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Unit 1 school life Lesson 1 Class 班 拆分:C—(形象)月亮la—(拼音)拉ss—(形象)两条蛇 联想:月亮拉着两条蛇来到我们班上课。 Grade 年级 拆分:gr—(拼音)怪人ade—(拼音)阿黛尔 联想:六年级有个怪人名叫阿黛尔。 Clean 打扫;清扫 拆分:cl—(拼音)村落e—(拼音)鹅an—(拼音)俺 联想:村落里的鹅和俺一起打扫教室。 Blackboard 黑板 拆分:bl—(拼音)巴黎a—(英语)一个ck—拼音(刺客)bo—(拼音)博ard—(拼音)艾瑞达 联想:在巴黎刺客也会拿着黑板与博士艾瑞达辩论。 Word 话;单词;用词 拆分:wo—(拼音)我rd—(拼音)弱点 联想:我的弱点就是话太多。 Exercises 练习;运动;使用;锻炼 拆分:ex—(联想)exo erci—(拼音)二次s—(形象)蛇es—(拼音)饿死 拆分EXO练习了二次把蛇饿死的技能。 Drink v.喝 拆分:Dr—(拼音)敌人in—(英语)在~里面k—(拼音)看 联想:敌人在暗地里看人喝毒酒。 Water 水 拆分:wa—(拼音)哇Ter—(拼音)天鹅肉 联想:哇!水煮天鹅肉太好吃了! Wait 等待;等候 拆分:wa—(拼音)蛙it—(英语)它 联想:青蛙在等候它的公主。 Classmate 同学 拆分:c—(形象)月亮la—(拼音)拉ss—(拼音)两条蛇mate—(拼音)mate 联想:月亮拉着两条蛇去会见马特同学。 Lesson n.课程 拆分:le—(拼音)乐ss—(形象)两条蛇on—(英语)在~上 联想:乐乐和两条蛇在本次课程上表现最好! Know 知道 拆分:kn—(拼音)柯南ow—(拼音)欧文 联想:侦探柯南知道大盗欧文在哪里。 Welcome 欢迎 拆分:we—(英语)我们lc—(拼音)凌晨om—(拼音)欧美e—(拼音)鹅 联想:我们凌晨排队欢迎欧美来的鹅。 Family 家庭 拆分:fa—(拼音)发mi—(拼音)米ly—(拼音)鲤鱼


课题 Lesson A Hello! 教学目标: 1.Students can say the words (baby bear, baby lion, Father Christmas) and the dialogue by themselves. They can use Mr./Miss correctly. 2.They may know how to use “Hello” “Hi” in suitable situations. 3.Students can speak out loudly. 教学重难点: 1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of words. 2.Students know how to use “Hello” “Hi” in suitable situations. 3.Students can speak out loudly. 教学过程:

课题Lesson B I Love You! 教学目标: 1. 能听懂会说人称代词I, you, she, he, they, we,要求发音准确理解词义,部分孩 子能根据小诗仿编. 2 .让学生通过直观感知理解小诗,根据歌曲曲调正确理解大意,有一定情绪体验. 3.借助儿歌和歌曲巩固加强所学单词句子,培养创新思维和创新精神. 教学重难点: 1.人称代词的发音。 2.仿编儿歌 3.激发兴趣,培养大声说话唱歌的习惯和乐于交往的个性。 4.)有节奏地朗诵儿歌和富 有情感地演唱歌曲。 教学过程:

课题Lesson C Good-bye! 教学目标: 1 会说本课单词(auntie, uncle, grandpa, grandma),要求正确朗读。. 2 能熟练地说道别语并灵活使用.(Good-bye, Bye-bye, So long) 。 3 在歌曲和小诗教学中注意培养学生听音过程中积极的思维能力。 4 有一定情感体验能主动大胆地表演。 教学重难点: 1.对话、小诗和歌曲。 2.熟练、灵活地使用道别语。 3.Good-bye, Grandpa, Grandma中/d/的发音。 教学过程:


clean the blackboard, clean the classroom , drink water, have a lesson, do word exercises,wait for a classmate, teaching building,art room,music room,computer roo m, teachers' office,library,toilet,playground opposite, sweet potatoes,have a party,tell a story,do spor ts, make a card, ,dining room, walk, coloured lights living room,open the window,close the door, bathroom turn on the light,turn off the light,far, kitchen study,near,turn off the computer,make a tea, cabbage, cook the meals,set the table,do the dishes, moon cakes

wash the cups, look nice,be made of pumpkins,black cat, follow the witch,hate,be afraid of,pie,corn,potato es come down,a pretty Christmas tree,celebrate Chris tmas, give us presents,parents, practice English ,bell


