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写作教程课后答案 上海外国语教育出版社

写作教程课后答案 上海外国语教育出版社
写作教程课后答案 上海外国语教育出版社

写作教程2 课后题答案


P2 . PART1

Advantages : It is very convenient . You can make a call whenever and wherever you want to.

It is especially helpful in an emergency .

It saves time .You don't have to search for or await the turn for the public phone.

You can always be reached when you are needed by others.

In an information age ,it can help you to get the information you want in the quickest way.

It may help you to grasp any chance to succeed. You can play games and surf the net through the phone.


Disadvantages : It is quite expensive

Its radiation is harmful to health

Answering calls in public places such as on a bus is embarrassing

Making or answering calls while driving is


You can always be reached by your parents or your boss

It may ring at the moment when you least want it to

You may receive calls from strangers or advertising companies and have to pay for them .



have become increasingly violent

is more and more important for young people

is the kindest neighbour I have ever known

has a profound effect on our health

P4. specific

British English is different from American English in spelling

is not a sentence, but a fragment

Different countries have different customs

general,too emotional

The local food is tasteless and greasy

P7. Approach 1: For one thing, they should balance science and non-science courses so that they do not have too many time-consuming labs.

Approach 2:They should also try to get a mixture between subjects they find fairly easy and those that are difficult for them.

Example 1: For instance,the student who dose well in history but expects to have a terrible time with calculus might plan on taking both in the same semester to balance the work load. Example 2: The student who dose not plan carefully and takes five tough courses the first term may wind up on scholastic probation.

P11. 4 . Paragraph 1:All invention are either basic inventions or improvement on earlier inventions.

Paragraph 2:There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday.

Paragraph 3: Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.

5. Paragraph 1 : Topic sentence: 第一句无关句: Many people .....to each other. 和And nowadays,....more convenience.

Paragraph 2: T S : 第一句无关句: I didn't https://www.doczj.com/doc/7b13734670.html,st night 和 I heard that .... own children.

(1)First of all . (2) secondly (3)By and by (4) In addition (5)In short

P18 Paragraph B : Jack should not have taken the gymnastics


he fell off the uneven bars and got a concussion.

he sprained his ankle,after a bad landing off the balance beam.

he broken the support beam in the basement of his parent's home,showing them his skills.

he broke his thumb when he caught it on the bar the pommel horse.

he fails the final exam in his gymnastics course.

he failed to graduate due to the lack of two hours of physical education credit

P19 T S: Some historians mark the course of the American Revolutionary War in three major periods.

1. During the first phase of the conflict ,New English was the battleground,

1)The Minutemen and the Redcoats fired the opening shots of the war at Lexington at dawn of April 19,1775

2) Shortly afterwards ,the New England colonists laid siege to Boston .the location of the British headquarters.

the second phase of the war ,which began after the signing of the Declaration ,both the British and the American made

important military gains.

1)The British soldiers captured New York in the fall of 1776,and a year later they occupied Philadelphia.

2)Meanwhile the Americans were able to seize New Jersey and Saratoga.

fighting moved to the west and south during the last phase.

1) In 1778 and 1779 several battles occurred in Kentucky and Tennessee.

2)Then two years later ,the final battle of the war was fought at Yorktown ,Virginia.

P22 . 4: 排序:4 10 5 12 3 7 15 9 14 2 11 8 13 6 1

T S: My family spent two fun-filled days at Disney World last year.

P23. 5.(1)Then (2) morning (3)afternoon (4)Then (5)After that (6)when (7)already (8)after

P33. 3. 排序:3614752 Relationship : Primarily, the organization of the paragraph represents movement in geographical space.

P34 5. (1)into (2) crosses (3) In the center of (4) Outside (5)inside (6) On the front (7)over (8)down (9)lined with (10) At the rear

P46 4. (1)with (2)while (3)slowly (4)Gradually (5)with (6)By this time (7)Suddenly (8)final (9) ending (10) applause

5. Prepare and lay out food;make the special lanterns Keep dancing and singing overnight

Throw the food and lanterns into a river or sea

Watch the lanterns drifting way

P52 . T S : Working as a cook at the Venture Inn is the best job i have ever had.

Reasons: 1. I have a steady fort-hour workweek ,along with a chance for overtime if i want it.

can eat whatever i like ,and i get a chance to take steak and sometimes lobster home to my wife.

don't have any big hassle with my boss;if i have to report late or skip a day now and then,all she asks is that

i call her in advance

4. They pay is very good ,averaging close to $200 the weeks that i work overtime

5. The job is seasonal.

P57. 3. T S : Working in an apple plant was the worst job i ever had.

Examples :1: First of all,the work was physically hard Specific details:

1)For ten hours a night ,i took cartons that rolled down a metal track and stacked them onto wooden skids in a tractor trailer.

2)Each carton contained twelve 32-ounce cans or bottles of apple juice,and they were heavy

2: The second bad feature of the job was the pay Specific details:

I was getting the minimum wage at that time ,$ hour,plus a minimum of a nickel extra for working the night shift.

3: The worst feature of the apple plant job was the working conditions.

Specific details:

1) During work we were limited to two 10-minute breaks and an unpaid half-hour for lunch

2)The steel floors of the trucks were like ice ;the quickly penetrating cold made my feet feel like stone. Concluding S : I felt humiliated by the poverty that forced me to do such a bitter job.

P58 4.

Pattern : It follows Pattern 1 and uses many examples to illustrate the controlling idea.

5. (1) For example (2)Furthermore (3)In still another instance (4)Even (5)his (6)these (7)contemporary

P59 7. 1) I've never seen a girl as lazy as Arena

2) English teachers are applying different means to

teach the English language

3)Americans have been decreasing their working hours since early 1900s

4)My father has been a generous man to his children P70 5. 排序: 213546

explain a Spanish word which has no exact English equivalent

courageous behaviour earthy sexuality P76 Cause: 1. Over a million cars are abandoned on the streets city governments or governmental agencies have financial headaches

Effect: lack of parking in cities

P78 Cause: the terrorist strikes

Effects: 1. The Americans feel very anxious and panicky 3. The public would wind up ignoring the one warning that really matters.

P82 2) Cause : (1) got drunk at the party

(2)had taken the drug of Accutane

(3)adolescent depression

Effect : Bart Jr.'s suicide

4. 排序:241365 Pattern of cause and effect: single effect and multiple causes

P88 sample 1 subject: the time most students spend studying

for a test

Topic sentence: The time most students spend studying for a test can be divided into three distinct phases.

Division;1)Phase One runs from the day the test is announced to approximately forty-eight hours before the exam is passed out.

2)Phase two is entered two days prior to the test.

3)Phase three ,the final phase ,is entered twelve hours before “Zero Hour.”

Sample 2 : subject: students in our school

Topic sentence: students in our school fall into three groups according to their different intentions of taking part in sports.

Division :1) students who go to the playground when they feel tired after study.

2) real sports lovers who even put aside their studies for a game.

P93 3. 1) T S: University students' entertainment can be divided into three categories according to where it takes place Division: a) entertainment at home

b) entertainment on campus

c) entertainment elsewhere

2)T S: The average young married woman in today's

society has her life divided into three different roles.

Division: a)the role of wife

b)the role of mother

c)the role of self

3) T S : Neighbours fall into three categories according to their different attitudes towards you

Division:a)those who are friendly

b)those who are indifferent

c)those who hate you

P94 5: 排序:7 3 10 9 1 5 8 4 2 11 6

Subject: Christmas gifts

T S : Christmas gifts can be divided into three groups ,according to their after-Christmas fate

Division: a)those that are welcomed and put into use very soon

b)those that are halfway between being hated and loved

c)those that you banish as soon as possible Concluding S : By New Year's Day, you have either used ,stored or disposed of each of your Christmas gifts

6. (1)types (2)Though (3) Finally (4)however(5)Even though (6)Before (7)third (8)If(9)Then (10)these

P106 4.

Pattern of comparison and contrast: subject by subject

P107 5. (1)similar (2)although (3)difference (4)identical (5)again (6)while (7)But (8)difference (9)consistency (10)completely

P114 paragraph B: First statement :The invention of movable type made the mass media possible.

Supporting details: Large numbers of people could have access to learning.

Second statement :Television brought a second revolution by means of the media .

Supporting details: Television made experiences available to massive numbers of people.

Millions could watch a president being sworn in or buried ,a spaceship launched .

An Olympic race run ,comedies or talk shows at the same time . Third statement :You ,through the medium of television ,will be a member of a “global villages”.

Supporting details ;In the future , this revolution in both information and experiences will spread to the far reaches of the world and even to outer space. Ultimately, you will be able to see and talk instantly to anyone else in the world. General statement : Technology will take a leading role in the

media future as it always has in the past.

P118 3. The enormous importance of television news had started the process of change in the printed press

P119 5 .A : Programs on TV tend to have a high level of maturity

(1) fostering maturity at early age or hindering maturity

(2)misleading children to imitating scenes on TV B: TV serials or dramas may oversimplify complex social and psychological problems.

(1)enjoying simple-minded soap operas and stereotyped characters

(2)giving a false picture of reality

C:Informative and cultural programs are frequently interrupted by vulgar advertising.

(1)too many commercials

(2)an insult even to the intelligence of a moron P120 6.(1)Thus (2)When (3)also (4)however (5)Moreover (6)indeed (7)also (8)Yet (9) and (10)Thus

P139 sample 2

P145 3. Gambling is the root cause of many social problems The future of education lies in the innovation of educational technology

Violence on television has a negative impact on children's view of society

Women should be given equal opportunities in education and career development

Efforts should be made to preserve natural beauty in developing local tourism

P147 6. (1)usually (2)often (3)Since (4)on the other hand (5)also (6)but (7)Although

P158 5.排序:8 3 7 1 5 9 13 2 6 12 4 11 10

6: the morning 3. in the evening six o'clock soon as 's more next morning 15. Luckily last

P173 6: (1)cozy (2)soft (3)On one side of the room (4)Next to (5)muted (6)On the other side of (7)nap

(8)orange(9)lighted (10)sizzling

P183 3. T S: If blind people can sense color differences ,then perhaps we, too,are affected by colors unconsciously

Paragraph 1 : (Introduction/thesis statement)

Paragraph 2: (Supporting paragraph) Topic:discoveries of manufacturers Examples: sugar,foods and cosmetics

Paragraph 3:(Supporting paragraph) Topic: discoveries of experiments Examples: red,blue,yellow

Paragraph 4: (Conclusion:result of the discoveries)

P184 5 . (1)confirmed (2)findings (3)than (4)whereas (5)as (6)if (7)together (8)lead to (9)where (10)adults

P185 :to inform drivers that they should keep the four-second rule instead of the two second rule on highways in order to avoid collision or pileups

Topic speeds over 55miles per hour 3) keep two seconds ahead when driving

Topic 2. On highways drivers should use the four-second rule ,not the two second rule 1) The distance needed to stop a car should

Topic over the last half of the stopping distance 2)Some practical examples are given 3)For greater details the reader may refer to the attached table to determine the right time allowed to avoid accidents

P199 4.(1)However (2)open (3)too (4)because (5)as a result (6)Secondly (7)unless (8)even(9)prolong (10)delays (11)benefits

