当前位置:文档之家› Unit3单元测试卷及答案







()1. A. what B. bye C. bird

()2. A. this B. tiger C. desk

()3. A. ruler B. rabbit C. chair

()4. A.no B. dog C. not

()5. A. book B. goodbye C. good



1、What’s this? ( )

2、It’s a bird. ( )

3、Is this a dog? ( )

4、Yes, it is. ( )

5、very good, Gogo. ( )


()1. A. His name is Boomer. B. It is a dog.

()2. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is.

()3. A. It’s a cat B. They are cats.

()4. A. Yes, it isn’t. B. No, it isn’t.

()5. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it’s.




B. bird

C. tiger

D. rabbit

E. monkey





一、初一数学几何模型部分解答题压轴题精选(难) 1.如图,已知:点不在同一条直线, . (1)求证: . (2)如图②,分别为的平分线所在直线,试探究与的数量关系; (3)如图③,在(2)的前提下,且有,直线交于点,,请直接写出 ________. 【答案】(1)证明:过点C作,则, ∵ ∴ ∴ (2)解:过点Q作,则,

∵, ∴ ∵分别为的平分线所在直线∴ ∴ ∵ ∴ (3):1:2:2 【解析】【解答】解:(3)∵ ∴ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ .故答案为: .

【分析】(1)过点C作,则,再利用平行线的性质求解即可;(2)过点Q作,则,再利用平行线的性质以及角平分线的性质得出 ,再结合(1)的结论即可得出答案;(3)由(2)的结论可得出,又因为,因此,联立即可求出两角的度数,再结合(1)的结论可得出的度数,再求答案即可. 2.在数轴上、两点分别表示有理数和,我们用表示到之间的距离;例如表示7到3之间的距离. (1)当时,的值为________. (2)如何理解表示的含义? (3)若点、在0到3(含0和3)之间运动,求的最小值和最大值. 【答案】(1)5或-3 (2)解:∵ = , ∴表示到-2的距离 (3)解:∵点、在0到3(含0和3)之间运动, ∴0≤a≤3, 0≤b≤3, 当时, =0+2=2,此时值最小, 故最小值为2; 当时, =2+5=7,此时值最大, 故最大值为7 【解析】【解答】(1)∵, ∴a=5或-3; 故答案为:5或-3; 【分析】(1)此题就是求表示数a的点与表示数1的点之间的距离是4,根据表示数a的点在表示数1的点的右边与左边两种情况考虑即可得出答案; (2)此题就是求表示数b的点与表示数-2的点之间的距离; (3)此题就是求表示数a的点与表示数2的点之间的距离及表示数b的点与表示数-2的点之间的距离和,而0≤a≤3, 0≤b≤3, 借助数轴当时,的值最小;当时,的值最大. 3.如图,点C在∠AOB的边OA上,过点C的直线DE∥OB,CF平分∠ACD,CG⊥CF于C.


小学语文一年级下册第一单元测试卷 一、拼音与字(25分) 1.我能读准确,写漂亮。(12分) shuōhuàpénɡyǒu bǎi huājiérìnǐmen jǐsuì ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2.我会拼,还会连。(8分) 栽树睡眠 复苏年龄 颜色儿童 有趣玩耍 3.照样子写笔画数。(5分) 古岁亲知声 (五)画()画()画()画()画二、词与句子(53分) 1.我会这样识字、写字并组词。(12分) 例:直+(木)=(植)(植树)方+()=()() 平+()=()()古+()=()

() 例:底—(广)+(亻)=(低)(低头)油—()+() =()() 桥—()+()=()()线—()+() =()() 2.选词填空。(8分) 张条片座只台首辆 一()小路两()树叶三()儿歌四()报纸 五()房子六()小鸟七()电脑八()汽车 3.把下面词语补充完整。(6分) 4.()歌()语()暖()开春() 拂面 ()颜()色()里()云百() 争鸣 4.我会照样子把句子补充完整。(9分) ①例:春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线。像。 ②例:春雨到底是什么颜色的?到底? ③例:邓小平爷爷格外引人注目。格外。

