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Impression On the Film Gua Sha Treatment

"Person in the United States, it is very difficult to blend into local culture." I read in the circle to be optimistic about the film "Gua Sha," after the greatest feeling. With the advance of the screen, the interpretation of the story, an American of Chinese society now ran the family encountered.

After years of hard work, Xu Datong, a Chinese immigrant to the US, has finally achieved success as an outstanding video game designer. With his promising career and loving family, he feels he has become a true American. Datong’s father comes over from China, and uses a traditional Chinese medical technique, called guasha, to treat Datong`s son, Dennis. Unexpectedly, an American doctor thinks the bruises on Dennis` back left by the guasha treatment are signs of child abuse, and the finger is pointed at Datong. The Treatment is a moving portrayal of the enormous gulfs between cultures and their possible repercussion between cultures and their possible repercussions.

The film “Gua Sha-the Treatment” reflects the difference of value and culture views between western society and

orient society. China society has been receiving impact of Confucianism for thousands years. Confucianism is known as paying regard to human relationship and ethic.Courtesy and loyalism are most important ethic. But in Western culture which is more emphasis on individualism, independence and equality. So conflicts in culture and value are unavoidable. These conflicts have shown in the story.


刮痧观后感800字 《刮痧》讲述了华人在国外由于东西方文化的冲突而陷入种种困境,最后又因人们的诚恳与爱心,困境最终被冲破的故事。那么在观看电影之后都有怎样的观后感呢?下面是小编分享给大家的刮痧观后感800字,欢迎阅读。 刮痧观后感800字【1】《刮痧》是一部中国大陆拍摄的以中国传统中医中刮痧治疗方法为载体,反映中、西方文化冲突的影片,移居美国的华人许大同的孩子感冒了,华人家庭用刮痧方法治疗,但却意外遭到儿童保护组织的控告,因为他们认为许大同有虐-待儿童的嫌疑,这场误会最终虽然消除了,但却给许大同的生活带来了灾难性的后果。看完成这部电影,让人没有办法感到轻松,我一方面为梁家辉饰演的父亲许大同对孩子、家人的深情所感动,另一方面也对中、西方文化之间巨大的鸿沟,以及相互了解的不对称性而感到惋惜。 中、西方两种文明之间存在文化差异是可以理解的,也是不可避免,要消除这种文化隔阂,就必须要相互增进了解,只有这样才有可能消除误会,但很遗憾的是,中、西方两种文明的交流,双方的态度和主动性都不一样,是非常地不对称,也就是说中国人对西方文化了解的程度,远远大于西方人对中国文化的了解程度,从片中可能看出,许大同一开始对美国的生活是非常向往,似乎已经融入西方主流社会,但

这都是许大同自己的努力适应,他们能够在西方人主导的社会中有所作为,说明他们非常了解西方文化,但“刮痧”事件发生后,让许大同一家感到震惊的是,西方人对中国的传统文化不仅仅是不知晓,甚至有些误解和歪曲,比方说片中对方律师对“刮痧”、“孙悟空”这些中国元素的解释,可以说完全是污蔑了,就算是这名律师是有意而为之,而法官、许大同的老板等对此也毫无认识,这就是文化交流的不对称性所造成的。 这种文化交流的不对称性,造成文化相互认知的不同,中国人对西方文化的认识远远大于西方人对中国文化的认知,而文化交流的不对称性,又是和国家实力相对称的,目前西方文化是世界主流的文化,就是因为西方的国家通常都是经济发达的国家,所以西方人自身就会产生一种文化优越感,所以他们就不可能主动去了解别的民族文化传统,包括中国传统文化,但作为中国人,我们要增进文化交流,不仅仅我们要多多学习西方文化,同时也应该积极地将本民族的文化向世界传播,过去我们就不重视自己的传统文化,甚至连中国自己也要贬低自己的传统,试想现在中国有多少人真正知道“刮痧”,有多少人看病会想到看中医,这了难怪“端午节”也被别人抢注了,筷子也被西方人认为是日本人发明的,等等诸如此类,现在中国的经济实力强大了,自然而然地学习中国文化的人增加了,我相信像电影中“刮痧”这样