Main proposition: I am not completely satisfied with the family doctor system

Minor propositions: 1. Doctors' office hours are inconvenient

are delays in seeing a doctor

Solution: prolong doctors' surgery hours

doctors to share patients


1 “真正创造音乐的是人民,作曲家只不过是把它们编成曲子而已”是()的名言。 A、斯美塔那 B、格林卡 C、德彪西 D、德沃夏克 我的答案:B 2 民歌是每个民族的传统歌曲,其中的大部分我们都知道作者。() 我的答案:×得分: 3 民歌的传承方式是口头传播。() 我的答案:√ 民歌的发展(一):历史的足迹已完成成绩:100.0分 1 《相和歌》出现在()。 A、宋代 B、唐代 C、魏晋南北朝 D、汉代 我的答案:D 得分:25.0分 2 ()是唐代掌管礼乐的最高行政机构,兼管雅乐和俗乐。

A、大理寺 B、光禄寺 C、太常寺 D、太仆寺 我的答案:C 得分:25.0分 3 我国最早记录民歌的集子是()。 A、《离骚》 B、《乐记》 C、《诗经》 D、《乐章集》 我的答案:C 得分:25.0分 4 清末民初,“学堂乐歌”的出现属于教育改革的一部分。()我的答案:√ 民歌的发展(二):民族性的体现已完成成绩:100.0分 1 ()是中国文化的代表元素之一,被誉为“中国的第二国歌”。 A、《孟姜女》 B、《康定情歌》 C、《绣荷包》 D、《茉莉花》

我的答案:D 得分:25.0分 2 《凤阳花鼓》最初的表现形式是由()二人配合演唱。 A、母女 B、姐妹 C、夫妻 D、姑嫂 我的答案:D 得分:25.0分 3 《凤阳花鼓》源于()。 A、河南 B、河北 C、安徽 D、湖北 我的答案:C 得分:25.0分 4 音符的不同组合方式与演唱方式,体现出中西方音乐的不同。()我的答案:√ 1 “正月里来是新春,家家户户点红灯”出自()。 A、《绣荷包》 B、《孟姜女》 C、《龙船调》


中国新闻采访写作教程笔记 一.新闻与事实的关系 新闻来自事实,由事实构成,是事实的记录和再现。事实第一性,新闻第二性,一个是源,一个是流,先有事实后有新闻,再者的关系不容分离,更不容颠倒。 二.新闻采访与新闻写作的关系 从本质而言,新闻采访决定新闻写作,具体表现在: 1.只有认识事实,才能反映事实,而对客观事实的认识,尽管可在贯穿整个采访写作过程, 但是,认识事实的任务基本上在采访阶段完成; 2. 抓新闻就是抓事实,写新闻就是写事实,新闻写作有赖于对事实的采访; 3. 采访的深度和广度,直接关系到写作的深度和广度; 4. 内容决定形式,形式服从内容。新闻写作的基础在于采访,采访决定新闻写作,这是人 们对客观事实认识的规律,也是新闻采写经验的总结。 5.在事实成为新闻的转化过程中,新闻写作是一个必经阶段和一种不可缺少的手段,采访 活动也要受写作的制约和检验,新闻的写作对于采访有能动作用。 总之,按照唯物主义的辩证观点,采访是写作的前提和基础,写作是采访的表现和结果,既要深入采访,又要讲究写作,二者不可偏废。但从采访写作关系的实质来看,应该说是采访决定写作。 三.采访写作的两个明显的特点: 一是更加强调实践性; 二是有鲜明的政治性。 四.新闻采访和写作要特别注意的两个"正确"对待: 一是要正确对待我们党的新闻工作在采写方面的传统经验;

二是要正确对待西方新闻界的采访写作经验。 五.新闻采访艺术: 主要研究如何运用唯物辩证观点、求实观点和群众观点,正确处理好新闻采访中的微观与宏观、个性与共性、现象与本质的关系,记者和采访对象的关系,并运用心理分析加以调节和控制,使采访逐步深化,从感性认识上升到理性认识,正确地把握事实和报道事实。六.新闻采访的概念和性质 采访--是指记者和其他新闻工作者,为完成报道任务或了解某些情况,围绕采集新闻事实材料而进的一项特殊的调查究活动。 从马克思主义的认识论看问题,采访的性质是主观认识客观并把握客观,是记者向客观事物"进行调查研究活动",但与一般的调查研究又有不同。采访是以新闻事实为对象、以新闻报道为目的的一种专业性极强的调查研究。 七.采访的特点: 采访是一项特殊的调查研究活动,它与一般的调查研究比较,既有相同点,也有不同点。相同点表现在: 1. 都以马克思主义认识论为指导,使主观认识符合客观实际; 2. 都以正确态度和科学方法,进行深入的调查研究,获得真实的、有说服力的材料,弄清 事物的真相,探求其本质与规律; 3. 都必须从实际出发,实事求是地分析、研究和解决问题。 不同点表现在: 采访这种调查研究活动有其特殊性:新闻性、突击性、广泛性、灵活性、持续性八.采访的目的、任务与作用: 采访的目的就在于获得新闻;

邹申版英语写作教程1课后答案-UNIT 2-keys

P21 Pronouns 1)She me 2)Me 3)Him 4)She 5)Who 6)Whoever 7)Who/whom 8)Whom P25 2 1)play a minor role 2) That’s Greek to me 3) belated action 4)Where there is smoke there is fire 5) be a utility man 6)walk into the trap 7) one’s face glowing with health 3 1)We must practice economy. We must reduce unnecessary expenditures. 2)It is essential to control environmental pollution. 3)We must arrive at the station on time. 4)Financial expenditures should be arranged in order of priority. 5)We should speed up construction of urban housing, so as to improve the housing conditions. 6)Private capital has to meet two conditions. First, the profits must be legal. Second, they must be excessive. 7)During the period of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan we must never neglect grain production. Instead, we must steadily increase it. P26 5 1)me 2)who 3)I 4)me/myself 5)me 6)each other’s 7)who 8)us 9)whom 10)Some 11)one’s 12)his 13)his 14)his his


