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中国功夫 Chinese Kongfu_英语作文

中国功夫Chinese Kongfu When we ask a foreigner what’s his impression about China, then he tell you about the delicious food and Chinese Kongfu. Chinese Kongfu has been a symbol, the first person that make the world recognize China by his Kongfu movie is Bruce Lee. Though he died, he still got a lot of fans today, everybody knows him well. Then Jackie Chen make Chinese Kongfu famous all around the world, his movie is very funny by all kinds of actions. Many Hollywood directors have come to China to seek for cooperation, they want to film the movie that contains Chinese Kongfu. Kongfu is part of our culture and the world is knowing us by it. 当我们问一个外国人对中国的印象是什么,然后他告诉你美味的食物和中国功夫。中国功夫已经成为了一个符号,让世界通过中国功夫去认识中国的第一人是李小龙。虽然他死了,但他至今仍有很多粉丝,所有人都知道他。然后成龙让中国功夫在全世界都出名,他的电影很搞笑,通过各种各样的行动。许多好莱坞导演来中国寻求合作,他们想让电影包含有中国功夫。功夫是我们文化的一部分,世界也通过功夫去认识我们。


中国功夫与中国传统文化 --再论中国功夫的理论 中国传统文化综述 我国传统文化的主流是发端于战国的儒、道两大传统。中国功夫的理论也离不开于此。 儒家学说主张“济世”,倡刚健有为,以实现和谐、有序的政治理想。在维持现有秩序上,重德治与教化。到汉朝时尊儒,而成为中国传统文化的正统。铸造了中国的伦理类型文化,对于社会主义的道德建设不无现实意义。 道家主张追求与“道”的冥合,介乎“出世”与“入世”之间,强调“无为而无不为”。并注重人与天道自然的和谐。其“天人合一”的整体观,对于今天的生态、人口问题,不无启发意义。并形成了中国人的注重内心的体悟的思维模式,讲求智圆行方。 儒家虽为正统,但并不排斥道家,仍注意与道家相融合,在儒家,创始人孔子就曾问礼于道家创始人老子,老子以“唇齿为喻”,说明以柔胜刚的道理。唇舌虽然不如牙齿坚硬,但唇舌要比牙齿持久。中国功夫以此演化拳术,虽不能胜人,但却可自保。刚则缺乏变化,反易被人所乘。显然道家要比儒家高一筹。用于其它方面也是如此。 到汉唐时,佛教传入我国。佛教主张“出世”否定现实,后逐步与儒、道相融合,被我国人民所接受,开始了佛教的中国化。也讲尊师重道,倡导大乘佛教。并以渡己渡众生为己任,注重清净寂定的“禅”

的心境的修炼。 宋朝时,理学家完成了儒、释、道的合流工作。建立了以儒为首,兼及佛、道三位一体的中国传统文化结构。其实中国文化的根底仍在道家。 中国的人生哲学非常发达。 可总括为:“以出世的精神去做入世的事情”。既有苏子“唯江上清风,水中明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之成色”。“山高月小,水落石出”;陈抟的“于羲皇心地上驰骋,而不于周孔脚迹下盘桓。”的佛家的达观、超然。以离世的心境俯视人寰。又有范仲淹“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。”的“以天下为己任”。“敢为天下先”的儒家的积极入世。 即道家的“庖丁解牛”,居于世,事虽杂而不累其心的高深修养。 修身上要求:“不为浮誉所惑,则养其力者厚;不为流俗相竟,则所以制其气者重。”的厚德载物,是要君子宽厚的品德修养可以承载天地万物。有“将军额头跑开马,宰相肚里能撑船。”之谓,“天为盖,地为床,千年古树为衣架,万里长江当澡盆。”的胸襟与气度的修养。 重操守、气节,坚持自己的志向“不以物喜,不以己悲”,即不因外物的好坏和自己的得失而或喜或悲。做到“贫,气不改,达,志不改”。于是有周敦颐的《爱莲说》:“于独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。”陶渊明的“不为五斗米折腰”而《隐居》,“采菊东篱

