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1 Having spent some time in the city, he had trouble


2 (为了挣钱供我上学),mother often takes on more work than is good for her.

3 The professor required that (我们

交研究报告)by Wednesday.

4 The more you explain, (我越糊涂)。

5 Though a skilled worker,(他被公司解雇了)last week because of the economic crisis. 解:1题中空前为have no trouble (in) doing sth “找到去……的路”用“find the way to……”,故用finding,同时注意逗号前为原因状语从句,其前后存在因果关系。答案:(in) finding the way to history museum.

2题注意该句位于句首头字母大写,“为了”因为句首需用“in order to”表达,表目的的词组有in order to、for the purpose of、so as to等,就目的性而言in order to更好。“挣钱供”可用“earn money for supporting”“raise money to support”等表达,“上学”可以用“my education”。答案:In order to support my education。



等,“交”用“hand in”表达。答案:we (should)hand in

our research report.


+陈述句”句型“越……越……”。答案:the more confused

I am.

5题主句为被动句式,时态为过去时,“被解雇”可用“to be

fired”、“to be made redundant”。答案:he was fired

by his company.


1 Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is

not easy to (适应不同文化中的生活)。

2 Since my childhood I have found that


3 The victim (本来会有机会活下来)if he

had been take hospital in time.

4 Some psychologists claim that people


5 The nation’s population continues to rise (以每年1200万人的速度)。

解:1题“适应”表达的方式有很么多to get with it、

to suit、to adapt、to accommodate等,答案中用adapt,

后接反身代词oneself,“不同的文化”用“life in different cultures”表达。答案:adapt oneself to life in different cultures.

2题,其中有一个句型“没有什么比…更…”句式为“nothing be+比较级 than ……”“对某人有吸引力的”可用be attractive to do、appeal to do,“读书”用reading。答案:nothing is more attractive to me than reading. 3题,该题考的是虚拟语气,为历年常考题型。该题句式与过去事实相反用“If I (we ,you ,he ,they)+had +done ,I(we) should、You would、He would 、They would + have +do”“有机会”是have chance to.答案:would have had a chance to survive.

4题,考点为情态动词的用法、lonely的用法、when的用法。“可能会”情态动词+do,“出门在外”away from home,“感到孤独”feel lonely ,when 的用法需详细练习,此处不再叙述。答案:might feel lonely when they are away from home.

5题,“以……速度”用at the speed/rate of在四级其他题型中也有出现。数字表达“1200万”12 million,注意此处million后不加s,在数以千计,数以百计的中才加s。“每年”every year、per year.答案:at a speed of 12 million per year.


解:1题,本题较易“把……考虑在内”用“take sth into consideration”表达,“睡眠质量”用“sleep quality”.

答案:take people’s sleep quality into consideration.

2题,考察定语从句的用法。此处应填where引导的定语从句。“领域”the field表达,“合作”cooperate。答案:the filed (where) we can cooperate.

3题,较易。“决定”to determine on (or upon) doing 、to decide to do. “退出”可用to exit、to quit 、to drop out等,但具体用法需谨慎。答案:decide to quit the match.