刮痧优秀观后感英文版 Last year,when I have the public elective course,our teacher introduces a film to us which is his favorite one--GuaSha.At that time,I was just angry at foreigner’s ignorance and deeply moved for Datong’s love for his son.At this time,I watch this film again from different point of view--the intercultural communication. Cultural differences are the most important point in the intercultural communication.At the beginning of this film,Datong with his family is attending his own victory banquet,his son Dennis hits his friend Paul,Paul’s parents think that’s ok,it’s just a fight between two kids.However,Datong and his wife Jenny have different reactions towards that situation.Jenny is a woman who is deeply affected by western thoughts,she doesn’t blame his son.At first,Datong asks his son to apologize to his friend Paul,but Dennis refuses to do that.So Datong is very angry because he thinks that he makes his friend loses his face.Hence,Datong strikes Dennis in his face.Everyone including his wife are shocked.The western parents regard it as family violence,while Datong as a traditional Chinese parent thinks that beating is a sign of affection and cursing is a sign of love.What he has


电影《刮痧》对文化差异认识的观后感 《刮痧》无疑是中国史上反映中西方文化差异最成功的电影之一。接下来小编搜集了电影《刮痧》对文化差异认识的观后感,欢迎查看。 电影《刮痧》对文化差异认识的观后感一随着全球化潮流的兴起,跨文化交际在人与人的交流中也显得尤为重要,《刮痧》观后感:对电影《刮痧》中文化差异的认识。观看了《刮痧》后也真正感受到了文化的差异性以及文化在交流中的重要性。下面从几个方面来说一下电影中体现的文化差异。 文化背景影响跨文化交际。首先是价值观念的不同,这是文化特质的深层结构。中美对于动与静的认知不同,中国人强调"静",更加注重做人。而西方包括美国则强调"动",更加注重做事,注重个人主义,注重隐私。如影片中,在颁奖晚会上大同对自己儿子的教育,采用拍打甚至被朋友看作是暴力的手段,这种对人的教育方式是不被美国人所接受的。再就是对待变化的态度上,中国人注重求稳而美国人则注重求变。这一点在影片中通过大同的父亲体现的尤为明显。大同的父亲看到自己的老朋友老霍在美国的工作、生活状况,并最终客死他乡让他很是伤感,这也是最终使自己返回北京"落叶归根"的一大因素,中学生作文《《刮痧》观后感:对电影《刮痧》中文化差异的认识》。还有对于人的天

性的认识,中国人主张性本善,对他人常有恻隐之心;而美国人主张性本恶,对他人也要用法度来规范其行为,绳之以法。如影片中大同的美国朋友昆兰在法庭上作证时并没有因私情而偏袒大同,而是讲出自己所看到的事实,作为中国人的大同却不能理解朋友的这种做法。 其次是民族性格的不同,这是文化特制的外化表现。中国人的民族性格中注重情感本位,讲求内敛含蓄,谦逊恭敬;而美国人则追求平等、民主、自由,讲求坦率真诚,注重个人隐私。在影片开始,大同和朋友一起进入颁奖大厅前,有很多人在门前搞反对游戏等活动,而美国警方则不会去制止,这体现了他们尊重言论自由。 再就是自然环境不同也会造成文化差异。亚洲的自然环境使得中国人更具有群体意识,并且很注重讲究等级次序,长幼有别;而在美国则是更主张自由平等,上级与下级之间也没有强烈的等级意识。电影中,男主角与他的老板之间既是上下级关系又是很好的朋友,而在中国自己与自己的老板是很好的朋友关系的情况却是很少。这就体现了中美的不同。 这部电影让我更加认识到了中美之间的文化差异,同时也让我知道了自己专业的重要性。我们是任重而道远。只有不断地充实自己,更加充分的认识到这种差异,才能更好的从事对外汉语教学。 电影《刮痧》对文化差异认识的观后感二每个国家

《刮痧》观后感 英文

When I first saw this film’s name Guasha Treatment ,I considered it as a movie that told us something about Chinese traditional therapy treatment. However , after the movie , I realized guasha was just a symbol of the difference between Chinese culture and western culture , and there were many aspects we should have a deep consideration . At the beginning of the film , Xu Datong slaps his son Denis on his face before the crowd , because Denis hit the son of Xu’s son and Xu just want to show the respect to his boss Quinlan , that time Quinlan feels puzzled and says“what a Chinese logic”. Of course , an American can never know a Chinese logic of interpersonal relationship which has been prolonged more than 2000 years . Chinese can wronged their children in order to maintain friendships and leader-member relation ,while American think everyone is equal and free . In addition , they can also never understand Chinese hit their children because of loving them . In America , people pay more attention to the right of children which can be seen from the law-beating children or leave them alone is illegal , but a Chinese old proverb says “ Spare the rod , spoil the child” . Another scene which makes me deliberate is that the lawyer vilifies Sun Wukong in A Journey to the West as a symbol of