中国功夫 英文介绍

Chinese Martial Arts known as Chinese Kung-fu by most foreigners, is a traditional Chinese physical activity with thousands of years of history. As a precious element of China's cultural heritage, Chinese Kung-fu has also won its name all around the world for its broad and deep meanings and its Oriental features, which cover it with a mysterious veil. Apart of the holistic Oriental Civilization, Chinese Kung-fu is effective both in battle and in building physical strength. In addition, it unites with the traditional medicine concepts of human's main and collateral channels, Qi and blood. To conclude, as a crystallization of the wisdom gathered in the ancient Chinese lands, it allows people of any age to build up their bodies. In modern times, Chinese Kung-fu was first introduced abroad to the United States by Chinese-American Kung-fu master Bruce Lee, whose agile movements in a series of his great movies swept American audiences off their feet. Thanks to the giant influence of the American movie industry, it soon swept across the world. The entire globe was enchanted by the magic act, starting the upsurge of interest in Chinese Kung-fu. From then on, Chinese Kung-fu learners can be found everywhere. Now, Lee's followers, Jacky Chan (Cheng Long) and Jet Lee (Li Lianjie) carry the baton pushing themselves to novel heights. Kung fu films have popularized traditional Chinese martial arts throughout the world. Films such as “crouching tiger, hidden dragon”, “kung fu hustle” “hero” and “house of flying draggers” have excited Hollywood, scored big at the international box officer, and have made a splash at awards ceremonies and film festivals around the world. And from these movies, Chinese kung fu stars Bruce Lee, Jacky Chan and Jet Lee have been heros in people’s mind..

初中英语作文范文-中国功夫 Chinese Kongfu

初中英语作文范文-中国功夫 Chinese Kongfu When we ask a foreigner what’s his impression about China, then he tell you about the delicious food and Chinese Kongfu. Chinese Kongfu has been a symbol, the first person that make the world recognize China by his Kongfu movie is Bruce Lee. Though he died, he still got a lot of fans today, everybody knows him well. Then Jackie Chen make Chinese Kongfu famous all around the world, his movie is very funny by all kinds of actions. Many Hollywood directors have come to China to seek for cooperation, they want to film the movie that contains Chinese Kongfu.

Kongfu is part of our culture and the world is knowing us by it. 当我们问一个外国人对中国的印象是什么,然后他告诉你美味的食物和中国功夫。中国功夫已经成为了一个符号,让世界通过中国功夫去认识中国的第一人是李小龙。虽然他死了,但他至今仍有很多粉丝,所有人都知道他。然后成龙让中国功夫在全世界都出名,他的电影很搞笑,通过各种各样的行动。许多好莱坞导演来中国寻求合作,他们想让电影包含有中国功夫。功夫是我们文化的一部分,世界也通过功夫去认识我们。


中国功夫第一课时 第六单元中国功夫第一课时 第一课时 目标: 1.通过申奥短片的播放,使学生了解中华武术的博 大精深及在全世界的影响,它代表华夏子孙自强不息 的顽强精神。2.通过歌曲的学唱,懂得中华武术魂, 懂得做人也是“外练:强身健体,内练:一身正气”。 引导学生有感情地歌唱。3.了解旋律的压缩在音乐 中的作用。 过程: 一、新课导入 播放北京申办2008奥运会的纪录片,定格在成龙表演功夫一幕。 师:同学们,知道这是什么运动项目吗?这是北京申办2008奥运会的宣传片。为什么短短的几分钟内要用这么大的篇幅来表现武术呢?谁知道中国的武术都分什么门派,有什么招式,有什么武器啊? 师:其实武术不但有同学们说的那些,它还代表了中华民族的一种精神,一种中华武术魂。 师:今天我们就来学习一首描写中华武术的歌曲好吗? 二、歌曲新授 1、教师播放录音,引导学生看黑板上的歌词。 师:刚才在播放录音的时候,老师发现很多同学都会唱这首歌曲。那么老师提问一个问题:这首歌曲分几段呢?有哪一段与众不同呢? 师:哦,第3段不是“唱”歌而是“说”歌,这就是一种新的演唱形式──说唱,我们一起来把第3段读一遍好吗? 2、教师与学生一起按节奏朗读第三段歌词,中间不停顿。 3、教师带领学生再次朗读歌词。 师:老师看到在歌曲中有两处歌词是一样的,同学们发现了吗?有什么不同呢? (速度不同,节奏也不一样。) 师:对,第1段速度较慢,它表现了什么样的情绪呢?应该怎么演唱呢?