综合教程1课后答案 Unit 1 College Life Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action 1. (P.23) 1) deliver 2) polish 3) available 4) latter 5)file 6) thrive 7) undertook 8) practical 9) fulfill 10) perceived 11) accumulated 12) multiplied 2. (P.24) 1)compromise 2) self-induced 3) steered 4) frame 5)demonstrated 6) employ 7) promote 8) impressed 9)contribution 10) deliberately 11) financial 12) economic 3.(P.24) 1)makes a point of 2) refresh my memory 3) lead to 4) at hand 5) working out 6) under pressure 7) Last but not least 8) down 9) In addition to 10) were involved 11) in other words 12) pointed out 13) pay off 4. (P.25) 1) scored 2) scheduled 3) assigned 4) motivated 5) crucial 6) promote 7) perform 8) debate 9) scanned 10) devised 11) advocated 12) clarify 13) priorities 14) compromised 15) context 16) undertook Final sentence: academic excellence Increasing Your Word Power 1.( P.26~27) 1)principal/ major 2) top 3) major 4) top 5)principal 6) major 7) schedule 8)advocate/have advocated 9) top 10) approach 11)blame 12) major/ principal 13) advocate 14) schedule 15)blame 16) approaching 17) pressure 18) pace 19)pressured 20) pace Cloze (P.31) 1)academic 2) priorities 3) conducted 4) principles 5)begin 6) priority 7) compromised 8) addition 9)filling 10) Speaking 11) formula 12)Participation/ Participating 13) based 14) least 15)way 16) pressure


《公文写作》课程教学大纲 一、课程 课程名称(中英文):公文写作The Writing of Official Documents 课程编号: 课程类别:专业选修课 课程总学时:16 周学时:2 学分数:1 适用专业:思想政治教育专业 二、教学目标 使本专业的学生能比较全面系统地掌握行政机关公文与处理的基本理论, 基本知识与基本技能,认识机关公文形成和处理的基本规律,了解我国国家机关、社会组织现行的公文种类、体式稿本、行文规范、写作要求以及公文办理、公文立卷与归档的程序,原则和方法,培养和提高撰拟公文和处理公文的能力,以便毕业后能有较强的公文写作能力胜任工作需要。 三、课程简介 从公文的特点出发,介绍公文写作的基本要求与方法,阐述公文主旨的作用及其确立要求,以及将公文主旨从撰文者的观念转化为公文实体的具体过程;具体教授知照类、报请类、领导指挥类及其它机关常用公文的写作要求及方法。 本课的学习重点是公文撰写的基本要求及步骤,通过标题、序言、正文、结束语等部分表现和突出公文主旨的方法,各类常用公文用语的使用,公文的结构及要素,并进行通知、函、请示、报告、批复、总结等公文文种的具体写作训练。 四、教学内容、要求和学时分配 第一章公文 主要内容:通过本章的学习,了解公文的含义,公文的产生与发展的基本想说;认识公文的特点及其在国家管理中的重要作用;了解公文分类的意义,方法以及我国现行的公文名称。 公文概述 公文的特点与作用 公文的分类与名称 第二章公文写作 主要内容:通过本章的学习,了解公文写作的重要性、公文写作的特点和公文写作的基本要求;明确公文写作的一般步骤、方法以及公文写作人员应具有的素质修养。 公文写作概述 公文写作的特点与要求 公文写作的步骤与方法 公文写作人员的修养 第三章公文的体式与稿本


