当前位置:文档之家› 新目标英语七年级上unit6单元测试题





一. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. They have bananas _______ lunch.

A. at

B. for

C. in

D. on

( )2. I have many _____ every day.

A. orange

B. oranges

C. chickens

D. carrot

( )3. I eat some vegetables, like ______.

A. chicken

B. eggs

C. tomatoes

D. hamburgers

( )4. ____ Sonia like French fries?

A. Do

B. Is

C. Does

D. Are

( )5. Lily ______some fruit, like bananas.

A. eat

B. eats

C. does

D. have

( )6. Lee is a _______ star.

A. run

B. runing

C. running

D. runs

( )7. Bob wants(想) to eat ______ apple and dessert.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. some

( )8. They like ______very much.

A. banana

B. apple

C. orange

D. pears

( )9. ______do we have for dinner?. ----- Eggs

A. Where

B. What C .How D. What color

( )10. Do you like chicken? __________

A. Yes, I am

B. Yes, I do

C. Yes, I don’t

D. No,I do

二. 完形填空。(10分)

I 1 a brother, Ethan. I have five 2 and two oranges. He 3 four bananas and three 4 . I don’t like 5 , but she 6 . He doesn’t like salad, 7 I do. My father 8 broccoli, but my 9 doesn’t. I 10 my family.

( )1. A. am B. have C. like D. has

( )2. A. banana B. orange C. bananas D. salads

( )3. A. is B. likes C. has D. have

( )4. A. oranges B. hamburger C. orange D. hamburgeres

( )5. A. tomato B. tomatos C. tomatoes D. a tomatoes

( )6. A. do B. does C. like D. /

( )7. A. but B. and C. or D. for

( )8. A. likes B. have C. like D. does

( )9. A. friend B. sister C. mother D. uncle

( )10. A. likes B. am C. do D. like

三. 阅读理解,完成句子或回答问题(20分)


My name is Jenny . I have a sister and a brother, Rose and Paul. We like apples very much. Rose and I like hamburgers. But I don’t like salad. Paul doesn’t like broccoli. But Rose does. My parents like tomatoes and French fries.

( )1. My ______ is Paul.

A. name

B. sister

C. brother

D. father

( )2. My parents have ______ sons and ______ daughter(s).

A. two, one

B. one, two

C. three, no

D. no, three

( )3. My sister likes _______.

A. bananas

B. hamburgers

C. broccolis

D. A, B and C

( )4. _______ doesn’t like salad.

A. My sister

B. My brother

C. My father

D. Jenny

( )5. My mother likes ________.

A. hamburgers

B. French fries

C. oranges

D. broccoli


Do you eat good food every day? It’s important(重要)! You need oranges and bananas, but you don’t need ice cream. You need salad and broccoli, but you don’t need French fries. Write a list of the food you eat. Is it good food? Do you eat right? (Like an egg. )Every day?

( )6. It’s important to eat_______

A. oranges

B. bananas

C. ice cream

D. good food

( )7. What don’t you eat every day?

A. oranges

B. bananas

C.French fries

D. salad

( )8. We need________every day.

A. salad

B. bananas

C. oranges


( )9. We need______egg(s) every day.

A. one

B. seven

C. two


( )10. Do you need broccoli ,French fries or(还是) ice cream?________

A. Broccoli

B. French fries

C. ice cream

D. I don’t know


1.like, an , I, apple _______________________________________?

2. like , bananas, do, lunch, you,for ______________________________________?

3. oranges, she, and, likes, pears _____________________________________.

4. do, spell, your, how, name, you _______________________________________?

5. I, Linda, friends, are, and _____________________________________.


I have a good___1__(男孩) friend。__2___(他的) name is Tony. He likes__3__(英语). He __4___(有) a nice room. You can see two____5__(椅子) and a __6____(电脑) in it. He likes__7___(运动). He likes playing ___8___(篮球). He likes apples and __9___(草莓). So he is _10_____(健康的).


2. __________







9.__________ 10.___________



( )1.Do your friends like vegetables? A. It’s on the chair.

( )2.How do you spell it? B. No, they aren’t.

( )3.Are these your parents? C. Yes, they do.

( )4.Where is the backpack? D. They have chicken.

( )5.Do you have a soccer ball? E. I like strawberries.

( )6.Does she like bananas? F. Yes, she does.

( )7.What vegetables do you like? G. No, I don’t.

( )8.What fruit do you like? H. K-E-Y

( )9.Does he have eggs for breakfast? I. I like carrots.

( )10.What do your parents have for dinner? J. Yes,he does.


根据材料,请找出Jim Green为家人准备的晚餐,并填写表格。

Today is my birthday. I want to thank my family for their love. So I cook the dinner for them. I know my mother likes hamburgers and broccoli. But my father likes chicken and tomato

soup. I have a brother. He likes hamburgers, too. But he doesn’t like broccoli. He likes carrots. I have a sister, too. She likes fish and French fries. I like chicken and apples. I will buy these things





预习单元1—3 Starter Unit 1 Section A 1a 早上好,海伦!嗨,鲍勃!早上好,艾丽斯!喂,弗兰克!喂,埃里克!早上好,戴尔! Section B 1 下午好,戴尔!嗨,辛蒂!你好吗?我很好,多谢。你好吗?我很好。 Self Check 1 嗨喂上午下午晚上好的好谢谢好的4 年龄手他床Just for Fun 晚上好! Starter Unit 2 Section A 1b 这用英语怎么说?一张地图。一个橙子。Section B 1a 用英语说这是什么?一把钥匙。请拼一下。Self Check 3夹克衫艾丽斯地图钥匙橙子戴尔海伦格雷斯辛蒂鲍勃钢笔弗兰克被子埃里克尺子 4 名字能他腿美好的牛奶去狗 Starter Unit 3 Section A 1a 这是什么?它是字母V。它是什么颜色的?它是红色的。这是什么?它是字母Z。它是黑白相间的。Section B 1b 这把钥匙是黄色的。这把尺子是蓝色的。这支钢笔是红色的。Self Check 它是绿色的。 字母意思(铅笔芯)硬黑激光唱片英国广播公司停车(美国)全国篮球协会千克小号/中号/大号不明飞行物中央电视台联合国 一单元 Section A 1a 我是吉娜。见到你真高兴。 Grammer Foucs你的名字是什么?我的名字是詹妮。我是詹妮。他的名字是什么?他的名字是托尼。她的名字是什么?她的名字是吉娜。 Section B 1c 你的电话号码是什么,李欣?是281-6926。3b 她的电话号码是什么?她的姓氏是什么?她的名字是什么? Self Check 1 我她是身份证什么我的喂你的他的她的名姓电话号码 Just for Fun你的名是什么?ZIG。你的姓是什么?ZAG。 二单元 Section A 1a 那是你的双肩背包吗?不,不是。它是他的双肩背包。这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是。它是我的铅笔。这是你的尺子吗?不,不是。它是她的尺子。 铅笔钢笔书橡皮擦尺子铅笔盒书包卷笔刀词典 2b 请原谅,索尼亚。这是你的铅笔吗?是的,谢谢。那是我的橡皮。简,这是你的尺子吗?不,不是。它是她的尺子。好的,这是我的书。这是你的铅笔盒,简。Section B 1a 棒球手表电子游戏机身份证钥匙笔记本戒指钢笔 1b 这是什么?一块手表。你怎样拼写它?…… 3a 这是你的手表吗?给艾伦打电话495—3539。艾伦,失物招领箱中的电子游戏是你的吗?尼克招领:笔记本这是你的笔记本吗?请给玛丽打电话。电话#235—0285。寻物:我的学生证。我的名字是托尼。请打电话685—6034 3b 失物招领一串钥匙。请给大卫打电话529—6403 Self Check Just for Fun嘘!什么?用英语说这是什么?一块手表。你怎样拼写它?它(那个) 三单元 Section A 1a那是我的两个兄弟。并且那是我姐妹。母亲父亲父母兄弟祖母祖父朋友祖父母姐妹 1c 这是他的姐妹。这些是他的兄弟们。 2c 这是吉姆吗?,不,他不是。他是戴夫。 Grammer Foucs 这是你姐妹吗?不,不是的。这是我的朋友。这些是我的朋友们。那是你的兄弟吗?是的,他是。那个是我的兄弟。那些是我的兄弟们。 3a那是安娜,那是保罗。她是你的姐妹吗?是的,她是。他是你的兄弟吗?不,他不是。他是我的朋友。 4她是你阿姨吗?是的,她是。 Section B 2c 这些是我的父母。这是我的祖父。这是我的朋友,林方。亲爱的玛丽:谢谢你的全家福照片。这是我的全家福照片。你的朋友艾玛这是我的弟弟,托尼。这是我的妹妹,莫娜。这些是我的父母。 Self Check 1 这那这些那些妈妈爸爸父母姐妹兄弟(外)祖母朋友叔叔(舅舅)(外)祖父婶婶(舅妈)堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)(外)祖父她他 Just for Fun那是你的妹妹吗?不,不是。那是我表妹。那是你的妹妹吗?不,不是。那是我的姑姑。谁是你妹妹?这是我的妹妹。 四单元 Section A 1a桌子床梳妆台书柜沙发椅子双肩背包书钥匙棒球抽屉植物我的双肩背包在哪儿?在桌子下面。我的书在哪儿?在沙发上。我的棒球在哪儿?它在双肩背包里。1c 双肩背包在哪儿?在桌子下面。 2c 棒球在沙发上吗?不。不在。他在椅子下面。Grammar Focus棒球在哪儿?在双肩背包里。我的电子游戏机在哪儿?在床下。你的书在哪儿?他们在椅子上。他的钥匙在哪儿?在梳妆台上。她的钥匙在哪儿?在桌上。3a书包在哪儿?我不知道。它在梳妆台上吗?不,它不在。我的书在哪儿?我不知道。它们在床上吗?不,他们不在。 4 双肩背包在哪儿?它在桌子底下吗?不,它不在。它在桌子上。 Section B 1a 数学书闹钟激光唱片电子游戏机录像带帽子笔记本在哪儿?在床上。 3a 亲爱的飞飞:请把这些东西带给你的姐姐:她的帽子、手表、笔记本、钥匙和身份证。帽子在梳妆台上。手表在