生:表现了英雄吸纳天地之气的气势。应该唱得有气势,要深吸气,气沉丹田。 师:第2段速度较快,应该怎么演唱呢? (表现英雄舞刀弄枪的飒爽英姿。应该唱得有力量,有活力。) 4、教师介绍歌曲节奏的变化与旋律的压缩使音乐的情绪发生变化。 学生视唱两段不同的曲谱,打节奏。唱曲谱后再唱歌词。 师:最后一段中,“东方一条龙”指的是我们的伟大祖国;“儿女似英雄”说的是我们炎黄子孙都是英雄;“天高地远八面风”,说的是我们祖国幅员辽阔;“中华有神功”,说的便是我们祖国的武术了。大家再来完整地把歌曲演唱一次好吗? 5、学生演唱全曲。 三、感受与表现 1、师:老师听到大家唱得热血沸腾了,我想大家也想来表演一下吧?老师这有一部《中国功夫》的音乐电视,同学们可以自己选择几个喜欢的动作模仿。 师:哪个小组设计好了动作到前面来给大家表演一下? 2、学生表演,找出好的一组全班模仿,并完整表演。 师:老师看到大家表演得都很好。但是刚才老师发现有些同学的动作和大家不一样,不知道你们从哪里学来的啊?师:谁知道有关黄飞鸿的事呢? 3、学生简单向大家简单介绍黄飞鸿的故事。 老师补充,并播放有关黄飞鸿的影音资料。 师:正值外寇侵华,国难深重之时,黄飞鸿奋起抵抗,号召中华儿女当自强! 4、教师播放《男儿当自强》音乐。 师:听过音乐以后,有哪一句是你最不能忘的呢?为什么呢? 5、学生回答,师生交流。 四、小结 教学反思:


In the center of the vast Chinese nation lies the Mountain of Songshan, one of the country’s holiest spots and home to the Shaolin 1)Monastery, the birthplace of kung fu. The Buddhist monks of Shaolin were 2)pacifists, who mastered a deadly art using kicks, weapons and well-placed 3)punches. They were able to kill a man with the palm of a hand. These deadly skills are 4)in line with their faith and 5)spirituality, because Buddhists believe that, in order to follow the path of 6)compassion, they must 7)root out the heart of evil. In AD 527 the religious teacher, Da Mo, traveled from India to Shaolin to spread the word of Buddha. He spent nine years living alone and 8)meditating in a cave above the Shaolin temple. To keep his muscles healthy, he developed a series of movements and breathing exercises based on the movements of animals. These were to become the basis of kung fu. When Da Mo returned to the Shaolin temple, he began to teach the monks these techniques, and his tool of meditation evolved into a tool of 9)combat. Kung fu was born. As Shaolin’s 10)reputation grew, more and more young 11)novices traveled from all over China and attempted to join the 12)order. They had their heads shaved as an external sign of inward purity, and they swore an 13)oath of 14)obedience to their masters. Their training was 15)relentless. Their fists would become as hard as iron and their bodies almost https://www.doczj.com/doc/7d242522.html,. 16)impervious to pain. Training would leave its mark not just on the students but also on the temple itself, as over the centuries their pounding feet crushed the stones beneath them. Kung fu, which in Chinese means “learned skill” or “great achievement,”has now given rise to more than 1,000 styles of martial arts. The Shaolin style is still probably the most famous of all. Today, the temple welcomes millions of tourists a year and sells them a 17)commercialized version of its history. But in the less visited temples of the Songshan hills, the original spirit of Shaolin lives on. 中国功夫英语介绍 1.僧院 2.和平主义者 3.用拳猛击 4.符合。 5.灵性 6.同情,怜悯 7.根除 8.冥想 9.打,搏击10.声望11.初学者12按照宗教规则行事的一群人 13誓言14服从15残忍的,严酷的16不受影响的17使商业化 在广袤的中国大地的中心,有一座叫做嵩山的高山。这里是中国国家圣地之一,坐落在此的少林寺正是中国功夫的发源地。 少林佛家僧侣都是和平主义者。他们身怀绝技,可以使出踢打脚法、械斗及 到位拳法等极具杀伤力的招数。他们一掌即可置人于死地。但这些致命的技能 与他们的信仰和灵性保持一致,因为佛教徒相信:要将慈悲发扬光大,就必须根除 恶念之心。 公元527年,佛教祖师达摩从印度来到少林弘扬佛法。他在少林寺上面的山 洞里独居和冥想了九年。为了保持肌肉强健,他创出一系列以动物的动作为基础 的运动和呼吸法。这些为功夫奠定了基础。 达摩回到少林寺后,他将这些技巧传授给和尚,他的冥想法逐渐演变为格斗术。功夫从此诞生。 随着少林的名声日渐壮大,越来越多新人从全国各地前来,希望加入门派。他


