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/A N2015 12 6 英国?学期末复习资料

PART one 作家作品

- 1 Geoffrey Chaucer 杰弗?乔叟

-《The Canterbury Tales》坎特伯雷故事集- 2 William Shakespeare 威廉莎??亚

-《Romeo and Juliet》罗密欧与朱丽叶

-《The Macbeth》麦克?

-《The Merchant of Venice》威尼斯商?-《Twelfth Night》??夜



-《King Lear》李尔王

-《The Tempest》暴风?

-《Winter’s Tale》冬?传说

- 3 Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯培根

-《Advancement of Learning》学术的推进-《New Instrument》新?具


-《New Atlantis》新?西岛

-《Of ……》论

- 4 John Donne 约翰邓恩

-《The Flea》跳蚤

-《The Good-Morrow》早安

-《Break of Day》破晓


- 5 John Milton 约翰?尔顿


-《Areopagitica》论出版?由-《Paradise Lost》失乐园

-《Paradise Regained》复乐园

-《Samson Agonistes》??参孙

- 6 Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔笛福

-《Robinson Crusoe》鲁滨逊

-《Captain Singleton》?格顿船长

-《Moll Flanders》摩尔弗兰德斯


-《A Journal of the Plague Year》?灾年纪-7 Jonathan Swift 乔纳森斯威夫特

-《A Tale of A Tub》?只桶的故事

-《The Battle of Books》书的战争

-《The Drapier’s Letter》布商来信

-《A modest Proposal》?个温和的建议-《Gulliver Travels》格列佛游记

-8 William Blake 威廉布莱克

-《The song of Los》罗斯之歌

-《The Lamb》灯

-《The Tyger》虎

-9 Robert Burns 罗伯特彭斯

-《A Red Red Rose》?朵红玫瑰

-《Auld Lang Syne》昔?时光、友谊天长地久-10 William Wordsworth 威廉华兹华斯

-《I wondered lonely as a cloud》我好似?朵流云独?漫游-11 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 塞缪尔泰勒科乐吕致-《Kubla Khan》忽必烈汗

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-12 Jane Austen 简 奥斯汀

-《Pride and Pre Judice 》傲慢与偏见 -13 George Gordon Byron 乔治 ?登 拜伦 -《She walks in Beauty 》她在美中? -《Don Juan 》唐璜

-14 Percy Bysshe Shelly 波西 ?希 雪莱 -《Ode the West Wind 》西风颂 -15 John Keats 约翰 济慈

-《Ode on a Grecian Urn 》希腊古瓮颂 -16 Charlotte Bronte 夏洛蒂 勃朗特 -《Jane Ruge 》简爱

-17 Charles Dickens 查尔斯 狄更斯 -《Great Expectations 》远?前程 -18 Alfred Tennyson 阿尔弗雷德 丁尼? -《The Eagle 》鹰

-19 Robert Browning 罗伯特 布朗宁 -《My last Duchess 》我已故的公爵夫? -20 Matthew Arnold 马修 阿诺德 -《Dover Beach 》多佛海滩 -21 Thomas Hardy 托马斯 哈代

-《Tess of the D’Urbervellies 》苔丝 -《Jude the Obscure 》?名的裘徳 -22 Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡 王尔德 -《The Important of Being Earnest 》 -认真的重要性

-23 George Bernard Shaw 乔治 萧伯纳 -《Pygmalion 》?格马利翁 -24 Joseph Conrad 约瑟夫 康拉德 -《Heart of Darkness 》?暗之? -25 T S Eliot 艾略特 -《The Waste Land 》荒原

-26 William Butler Yeats 威廉 巴特勒 叶芝 -《The Second Coming 》第?次来临 -27 James Joyce 詹姆斯 乔伊斯 -《Araby 》阿拉?

-28 Virginia Wolf 佛吉尼亚 沃芙 -《Mrs.Dalloway 》达罗卫夫? -29 D H Lawrence 劳伦斯

-《The Rocking-Horse Winner 》?马赢家

PART two 简答

1P14 [Sonnet 18][William Shakespeare]

[1.] How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?

The poet answers the question by saying that "thou art more lovely and more temperate" than summer.

[2.] What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more beautiful than summer and immortal?

The poet thinks that every summer is going to fade and go away,whereas thou will always be beautiful and lovely.

2 P20 [Of Studies][Francis Bacon]

[1.]We are now living in the age of “information explosion”. What lessons can we learn from Bacon ’s< of studies> in our access to information?

Our planet is developing forward. That is the external condition for our study, which we can appropriately make full use of. But what we have to keep in mind is that the eternal master of study is no one but ourselves in the process of studying.??就是随着时代的脚步进步,充分利?资源[2.] In what sense does reading make a full man?

Reading makes a full man. Histories make men wise, poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.

3 P32 [Paradise Lost][John Milton]


4 P60 [I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud][William Wordsworth]

[1.] What is the relation between the poet and nature as described in the poem?

Theme of Happiness.The poet is really enjoy the nature.

[2. ] Do you think nature can have healing effect on mind?

I think nature can have healing effect on mind, but the precondition is that the nature should be peaceful and earthly.

5 P102 [Great Exception][Charles Dickens]

[1.]Magwitch the “the convict” takes the risk of being “hanged” when comes back to London to see Pip. How do you evaluate this meeting?

To Pip,it’s a surprising and unwilling meeting.

To Magwitch it is a willing meeting which he has been looking forwards to for a long period of time.

[2.] What’s the meaning of “gentleman” in the contest of the novel?

It mean a man who was poor but warm-hearted.

6 P125 [Tess of the D’Urbervilles][Thomas Hardy]

[1.] How does Tess react to Clare’s suggestion that they should leave their shelter?Why?

