当前位置:文档之家› 2013年同等学力英语语法专项练习题及答案解析(九)




241. Tom, with a dog, ______ standing idly in the corner.

A. was

B. were

C. are

D. will be

242. The manager or his assistant ______ planning to go.

A. was

B. were

C. be

D. will

243. If law and order ______, neither the citizen nor his property is safe.

A. are not preserved

B. is not preserved

C. were not preserved

D. have not been preserved

244. Although the first part is easy, the rest ______.

A. is supposed difficult

B. are difficult

C. has proved difficult

D. could have been difficult

245. None of the members ______ there yet.

A. has arrived

B. arrive

C. had arrived

D. are arriving

246. In that country, the rich ______ richer, and the poor ______ poorer.

A. becomes/becomes

B. become/become

C. are /is

D. is /is

247. “Did you wash the wound?”“Not yet, but I ______.”

A. shall have

B. should have

C. must have

D. may have

248. Susan, you are so lazy. This job ______ hours ago.

A. should finish

B. must have finished

C. could be finished

D. ought to have been finished

249. My umbrella is nowhere to be found. I ______ when I was in the library.

A. must drop it

B. should have drop it

C. must have dropped it

D. had dropped it

250. He was a good runner, so he ______ escape from the police.

A. succeeded to

B. might

C. was able to

D. could

251. ______ you have a pleasant trip!

A. Can

B. Will

C. Shall

D. May

252. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think ______.

A. ought to be said

B. must say

C. have to be said

D. need to say

253. You ______ park your car in front of the main building.

A. mustn’t

B. couldn’t

C. needn’t

D. might not

254. I ______ a cloth coat than a fur coat.

A. rather wear

B. had rather wear

C. would rather wear

D. should wear

255. Your paper ______ any more.

A. need not to be corrected

B. needs not to be corrected

C. doesn’t need to correct

D. doesn’t need to be corrected

256. He was honest about it; he ______, but he didn’t.

A. could tell a lie

B. might tell a lie

C. might have lain

D. could have lied

257. He ______ be the top one in the class he has been absent for half a semester.

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. should not

D. may not

258. ______ you ______ it again?

A. Do /dare to touching

B. Dare /touch

C. Do /dare touching

D. Dare /to touch

259. He ______ be proud of his son.

A. could well

B. may well

C. must well

D. should well

260. “He ______ come before five o’clock”, ordered the manager.

A. can

B. may

C. shall

D. will

261. The book ______ long, but you could hardly call it boring.

A. shall be

B. may be

C. must be

D. would be

262. If he had listened to me, he ______ earlier.

A .might arrive B. had arrived C .might be arriving D. might have arrived

263. By the time she is 50 years old, she ______ an inmate of the prison for over half of her life.

A. would have been

B. will be

C. will have been

D. would be

264. They were anxious for you ______ them.

A. to meeting

B. meet

C. meeting

D. to meet

265. They ______ the trip until the rain stopped.

A .continued B. didn’t continue C. hadn’t continued D. would continue

266. The girl won’t have her lunch before she ______ her homework.

A. will finish

B. finishes

C. had finished

D. finished

267. The athlete ______ training for three hours when the coach told him to break off.

A. have been

B. are

C. had been

D. were

268. The prices ______ going up all the time there in the past few years so that complaints can be heard everywhere. A. keep B. kept C. have kept D. were

269. I ______ to spend the weekend with you, but I couldn’t find any time.

A. hoped

B. had hoped

C. hope

D. are hoping

270. New problems ______ all the time.

A. appear

B. have appeared

C. are appearing

D. are appeared


241. 答案:A

解析:with 是介词短语,不是主语的主体,故此句主语是单数名词Tom, 其后的谓

语动词须用单数形式。又如:He, with four cats around, was only thirteen. 但:He and four cats were admitted into the bar.

242. 答案:A

解析:主语两个部分间用的是选择连词or,其前后均为单数名词,故应按单数看待。又如:The lion or the rhinoceros is under great care.

243. 答案:B

解析:law and order 是单数概念,故用单数谓语动词。例如:The bread and butter is typical of western food. 244. 答案:B

解析:此句中the rest = the rest parts ,故用复数谓语动词形式。例如:Out of the ten bags of rice, two have been sold and the rest eight bags of rice have been eaten.