建议做英语演讲的同学配合我上传的ppt一起使用哦。。。地址为 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7d242522.html,/view/511f0067b84ae45c3b358c14.html 开头语 Good afternoonteachers and classmates,The topic of my speech is chinese kung fu. Recently, more and more foreigners come to China to learn Chinese Kung Fu. They believe that Kung Fu is one of the most mysterious Chinese cultures. Many Chinese action stars, like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and some movies, like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Kung Fu Panda have influenced the world greatly and they have played a significant role in the promotion of Chinese martial arts. Here I will give a brief introduction to the origin of Kung Fu 4大门派的介绍 Emei martial arts in Chinese mountain Emei as birthplace. This is the spread of " streaky " Chengdu DujiangyanQingchengshan ( the school ). JintangGenting hill iron temple area ( Tiefo pie ), Sichuan Fengdu green mountain ( green pie ), Sichuan Fuling point easy to cave area ( point easy to send ), Sichuan Rongchang and Longchang ( Huang Lin faction). Eight leaves in the world spread refers to Zhao door, door door, monk, Yue tower called four people. Hong,, word, called four small home. The people Mr Tang Shunzhi writes " Emei seven Taoist boxing song " said: " the good magic, multiple skills, Emei boxing world strange. " Wudang martial arts has a long history and profound. Wudang Taoist Zhang Sanfeng sets of Yuanmomingchu its culmination, the title of Wudang martial arts blazed the trail. The Zhang Sanfeng the essence of the "Book of Changes" and "moral" and martial arts are harmoniously integrated to create important health fitness value to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang mainly Wudang martial arts. Experience on behalf of a martial artist after innovation, enrich, accumulation, a form of Chinese martial arts genre, known as "the northern Shaolin Southern respect Wudang". Beautiful 5A-class tourist destination - Kongtong the mountain, Kongtong martial arts martial arts originated Kongtong sent to become one of its practices, routines, martial kung fu, pay attention to the real fight, real take martial art and physical health and increase the skill for the purpose of. Kongtong faction martial arts "Jones" (weapons), it does not belong to the 18 weapons. A variety of forms, small size, easy to carry, is not easy to be found by the other party, grips can often surprise move. The gist of the Shaolin kungfu technique is Zen Wu unity. Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of Zen Buddhism, Zen to clear your heart, epiphany Buddhahood as is practical. In the eyes of Buddhism, Zen is the right way, boxing brave but Moji, monks, but by practicing martial arts to win their hearts and convergence screen consider meditation purposes. Also receive a fitness self-defense, the Custodian of the effect of nursing Temple.