英语Go for it! 七年级下册1 – 12单元(课文+翻译) Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? ------------------------------------------ P 2你会弹吉他吗? Unit 2 What time do you go to school? --------------------------------- P 3你几点上学? Unit 3 How do you get to school? ---------------------------------------- P 5你怎样到达学校? Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. --------------------------------------------------- P 6上课不要吃东西。 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? ----------------------------------------- P 8你为什么喜欢熊猫? Unit 6 I’m watching TV. -------------------------------------------------- P 10我正在看电视。 Unit 7 It’s raining! --------------------------------------------------------- P 11正在下雨! Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? -------------------------------- P 13这附近有邮局吗? Unit 9 What does he look like? ------------------------------------------ P 15他长什么样? Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. -------------------------------------------- P 16我想要些面条。 Unit 11 How was your school trip? -------------------------------------- P 18你的学校旅行怎么样? Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? -------------------------------- P 20 你上周末做什么了?

九年级英语Unit 6测试题

九年级英语单元测试题 Unit 6 When was it invented? (试题总分100 分测试时间45 分钟) 一. 单项选择(每小题 1 分,共15 分) 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Mr. Yang divided us four groups to practice the conversation. A. among B. into C. from D. by ( ) 2. The shoes with high heels are in the newest . Many girls wear them. A. brand B. trade C. style D. product ( ) 3. The milk has turned . If you drink it, you will have a stomachache. A. sour B. delicious C. crispy D. fresh ( ) 4. Grandmother likes to go to the garden and _ the flowers on the spring morning. A. polish B. smell C. taste D. mention ( ) 5. This kind of machine cutting meat in big restaurants. A. is used to B. is made from C. is made into D. is used for ( ) 6. The article told us to get good scores in the exams. A. where B. what C. who D. how ( ) 7. is said that our history teacher often does volunteer work on weekends. A. One B. It C. This D. That ( ) 8. —How delicious these bananas are. —Yeah. They here from Hainan yesterday. A. are brought B. brought C. were brought D. have brought ( ) 9. Ruth’s friends are all girls. Jack is the only boy. A. nearly B. completely C. specially D. truly

Unit 6 单元测试题

Unit 6 单元测试题 Written test part (共95分) Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Please be quiet! I’m reading some short stories ______ Lu Xun. A. by B. over C. in D. at ( )22. —______ are you going to work in? —Beijing. A. Where B. What place C. When D. How often ( )23. Dale is studying in ______ university and he wants to be ______ engineer. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an ( )24. Mrs Green promised ______ all she can to help us. A. knowing B. to know C. doing D. to do ( )25. World Cup host Brazil would like to help China ______ China’s soccer. A. improve B. send C. question D. discuss ( )26. Liu Xi’s father kept on ______ although he was tired. A. to sleep B. sleeping C. to work D. working ( )27. I am sorry that I ______ able to phone you yesterday. A. am B. am not C. was D. was not ( )28. Mom, the desk is too ______ to ______. A. heavy; move B. heavily; moving C. heavy; moving D. heavily; move