She showed a strange unwillingness to move. Because she doesn’t want to put an end to all that’s s weet and lovely peacefulness and affection.

[2.] What is the significance of Tess resting on an altar in the heathen temple?

Her death is caused by human hypocrisy and foolishness, similar to that of a sacrifice. At the end, th

e only place which can accept her for who she is is death and sacrifice.

[3. ]Comment on this sentence:“Justice’ was done,and the President of the immortals(in Aeschylean phrase )had ended his sport with Tess”.In what sense is Tess’ story tragic?

Tess is a typical victim of the society. The tragic fate of Tess and her family was symbolic of the disintegration of the English peasantry.

7 P173 [Araby][James Joyce]

[2.]Chief qualities of the boy’s character?

He is sensitive and intelligent

— sensitive enough to experience a wide range of feelings in spite of his tender age,and not merely in the conventional sense of the word.

8 P179 [Mrs. Dalloway][Virginia Woolf]

[1.] How does Woolf present Mrs. Dalloway to the reader?

In Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf’s emphasis is not on plot but on the inner lives of the characters. As the ebb and flow of personal impressions, feelings, and thoughts are described, the characters unfold themselves vividly in front of the reader.

Woolf doesn’t limit herself to one consciousness, but slips from mind to mind.

“And then, thought Clarissa Dalloway,…”

“A Charming woman, Scrope Purvis thought…”

“Such fools we are, she thought,”

[2.] What is the function of Big Ben?

The passing of hours is indicated by the chimes of Big Ben. It reminds the reader of the actual reality of the physical world and also the different stages of Mrs. Dalloway’s life.

The implication of “strikes” and “circles”.The novel is a life story of Mrs. Dalloway, is about the human life and is about its tension between misery and happiness.

PART three 术语解释

1.Heroic couplet or couplet: It is a term in poetry applied to two successive line of verse that form a single unit because they rhyme; the term also is often used for lines that express a complete thought or form a separate stanza. Couplets in English are usually written in ten-syllable (decasyllabic) lines, a form first used by the 14th-century poet Geoffrey Chaucer. This evolved into the so-called heroic couplet, two rhyming iambic pentameter lines, is also called a closed couplet because the meaning and the grammatical structure are complete within two lines.

英雄双?体A rhyming couplet of iambic pentameter, often “closed”, i.e. containing a complete thought, there being a fairly heavy pause at the end of the first line and a still heavier one at the end of the second. Commonly there is a parallel or antithesis within a line, or between the two lines. It is heroic because in England, especially in the eighteenth century, it was much used for heroic (epic) poems.


Th e Canterbury Tales Chaucer 1386-1400

He wore a fustian tunic stained and dark

With smudges where his amount had left mark;

He had just come back from his voyage

And now was going on this pilgrimage.

2.Soliloquy is a speech that reveals a character’s innermost feelings and plans while other characters remain unaware of what he is saying.

独?A dramatic speech intended to give the illusion of unspoken reflections


Hamlet Shakespeare 1601

Hamlet To be or not to be-that is a question:


And lose the name of action.

3. Sonnet derives from the Italian sonetto a “little sound” or “song”. The ordinary sonnet consists of fourteen lines, usually in iambic pentameters with considerable variations in rhyme scheme.The three basic sonnet forms are: a) the Petrarchan which comprises an octave rhyming abbaabba and a sestet rhyming cdecde or cdcdcd, or in any combination except a rhyming couplet; b) the Spenserian of the three quatrains and a couplet, rhyming abab, bcbc ,cdcd, ee; c) the Skakespearen, again with three quatrains and a couplet, rhyming abab, cdcd, efef, gg.

?四?诗A verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme


Sonnet 18 Shakespeare 1609

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?


So long lives this,and this give life to thee

4.Shakespearean Sonnet: Also called Elizabethan sonnet or English sonnet, this sonnet form is perfected by Shakespeare. It is structured of three quatrains and a terminal couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg.

莎??亚?四?诗A sonnet consisting three quatrains and a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg


Sonnet 18 Shakespeare 1609

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

Th ou art more lovely and more temperate

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer’s lease hath all too short a date


So long lives this,and this give life to thee

5.Iambic pentameter: Iambic: an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable Its pattern is like this :

U /

pentameter: five feet

An example:

Shall I compare thee to a summer’ day?

U / U / U / U / U /

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

U / U / U / U / U /

As shown above, the syllables are arranged in the pattern of the unstressed and stressed (U /), so the meter is iambic. And each of the lines contains 5 iambic unit (iamb), so the lines are iambic pentameter.

五步抑扬格A metrical unit with unstressed-stressed syllables


Close to the sun in lonely lands.



Sonnet 18 Shakespeare 1609

Shall I compare thee to a sum mer’s day?


Th e Canterbury Tales Chaucer 1386-1400

He wore a fustian tunic stained and dark

With smudges where his amount had left mark;

He had just come back from his voyage

And now was going on this pilgrimage.

6.Symbol:Literally, something that stands for something else. In literature, any word, object, action, or character that embodies and evokes a range of additional meaning and significance. Version 2. It is something which represents an idea, a physical entity or a process but is distinct from it. The purpose of a symbol is to communicate meaning. For example, a red octagon may be a symbol for "STOP". On a map, a picture of a tent might represent a campsite. Numerals are symbols for numbers. Personal names are symbols representing individuals. A red rose symbolizes love and compassion.

象征An arbitrary sign that has acquired a conventional significance Something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible


Tyger William Blake 1794

The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation: the animal is terrifying in its beauty, strength, complexity and vitality. The poem is divided into six parts. In the first part, the author imagined that he met a terrible tiger on a dark night and was frightened by its awful eyesight. There are creations and creators. How great the creator is that he could create such an awful creation like tiger! In the second part, the author continues to ask, where comes the eyesight like fire, sea or sky? The following two parts, the author describes the creator as a smith. He creates the tiger. What behind the questions is the frightening and respect of the author to the creator. In the fifth part, the author changes his tone and asks when the stars throw down their spears, why they are not happy? The last part is as same as the first part, the creator is too mysterious to understand.

