当前位置:文档之家› 2019年重点中学高三联合考试英语试题+答案








1. What has happened to the air conditioner?

A. It doesn’t work.

B. It has been fixed

C. It has been sold

2. Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.

B. At a grocery store.

C. At a bakeshop.

3. When will the man go for his holiday?

A. In June.

B. In July.

C. In August.

4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Scholarship.

B. Major.

C. Traveling.

5. What does the woman think of the math puzzle?

A. Difficult.

B. Just so-so.

C. Easy.




6. How does the woman feel about the coming interview?

A. Excited.

B. Nervous.

C. Disappointed.

7. What kind of person is wanted?

A. Well-educated.

B. Hard- working.

C. Easy-going.


8. When is the woman available for the meeting?

A. In the 4th week of May.

B. In the 3rd week of May.

C. In the 1st week of May.

9. Where is the meeting going to be held?

A. In Mexico City.

B. In Chicago.

C. In Toronto.


10. What does the man think of Becky?

A. Pretty.

B. Too young.

C. Very rich.

11. How does the woman keep her skin smooth?

A. By washing her face frequently.

B. By putting cucumber slice on her face.

C. By spreading lots of make-up on her face.

12. Where does the man know the effects of cucumbers?

A. In the magazine.

B. On the Internet.

C. On TV.


13. What is the woman doing?

A. Complaining about campus food.

B. Seeking comments on campus food

C. Pushing for changes in campus food

14. What does the man think of the campus food?

A. Acceptable.

B. Excellent.

C. Unsatisfied.

15. What do people complain about a lot?

A. The soup.

B. The dessert.

C. The vegetables.

16. What is the man unhappy with?

A. The cafe.

B. The closing time.

C. The soup.


17. What’s the purpose of signing the School Trip Permission Note?

A. For insurance.

B. For bills.

C. For travel expenses.

18. Where will the students go for their school trip?

A. Countryside.

B. Emergency room.

C. Blue Mountains.

19. When will they start from the school?

A. At 7:15 am. July 10.

B. At 7:50am, June 10.

C. At 7;30 am. June 7.

20. What must students bring for the trip?

A. Fruit.

B. Medicine.

C. Lunch.





Steep Rock Skills $ 100 per person. This course will focus on techniques about climbing steep routes. Edging,off hands,high-stepping are some techniques you will work on. This course is best for women that have experience of top roping or climbing occasionally in a gym but have not had much experience outdoors. Half-Day Rappelling (绳索下降)Skills$ 100 per person. There’s a law that says, “What goes up must come down.” Though it may be safer to walk off many climbs, there are climbs that require you ladies to come back down to the ground. Learn various rappel techniques and use various types of rappel devices through this course. On Saturday the practice is in the morning.

Hard Women Rock leader Skills$ 100 per person. Designed for any women with a desire to lead,

efficient rope management will be covered. Bring your own equipment if you have any. Any leading will be done on top-rope. A fun and safe way to take a look at the “sharp” end of thing

Half-Day Rock Rescue $ 50 per person. A course for experienced women climbers wishing to build fundamental rock rescue skills in order to deal with a possible emergency situation on the cliff. Participants should bring their own personal equipment if they have. On Saturday and Sunday the practice is in the morning.

21. Which course is the least expensive?

A. Hard Women Rock Leader Skills.

B. Steep Rock Skills.

C. Half-Day Rock Rescue.

D. Half-Day Rappelling skills.

22. If Mary wants to be a rock-climbing leader, which of the following should she choose?

A. Steep Rock Skills.

B. Half-Day Rappelling Skills.

C. H alf-Day Rock Rescue.

D. Hard Women Rock Leader Skills.

23. It can be inferred from the text that ______.

A. the courses are specially for women

B. the courses are limited to 100 persons

C. it may take half a day to attend the courses

D. men are allowed to participate in the practice

24. The author’s purpose in writing the text is to introduce _______.

A. how to be women rock climbers

B. various courses on rock climbing

C. what to do at weekends

D. how to keep fit


In 2014 my bes t friend’s mother died of cancer. It was a tragedy, but as usual, Alice, my mother, used her power of healing and got his family back on their feet. If you asked my friends about my mother, they would say, “That woman has a heart of gold.” I agree one-hundred percent.

I think the reason why she is such a wonderful person is that the Holy Spirit lives within her. She is very holy and has persuaded me to go to church with her every Sunday.

