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第三章英汉词语比较与翻译对等 第一节翻译对等 Equivalence is the relationship between a source text (ST) and a target text (TT) that allows the TT to be considered as a translation of the ST in the first Place. 对等是翻译理论中的中心概念。 卡特福德认为翻译的中心任务就是确定翻译对等的性质和条件。 奈达提出了“动态对等”与“形式对等”这两个概念。形式对等:原语文本的形式在目的语中被机械地再现,目的是允许原语文本以自己的表达方式说话,而非经过调整来适应目的语文化,实践中,既不分句也不合句并保留标点和分段等形式标示。由于两种语言之间的差异,这类翻译扭曲了目的语的语法和文体风格,从而导致信息歪曲。运用形式对等主要是追求翻译的精确性并尽可能保留原语的形式。形式对等有其局限性,但有时却是最为合适的翻译策略。动态对等就是将原语译成目的语后,目的语读者的反应与原语读者读原语时的反应一致。它通过分析、转移和重建三个过程来实现,进行动态对等翻译包括:运用适合目的语文化的表达法去替代原语中的相应表达法;使原语文本中语言上隐含的信息明显化;为了增进理解增加一定量的冗余表达。例如,奈达将《圣经》中的“Lamb of God”译为“Seal of God”。有时功能对等也被用来代替奈达提出的动态对等。 第二节英汉词语比较与翻译对等 词的意义是它在特定的语言系统中的具体价值或通过在特定语言系统中的运用而具有的个性。 词的意义可分为四种:命题意义(propositional meaning)、表情意义(expressive meaning) 、搭配意义(collocational meaning)和唤起意义(evoked meaning)。 命题意义描述一个词与现实世界或想象世界中所指称或描述的事物之间的关系,是判断话语是真还是假的基础。语言以符号的方式描绘经验世界。 人总是能够说出他们经验当中的任何事物,因为语言符号覆盖了这个经验世界。但是,语言对经验世界的分割表现出若干层次性。词对于世界的分割应表现为不同的层次。 English: skill craft craft guild 汉语:技巧技巧行会行会


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Relay protection development present situation Abstract: Reviewed our country electrical power system relay protection technological development process, has outlined the microcomputer relay protection technology achievement, propose the future relay protection technological development tendency will be: Computerizes, networked, protects, the control, the survey, the data communication integration and the artificial intellectualization. Key word: relay protection, present situation development, future development 1 relay protection development present situation - 1 -

The electrical power system rapid development to the relay protection propose unceasingly the new request, the electronic technology, computer technology and the communication rapid development unceasingly has poured into the new vigor for the relay protection technology development, therefore, the relay protection technology is advantageous, has completed the development 4 historical stage in more than 40 years time. After the founding of the nation, our country relay protection discipline, the relay protection design, the relay manufacture industry and the relay protection technical team grows out of nothing, has passed through the path in about 10 years which advanced countries half century passes through. The 50's, our country engineers and technicians creatively absorption, the digestion, have grasped the overseas advanced relay protection equipment performance and the movement technology , completed to have the deep relay protection theory attainments and the rich movement experience relay protection technical team, and grew the instruction function to the national relay protection technical team's establishment. The relay factory introduction has digested at that time the overseas advanced relay manufacture technology, has established our country relay manufacturing industry. Thus our country has completed the relay protection research, the design, the manufacture, the movement and the teaching complete system in the 60's. This is a time which the mechanical and electrical relay protection prospers, was our countries relay protection technology development has laid the solid foundation. From the end of the 50's, the transistor relay protection was starting to study. In the 60's to the 80's,it is the times which the transistor relay protection vigorous development and widely used. Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation research 500kV transistor direction high frequency protection the transistor high frequency block system which develops with the Nanjing electric power automation research institute is away from the protection, moves on the Gezhou Dam 500kV line , finished the 500kV line protection to depend upon completely from the overseas import time. - 2 -


1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses) 八卦 trigram 阴、阳 yin, yang 道 Dao(cf. logo) 江湖(世界) the jianghu World (the traits’ world) e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身 不由己) 道 Daoism(Taoism) 上火 excessive internal heat 儒学 Confucianism 红学(《红楼梦》研究) redology 世外桃源 Shangri-la or Arcadia 开放 kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world) 大锅饭 getting an equal share regardless of the work done 不搞一刀切 no imposing uniformity on … 合乎国情,顺乎民意 to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge 铁交椅 iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post