245. 答案:A

解析:none of the members = no one of the members,故用单数谓语动词。再如:None (no one, not anyone, not a single one) of the booklets has been revised.

246. 答案:B

解析:the rich 、the poor 是the rich people 和the poor people 的缩略形式,是形容词当复数名词用,故谓语动

词用复数。再如:The wounded were all healed because of excellent medical care.

247. 答案:B

解析:“过去应该做而未做的事”用should have done 这种属于虚拟语气的形式,如:His father died. He thought that he should have done more for him while he was alive.

248. 答案:D

解析:ought to 比should 语气强。ought to (should) have done 表示“过去本该做而未做”。因为是被动的意思,所以加上been 。如:He arrived late, but he ought to(should)have come earlier. /He ought to(should)have been made to finish his work but he left without telling anybody.

249. 答案:C

解析:must have done sth. 表示“比较准确地猜测过去某事”的意思,如:There is something wrong with her voice. She must have sung too many songs yesterday evening.

250. 答案:C

解析:be able to do sth.是“有做特别或具体某事的能力”的意思。can 只表示一般的能力。例如:He could swim but was not able to swim hundred thousand meters.

251. 答案:D

解析:may 可以表示祝愿,是一种特殊的虚拟语气,如:May the beloved person live long!

252. 答案:A

解析:we think 在句中是插入语。what ought to be said 中的ought to 比should 语气强。say 是及物动词,在句中用被动语态。再如:You ought to be in charge, for you are the manager. /You should never neglect what ought to be done.

253. 答案:A

解析:must 在肯定句中是“必须”的意思,如:Linda must get the software before next Tuesday. 在否定句和疑问句中则是“不应该”的意思,如:You mustn’t ignore their existence.

254. 答案:C

解析:would rather …than …是固定搭配,表示“宁愿??而不愿??”的意思,如:She would rather stay poor than steal.

255. 答案:D

解析:这里的need 是句子的主要动词,表示“不可或缺地需要”,意思很强,如:You need to wear a formal suit for this occasion. /He needed to be informed of that important message.

256. 答案:D

解析:would have done 是表示虚拟过去。把would 换成could 则有了情态动词“能”的意思,如:Tony did not leave at the appointed time but he could have

started off on time.

257. 答案:A

解析:can 既可以表示“可能性”,也可以表示“能力”。根据句子意思,这里是前一个意思。再如:That can’t be a famous school, for nobody has ever heard of it./ They can’t do heavy work because they are too old. 258. 答案:B

解析:这里dare 作情态动词用,后面跟主要动词,如:Julia dare not put her hand on the tiger. (疑问句:Dare Julia put her hand on the tiger? 否定句:Julia dare not put her hand on the tiger.)

259. 答案:B

解析:may well 是习惯用法,表示“完全、确实”的意思,如:Susan might well change her plan yesterday. /You may well build a larger boat for sea voyage.

260. 答案:C

解析:shall 作情态动词用,可以表示“命令语气很强烈的必须”,如:According to the contract, you shall realize the advance payment one month after the start of the project. /He has said that shall never use the instrument again. 261. 答案:B

解析:may 表示“可能”的意思,如:The weather may be hot, but it doesn’t matter, for the conditioner functions well. may 有时表示允许,如:He may come in now. 原句中的could call 是一种对现在的虚拟语气形式,是委婉的说法,如:I think you could have a drink of this soup now.

262. 答案:D

解析:might have done 为虚拟语气,用来表示猜测过去的事。如:Without our advice, you might not have succeeded. 263. 答案:C

解析:这是将来完成时,表示将来某一点时间前已经完成的动作,如:By August 24

next year she will (shall) have worked there for five years.

264. 答案:D

解析:for you to meet them 在句中是带逻辑主语you 的不定式短语,作状语用。例如:Were they eager for the boss to raise their salary?

265. 答案:C

解析:雨停之前他们没有继续向前走,即hadn’t continued 发生在stopped 之前,故选C 项。再如:They had not gone on with the experiment until(till)all the researchers came to the lab.

266. 答案:B

解析:在表示时间和条件的状语从句中,谓语动词虽然表示将来,但不能用将来时的形式。如:When Jim comes back he will tell you what he has done. /I will not go with you if you don’t tell me the truth. /He wouldn’t go until we gave him what he wanted.