新闻写作结尾20种形式 下笔千言,终要收尾。稿子写到结尾,也就到了作者与读者握手言别的最后时间了。人们告别的方式有多少种,结尾的方式就有多少种。一些新闻作品,之因此让人读后掩卷长思、唏嘘别已,不少得益于作品有一具好的结尾。作为作者,要尽可能经过结尾的“神来之笔”,给读者留下一具深刻的印象和美好的回顾。结尾并非可有可无普通来说,从事新闻写作的人大多比较重视导语写作,对结尾的作用则没有引起脚够的重视,总认为结尾可有可无,弄不行还有画蛇添脚之嫌。这种看法是片面的。在有些新闻、尤其是在一些简讯中,常常惟独百十来字,离首即尾,离尾即首,真的无所谓结尾;但在大多数新闻作品中,结尾对主题思想和新闻事实的表达依然发挥了较好的作用。古今中外许多名人大伙儿,特别重视结尾在写作中的特殊地位和作用。白居易曾在《新乐府序》中称“首句标其目,卒章显其志,诗三百之义也”,意思是说《诗经》各篇的开头、结尾各有特色;明朝谢榛在《四溟诗话》中说:“凡起句当如爆竹,骤响易彻;结句当如撞钟,清音有余。”提出开头要使人为之一震,结尾要令人余音萦耳;明末清初的李渔在《闲情偶寄》中论述说:“开卷之初,当以奇句夺目,使之一见而惊……终篇之际,当以媚语摄魂,使之执卷流连,若难遽别。”结尾在文章中的的特殊地位和作用,由此可见一斑。至于是否画蛇添脚,别在于要别要结尾,彻底在于它的作用是否得到有效发挥。一些结尾之因此显得多余,正说明没有发挥好结尾的作用。 新闻结尾虽然处于文章的最后位置,但它关于受众同意心理的妨碍却别容低估。据心理学的有关研究材料显示,处于系列首尾位置的经历材料,比处于系列中间位置的材料更容易被记住,其几率几乎相当于中间位置的三倍。英国新闻学者安德鲁?博伊德认为:“任何一具节目或新闻给人的长期印象通常基本上最开始或最后几个词留下的。”因而他认为:“像有力的开头一样,结尾应该加强语气,幸免虎头蛇尾。新闻报道宁用砰然响声做结尾而别用低声呜咽。有力、确定、语气强烈的结尾胜过软弱无力的结尾。”(《广播电视新闻教程》) ①卒章见义,点化主题。写稿子,别仅仅是说故事,重要的是要经过叙述给读者一具交待,以便把作者的创作意图告诉读者,让读者知道你想要说什么,也算是我们常说的“主题思想”。主题思想的体现方式多种多样,有的夹叙夹议,边说故事边出思想;有的先捅主题,尔后用事实补证;还有的是把主题思想巧妙地躲藏在新闻事实的叙述中,使读者在阅读过程中对主题思想有初步感悟,最后再经过结尾将其鲜亮地告诉读者。比如,1990年11月12日《解放军报》一版有一篇消息,题目是《“硬六连”的硬根子》。在这篇稿件中,作者先用4个骨干例子作了充分的铺垫,假如读者认真研读,是可以看出其主题思想的;但新闻怎么说别全是经典著作,读者普通也别可能像读经典著作那样,去精研细读一篇新闻作品,很可能是“一扫而过”,扫上了就扫上了,扫别上就过去了,作品的表达效果就会大打折扣。于是,作者在稿子的最后又加了如此一具结尾:“六连的士兵过硬,是军官带出来的;六连的军官过硬,是党小组、支部管出来的。党支部那个战斗堡垒过硬,是硬六连的硬根子。”如此一来,稿子的主题思想就知道无误了。 ②登高望远,阐明意义。对记者、通讯员来说,写稿子别仅仅是报道新闻事实、点明新闻主题,还应充分阐述其意义,使读者更深刻地认清新闻事实的新闻价值。但在写作过程中,为便于新闻事实的叙述、主题思想的集中表达,作者有时很难把新闻事实的意义穿插于新闻主体中,于是常常在报道结束时特意拿出一段文字解决这一咨询题。从另一方面说,新闻记者的职业特点,决定了他们对新闻事实的认识往往比普通读者要深一些、远一些,可以从更高的层次、更广的范围去认识。在实际工作中,他们有更多的机会接触当事人,对新闻事实的了解,也必定比普通读者多,对新闻事实的认识应该更准确、更全面。从那个意义上说,阐明新闻意义也是记者应尽的义务。看一下《解放军报》这篇人物新闻的结尾,也许能够加深我们对这一咨询题的认识。战喜武是平庸的。这个地方的每一具人,海防前哨的


UNIT 6 P75 1)The enraged father threatened to throw the screaming boy out of the room. 2)You can use the frequently used method. 3)Tommy, filled with despair, left the office. 4)Smiling through the window, the girl is enjoying one of the happiest days in her life. 5)The boy was sitting at his desk, his feet gently tapping the floor. 6)The computers damaged by an unknown virus, the employees are happy to take the day off. P76 Task1 Sentences 1) and 2) participles as attributes Sentences 3) and 4) participles to indicate simultaneous actions Sentences 5) and 6) as absolute constructions P78 1. smiling 2. Reading 3. Swimming 4. competing broken informing 8. Having exhausted relieved P80 Task 2 1.The computer bought last week brings happiness to everyone in my family. 2.Being back in my hometown, I didn’t know that my professor had \assigned another 5000-word paper. 3.Standing in front of the picture painted by a post-impressionist, many people pretended that they could understand it. 4.Looking out of the window of the train, the boy was amused by the power lines dancing up and down in the air. P81 Classroom Activities Task 1 1.Kate fell asleep when reading Bo b’s letter. 2.She started to chat with her friend after finish/ having finished her work. 3.Although having seen it a thousand and one times, the old man still watches the video from time to time. 4.Though closely watched by the guards, the prisoner plans to escape. 5.It is believed that if read many times, an article will naturally be understood. 6.if buying more, you can pay less. P82 B a. 2) P83 Classroom activities Task 1 1)Thinking about her kid at home, Judy… 2)Racing along the street, the car sent… 3)Born in educated in …, she is now working …


Unit 1 . The little boy was chicken-hearted. 2)That statesman is a respectable figure in the political arena. 3)We sat down by the oak tree ,enjoying the breeze coming from the lake. 4)We need to drink the milk before it sours. 5)The child had difficulty finding his way to school. 6)The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts. 7)My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him. 8)Our university can accommodate 4,000 students. 9)Social customs vary greatly from country to country. experienced 2)elapsed 3)attempting 4)with 5)take up 6)made 7)endeavor 8)true The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted. 2)We suppose that a referee should be disinterested but not uninterested. 3)Tony can hit a ball farther than I can. 4)We must pursue this matter farther. 5)The principle behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success. 6)All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest. 7)The federal government comprises the legislative,judicial,and executive branches. 8)The whole region was struck by an economic disaster. 9)(correct) 10)He was awaked to the risk. Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for. 2)The jury is expected to reach its decision very quickly. 3)Each of the candidates for the position has exceptionally high qualifications. 4)Every boy and girl in the sixth grade was at fault.. 7)He is one of the students who plan to attend the speech contest. 8)The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial. 9)Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display. 10)The symptoms of mercury poisoning vary with each individual case. 11)He believes that athletics improves school morale. 12)Up goes the starter”s gun,and each of the runners becomes tense. 13)Either The Moning Post or The City News is a reliable sourse of news. 14)The first thing that catches your eye is the headlines. 15)She is one of the women who have made this country what it is.


