout dewans dewars dewier dewily dewing dewlap dewool deworm dexies dexter dextro dezinc dharma dharna dhobis dholes dhooly dhoora dhooti dhotis dhurna dhutis diacid diadem dialed dialer dialog diamin diaper diapir diatom diazin dibbed dibber dibble dibbuk dicast dicers dicier dicing dicked dicker dickey dickie dicots dictum didact diddle diddly didies didoes dieing dienes diesel dieses diesis dieted dieter differ digamy digest digged digger dights digits diglot dikdik dikers diking diktat dilate dildoe dildos dilled dilute dimers dimity dimmed dimmer dimout dimple dimply dimwit dinars dindle dinero diners dinged dinger dinges dingey dinghy dingle dingus dining dinked dinkey

dinkly dinkum dinned dinner dinted diobol diodes dioecy dioxan dioxid dioxin diplex diploe dipnet dipody dipole dipped dipper dipsas dipsos diquat dirdum direct direly direst dirges dirham dirked dirled dirndl disarm disbar disbud disced discos discus dished dishes disked dismal dismay dismes disown dispel dissed disses distal distil disuse dither dittos ditzes diuron divans divers divert divest divide divine diving divots diwans dixits dizens djebel djinni djinns djinny doable doated dobber dobbin dobies doblas doblon dobras dobson docent docile docked docker docket doctor dodder dodged dodgem dodger dodges dodoes doffed doffer dogdom dogear dogeys dogged dogger doggie dogies dogleg dogmas dognap doiled doings doited doling dollar dolled dollop dolman dolmas dolmen dolors dolour domain domine doming domino donate donees dongas donjon donkey donnas donned donnee donors donsie donuts donzel doodad doodle doofus doolee doolie doomed doozer doozie dopant dopers dopier doping dorado dorbug dories dormer dormie dormin dorper dorsad dorsal dorsel dorser dorsum dosage dosers dosing dossal dossed dossel dosser dosses dossil dotage dotard doters dotier doting dotted dottel dotter dottle double doubly doubts douche doughs dought doughy doumas dourah douras dourer dourly doused douser douses dovens dovish dowels


三字母单词 2009年11月01日星期日 12:59 ace [eis] n.(纸牌或骰子)幺点, 王牌飞行员(击落敌机五架以上者)adj.一流的abbr.[军] Allied Command Europe, 欧洲盟军司令部 act [Akt] n.幕, 法案, 法令, 动作, 举动, 节目, (戏剧的)幕vi.行动, 产生...的效果, 担当, 表演, 假装, 表现, 见效vt.扮演, 装作 add [Ad] vt.增加, 添加, 计算...总和, 补充说, 又说vi.加, 加起来, 增添, 做加法 ado [E5du:] n.纷扰, 忙乱abbr.[军] Advanced Development Objective, 高级发展目标 aft [B:ft] adv.在船尾 age [eidV] n.年龄, 成年, 使用年限, 同时期的人, 时代v.变老, 上年纪, 成熟 ago [E5^Eu] adv.以前的, 以往的 ah [B:] int.啊, 哈abbr.[军] Attack Helicopter, 攻击直升机 aha [E5hB:] int.啊哈 aid [eid] n.帮助, 援助, 帮助者, 有帮助的事物vt.资助, 援助, 帮助 ail [eil] vt.折磨, 使疼痛, 使烦恼 aim [eim] n.目标, 目的, 瞄准v.对...瞄准, 打算 air [ZE] n.空气, 样子, 天空, 空中, 曲调vt.晾干, 使通风, 宣扬, 夸耀, 显示 ale [eil] n.淡色啤酒(较一般啤酒含更多的酒精) all [C:l] adj.全部的, 所有的, 整个的adv.完全, 更加, 越发pron.全部 alp [Alp] n.高山 and [ End, nd] [连接并列的名词、代词或数词]同, 和, 与, 如: Father and I went to Xinhua bookstore yesterday. 父亲和我昨天到新华书店去过。 ant [Ant] n.蚂蚁 any [5eni] adj.任何的, 任何一种, 所有的pron.无论那一个, 任何 ape [eip] n.猿 apt [Apt] adj.易于...的, 有...倾向的, 灵敏的, 灵巧的, 适当的, 切题的, 敏捷, 倾向是 are [B:, E] prep.是, 在, 公亩 ark [B:k] n.方舟, 约柜, 箱子 arm [B:m] n.臂, 臂状物, 衣袖, 海湾, 武器vt.供给, 提供, 武装, 装备vi.武装起来 art [B:t] n.艺术, 艺术品, 技术, 巧妙, 美术 as [As] adv.同样地, 被看作, 象prep.当做conj.与...一样, 当...之时, 象, 因为[域] American Samoa, 东萨摩亚abbr.[军] Air to Surface, 空对地 ash [AF] n.灰, 灰烬, [植]岑树 ask [B:sk] vi.询问, 问, 要求vt.问, 要求, 需要, 邀请 asp [Asp] n.<古>[植]白杨, [动](非洲,阿拉伯和欧洲的)角蝰(一种毒蛇) ass [As] n.驴, 笨人, 臀部 at [At, Et] prep.在, 于, 向, 对准, 在...方面[域] Austria , 奥地利 awe [C:] n.敬畏vt.敬畏