脱贫 to shake off poverty; anti-poverty 治则兴,乱则衰 Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline 2、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial) 国庆节 National Day 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 春节 Spring Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 儿童节 Children’s Day 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 妇女节 Women’s Day 泼水节 Water-Splashing Day 教师节 Teachers’ Day 五四青年节 Youth Day 3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods) 馄饨 wonton 锅贴 guotie (fried jiaozi) 花卷 steamed twisted rolls 套餐 set meal 盒饭 box lunch; Chinese take-away


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8813828063.html, 英汉词汇的文化差异及翻译 作者:徐洁 来源:《新一代》2011年第03期 摘要:文化差异是造成翻译困难的重要原因,而词汇作为构成语言的最小单位,它所表 现出来的文化差异对翻译的成功有着重要影响。本文从词汇的指称意义和语用意义来探讨英汉文化的差异以及如何采取灵活的翻译手法,尽可能减少文化亏损,全面传达词汇的文化含义。 关键词:词汇;文化差异;指称意义;语用意义 中图分类号:G640 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2851(2011)03-0185-02 翻译是译者对所认识的事物的再认识和再表达,这种再认识和再表达常常是从不同的角度,按照译语民族的习惯方式进行的,所以说翻译不仅仅是语言的转换过程,同时也是文化的移植过程,文化的差异必定造成翻译的困难。王佐良先生曾经说过:“翻译的最大困难就是两 种文化的不同。”(1989)因此,解决好翻译中的文化差异问题是保证译作成功的关键。本文拟从词汇的指称意义和语用意义来看英汉文化的差异及差异在翻译中的补偿。 一、英汉词汇层上的跨文化差异 (一)指称意义上的文化差异 词的指称意义即语言交际中所表达出来的词语的最基本的意义,也就是词的确切和字面的意思。由于客观事物本身的差异和人们在对客观事物做出反映和概括时,始终都受到本民族文化的影响,这种反映或概括就在不同的语言上表现出差异。 1.原语中的指称对象在译语文化中不存在或不常见。 英语中的一些词汇,如hot dog,hippy,fairplay,等都是汉语文化中没有的词汇,而汉语中的“天干”、“地支”、“楷书”、“赤脚医生”等也无法在英语中找到对应的词。(刘川,段跃萍,1998) 2.原语文化在概念上加以明确区分的实体,译语文化不加区分;或反之。 一种语言用单个词语明确标记的东西,另一种语言却可能兜圈子才能表述。文化重点(cultural load)直接影响着语言词汇的多寡,特化程度和分化程度。 亲属称谓是语言反映文化的一个突出例证。例如,在英语中的brother是“兄”或“弟”,sister是“姐”或“妹”,汉语中没有一个字与brother或sister完全相等。在我们的文化中严格区别


暖通专业词汇中英文对照 2007年04月10日星期二下午 02:30 暖通专业词汇中英文对照 air conditioning load空调负荷 air distribution气流组织 air handling unit 空气处理单元 air shower 风淋室 air wide pre.drop空气侧压降 aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材 brass stop valve 铜闸阀 canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头 centigrade scale 摄氏温度 chiller accessories水冷机组配件 chiller assembly水冷机组组装 clean bench 净化工作台 clean class 洁净度 clean room 洁净室无尘室 correction factor修正系数 dry coil units 干盘管 district cooling 区域供冷 direct return system直接回水系统 displacement ventilation置换通风 drawing No.图号 elevation立面图 entering air temp进风温度 entering water temp进水温度 fahrenheit scale 华氏温度 fan coil unit 风机盘管 ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组 flow velocity 流速 fresh air supply 新风供给 fresh air unit 新风处理机组 ground source heat pump地源热泵 gross weight 毛重 heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网 high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式 hot water supply system生活热水系统 humidity 湿度 hydraulic calculation水力计算 isometric drawing轴测图 layout 设计图 leaving air temp 出风温度