7. Irony is a statement in which the intended meaning is the opposite of the literal meaning.

讽刺A trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs


Great Expectations Charles Dickens 1860


Tess of the D’Urbervilles Th omas Hardy 1891

Tess A pure woman

8.Bildungsroman:The Bildungsroman, or novel about upbringing and education, had its beginning in Goethe’s work, Wilhelm Meister Iehrjahre ,(Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship 1796歌德《威廉.迈斯特的学习时代》德国教育?说的典范) which is about the process by which a sensitive person discovers his identity and place in the big world. This kind of novel often starts with the main character as a child, and then presents the child’s growth and development towards adulthood. This rebellious character goes through a sequence of tests and finally comes to a better understanding of himself and the world. This type of novel is often autobiographical, such as Somerset Maugham’s Of Human Bondage(1915) and James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916). It frequently uses first person narration.

In form, Great Expectations fits a pattern popular in 19th century European fiction: the bildungsroman, or novel depicting growth and personal development, generally a transition from boyhood to manhood such as that experienced by Pip. Great Expectation depicts a process of maturation and self-discovery through experience as a protagonist moves from childhood to adulthood.

成长?说A novel about the early years of somebody's life, exploring the development of his or her character and personality


Great Expectations Charles Dickens 1860

A novel about Pip formative years

9.Dramatic Monologue:A monologue is a lengthy speech by a single person. In a play, when a character utters a monologue that expresses his or her private thoughts, it is called a soliloquy. Dramatic Monologue, however, does not designate a component in a play, but a type of lyric poem that was perfected by Robert Browning. In its fullest form, as represented in Browning’s “My Last Duchess”, ”The Bishop Orders His Tomb”, “Andrea del Sato”, and many other poems

戏剧独?A poem or other literary work consisting of words supposedly spoken by a character, often in a specific situation, either directly to the reader or to a listener


My Last Duchess Robert Browning 1842

Th at’s my last Duchess painted on the wall

Looking as if she were alive……


10.Antihero: The chief person in a modern novel or play whose character is widely discrepant from that which we associate with the traditional protagonist or hero of a serious literary work. Instead of manifesting largeness, dignity, power, or heroism, the antihero is petty, ignominious, passive, ineffectual, or dishonest. The use of nonheroic protagonists occurs as early as the Picaresque novel of the sixteenth century, and the heroine of Defoe’s Moll Flander(1722) is a thief and a prostitute. The term “antihero,” however, is usually applied to writings in the period of disillusion after the Second World War, beginning with such protagonists as we find in John Wain’s Hurry on

Down(1953) and Kingsley Amis’ Lucky Jim (1954). Notable later instances in the novel are Yossarian in Joseph Heller’s Catch -22 (1961), Humbert Humbert in Vladimir Nobokov’s Lolita (1955).

反英雄The central character in a story who is not a traditionally brave or good hero,a protagonist who lacks the characteristics that would make him a hero


Ulysses James Joyce 1922

A novel described Bloom a layfolk’s day life .

11.Epiphany means “a manifestation,” or “showing forth,” and by Christian thinkers was used to signify a manifestation of God’s presence within the created world. James Joyce adapted the term to secular experience, to signify a sudden sense of radiance and revelation that one may feel while perceiving a commonplace object.

顿悟A divine manifestation


Araby James Joyce 1905

O I never said such a thing ……Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.

12.The “stream of consciousness” is a narrative method of capturing and representing the inner workings of a character’s mind. The term was first used by William James in his Principles of Psychology(1890)

意识流A literary style that presents a character's continuous random flow of thoughts as they arise


[Mrs.Dalloway] Virginia Woolf 1925

For having lived in westminster how many years now Over twenty……


PART four 作者思想

1 Full wise is he that can himselven knowe——Geoffery Chaucer[1343-1400]


2 What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In form and moving,how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet,to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me—nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.——William Shakespeare [1564-1616]


This passage has provoked bitter scholarly battles—over its punctuation. Is Hamlet saying that man is like an angel in apprehension (understanding), or like a god in apprehension? The different placement of commas in the early texts of the play makes all the difference.

3 All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility.——William Wordsworth[1770-1850]


This sentence is considered as the principle of Wordsworth’s poetry creation which was set forth in the preface to “the Lyrical Ballads”. As contrasted with the classicists who made reason, order and the old classical traditions the criteria in their poetical creations Wordsworth based his own poetic talent on the premise that“all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling ” He appealed directly on individual sensations i. e. pleasure excitement and enjoyment as the foundation in the creation and appreciation of poetry. A poet’s emotion extends from human affairs to nature but emotion immediately impressed is as raw as wine newly bottled Tranquil contemplation of an emotional experience matures the feelings and sensation and makes possible the creation of good poetry like the mellow of old wine

4 Three or four families in a country village is something to work.—— Jane


?个乡村中的三四户?家是合适的写作对象.正当?们为家庭阅读和哥特式?说感到乏味千篇?律的时候,奥斯汀带来的却是?常?活的?园牧歌式的世外桃源,?字有清新幽默,给读者???新。Similar to a person’s actions can reflect his characters, people’s attitudes towards marriage are also related to their characters. The most obvious example is the case of Elizabeth and Darcy. Their feelings towards each other change during the development of the plot. At first, they showed no interest in each other but soon the

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feeling turned to disgust. Then Darcy took fancy to Elizabeth, but Elizabeth thought he was pride. Fortunately, after a series of things, they got married and lived a happy life.