二个字母单词am是 an一个 as像…一样,随着at在 ax斧头 by通过,乘坐 do做 go去 he他 hi嗨 if如果 in在...里 is是 it它 me我 my我的 no不 of关于,属于 on在....之上,关于或者or / 131

因此,所以so 到,向to 向上up 我们us 我们we 电视TV 阉割的公牛ox ha哈ho引起人注意er急诊室mom,ma妈,同mother 嗯啊uh 嗯um 三个字母单词表演做事;act v.行动, 增加加add v.(to), 时期age n.年龄; 以前,……前ago ad. 助手,aid v.援助救护; aim v.(at)目的在于/ 231 天空大气,air n.空气, ,全部的所有的all a. ant n.蚂蚁,与,而且and conj.和any a. [否定、疑问,适宜的apt a.恰当的,臂状物手)臂arm n.( 技术;艺术,美术art n.) 烬ash n.灰( 要求;请求,ask v.(询)问敬畏敬畏vt.awe n. 错的恶的,bad a.坏的, 包袋,bag n. ,查禁ban v.取缔, ,棍杆,棒条bar n., 短棒,球棒,bat n.球拍湾港)海湾bay n.,(, );苗床(bed n.床位)蜂bee n.(蜜; 乞讨beg v.乞求, ,打赌赌bet v., 命令bid v.祝愿;3 / 31 ,巨大的big a.大的bin n.箱柜,一些一点,一片bit n. ,点头bow v./n.鞠躬) 子),盒(box n.箱(子男服务员boy n.男孩; 花苞bud n.芽, 小毛病臭虫;bug n. 公共汽车bus n., 但是可是,but conj. )买buy v.(购cab n.出租车;可以能,会can aux. v. 军帽便帽cap n.,; 汽车(辆),car n.车猫cat n. 警官,巡警cop n. ,奶牛cow n.母牛叫),流泪;(cry v.哭泣;暗示


abactor abanded abature abidden abietic abjects abjoint abollas aborded abortee abraids abrasax abraxas abrayed abrazos abreges abroads abrooke abrupts abscind absciss abthane abusage abusion abyeing acanths acarian acaters acatour accable accends accinge accited accites accloys accoast accoied accoils accompt accourt accoyed accoyld accrews accurse achages acharne acharya achates achenia achings achkans acidest acidier acknown acknows acmites acnodal acolyth acouchi acouchy acquist acquite acratic acridin acroter acrylyl actants actuals actures acushla adawing addeems addooms adermin adharma adipsia adjigos adlands adonise adonize adpress adreads adsukis adusted advened advenes advewed adwards adwares aefauld aemuled aemules aerobus affeard affeare affears affeers affoord afforce affraps affrets affying agacant agamoid agamont agatise agelast agenise ageusia aggrace aggrate agilest agister agistor agitans agitpop agnamed agnames agnised agnises agnosic agogics agoutas agraste agreges agrised agrises agrized agrizes agryzed agryzes aguised aguises aguized aguizes aheight ahungry aidance aieries ailanto ailette airbase airgaps airlock airning airside airstop aisling ajutage akeakes akedahs akenial akharas akiraho akrasia akratic alalias alamort alannah alaying albergo alberts albugos alchera alcools alcopop alcorza alecost alegged alegges alength alepine alerces alerion alethic aleying alferez algates algeses algesia algesic algesis algetic alginic alicant alismas alisons aliyoth alizari alledge allegge alleyed allices allises allness almains almirah alnager alnages alogias alonely alongst alpacca alpeens alsoone alterne altesse altezas altezza alumish alumium alveary alveole amabile amadoda amandla amarant amating amation ambassy ambatch ambered ambitty amearst amelias amenage amendes amening amental amentum amildar amisses ammiral amokura amomums amooved amooves amorant amorces amorets amorism amorosa amoving ampassy amtmans amygdal amytals analoga anatman anattas anaxial ancilia ancomes andvile anelace anestra angekok angicos anglify anglist angries aniccas anicuts anklong anklung annatta annicut anobiid anodise anoeses anoesis anoetic anonyma antaras antbird antical anticke antient antliae anyones anyroad anywhen anziani apadana apaying apedoms apehood apepsia aphakia apician aplanat apoplex apozems appairs appalti appalto appeach apperil apports appress approof appuied appuyed apsaras aptotes aptotic aquafer aquilon araaras arabins arabise arachis araised araises aralias araysed arayses arblast arboret arborio arcanas archaei archest archeus archlet arcings arcmins arcsecs arcsins arctans arctiid arctoid ardrigh areding arefied arefies aretted argands arghans argonon argulus argyria arillus aripple arishes arkites arollas arreede arriage arrided arrides arriere arriero arsheen arshine arsiest artsies artsman artsmen ascaunt ascians asconce ashames ashiver ashkeys ashrama asiagos asinico askants askaris asklent aslaked aslakes asperge aspicks aspidia aspines asports asprawl aspread asprout assarts assever assiege assized assizer astable astarts astatki asteism astelic asterid asterts asthore astoned astones