267. 答案:C

解析:had trained (过去已训练)发生在told (告诉)之前,故用过去完成时。例如:His army had been defeated when the reinforcement came to the battle field train. 也可以用作不及物动词,如:You must train hard if you want to join their team.

268. 答案:C

解析:根据can be heard 的时态,主语的谓语动词词组要用“到现在一直保持上升”(have kept + going up)的意思,故选C。再如:Production has been on the rise, so they can live a good life.

269. 答案:B

解析:“希望”发生在couldn’t find 前面,所以hope 用过去完成时。又如:The problem had been solved but he didn’t know.

270. 答案:C

解析:all the time 是一段时间,故谓语动词时态须用进行时,又如:During that period of time John was trying to find a way out for his firm.





2014年同等学力完型填空讲义 一、考试大纲要求及完型填空考查内容 ?本部分共设10题,每题1分,考试时间为10分钟。本部分在一篇难度适中的短文中设置10个空白,每个空白给出4个备选答案,要求考生 从所给备选答案中选出一个最佳答案,使短文完整。 完型填空主要测验学生的语言综合运用能力,包括基础知识的掌握和运用, 对整个文章逻辑联系的理解,在情景中辨析词义的能力以及词组短语搭配的使用 能力,这是大部分考生认为难度最大的考查项目。归根结底,完型填空的题目就是在基本的语法、词汇考点的基础上,再加上阅读的上下穿梭的逻辑能力,所以说完型填空考题是以一合三的考法。 ?重点考查词汇、逻辑关系 二、考点: 1.语法题 (1)语法的2个考点 考点一从句(重点) 考点二非谓语动词——动词-ing形式和-ed分词(次重点) (2)连词的使用方法(语法衔接题) 2.词汇题 (1)简单的同义词、近义词辨析 (2)语义的衔接技巧 3.固定搭配 三、完形填空答题技巧 1. 重视首句,把握开篇 完形填空一般无标题,首句不留空白,是完整的一句。细读此句可以判断文章体裁,预测全文大意和主旨。读懂首句可以帮助建立正确的思维导向,避免误入歧途,对理解全文起重要的作用。 2. 阅读全文,掌握大意 速读全文要一气呵成,尽管有空格,生词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去,不 要急于看选项。一遍读不懂可以再迅速读一遍,直到明了大意(who, when, where, what),掌握梗概,总体把握文章内容,结构,时态,语态变化,情节的展开, 结果的形成,然后答题。 3. 前后照应,灵活答题 (1)择优法 (2)排除法 对于一时难以确定的答案,可按空格位置,从语法结构,上下文意,习惯用法, 词义辨析等方面,对选项逐个分析试填。此时,“瞻前顾后”是必要的:即先读所填句,回顾上一句,兼顾下一句。如果一句中有两处填空,要“双管齐下”,在两处同时试填,然后通读全句,确定答案。 4.识别短语注意搭配


人学英语语法专项练习题及答案 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three mon ths. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. rm awfully sorry, but I had no alter native. I simply what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D . had just had 4. Ever si nee the family moved to the suburbs last year, they better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjo yed C. have bee n enjoying D. are enjo ying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I my old house yet, so at the mome nt I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D . do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I A. finish what I did B. fin is hed what I did C. would finish what I was doi ng D. fini shed wha t I was doi ng 7. He whe n the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt h imself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurti n g himself 8. I suppose that when 1 come back in ten years' time all those o ld houses dow n. A. will have bee n pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulli ng D. will b e pulled 9. Bob's leg got hurt the Purple Mountains. A. while he is climbi ng up B. while we were climb ing up


语法填空专项训练 1 Before the 17th century, most of the native English speakers lived in England. After the 17th century, British people began to move to other ___66___ (country). Gradually, English was spoken there. At present ___67___ (many) people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before. ___68___ (luck), native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. English ___69___ (change) and developed when cultures met and communicated with each other over the past centuries. The English ___70___ (speak) in England between about AD450 and 1150 was very different ___71___ the modern English we speak today. It was the new settlers that enriched the English language and ___72___ (especial) its vocabulary. The English language was settled by the 19th century ___73___ two big changes in English spelling happened. English now is also spoken as a foreign ___74___second language in South Asia. China may have the ___75___ (large) number of English learners. 66.【答案】countries 【解析】考查名词。country是可数名词,此处由other修饰用复数形式,指其他的国家。故填countries. 67. 【答案】more 【解析】考查比较级。根据句中的than ever before可知含有和以前比较的意思,要用比较级表示更多的人,故填more. 68. 【答案】Luckily 【解析】考查副词。此处单独使用作状语要用副词形式,指“幸运的是”,故填Luckily. 69. 【答案】has changed 【解析】考查时态。根据句意和时间状语over the past centuries可知与现在完成时连用,主语是单数,故填has changed. 70. 【答案】spoken 【解析】考查过去分词。English和动词speak是被动关系,此处是过去分词作定语,故填spoken.