5.连一连,读一读。(6分) 桃花绿了美丽的问题 草儿熟了有趣的笑容 果子红了满意的春天6.把古诗补充完整,再回答问题。(6分) 春眠不觉(),()()闻啼鸟。夜来()()(),花落()()()。这首诗写了()早晨的景象,第二句诗写听到了(),第三句诗写昨晚(),第四句诗写看见花落了很多。7.给下面的词语排队,组成一句话写下来。(6分) ①是我颜色知道什么春天②我们植树一起吧去 。 三、快乐阅读(14分) 春天是一位魔术师,她用魔术棒轻轻一点,小鸟哥哥就高声歌唱,蝴蝶姐姐就轻快地跳起舞。美丽的花姑娘被唤醒了,连小河弟弟也快乐地赶路,人们的衣服也越穿越短。 1.请你也当魔术师,把下列字形变一变。(6分) 给“日”加一笔,能变成()、()、()。


译林英语五年级上册第三单元检测试题 班级:姓名: 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音选出你听到的单词。(听两遍)(8分) ( )1.A.swing B. woman C. wing ( )2.A.hard B. arm C. park ( )3.A.look B. foot C. forest ( )4.Aleg B. lake C. long ( )5.A,green B. grape C. give ( )6.A.mouth B. mother C. Monday ( )7.A.find B. give C. great ( )8.A.five B. fifty C. finger 二、听录音,根据所听短文内容判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用“T”,错误的 用“F”。(听两遍)(10分) ( )1.I have two animal friends. ( )2.They can run and jump ( )3.They have big eyes and big ears ( )4.They have long legs and long arms. ( )5.They have big tails. 三、听录音,补全对话。(听两遍)(12分) 1.--Does it have ? --No, it doesn’t. But it has a short . 2.--Are her long? --No, . 3.-- you have any animal friends? --Sure. 4. --Where is your ? --It’s on the .


高一上学期数学单元培优测试卷 集 合 考生注意: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟. 2.请将各题答案填写在答题卡上. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分) 1. 已知集合{}42==x x A ,{}x x x B 22==,则=B A 【 】 (A ){}2,0 (B )2 (C ){}2,0,2- (D ){}2,2- 2. 下列集合表示同一集合的是【 】 (A )(){}(){}2,3,3,2==N M (B ){}{}2,3,3,2==N M (C )(){}1,+==x y y x M ,{}1+==x y y N (D ){}12+==x y M ,{}12+==x y y N 3. 已知全集{}91≤<-∈=x N x U ,集合{}4,3,1,0=A ,{}A x x y y B ∈==,2,则(C U A ) (C U B )=【 】 (A ){}7,5 (B ){}9,7 (C ){}9,7,5 (D ){}9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 4. 已知集合{}2<=x x A ,{}023>-=x x B ,则【 】 (A )???? ??<=23x x B A (B )?=B A (C )? ?????<=23x x B A (D )=B A R 5. 下列关系中正确的个数是【 】 ①0=?; ②{}0=?; ③{}?=?; ④?∈0; ⑤{}00∈; ⑥{}?∈?; ⑦{}0??; ⑧{}?≠??.

(A )3 (B )4 (C )5 (D )6 6. 已知集合{}2,2a M =,{}a P 2,2--=,若P M 有三个元素,则实数a 的取值集合为【 】 (A ){}0,1- (B ){}0,1,2-- (C ){}1,0,1- (D ){}0,2- 7. 已知集合{}Z k k x x A ∈==,2,{}Z m m x x B ∈+==,12,{}Z n n x x C ∈+==,14,若A a ∈,B b ∈,则必有【 】 (A )A b a ∈+ (B )B b a ∈+ (C )C b a ∈+ (D )b a +不属于集合A 、B 、C 中的任何一个 8. 已知集合{}32<<-=x x A ,{}9+<<=m x m x B .若?≠B A ,则实数m 的取值范围是 【 】 (A ){}3-a (D )a ≥4- 11. 已知{} 012=++=px x x A ,{}0>=x x M ,若?=M A ,则实数p 的取值范围为【 】 (A ){}2-

p p (C ){}22≤<-p p (D ){}2>p p 12. 若用()A C 表示非空集合A 中元素的个数,定义()()()()()()()() ???<-≥-=*B C A C A C B C B C A C B C A C B A ,,,已知{}2,1=A ,()(){} 0222=+++=ax x ax x x B ,且1=*B A ,设实数a 的所有可能取值构成集合S ,则()=S C 【 】 (A )4 (B )3 (C )2 (D )1


人教版语文(四年级上册)第一单元检测卷 命题:城关小学钟萍萍 班级____________ 姓名____________ 成绩______ (经过了这一段在学习中的努力,现在就请你在这张试卷上摘取你的丰硕的果实吧!不管你的果实是甜还是苦,都不要灰心,只要努力了你就是优秀的!) 一、基础知识。(35分) 1、根据拼音,正确、工整地写出词语。(5分) fèng xì fèi téng lǒng zhào huī fù zhào yào ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2、用“√”给带点的字选择正确的读音。(3分) 闷雷(mēn mèn) 踮着脚(diǎn diān) 号叫(háo hào) 兴奋(xīng xìng) 不可计数(shǔ shù) 答应(yīng yìng) 3、把下列词语补充完整,并选一个词写一句话。(4分) 若( )若现漫天( )地齐头并( ) 横( )江面风平( )静水天相( ) () 5、我会选词填空。(2分) 幽静寂静 (1)鱼群闪闪的鳞光映着雪水清流,给()的天山增添了无限生机。 (2)骑马穿行林中,只听见马蹄溅起的水声,使密林显得更加()。 6、句子万花筒。(8分) (1)池塘里的菏叶在微风中摇动着。。(把句子写得更有情趣些) (2)在教室里专心听教师讲课。(修改病句。) (3)纪昌勤学苦练。纪昌成了百发百中的射箭能手。(用上恰当的关联词合成一句话) (4)中国队打败了日本队荣获冠军 (给下面的文字加上不同的标点符号,使其成为不同意思的两句话) 7、课本精彩回放。(10分) (1)写两幅你喜欢的对联。(2分) ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ (2)学习了本单元的课文,我知道了天下奇观______________________,世界最深最长的河流峡谷______________________,南国风光____________________以及绚丽多变的___________________。(2分)


Unit 3 单元测试题 Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )16. You can walk to ______ subway station. It’s not far. A. the B. a C. an D. 不填 ( )17. It’s easy for me ______ English. A. speak B. speaks C. to speak D. speaking ( )18. I ______ my bike to school every day. A. ride B. show C. drive D. stop ( )19. This hat is too old. I want a ______ one. A. clean B. long C. big D. new ( )20. It takes me 25 minutes ______ to the club by bus. A. to go B. going C. go D. goes ( )21. —______ is it from your home to the clothes store —Three kilometers. A. How far B. How long C. How much D. How old ( )22. There are no ______ now, so we can’t cross the river. A. boats B. cars C. trains D. subways ( )23. My brother and I ______ sports every day. I love ______ tennis, but he doesn’t. A. do; play B. do; to play C. does; play D. does; to play ( )24. —Does Mike always drive a car to the radio station —______. He goes there by bike. A. Yes, he does B. Yes, he is C. No, he isn’t D. No, he doesn’t ( )25. —Have a good time on the weekend. —______. A. You, too B. Yes, please C. Sounds good D. I’m not sure Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Mike is 6 years old. 26 parents work in Beijing. They are very 27 and don’t have t ime to look after (照顾) him. Mike 28 with his grandparents in a small village. Mike’s parents work 29 a factory (工厂). They live far from the factory. 30 about 11 kilometers from their home to the factory. So they have to 31 early in the morning. They usually 32 home at half past six in the morning. They walk to the bus station and 33 the No. 10 bus to the subway station. Then they go to the factory by 34 . It takes them about an hour to go to work. The trip to their factory is really tiring (累人的), 35 they like their jobs very much. ( )26. A. His B. Her C. My D. Your ( )27. A. free B. busy C. interesting D. boring ( )28. A. helps B. plays C. lives D. talks ( )29. A. to B. with C. in D. from ( )30. A. It’s B. He’s C. She’s D. I’m ( )31. A. brush teeth B. eat C. get up D. exercise ( )32. A. lose B. leave C. get D. find ( )33. A. drive B. on C. take D. by ( )34. A. bus B. train C. car D. subway ( )35. A. because B. so C. but D. and Ⅵ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A 易读度★☆☆☆☆ Bill is a teacher. He goes to work from Monday to Friday every week. Usually he gets up at six in the morning. After breakfast, he takes a bus to work. He is a . teacher, so he often plays sports with his students. He has classes every day. Two are in the morning and two are in the afternoon. In the evening he usually eats dinner at home and then he watches TV. He thinks he has a happy life. 根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。


新课标数学必修1第一章集合与函数概念测试题 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把正确答案的代 号填在题后的括号内(每小题5分,共50分)。 1.用描述法表示一元二次方程的全体,应是 ( ) A .{x |ax 2+bx +c =0,a ,b ,c ∈R } B .{x |ax 2+bx +c =0,a ,b ,c ∈R ,且a ≠0} C .{ax 2+bx +c =0|a ,b ,c ∈R } D .{ax 2+bx +c =0|a ,b ,c ∈R ,且a ≠0} 2.图中阴影部分所表示的集合是( ) A.B ∩[C U (A ∪C)] B.(A ∪B) ∪(B ∪C) C.(A ∪C)∩(C U B) D.[C U (A ∩C)]∪B 3.设集合P={立方后等于自身的数},那么集合P 的真子集个数是 ( ) A .3 B .4 C .7 D .8 4.设P={质数},Q={偶数},则P ∩Q 等于 ( ) A . B .2 C .{2} D .N 5.设函数x y 111+=的定义域为M ,值域为N ,那么 ( ) A .M={x |x ≠0},N={y |y ≠0} B .M={x |x <0且x ≠-1,或x >0},N={y |y <0,或0<y <1,或y >1} C .M={x |x ≠0},N={y |y ∈R } D .M={x |x <-1,或-1<x <0,或x >0=,N={y |y ≠0} 6.已知A 、B 两地相距150千米,某人开汽车以60千米/小时的速度从A 地到达B 地,在B 地停留1小时后再以50千米/小时的速度返回A 地,把汽车离开A 地的距离x 表示为时间t (小时)的函数表达式是 ( ) A .x =60t B .x =60t +50t C .x =???>-≤≤)5.3(,50150)5.20(,60t t t t D .x =?????≤<--≤<≤≤)5.65.3(),5.3(50150)5.35.2(,150) 5.20(,60t t t t t 7.已知g (x )=1-2x,f [g (x )]=)0(122≠-x x x ,则f (21)等于 ( ) A .1 B .3 C .15 D .30 8.函数y=x x ++-1912是( )

人教版三年级英语下册 Unit 3 第三单元测试卷及答案

小学英语人教三下Unit 3测试卷 听力部分 一、听录音,在相应的图片下打“√”。每小题听一遍。(10分) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. ()()()() 3. A. B. 4. A. B. ()()()() 5. A. B. ()() 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4.

()5. 三、听录音,给下列句子标序号。每个句子听两遍。(10分)()It has a big body and a small head. ()And it has long legs. ()Come here, children! Look at the bird. ()It has a short tail. ()Wow! It’s so tall. 笔试部分 四、选出下列单词的对应词,只填序号。(8分) A. thin B. short C. tall D. small 1. big______ 2. short______ 3. long______ 4. fat______ 五、单项选择。(15分) ()1. Look ______ me! A. on B. at C. so ()2. I ______ big eyes and small ears. A. has B. with C. have ()3. The elephant ______ two big ears. A. have B. has C. is

()4. It has ______ long nose. A. a B. / C. an ()5. You ______ tall. I ______ short. A. are;is B. are;am C. is;am 六、根据句意,选择相应的图片。(15分) ()1. It has big ears and a long nose. A. B. ()2. It’s big and fat. A. B. ()3. It has a long tail and small ears. A. B. ()4. It’s tall and thin. A. B. ()5. It’s small. A. B.

《好题》小学数学三年级上册第九单元《数学广角——集合》 单元测试卷(包含答案解析)(6)

《好题》小学数学三年级上册第九单元《数学广角——集合》单元测试卷 (包含答案解析)(6) 一、选择题 1.三年级有108个小朋友去春游,带矿泉水的有65人,带水果的有63人,每人至少带一种,既带矿泉水又带水果的有()人。 A. 19 B. 20 C. 21 D. 22 2.二一班去动物园的有40人,其中参观熊猫馆的有30人,参观大象馆的有25人,两个馆都参观的有()人. A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 3.三(1)班每人至少订一种课外读物,订《漫画大王》的有25人,订《快乐作文》的有29人,有14人两种刊物都订。三(1)班共有()人。 A. 40 B. 54 C. 68 4.三(2)班同学们订报纸,订语文报纸的有30人,订数学报纸的有26人,两种报纸都订的有8人。订报纸的一共有()人。 A. 56 B. 48 C. 40 5.有101个同学带着矿泉水和水果去春游,每人至少带矿泉水或水果中的一种。带矿泉水的有78人,带水果的有71人。既带矿泉水又带水果的有()人。 A. 48 B. 95 C. 7 6.学校乐队招收了43名新学员,他们或者会拉小提琴,或者会弹电子琴,或者两种乐器都会演奏。据统计,会拉小提琴的有25名,会弹电子琴的有22名。那么,两种乐器都会演奏的有()名。 A. 7 B. 4 C. 3 7.同学们去果园摘水果的情况如图,()的说法是正确的。 A. 摘火龙果的有32人 B. 一共有112人摘水果 C. 只摘蜜橘的有60人 D. 两种水果都摘的有20人 8.观察下图,可知商店两天一共进了()种文具. A. 8 B. 9 C. 12 9.某科研单位的所有人员至少懂一门外语.经统计,懂英语的人占全所人员的80%,懂


数列单元测试卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分. 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等信息填涂在答卷相应位置. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 一.选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 项是符合题目要求的. 1.数列3,5,9,17,33,…的通项公式a n等于() A.2n B.2n+1 C.2n-1 D.2n+1 2.下列四个数列中,既是无穷数列又是递增数列的是() A.1,1 2, 1 3, 1 4,… B.-1,2,-3,4,… C.-1,-1 2,- 1 4,- 1 8,… D.1,2,3,…,n 3..记等差数列的前n项和为S n,若a1=1/2,S4=20,则该数列的公差d=________.() A.2 C.6 D.7 4.在数列{a n}中,a1=2,2a n+1-2a n=1,则a101的值为() A.49 C.51 D.52 5.等差数列{a n}的公差不为零,首项a1=1,a2是a1和a5的等比中项,则数列的前10项之和是() A.90 C.145 D.190 6.公比为2的等比数列{a n}的各项都是正数,且a3a11=16,则a5=() A.1 C.4 D.8 7.等差数列{a n}中,a2+a5+a8=9,那么关于x的方程:x2+(a4+a6)x+10=0()

A .无实根 B.有两个相等实根 C .有两个不等实根 D .不能确定有无实根 8.已知数列{a n }中,a 3=2,a 7=1,又数列? ?????11+a n 是等差数列,则a 11等于( ) A .0 D .-1 9.等比数列{a n }的通项为a n =2·3n - 1,现把每相邻两项之间都插入两个数,构成一个新的数列{b n },那么162是新数列{b n }的( ) A .第5项 B.第12项 C .第13项 D .第6项 10.设数列{a n }是以2为首项,1为公差的等差数列,{b n }是以1为首项,2为公比的等比数列,则 A .1 033 034 C .2 057 D .2 058 11.设n S 为等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,且28,171==S a .记[]n n a b lg =,其中[]x 表示不超过x 的最大整数,如[]09.0=,[]199lg =.则b 11的值为( ) C. 约等于1 12.我们把1,3,6,10,15,…这些数叫做三角形数,因为这些数目的点可以排成一个正三角形,如下图所示: 则第七个三角形数是( ) A .27 C .29 D .30 第II 卷(非选择题) 二、填空题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)


Unit3 Weather 一、从下列每组词汇中选出不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. rainy B. snowy C. swim D. windy ( )2. A. warm B. today C. hot D. cool ( )3. A. weather B. sunny C. cloudy D. snowy ( )4. A. London B. Beijing C. world D. New York 二、从下列每组单词中,选出一个画线部分的发音不同于其他三个的单词。( )1. A. farm B. warm C. car D. arm ( )2. A. tall B. ball C. far D. wall ( )3. A. bird B. first C. girl D. forty ( )4. A. cloudy B. outside C. soup D. about ( )5. A. music B. sunny C. lunch D. mum 三、按要求完成下列各题。(5分) 1. hot(对应词)____________ 2. cannot(缩写形式)____________ 3. sun (形容词)____________ 4. cool (对应词)____________ (形容词)____________ 1.__________ I have some soup 2. It’s _________. You can’t go outside. 3. Be___________! 4. It’s sunny. Can you_______ a kite with me 5. —What’s the_________ like today —It’s warm. 五、单项选择 ( )1. It’s warm ________ Hangzhou. A. up B. in C. of ( )2. I like watching the ________. A. a report B. report weather C. weather report ( )3. ________ some soup, Amy. A. To eat B. Have C. For


6B测试(1) 听力部分Ⅰ. 1. A: Today is Saturday. B: Let’s go to the cinema. 2. Their father is a teacher. 3. Look! They’re sitting under a big tree. 4. Helen has a new watch. 5. This is our classroom. Yours is in Building 2. ( ABCBC ) Ⅱ. 1. What did you do last Sunday? 2. Where were they just now? 3. What date is it today? 4. Can you pick it up for me? 5. Where’s your CD Walkman? ( BCBAC) Ⅲ. Su Hai met Ben and his cousin Jack in the park. Jack’s six years old. He is the only child in his family. He has a dog, Jimmy. Jimmy’s one year younger than Jack. Ⅳ. Hello, everyone! My English name is Mary. I’m from Japan. Let me say something about my family to you.There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is 36 years old. My mother is 33 years old. I’m 12 years old. I have a happy family. (TFFTF) 笔试部分Ⅰ. EGJCI BHADF Ⅱ.略 Ⅲ.CABBB CBABC ACBAB Ⅳ. 1. What, did, do 2. didn’t, get 3. thinner than 4. as heavy as Ⅴ.1. flying kites 2. watered flowers 3. National Day 4. look the same 5. a pair of 6. went for a walk 7. go to the cinema 8. looking for Ⅵ. 1. Whose, longer, yours, hers, mine 2. Who’s, younger, is 3. the only 4.bigger,theirs Ⅶ. FTFFT Ⅷ.略 6B测试(2) 听力部分Ⅰ. 1. The boy is very fat. 2. Do you want to go shopping? 3. Look! A butterfly is flying low. 4. I know a lot about public signs. 5.My school bag was on the grass just now. (CBCAC ) Ⅱ. 1. Do the boys jump higher than the girls? 2. A: Does Jim run faster than Tom? B: Yes, he does. 3. Does he swim slower than the other boys? 4. Whose apple is bigger, hers or yours? 5. What day is it today? ( ABBAA ) Ⅲ. 1. A: How many children are there in the library? B: There are twenty boys and thirteen girls. Q: How many girls are there in the library? 2. A: What did you do yesterday? B: I ate some moon cakes and watched the moon with my family. Q: What holiday was it yesterday? 3. A: Does Helen run slower than Nancy? B: No, she doesn’t. She runs faster than Nancy.


小学语文一年级下册全册试卷1-8单元 一、拼音与字(25分) 1.我能读准确.写漂亮.(12分) shuō huà pénɡ yǒu bǎi huā jié rì nǐ men jǐ suì ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2.我会拼,还会连.(8分) 栽树睡眠 复苏 w年龄 颜色n shu儿童 有趣 ni玩耍 3.照样子写笔画数.(5分) 古岁亲知声绿 (五)画()画()画()画()画()画二、词与句子(53分) 1.我会这样识字、写字并组词.(12分) 例:直+(木)=(植)(植树)方+()=()()平+()=()()古+()=()()例:底—(广)+(亻)=(低)(低头)油—()+()=()()桥—()+()=()()线—()+()=()()2.选词填空.(8分) 张条片座只台首辆 一()小路两()树叶三()儿歌四()报纸 五()房子六()小鸟七()电脑八()汽车3.把下面词语补充完整.(6分) ()歌()语()暖()开春()拂面 ()颜()色()里()云百()争鸣 4.我会照样子把句子补充完整.(9分) ①例:春雨.像春姑娘纺出的线. 像.

②例:春雨到底是什么颜色的?到底? ③例:邓小平爷爷格外引人注目. 格外. 5.连一连.读一读.(6分) 桃花绿了美丽的问题 草儿熟了有趣的笑容 果子红了满意的春天 6.把古诗补充完整.再回答问题.(6分) 春眠不觉().()()闻啼鸟.夜来()()().花落()()().这首诗写了()早晨的景象.第二句诗写听到了().第三句诗写昨晚().第四句诗写看见花落了很多. 7.给下面的词语排队.组成一句话写下来.(6分) ①是我颜色知道什么春天②我们植树一起吧去 . . 三、快乐阅读(14分) 春天是一位魔术师.她用魔术棒轻轻一点.小鸟哥哥就高声歌唱.蝴蝶姐姐就轻快地跳起舞.美丽的花姑娘被唤醒了.连小河弟弟也快乐地赶路.人们的衣服也越穿越短. 1.请你也当魔术师.把下列字形变一变.(6分) 给“日”加一笔.能变成()、()、(). 给“人”加两笔.能变成()、()、(). 2.照样子写句子.(2分) 小河弟弟快乐地赶路. 快乐. 3.春天来了.小鸟和蝴蝶在做什么呢?用“——”画一画.(4分) 4.“人们的衣服也越穿越短”的原因是().(2分) A.魔术师变的 B.人们没钱.买不起衣服 C.春天来了.气温升高了. 四、写一写(8分) 小学语文一年级下册第二单元测试卷