act v. 行动,做事;(on)起作用;表演n. 行为,动作;(一)幕;法令,条例 add v.(to)加,增加;补充说,又说 age n. 年龄;时期,时代v. 变老,老化 ago ad. 以前,……前 aid v. 援助,救护;助手,辅助物,辅助设备 aim v.(at)目的在于,旨在;瞄准,针对n. 目标,目的 air n. 空气,大气,天空;神气,架子v. 使通风 all a. 所有的,全部的pron. 一切,全部ad. 完全,都,十分 ? and conj. 和,与,而且;那么;接连,又 ant n. 蚂蚁 any a. [否定、疑问、条件句中]什么,一些,任何的pron. 无论哪个,一些ad. 稍,丝毫apt a. 恰当的,适宜的;(习性)易于……的,有……倾向的 arm n.(手)臂,臂状物;扶手,衣袖;[pl.][总称]武器,武装v. 武装,装备 art n. 艺术,美术;技术,技艺;[pl.]文科,人文学科 ash n. 灰(烬) ask v.(询)问;请求,要求;(邀)请,约请 》 awe n.敬畏vt.敬畏 bad a. 坏的,恶的,错的;低劣的,拙劣的;不舒服的,病的;腐败的;严重的 bag n. 袋,包 ban v. 取缔,查禁;(from)禁止n. 禁止,禁令 bar n. 条,杆,棒,棍,闩;酒吧,餐柜;栅,栏,障碍(物) v. 闩上,阻拦,拦住,妨碍 bat n. 球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠 bay n. 海湾,(港)湾 bed n. 床(位);苗床,圃,花坛;河床,矿床,海底 ; bee n.(蜜)蜂 beg v. 乞求,乞讨;请求,恳求 bet v. 赌,打赌n. 打赌,赌注 bid v. 祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标n. 出价,投标 big a. 大的,巨大的;重大的,重要的 bin n.箱柜 bit n. 一点,一片,一些 bow v./n. 鞠躬,点头n. 弓(形);蝴蝶结 * box n. 箱(子),盒(子);包厢v. 拳击,打耳光 boy n. 男孩;男服务员,男仆 bud n. 芽,花苞v. 发芽,含苞欲放 bug n. 臭虫;小毛病;窃听器v. 窃听 bus n. 公共汽车 but conj. 可是,但是,而;除……外prep. 除……外ad. 只,仅仅,不过 buy v.(购)买n. 购买,买卖 cab n.出租车,计程车


最详细实用的6大英语单词记忆法(必看)你会记单词吗?你还在为记单词而烦恼吗?赶快跟春喜外语小编一起来看一下吧,最详细实用6大单词记忆方法,助你快速记忆英语单词,再也不用为记不住英语单词而发愁了。下面就让我们一起来看一下有哪6大英语单词记忆方法吧! 一.读音规则记忆法 它就是按照元音字母、元音字母组合、辅音字母及辅音字母组合在开音节和闭音节的读音规律记忆。例如:ea,ee,er,ir,ur,or 分别能发〔i:〕〔:〕〔:〕等。还有些固定的字母组合,例如:tion发〔〕或〔〕,ture发〔〕,ing发〔i〕,ly发〔li〕,ty发〔ti〕和各种前缀、后缀,例如:a-,re-,un-,dis-,im-;-ed,-ing,-ly,-er,-or,-ful,-y等都有其比较固定的发音。掌握了这些规则,记单词时就不必一个字母一个字母地记忆了。 二.字母变化记忆法 英语单词中以某个单词为基础,加、减、换、调一个字母就成了另一个新单词。具体方法如下: 1.前面加字母。例如:is/his,ear/near/hear,read/bread 2.后面加字母。例如:hear/heart,you/your,plane/planet