新目标英语七年级(上)Unit1测试题My name’s Gina. 新目标英语七年级(上)Unit1测试题(My name’s Gina) 一,翻译: 1. telephone number___________ 2 .Susan的名字_____________ 3. my name ____________ 4.她叫什么名?_________ 5. family name___________ 6.Mike的电话号码是多少?_____________ 7. Nice to meet you!____________ 8 .下午好!_____________ 9 .first name_____________ 10.身份证______ 二,用am , is, are 填空: 1. -Hi, I _______ Bob , what _______ your name? -My name _______ Li mei. 2. Hello! How ________ you? I ______ fine, thank you. 3. -What ______ your telephone number? -It ________ 555-80. 4. --What _______ this in English? --It’s a telephone. 5. _____ her first name Gina? 三,按要求写出相应形式: 1. what is ________________(缩写形式) 2. I am _________________(缩写形式) 3. her name is _____________(缩写形式) 4. it is _________________(缩写形式) 5. is not _________________(缩写形式) 6. are not _______________(缩写形式) 7. they are _______________ (缩写形式) 8. Jim is________________(缩写形式) 四,用所给的代词的适当形式填空: 1.______(us) love ______(we) country and we’ll make it more beautiful. 2._________(his) studies in a middle school near __________(he) home. 3.-----Is it _________(you), Tom? ----- No, it isn’t. It must be ________(they) book. 4.I think _________(we) teacher is young than _________(they).

Unit 6 单元测试题

Unit 6单元测试题 Written test part (共95分) Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Mr. Green is a kind man. He always tries his best to help ______ weak. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填 ( )22. We have different opinions ______ the matter. A. about B. of C. in D. at ( )23. We won’t put off having the sports meeting ______ it rains. A. if B. unless C. as soon as D. so that ( )24. —Mom, I want to drive to my grandparents’ home. —Don’t be ______. You are too young to drive. A. silly B. noisy C. nervous D. sad ( )25. Susan, come on! Keep ______. You will be the winner! A. to run B. to running C. run D. running ( )26. The letter was personal, so he ______ it in the drawer. A. used B. shared C. hid D. swung ( )27. —The math problem is too difficult. —Don’t worry! Let’s find a good way ______ it. A. to solve B. solve C. solving D. to solving ( )28. I’ll visit her as soon as she ______ to her city. A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. will return ( )29. My grandmother’s ______ is my grandfather. A. brother B. uncle C. husband D. father ( )30. Jim made a plan ______ the Great Wall this summer. A. visited B. visiting C. to visit D. visits ( )31. Alex is ill, so I volunteer to water the trees ______ him. A. instead of B. instead C. because D. because of ( )32. Dale, please remind me ______ the windows after school.


Unit 6 单元重点测试 总分:100分答题时间:60分钟得分:__________ 词汇测试 一、根据音标写出本单元学过的单词,并写出其汉语意思。(10分) 1. /'??gr?/__________ __________ 2. /s?d/ __________ __________ 3. /m?:/ __________ __________ 4. /di:p/ __________ __________ 5. /we?/ __________ __________ 二、按要求完成下列各题。(10分) 6. sad(反义词)______________________ 7. mouse(复数)______________________ 8. hear(同音异义词)______________________ 10. good(反义词)______________________ 三、英汉互译。(10分) 11. 看病______________________ 12. take a deep breath ______________________ 13. 做更多的运动______________________ 14. wait for ______________________ 15. 穿暖和的衣服______________________ 句型语法 四、根据首字母提示补全句子。 16. You should c_________ to ten. 17. Maybe our cat is chasing m________ now! 18. ---What’s w_________? ---Your father is ill. 19. How do you f__________? 20. You should take a deep b_________. 五、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 21. What should I do__________ I feel angry?