八年级英语下unit3单元测试卷 一、单项选择 (20分) 1. Here’s so much rubbish. Could you please ____________? A. give ou it B. give it out C. take out it D. take it out 2.---Could you please fold the clothes, Mary? ---__________. A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldn’t C. Yes, sure D. No, I won’t 3. ---Could you please sweep the floor? ---___________. I’m washing t he shirt. A. Yes, sure B. No problem C. Sorry, I couldn’t D. No, I can’t 4. ---Could you please _________your bike here? A. don’t stop B. not to stop C. not stop D. not stopping 5. ---Could I _________your bicycle? ---Sure, and you can _________for a week. A. borrow, borrow B. borrow, keep C. lend, lend D. lend, borrow 6. _________of the two boys is from America. They’re from Canada. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All 7. I won’t visit her this weekend. Jack won’t, _________. A. both B. either C. neither D. too 8. ---I didn’t get to school late this morning. ---__________. A. Me too B. Me neither C. Me either D. Neither was I 9. If you don’t put up the signs after school, ___________. A. so does Jim B. so will Jim C. neither does Jim D. neither will Jim 10. Mary will make a plan as soon as she ____________her homework. A. finishes B. finish C. will finish D. finished 11. ---I’m going to the shopping center. ---___________you’ re there, could you buy some fruit for me? A. When B. After C. While D. As soon as 12. The teacher always tells us _________time _______computer games . A.Don’t waste, to play B. Don’t waste, playing C. not to waste, to play D. not to waster, playing 13. __________ good grades, you should try to study harder. A. Get B. In order to get C. Getting D. Got 14. I’m going to take a vacation. Could you please __________me ____ _____some information about interesting places to travel? A. offer, to B. offer, for C. provide, with D. provide, for 15. ---Could I watch TV? ---No, you ________. You _________finish your homework first. A. can’t, must B. can’t, can C. couldn’t, must D. couldn’t, can 16. “ When did you come home _________school yesterday?” she asked me _________surprise. A. to, with B. from, with C. to, in D. from, in 17. Don’t _________your cut wet when doing chores, Henry. A. get B. make C. let D. keep 18. We should _________the windows open to __________fresh air in. A. keep, make B. keep, let C. make, make D. make, get 19. ---Do you mind _________your room? ---No, I’ll do that after finishing _________this article. A. clean, write B. clean, writing C. cleaning, write D. cleaning, writing 20. The harder you study, __________grades you’ll get. A. good B. better C. best D. the better


集合单元测试卷 重点:集合的概念及其表示法;理解集合间的包含与相等的含义;交集与并集,全集与补集的理解。 难点:选择恰当的方法表示简单的集合;理解空集的含义;理解交集与并集的概念及其区别联系。 基础知识: 一、理解集合中的有关概念 (1)集合中元素的特征:_________,__________,__________. 集合元素的互异性:如:下列经典例题中例2 (2)常用数集的符号表示:自然数集_______;正整数集______、______;整数集_____; 有理数集_______;实数集_________。 (3)集合的表示法:_________,__________,__________,_________。 注意:区分集合中元素的形式及意义:如: }12|{2++==x x y x A ;}12|{2++==x x y y B }12|),{(2++==x x y y x C ; }12|{2++==x x x x D ;},,12|),{(2Z y Z x x x y y x E ∈∈++==; (4)空集是指不含任何元素的集合。(}0{、φ和}{φ的区别;0与三者间的关系) 空集是任何集合的子集,是任何非空集合的真子集。 注意:条件为B A ?,在讨论的时候不要遗忘了φ=A 的情况。 二、集合间的关系及其运算 (1)元素与集合之间关系用符号“___________”来表示。 集合与集合之间关系用符号“___________”来表示。 (2)交集}{________________B A =?;并集}{________________B A =?; 补集_}__________{_________=A C U (3)对于任意集合B A ,,则: ①A B ____ B A ??;A B ____ B A ??;B A ____ B A ?? ②U A C A ?=,U A C A ?=,()U C C A =. ③()()________________B C A C U U =?;()()________________B C A C U U =?

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