3.中间加字母。例如:though through,tree three,for four 4.减字母。例如:she he,close lose,start star 5.换字母。例如:book/look/cook,cake//lake/wake/make/take 6.调字母(即改变字母顺序)。例如:blow/bowl,sing/sign,from/form 三.联想记忆法 在日常生活中可以根据所处的环境,所见到、所摸到的事物,联想相关的英语单词。例如:打球时联想到:ball,(play)basketball,(play)football,(play)volleyball,playground等等;吃饭时联想到:dining-room,(have)breakfast,(have)lunch,(have)supper等等;睡觉时联想到:bed,bedroom,got to bed,sleep,got to sleep,fall asleep 等等。如果长期坚持下支,效果就会很好。 四.归类记忆法 在记忆过程中,把所学到的全部单词进行归纳、分类、整理,使其条理清晰,一目了解,然后再分别记忆。例如:1.按题材分类。例如:把名词分为生活用品、动物、植物、水果、食物、家庭成员、人体各部位、学习用具、学科、交通工具、地方场所、星期、月份、季节等;把动词分为系动词、助动词、行为运动词和情态动词,等等。


三个字母的英文单词 act v.行动,做事n行为,动作;(一)幕,法令,条例 add v.加,增加;补充说,又说age n.年龄,时期,时代 v变老,老化 ago ad以前,……前 aid v.援助,救护,助手,辅助物,辅助设备 aim v目的在于,旨在;瞄准,针对n.目标,目的 air n.空气,大气,天空,神气,架子v使通风 all a所有的,全部的pron.一切,全部ad.全部,都,十分 and conj ant n蚂蚁 any a.pron.ad. arm n.手臂,臂状物;扶手,衣袖;【pl】武器,武装v.武装 art n艺术,美术;技术,技艺;【pl】人文学科ash n灰(烬) ask v问;请求,要求;请 awe n.敬畏vt.敬畏 bad a.坏的,恶的,错的;低劣的,拙劣的;不舒服的,病的;腐败的 bag n.袋,包 ban v.取缔,查禁;(from)禁止n.禁止,禁令 bar n条,杆,棒,棍,闩;酒吧,餐柜;栅栏,障碍v.闩上,阻拦,拦住,妨碍 bat n.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠bay n.海湾,(港)湾 bed n.床位;苗床,圃,花坛;河床。矿床,海底 bee n. beg v bet v赌,打赌 n.打赌,赌注bid v.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标 n.出价,投标 bin n.箱柜 bit n.一点,一片,一些

bow v\n.鞠躬,点头 n.弓形;蝴蝶结 box n.箱子,盒子;包厢 v.拳击,打耳光 boy n.男孩;男服务员,男仆bud n.芽,花苞v.发芽,含苞欲放 bug n.臭虫;小毛病;窃听器v.窃听 bus n but conj. buy v.n. cab n.出租车,计程车 can aux.v.能,会,可以 n.罐头v.装罐头 cap n.便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套 v.覆盖于……顶端 car n.车辆,汽车;(火车)车厢cat n.猫 cop n.警官,巡警 cow n.母牛,奶牛 cry v.哭泣,流泪;叫喊n.哭泣,哭声;叫喊,喊声cue n.提示,暗示,信号 cup n.杯子;奖杯,优胜杯;(一)杯 cut n.\v.切,割,剪,削;消减,删节 n.切口,伤口 dam n.水坝,水闸 day die v. eye n.眼睛,眼光,眼力;眼状物 v.看,注视 ebb n\vi.衰落,退潮 dog n. egg n. dry a. v. end n.端,梢;末端,结束 v.终止,结束 dip v.\n.浸,蘸 dim a.暗淡的,模糊的 dew n.露水 dye n.染料 v.染色,染 era n.时代,年代,阶段,纪元eat v.吃,喝(汤) due a.(to)应支付;(车、船等)预定应到达的;应有的


purpose n. 目的,意图 publish vt. 出版,发行 provide vt. 提供 protect vt. 保护 project n. 工程 promise n.& vi. 答应,允诺problem n. 问题,难题 process n. v. 过程,加工produce vt. 生产;制造 product['prRd?kt] n.产品 private a. 私人的 primary a. 初等的;初级的prevent vt. 防止, 预防 pretend vi. 假装,装作 prepare vt. 准备, 预备; 调制,配制