英汉翻译中的词汇搭配问题 Collocation in the Translation Between English and Chinese 代绍荣许芳 摘要:在英汉翻译中,词汇搭配问题不容忽视。本文试图通过一些实例说明词汇搭配的规律,并探讨解决词汇搭配问题的办法以及考虑这个问题的角度。 关键词:英汉翻译词汇搭配现象分析解决办法考虑角度 Abstract: Collocation is highly worth special attention in the translation work between English and Chinese. This article attempts to illustrate some general principles for collocation in translation , and proposes solutions to this problem and the seven angles from which to consider this problem. Key words: translation between English and Chinese collocation phenomenon analysis solution consideration angles 在翻译活动中,对原文的正确理解是做好翻译工作的基础,而对原文中词汇的恰当翻译是做好翻译工作的重点。在词汇翻译过程中,我们会不可避免地遇到词汇搭配问题。这个问题不解决好,翻译活动就没法进行下去,或者就不会译出好的作品来。本文拟就英汉翻译活动中经常遇到的各种词汇搭配问题作一分析,并提出解决的办法,以供参考。 一 在英汉两种语言当中,都有一些可以直接对译成目的语的词汇,包括简单的词、短语和习语等。它们的意义比较容易理解和把握,在目的语中有比较明显的对应词汇。这种直译不影响原文的意义和风格,是词汇翻译中最简单的一种,例如: He is a diligent student。 他是个勤奋的学生。 也因为如此,这类翻译中的词汇搭配问题比较容易解决,又例如: I bought a bunch of red roses for my girlfriend. 我买了一束红攻瑰送给女朋友。 这种搭配大多是因为下面的原因: (1)词汇本身意义不复杂,如diligent, bunch等。 (2)两个词汇经常搭配使用,形成惯用法。如:a lucky dog(幸运儿), watch TV(看电视), crude oil (原油) 等。 (3)涉及专用词汇,如in China 等 虽然这种情况下的翻译比较简单,但我们还是要注意弄清原文中每个词汇的含义,选择恰当的目的语词汇来翻译。 二 大多数情况下,词汇的翻译并不是那么容易的,需要我们动一番脑筋。词汇的搭配对所涉及的每个词汇的具体含义起相当大的限制作用。特别是有些词,本身含义比较广泛,词性也比较多,当它们和不同的词搭配时,具有不同的含义,这就需要我们熟读原文,弄清原文的准确含义、文体风格、表现手法,然后在目的语中捕捉最贴切的词汇来翻译。下面举一个例子: free competition 自由竞争free room 空房间 free medical care 公费医疗free goods 免税货物 free bloomer 开花多的植物free state 游离状态 free gait 从容和步伐free wind 顺风


Relay protection development present situation [ Abstract ] reviewed our country electrical power system relay protection technological development process, has outlined the microcomputer relay protection technology achievement, proposed the future relay protection technological development tendency will be: Computerizes, networked, protects, the control, the survey, the data communication integration and the artificial intellectualization. [ Key word ] relay protection present situation development,relay protections future development 1 relay protection development present situation The electrical power system rapid development to the relay protection proposed unceasingly the new request, the electronic technology, computer technology and the communication rapid development unceasingly has poured into the new vigor for the relay protection technology development, therefore, the relay protection technology is advantageous, has completed the development 4 historical stage in more than 40 years time. After the founding of the nation, our country relay protection discipline, the relay protection design, the relay manufacture industry and the relay protection technical team grows out of nothing, has passed through the path in about 10 years which advanced countries half century passes through. The 50's, our country engineers and technicians creatively absorption, the digestion, have grasped the overseas advanced relay protection equipment performance and the movement technology , completed to have the deep relay protection theory attainments and the rich movement experience relay protection technical team, and grew the instruction function to the national relay protection technical team's establishment. The acheng relay factory introduction has digested at that time the overseas advanced relay manufacture technology, has established our country relay manufacturing industry. Thus our country has completed the relay protection research, the design, the manufacture, the movement and the teaching complete system in the 60's. This is a time which the mechanical and electrical relay protection prospers, was our country relay protection technology development has laid the solid foundation. From the end of the 50's, the transistor relay protection was starting to study. In the