About six years ago my mom decided to pursue her lifelong goal of becoming a teacher. She knew it would be hard work raising three kids, doing housework and studying at the same time. However, she believed it would pay off. What my mother didn’t realize was that not all things pay off in this unfair world. After four hard years of school, she graduated on a warm spring day. It was unbelievable. My aunt drove up from Virginia to celebrate this fantastic day. It was the first time I had ever cried from being happy.

It’s strange how fast a life can change. Two months later, the unpredictable happened. My mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化症). I could not believe this could happen after all the good she had done for people. I was very confused and cried every day. My faith in God just disappeared and so did my mom’s dream of becoming a teacher.

Then, I decided I must move on with my life and accept the fact that she might never get better. Since my


一、单选题。 1.古代把计量叫“度量衡”,其中,“度”是测量()的过程。( 2.0 分) A.长度 B.容积 C.温度 D.轻重 我的答案: A √答对 2.当前人工智能重点聚焦()大领域。( 2.0 分) A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 我的答案: B √答对 3.2017 年,卡内基梅隆大学开发的一个人工智能程序在()大赛上战胜了四位人类玩家,这在人工智能发展史上具有里程碑式的意义。( 2.0 分) A.五子棋 B.国际象棋 C.德州扑克 D.围棋 我的答案: C √答对

4.医学上用百分位法来判定孩子是否属于矮小。如果一个孩子的身高低于同种族、同年龄、同性别正常健康儿童身高的第()百分位数,医学上称之为矮小。(2.0 分) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我的答案: C √答对 5.现在医学上使用的水银柱血压计是在()开始应用于临床的。( 2.0 分) A.1872年 B.1896年 C.1970 年 D.2005年 我的答案: B √答对 6.到()年,几乎所有的算法都使用了深度学习的方法。( 2.0 分) A.2012 B.2014 C.2016 D.2018 我的答案: B √答对

7.癌症的治疗分为手术、放疗、化疗。据WTO 统计,在 45% 的肿瘤治愈率中,比重最高的治疗方式是()。( 2.0 分) A.手术 B.放疗 C.化疗 D.都一样 我的答案: A √答对 8.据《中国心血管病报告2017 》(概要)显示,中国现有心血管病患()。( 2.0分) A.1300万人 B.1100万人 C.450 万人 D.2.9 亿人 我的答案: D √答对 9.()是研究用计算机系统解释图,像实现类似人类视觉系统理解外部世界的一 种技术,所讨论的问题是为了完成某一任务需要从图像中获取哪些信息,以及如何利用这些信息获得必要的解释。( 2.0 分) A.立体视觉 B.图像理解 C.姿态估计

B1 高三英语9月入学考试试题

云南省曲靖市沾益区四中2019届高三英语9月入学考试试题 (考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the boy probably eat next? A. An apple. B. Vegetables. C. Chocolate cake. 2. When did Tom finish work? A. At 10:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 4:30. 3. What is the doctor’s advice? A. Come back in two days. B. Take some medicine. C. Stay home from school. 4. How does the woman feel? A. Surprised. B. Tired. C. Relaxed. 5. Who has been to Yellowstone National Park? A. The woman. B. The man’s uncle. C. The man’s sister. 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中


1 2018 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷) 英语答题卡 姓名准考证号 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名,准考证号填写清楚, 并认真核准条形码上的姓名、准考证号,在规定位置注 贴好条形码。 [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] 2.选择题必须用2B 铅笔填涂;填空题和解答题必须 [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] 意贴条形码区 [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] 用0.5mm 黑色签字笔答题,不得用铅笔或圆珠笔答 事[ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] 题;字体工整、笔迹清晰。 考生缺考考生,监考员用2B [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] 项 3.请按题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出区 域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破。[ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] 禁填铅笔填涂左面的缺考标记 [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] 填涂样例正确填涂 第Ⅰ卷选择题 第一部分:听力 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] 第二部分:阅读理解 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ E ] [ E ] [ E ] [ E ] [ E ] [ F ] [ F ] [ F ] [ F ] [ F ] [ G ] [ G ] [ G ] [ G ] [ G ] 第三部分:英语知识运用(第一节) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] [ D ] 第Ⅱ卷非选择题 第三部分:英语知识运用(第二节) 61.________________________________ 62. ________________________________ 63. ________________________________ 64. ________________________________ 65. ________________________________ 66. ________________________________ 67. ________________________________ 68. ________________________________ 69. ________________________________ 70. ________________________________ 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出矩形边框限定区域的答案无效!


2019年考研英语(二)真题及答案解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was had to my overall fitness goats. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program. I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake. The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19 I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale. Rather than 20 over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel how your clothes fit and your overall energy level. 1.[A]Besides [B]Therefore [C]Otherwise [D]However 【答案】[C] However 【解析】此处考察逻辑关系。首段提出文章中心:定期称量自己是一种解任何显著的的体重波动的好方法。空格所在句指出:____,如果太频繁,这种习惯有时会造成损害。前文wonderful way(好方法)与后文hurt(损害)形成转折关系,故填入however(然而)。另外,however也是考研完形填空中的高频词。其他选项:therefore(因此),otherwise (否则)和besides(此外)此处不符合语境,故正确答案为[C] However。 2.[A]helps [B]cares [C]warns [D]reduces 【答案】[D] helps


英语试题 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后。将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号填写在答题卡和试题卷规定的位置上。 2.第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答案不能答在试题卷上。 3.第II卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案; 不准使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷(三部分,共115分) 第一部分:听力部分(共三节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.?19.15.B.?9.15.C.?9.18. 答案是B。 1.Which is Not true about the man? A. He works hard B. He drinks and smokes a lot C. He is healthy. 2. How did the woman feel when she heard t he news? A. She is glad B. She was angry C. She was upset. 3. When does the next bus leave? A. At 9:10 B. At 9:15 C. At 9:20 4. What do you think of Jane’s job? A. Good B. Very bad C. Not very good. 5. What does the man mean? A. He is unable to help the woman. B. He is very glad to offer his help. C. He promises to think about how to help the woman. 第二节(共15小题;每小题l.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. How did the woman like the lecture? A. She thought it interesting B. She thought it useless C. She thought it important. 7. What’s the woman’s opinion about future power? A. New machines will be invented to work on coal mines.


2019年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题答案详解 Section I Use of English 1、【答案】C.Few【试题考点】词义辨析和上下文语境 【解析】此题词义辨析和上下文语境。首句为主题句:今天,我们生活在一个GPS系统,数字地图和其他导航应用程序都在我们的智能手机上唾手可得的世界。空格所在句指出:我们中_____在没有电话,个人GPS或其他导航工具的情况下直接走进树林。本句有without 与few构成双重否定表肯定,根据语义应该填入few(几乎没有人),符合文意。 2、【答案】C.run【试题考点】词组搭配 【解析】此题考查词组搭配。run on battery表示手机用电池发动,运行。其他选项:Put on(穿上;使运转);take on(承担;呈现);come on(快点;开始),语义不通顺。故正确答案为[C] run。 3、【答案】B.If【试题考点】逻辑关系 【解析】此题考查逻辑关系。空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。此处为假设的情况,故填入if(如果)符合上下文的表达。其余选项:Since(因为;自从),though(虽然),until(直到)带入后,语义不通顺。故正确答案为[B]If。 4、【答案】D.literally【试题考点】词义辨析 【解析】空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。此处literally表示确实地,真正地,带入原文语义通顺:你的确找不到北方。其余选项:Formally(正式地),relatively(相对地),gradually(逐渐地)带入后,语义不通顺。故正确答案为[D]literally. 5、【答案】A.back【试题考点】词义辨析和上下文语境 【解析】空格所在句译文:____你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北方,我们有一些技巧可以帮助你导航____文明。前文讲lost(迷路),此处填入back(回到)文明之地相互呼应,故正确答案为[A]back。 6、【答案】[B]off【试题考点】词义辨析和词组搭配 【解析】此处考察词义辨析和词组搭配。空格所在句的句意为:当你____路径,但不是完全______的区域,你需要回答两个问题:在这个特殊区域,哪儿条路是下坡?哪儿里有最


【2019最新】高三英语入学摸底考试试 题卫星班(1) 说明: 1.本试卷分不包含听力,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2.将选择题答案代表字母填(涂)在第II卷的答题表(答题卡)中。 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The Costa Book Awards consistently pick winners that are both of the moment and subsequently endure. It’s our pleasure to confirm this year’s Category Winners. First Novel Award Winner

Book: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine Author: Gail Honeyman Biography Award Winner Book: In the Days ofRain Author: Rebecca Stott Poetry Award Winner Book: Inside the Wave Author: Helen Dunmore To be alive is to be inside the wave, always travelling until it breaks and is gone. These poems are concerned with the borderline between the living and the dead — the underworld and the human living world - and the acutely intense being ofboth. Children’s Award Winner Book: The Explorer Author: Katherine Rundell, Hannah Horn 21.What kind of life does Eleanor lead? A. boring and lonely. B. funny and touching.