present1 a. 出现的,出席的n. 礼物,赠品vt. 呈奉postage n. 邮费 postman n. 邮递员 popcorn n. 爆米花 popular a. 流行的,大众的,受欢迎的 pollute vt. 污染 pleased a. 高兴的 plastic a. 塑料的 pioneer n. 先锋,开拓者 picture n. 图片,画片,照片 physics n. 物理(学) perfect a. 完美的,极好的 perhaps ad. 可能,或 percent n. 百分之… patient n. 病人adj. 耐心的

pattern n. 式样 passage n. (文章等的)一节,一段;通道; 走廊partner n. 搭档,合作者 parking n. 停车 painter n. 绘画者,(油)画家 painful a. 使痛的,使痛苦的 package n.一包,一袋, Pacific a. 太平洋的 average a. 平均的;普通的n. 平均数attract v. 吸引,引起 attempt vt. 试图,尝试 athlete n.运动员 ashamed a. 惭愧; 害臊 article n. 文章;东西,物品;冠词 arrival n. 到来,到达


3个字母的英文单词都有哪些 来看看,有哪些只有3个英文字母的单词吧。下面是给大家整理的3个字母的英文单词,供大家参阅! 3个字母的英文单词1. ice 2. and 3. bee 4. sad 5. zoo 6. bad 7. mad 8. are 9. ear 10. wow 11. tip 12. sex 13. god 14. hit 15. dad 16. mum 17. cat

18. dog 19. air 20. all 3个字母的英文单词ice的英语例句1. His mother's voice was one he knew; ice cold and deadly. 母亲的声音是他很熟悉的:冰冷、无情。 2. The deal was put on ice for three months. 该交易被搁置了3个月。 3. The only sound was the crackle of breaking ice. 唯一的声响是冰层噼噼啪啪碎裂的声音。 4. The $40 million-a-month aid payments will remain on ice. 每月4,000万美元的援助款项将继续搁置下去。 5. The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord. 这次出行是为了能驶入冰雪覆盖的峡湾。 6. A moment or two later champagne in an ice-bucket materialized beside them. 片刻之后,他们身边出现了一只装着香槟的冰桶。 7. He smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass. 他微笑着,一边沉思,一边搅动着几乎空了的杯子里的冰块。


26个字母代表的单词 A is for apple. / ? / / ? / apple. A代表苹果。 B is for bag. / b / / b / bag. B代表包。 C is for cat. / k / / k / cat. C代表猫。 D is for dog. / d / / d / dog. D代表狗。 E is for elephant. / e / / e / elephant. E代表大象。 F is for fish. / f / / f / fish. F代表鱼。 G is for green. / g / / g / green. G代表绿色。 H is for hand. / h / / h / hand. H代表手。 I is for insect. / I / / I / insect. I代表昆虫。 J is for juice. /d?/ /d?/ juice. J代表果汁。 K is for kite. / k / / k / kite. K代表风筝。 L is for leg. / l / / l / leg. L代表腿。 M is for monkey. / m / / m / monkey. M代表猴子。 N is for nose. / n / / n / nose. N代表鼻子。 O is for orange. / ?/ / ?/ orange. O代表橙子。 P is for pig. / p / / p / pig. P代表猪。 Q is for quiet. / kw / / kw / quiet. Q代表安静。 R is for rice. / r / / r / rice. R代表米饭。S is for sun. / s / / s / sun. S代表太阳。 T is for tiger. / t / / t / tiger. T代表老虎。 U is for umbrella. / ?/ / ?/ umbrella. U代表雨伞。 V is for vegetable. / v / / v / vegetable. V代表蔬菜。W is for water. / w / / w / water. W代表水。 X is in the box. / ks / / ks / box. X在盒子里。 Y is for yellow. / j / / j / yellow. Y代表黄色。Z is for zoo. / z / / z / zoo. Z代表动物园。 A、E、I、O、U 是英语字母中的五个元音字母,其他字母为辅音字母。