Unit one My name is Gina. 教材分析 1.话题: Making new friends 2.功能目标: 1)使学生学会用英语介绍自己。 2)使学生学会用英语和别人打招呼。 3.文化目标: 1)让学生初步体会用英语和别人交流的感受,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 2)通过对英文名字的介绍,对比中西方表达名字的不同,了解中西方文化的差异。 3)通过对西方一些成功人士英文名字的介绍,使学生了解成功是由不懈的 1

努力和艰苦的奋斗得来的。 4)通过介绍英文名字的由来,使学生产生对西方文化的好奇及兴趣。4.认知目标: 1)词汇: clock, hello, hi, and, question, answer, look, first name, last name 2) 语法项目:一般现在时be的用法 以特殊疑问词what开头的问句 形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her What’s=What is I’m=I am My name’s=My name is 3) 语言目标: What’s your name? My name is Gina. I’m Gina. Nice to meet you. 2

Period one I.教材分析:这是课本的第一部分,题目是My mane is Gina. 有很多学生第一次学习接触英语,为了调动他们的积极性,不产畏难情绪,尽量简单的处理教材。 Language topic: What’s your name? My name is Gina. Language strategies: Talk about the names Main vocabulary: name is, meet, his, first name, last name, answer, boy , girl. II.语言结构: present tense to be, what questions, Possessive adj. my, your, his, her. 。 III.语言功能:询问姓名及怎样回答. IV.活动设计:采访调查What’s your first name? V. Teaching steps: 3


人教版新目标英语七年级下册全册教案 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 一. Knowledge and abilities goals: 1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar 2. How to use Model verb‖ can‖. 3. Listening and speaking skills and communicative competence. Content of courses:In this period, students will learn some names of clubs ,such as art , music, chess club, swimming club, etc. students will learn the drills :Do you want to join…club ?Can you …? 四. Importance and difficulty: can Teaching Aids: A tape recorder. Some pictures. A projector Some sports things, such as volleyball, basketball, etc. Preparation test paper for lessons before class. Period 1 (Section A: 1a-2d) 授课人:______ 授课班级: _____ 授课时间:年___月___日____ 1.Knowledge Objects: Learn to talk about abilities. Know something about the culture of clubs. Can you/he..?What can you do? What club do you want to join?can, can‘t, draw, dance, swim, speak, walk. 2.Teaching key point: can


八年级下册英语Unit6单元测试卷 一.单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1. -Keep working hard, Paul. You will surely realize your dream of being a writer you give it up halfway. -I will, thank you, Miss Rowling. A. unless B. if C. though D. as soon as ( )2. -Who lives together with your grandmother? - .She lives alone. I often go to see her. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody 3. It's wrong for the salesman to the old man of some money. A. remind B. cheat C. shout D. hide 4. Get around the beautiful town when you are free, and you will soon it. A.take care of B. come up with C.run out D. fall in love with 5. It was snowy yesterday. They stayed at home instead of football outside. A.play B. to play C. playing D. plays 6. She was stupid I didn’t want to explain it to her again. A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. enough; to 7. Sally wanted to Bob, so she went to the country with him. A.get married B. marry with C. marry D. marry to 8. Finally, a god was so by Yu Gong that he sent gods to take the mountains . A. moving; away B. moved; off C. moved; away D. moving; off 9. bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. A.To fight B. Fighting C. Fought D. Fight 10. -We lost the match. - .Better luck next time A. No problem B. Hope things work out i C. Never mind D. Have a good day 二、完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Today I’d like to tell you a story about the ten suns. Long time ago, 1 were ten suns. They appeared in turn(逐个)in the 2 every day. Each 3 the ten suns and their mother washed in a lake in the east. Then only one sun would move off 4 the sky. It would have a lone-day journey to 5 a mountain in the west. One day,the ten suns decided to take the journey 6 .They had a good time, but it was so hot on the earth that people couldn't 7 it. The suns father, Di Jun, tried to ask his children to appear in turn. 8 , they didn't listen to him, So Di Jun asked Yi to frighten(吓唬)them. To his surprise,Yi 9 nine suns, leaving only one in the sky, Di Jun was so 10 that he turned Yi into a common person. ( )1. A. there B. those C. they D. we ( )2. A. mountain B.ground C. sky D. sea ( )3.A. year B. month C. day D.hour ( )4.A.to B. from C. with D. upon ( )5.A.go B. get C. arrive D. reach


