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名词use,good,pity,time,fun,bore,a waste of time,worth等作表语时,常用it作形式主语而把真正的主语动名词后置。


1. 常见的只能接动名词不能接不定式作宾语的动词,记住下列动词可以避免在使用时产生错误。

表示“建议”、“完成”、“推迟”和“想像”:suggest, finish, postpone, delay, imagine 表示“需要”、“承认”、“介意”和“原谅”:require,admit,mind,pardon,excuse 表示“避免”、“冒险”、“练”、“逃”和“错过”:avoid, risk, practice, escape, miss

表示“允许”、“考虑”、“理解”和“欢”、“赏”:allow, permit, consider, understand, enjoy, appreciate

2. 常见的可以接动名词作宾语,而且也可用“sb./sth. doing”结构的动词有

appreciate, consider, excuse, mind, propose, suggest, admit, delay,

prevent, decline, forgive等。

3. 但是在advise, allow, permit后,如果提到有关的人,可用动词不定式结构:sb. to do。


动名词作介词宾语常用在某些动词短语后,如insist on. keep on. get used to, see to, pay attention to, take to, equal to, give up, persist in, aim at, believe in, be engaged in, care for, accuse…of, put off, prevent…from, thank…for, devote…to, depend on. set about, be fond of, be tired of, be sick of, succeed in, be keen on, be responsible for, worry about, apologize

for, advise on,feel like, put off, get through, think of, set about, be capable of, dream of, lead to, charge…of等。



Eg. Swimming pool reading room


1. 动名词可以有自己的逻辑主语,有生命的逻,辑主语用所有格或用通格;无生命的用通格;指示代词、不定代词等都用通格。

2. 动名词的复合结构多用作主语和宾语。




2. 动名词完成式(having done)表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。

3. 动名词的被动式(being done)表示其动作的逻辑主语是动名词所表示动作的承受者。



1. Tom admitted ____________ the document in the morning without getting his manager’s permission. (长宁区)

A. read

B. being read

C.to read

D. having read

2. One of the basic principles of wildlife protection involves _______ adequate natural food and shelter to maintain populations of each species in a given environment. (崇明县)

A. provided

B. providing

C. to provide

D. provide

3. Something as simple as______ thoughts openly can make a powerful difference to one’s health. (奉贤区)

A. to share

B. sharing

C. share

D. shared

4. I stayed up late doing my homework yesterday, so I had trouble _____ up early this morning.( 黄浦区)

A. get

B. getting

C. got

D. to get

5. The advertisement convinced Kelly to buy the makeup by _____ her

self-admiration. (静安杨浦青浦宝山)

A. appealing to

B. being appealed to

C. having been appealed to

D. appeal to

6. The man denied anything at the supermarket when questioned by the police. (闵行区)

A. to have stolen

B. to be stealing

C. having stolen

D. to steal

7. ______ in a top-level university abroad is what many students wish for. ( 浦东)

A. Educated

B. Being educated

C. To educate

D. Educating

8. An excellent source of advice about traveling with infants is . It recommends ______ until the baby is 3 months before traveling. (普陀)

A. to wait

B. having waited

C. wait

D. waiting

Keys:1-5 DBBBA 6-8 CBD

9. By _____ classes, the college students are wasting their parents’ money and failing

to treasure the opportunity to acquire knowledge. (宝山区)

A. being avoided

B. to avoid

C. avoiding

D. avoided

10. My son is very shy, but can you imagine _______ at the English party in the

presence of all his classmates and teachers? (崇明区)

A. him to sing

B. him singing

C. him sing

D. his to sing

11. It has been proved that ______ vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life. (奉贤区)

A. eat

B. to be eating

C. eaten

D. eating

12. _____ all night in such cold weather caused her to suffer from a high fever and