活动目标:1.指导幼儿练习中国功夫的基本动作,注意动作的协调性灵敏性。2.帮助幼儿初步了解中国功夫的风格、作用,激发幼儿强身欲望和民族自豪感。活动准备:1.幼儿经验准备:幼儿看过武术片,了解一些功夫明星。 2.白板课件《中国功夫》。 3.白板、电脑、投影仪。 4.红彩带每人一条 活动过程: 一、开始部分 1.欣赏中国武术。 教师随着音乐声,以武术表演形式进场,要求:动作到位,有气势。 刚才老师表演了什么? 二、基本部分 1.组织看视频,学习一些武打动作,知道武打动作要刚劲、有力。 最近老师迷上了武术,看看我的师傅正在练功夫呢! 点击出现画面一,视频《李连杰练功夫》 我师父是谁?你认识吗?想不想跟他学几招? 你学会了什么武打动作,练给大家看看! 你自己会什么武打动作?请一幼儿上前表演后,其他幼儿跟学。 练武术和平时的动作比,哪个更有力、更精神呢? 小结:练武术就应该动作有力,精神饱满。 2. 引导幼儿学习一套完整的武打动作。 除了李连杰,你还知道有哪些功夫明星? 画面二:适时出示功夫明星成龙、李小龙的图片。 猜一猜,他们的功夫哪儿来的? 画面三:出示练功图谱 来,我们也来学学功夫!幼儿可以拜老师为师。 师生共同练习武术基本功:拳、掌、勾、马步、弓步、提腿。 老师完整示范,激发幼儿学习兴趣。 (1)点击播放图谱,幼儿跟着一节节练习,教师指导,注意动作要到位。 (2)点击音乐,幼儿自由练习,强调动作的刚劲、有力。 (3)点击音乐,配乐练习动作。 (4)点击音乐,扎上红绸带表演武术。 3、介绍中国武术的知识,激发民族自豪感。 画面四:视频,2008奥运太极表演 我们今天学的是拳术,他们也在表演呢,仔细看看他们练的是什么拳? 为什么在奥运会上要表演中国的功夫呢? 小结:武术是中国人的骄傲,是中国的瑰宝。 除了太极你还知道有哪些拳术呢! 画面五:猴拳,螳螂拳 幼儿模仿其动作。 中国功夫除了拳术,你还知道有哪些武术? 画面六:点击出现刀术、棍术、剑术 你们想一想,我们练拳、练刀、练剑、练棍,练这些武功到底有什么用呢? 小结:保家卫国、声张正义、强身健体,增强保护能力。


活动名称:社会 活动内容:《中国功夫》 活动目标: 1、让孩子们了解中国功夫是我国传统的文化,激发幼儿对中国功夫的兴趣,萌发幼儿作为一名中国人的自豪感。 2、让幼儿初步了解中国功夫的一些基本动作,并尝试练一练。 活动准备: 1、《中国功夫》的音乐。 2、教师学会一些武术的基本动作。 3、PPT课件 活动过程: 一、谈话导入。 1、教师:小朋友们,10月1日是什么节日?谁知道国庆节这一天天安门广场上会做一件什么事情? 2、PPT展示国庆大典展示的图片 教师小结:我们的祖国实在是太厉害了,太强大了,那你们觉得我们国家的什么很棒,很厉害? 3、教师:我最近发现有一样也是中国很厉害的,它就藏在一首歌里,我们一起听一听。 二、幼儿欣赏歌曲《中国功夫》 1、提问:你听到了什么? 2、教师小结,引出中国功夫。

教师::没错,我发现中国功夫也是很厉害的。 三、向幼儿介绍武术知识。 1、教师:中国功夫也叫武术,是我国传统的体育项目,有很多人喜欢练武术。 提问:(1)你在什么地方见过中国功夫? (2)有谁会一些武术动作?(幼儿演示) 2、向幼儿介绍中国功夫简单的动作。 (1)教师演示一组中国功夫的基本动作。 教师:我最近也在学中国功夫,想看我露一手吗 3、幼儿与教师共同练习中国功夫。 (1)教师:想不想跟我一起学?好,先活动活动手脚。准备,站如松。 (2)、幼儿与教师共同练习2——3遍。 4、幼儿在《中国功夫》的音乐中展示武术动作。 (1)、教师:动作学会了吗?我们马上要召开武林大会,比一比谁是武林高手。那怎样才能成为武林高手呢?(不怕吃苦、认真……)有信心吗?你们把今天学的动作练一练。 (2)、幼儿自由演示,教师个别指导。 教师:不错。只要勤学苦练,相信你们都能成为武林高手。 5、PPT出示李小龙的图片,介绍李小龙,激发幼儿民族自豪感。(1)教师:你们知道李小龙吗?是的,他是一位功夫高手。有一次,他到美国。一位美国拳击高手瞧不起他,认为中国功夫不行,就欺负