刮痧电影的中学生观后感5篇 刮痧电影的中学生观后感(1) 昨日,忽然对《刮痧》这部电影重新燃起了兴趣。《刮痧》讲述一个发生在美国中部密西西比河畔的城市圣路易斯的华人家庭的故事。故事主人公之一,许大同,在美国生活努力拼搏八年后,事业有成,家庭幸福、和睦。 一天,许大同五岁的儿子丹尼斯肚子痛发烧,在家的爷爷因为看不懂药品上的英文说明书,便用自己熟悉的中国民间流传的刮痧疗法给丹尼斯治病。两天后的晚上,丹尼斯在黑暗中撞到了头,大同将其送往医院治疗,但在广慈医院,医生发现丹尼斯的背上有醒目的瘀红,便认为这是许大同长期虐待儿子丹尼斯而留下的证据。根据美国法律规定,体罚、虐待儿童将要受到法律的制裁。广慈医院像儿童福利局举报后,他们根据美国法律规定,对丹尼斯受虐待事件进行调查。调查期间,出于对受虐待儿童保护,法律规定在保护被虐待和忽视的儿童方面是专家的其他政府雇员有权决定将受虐待的儿童迁离家庭,儿童福利局监护决定先让丹尼斯由州儿童寄养中心监护。就这样,许大同夫妇与儿子分开了,并要他们接受法律的制裁。

在法庭上,控方一个又一个的证人和意想不到的证词,使得许大同方百口莫辩。争辩中,控方律师更是发挥了他的辩解能力,对中国传统文化与道德规范做了“全新解释”,许大同陷入了他的陷阱,最后终于失去冷静和理智,谩骂控方律师,并有动手打人的倾向,这正中控方的下怀:许大同是一个暴戾,有暴力倾向的人。这样的人,虐待孩子,不在话下。许大同方当然也理屈词穷。法官当庭宣布剥夺许大同的监护权,不准他与儿子见面。 其实,刮痧,就是利用刮痧器具,刮试经络穴位,通过良性刺激,充分发挥营卫之气的作用,使经络穴位处充血,改善局部微循环,起到祛除邪气,疏通经络,舒筋理气,驱风散寒,清热除湿,活血化瘀,消肿止痛,以增强机体自身潜在的抗病能力和免疫机能,从而达到扶正祛邪,防病治病的作用。爷爷给丹尼斯刮痧,治疗他的肚子痛和发烧,有益于他的身体健康。但是为何中国流传悠久的中医治疗--刮痧,到了美国,竟成了伤害身体的违法行为了呢? 有人说,这主要是由于东西方文化差异所造,如,大同在朋友昆兰面前打自己的儿子,认为是出于尊重昆兰,爷爷也认为,“人前教子,背后教妻”,“打是亲,骂是爱”,但是,在昆兰认为,大同打孩子不对,伤害他人身体。东西方的文化差异导致了大同与美国当地居民的法律观念冲突,能否和平、圆满地解决,关键在于不同文化的相互沟通和理解。确实,因为大同的老板、儿童