5 Beauty is truth, truth beauty.——Percy Bysshe Shelley[1792-1822]


First, what is “truth”? One definition of truth is that it is the inner order of a thing, its structure. Christians, for example, speak of “Christian truth.” Now the first and most obvious meaning of the term “Christian truth” is that that the affirmations of the Christian religion correspond with objective reality. But that is not the definition of truth that I am getting at here. In my usage, “Christian truth” is the inner structure of Christian experience, namely the relationship of the individual believer with God through Jesus Christ, the relationship of the individual believer with Christ through the eucharist, and many other very particular things involved in Christian experience.

Now what is “beauty”? Beauty is also a mutual interrelation of parts that forms a whole, a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

6 A disinterested endeavor to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world.——Matthew Arnold[1822-1888]


He was a man with contravention. His poems and his critics showed the two sides of his soul. It is Arnold’s strong and consistent belief that literature shapes culture. In his collection of essays, Culture and Anarchy(1867~1868), he defended culture against scientific materialism. He talked about culture constantly. But it is not clear what exactly that word means in his philosophical theory.Arnold’s concept of culture includes the political, the social and the religious aspects of life. In fact, he was advocating that culture, not class struggle, or violent revolution, should be the most effective way to cure the ills of a sick society. He thought that the future of England belonged to the middle classes. Arnold的诗体现了维多利亚后期信仰缺失的悲情,有点像Hardy那样的悲观,他的诗作为以后的?然主义发展种下了萌芽。但他在?化批评及政论?却是极?想挽回?种古典的责任感,又是维多利亚价值观的捍卫者和执?者。他的?格充满了?盾,??写的诗犯了???学批评理论准则的忌讳。体现了维多利亚时期,旧的信仰被打破,新的信仰没有被建?,?们??的?种悲观空虚,但又希望秩序、责任的状况。

7 Everybody is so talented nowadays that the only people I care to honour as deserving real distinction are those who remain in obscurity.——Thomas Hardy[1822-1888]


/N N2015 12 6 8 An hour, once it lodges in the queer element of the human spirit, may be stretched to fifty or a hundred times its clock length; on the other hand, an hour may be accurately represented on the timepiece of the mind by one second. This extraordinary discrepancy between time on the clock and time in the mind is less known than it should be and deserves fuller investigation.—— Virginia Woolf[1882-1941]

?个?时,?旦它通过??精神表现,可能会延伸到五?或?百倍其时钟长度;另???,??时可能只代表?灵的钟表上的?秒。物质的时间与?灵的时间这?同寻常的差异是鲜为?知的。Virginia Woolf is one of the most influential figures in twentieth-century literature. She was original, passionate, vivid, dedicated to her art. Yet most writing about her still revolves around her social life and the Bloomsbury set.

9 The source of all life and knowledge is in man and woman, and the source of all living is in the interchange and the interchange and the meeting and mingling of these two: man-life and woman-life, man-knowledge and woman-knowledge, man-being and woman-being.——D. H. Lawrence[1822-1888]



Unit 1 Geoffrey Chaucer 1343-1400 夏雨给大地带来了喜悦送走了土壤干裂的三月沐浴着草木的丝丝经络顿时百花盛开生机勃勃西风轻吹留下清香缕缕田野复苏吐出芳草绿绿碧蓝的天空腾起一轮红日青春的太阳洒下万道金辉小鸟的歌喉多么清脆优美迷人的夏夜怎好安然入睡美丽的自然撩拨万物的心弦多情的鸟儿歌唱爱情的欣欢香客盼望膜拜圣徒的灵台僧侣立愿云游陌生的滨海信徒来自全国东西南北众人结伴奔向坎特伯雷去朝谢医病救世的恩主以缅怀大恩大德的圣徒那是个初夏方临的日子我到泰巴旅店投宿歇息怀着一颗虔诚的赤子心我准备翌日出发去朝圣黄昏前后华灯初上时分旅店院里涌入很多客人二十九人来自各行各业不期而遇都到旅店过夜这些香客人人虔心诚意次日要骑马去坎特伯雷客房与马厩宽敞又洁净店主的招待周到而殷勤夕阳刚从地平线上消失众人同我已经相互结识大家约好不等鸡鸣就起床迎着熹微晨光干燥把路上可是在我叙述故事之前让我占用诸位一点时间依我之见似乎还很必要把每人的情况作些介绍谈谈他们从事什么行业社会地位属于哪个阶层容貌衣着举止又是如何那么我就先把骑士说说骑士的人品出众而且高尚自从军以来就驰骋于疆场待人彬彬有礼大度而豪爽珍惜荣誉节操和骑士风尚为君主效命创辉煌战绩所到国家之远无人能比转战于基督和异教之邦因功勋卓著缕缕受表彰他攻打过亚历山大利亚在普鲁士庆功宴上有他这位佼佼者多次坐首席从立陶宛直打到俄罗斯同级的骑士都大为逊色攻克阿给西勒有他一个还出征到过柏尔玛利亚夺取烈亚斯和萨塔利亚他还