六年级上册句型 1、What are you doing? I’m planting trees./we are playing badminton. /We are waiting for Sam Smith. 2、What is she/he doing? She/He is listening to the teacher…… 3、What class are you in? I’m in Class5,Grade6.What about you? 4、 Where is the music room? It’s on the first/second/third floor. 5、 Nice to see you again. 6、 Let me show you around. 7、What are they doing? They are lighting the candles/writing a card……. 8、When is Teacher’s Day? It’s on September 10th. 9、What do you usually do on this day? We usually send cards or flowers to our teachers. 10、What flowers do you usually send? We usually send carnations. 11、What would you like to drink/eat? I’d like some juice. 12、Where is classroom? It’s beside /opposite the teacher’s office. 13、Do come in. 14、What a nice room. 15、I’m tird.May I have a rest? Yes ,of course. 16、May I play computer games/open the window? Yes,please./Yes,you can 17、Clean the bedroom/Make the bed,please. All right/Ok. 18、Can I help you? Yes,please water the flowers/cook the meal…….


最新川教版小学英语四年级下册全册教案 Unit 1 Meeting a new teacher Lessen 1 who is she? 教学目标: 1、学会与人名有关的专有名词,其中单词King要求听、说、读、写四会。 2、通过师生互动,巩固以前学过的问候语,进一步表达表达与别人再次见面时的愉快心情。 3、能初步使用英语倒装句进行表达,熟练掌握所学字母A—N及首字母为这字母的单词。 4、教师应介词机会促进学生社会交往能力的提高,教学生学会尊敬师长,关心同学。 教学重难点 1、单词Mr Bright ,Snow, White和Monkey King的发音与记忆。 2、能将“How Nine to See You Again!”运用于日常交往。 3、能准确朗读字母A—N,复习学过的首字母为这些字母的单词并能对小诗进行仿编。 课时1—2课时 教学过程: 一、师生问候 二、Magic box单词教学 1、出示新单词。 2、教学新单词。 3、巩固新单词。 三、Structure教学句型“How Nine to See You Again!”“Look! Here comes Summer.”“say hello to…”“Here come …and …” 四、Let’s read

五、Find and circle 六、Let’s talk对话教学。 1、将Summer,LeLe,Ting Ting,Rose的图片和Mr Bright ,Snow White,Monkey King,Cloudy的图片贴在黑板上,学生听音选择正确答案。 2、检测答案。 3、将对话分成两部分,先教学第一部分,边听边提问。 4、学生再听并翻开书跟读。 5、学生分小组练习并表演对话。 6、用同样的教学方法教学对话的第二部分。 7、学生完整的表演对话。 七、完成《课堂活动评价手册》 Lessen 2 Greeting song 教学目标 1、通过本课的学习,掌握表示方向的单词right,left,并做到听、说、读、写四会;动词短语wash my face,wave my arm ,raise my foot,并要求听懂、会说即可。 2、通过本课的学习,能熟练运用“Good morning.”“Good afternoon.”“How Are You?”。等问候语,并逐步掌握用your,my,his,her,left,right等词组。


小六英语上教案 Lesson 1 I’ m New Here Teaching aims: 1.Students can say the words: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2.Students can read the text. 3.Students can listen and number. 1.Words: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2.Students can work in pairs. 3.Students can listen and practice. 1.The pronunciation of the words. 2.Listen and practice the new words. 3.Everybody can learn to introduce himself/herself and his/her friend. Teaching aids: Pictures, tape, recorder, cards. Teaching process: 2periods Period 1 Teaching aims: 1.Students can read the new words. 2.Students can work in pairs. 3.Students can listen and number them. 1.Magic box: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2.Work in pairs. 3.Listen and number. 1.The pronunciation of the words. 2.Let ’ s talk about the dialogue. Teaching aids: Pictures, tape, recorder T:Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Miss Yang!