. 三个字母的英文单词 act v.行动,做事n行为,动作;(一)幕,法令,条例 add v.加,增加;补充说,又说age n.年龄,时期,时代v变老,老化 ago ad以前,……前 aid v.援助,救护,助手,辅助物,辅助设备 aim v目的在于,旨在;瞄准,针对n.目标,目的 air n.空气,大气,天空,神气,架子v使通风 all a所有的,全部的pron.一切,全部ad.全部,都,十分 and conj ant n蚂蚁 any a.pron.ad. arm n.手臂,臂状物;扶手,衣袖;【pl】武器,武装v.武装 art n艺术,美术;技术,技艺;【pl】人文学科ash n灰(烬) ask v问;请求,要求;请 awe n.敬畏vt.敬畏 bad a.坏的,恶的,错的;低劣的,拙劣的;不舒服的,病的;腐败的 bag n.袋,包 ban v.取缔,查禁;(from)禁止n.禁止,禁令 bar n条,杆,棒,棍,闩;酒吧,餐柜;栅栏,障碍v.闩上,阻拦,拦住,妨碍 bat n.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠bay n.海湾,(港)湾 bed n.床位;苗床,圃,花坛;河床。矿床,海底 bee n. beg v bet v赌,打赌n.打赌,赌注 bid v.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标n.出价,投标 bin n.箱柜 bit n.一点,一片,一些

. bow v\n.鞠躬,点头n.弓形;蝴蝶结 box n.箱子,盒子;包厢v.拳击,打耳光 boy n.男孩;男服务员,男仆bud n.芽,花苞v.发芽,含苞欲放 bug n.臭虫;小毛病;窃听器v.窃听 bus n but conj. buy v.n. cab n.出租车,计程车 can aux.v.能,会,可以n.罐头v.装罐头 cap n.便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套v.覆盖于……顶端 car n.车辆,汽车;(火车)车厢cat n.猫 cop n.警官,巡警 cow n.母牛,奶牛 cry v.哭泣,流泪;叫喊n.哭泣,哭声;叫喊,喊声cue n.提示,暗示,信号 cup n.杯子;奖杯,优胜杯;(一)杯 cut n.\v.切,割,剪,削;消减,删节n.切口,伤口 dam n.水坝,水闸 day die v. eye n.眼睛,眼光,眼力;眼状物v.看,注视 ebb n\vi.衰落,退潮 dog n. egg n. dry a. v. end n.端,梢;末端,结束v.终止,结束 dip v.\n.浸,蘸 dim a.暗淡的,模糊的 dew n.露水 dye n.染料v.染色,染 era n.时代,年代,阶段,纪元eat v.吃,喝(汤) due a.(to)应支付;(车、船等)预定应到达的;应有的 ego n.自我,利己主义,自负


aah, aal, aas, aba, aby, ace, act, add, ado, ads, adz, aff, aft, aga, age, ago, ags, aha, ahi, ahs, aid, ail, aim, ain, air, ais, ait, ala, alb, ale, all, alp, als, alt, ama, ami, amp, amu, ana, and, ane, ani, ant, any, ape, apo, app, apt, arb, arc, are, arf, ark, arm, ars, art, ash, ask, asp, ass, ate, auk, ava, ave, avo, awa, awe, awl, awn, axe, aye, ays, azo, baa, bad, bag, bah, bal, bam, ban, bar, bas, bat, bay, bed, bee, beg, bel, ben, bes, bet, bey, bib, bid, big, bin, bio, bis, bit, biz, boa, bob, bod, bog, boo, bop, bos, bot, bow, box, boy, bra, brr, bub, bud, bug, bum, bun, bur, bus, but, buy, bye, bys, cab, cad, cam, can, cap, car, cat, caw, cay, cee, cep, chi, cig, cis, cob, cod, cog, col, con, coo, cop, cor, cos, cot, cow, cox, coy, coz, cru, cry, cub, cud, cue, cum, cup, cur, cut, cwm, dab, dad, dag, dah, dak, dal, dam, dan, dap, daw, day, deb, dee, def, dei, del, den, des, dev, dew, dex, dey, dib, did, die, dif, dig, dim, din, dip, dit, doc, doe, dog, dol, dom, don, dor, dos, dot, dow, dry, dub, dud, due, dug, duh, dui, dun, duo, dup, dye, ear, eat, eau, ebb, ecu, edh, eds, eek, eel, eff, efs, eft, egg, ego, eke, eld, elf, elk, ell, elm, els, eme, ems, emu, end, eng, ens, eon, era, ere, erg, ern, err, ers, ess, eta, eth, eve, ewe, eye, fab, fad, fag, fan, far, fas, fat, fax, fay, fed, fee, feh, fem, fen, fer, fes, fet, feu, few, fey, fez, fib, fid, fie, fig, fil, fin, fir, fit, fix, fiz, flu, fly, fob, foe, fog, foh, fon, fop, for, fou, fox, foy, fro, fry, fub, fud, fug, fun, fur, gab, gad, gae, gag, gal, gam, gan, gap, gar, gas, gat, gay, ged, gee, gel, gem, get, gey, ghi, gib, gid, gie, gig, gin, gip, git, gnu, goa, gob, god, goo, gor, gos, got, gox, gul, gum, gun, gut, guv, guy, gym, gyp, had, hae, hag, hah, haj, ham, hao, hap, has, hat, haw, hay, heh, hem, hen, hep, her, hes, het, hew, hex, hey, hic, hid, hie, him, hin, hip, his, hit, hmm, hob, hod, hoe, hog, hon, hop, hot, how, hoy, hub, hue, hug, huh, hum, hun, hup, hut, hyp, ice, ich, ick, icy, ids, ifs, igg, ilk, ill, imp, ink, inn, ins, ion, ire, irk, ism, its, ivy, jab, jag, jam, jar, jaw, jay, jee, jet, jeu, jib, jig, jin, job, joe, jog, jot, jow, joy, jug, jun, jus, jut, kab, kae, kaf, kas, kat, kay, kea, kef, keg, ken, kep, kev, kex, key, khi, kid, kif, kin, kip, kir, kis, kit, koa, kob, kop, kor, kos, kue, kye, lab, lac, lad, lag, lam, lap, lar, las, lat, lav, law, lax, lay, lea, led, lee, leg, lei, lek, let, leu, lev, lex, ley, lib, lid, lie, lin, lip, lis, lit, lob, log, loo, lop, lot, low, lox, lug, lum, luv, lux, lye, mac, mad, mae, mag, man, map, mar, mas, mat, maw, may, med, meg, mel, mem, men, met, mew, mho, mib, mic, mid, mig, mil, mim, mir, mis, mix, moa, mob, mod, mog, mol, mom, mon, moo, mop, mor, mos, mot, mow, mud, mug, mum, mun, mus, mut, myc, nab, nae, nag, nah, nam, nap, naw, nay, neb, nee, neg, net, new, nib, nil, nim, nip, nit, nix, nob, nod, nog, noh, nom, noo, nor, nos, not, now, nth, nub, nun, nus, nut, oaf, oak, oar, oat, oba, obe, obi, oca, oda, odd, ode, ods, oes, off, oft, ohm, oho, ohs, oil, oka, oke, old, ole, oms, one,