多次游弋于地中海跟随登陆大军将敌战败十五次比武他大显身手为捍卫信仰而浴血奋斗在战场上三次杀死敌将高贵的武士美名传四方他还侍奉过柏拉西亚国君讨伐另一支土耳其异教军没有一次不赢得最高荣誉他骁勇善战聪慧而不痴愚他温柔顺从像个大姑娘一生无论是在什么地方对谁也没有讲过半个脏字堪称一个完美的真骑士他有一批俊美的千里马但是他的衣着朴实无华开价的底下是结识的布衣上上下下到处是斑斑污迹他风尘仆仆刚从战场归来片刻未休息就急忙去朝拜 Unit 2 William Shakespeare 1564-1616 生存或毁灭这是个必答之问题是否应默默的忍受坎苛命运之无情打击还是应与深如大海之无涯苦难奋然为敌并将其克服此二抉择就竟是哪个较崇高死即睡眠它不过如此倘若一眠能了结心灵之苦楚与肉体之百患那么此结局是可盼的死去睡去但在睡眠中可能有梦啊这就是个阻碍当我们摆脱了此垂死之皮囊在死之长眠中会有何梦来临它令我们踌躇使我们心甘情愿的承受长年之灾否则谁肯容忍人间之百般折磨如暴君之政骄者之傲失恋之痛法章之慢贪官之侮或庸民之辱假如他能简单的一刃了之还有谁会肯去做牛做马终生疲於操劳默默的忍受其苦其难而不远走高飞飘於渺茫之境倘若他不是因恐惧身后之事而使他犹豫不前此境乃无人知晓之邦自古无返者所以「理智」能使我们成为懦夫而「顾虑」能使我们本来辉煌之心志变得黯然无光像个病夫再之这些更能坏大事乱大谋使它们失去魄力第二场同前凯普莱特家的花园罗密欧上罗密欧没有受过伤的才会讥笑别人身上的创痕朱丽叶自上方


考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷 考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX 考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班 I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. 1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A.The Canterbury Tales B.The Ballad of Robin Hood C.The Song of Beowulf D.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght 2._____is the most common foot in English poetry. A.The anapest B.The trochee C.The iamb D.The dactyl 3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event? A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B.England’s domestic rest C.New discovery in geography and astrology D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion 4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A.The Pilgrims Progress B.Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners C.The Life and Death of Mr.Badman D.The Holy War 5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____. A.science B.philosophy C.arts D.humanism 6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ? A.Lover. B.Time. C.Summer. D.Poetry. 7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct. A.God’s B.Satan’s C.Adam’s D.Eve’s


第1章盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(450~1066) 1.1 复习笔记 Ⅰ. Historical Background(历史背景) (1) The earliest settlers of the British Isles were the Celts, who migrated to the British Isles about 600 B.C. 不列颠群岛最早的定居者是凯尔特人,他们大约在公元前600年移民到不列颠群岛。 (2) From 55 B.C. to 407 A.D. the British Isles were under the rule of the Roman Empire. 从公元前55年到公元407年,不列颠群岛处于罗马帝国的统治之下。 (3) About 450 A.D., waves of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded the British Isles. They settled in England, and drove the Celts into Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 公元450年左右,盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人占领了不列颠群岛。他们在英格兰定居,将凯尔特人驱逐到威尔士、苏格兰和爱尔兰。 (4) It was around 500 A.D., in the struggle against Cerdic, the founder of the kingdom of Wessex, that the Celtic King Arthur, a legendary figure, is said to have acquired his fame. 大约在公元500年,在与威塞克斯王国创始人塞迪奇的斗争中,传说中的凯尔特王亚瑟获得了他的名声。 (5) Beginning from the later part of the 8th century, the Danes, or the Vikings, came to invade England, at first, along the eastern coast, but later they threatened


读《王阳明心学》有感一 在我求学生涯中,无论是历史课还是政治课,涉及王阳明的内容基本上都是反面的。比如在政治历史课本中,王阳明是唯心主义思想家,而我们共产党员都是坚定的唯物主义者,再想到“存天理,去人欲”这种一听就极端的语句,我脑子里直接闪现出老师批判的言辞。因此,在我读《王阳明心学》这本书之前,对老师传授的内容深信不疑,对阳明先生没有任何好的印象,更不会想到会花时间读什么阳明心学。 书中提倡的人生观我非常喜欢,“每个人来到世上,都带有一种使命,就是让自己的人格得以完善,潜能充分发挥,进而为他人和社会创造价值,同时让自己获得一个快乐、幸福、成功的高品质人生。”到底如何做呢?就是修心,时刻保持良知在场,而达到“知行合一”的最高境界,就是不用做任何思想斗争,不用刻意用脑用心就能做出决断,文中的例子非常生动有趣:“看到一个美女,自然而然的喜欢,看到一个很脏的人,自然而然的厌恶”。 读完全书,就我自身而言启示有三: 01 明确自己的人生追求 就是让自己时刻保持一种正能量,立志干事,发挥出自身最大的价值,

而在这个过程中,逐步培养出乐观豁达、无愧于心的人生态度。 02 端正自己的做事态度 现在工作方面任何付出都想得到回报,达不到心理预期就内心煎熬。当一个人凡事只是为良心而干,他就已经是“致良知”了,要学会接受不满意的结果。 03 提升自己的人生价值 我们都喜欢给自己贴上了标签,达到了标签上的水平,就认为实现了自己的人生价值,很少想到再进行提升和超越,其实那些所谓的不可能都是我们内心为自己设定的。 庆幸自己还年轻,未到而立就发现了这一点,我会努力去挑战,去提升自己的人生价值,活出自己的光芒! 读《王阳明心学》有感二