2007级第四学期期末《新闻写作教程》考试试题(A卷) 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.无论哪一篇消息,绝不能没有的部分是( ) A.导语 B.主体 C.背景 D.结尾 2.通过新闻事实的报道,分析当前工作中的经验和问题,提出带有规律性的东西去推动工作,这种表现方式被称为( ) A.分析报道 B.事件特写 C.工作通讯 D.概貌通讯 3.新闻结构犹如人的骨骼,是一种组"局部"为"整体"的营造艺术,它被当代西方写作学称为( ) A.新闻建构 B.组合艺术 C.建构艺术 D.仿人体艺术 4.在消息写作上,要力求避免所谓的"三重复",是指( ) A.避免导语、主体、背景的重复 B.避免导语、主体、结尾的重复 C.避免标题、导语、主体的重复 D.避免标题、导语、背景的重复 5.所谓新闻的生命,也即新闻写作的第一要素,是( ) A.及时 B.真实 C.生动 D.具体 6.作为一篇消息的有机组成部分,重在补充、反衬或烘托新闻事实和新闻主题的重要部分是( ) A.导语 B.主体 C.背景 D.结尾 7.报告文学与文学作品的最主要区别是( ) A.文学性 B.艺术性 C.形象性 D.真实性 8.言简意明地反映一篇消息内容的核心和精华,引导读者尽快把握新闻要旨的简要文句是( ) A.新闻导语 B.新闻标题 C.新闻主题 D.新闻主体 9.选择()是表现新闻主题的好办法。 A.新闻跳笔 B.新闻敏感 C.新闻价值 D.新闻角度 10.常见的硬新闻结构:() A.倒金字塔B,金字塔 C.华尔街日报型 D.沙漏型

二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共20分) 11.导语的大致类型:() A. 概述型导语 B. 描写型导语 C. 评述型导语 D. 橱窗式导语 12.导语写作的基本要求() A. 导语必须有实质性内容,不能虚晃一枪、空泛无物 B、将最具新闻价值、最有吸引力的事实写进导语 C、炼字炼句,力求简短 13.主体的作用() A、展开导语,使之具体化 B、补充导语,令主体更丰满 C. 回答读者提出的问题 14.新闻语言的特色可以概括为( ) A.客观 B.确切 C.简练 D.通俗 E.朴实 15.按照不同的写作形式和写作特点,我国新闻界通常把消息分为( ) A.动态消息 B.综合消息 C.经验性消息 D.人物消息 E.述评性消息 三、名词解释题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 16.新闻敏感 17.新闻价值 18.深度报道 19.硬新闻与软新闻 20 GOAL采访法 21.核心段 22.华尔街日报型结构 23.字幕机 24.解说词 25.同期声 四、简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)


Unit 1 PART Ⅱ FOCUS Denotation and Connotation Suggested answer to the question If it is your teacher, most probably you will choose b, as the word portly has an implication of a more or less dignified and imposing appearance (e.g. an elderly gentleman, large and portly). However, if it is a doorkeeper, an amiable middle-aged woman, you may choose the word plump as it implies a pleasing fullness of figure (e.g. the plump goddesses of Renaissance paintings). From this exercise we can conclude that words that share the same denotative meanings can be diverse in their connotative meanings. Reference for the Classroom Activities 1.father: the male parent. It connotes support and sternness; it also connotes protection but in a serious fashion. wildflower: uncultivated plant; it connotes vitality and pleasantness. 2. a. In the West, every male person has the good qualities of males, such as bravery, spirit, and toughness. b. Anyway, she has the characteristics of a woman, such as frailty and delicacy. Attitude Reference for the Classroom Activities 2. a. unique b. pigheaded c. flattered d. fossil e. spinster Collocation Suggested answers to the exercise


《公文写作》课程教学大纲 课程名称:公文写作 课程编码: 课程类型:专业必修课 课程性质:专业基础课 适用范畴:文秘教育专业 学分数:2 学时数:40 一、教学大纲讲明 (一)课程的地位、作用和任务 《公文写作》是一门应用性专门强的课程,它以党和国家的有关规范性文件为指导,要紧研究国家行政机关及其他社会组织在行政职权和实施治理的过程中公文形成与办理的差不多规律与方法。其内容具有政治性、综合性、规定性与应用性的特点。 (二)课程教学的目的和要求 设置本课程的目的是:使文秘教育专业的学生能比较全面系统地把握行政机关公文与处理的差不多理论, 差不多知识与差不多技能,认识机关公文形成和处理的差不多规律,了解我国国家机关、社会组织现行的公文种类、体式稿本、行文规范、写作要求以及公文办理、公文立卷与归档的程序,原则和方法,培养和提升撰拟公文和处理公文的能力,以便毕业后能有较强的公文写作能力胜任工作需要。 (三)课程教学方法与手段 课程综合课堂的讲授、习题、讨论及课外资料的查询、分析等方法来传授知识。教学手段要紧利用多媒体开展,课外资料查询、分析利用网络、图书馆进行。 (四)课程与其他课程的联系