A - Alpha 透明(度) B - Bravo ['brɑ:'v?u] 1. 喝彩声 2. 暴徒 C - Charlie 名词 n. 1. 【英】【俚】笨蛋 2. 【美】【俚】越共 D - Delta ['delt?] 名词 n. [C] 1. (河口的)三角洲 2. 希腊语的第四个字母 3. 三角形之物 E - Echo ['ek?u] F - Foxtrot ['f?ks,tr?t] 名词 n. 1. 狐步舞;狐步舞曲不及物动词 vi. 1. 跳狐步舞; G - Golf H - Hotel I - India J - Juliet 朱丽叶 K - Kilo 千克 L - Lima 利马市利马,南美洲国家秘鲁的首都 M - Mike [maik] 名词 n. 1. 扩音器;麦克风 2. 千分卡尺 vi. 1. 使用扩音器 vt. 1. 用扩音器 N - November 十一月 O - Oscar 奥斯卡 P - Papa 拉丁语系中,也常称爸爸 Q - Quebec 魁北克(Québec) 魁北克省(法文:Québec),简称魁省,加拿大东部的一个省 R - Romeo 罗密欧

S - Sierra [si'er?] n. 1. 【地】锯齿山脊[P1] 2. 【鱼】马鲛 T - Tango 探戈 U – Uniform 制服 V – Victor 胜利者 W – Whiskey 威士忌 X - X-ray Y – Yankee n. 1. 美国人 2. 美国北方诸州的人;(美国南北战争时期)北军士兵 Z – Zulu 祖鲁人 0 – Zero 1 - Wun (One) 2 - Two 3 - Tree (Three) 4 - Fower (Four) 5 - Fife (Five) 6 - Six 7 - Seven 8 - Ait (Eight) [eit] n. 1. 【英】河中小岛 9 - Niner (Nine) . - decimal (point) . - (full) stop