英国文学选读》课程教学大纲 课程编号: 01120280 学分:2 学时: 34(其中实践学时: 0) 授课学期:第 5 学期 一、课程的性质、地位、作用及与其他课程的联系 该课程的目的在于培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的 基本知识和方法。通过阅读和分析英国文学作品,使学生了解英国的历史、地理、社会、政 治等方面的情况及文化传统, 促进学生对西方文学及文化的了解, 提高学生对文化差异的敏 感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性, 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 授课的内容包括: ( 1) 文学导论;英语文学常识;( 2)英国文学史;( 3)英国文学经典作品导读;( 4)英国文 学批评。选用《新编英国文学选读》(上、下册),罗经国 编著;北京大学出版社; 2005。 期望达到如下教学要求: 1. 对英国文学的发展概况有清晰的了解; 2. 对重要的文学术语有相当的了解并能在文学批评中加以运用; 3. 能读懂英语国家出版的有一定难度的历史传记和文学作品; 4. 熟悉英国主要作家代表作、其写作风格和所属流派; 5. 要求在理解的基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构、语言特点、修辞手法、文体 风格; 6. 要求学生有较强的跨文化交际的能力。 二、课程的教学内容与要求 Chapter One The Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066) 教学目标】帮助学生了解古英语诗歌的源泉及其韵律特点 教学内容】 1. Historical background 2. Northumbrian School and Wessex Literature 3. Anglo-Saxon Poetry : Beowulf 教学重点与难点】古英语文学的代表人物 King Alfred; Beowulf Chapter Two The Norman Period (1066-1350) 教学目标】帮助学生了解诺曼时期英国骑士文学和法国文学对英国文学的影响。 4. Romance and the influence of French literature 教学重点与难点】骑士文学和宗教文学的特点。 教学内容】 1. Historical background 2. Middle English 3. Religious literature 4.


《英国文学史及作品选读》教学大纲 一、课程说明 1. 课程中文名称:英国文学史及作品选读 2 课程英文名称:History and Selected Readings of English Literature 3. 课程总学时数:32 4. 课程学分数: 2 5. 授课对象:英语专业本科学生 6. 本课程的性质、地位和作用 本课程为面向英语专业高年级(三年级)学生开设的一门专业选修课,在学科体系中居重要地位。要求学生以先修英语阅读、综合英语、英美文化和英美概况等课程为基础。通过教学,使学生对英国文学有一个概观了解,同时初步培养学生对英国文学作品的鉴赏能力,增强学生对西方文学及文化的了解。该课程有助于增强学生的语言基本功,丰富学生的人文知识、充实学生的文化修养,提高学生的精神素质。 二、教学基本要求 1. 本课程的目的、任务 英国文学史及文学作品包含着历史的记忆和哲学的睿智,是英语语言艺术的结晶。本课程旨在介绍英国文学各个时期的主要文化思潮,文学流派,主要作家及其代表作,使学生对英国文学的发展脉络有一个大概的了解和认识,提高他们对文学作品的阅读鉴赏能力,并能掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法。要求学生在阅读和分析英国文学作品的基础上了解英国的历史、社会、政治等方面的情况及传统,促进学生对西方文学及文化的了解,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性,培养学生对作品的洞察批判能力,从而丰富提升学生人文素养。 2. 本课程的教学要求 了解英国文学的发展概况,熟悉发展过程中出现的历史事件,文学思潮,文学流派;熟悉具体作家的文学生涯,创作思想,艺术特色和所属流派;能读懂代表作家的经典作品,并能分析评介作品的主题思想,人物形象,篇章结构、语言


2018年自学《英国文学选读》试题及答案 1. What are Shakespeare ’s achievements? a. Shakespeare represented the trend of history in giving voice to de desires and aspirations of the people. b. Shakespeare’s humanism: more important than his historical sense of his time, Shakespeare in his plays reflects the spirit of his age. c. Shakespeare’s characterization: Shakespeare was most successful in his characterization. In his plays he described a great number of characters. d. Shakespeare’s originality: Shakespeare drew most of his materials from sources that were known to his audienc e. But his plays are original because he instilled into the old materials a new spirit that gives new life to his plays. e. Shakespeare as a great poet: Shakespeare was not only a great dramatist, but also a great poet. Apart from his sonnets and long poems, his dramas are poetry. f. Shakespeare as master of the English language. 2. What are the basic characteristics of ballads? a. The beginning is often abrupt. b. There are strong dramatic elements. c. The story is often told through dialogue and action. d. The theme is often tragic, though there are a number of comic

心得体会-王阳明全集读后感 精品

王阳明全集读后感 王阳明全集读后感 金鑫 王阳明是儒家心学集大成者,是明朝时期立德、立言、立功的一代人杰,他的学说使日本在近现代一跃成为东亚强国,这是我对王阳明的最初认知。 毕业后,我参加入厂前培训,当听到培训老师盛赞王阳明时,我不禁对这位不寻常的人物产生了极大的兴趣,所以特地到书店去买了一本《王阳明全集》,细细研读起来。 圣人之道,吾性自足 王阳明也有过爱做梦的年纪,他立志要当一名圣贤的人,只是寒窗苦读屡不中第,好不容易官拜兵部武选司主事,又遭贬贵州,但是他并未就此消沉,而是在会稽山下开荒种地,继续研究心学,终于悟出"圣人之道,吾性自足"的道理。 每个人幼年时都会有一个梦想,长大后或是当一名科学家,或是当一名警察,或是当一名画家……随着年龄的增长,梦想回归现实,平凡渐渐清晰。 记得一年前,我研究生毕业后开始接触采油工作,心中充满了好奇,时而自信满满的独自顶岗,取样、巡检、测电流样样不落;时而兴致勃勃的夜巡查井,骑着电瓶车在漆黑的井场上飞驰而过;时而思如泉涌,将身边发生的事情奋笔疾书撰写通讯报道……当新鲜变为熟悉,热情化作冷淡,日复一日重复着相同的工作,剩下的只有执着和坚守。 于是,我执着着自己的梦想,坚守着自己的责任,依旧是每天上班认真巡井;依旧是等班车时翻开《采油工》扫上两眼;依旧会在电脑前撰写修改通讯报道……我想,正是王阳明"圣人之道,吾性自足"的感悟,让我能够以愉悦的心境在平静、平凡中体味着充实和快乐。 困知勉行,学者之事 在贵州龙场的日子里,王阳明的生活极其清苦,居住在阴冷潮湿的山洞里,但他仍坚持潜心研究儒学,并在山洞附近办学传经,困知勉行,坚韧执着地追求着自己的梦想,完善了心学体系,对世界近现代史产生了深远的影响。 今年年初,我有幸参加了厂培训中心为迎接油田公司采油工大赛而举办的为期一个半月的封闭训练。