2013年同等学力英语语法专项复习:虚拟语气 一、总述 虚拟语气(subjunctive mood )用来表示说话人的愿望、请求、意图、建议、怀疑、设想等未能或不可能成为事实的情况,以及在说话人看来实现可能性很小的情况。由于虚拟语气是动词的一种特殊表现形式,因而动词的变化形式体现出虚拟语气所包含的不同含义。虚拟语气用于非真实条件句时的构成如下表所述: 二、重要考点 1. 在非真实条件句中,有时从句的动词所表示的动作和主句的动词所表示的动作并不同时发生,这样的条件句中使用的虚拟式称为混合虚拟式。其构成视具体情况而定。例如: If I had taken my raincoat when I came out this morning, I would not be wet now. If I were you, I wouldn’t have missed the film last night. 2. 引导非真实条件从句的连词if 在正式文体中有时可以省去, were、had、should 等非行为动词这时应提到从句句首。 例如: If I were you, I wouldn’t feel sorry. →Were I you, I wouldn’t feel sorry. 3. 有些句子从表层结构上看是无if 引导的非真实条件句,但从深层意思上看if 是存在的。这种情况下主句动词仍需用虚拟式。这类句子中常出现without (如果没有),but for (要不是),otherwise (否则),but that (若不,后接一从句)等词或词组。例如: But for your help, they couldn’t have succeeded. She wasn’t feeling well. Otherwise,she wouldn’t have left the meeting so early. 4. 在It is + 形容词 + that 从句的句型中,that 引导的主语从句中的谓语动词采用should + 动词原形形式,其中should 常省略。可用于此句型的形容词还有:absurd, advisable, better, best, desirable, (un)fair, fortunate, good, imperative, important, incredible, just, natural, (un) necessary, odd, pleasant, possible, preferable, right, ridiculous, sad, silly, unusual, urgent, vital, wrong 等,表示必要、应该、建议、要求、惊讶、不相信等含义。例如: It’s necessary that we (should) set out at once. It’s proposed that a committee (should) be set up to look into the matter. 5. 具有“提议、建议、请求、命令”等含义的动词所带的从句(包括宾语从句和主语从句)中,谓语动词用should + 动 词原形形式。美国英语多用动词原形,英国英语多用should + 动词原形。有相同用法的动词还有:ask, advise, agree, arrange, beg, command, decide, demand, desire, determine, direct, instruct, insist, intend, maintain, move, order, persuade, pray, propose, recommend, request, require, stipulate, suggest, tell, urge。如: I suggest that we (should) go camping tomorrow. He insisted that our laboratory reports (should) be handed in


大学英语语法专项练习题 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three months. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. I'm awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply _____ what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We ________our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had 4. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they________ better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed C. have been enjoying D. are enjoying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I ______my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D. do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ________. A. finish what I did B. finished what I did C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing 7. He _________when the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt himself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurting himself 8. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all those old houses _______down. A. will have been pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled 9. Bob's leg got hurt ________the Purple Mountains. A. while he is climbing up B. while we were climbing up C. while we climbed up D. while he climbed up 10. Pick me up at 8 o'clock. I _______ my bath by then. A. may have B. will be having C. can have had D. will have had 11. If you smoke in a non-smoking section people________. A. will object B. objected C. must object D. have objected 12. By the end of this month, we surely _______ a satisfactory solution to the problem A. have found B. will be finding C. are finding D. will have found 13. We __________to start our own business, but we never had enough money. A. have hope B. hope C. had hoped D. should hope 14. The gray building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts______ A. are producing B. are produced C. produced D. being produced 15. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television __________the newspaper completely. A. will replace B. have replaced C. replace D. replaced 16. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ________by about 10%. A. will have risen B. has risen C. will be rising D. has been rising 17. Until then, his family___________ from him for six months. A. didn't hear B. hasn’t been hearing C. hasn't heard D. hadn't heard


全国语法填空 两种题型三个思路 虚词考点:一般考点为冠词、介词、连词 纯空格语法填空(共 3 小 题) 词法考点:主要考查名词、代词、数词、形容词和副词等, 解题思路一般是“词类转换”或“适当形式”。 单词的适当形式填空(共 7 小题,每空不超过 3 个 句法考点:主要考查名词单复数形式、形容词(副词)比较 单词) 等级、动词时态语态、非谓语形式等。 题型解读:几种题型? 1.无提示词,共小题。一般考点为、、、 等虚词。 2.单词的适当形式填空(共小题,每空不超过个单词)。 主要考查名词形式、形容词和副词的、 动词的、和等。 无提示词(三空) 1.Tom is 18-year-old boy. 2.Teachers are very friendly us. 3.We had to put off the sports meeting it rained heavily. 4.My sister is good at English, she is weak in math. 5.Jim works hard, he gets good grades. 无提示词(三空 1、名词前一般用(特别注意元音音素开头的名词)或。 2、并例的两个或多个单词、短语或句子之间设空,一般填入连词,表并例用,表选择用,表转折用,表原因用,表结果用 3.介词固定搭配需牢记。 二、提示词为动词: 1.Mary (read) the book since three o’clock. 2.The room (clean) yesterday. 3.They went to the country (have) a picnic. 4. (eat) more vegetables is good for our health. 5.Jim practices (run) every day. 6.We need something (drink). 7.It ’s important for us (learn) English well. 8.My mother made me (do) the dishes last night. 9.I saw him (watch) TV when I came into the room. 10.I was (surprise) when I heard the news. 11.Most people like (interest) stories. 12.They jumped up and down in (excite


九年级英语语法填空专项练习题 一、英语语法填空汇编 1.语法填空 I recently heard a story about a famous scientist. Because of his great achievements, he was thought to be more creative than the common person. When he ________(ask)why he was able to do this, he gave the answer. It all came from an experience with his mother when he was about three years old." I ________(try)to get a bottle of milk from the fridge when I dropped the bottle and it fell. spilling(滋出)the milk all over the floor-a sea of milk!I was frightened and I didn't know what to do!" he said. His mother heard the noise and got into the kitchen. "I ________(consider)how to explain all this to you. Mum." he said. Instead of ________him, she said. "Robert, what a great mess you have made! I ________(not see)such a huge sea of milk before! Well, since the milk has already been spilled, would you like ________(play)in the milk for a while? We ________(clean)it up after that." Then, he did so. After a few minutes. His mother said. "You know. Robert. whenever you ________a mess like this, finally you have to clean it up." He used a sponge(海绵)and together they cleaned up the spilled milk. His mother then said. "You know, we ________how to successfully carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands just now. Let's go to the yard and fill the bottle with water to see if you ________(discover)a way to carry it." Then the little boy learned that if he grasped (抓紧)the bottle at the top with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson! 【答案】was asked;was trying;am considering;punishing;haven't seen;to play;will clean;make;failed;can discover 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述一位著名科学家的故事,作者从冰箱里拿牛奶时,不小心把奶瓶掉下地了,牛奶溅到到处都是,但是他妈妈并没有因此惩罚他,而是借此教育了他,他学会了如果他抓紧瓶子顶部,他便可以把它拿起而不会掉下它。 (1)句意:当他被问为什么他会这样做,他给了答案。根据was,可知用过去时,ask 问,he和ask之间是被动关系,用过去时的被动语态,其结构为be+过去分词,主语是he,be动词用was,ask的过去分词是asked,故填was asked。 (2)句意:我正在努力从冰箱里拿一瓶牛奶的时候,突然我落下的瓶子,并且它掉了下来。此处表示我正在努力去牛奶的时候,恰好这时另一件事发生了,主句用过去将来时,主语是I,be动词用was,故填was trying。 (3)句意:他说“妈妈,我正在考虑怎样向你解释整个这件事。”consider考虑,动词,他妈妈金厨房时,他正在考虑怎样向妈妈解释,直接引语用现在进行时,其结构为be+现在分词,主语是I,be动词用am,consider的现在分词是considering,故填am considering。(4)句意:没有惩罚他,她说。“罗伯特,你搞得多么乱啊!我以前没有看见如此多的牛奶。根据常识,一般弄掉了牛奶,应该会受到惩罚,但是主人公的母亲并没有惩罚他,punish惩罚,动词,instead of后接动名词,punish的动名词是punishing,故填punishing。


在职研究生同等学力申硕英语备考经验汇总 一、复习方法篇 1、如何高效增加词汇量 1)不要背书 大部分人背书都是背了后面忘了前面,正襟危坐几个小时,其实记住的单词没几个,为什么?因为人的瞬时记忆力只能记忆5-7个东西,比如你妈妈叫你去买菜,七样以内你能记住,要是十几样你就得用笔记了。因此背书没用,那怎么办?就是分组背,记一组,测试一组,再记下一组。(刘毅的背单词的书就是按照这个原理来设计的) 2)不要用整段时间来背单词 我看过很多人的每日计划,什么几点到几点是背单词时间。这个没用,你花几个小时光背单词,记忆效率绝对很低,脑袋都木掉,合上书一个字也想不起来。一些英语牛人就一个背单词方法——小卡片。每天没事就拿出来看一下,坚持不懈,效果绝对好。 3)在遗忘临界点复习 有个伟大的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线,非常厉害,只要按照那个曲线在遗忘临界点复习,5次复习就可以终身不忘。可以在第1、2、5、15、30、60天把单词再重复看一遍! 4)语境记忆 背单词绝对不能没有例句,中文的一个词你可以对他有很多种解释,英文也一样,如果没有例句帮你体会单词用法,光背词意在真正阅读的时候一定会抓瞎。(刘毅的背单词的书每个单词都有例句) 5)巧用学习工具 现在科技发达,学习工具很多,巧加利用才能事半功倍。我用的是Nokia N73手机,里面有英汉词典,遇到不懂的单词随时用来查,同时也可以把一些单词作为提示有空的时候拿来看。 6)背记单词必须和做真题结合起来 因为单词必须得放到文章中能够认知才叫记住了单词这样单词的记忆会达到事半功倍的效果。传统的每天只是拿着单词书死记硬背是不科学的也是效率最低的。

在单词有了进步之后,你会发现不管是汉译英还是英译汉都不在害怕。但是前提仍然是,多多练习。熟能生巧,翻译多了,跟好的翻译答案对照之后,你会发现好多“的字结构”“使字结构”“无主句”等等之类的句子其实翻译方法是很有章可循的,翻译多了,你会知道什么情况下用被动结构,什么情况下用强调结构,这些能力的前提是必须得多多练习。 2、疯狂做往年的真题并且做后花长时间认真分析 认真做每年的真题,尤其是一些有考验经验的人推荐的真题。争取三天一套,做的时候要卡着时间。做完后要理科对照着正确答案认真分析。做完一套真题可能只需要三个小时的时间,但是做完之后的分析却需要6个小时。所以按照在职学习人的时间来算,三天做一套真题节奏刚好。即便是你做过一遍之后,答案已经背下来了,也仍然要认认真真地做真题,把真题的阅读理解和完形填空作为精读的材料去认真详细地分析每一个句子,攻下你在真题里碰到的每一个生词。 做真题有几大好处,一是通过反复做真题,你可以记住大纲里80%的单词;二是通过反复做真题,你可以熟悉阅读理解完形填空的文章风格和真题出题思路,到考试的时候才不会不适应,尤其是近5年的试题;三是真题的阅读理解其实就是很好很地道的说明文和议论文,熟读之后你会发现里面有好多很精美很地道的句子,拿来用到自己的作文里非常的出彩。三是通过精读真题的阅读理解和完形填空,基本上你第二卷的英译汉已经不成问题了。(第二卷的作文和英译汉通过做真题完全可以搞定了)。 3、针对09新大纲复习对策 今年的英语考试大纲试卷一考试内容与以往相比,去掉了辨识错误部分,保留了会话技能、词汇、阅读理解、综合填空4部分内容。也就是说在考试时间不变的情况下,考试内容减少,试卷难度也就相应降低,对考生而言是好消息。以往,辨错题是试卷中唯一直接考查语法结构题目,新大纲调整后,考生就不需要记忆细小语法知识,更利于考生的英语复习。 专家认为辨识错误部分的5分可能会加到阅读理解部分或词汇部分。根据新大纲中的样题看,2009年英语考试阅读理解部分分值预计会增加,由25分变成30分,题目数量也相应从25个增至30个。同时,新大纲删除500多个旧词增加1220多个新词和50个常用词组。词汇量要求提高预示着今年的英语水平考试难度可能比以往会加大。 面对新大纲词汇量增加的问题,考生可以采用像滚雪球一样的方法记忆。在复习词汇时,首先从掌握大学英语四六级考试要求的词汇入手,每天定时定量地完成背诵内容,第二天,将学过的单词默写几遍,以加深印象。这个阶段大概需要3个月的时间,然后进入背诵考研词汇阶段,考生可选择一本考研核心词汇作为辅助记忆参考书。但是不要认为单词一遍就记住了,记单词的关键是重复记忆。按照记忆曲线,记忆7次一般就差不多记住了,但是还有很少的一部分单词不能记住。他在记完7次以后,把仍然记不住的单词抄在卡片上。正面写着英文单词、词性、音标;背面写着意思、助记法等。


英语语法填空练习题及答案 一、高中英语语法填空 1.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 New Year's Eve is the last day of the year. It is always an exciting time because people look forward to ________(welcome) a new year. It is also a good time to think back and say goodbye to the old year. New Year's Eve is a ________(nation) holiday for many people around the world. In a lot of countries , people go back to their hometown for the New Year, so usually the trains and buses________(pack) with people. In England, there is always a New Year's Eve party, ________ is usually held at someone's home and the host invites friends, families and neighbors. The living room becomes a mini disco as everyone dances________ loud music. I have lots of good ________(memory) of New Year's Eve . I once spent one freezing New Year's Eve in Trafalgar Square in the center of London. It snowed and was ________(bitter) cold . I also spent many wonderful New Year's Eves in Japan. There, it is a tradition________(visit) a shrine(圣坛)and pray for good things. I think wherever you are, New Year's Eve is always ________exciting day. Maybe the last way to welcome the New Year ________(be)watching amazing fireworks displays in the world's cities. 【答案】 welcoming;national;are packed;which;to;memories;bitterly;to visit;an;is 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,对世界各地的许多人来说,除夕是国家的假日。作者回忆了除夕的许多美好记忆。 (1)考查非谓语动词。句意:这总是一个令人兴奋的时刻,因为人们期待着迎接新的一年。look forward to固定短语,“期待”,to是介词,后面接动名词,所以填welcoming。(2)考查形容词。句意:对世界各地的许多人来说,除夕是国家的假日。该空修饰名词holiday,用形容词,所以填national。 (3)考查时态语态。句意:在很多国家,人们会回老家过年,所以通常火车和公共汽车上都挤满了人。描述经常或反复发生的动作,用一般现在时。"火车和公共汽车"与"挤满"之间是被动关系,用被动语态,所以填are packed。 (4)考查定语从句。句意:在英国,人们通常在某人家里举行新年晚会,邀请朋友、家人和邻居。_________ is usually held at someone's home and the host invites friends, families and neighbors.是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是a New Year's Eve party,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,故填which。 (5)考查介词。句意:客厅变成了一个迷你迪斯科舞厅,每个人都随着响亮的音乐跳舞。dance to固定短语,“随着……起舞”,故填to。 (6)考查名词。句意:我对除夕有很多美好的回忆。"美好的回忆"是复数意义,用名词复数,故填memories。 (7)考查副词。句意:天下着雪,冷得刺骨。修饰形容词cold,用副词,故填bitterly。(8)考查非谓语动词。句意:在那里,参拜神社并祈求好运是一种传统。不定式作主语,一般用it作形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置,故填to visit。 (9)考查冠词。句意:我想无论你在哪里,除夕总是一个令人兴奋的日子。泛指"一个令