川教版六年级下册重点复习资料Unit1 different jobs Lesson1 what does your father do 单词:postman \post office\waiter\restaurant\engineer\factor y\on night duty\taxi driver\\bring\sir 重点句子: 1.What do you do I am a pupil. 2.where do you study ? I study at school. does your do,Lele He is an engineer. 4.what does your mother do She is a nurse. Where does she work She works in a hospital. Lesson2 which dress is better < 单词:better cheaper longer bigger taller hotter shorter prettier on sale than usual try on honer suit well marry princess smart 重点句子:dress is tooo short for me. 2.You are taller. need a new dress.. 4.May I have a look at that dress,please ’s on sale on sale now. ’s cheaper than usual. it on,honey. is it -- It’s big/small/good... … dress is better--the yellow one. is this one--this one is the best and prettiest(这个是最好的,也是最好看的). Lesson3 what’s wrong with you 重点单词:must miss match laugh most laughter(笑声)equal relax(放松)重点短语: a headache a cough a cold a doctor 5.stay in bed some medicine ill at home better do sth well , better not do sth a good rest deeply 重点句子:, I feel ’m sorry to hear that. ’s wrong--I have a headache and a cough. ’d better goto see a doctor. ’s the matter with you--Ihave a headache and a cough. I stay at home’d btter not go to school. some medicine and have a good rest. ; ’ll miss the football match.(我将错过足 球比赛) one thing,laughter is good exercise.(一 方面,笑是很好的运动) you laugh, you also breathe deeply.(当 你笑时,你也会深呼吸) Unit2 Lesson1 when do you get up 重点单词:begin 开始 重点短语:my teeth 2. take exercise 3. play the violin 4. take a shower 5. hour hand 6. minute hand 7.every day to school football with home 11. in the evening · 重点句子:,when do you get up-- I get up at 6 o’clock. 2.You get up so early. 3.I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 4.I have breakfast at 7:30 . 5.I go to school at 7:40 . 6.I have lunch at 12 o’clock. 7.I get home at 5:30 in the after noon. 8.I have dinner at 7 o’clock. 9.| 10.I do my homework at 7:30 . 11.I go to bed at 9:40 in the evening. 12.It’s too late. class begins at 8o’c lock. Lesson2 where shall we meet 重点单词:London Paris New York weekend meet usually sometimes 重点短语:week/year 2. good news 3. I can’t wait problem 5. outside the school gate 6. play the piano badminton shopping ( some cooking taijiquan 重点句子:shall we meet --what about half past seven tomorrow moring. /Let’s meet at 7: tomorrow. 2.Where are we going to meet --Let’s meet outside the school gate. 3.where is he going for his holiday 4.--He is going to Hong Kong.(他将去香港) 5.When is he going to Hong Kong … --Tomorrow morning. 6.--What do you do on the weekend, Tingting --I usually do my homework first,then draw pictures or play the violin. 7.--What does your father do --He reads a book or watches TV. 8.--What does your mather do --She goes shopping and does some cooking. Lesson3 Tell what is it by feeling ^ 重点单词:feel smooth favorite some all grow other health 重点短语:delicious 2. smell sweet 3. look dirty/clean 4.tsound noisy 5. look heavy/light 6. many kinds of ...away 重点句子:,can you tell w h at is it by feeling--It fells round and smooth. 2.--Do you like grapes-- yeah,They are my favorite. 3.~ 4.How does it feel/--It’s feels round and soft,it is a tomato. 5.There are many kinds of apples. 6.All apples grow on trees. 7.Apples are good for our health. 7. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (每天一个苹果,远离医生。) 练习题一、从表格中中找出问句的答语 ()you dance ()is it ()dress is better ()4. Will you marry me ) 二、选词填空Which How What 1. —skirt is prettier —The whit one. 2. —is it —It’s hard. 3. —fruit do you like best —I like bananas best.