本课程独立性较强,前期若能开设《应用写作》对本课程较有关心,学完该课程,对学生大四开展的毕业论文写作较有关心。 (五)教材与教学参考书 本课程教材: 岳海翔.公文写作教程.高等教育出版社.2005 参考教材: 胡双宝.有用公文写作教程.北京大学出版社.2003 二、课程的教学内容、重点和难点 第一章公文 要紧内容:通过本章的学习,了解公文的含义,公文的产生与进展的差不多想讲;认识公文的特点及其在国家治理中的重要作用;了解公文分类的意义,方法以及我国现行的公文名称。 公文概述 公文的特点与作用 公文的分类与名称 第二章公文写作 要紧内容:通过本章的学习,了解公文写作的重要性、公文写作的特点和公文写作的差不多要求;明确公文写作的一样步骤、方法以及公文写作人员应具有的素养修养。 公文写作概述 公文写作的特点与要求 公文写作的步骤与方法 公文写作人员的修养 第三章公文的体式与稿本 要紧内容:通过本章的学习,了解公文体式的含义及文体特点;懂得并把握公文结构各要素的含义及其在文面上的格式安排,了解并熟悉公文的外观形式及装订要求;懂得公文在写作过程中所形成的文稿与文本的含义及其作用。


新闻写作-新闻写作教程 新闻写作 新闻写作教程。《21世纪新闻传播学系列教材·新闻写作教程》继承了原中国人民大学出版社出版的汤世英主编的《新闻通讯写作》的优点。 根据时代的发展和要求。补充了新的内容。突出了新的特点。归结起来。有五大特点。第一。特设“总论”部分。第二。设置专门章节论述当今应用比较广泛的非事件新闻。分析性新闻和描写性新闻等;第三。对网络新闻这一新的研究课题给与了强烈关注;第四。运用案例教学。对同一题材不同写法的新闻作品进行比较阅读;第五。 重点介绍新闻报道的主流体裁。全书将理论与写作实践。传统习惯与时代精神尽可能完美地结合了起来。 书名,新闻写作教程。作者,刘明华徐泓张征。ISBN,39817 。12。页数,560。定价,¥元。出版社,人民大学出版社。出

版时间,xx年。装帧,平装。开本,图书> 新闻出版/图书馆/档案学> 新闻学。 内容提要。《新闻写作教程》有五大特点。第一。 特设“总论”部分。介绍新闻报道的基本原则。基本方法。基本要求。角度。跳笔。语言等带有普遍性的内容;第二。设置专门章节论述当今应用比较广泛的非事件新闻。分析性新闻和描写性新闻等;第三。对网络新闻这一新的研究课题给与了强烈关注;第四。运用案例教学。对同一题材不同写法的新闻作品进行比较阅读;第五。重点介绍新闻报道的主流体裁。即消息和通讯。并涉及到了兼有叙事。描写。 抒情。议论。解释。预测等各种功能的新闻体裁的现象和写作方法。总之。新闻写作将理论与写作实践。传统习惯与时代精神尽可能完美地结合了起来。 作者简介。刘明华。中国人民大学新闻学院教授。 著有:《西方新闻采访与写作》。《名


写作教程2 课后题答案提示:页码有部分错误,但答案内容正确。 P2 . PART1 Advantages : It is very convenient . You can make a call whenever and wherever you want to. It is especially helpful in an emergency . It saves time .You don't have to search for or await the turn for the public phone. You can always be reached when you are needed by others. In an information age ,it can help you to get the information you want in the quickest way. It may help you to grasp any chance to succeed. You can play games and surf the net through the phone. ....... Disadvantages : It is quite expensive Its radiation is harmful to health Answering calls in public places such as on a bus is embarrassing Making or answering calls while driving is