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 重点难点 I.复习词汇:can,play,want 2.词汇:guitar, dance, swim,sing, chess, speak, drum,trumpet,violin,play the guitar 3.句型:Can you/he/she/you dance? Yes,I/he/she/we can./No,I/he/she/we can’t. Can Bill play the guitar? Yes,he can,but he can’t sing.语法重点:情态动词can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及肯定与否定回答、特殊疑问句的构成 Section A 教学内容 Section A(教材P59~61) 教学目标 知识与能力 Section A的主要内容是运用情态动词can “询问和谈论能力”;通过谈论自己在某一方面所具备的才能,学习情态动词Can的基本用法。 过程与方法 采用Classifying和Role—playing的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物(各种乐器)或制作课件(演奏各种乐器)等来展开课堂教学、Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动或小组活动,进行“询问和谈论能力”的课堂教学和练习、 情感态度价值观 Section A的学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是能力。通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方在某一方面的能力,可以培养学生的一种群体意识。 教学重、难点及教学突破 重点 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长; 语法难点 情态动词can的构成和使用。 教学突破 Section A重在通过使用情态动词can来询问和谈论能力,因此如何使用情态动词can就成了关键。教师可通过模仿、操练使学生掌握can的肯定句、否定句和疑问句的构成,再进行谈论能力的训练就容易多了。 教学准备 教学步骤 一、第一教学环节:情景创设,导入新课 教师活动学生活动 Section A的主要内容是运用情态动词Can“询问和谈论能力”。在导入新课时,可采取演绎导人法和视听导入法。1.出示一些反映各种活动的图片、幻灯片或播放课件,引导学生谈论活动:He/She can dance/swim/sing/"?But I can’t dance/swim/sing/...等,学习表达活动的动词短语。 2.教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器,一边说.I can play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单的回答。 3.出示1a部分的图片或幻灯片或播放该内容的课件,引导学生将活动与人物进行搭配,完成la部分的教学任务。

8b unit6单元测试题

8B Unit 6 班级____________ 姓名_____________ 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空:(5’) 1. Remember we have _________________________ what you said at the meeting.(record) 2. Bill Gates is one of the _________________________________ men in the world.(wise) 3. I’d like to buy the nicer one of the two ______________________________.( toothbrush) 4. It’s necessary for every student to start ___________a few months before the exams.(train) 5.The policeman spoke so fast that I got __________ trying to find my way to the hotel.(lose) 二、根据所给中文,写出单词的适当形式:(13’) 1. How much __________________ did we get from the USA?(帮助) 2.The children ____________________ were so noisy that I couldn’t fall asleep.(在楼上) 3. I forgot those _______________________names, but I was still grateful to them.(君子) 4.The deaf but clever man is good at making good______________.(酒) 5. When I have got a _________________, I will certainly go to see the doctor. (头痛) 6.This story happened in a ________________house near the Moonlight Town.(乡村) 7. The soldiers _______________themselves into teams of four when they had a rest.(分组) 8. Shops there are open on __________________ only.(工作日) 9. If you finish the work_____________thirty minutes, you’ll get a certificate.(在……之内) 10. If you have a _________(机会) to go, take it. 11. Do yo u know the saying, “Practice makes _______(完美的).” 12. She went to Beijing with the _______(目的) of learning from the teachers there. 13. He is here in body, but not in __________(精神). 三、选择填空:(20’) ( )1. You know great changes _____________ in our school in the past ten years. A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place ( )2. ---I am going to join the Oxfam Trailwalker. --- ___________________? ---To raise money for poor children. A. What with B. What for C. Where for D. Where to