Lesson A Hello! 一、教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说本课单词Baby Bear,Baby Lion,Mrs Bear,Mr Bear 以及Miss,能初步理解和正确使用“Mr/Miss/Mrs+姓”的用法。 2. 能听懂、会说本课对话,并能大胆进行表演,要求发音准确,语调自然、流畅。 3. 能较自如地用“Yes”和“I’m here”回答教师的点名。 4. 用“Hello”和“Hi”大胆、自然地向别人问候。 二、教学重、难点: 1. 本课词汇,特别是Mr,Mrs,bear和lion的发音。 2. 听懂对话,灵活使用“Hello”和“Hi”与别人交往。 3. 听懂点名的课堂用语,并用“Yes”和“I’m here”进行回答。 4. 激发学生学习兴趣,鼓励他们大声说英语,大胆与人交流。 三、教学用具:录音机,卡通图片 四、教学过程: 1. Warm-Up :Greeting ---Hello,class! ----Hi,Mi s s Ya ng! 2. Presentation: 1)T: Class, today we will meet some new friends, let’s call them out. Baby be ar,B a by be a r(让学生跟着读,然后出示图片学习。) 2)同法学习Baby lion。 3)听录音跟读Let’s talk, Magic box。 3. Practice: 1)单词游戏Listen and show. What’s missing? 2)角色扮演,创编对话。 3)表演会话。 s Day. 4. Culture:September 10, Teacher’


新路径英语六年级上期期末测试 班级:______ 姓名:______ 得分:_____ 听力部分(50分) 一、听单词,选择你所听到的单词。(10分) ()1、A、boat B、coat C、goat ()2、A、classroom B、classmate C、class ()3、A、bathroom B、bedroom C、living room ()4、A、teaching building B、teathers’ office C、Teacher s’ Day ()5、A、fairy B、angel C、witch ()6、A、lantern B、pumpkin C、fireworks ()7、A、meal B、tea C、meat ()8、A、drink B、eat C、use ()9、A、lettuce B、cabbage C、sweet potato ()10、A、computer room B、music room C、art room 二、听句子,为下面的句子排序。(10分) ()Put a candle in it. ()Cut the holes for the eyes, nose and mouth.. ()Top a tangerine. ()Make two small holes. Tie string to the tangerine. ()Take out the middle. 三、听句子,判断正误,正确的“T”错误的写“F”。(10分) ()1、This is a pumpkin. ()2、The potato is not big. ()3、He is cleaning the blackboard.


学习必备欢迎下载 六年级上册英语练习 第一课 )1、A. zoo B. room C. book )2、A. cook B. moon C. spoon ) 3、A. look B. good C. food )4、A. wood B. root C. foot drive(名词)2、sing(名词) teach(名词)4、policeman(复数) swim(现在分词)6、do(三人称单数形式)can’t(完整形式)8、let us(缩写形式) sleep(现在分词)10、wait(名词) )1.My father is doctor. a B. an C. the ) 2.It’s time work. in B. at C. for ) 3. about your father? Which B. How C. When ) 4.What you ? I’m a nurse. do, do B. do, does C. does, do ) 5.A cook is cookies. cooks B. cooking C. cook )1.你问对方,那个男人是做什么的,你会问: A.What does he do ? B. What do you do? C. What does she do? ()2.你告诉对方你的爸爸是一位出租车司机,你会说: A.My mother is a taxi driver. B. My father is a taxi driver. C. My father is a doctor. ()3.你想知道对方正在干什么,你会问: A.What are you doing? B. He’s swimming. C. What is he doing? ()4.你想要的一些汤,你会对服务员说: A.Bring me some chicken. B. The soup is very good. C. Bring me some soup. ()5.你告诉对方你是一位店员,你会说: A.I’m a bookseller. B. I’m a shop assistant. C. You’re a shop assistant. 五、按要求写句子。 1. It is swimming. (对划线部分提问) 2. He can dance. (改为否定句) 3. I’m a teacher.(对划线部分提问) 4. He’s a farmer. (对划线部分提问) 5. I’m a painter. (改为一般疑问句) 六、连词成句。 1. work it’s for time . 2. his he car works in . 3. father is a driver my taxi . 4. yesterday he on duty night was . 5. some me bring soup .