九年级上册英语期末专项复习——词汇与语法 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. I don't know the (发音)of "chopstick". 2. As a teacher. you should be (耐心的) with your students. 3. The number of family cars (增加) all the time. 4. He called (高声地) for help. 5. What's the (秘密) to your success? 6. I'll ask one of my(亲戚) to look after the children. 7. I gave ten(英镑) in payment for the goods I bought. 8. The thief always(偷) things at night. 9.(无论谁) did this will be punished sooner or later. 10. Nan Qian(仰慕) her piano teacher very much. 11. I am interested in collecting (票). 12. He came over and sat (在……旁边) me. 13. Tom (邮寄) Mary a postcard every year. 14. I don't like a house without a (浴室).15. Choose the (正确的) one from these words. 16. Tom is very h. He always makes us laugh. 17. The(得分)was 3 to 1 in the first half. 18.A(私人的) small garden lies on the right side of the main door. 19. They were(守卫) the bridge when we got there. 20. Mary is(缺席) today. Can she be ill again? 21. The company (生产) many computers every day. 22. The man put an advertisement in the (当地的) paper to sell his car. 23.-Where do these people work? -In the post office. They are (邮逆员). 24. The Internet has become part of (日常的)life. 25. My father gave me a (可移动的) phone as my birthday gift yesterday. 26. Her dress are out of s so she wants to buy a new one. 27. I don't like lemons, because they’re too s . 28. Mother has the habit of making shopping (清单) when she goes



同等学力英语比较状语从句 常见引导词:as(同级比较), than(不同程度的比较) 特殊引导词:the more … the more … ; just as …, so…; A is to B what /as X is to Y; no … more than; not A so much as B She is as bad-tempered as her mother. 她和她妈一样脾气暴躁。 The house is three times as big as ours. 这所房子是我们的三倍大。 The more you exercise, the healthier you will be. 越锻炼你就越健康。 Food is to men what oil is to machine. 食物之于人,犹如油之于机器。 同等学力英语让步状语从句 引导让步状语从句的连词和词组:although, though(虽然);even if,even though(即使);as,while(尽管);whether…or(不论……还是);whoever,no matter who(无论谁);

whenever, no matter when(无论何时);however,no matter how(无论怎样);whatever,no matter what(无论什么)等。 (1)although和though都表示“虽然”,但although比though正式,更多用于句首;二者都可与yet,still或nevertheless连用,但不能和but连用: He didn’t stop working though(或although)he was ill. 她虽然病了,但未停止工作。 (2)as引导的让步状语从句要用倒装语序,可用though代替,但比though语气强,被倒装的部分能够是表语、状语和动词原形: Child as(或though)he is, he knows a lot.[表语;名词] 她虽然是个孩子,但懂得很多。 ▲当表语是可数名词单数时,不能加不定冠词a (或an)。 Good as he is, he will never be top of his class.[表语;形容词] 她虽然很好,但她决不会成为班上的尖子。 Hard as(或though)he works, he makes little


英语语法练习题 名词 1. This is ___ reading-room. A. the teacher’s B. teacher’s C. teacher’s D. the teachers’ 2. Nothing was found but ___ broken. A. the room window B. the room’s window C. the room of the window D. the window of room 3. How many___ would you like? A. paper B. bread C. pieces of papers D. pieces of bread 4. He was praised for his ___. A. brave B. bravery C. bravely D. great brave 5. Please get me a new ___ when you go to town. A. clothes B. dress C. clothing D. trousers 6. There are 34___ doctors in the hospital. A. woman B. women C. woman’s D. women’s 7. Some___ are even thinner than your little finger. A. bamboo B. bamboos C. kinds of bamboo D. kinds of bamboos 8. He was born in this town and now he lives in ___. A. Building second B. Building Two C. the Building Two D. Building the Second 9. Old as he is, he has ___to do every day. A. a lot of work B. much works C. lots of homeworks D. quite a lot of homeworks 10. Jack’s room is furnished with ___. A. new furnitures B. many new furnitures C. many new pieces of furnitures D. many new pieces of furniture 11. Have you read ___newspaper yet? A. today’s B. Today’s C. the today’s D. your today’s 12. It’s not far, only ___walk from here to our school. A. a ten minutes B. ten minutes C. a ten minutes’ D. ten minutes’ 13. Last month, he wrote me ___letter. A. a 1000-word B. 1000 words C. a 1000-words D. 1000 words’ 14. He had a ___sleep yesterday. A. a good night B. a good-night C. a g ood night’s D. good-night’s 15. ___is not a long way to drive. A. Three miles distance B. Three-mile distance

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