写作练习 请以我院由成都理工大学广播影视学院走向四川传媒学院的历史性转变作为参照,运用说明性、注释性、对比性背景资料,各写一条消息。﹙也可自选题材和背景写三条消息﹚ 小资料之1—成都理工大学广播影视学院,1997年开办电视维修短训班,年招生员600多人;1998年在团结镇租地300亩,由成都理工大申办广播影视学院,试办专科教育;2001年创办新闻、播音、技算机等系科面向社会公开招收专科学生;2002年招收本、专科学生600多人;2011年发展为11个系,41个专业,拥有20600多名本专科学生,其中本科占三分之二以上,面向全国普招;全院校基面积1300多亩,建筑面积30多万平米,拥有2000多台剪编、摄像和非编设备,成为环境宽敞优美,师资雄厚的全国著名艺术院校之一;2013年4月16日,经国家教育部批准,改设为四川传媒学院;从今秋开始,广播电视新闻学等学科,面向全国进行二类本科招生。 小资料之2—清华大学,1908年农历6月初4日,在清室皇家林园的清华园用庚子赔款退还部分设游美学务处,1911年农历4月初一开学培养留美学生,1912年改名清华学堂,传授西方科技和中国学;1925年设大学部,1937年9月迁长沙,后迁昆明更名西南联大;1946年返回北京为国立清华大学;1948年国民党溃逃台湾时,带走少部分师生设备到新竹县开设清华大学。1952年全国高校调整时,剥离清大的文法医航四类专业另办大学,清华仅为国家培养高级理工人才,现已走出500多位两院院士,150多名将军级军队高级科技精英和多名党和国家领导人。 范例1, 4月11日上午,清华大学在人民大会堂举行建校100周年庆祝大会,胡锦涛等领导出席致贺。清华大学于1911年在北京清华园创办而得名。现已走过100年风雨历程。 范例2, 4月22日上午9时,海峡两岸400多名学子齐聚北京清华大学科技交流中心,携手共庆百岁校庆。1948年清华的部分师生来到台湾新竹创办起台湾清华大学。这是清华学子分手后第一次同庆建校纪念。正所谓一笔写不出两个清华,两岸学子聚首,道不尽两岸两校同根同源、密不可分血浓于水的深情。 范例3 百年风雨路,水木湛清华。最近,北京和新竹清华大学正在筹办共庆百岁校庆的活动。两校分离后近40年间几乎没有过任何的直接接触和交流。大陆改革开放以来,两校拥有的共同的校训、校徽和校歌,办学理念及校风文化使彼此息息相通。近20年来,两岸科技和教育信息、举办论坛和人员互相参访越来越频繁。百岁共同校庆是两岸清华的历史性起点,更是宏伟清华携手共同面对各种挑战的亮点。 二、练习—试用下列素材改写出三种不同结构的消息﹙任选﹚ 5月9日上午,故宫博物院新闻发言人在北京举行记者会宣布,头天该院有9件文物被盗,吁请社会各界提供线索,协助破案。消息一出,舆论一片哗然。不少公众置疑,故宫博物院里有1600个防盗报警器,3700多个烟感探测器和400个摄像头在运行,还有400个特警保安。当天,这些技防设施都不灵了?这么多保安哪去了?再说,博物院四周围墙高10米,盗犯插翅难飞,怎么就逃脱了?北京市公安局接到报警后立即展开侦办此案。很快锁定石某有重大嫌疑。根据对石某有上网习惯的分析,排查北京所有网吧。9日晚21日许,这位来自山东,相貌平平,仅有初中文化程度的青年农民石柏魁被抓获。据石某初步交待,5月8日下午,他混入一香港旅行参访团队伍进入故宫博物院诚肃殿,纯属临时起意,盗走9件香港来的参展珍贵文物。他怎样在如此严密防范的故宫里得手的呢?经再审石交待,今年3月来京无事可做,从电视看到对故宫的介绍,产生偷文物的念头,又上网查阅过相关资料,还查看过博物院内部和外围筒子河地形。8日上午他混入博物院听导游介绍这些展品很值钱时,起意盗窃。于是躲进展厅夹道至晚上8时,天下起雨,厅里基本无人,他敲碎玻璃进入配电房,无意间发现总闸,于是拉闸断电,进入诚肃殿打坏展板取走展品。9日清晨来到海淀区一收购金银玉件店销赃,店主称全是假货未逞,于是一怒之下全将脏物丢于中关村附近。另据石交待,博物院内很多未展区施工中留下不少电线、光缆,助他顺利爬上10米高墙逃逸。 1、倒金字塔结构消息的写作 北京市警方神速侦破故宫博物院文物被盗案 【据《新华社》北京5月10讯】 5月8日发生在故宫博物院的9件珍贵展出文物被盗案,昨天成功告破,犯罪嫌疑人石柏魁被抓获。故宫博物院有多项高科技装备全天候严密监测,还有400多名特警级保安昼夜严防死守。可是,40多年0事故的故宫还是发生了重大失窃案。5月9日,当故宫宣布9件文物被盗,世人震惊。北京市警方获讯后立即展开侦调。在对失窃文物的诚肃殿监录资料详细排查分析中,


《新闻采访与写作》在线作业 一、单选题(共 16 道试题,共 32 分。) 1. 下列不属于直面采访中应注意的原则是() A. 争论交锋的原则√ B. 因人而异的原则 C. 掌握主动权的原则 D. 平等的原则 2. “去年一天产煤211万吨,为1949年日产量的23倍。”这句话在处理新闻数字的时候使用的是() A. 打比方 B. 作比较√ C. 缩减法 D. 位移法 3. 在采访实践中,如果记者拟定的采访计划不符合客观情况,那就应当() A. 能够采访到什么就写什么 B. 仍然按原定的计划行事 C. 及时调整原定计划,争取获得最多的一手素材√ D. 只是寻找自己需要的例证 4. 新华社山东分社记者被编辑部临时派到西藏去采访,这种采访叫() A. 隐性采访 B. 蹲点采访 C. 巡回采访 D. 易地采访√ 5. 一条好的消息导语,不必要遵循的原则是() A. 开门见山,尽快报告新闻事实,传递最新信息 B. 切近读者的利益,吸引读者的注意力 C. 导语为全篇定下写作的主旨 D. 内容越详细越好√ 6. 在常用的采访方法中,最为深入的、能够获取更多新闻细节的方法是() A. 直面采访√ B. 电话采访 C. 观察采访 D. 书面采访 7. 消息的开头出现画面描写,有可视可感的效果,能引起读者的好奇。这指的是() A. 概述型导语 B. 述评型导语 C. 橱窗式导语 D. 描述型导语√ 8. 新闻语词中最能出彩的词是() A. 形容词

B. 动词√ C. 助词 D. 惊叹词 9. ()是新闻内容的精粹,是对新闻内容最鲜明、最精练的概括,人们称之为新闻的“眼睛”。 A. 导语 B. 主体 C. 背景 D. 标题√ 10. 比较而言,最为有效地促进受访人思考和发言的提问方式是() A. 侧面提问法 B. 设问法 C. 反面激问法√ D. 故问法 11. “可读性”的概念,把()明确地摆在大众传播的重要位置。 A. 记者 B. 采访对象 C. 读者√ D. 编辑 12. 下列哪个标题更符合当代新闻标题的制作要求? A. 科学院工作会议在京隆重召开 B. 中科院实施跨世纪发展战略 C. 中国投资二十亿元建设新一代大科学装置√ D. 中科院确定九五重大项目 E. 中科院确定跨世纪的四大任务 13. 按照新闻写作的要求,新闻的第一生命是() A. 时效 B. 新鲜 C. 有趣 D. 真实√ 14. 当记者向自己提问:“为什么一定要让读者知道这件事?这件事的意义何在?读者接触这一事件后,最关心 A. 媒体竞争意识 B. 新闻敏感 C. 受众意识√ D. 时效意识 15. 下列原则哪个不是采访问题的设计过程中应注意的? A. 简洁 B. 发散化√ C. 具体 D. 层层深入 16. 下列说法不正确的是()

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