设计的分类(英语) 1 设计Design 2 现代设计Modern Design 3 工艺美术设计Craft Design 4 工业设计Industrial Design 5 广义工业设计Genealized Industrial Design 6 狭义工业设计Narrow Industrial Design 7 产品设计Product Design 8 传播设计Communication Design 8 环境设计Environmental Design 9 商业设计Comercial Design 10 建筑设计Architectural 11 一维设计One-dimension Design 12 二维设计Tow-dimension Design 13 三维设计Three-dimension Design 14 四维设计Four-dimension Design 15 装饰、装潢Decoration 16 家具设计Furniture Design 17 玩具设计Toy Design 18 室内设计Interior Design 19 服装设计Costume Design 20 包装设计Packaging Design 21 展示设计Display Design 22 城市规划Urban Desgin 23 生活环境Living Environment 24 都市景观Townscape 25 田园都市Gardon City 26 办公室风致Office Landscape 27 设计方法论Design Methodology 28 设计语言Design Language 29 设计条件Design Condition 30 结构设计Structure Design 31 形式设计Form Design 32 设计过程Design Process 33 构思设计Concept Design 34 量产设计,工艺设计Technological Design


冰箱类英文词汇 capacity 容积 refrigerant 制冷剂 foam vesicant 发泡剂 Temperature Drop 温差 weight 重量 Dimensions 尺寸 AC V oltage 交流电压 Rate Power 额定功率 Consumption of energy 能耗 Battery voltage 直流电压 Gas type 燃气类型 Gas pressure 燃气压力 Gas consumption 耗气量 ammonia cooling system 氨制冷系统absorption cooling system 吸收式制冷系统 evaporator 蒸发器 urethane foam 聚氨酯泡沫 cyclopentane foam 环戊烷泡沫 shelf 层架 guided rail 导轨 body of refrigerator 箱体 adjustable leg 可调箱脚 lower door hinge 下门铰 leveling leg 水平箱脚 crisper drawer 果菜箱(抽屉) movable shelf 活动层架 freezer tray 冷冻室托盘 crumb tray 碎屑托盘 decoration nameplate 装饰铭牌power supply cord with plug 带插头电源线 clip 夹子 upper(lower) clip of supply cord 电源线夹compressor base 压缩机托板compressor connecting wire 压缩机连接线 ice tray 冰格 controller 控制器 deodorizer 除臭器temperature sensing capillary 感温毛细管 cover 盖 pad 垫


翻译文献(英译中) 原文: Fault—clearing Protective Relays(1) Overcurrent relaying.Slow—speed relays.The most obvious effect of a fault is t o change the current in the faulted conductor from a normal value to an abnormall y large one.Therefore it is not surprising that the earliest methods of clearing fault s were based on the utilization of that effect(overcurrent).Early methods included f uses,circuit breakers with series trip coils,and slow—speed overcurrent relays. Slow—speed overcurrent relays are mostly of the induction type.To obtain selec tivity without unnecessarily long delay,such relays usually have a delay which vari es inversely with the current.Both time and current settings are adjustable.Since t he fault current decreases,on account of the increased impedance of the line betw een the fault and the source. as the fault is mo,ved farther from the source of power,it follows that the relay o perating time increases as the distance to the fault increases. The time—distance curves change with such conditions as connected generating capacity and the connection or disconnection of other transmission lines,and ther efore,to ensure selectivity,curves should be checked for several conditions to asc ertain that.under the worst condition,an adequate interval exists between the oper ating times of relays 1 and 3,and, similarly,between each pair of relays on adjoi ning line sections.Coordination may be accomplished by judicious choice of both ti me settings and current settings. If the relay current changes but little with fault location,the curve of relay time versus fault position becomes more like curve a than ike curve b.Such a condition


标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇 1. 投标书Tender 1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。价格表(表中项目除价格数字外都要填写)及报价说明三份(一正二副)和投标人银行保函应分别单独密封,随投标文件一同递交。 Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents. 1.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。同时提供单独密封的价格表电子版本一份(WORD格式)。The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and ‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time. 2. 投标报价Tender Offers 2.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。 On the tender offer summary sheet and the item tender offer sheets, tenderers shall indicate clearly the unit price (if applicable) and the total price of the goods planned to be provided according to the Contract. 2.2 投标分项报价表上的价格应按下列方式分开填写: Prices on the item tender offer sheet shall be filled out in the following manner: 2.2.1从中华人民共和国提供的货物:Goods provided from the People’s Republic of China:


这是08年整理的,最近增加了09到14年部分。所以可能大家会发现09年到14年单词很少,原因是大部分单词都在早期08年到94年的单词里出现过。这一点也足以说明真题单词的重复率很大。大家务必背诵,确保记得。一进考场,你就会看到很多熟悉的单词。 最新补充 as作为、随着、当、因为、象; with和、用、装有、具有; in在...中、以...方式; A of B一般翻译为B的A(注意数量词a piece of paper一张纸,不能翻译为“纸的张”); 注意and并列关系,弄清谁与谁并列。 14年 46) articulate 清晰的表达, 47) by all accounts根据、根据报道;by one’s own account根据某人自己所说,let alone更别提, 48) intensity紧张,abruptly突然地,sudden突然,soft柔和的,passage 段落,rarely很少、几乎不,composer作曲家,compose作曲、编写, 49) associate联系, 50) suffer遭受, inevitable不可避免, render转换、使变成; 13年 46) strike打、震撼,for all尽管,style风格,urge需求、督促、鼓励,decoration装饰,

47) sacred神圣的,crude原始、粗糙,as opposed to与相反,shelter 避难所, 48) in effect实际上,urban城市,discernible容易看出的,discern看出、识别, 49) blame批评, 50) implicit隐含的,explicit明确的,reference谈到、提及、参考,synthetic 人造的; 12年 46) impulse冲动,unification统一、一致,generative生产的、生成的,generate产生, 47) constrain力劝、强迫、限制,constraint限制, 48) filter过滤, cognitive认知的, 49) empirical实证的、根据经验得到的, bias偏见, 50) track跟踪; 11年 46) erroneous错误的,error错误, 47) sustain支持、维持,illusion幻觉,conscious有意识的, 48) justification合理,借口,justify证明是公正的,rationalization合理,exploitation剥削、开发, bottom底, 49) circumstance环境, 50) upside积极的、正面的,contain包含,be up to取决于,array展示、陈列、一系列;


序号英文全称中文解释 1 A lagging power-factor 滞后的功率因数 2 A mutualky induced e.m.f 互感电动势 3 a retarding torque 制动转矩 4 Abnormal operating condition 不正常运行状态 5 Abnormal overload 异常过载 6 Abnormal overvoltage 事故过电压 7 Abnormal state 非常态 8 Above earth potential 对地电势 9 Abrupt signal analysis 突变信号分析 10 Absolute potential 绝对电势 11 AC circuit breaker 交流断路器 12 AC component 交流分量 13 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器 14 AC distribution system 交流配电系统 15 AC reclosing relay 交流重合闸继电器 16 Accelerating protection for switching onto fault 重合于故障线路加速保护动作 17 Acceleration Trend Relay(ATR) 加速趋势继电器 18 Accurate Working Current 精确工作电流 19 Accurate Working voltage 精确工作电压 20 Activate the breaker trip coil 起动断路器跳闸 21 Adaptive features 自适应特性 22 Adaptive relay protection 自适应继电保护 23 Adaptive relaying 自适应继电保护 24 Adaptive segregated directional current differential protection 自适应分相方向纵差保护 25 Admittance relays 导纳型继电保护装置 26 AI(artificial intelligence) 人工智能 27 Air brake switch 空气制动开关 28 Air breaker 空气断路器 29 Air-blast circuit breaker 空气灭弧断路器 30 Air-blast switch 空气吹弧开关 31 Air-space cable 空气绝缘电缆 32 Alarm 报警 33 Alarm relay 报警信号继电器 34 Alarm signal;alerting signal 报警信号 35 Alive 带电的 36 All-relay interlocking 全部继电连锁 37 All-relay selector 全继电式选择器 38 Amplitude Comparison 绝对值比较 39 Analogue 模拟 40 Angle of maximum sensitivity 最大灵敏角 41 Annunciator relay 信号继电器

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