《新目标英语》七年级下册重点句型、短语归纳 Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? Ⅰ、Useful expressions: 1. be from= come from 来自于 2. New York 纽约 3. the United States 美国 4. the United Kingdom 英国 5. one’s (new) pen pal 某人的(新)笔友 6. in Paris 在巴黎 7. want a pen pal 想要一个笔友 8. a pen pal in China=a Chinese pen pal 一个在中国的笔友9. a very interesting country 一个非常有趣的国家10. in November 在十一月11.speak a little (French) 说一点儿法语12. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 13. go to the movies 去看电影14. in school / at school在学校里15. too difficult 太困难 16. write to sb. (soon) = write a letter to sb (soon)(尽快)给某人写信17. pen pal wanted 征招笔友 18. on weekends 在周末19. at school 在学校;在上学20. the long weekend 漫长的周末 21. tell sb. about yourself 告述某人关于你自己的情况22.live in 居住在--- 23. write to sb给某人写信;写信给某人24.in the world 在世界上25、in China 在中国 26、one’s (my/your/his/her/our/their/XX’s) favorite subject 某人最喜欢的科目27.speak English 讲英语28、likes and dislikes 爱憎,好恶29、play sports=do sports 做运动 Ⅱ、Sentences: 1. Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友来自哪儿?=Where does your pen pal come from? Sh e’s from Japan. 她来自日本。She comes from Japan 2.Where does he live?=Which city does he live in? 他住在哪儿?He lives in Paris. 他住在巴黎。 3.What language(s) does he speak? 他说哪(几)种语言?He speaks English. What language(s) can she speak? 她会说哪(几)种语言?She can speak English. 4.Where is Sydney? 悉尼在哪儿?It’s in Australia. 5.Does she have brothers or sisters? 她有兄弟和姐妹吗?She has a brother and a sister. 6. Does she speak English? 她说英语吗?Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 7. I think + 从句我觉得……;我认为……;我想……I don’t think +从句 8. What does he want? 他想要什么?He wants….. 9. What does he like (doing)? 他喜欢什么?He likes (ving)…. 10、I want a pen pal in China. 我想要一个中国的笔友。 11、I can speak English and a little French. 我会讲英语和一点法语。 12、Please write and tell me about yourself. 请写信告诉我有关你的情况。 13、Can you write to me soon? 你能尽快给我写信吗? 14、I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 我喜欢和我朋友去看电影和做运动。三.本单元的国家,人民、语言对应。 1 Canada---- Canadian---- English / French 2 France------ French------French 3 Japan------Japanese----Japanese 4 Australia----Australian----- English


Unit 6 测试卷 I.词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示写单词,补全句子。 1. The Spring Festival is a__________ (传统的) festival of China. 2. He has __________ (现代的) ideas though he is 80 years old. 3. There’s a Chinese takeaway (外卖餐馆) in the __________ (中心) of the town. 4. ---- Where is your classroom? ---- My classroom is in a low __________ (建筑). 5. When he runs the marathon (马拉松), he goes in the wrong __________ (方向). 6. The driver wants to pass the long b __________. 7. "Sleeping b________" is written by Charles Perrault. 8. Everyone shouts "Kill it!" when a rat is seen to run a__________ the street. 9. O _________ the window, it is a wonderful spring morning. 10. After graduation (毕业), I want to work as a tourist g__________. II.句子:根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。 11.目前在中国你游览过多少处名胜古迹了? How many __________ __________ __________ have you visited in China so far? 12.春节,广州市中心很多的商店都关门。 A lot of shops__________ __________ __________ __________ Guangzhou are closed during the Spring Festival. 13.乌鲁木齐在中国的西北部。它是一个美丽的地方。 Urumqi is __________ __________ __________ __________ China. It is a beautiful place. 14.当我们在黑暗的房间里打开电灯时,房间里的一切都会立即亮起来。 When we turn on a lamp in a dark room, everything in the room __________ __________ __________ at once. 15.做个旅游手册,向你的朋友们介绍些有趣的地方吧! Make a__________ __________ to introduce some interesting places to your friends! 16.如果我有足够的钱,我打算去周游世界。 If I have enough money, I am going to__________ __________ __________ __________. 17.蒂娜如果通过了测试,她就会去欧洲。 Dina will go to Europe __________ __________ __________ the exams. 18. ---- 露西,昨晚过得怎样?---- 玩得很开心。 ---- Lucy, how was your last night? ---- Well, I _________ __________ __________ __________. 19.请沿着这条路一直走下去,你会发现图书馆在你的右手边。 Please __________ __________ this road and you will find the library on your right. 20.当我走上舞台时,四面八方的灯射向我。 When I went onto the stage, all lights__________ __________ __________ shoot at me. III.单项选择。 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 21. She is one of __________ in the club. A. the younger singers B. the youngest singers C. youngest singers D. the youngest singer ( ) 22. If it __________ fine tomorrow, we __________ to the park together. A. is; go B. will be; go C. will be; will go D. is; will go ( ) 23. __________ a waste of time talking to her any more. A. It's B. That's C. It D. What is ( ) 24. What __________ they do if they __________ the meeting? A. do; will miss B. will; misses C. will; miss D. will; will miss

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