淄博市2020届一模考试英语答题纸 答题纸共两页:第一页写小作文(拍为照片一);第二页写大作文(拍为照片二)第一节应用文写作(满分15分) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


2019年考研已经结束,为方便考生备考,特整理2019年全国硕士研究生考试真题,供各位考生复习使用,以下是2019年英语(一)考研真题及答案解析。 Section ⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones. 1 of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone. But phones 2 on batteries, and batteries can die faster than we realize. 3 you get lost without a phone or a compass, and you 4 can’t find north, a few tricks to help you navigate 5 to civilization, one of which is to follow the land... When you find yourself well 6 a trail, but not in a completely 7 area, you have to answer two questions: Which 8 is downhill, in this particular area And where is the nearest water source Humans overwhelmingly live in valleys, and on supplies of fresh water. 9 , if you head downhill, and follow any H2O you find, you should 10 see signs of people. If you’ve explored the area before, keep an eye out for familiar sights—you may be 11 how quickly identifying a distinctive rock or tree can restore your bearings. Another 12 : Climb high and look for signs of human habitation. 13 , even in dense forest, you should be able to 14 gaps in the tree line due to roads, train tracks, and other paths people carve 15 the woods. Head toward these 16 to find a way out. At night, scan the horizon for 17 light sources, such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution. 18 , assuming you’re lost in an area humans tend to frequent, look for the 19 we leave on


贯彻落实创新驱动发展战略打造九创新名片(最新、 最全答案) 考试时间:2019-07-19 100分 1.创新发展生态环保过程中,到2020年,开工建设生活垃圾处理设施项 目()个,开工建设生活垃圾填埋场设施提标改造和旧垃圾场整治项目()个。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.4;4 o B.4;1 o C.4;2 o D.4;3 ? 2.为了提高综合开发水平,发展海洋经济,下面()不属于要发展研制的食品和生物制品。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.具有特效的海洋功能食品 o B.具有高附加值的海洋生物制品 o C.具有高价值的海洋功能食品 o D.具有高附加值的海洋功能食品 ? 3.大力推进高端铝产品产业创新发展,通过()年时间,力争建成全国领先的铝加工产业研发创新高地。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.8

o B.3 o C.10 o D.5 ? 4.下列不属于实施典型固体废物资源综合利用设施建设工程主要容的是()。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.推进边远、交通不便利的县(市、区)建设医疗废物收集、中转站,督促现有医疗废物处置项目加强运输工具投入,确保各设 区市医疗废物得到及时安全处置 o B.推进建设动力蓄电池回收利用产业体系,构建闭环管理机制,落实企业相关责任,建立符合我区发展特点的动力蓄电池回收利用 产业体系 o C.推进新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池无害化处置与回收处理项目 o D.推进固体废弃物综合利用循环产业链建设,以锡、锑、铅、锌、铟等有色金属为主的资源开发和就地精深加工 ? 5.特色农业是以追求()和提高产品市场竞争力为目的,不能为了“特” 而特。要尊重规律,要以效益为先,安全为本。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.最大的经济效益和最优的生态效益、社会效益 o B.最大的经济效益 o C.最佳的社会效益 o D.最优的生态效益


高三上学期英语入学考试试卷 一、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30 分) 1. 阅读理解 Washer instructions for use Use by steps: 1 See whether the power supply and waterinlet; 2 Put clothes into appropriate detergent , cover roof; 3 Deciding on the number of coin laundryprocess choice , a dollar coin as a single drying, fivedollars for the quick wash, double the standard wash; 4 When choosing single dewatering program,pay one dollar to press the red button in the panel; washing machine start runningsingle dewatering program; when choosing fast programs, after five yuan coin, pressthe red button on the panel, and washing machine start running fast wash program;when choosing standard wash program, washing machine into the washing. Program settings: Fees/ coins Workinglevel Washingprocedure Washingresults Onedollar


