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coffer-coffee boodle-noodle

hound-sound fiend-friend

derive-drive strand-stand

fresh-flesh pray-prey

meek-meet doze-nose

queer-queen launch-lunch

furious-curious aboard-board

broad-abroad loom-room-broom


weekend weekday headache toothache skyline deadline outline underline outcome outlook sidewalk feedback upload download airsick carsick homesick dragonfly firefly masterpiece airport daybreak gentleman outbreak pain-killer handwriting editor-in-chief she-wolf typewriter reading-room flying-fish snow-white English-speaking man-made face-to-face one-way high-class grown-up good-looking warm-hearted 三、拆词联想记忆

carpet tenable capacity hesitate

mandate innocent pastime history

candidate costume attendance mendacity


ambition ambulance pest lobster blond thief obey pour dense cough

howl lawyer square lie tongue leisure chaos sentimental


guide cheque dare change bandage


careful ness细心

care ful细心的careful ly细心地


care less粗心的careless ly粗心地

careless ness粗心

re act影响、反应react ion反应、反作用react ive反应的、活性的


act行动、表演ac tion动作、行动

act ive活泼的、活跃的act ivity活动

interac tion相互作用、互动

inter act相互作用、相互影响

interac tive交互式的、相互作用的



①un- “不”unlike unhappy untidy unfair uncover

②dis- “不”discover dismiss disappointed disagree, dislike

③in-/im- “不”,用于以c,b,m,p等开头的词。impossible impolite impatient incorrect inexact indirect

④ir- “不”,用于以r开头的单词irregular

⑤il- “不”,用于以l开头的单词illegal

⑥mis- “错误地”mistake misuse mislead misunderstand


①re- “再;又;重”。rewrite review replay remind

②pre- “预先,前” preview prewar predict preface prepare

③tele- “远程的”。telephone television telescope

④en- “使”,构成动词。enlarge enable encourage (反:discourage)

⑤inter- “关系相互”。internet international interact interview

⑥micro- “微型的”microscope microwave oven Microsoft



1.-al “...的”national natural

2.-able “可以...的”eatable drinkable unbelievable imaginable

3.-an/ian “国家的,国人的” American Asian African Canadian

4.-ern “方向的” eastern southern western northern

5.-ful “...的”careful usefull helpful meaningful hopeful

6.-less “无...的” careless useless helpless meaningless hopeless

7.-ese “国家的,国人的”Chinese Japanese Vietnamese

9.-ly “...的”friendly yearly monthly lovely

10.-y “...天气的” clou dy hazy foggy rainy

11.-ous “...的”famous humorous dangerous

12.-ish “...似的” childish selfish

13.-en “...(颜色)的,... (制成)的”golden wooden woolen

14.-ive “...的” active positive negative

15.-proof “防...的”waterproof fireproof soundproof

16.-free“无...的” care-free sugar-free duty-free tax-free trouble-free


1.-fy “使...”beautify magnify

2.-en “使...”widen sharpen loosen lengthen strengthen


1.-ly “...地”badly happily easily slowly

2.-ward “朝...方向” backward forward eastward westward


1.-ment “某事” agree ment moment disappointment treatment

2.-ness “某事” happiness business carefulness

3.-tion “某事” explanation suggestion dictation prediction

4.-er “人” buyer waiter westerner interviewer

5.-or “人” actor sailor visitor conductor

6.-ist “人” pianist scientist chemist artist

7.-ess “女性、雌性” actress stewardess empress tigeress

8.-ful “...的量” mouthful handful teaspoonful

9.-th “某事” truth length warmth strength

10.-sion “某事” decision conclusion

11.-ee “人”,被动interviewee employee

12.-ian 表示“人” musician magician politician physician

13.-er “某物”cooker sharpener stapler

14.-ance /-ence“某事” importance independance attendance patience



1.The little girl was (happy) about her torn dress.

2.If you (agree) with others,you should communicate more with them.

3.It’s (polite) to talk loudly in public.

4.He must have (understand) you for he didn’t follow your directions correctly.

5.You handwriting is terrible,please (write) it soon.