观《刮痧》有感 新华金融保险学院保险0901金艳林 在《电影中的法律》这堂课上观看《刮痧》这部电影已经是第二遍了,每看一次都有不同的感想和收获。不得不说《刮痧》是一部很不错的电影。它没有如好莱坞的电影一样,动作复杂,情节曲折;它也没有如中国的传统电影一样,言辞搞笑,内容简单。 看完《刮痧》之后很难马上说出这部片子在形式上有什么特别的地方,但是从内容上有一种“余音绕梁”让人久久回味的感觉,让人不得不去重新思考这个世界,而眼界不仅仅局限在中国,感觉自己以前总是活在自己的世界里,把自己困在一个很狭小很狭小的空间,不管外界的目光,不管外界的评论,不管外界的是是非非,还一贯把这种与世无争的态度崇拜和效仿到现在。现在想想还觉得有点好笑,发现自己还停留在中国“闭关锁国”的时代。突然间觉得自己好落后,思想好迂腐,更加不敢想自己还是一个冠以“建设社会主义的接班人”的青年,想想还真有点讽刺的味道。 看完了《刮痧》这部影片,我感觉最大的不是文化上的差异,而是外国人在对待这种差异上的态度让我很愤慨。记得影片中的那个不懂“刮痧”的美国律师在法庭上对孙悟空的那一番理直气壮的曲解“别人种了9000年的桃子,他不跟主人打声招呼摘来便吃,当别人制止时,他不但不听劝阻,而且还大打出手毁了人家的桃园。辛辛苦苦练好的丹丸,他拿来就吃,还把主人打得血破血流,临走还毁了人家的制作车间——像这样一个野蛮顽劣的猴子,竟然被许大同在电子游戏中描绘成英雄。。。。。” 听完这段“生动激情”的演说,你的心情如何?中西方的文化差异我们可以接受,矛盾的中心在“刮痧”在不在孙悟空。此刻我已经感受到了孙悟空或是刮痧的尴尬。如果说美国人不懂刮痧是孤陋寡闻的话,那么他们不懂孙悟空则显然是别有用心,这一点是美国律师后来在剧情中自己承认的。无论是孤陋寡闻还是别有用心,东方文化在美国最庄严的地方——法庭上收到了肆意的嘲讽,却是铁打的事实。这难道还不够令人寒心吗?! 这让我想起了中国几千年教育人的一个宗旨“不懂就问”,不懂我们可以教


刮痧电影英文观后感 刮痧电影英文观后感 刮痧电影英文观后感(一): It's about assimilation into American culture,and not assimilation in an ”International” city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago, but St。Louis, MO (actually shot there)。 Really great acting, interesting story。 Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient's acupuncture acupressure massage points。 It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture acupressure massage。 This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin,and the story begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work。


Movie Review of Guasha Treatment Chinese immigrant, Da Tong, struggle to hold onto their American dream after the disaster comes to him. Da Tong’s father gives a simple Chinese Medicine therapy called Guasha to his grandson, that leaves bright red marks on the skin and the American doctor mistook it as child abuse behavior. And the Children Welfare Bureau started a lawsuit about the behavior of Dennis’ father and they took action to protect Dennis. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences.And then this story is about how to clear the air and win his son back. The movie Guasha Treatment is designed to discuss the culture differences between China and America. In this movie, we can see culture shock everywhere. At the beginning of the movie, Da Tong insisted to make Dennis apologize to Paul because Dennis hits Paul. In order to make Dennis say sorry, Da Tong hits Dennis when everybody were there. He wants to show his respect for his boss while what his son do is to show his love to daddy. Da Tong gives his boy a light rap on the head when he refuses to apologize and the boy cries to his mother that the reason he hit his playmate was that the other boy called Da Tong stupid, one of many examples of doing the wrong thing to protect your family. This situation makes the American so confused. American would not hit their children in the public when their children do something wrong. Even they will give their children a chance to explain what happens. But in China, parents always hit their children in the public and make them feel sorry. Even not give them a chance to explain their action. Da Tong is the father who is trying to integrate his Chinese cultural beliefs into his daily American reality, especially when dealing with his son. His education is Chinese way while his wife Jenny wants to educate Dennis in American way. There is conflict within his family because grandfather can’t speak English and is exclude from many conversations because Jenny wants only English spoken in her home for the benefit of her American born son. Da Tong and his wife are very well educated and understand that their child's best chances for success in America, and for him not to experience the same troubles they've had during the past 8 years, are to speak without an accent. They even go so far as to insist the boy use a fork and knife instead of chopsticks, even when it's obvious they are still eating Chinese style food, served in the normal way: communal dishes for the food and smaller, individual rice bowls for each person. Mother seems a