五 年 级 英 语 下 册 教 案 2016年春季学期平昌县元沱小学

Unit 1 We Love Nature Lesson 1 Planting Trees 教学目标 1.能听懂、会说本课单词,做到理解词义、正确朗读,语调自然。 2.通过本课的学习,能较熟练运用一般将来时态表达自己打算做的 事情。 3.能够听懂对话,并能用英语较熟练地描述植树的过程,同时初步 培养学生根据上下文猜测单词的意识和能力。 4.通过自然拼读法的学习,掌握字母组合ch和tch的发音规律,并 能较灵活地运用所学规律拼读单词。 5.能理解歌曲大意并演唱,有一定的情绪体验。 6.能基本读懂本课的阅读材料,培养学生通过阅读获取信息的能力。 7.培养学生对大自然的热爱和从小树立保护大自然、保护环境的意 识。 教学重点 1.新学短语的正确发音和应用。 2.在不同语境下正确运用句型be going to…. 3.能够听懂对话,并能较自然、流畅地表演对话。 4.熟练掌握字母组合ch和tch的发音规律,并能较灵活地运用所学 规律拼读单词。 教学难点 1.新学短语的正确发音和应用。

2.在不同语境下正确运用句型be going to…. 3.能读懂Read and understand部分的阅读材料,并完成相关练习。教具 本课词组卡片;Work in pairs中有关单词卡片,录音机,磁带。 第一课时 教学内容 1). Work in pairs. 2). Let’s learn: make the bed, sweep the floor, clean the widows 3). Listen and sing: The Spring 教学过程 Step 1师生常规问候 Welcome back to school ! Nice to see you again ! Step 2 复习有关动词词组,为本课教学做铺垫。 Step 3Work in pairs 1.教师出示单词卡片,集中复习Work in pairs 中的动词及动词词组。 watch TV , sing , swim , have breakfast , have a picnic , play ping-pong… 2.创设情景,让学生感知新句型:What are you /they going to do I’m going to …. We /They are going to …. 3.学生进行双人活动,将课标中提供的单词和词组套人句型中练习。Step 4Let’s learn make the bed, sweep the floor, clean the widows


小六英语上教案 Lesson 1 I’m New Here Teaching aims: 1. Students can say the words: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2. Students can read the text. 3. Students can listen and number. Teaching contents: 1. Words: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2. Students can work in pairs. 3. Students can listen and practice. Importance and difficulties: 1. The pronunciation of the words. 2. Listen and practice the new words. 3. Everybody can learn to introduce himself/herself and his/her friend. Teaching aids: Pictures, tape, recorder, cards. Teaching process: 2 periods Period 1 Teaching aims: 1. Students can read the new words. 2. Students can work in pairs. 3. Students can listen and number them. Teaching contents: 1. Magic box: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2. Work in pairs. 3. Listen and number. Importance and difficulties: 1. The pronunciation of the words. 2. Let’s talk about the dialogue. Teaching aids: Pictures, tape, recorder Teaching process: Step 1. Greetings: The teacher and students greet each other. T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Miss Yang! T: Nice to see you again! Ss: Nice to see you, too! Step 2. Work in pairs. The teacher asks: How’s the weather today? S1: It’s warm. T: Look at the pictures. Ss look at them and read together:wash my face, ride a bike, do housework, dig a hole and so on. Then ask students: What are you doing? Ss: I’m planting trees. We are playing badminton. Then students ask and answer into pairs. Step 3. Listen and practice The teacher shows pictures. Ss look at them and follow the teacher: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. Then ask students to read the words. The teacher points to a picture: What is he doing? S1: He is reading a book. Then points to another picture: What is she doing? S2: She is drawing a picture. Then ask students to practice the sentences into pairs. Step 4. Listen and number The teacher plays the tape. Students listen to the tape and number them. ⑴ What class are you in? I’m in Class 7, Grade 6. ⑵ What a re you doing? I’m waiting for


(新路径英语)小学英语六年级上册期末检测试卷 笔试部分(50分) 六、选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) ()1、A、knee B、knife C 、kite ()2、A、yellow B、coat C、paw ()3、A、class B、game C、name ()4、A、floor B、room C、fork ()5、A、count B、mouse C、would 七、选择题。(10分) ()1、What ____ he doing? A、is B、are C、am ()2、Who are they? A、They are bats. B、They are ghosts. C、These are ghosts. ()3、How are you? A、I’m fine. B、I’m nine. C、I’m Tingting. ()4、What are you doing?__________ A、They are practicing English. B、I’m practicing English.摘自小精灵儿童网站 C、I’m practiceing English. ()5、The toilet is ____ the third floor.