3个字母的英文单词大全 act v. 行动,做事;(on)起作用;表演 n. 行为,动作;(一)幕;法令,条例 add v.(to)加,增加;补充说,又说 age n. 年龄;时期,时代v. 变老,老化 ago ad. 以前,……前 aid v. 援助,救护;助手,辅助物,辅助设备 aim v.(at)目的在于,旨在;瞄准,针对n. 目标,目的 air n. 空气,大气,天空;神气,架子v. 使通风 all a. 所有的,全部的pron. 一切,全部ad. 完全,都,十分 and conj. 和,与,而且;那么;接连,又 ant n. 蚂蚁 any a. [否定、疑问、条件句中]什么,一些,任何的 pron. 无论哪个,一些 ad. 稍,丝毫 apt a. 恰当的,适宜的;(习性)易于……的,有……倾向的 arm n.(手)臂,臂状物;扶手,衣袖;[pl.][总称]武器,武装 v. 武装,装备 art n. 艺术,美术;技术,技艺;[pl.]文科,人文学科 ash n. 灰(烬) ask v.(询)问;请求,要求;(邀)请,约请 awe n.敬畏 vt.敬畏 bad a. 坏的,恶的,错的;低劣的,拙劣的;不舒服的,病的;腐败的;严重的 bag n. 袋,包 ban v. 取缔,查禁;(from)禁止 n. 禁止,禁令 bar n. 条,杆,棒,棍,闩;酒吧,餐柜;栅,栏,障碍(物) v. 闩上,阻拦,拦住,妨碍bat n. 球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠 bay n. 海湾,(港)湾 bed n. 床(位);苗床,圃,花坛;河床,矿床,海底 bee n.(蜜)蜂 beg v. 乞求,乞讨;请求,恳求 bet v. 赌,打赌 n. 打赌,赌注 bid v. 祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标 n. 出价,投标 big a. 大的,巨大的;重大的,重要的 bin n.箱柜 bit n. 一点,一片,一些 bow v./n. 鞠躬,点头 n. 弓(形);蝴蝶结 box n. 箱(子),盒(子);包厢 v. 拳击,打耳光 boy n. 男孩;男服务员,男仆 bud n. 芽,花苞v. 发芽,含苞欲放 bug n. 臭虫;小毛病;窃听器 v. 窃听 bus n. 公共汽车 but conj. 可是,但是,而;除……外 prep. 除……外 ad. 只,仅仅,不过 buy v.(购)买 n. 购买,买卖 cab n.出租车,计程车 can aux. v. 能,会;可以;可能 n. 罐头 v. 装罐头


四个字母的英文单词大全 目录 a (2) b (2) c (3) d (3) e (4) f (4) g (4) h (5) i (5) j (5) k (6) l (6) m (6) n (7)

a aahs aals abas abba abbe abed abet able ably abos abri abut abye abys aced aces ache achy acid acme acne acre acta acts acyl adds adit ados adze aeon aero aery afar agar agas aged agee ager ages agha agin agio agly agma agog agon ague ahem ahoy aide aids ails aims ains aim airs airt airy aits ajar ajee akee akin alae alan alar alas alba albs alee alee alef ales alfa alga alif alit alky alls ally alma alme alms aloe alow alps also alto alts alum amah amas ambo amen amia amid amie amin arnir amis ammo amok amps amus amyl anal anas ands anes anew anga anil anis ankh anna anoa anon ansa anta ante anti ants anus aped aper apes apex apod apse aqua arak arbs arch arco arcs area ares arfs aria arid aril arks arms army arse arts arty arum arvo aryl asci asea ashy asks asps atap ates atma atom atop auks auld aunt aura auto aver aves avid avos avow away awed awee awes awls awns awny awol awry axal axed axel axes axil axis axle axon ayah ayes ayin azan azon b baal baas baba babe babu baby bach back bade bads baff bags baht bail bait bake bald bale balk ball balm bals barns band bane bang bani bank bans haps barb bard bare barf bark barm barn bars base bash bask bass bast bate bath bats batt baud bawd bawl bays bead beak beam bean bear beat beau beck beds bedu beef been beep beer bees beet begs bell bels belt bema bend bene bens bent berg berm best beta beth bets bevy beys bhut bias bibb bibs bice bide bids bier biff bigs bike bile bilk bill bima bind bine bins bint bios bird birk birl birr bise bisk bite bits bitt bize blab blae blah blam blat blaw bleb bled blet blew blin blip blob bloc blot blow blub blue blur boar boas boat bobs bock bode bods body boff bogs bogy boil bola bold bole boll bolo bolt bomb bond bone bong bonk bony boob book boom boon boor boos boot bops bora bore born bort bosh bosk boss bota both bots bott bout bowl bows boxy boyo boys bozo brad brae brag bran bras brat braw bray bred bree bren brew brie brig brim brin brio bris brit broo bros brow bm brut bubo bubs buck buds buff bugs buhl buhr bulb bulk bull bumf bump bums bund bung bunk bunn buns bunt buoy bura burd burg burl

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