The differences between Chinese and western cultures ---from the movie “Gua Sha”This term, I have taken an elective course on western culture and enjoy movies and airwaves, and watched many films, such as “Gua Sha”, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, “A Christmas Carol”,” Legally Blonde”, “The Proposal”,“Friends”,“Gone with the Wind”. But what impresses me most is the film “Gua Sha”, which English name is “The Treatment”. Gua Sha is a movie about the difference between Chinese and American culture.The story happens in a Chinese family who lives in American. It mainly related the hero Xu Datong, who is a Chinese, had struggled for 8 years, tried hard to assimilate into American culture, and he as a video games designer in St. Louis had a great success and got his boss's approval and friendship. He and his wife, Jian Ning, son, Dennis, led a happy life in America. He also brought his father from china to live here together. One day, Dennis was stomachache, the grandpa used the Chinese traditional therapy to help him to scrapping, named Gua Sha, which leaves bright red marks on the skin. And then, once Dennis had an accident and went to the hospital, the doctor saw that the scar on his back, he doubts if the children was abused at home, so he called the American children protection center, so it causes a lawsuit of child abuse. Thereby, this happy family happened a series of unfortunate. At the hearing, whatever Xu Datong explained to the judge and the plaintiff about Gua Sha, the Americans always misunderstood. The opposing lawyer distorted the Chinese classics” Xi You Ji”, and his boss point out he had hit his son on the victory meeting, these all made Datong angry very much, scolding on the spot. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son.Because of the cultural difference, the father faces misunderstanding in the eyes of American. Thus, it made Datong break up families, and later he resigned, lost his friend and job. Later his father found the truth, went to explain that was him to Gua Sha for Dennis, not Datong, to Datong’s first counsel for the defense, John, along, and decided to leave America. At the airport, the old man want to saw his grandson, so Datong went to the welfare- house secretly to bring Dennis to the airport to see his grandpa off. On their way back, the police found Datong took Dennis, Datong and Dennis played jokes with the followed up police cars……


《刮痧》电影观后感精选范文 大家有没有观看过电影刮痧,会不会写关于电影刮痧的观后感。以下是我整理的观后感范文5篇,希望能够可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 刮痧观后感范文一 《刮痧》是一部优秀的电影作品,适合不一样文化程度的观众观看,有诸多的成功之处,具有丰富的文化。 《刮痧》这部电影借一件小事反映了中美文化(或者说东西方文化)的冲突。电影中许大同的父亲的一句话最能说明这个问题。他说,刮痧在中国已经几千年了,怎样一到美国就说不清楚了呢其实说不清楚的何止是刮痧这种传统的中医疗法。象许大同代替父亲承认是自我给孩子“刮痧”,许大同对上司说的“我打孩子是对你的尊重”等等中国的传统道德规范,在上司桑兰那里又何曾得到明白和认同。 听证会上对方律师对中国名著《西游记》的曲解,有几分故意的成分,但也不可否认有必然的因素。据调查此刻的大部分美国人对中国的了解还停留在中国解放前的情景,中国是贫穷落后的,中国人还穿着长袍马褂等等。此刻歧视中国人的事情在美国还时有发生。当大同送父亲回来,将孩子带回托管所,一向中国特色的猴王玩具掉在地上,受到警察的践踏,难道受到践踏的仅仅是一个玩具,恐怕受到践踏的还有中国文化吧! 当然,事情最终得到圆满解决,法庭的起诉撤销。这种结果的产生,除了人正常的良知以外,更多的是由于相互之间的沟通和明白。我想,《刮痧》中男主人公的名字叫“大同”,其目的或者其象征也就在此吧!如果说这部电影是一个