The Tiger P50 1.Why does the poet mention the Lamb? Do you think both the Lamb and the Ti ger can illuminate each other? The Tyger is corresponding to The Lamb. Both the poems show the poet ’s exploration, understanding and plaint of the mysterious creation. In this poem, the author implies that the Tiger is created by God as well as the Lamb. S o either the Tiger or the Lamb is essential to God. I think both the Lamb and the Tiger can illuminate each other. Although the Lamb can represent the kind “innocent society”, it will be lack of enough motivation to make progress. While the Tiger will caus e social misery, unrest or even disruption, but it can make people release their creativity. So the poet believes that the Tiger is the symbol of strength and courage. And he also praises its passion, desire and all the lofty beauty. 2.What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger? What idea does the poet want to express? The symbol of the Tyger is one of the two central mysteries of the poem (the other being the Tyger ’s creator). It is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholars have hypothesized that the Tyger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, the sublime (the big, mysterious, powerful and sometimes scary. Read more on this in the "Themes and Quotes" section), or vision itself. Really, the list is almost infinite. The point is, the Tyger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits the possibilities The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation: the animal is terrifying in its beauty, strength, complexity and vitality. The poem is divided into six parts. In the first part, the author imagined that he met a terrible tiger on a dark night and was frightened by its awful eyesight. There are creations and creators. How great the creator is that he could create such an awful creation like tiger! In the second part, the author continues to ask, where comes the eyesight like fire, sea or sky? The following two parts, the author describes the creator as a smith. He creates the tiger. What behind the questions is the frightening and respect of the author to the creator. In the fif th part, the author changes his tone and asks when the stars throw down their spears, why they are not happy? The last part is as same as the first part, the creator is too mysterious to understand. The tiger shows its outstanding energy. It’s the vitality which the author thinks highly of. The key sentence of the poem is "Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18 ’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame, he is so kind a father. But it didn ’t know god also create the tough tiger. He can also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings. Ode to the West Wind P83西风颂 第一节 哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸!你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫, 有如鬼魅碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避:黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨, 呵,重染疫疠的一群:西风呵,是你以车驾把有翼的种子催送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里,像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱, 直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起她的喇叭,在沉睡的大地上响遍,


Selected Readings of English Literature “英国文学选读”课程研究论文写作规范和要求 一、论文写作规范 1、逻辑思维训练: 整理引入眼帘的简单物件,按一定思路规则分类,注意物品的外延与内涵关系;大家在整理思路时,就要用我们做的逻辑思维训练方法: (1)把你所有的想法、本文要素、理论概论等等(大-小,简单-复杂,前-后)都写下来:就像写下屋子里所有物件; (2)仔细审视这些想法、要素、概念,试着按你一定的规律排列起来。注意这些想法或要素之间的关系,外延与内涵关系、因果关系、前后关系等等;(3)保留你最感兴趣,组织最合理的部分,细化成为你的论文主题。 2、写作基本原则 - 基本原则:读书要宽,下笔要窄 - 细读文学文本; - 读作家自己的文论、日记、信件,搜寻作家创作动机和理念作为直接证据- 读文学评论家的评论,搜集旁证 3、论文基本要素 1)标题 2)开篇章 3)文献综述(这次省略) 4)主题 5)问题切入点与理论视角 6)论证(相关文本论据、作者的非文本论据、其他论据) 7)结论 8)引用文献 二、论文题目(从以下所列的论文标题中选一个进行写作)

The Canterbury Tales: A Song of Spring Sonnet 18: A Song of Eternity On the Rhetoric Skills in Sonnet 18 On the Rhetoric Skills in The Canterbury Tales On the Themes of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 The View of Love in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning The Use of Metaphor and Conceits in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning On the Themes of Robinson Crusoe Satires and Symbols in Gulliver’s Travels 三、论文写作内容 1、开篇章Introduction / Opening Paragraph / Topic Sentence 交代时代背景、作家简介 2、论证与论据 论据:相关文本论据(被评论作品)、作者的非文本论据(作家本人的文论、日记、书信等)、其他论据(文学评论家的论著) 3、结语 总结你自己的论文中所假设的研究论题是否已经得到解决,得到什么样的结论。一般用完成时。 注意:不是总结该部作品;切忌不要又开始论证。 四、长度、参考文献 1、页数:5页(正文:小四号或者12号;1.5倍行距) 2、参考文献:4-5条英文论著来源(包括被评论作品)。各条文献按字母顺序排 列,小四号字。 3、采用MLA格式标注:包括文内参考文献标注和文尾的引用作品。 五、评分标准 Idea (40%) Structure (20%) Language (30%) Format (10%) Total (100%)


--------------------------------- 精选公文范文 -------------------------- 学习阳明心学心得 体会 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 学习阳明心学心得体会 韩冬梅胶东阳明心学研究会 一、良知的力量 -如何摒弃诱惑,坚守本心。 阳明心学告诉我们:良知是心之本体,知行的本体。 任何人都是有良知的,即使是盗贼、匪寇,内心也有“良知”。人生在世,应该不断地发现良知,实践良知。 世界纷繁芜杂,诱惑众多,在生命过程中,如何摒弃诱惑,坚守本心,是我一直思 考的问题。作为一名法律工作者,在工作过程中,见识了太多人性中赤裸裸的“恶”,如果 没有一颗良知之心,是极容易堕落的。在利益与诱惑面前,我也曾动摇过、纠结过。通过学习 阳明心学,使自己坚定了一个信念:把自己 1 ---------------- 精选公文范文 ----------------