A、in B、on C、at ()6 、What would you like____ drink? A、to B、on C、for ()7 、May I___________? A、haveing a look B、having a look C、have a look ()8 、Sit down, please._________摘自小精灵儿童网站A、Thank you. B、Stand up. C、Yes, of course. ()9 、Those are potatoes. ____ potatoes____ big. A、Those , is B、Those ,are C、The ,are ()10 、_____ a pretty Christmas card! A、How B、What C、what 八、找出下列句子中的错误,并改正。(10分) ()1、It’s very hot in nanjing in July.________ A B C ()2、I’m runing on the playground.________ A B C ()3、Where is he doing? He is reading in the study._______ A B C ()4、What would you like drink?_______


2015年小学毕业检测英语试卷 第1页(共7页) 沿滩区2015年小学毕业生学业检测 英 语 试 卷 (试卷满分100分) 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 总分人 得 分 一、写(共计20 分) Ⅰ. 按字母表顺序写出下列每组字母中所缺字母的大小写形式。(10分) 1. Aa Cc 2. Ii Kk 3. Ss Uu 4. Xx Zz 5. Dd Ff 6. Mm Oo 7. Pp Rr 8. Ff Hh 9. Vv Xx 10. Jj Ll Ⅱ. 观察A 栏的图片,从B 栏中找出与划线单词同类的词,再将其抄写入四线三 格内。(6分) A: How does it feel? B: It feels round . A. B . 得分 评卷人 smooth strong music bloom rough library small hard woman soft 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ⅲ.根据问句选择合适的答语,并将其抄写在问句下面的英语格中。(4分)()1. What do you do? ()2. Do you live in New York? ()3. Which one do you like? ()4. What are you going to do? A. We are going to plant trees. B. I like the pink one. C. I’m a bookseller. D. No, I don’t. 得分评卷人 二、单项选择(共计30分) Ⅰ.根据情景选择正确的表达形式。(10分) ( )1. 对别人的到来表示感谢时,应说: A. Thank for your coming. B. Thank for your come. ( )2. 当别人问你为什么喜欢体育时,应怎么回答: A. Why do you like PE best ? B. Because it’s useful. ( )3. 当你想邀请别人吃点水果时,应怎么说: A. What would you like to eat? B. Would you like to eat some fruit? ( )4. 当你看到别人不舒服时,你会问: A. What’s matter with you? B. What’s wrong with you? ( )5. 你要别人帮你沏茶时,应说: A. Make some tea, please. B. Cook some tea, please. Ⅱ.根据上句或答语完成下列对话。(10分) ( )1. A: ? B: He is going to visit Chengdu. 2015年小学毕业检测英语试卷第2页(共7页)


川教版小学英语六年级专项总复习 专题一、词汇 一、学习用品 pen钢笔pencil铅笔ruler尺子bag包 book书eraser橡皮crayon蜡笔sharpener卷笔刀pencil-box铅笔盒school bag书包 . 二、书籍 newspaper报纸post card明信片magazine杂志 comic book漫画书story-book故事书Chinese book语文书math book数学书notebook笔记本English book英语书dictionary词典 二、身体部位 foot脚head头face脸hair头发 nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵 arm手臂hand手finger手指leg腿tail尾巴 三、颜色 $ red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白 black黑pink粉红purple紫 orange橙brown棕 四、动物(animals) cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭cow奶牛frog 青蛙tadpole蝌蚪tortoise乌龟chicken小鸡 rabbit兔horse马elephant大象ant蚂蚁 fish鱼bird鸟snake蛇mouse老鼠bear熊 lion狮子fox狐狸deer鹿panda熊猫hen母鸡cow奶牛donkey驴lamb小羊 sheep绵羊goat山羊tiger老虎monkey猴 ) zebra斑马giraffe长颈鹿rat小老鼠shark鲨鱼 Caterpillar毛虫duckling小鸭子squirrel松鼠parrot鹦鹉butterfly蝴蝶Dragonfly蜻蜓insect昆虫swallow燕子 bat蝙蝠火鸡Turkey

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