寓言,其寓意也正在与此。 《刮痧》的另一个明白层面是情感,包括父子之爱,母子之爱、夫妻之爱、祖孙之爱、朋友之爱。这几者又以父子之爱为主要方面。 电影中出现了两对父子,祖孙三代,但他们之间的爱却是相通的。许大同在法庭上的一段独白最能代表所有父亲的心声。“……此刻我不这样想了,我只期望他能平平安安,期望他幸福、健康、欢乐。我为自我是一个父亲而自豪,像所有的父亲那样,我爱我的儿子胜过一切。”值得注意的是,许大同的父亲在给大同的信中写道:“我如今别无他求,就是盼着你们一家三口,能平平安安的……”均用了“平安”二字。恐怕这是父子之爱的最好表达,真是可怜天下父母心! 《刮痧》中许大同夫妇在事情发展中的不一样表现,很好的展现了父母对孩子的爱的不一样表现,同时也表现出夫妻之爱的不一样。许大同对妻子的爱是深沉的,简宁对丈夫的爱是细致的。看过这部电影的人大概都不会忘记许大同夫妻二人喝酒的场面。在这之前,简宁先做的是收拾大同的房间和阻止大同喝酒。当两人喝醉之后,简宁说大同是臭狗屎,大同表示了认同,这是对由于自我不冷静失去儿子的最深的自责。但当简宁说自我是“贱货”时,大同却表现出无比的激动,阻止妻子这么说。在那里表现出男生的爱,不善措辞,却又深沉如海。那里也表现出男生坚强背后的软弱一面。 另外,《刮痧》还涉及东西方人在性格上的差异,例如许大同和上司桑兰对“朋友”的不一样明白,不一样场合美国人表现出的幽默等。从中我们还能够看出美国在法制和社会保障制度方面的健全,中国的某些传统的道德规范并不必须正确,中国的传统医学有待进一步科学化和世界化等问题。《刮痧》是一部成功的电影作品。能够说,在电影中,“刮痧”本身只是一滴水,但其资料确实十分


《刮痧电影英文观后感》 刮痧电影英文观后感(一): It's about assimilation into American culture,and not assimilation in an International city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago,but St。 Louis, MO (actually shot there)。 Really great acting, interesting story。 Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient's acupuncture acupressure massage points。 It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture acupressure massage。This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work。 Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures。Gua Sha: Step-by-Step, by Arya Nielsen。If an acupuncturist is trained in Classical Chinese medicine, they will do this technique in their practice for pain, and for acute or chronic illness。 刮痧电影英文观后感(二): 刮痧的英文观后感 Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture。 Xu datong is a video games designer in St。 Louis。 When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse。 In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son。I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences。But the most impressing scene to me is the ending。 Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives。 I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture。 He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed。


Climb The Pipe, Bridge The Gap 11291072 田轶男 As an ethic movie, Gua Sha highlights the differences between American and Chinese culture incisively and vividly.The movie shows us how easy the misunderstandings arising from different cultural perspectives and how simple it can be nullified if both sides are willing to listen to the explanations. The most moving scene happens at the end of the movie, when the father, Xu Datong who has a strong willing to reunite with his family, climbs a pipe to the ninth floor with his gift for his son at the Christmas Eve. In my eyes, the pipe he climbs has become not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. Finally, with the help of his American friend Abram, he gets his destination, and at the same time, builds a bridge between Chinese and American culture. Gua Sha, a Chinese traditional medicine craft, survives in the long river of 2000 years of history, remaining to build Chinese robust body. However, when it is exposed in America, big troubles follow. The


刮痧观后感高中生范文5篇 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— 刮痧观后感1 昨日,忽然对《刮痧》这部电影重新燃起了兴趣。《刮痧》讲述一个发生在美国中部密西西比河畔的城市圣路易斯的华人家庭的故事。故事主人公之一,许大同,在美国生活发奋拼搏八年后,事业有成,家庭幸福、和睦。 一天,许大同五岁的儿子丹尼斯肚子痛发烧,在家的爷爷正因看不懂药品上的英文说明书,便用自我熟悉的中国民间流传的刮痧疗法给丹尼斯治病。两天后的晚上,丹尼斯在黑暗中撞到了头,大同将其送往医院治疗,但在广慈医院,医生发现丹尼斯的背上有醒目的瘀红,便认为这是许大同长期虐待儿子丹尼斯而留下的证据。根据美国法律规定,体罚、虐待儿童将要受到法律的制裁。广慈医院像儿童福利局举报后,他们根据美国法律规定,对丹尼斯受虐待事件进行调查。调查期间,出于对受虐待儿童保护,法律规定在保护被虐待和忽视的儿童方面是专家的其他政府雇员有权决定将受虐待的儿童迁离家庭,儿童福利局监护决定先让丹尼斯由州儿童寄养中心监护。就这样,许大同夫妇与儿子分开了,并要他们理解法律的制裁。 在法庭上,控方一个又一个的证人和意想不到的证词,使得许大同方百口莫辩。争辩中,控方律师更是发挥了他的辩解潜质,对中国传统文化与道德规范做了“全新解释”,许大同陷入了他的陷阱,最终最