Chinese Dragon Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion. 对龙图腾他的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有振奋腾飞、开拓变化的寓意和团结凝聚的精神。Dumplings Dumplings are one of the Chinese people’s favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint---Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There’s an old saying that claims, “Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings”. During the Spring Festival and other holidays, or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new year. 饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统食品。相传为古代医圣张仲景发明。饺子的制作是包括:1)擀皮、2)备馅、3)包馅水煮三个步骤。其特点是皮薄馅嫩,味道鲜美,形状独特,百食不厌。民间有“好吃不过饺子”的俗语。中国人接亲待客、逢年过节都有包饺子吃的习俗,寓意吉利。对崇尚亲情的中国人来说,“更岁交子”吃饺子,更是欢度除夕、辞旧迎新必不可少的内容。 Acupuncture Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the “main and collateral channels”theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body’s yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine that “internal diseases are to be treated with external therapy”. The main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certain acupoints of the patient’s body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the patient’s acupoints so as to stimulate the channels and relieve pain. With its unique advantages, acupuncture has been handed down generation after generation and has now spread all over the world. Nowadays, acupuncture, along with Chinese food, kung fu (otherwise known as Chinese martial arts), and traditional Chinese medicine, has been internationally hailed as one of the “four new national treasures.” 针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。按照中医的经络理论,针灸疗法主要是通过疏通经络、调和气血,来达到阴阳归于平衡,使脏腑趋于调和之目的。其特点是“内病外治”。主要疗法是用针刺入病人身体的一定穴位,或用艾火的温热刺激烧灼病人的穴位,以达到刺激经络。治疗病痛的目的。针灸以其独特的优势,流传至今并传播到了世界,与中餐、功夫、中药一起被海外誉为中国的“新四大国粹”。 Chinese Kung Fu Chinese kung fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a


中国功夫之所以受到世界瞩目,与它的文化历史渊源是分不开的。功夫不是单纯的拳脚运动,它是民族智慧的结晶,也是民族传统文化的体现。如果你结识了外国朋友,想打开话匣子,给他们讲讲功夫的历史吧,绝对能吸引他们的注意。但功夫的历史源远流长,非三言两语可以说清楚。 In the center of the vast Chinese nation lies the Mountain of Songshan, one of the country’s holiest spots and home to the Shaolin 1)Monastery, the birthplace of kung fu. The Buddhist monks of Shaolin were 2)pacifists, who mastered a deadly art using kicks, weapons and well-placed 3)punches. They were able to kill a man with the palm of a hand. These deadly skills are 4)in line with their faith and 5)spirituality, because Buddhists believe that, in order to follow the path of 6)compassion, they must 7)root out the heart of evil. In AD 527 the religious teacher, Da Mo, traveled from India to Shaolin to spread the word of Buddha. He spent nine years living alone and 8)meditating in a cave above the Shaolin temple. To keep his muscles healthy, he developed a series of movements and breathing exercises based on the movements of animals. These were to become the basis of kung fu. When Da Mo returned to the Shaolin temple, he began to teach the monks these techniques, and his tool of meditation evolved into a tool of 9)combat. Kung fu was born. As Shaolin’s 10)reputation grew, more and more young 11)novices traveled from all over China and attempted to join the 12)order. They had their heads shaved as an external sign of inward purity, and they swore an 13)oath of 14)obedience to their masters. Their training was 15)relentless. Their fists would become as hard as iron and their bodies almost https://www.doczj.com/doc/7d242522.html,. 16)impervious to pain. Training would leave its mark not just on the students but also on the temple itself, as over the centuries their pounding feet crushed the stones beneath them. Kung fu, which in Chinese means “learned skill”or “great achievement,”has now given rise to more than 1,000 styles of martial arts. The Shaolin style is still probably the most famous of all. Today, the temple welcomes millions of tourists a year and sells them a 17)commercialized version of its history. But in the less visited temples of the Songshan hills, the original spirit of Shaolin lives on. 中国功夫英语介绍 1.僧院 2.和平主义者 3.用拳猛击 4.符合。 5.灵性 6.同情,怜悯 7.根除 8.冥想 9.打,搏击10.声望11.初学者12按照宗教规则行事的一群人 13誓言14服从15残忍的,严酷的16不受影响的17使商业化 在广袤的中国大地的中心,有一座叫做嵩山的高山。这里是中国国家圣地之一,坐落在此的少林寺正是中国功夫的发源地。 少林佛家僧侣都是和平主义者。他们身怀绝技,可以使出踢打脚法、械斗及到位拳法等极具杀伤力的招数。他们一掌即可置人于死地。但这些致命的技能与他们的信仰和灵性保持一致,因为佛教徒相信:要将慈悲发扬光大,就必须根除恶念之心。 公元527年,佛教祖师达摩从印度来到少林弘扬佛法。他在少林寺上面的山洞里独居和冥想了九年。为了保持肌肉强健,他创出一系列以动物的动作为基础的运动和呼吸法。这些为功夫奠定了基础。

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