2019年英语(一)考研真题 Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones. 1 of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone. But phones 2 on batteries, and batteries can die faster than we realize. 3 you get lost without a phone or a compass, and you 4 can’t find north, a few tr icks to help you navigate 5 to civilization, one of which is to follow the land... When you find yourself well 6 a trail, but not in a completely 7 area, you have to answer two questions: Which 8 is downhill, in this particular area? And where is the nearest water source? Humans overwhelmingly live in valleys, and on supplies of fresh water. 9 , if you head downhill, and follow any H2O you find, you should 10 see signs of people. If you’ve explored the area before, keep an eye out for familiar sights—you may be 11 how quickly identifying a distinctive rock or tree can restore your bearings. Another 12 : Climb high and look for signs of human habitation. 13 , even in dense forest, you should be able to 14 gaps in the tree line due to roads, train tracks, and other paths people carve 15 the woods. Head toward these 16 to find a way out. At night, scan the horizon for 17 light sources, such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution. 18 , assuming you’re lost in an area humans tend t o frequent, look for the 19 we leave on the landscape. Trail blazes, tire tracks, and other features can 20 you to civilization. 1. [A]Some [B]Most [C]Few [D]All 2. [A]put[B]take[C]run [D]come 3. [A]Since [B] If [C] Though [D]Until 4. [A]formally [B] relatively [C] gradually [D] literally 5. [A] back [B] next [C] around [D] away 6. [A]onto [B]off[C]across [D]alone


? 1.()就是高速荷能粒子轰击的目标材料。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.有色金属 o B.石墨烯 o C.靶材 o D.稀土 ? 2.()为广西引进更多高端人才搭建了新的平台,也将极大提升北海海洋科研创新人才的培养水平,为北海建设南方海洋科技城、助推广西海洋经济发展提供强有力的智力支撑。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.广西海洋经济发展研究所 o B.南方海洋科技城 o C.北海海洋科研创新示范园 o D.北海海洋产业科技园 ? 3.为了汇聚创新资源、凝聚创新力量、集聚创新优势,发挥科技创新在广西经济社会发展中“第一动力”的作用,自治区党委、政府提出了“三个坚持、五大突破、七项任务、九张名片”的发展思路。()不属于“七项任务”的内容。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.创新能力提升 o B.开放合作深化 o C.人才创新激发 o D.创新创业涌现 ? 4.()不属于探索和推广节能环保服务新业态内容。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.引进域外环保服务 o B.特许经营

o C.环境服务总承包 o D.能源审计 ? 5.广西互联网经济创新发展的意义不包括()。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.互联网经济创新发展有利于发挥广西在中国-东盟经贸合作中的枢纽作用 o B.互联网经济创新发展有利于广西其他优势行业的快速发展 o C.互联网经济创新发展有利于充分发挥广西生态资源优势和民族文化优势 o D.互联网经济创新发展是广西融入全国乃至世界经济体系的需要 ? 6.通过建设全域旅游()服务平台,以分享理念和大数据技术促进广西旅游产业创新发展,实现景区旅游向全域旅游转变。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.大数据 o B.云 o C.数字 o D.网络 ?7.广西贯彻创新驱动发展战略,精心打造九张在全国具有竞争力和影响力的创新名片,下面不属于广西重点打造领域的是()。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.新一代信息技术 o B.网络信息技术 o C.传统优势产业 o D.先进制造业 ?8.扶持一批壮瑶药材知名品牌和知名生产企业,培育发展中药材、()药材种植、中成药品研发、加工和营销产业链。(单选题2分)得分:2分 o A.苗


成都七中高2013级高三入学考试英语试题参考答案2012-08-27. I. 听力:(每空1分,共20分) 1~5 ACBBC 6~10ABCAC 11~15 BCAAB 16. Ryefield 17. 320-428-7859/3204287859 18. monthly 19. Moving/Move 20. August/Aug. II. 单项选择:(每空1分,共15分) 21~25 DCBDB 26~30 DAABD 31~35 DCADB III. 完型填空:(每空1.5分,共30分) 36~40 BCADB 41~45 DABCA46~50 BBDAD 51~55 CACCD IV. 阅读理解:(每空2分,共30分) 56~59 DDCA60~63 CBCD 64~67 CDBD 68~70 CAC V. 任务型阅读:(每空2分,共10分)71~75 CEDFB VI. 翻译:(每空0.5分,共10分) 76. poverty, attention, public, for 77. nutrition, lack, yet/but, of 78. encouraged, team, since, winning 79. suited, perfectly, specially, worth 80. for, retiring, Millions, motivation VII. 短文改错:(每个1分,共10分) Dear Grandpa, How are you those days? I have been missing you very much after I went these since to college a year ago. Whenever I think of the old days, I feel very happily. I happy still remember when I was child, you always held me in your arms and told me a stories till I fall asleep. We often went to the fields to enjoy the pleasant view fell there. Y ou told me the name of different plants and their characteristics. names Gradually, I became interesting in biology and chose to learn biology when I interested entered into the college. Now my friend Ann, together with me, are going to do is field study and the findings will be use as materials for our research. Since used we’ll do the study in our hometown, I hope to see you by then. Y ours, Daisy

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