终失去冷静和理智,谩骂控方律师,并有动手打人的倾向,这正中控方的下怀:许大同是一个暴戾,有暴力倾向的人。这样的人,虐待孩子,不在话下。许大同方当然也理屈词穷。法官当庭宣布剥夺许大同的监护权,不准他与儿子见面。 其实,刮痧,就是利用刮痧器具,刮试经络穴位,透过良性刺激,充分发挥营卫之气的作用,使经络穴位处充血,改善局部微循环,起到祛除邪气,疏通经络,舒筋理气,驱风散寒,清热除湿,活血化瘀,消肿止痛,以增强机体自身潜在的抗病潜质和免疫机能,从而到达扶正祛邪,防病治病的作用。爷爷给丹尼斯刮痧,治疗他的肚子痛和发烧,有益于他的身体健康。可是为何中国流传悠久的中医治疗--刮痧,到了美国,竟成了伤害身体的违法行为了呢 有人说,这主要是由于东西方文化差异所造,如,大同在朋友昆兰面前打自我的儿子,认为是出于尊重昆兰,爷爷也认为,“人前教子,背后教妻”,“打是亲,骂是爱”,可是,在昆兰认为,大同打孩子不对,伤害他人身体。东西方的文化差异导致了大同与美国当地居民的法律观念冲突,能否和平、圆满地解决,关键在于不一样文化的相互沟通和明白。确实,正因大同的老板、儿童福利局的官员、法官对刮痧都一无所知,大同的解释也无法让具有工具理性的美国人明白何谓刮痧,当然也无法和理解刮痧,况且他们也未曾体验过刮痧,只看到的只是刮痧给丹尼斯身体留下的醒目淤血。看到伤痕,联想到承受如此严重的淤血的痛苦,他们更坚信眼见的才是事实才是真相。 其实,造成这样的冲突的还有一个原因,那就是彼此间的法律观念不


从电影《刮痧》看中西文化之异同 电影《刮痧》讲述了一对移民美国的中国夫妇因中美文化差异而导致差点丧失其子抚养权的故事。对于美国所谓的人权保护还有对儿童的保护早就有所耳闻。一直都知道在美国家长是不能随便打孩子的,会被警方介入而且后果很严重。 在中国人看来,当儿子做错事的时候,父亲打儿子是教育孩子的一种方式。在中国来说是正常的,没什么大不了的。父亲打儿子也有爱儿子的意思,打在孩子身上,痛在父母心上啊。打者爱也。同时也是表示对别人的尊重。但是,在美国人看来,父母无论如何是不能打孩子的,打孩子是一种虐待儿童的行为,是违反法律的,要受到法律的制裁的。美国的人权主义太强了,在中国人看来是家庭事,坡见人无法插手的,可到了美国就不一样了,变成了国家的事了。(在我看来其实是小题大做,这可能就是中西文化的差异吧!)在美国,大人晚上把孩子单独留在家里也是犯罪。 在中国,孩子生病了,大人用偏方给孩子治病是司空见惯的了。比如电影中的老爷爷帮他孙子刮痧,这是帮孩子治病,天经地义的,是爱孩子的表现。刮痧在中国已经流传了两千多年了,基本上是家喻户晓的偏方,效果很好。但是于美国,他们只是看到外表,而不知道其中的奥妙,以为是孩子收到虐待,就要把好好的一个家庭给破坏掉,太残酷了。简直是不可理喻,没有经过调查就断然下结论。 电影中的主人翁许大同虽然在美国住了八年,事业在美国取得了很好的成就,被美国人所认可,但是他骨子里面的中国传统文化仍然与美国的文化格格不入。刮痧在中国已经好几千年了,可是一到美国就说不清了。其实说不清的又何止是刮痧呢?他们竟然说孙悟空是一个没有道德,没有责任感的人,仅仅只因为孙悟空偷了蟠桃?! 而他们对于中国的了解还停留在中国解放前的情景,中国是贫穷落后的,中国人还穿着长袍马挂等。现在其实中国人的事情在美国经常发生。当大同送完他爸被警察逮捕的时候,掉在地下的猴子受到践踏,难道仅仅只是这只玩具吗?恐怕还有中国几千年的文化吧! 电影最后结局圆满,可是我却很伤感,对于自己所不了解的文化肆意的批驳,连了解一下都不屑,真的是那个自由的国度,是那个民族文化融合的地方吗?

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