活成一束光,照亮自己,温暖别人,然后自己所期望的那些美好都会向自己飞奔而来。 二、专注的力量 -如何随时掌控自己的心境。 阳明心学,顾名思义,一门修炼自己强大内心的学问。纵观王阳明的一生,他之所以在困难面前游刃有余,战无不胜,攻无不克,关键在于他在面对各种难题时,首先做到“心静”。心静了,做事情时全神贯注,内心的潜力便会被激发出来,外界的环境便无法影响他,问题随之迎刃而解。 我在年轻时,经常处于一种浮躁、茫然的状态,做事情时经常感觉心烦意乱, 缺乏耐心,工作效率低下。通过学习阳明心学,我找到自己的问题所在:心不静,心境 自然不会摆脱各种偏颇情绪的干扰,做事情不专注,自然导致效率低下。现在无论遇到 什么问题,我都及时提醒自己静下心来。当心灵清澈、明净,不受任何现象拖滞时,反 而能得 2 ---------------- 精选公文范文 ----------------


Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) 乔叟He was born in 1343 in London. He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets Corner”.The father of English Poetry and one of the greatest narrative poets of England.“The Canterbury Tales” (1387-1400) It is Chaucer?s masterpiece and one of the monumental works in English literature. Chaucer’s Contribution to English Literature Chaucer is regarded as the founder of English poetry and has been called “the founder of English realism.” He is the firs t great poet who wrote in the English language. He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the “heroic couplet” (英雄双韵体) to English poetry.His masterpiece “The Canterbury T ales” is one of the monumental works in English literature 公爵夫人之书,百鸟议会,声誉之堂,特罗勒思和克里西德 Structure of a poem: A poem can be broken down into three parts: (1) Stanza (节) : a group of lines set off from the other lines in a poem. It is the poetic equivalent of a paragraph in prose. In traditional poems, the stanza usually contains a unit of thought.(2) The line (行) : a single line of poetry (3) The foot (音步) : a syllable or a group of 2 or 3 syllables. T o scan a line of poetry one counts the number of feet in a line. For a beginner, the easiest thing to do is to count the number of stresses. Typically a foot will contain a stressed and an unstressed syllable. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)playwright, poet, actor.Shakespeare and Aeschylus are the two greatest dramatic geniuses the world has ever known.—Carl Marks.The Great Tragedies: 《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet,1601 ) 《奥赛罗》(Othello, 1604) 《李尔王》(King Lear, 1605) 《麦克白》(Macbeth, 1606) The Great Comedies威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice, 1596) 《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream,1596) 《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night, 1600) 《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It, 1601) Shakespeare’s car eer as a dramatist may be divided into four major phases.: The First Period(1590-1594) This period is the period of his apprenticeship in play-writing. Works: Henry VI The Comedy of Errors《错误的喜剧》/《连环错》Love?s Labor?s Lost 《迷失的爱》/《空爱一场》/《爱的徒劳》Romeo and Juliet, etc. The Second Period (1595-1600) This period is his mature period, mainly a period of “great comedies” and mature historical plays. It includes 6 comedies, 5 historical plays and 1 Roman tragedy. His sonnets are also thought to be written in this period. The Third Period (1601-1607) The third period of Shakespeare?s dramatic career is mainly the period of “great tragedies” and “dark comedies”. It includes 5 tragedies, 3 comedies and 2 Roman tragedies.Major works written in this period:Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra The Fourth Period (1608-1612) The fourth period of Shakespeare?s work is the period of romantic drama. It includes 4 romances or “reconciliation(和解,复合)plays”. Shakespeare’s Literary Position:Shakespeare and the Authorized Version of the English Bible are the two greatest treasuries of the English language. Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance, and one of the greatest writers in world literature. Hamlet:Hamle t is considered the summit of Shakespeare?s art. It is one of Shakespeare?s canon, and it is universally included in the list of the world?s greatest works.It?s written in the form of blank verse.blank verse : poetry in rhymeless iambic pentameter.(素体诗剧)The story, coming from an old Danish legend, is a tragedy of the “revenge” genre. Shakespeare incorporates into the medieval story other major humanistic themes, including love, justice, good and evil, and most notably, madness, and the spirit of the time Injustice, conspiracy, and betrayal in the society。1. first blow: father?s murder and mother?s re-marriage2.second blow: betrayal of his two former friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern3. third blow: betrayal of his girl friend OpheliaThe greatness o f the play: in praise of the noble quality of Prince Hamlet as a representative of humanist thinkers and his disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived.


浙江省2018年1月高等教育自学考试 英国文学选读试题 课程代码:10054 PartⅠ. Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (10%) Section A A B (1)Shakespeare ( ) A. Jude the Obscure (2)Henry Fielding ( ) B. Persuasion (3)Charles Dickens ( ) C. Hard Times (4)Jane Austen ( ) D. Tom Jones (5)Thomas Hardy ( ) E. The Tempest Section B A B (1) Hamlet( ) A. Friday (2) Robinson Crusoe ( ) B. Sir Peter Teazle (3) The School for Scandal ( ) C. Gertrude (4) Pride and Prejudice ( ) D. Angel Clare (5) Tess of the D’Urbervilles( ) E. Elizabeth Bennet Part Ⅱ. Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. (5%) 1. The Renaissance movement embraced almost the whole of Europe. _______ is the essence of the movement. 2. In the last few decades of the 18th century, the neoclassical doctrines were rebelled against or challenged by the _______. 3. The two major novelists of the _______ period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott. 4. Charlotte Bront e ‘s works are usually concerned about some neglected young women with a fierce longing for _______, understanding and a full, happy life. 5. James Joyce is the most out-standing stream-of-consciousness novelist of the _______ century. Part Ⅲ. Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (50%) 1

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