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Unit1 Asia

Welcome to the unit

1.一个亚洲的国家an Asian country

2.爬台阶很累人I t’s tiring to climb the steps

3.休息一下have/take a break/rest

4.有很长一段路要走There’s a long way to go

5.最好继续前进had better keep moving

6.把我叫醒wake me up

7.在你回来的路上on your way back

8.中国结Chinese knot

9.中国戏曲Chinese opera

10.中国剪纸Chinese paper-cutting

11.一双筷子 a pair of chopsticks

12.舞龙dragon dance

13.一种传统的中国艺术 a traditional Chinese art

14.谢谢你的建议Thank you for your advice/ suggestions


1中国的首都the capital of China

2在这座古老的城市的中心in the middle of the ancient city

3被改造成一个博物馆be turned/ changed into a museum

4值得参观(2种)be (well)worth visiting/ a visit

5最大的城市广场the biggest city square

6一大早聚集在那里看升国旗gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag 7横贯中国北方六千多公里run for over 6,000 kilometres across northern China

8每隔几百米就有烽火台with watchtowers every few hundred metres

9世界奇迹之一one of the wonders

10位于漓江的两侧on both sides of Lijiang River

11不同形状的矗立stand in different shapes

12一个地下溶洞an underground cave

13奇形怪状in unusual shapes

14悬挂下来hang down

15指向上方point upwards

16被赞扬为。。。/被誉为。。。be praised as/ to be…

17乘船沿着。。。旅行take a boat trip along…

18向公众开放be open to the public


1占四分之三的面积take up three quarters of the area

2湖结冰了The lake is frozen

3划船row a boat

4在。。。的两边(2种) on both sides of/ on each side of

5彼此不同be different from each other

6 a 17-hole bridge 一座十七孔洞的桥

7 据说/据报道It’s said/ reported that…

8公共交通public transport

9景点(3种)places of interest/ interesting places/ attraction

10提供一个高级别的服务provide a high level of service

11 It 的用法






含it 的常见句型

①It is + 形容词for sb to do sth

②It is + 形容词of sb to do sth

③It takes … some time to

④It is said/ reported + that 从句

⑤… think(s) /find(s) it easy/difficult/…. to…

Integrated Skills and Study Skills

1离开A地去B地leave A for B

2动身出发去某地leave for……

3一个文化古城an ancient city of culture

4去某地旅行(3种)travel to sp/ take a tour of sp/ have a trip to sp

5看主要景点see the main sights

6艺术品works of art

7乘长途大巴去某地take a coach to sp/ go to sp by coach

8品尝各种美食try all kinds of food

9我们在日本逗留期间during our stay in Japan

10我们的航班our flight

11在东南亚in South East Asia

12一个城市国家 a state country

13五百万人口five million people

14 多数人既能说英语也能说汉语Most people can speak both English and Chinese.


1.英语是第二语言English is their second language

2.超过十亿over one billion

3.有第二大人口数have the second largest population

4.大型的钢铁行业 a large iron and steel industry

5.以它的信息产业而闻名be famous for its IT industry

6.信息产业(全称)information technology

7.很多节日和集会many festivals and fairs

8.传统的女性服装traditional clothes for Indian women

9.和当地人交流communicate with local people

10.主要作物main crops

11.在印度电影中in Indian films

12 … is a great country/wonderful place to visit.

13 It lies in …

14 … is well worth a visit /worth visiting.

15 … is one of the wonders of the world.



一、it 作人称代词的用法

◆1. 指事物

作为人称代词,it 可以除人以外的一切事物或动物。如:I dropped my watch and it broke. 我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。

◆2. 指人

it 指人主要用于指不性别不明的婴儿或用于确认某人的身份。如:

Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩?

There is a knock on the door. It must be the postman. 有人在敲门,一定是邮递员。

【说明】在答语中,常用来指本人,如说It’s me。

◆3. 代替某些代词

代词it 还可用于代替指示代词this, that 以及复合不定代词something, anything, nothing等。如: