当前位置:文档之家› 小学二年级演讲稿大全英语



一个快乐女孩(a happy girl) im a happy girl.my english name is kitty.are you happy?

im very happy.i have a good friend.her name is cheng xin ting.she has a pair of big

eyes.i like her.

i like english.my birthday is in november.im a good girl.im ten years old.im in

class seven grade four.my teachers name is yao hui feng.she is a good teacher!i like


what color do you like? i like pink and perple.i want a rabbit for my birthday.i

like to eat hambuger.i like to go to shool.

i have a good mother.i have a good father. oh,no!im hugry! mumy! im hugry! good


我的可爱老师(my lovely teacher) 我们班有个可爱的老师,我们学生都把他当成我们的朋友,我们愿意把自己的喜怒哀乐



there is a lovely teacher in our class. we like him as our friends. we would like

to tell him everything, happiness and sadness. he helps us on our lessons and guides

us on other things. i am happy to have such a good teacher.

最好的朋友(best friends) i have many friend.do you know who they are?are they my pet? no.are they my classmates?no. let me tell you:they are my favourit book.

i like books very much.i like reading science book,cartoonbook so on.not only

let me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person in

the society,they give me great pleasure. i love books!

美丽的老师(sweet teacher) my english teacher is ms peng. her eyes are big, her mouth is small, and her hair

is long. she is very young and pretty. she likes cakes and chocolate. she often plays games with us. we all like her and her english class. she loves us very much. she is a good


秋天的颜色(the colour of autumn) look ! birds are flying from the north to the south. the leaves are yellow. some

are hanging on the trees, some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind. someone

would say autumn is yellow.

there are so many fruits in autumn in xinxing . pears ,peaches. mangos, oranges

and so on. theyre fresh and healthy. oh! i see. autumn is a harvest season. autumn is colourful. what a beautiful

season !篇二:二年级英语下学期家长会发言稿








? 能根据教师的简单指令做动作、做游戏、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。

? 能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。

? 能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。

? 能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。

? 能模仿范例书写词句。

? 在学习中乐于模仿,敢于表达,对英语具有一定的感知能力。

? 对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。

从总目标中,我们明确一下我们一二年级的目标: 培养良好的学习习惯和语音语调。





















接下来我想以一场story time的形式向各位家长介绍一下网络上、市面上一些常见的英


? wawayaya开心英语/双语童话故事系列软件(内容非常丰富,趣味性十足。) ? hello




? 北大魔力宝贝



? 棒棒英语flash



? (双语故事绘本系列)






? ? 剑桥少儿英语牛津英语新标准英语(一年级起点)阶梯英语you and me. 新





? ? 1.为孩子准备好学习用具(电脑、英语材料)

? 2.适时关心孩子口头作业完成情况。

? 3.培养孩子能自觉自发进行听说读的预习及复习的习惯。

? 4.周末请家长在英语书处签名及日期,方便我跟踪孩子在家中学习。

? ? 1.留意孩子是否张嘴大声跟读。★

? 2.观察孩子读书的时候是否是看着书,或手指着书本相应部分。★

? 3. 鼓励读得流利的孩子,向更高目标努力—脱离图画,认读句子。★

? 作业方面

? 口头作业:包括读课文和背诵课文 ,认读单词。

? 听力作业:主要是听英语课文材料

? 如何抓作业:督促孩子听英语课文材料和朗读课文,请家长照实际情况签名。




hello , dear teachers and friends. i’m very glad to stand here and give my speech.

the name of my speech is “respect the freedom of animals”

example, you keep a pet dog or cat in your house; your parents often take you

to visit animals in the zoo ; you put a bird in a cage to feed it every day and so

on. but is it right to keep the animals we love in cages or houses? i don’t think

it’s right. you and i live on the earth. the animals also live here. the earth is

not only our home, but also the animals’. why do people caged lots of wild animals,

and make them lose their freedom . in lots of zoos, animals are trained to earn money

for people. but what do most of the zoos care for more, money or animals? if you were

an animal, would you be happy ? so why let the animals be sick to death in a zoo?

i once read a story about a kid who saved his allowance for years and bought a rare

turtle from a zoo to take it back to its wild home. if you truly care about animals,

do something like that. wise mankind, start on it now. respect our animal friends

and the freedom they should enjoy.









respect the freedom of animals money or animals? if you were an animal, would you be happy being cramped by a

zoo into a limited space where you could not move freely? so why let the animals be

sick to death in a zoo? i once read a story about a kid who saved his allowance for

years and bought a rare turtle from a zoo to take it back to its wild home. if you

truly care about animals, do something like that. wise mankind, start on 尊重动物的自由







a clever man

as a result of weather delays, bostons logan international airport was teeming

with frustrated travelers. when i checked in for my flight, i could see from the size

of the crowd that boarding was going to be a lengthy process. one well-dressed young man handled the situation with true yankee ingenuity .

i watched as he sat down next to a mother who was coping with a baby and two preschool children, tie struck up a conversation with her, making

a point of learning the youngsters names. the boarding call for passengers with young children was announced. may i help

you with rob and jenny? the young man asked. tucking his briefcase under one arm ,

he gave each child a helping hand and followed mother and baby to the plane聪明







公文包,另一只手还夹他给每个孩子一个帮助之手,跟从了妈妈和宝宝的飞机four seasons

of a tree by author unknown, source unknown dont judge a life by one difficult season. there was a man who had four sons. he wanted his sons to learn to not judge things

too quickly. so he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree

that was a great distance away. the first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer,

and the youngest son in the fall. the first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted. the second son said

no - it was covered with green buds and full of promise. the third son disagreed, he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet

and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen. the last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with

fruit, full of life and fulfillment. the man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had

each seen but one season in the trees life. if you give up when its winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the

beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. dont let the pain of one season

destroy the joy of all the rest.


















my dream 凉州区中坝镇中坝小学俞晓凤

good afternoon everyone:

my name is yu xiao feng. i’m twelve years old,i’m from zhongba primary school. everyone has a dream,now ill talk about my dream,what is my dream? i often ask


now i am a young girl with a new dream——to be a doctor. i want to be a famous

doctor, helping the sick and saving their lives. why has my dream changed? well, at

the age of 11 i was ill, badly ill. i had to leave both my school and my friends and

go to the hospital. every day i suffered the troubles caused by this illness.

i want to try my best to help the poor treat an illness. i want to let them have

an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without having

to pay much or any money.

ill do every bit to cure the incurable. i hope to see a world, where there is

no fatal diseases. im confident that through the joint efforts of you and me, man

will put an end to his bodily sufferings and this dream of mine will one day be brought

into reality.














the person i admire most if, say, ideal is a boat to successful, so, ill take good rudder.




















1. 公共区域环境卫生应做到以下几点:







2. 办公用品的卫生管理应做到以下几点:



6)饮食水机、灯具、打印机、传真机、文具柜等摆放要整齐,保持表面无污垢,无灰尘,蜘蛛网等,办公室内电器线走向要美观,规范,并用护钉固定不可乱搭接临时线。7)新进设备的包装和报废设备以及不用的杂物应按规定的程序及时予以清除。3. 个人卫生应注意以下几点:









小学两分钟英语演讲稿 篇一:小学生英语演讲稿2分钟 good morning, dear friends and guests!it’s my great honor to participate in this activity. my name is huang guanyu, i’m nine years old this year. the title of my speech is: my dream. i have many dreams, such as playing the piano, dancing, drawing, singing and so on. but now, i really fell in love with english. when i grow up, i hope i can study abroad in foreign countries, because i want to be a good diplomat in the future. by that time, i can travel all the world, enjoy the scenery of different countries, and understand their different customs and habits. this is the reason why i like english. now, let me sing a song for you, please enjoy. (sing) this is all of my you!篇二:小学2分钟英语故事演讲小


篇一:小学生英语演讲稿 一个快乐女孩(a happy girl) im a happy girl.my english name is kitty.are you happy? im very happy.i have a good friend.her name is cheng xin ting.she has a pair of big eyes.i like her. i like english.my birthday is in november.im a good girl.im ten years old.im in class seven grade four.my teachers name is yao hui feng.she is a good teacher!i like her. what color do you like? i like pink and perple.i want a rabbit for my birthday.i like to eat hambuger.i like to go to shool. i have a good mother.i have a good father. oh,no!im hugry! mumy! im hugry! good bye! 我的可爱老师(my lovely teacher) 我们班有个可爱的老师,我们学生都把他当成我们的朋友,我们愿意把自己的喜怒哀乐告诉他,他不仅在学习上帮助我们,也会在其它事上指导我们,我很高兴有这样的老师。 本文译文: there is a lovely teacher in our class. we like him as our friends. we would like to tell him everything, happiness and sadness. he helps us on our lessons and guides us on other things. i am happy to have such a good teacher. 最好的朋友(best friends) i have many friend.do you know who they are?are they my pet? no.are they my classmates?no. let me tell you:they are my favourit book. i like books very much.i like reading science book,cartoonbook so on.not only let me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure.i love books! 美丽的老师(sweet teacher) my english teacher is ms peng. her eyes are big, her mouth is small, and her hair is long. she is very young and pretty. she likes cakes and chocolate. she often plays games with us. we all like her and her english class. she loves us very much. she is a good teacher. 秋天的颜色(the colour of autumn) look ! birds are flying from the north to the south. the leaves are yellow. some are hanging on the trees, some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind. someone would say autumn is yellow. there are so many fruits in autumn in xinxing . pears ,peaches. mangos, oranges and so on. theyre fresh and healthy. oh! i see. autumn is a harvest season. autumn is colourful. what a beautiful season !篇二:小学英语演讲稿 hello , dear teachers and friends. i’m very glad to stand here and give my speech. the name of my speech is “respect the freedom of animals” example, you keep a pet dog or cat in your house; your parents often take you to visit animals in the zoo ; you put a bird in a cage to feed it every day and so on. but is it right to keep the animals we love in cages or houses? i don’t think it’s right. you and i live on the earth. the animals also live here. the earth is not only our home, but also the animals’. why do people caged lots of wild animals, and make them lose their freedom . in lots of zoos, animals are trained to earn money for people. but what do most of the zoos care for more, money or animals? if you were an animal,


大学两分钟英语演讲稿 演讲,首先要了解听众,注意听众的组成,了解他们的性格、年龄、受教育程度、出生地,分析他们的观点、态度、希望和要求。掌握这些以后,就可以决定采取什么方式来吸引听众,说服听众,取得好的效果。以下是由PQ小编为大家收集整理出来的大学两分钟英语演讲稿,希望能够帮到大家。 大学两分钟英语演讲稿(1) Work and Play Work and play do not contradict each other; in fact, they complement each other. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." A life burdened with work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work. On the other hand, proper recreation will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent-up emotions. What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and seeing movies. Usually I don't spare time for exercise, but I value the physical education class at school. Jogging several rounds in the field certainly relieves the day's pressure. On weekends, I'll catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment. I feel revived and energetic for another week's work-load. 大学两分钟英语演讲稿(2) How I Prepare for My Future Career. I decided to be a middle school teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision. Firstly, when I was a little boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true. Besides, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the


小学英语三分钟演讲稿带翻译4篇Primary school English three minute speech with transl ation documents 编订:JinTai College

小学英语三分钟演讲稿带翻译4篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:小学英语三分钟演讲稿带翻译 2、篇章2:小学英语三分钟演讲稿带翻译 3、篇章3:小学英语三分钟演讲稿带翻译 4、篇章4:英语课前三分钟演讲稿中文翻译文档 英语老师是不是要求每位同学在这学期都必须上台演讲一次呢?那你是不是该准备好演讲稿了呢?下面是小泰为你整理的几篇小学英语三分钟演讲稿带翻译,快来。

篇章1:小学英语三分钟演讲稿带翻译 ladies and gentlemen, good morning! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. man’s life is a process of growing up, actually i’m standing here is a growth. if a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then i grow up along with these choices. once i hope i can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know i come here, now i wonder what the future holds for me. when i come to this school, i told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. following i will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” i will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study,


小学生英语演讲稿4篇 since the day i was born, i began to have a proud name —chinese. since the day i began to talk, the most beautiful sentence i’ve ever learnt has been “i love you, china!” i love you, china, and i’m so proud of being a chinese. i’m proud that i’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. i’m also proud that i speak the most beautiful language in the world—chinese. i love you, china, for i can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, i got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. while at , he looked at me and asked: “little boy, how long have you been in america?”“about a month,”i answered, “how lucky you are!”he said, “if you were living in china, how could you learn such perfect english?”i smiled and told him proudly that all the students in china are able to learn english at school. i saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “i’m proud of you, china ” 小学生英语演讲稿My Pet小学生英语演讲稿(2)| when i


小学二年级国旗下的演讲稿3篇_ 尊敬的老师和亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好!有机会站在庄重的国旗下与大家交换自己的心声,我倍感荣幸。今天我演讲的题目是《美丽校园我的家,爱惜公物你我他》。 又是一个布满希看的清晨,又是崭新的一天,我们又开始了新的一天的生活,我们一如既往地在课本中翱翔在题海中穿梭,同时也一如既往地与公共财物接触着,我们天天都在利用它们,却以一种不友好的方式“回报”着它们,看看教室里那天蓝色的窗帘上是否是比本来多了些印象派绘画?不用说,这些都是我们的杰作,有的同学吃过饭,不管手上沾的是水还是油,洗都不洗,掀起窗帘就擦,直到以为自己的手干净为止,手是干净了,可看看可怜的窗帘,我们又于心何忍?更有甚者,拉窗帘时巴不得用力全身力气,把窗帘拉到“唰啦“一声,还在为自己“萧洒”的动作自得自豪,不顾其他同学那异常的眼光,那眼光是爱惜公物者对他的提示,也是对他这类行为的批评,乃至痛斥。是啊,这些东西是我们共同具有的,是公共财物,是为我们的学习,生活提供方便的,我们不应当如此残暴地对对待它们,相反,更应当爱惜它们,像朋友一样庇护它们,使它们更好地为我们服务,相信每个仁慈的人都会这样想,更都应当这样做。 再看看教室里的桌凳,有几个是完好无损的?又有哪些

不遍体鳞伤?天天支持着同学们厚重的书本和不太小的身躯,还要承受主人心情不好时的一通宣泄。天天默默无闻地为我们奉献着自己,不光没有得到任何回报,还遭受严重侵害。这些现象都是我们习以为常的,或许我们实在不太留意这些看似微小的细节,但是,人的品质不正是从这点点滴滴的行为和细节中体现出来的吗?我们对某个人下评论时,不也是从他的行为谈起吗? 从幼儿园起,老师就教育我们要爱惜公物,爱惜校园里的一草一木,一年又一年,直到我们上了高中,不知听了多少遍,可以说每个人都明白,可又有几人真正做到过呢?公共财物是我们共同的财富,是我们的帮手,离开了他们,我们的学习生活就不会那末方便,顺心,作为高中生,我们更应当为他人建立榜样,爱惜公物,不随便破坏公物,由于我们是社会的未来,是祖国的希看,应当说聚集着大众的眼光,一切好习惯都应当在我们身上体现用我们的行为往感化身边的人。 同学们,爱惜公物,不只是停留在口头上,不只是一句标语,更应当付诸行动。就让我们从现在开始,从我做起,从点滴做起,共同创建一个美丽的校园,为我们创造美好的第二个家,希看在这条爱惜公物的路上,有你,有我,也有他! 我的演讲终了,谢谢大家!


英语演讲稿范文两分钟 with the knowledge,is to touch a history of human activity since the pulse,or do not understand human life music!".Indeed,the power of knowledge is infinite,it is knowledge that Helen created these miracles! Helen is unfortunate,but she is lucky,it is because of knowledge,she was so lucky.Lost sight and hearing in her 19 months later,and the world lost communication,lost contact,the life of the young do not know how to row retire loneliness,her eccentric,rude,rude,until her Sullivan teacher walked into her life,to teach her how to read,before she opened their hearts the eyes,and to communicate with people.A contact to knowledge,lonely Helen realized that only knowledge can pave a road leading to the light.When Helen aware of "water" -- that she knew the first word,will start on the knowledge,strong desire for the world,began to read,unable to hold oneself back reading,like a sponge to absorb knowledge from life itself.The thirst for knowledge,so that she was unimaginable monotonous and boring actually learned German,Latin,French and other languages,reading a lot of literature and philosophy,absorb those great and wise thought essence.She's studying


my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从网上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我 看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后, 我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演 讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共 同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于 我的中国梦。 so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we had a basic concept to our country at that time. we know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland. 我的中国梦是什么样的?先卖个关子。 记得刚刚上学那会儿,我们天真无邪。在课本里,我们学到了很多很多知识,也明白了 很多很多道理,我们对祖国也有了一个最基本的概念。我们知道我们的祖国到处充满阳光, 正在慢慢发展,而我们,就是祖国未来的花朵,未来的希望。我们梦想将来能够成为祖国的 希望。 这,是我们最初的中国梦。最真诚的我们,最真诚的梦。 但是,不知道什么时候开始,我们长大了,生活似乎一下子变得和以前不太一样了,与 此同时,虽然我们很不想承认但是却又不得不承认的是,我们的思想,我们的为人处世观, 我们对我们祖国的看法,也潜移默化中慢慢开始了转变。我们的社会变得到处充满欺骗、冷 漠、勾心斗角、压力、腐败、险恶,我们变得暴躁,不冷静,愤世嫉俗。我们的国家,似乎 也开始变得千疮百孔。而好多我们亲爱的祖国委以重任培养的青年学生们变得轻浮、急躁, 更别提什么梦想,什么中国梦了? are we sick, or is our dear motherland sick? 我很惊讶,当大街上有老人摔倒,我们不敢再去扶起;我很难过,当有人做了好事被报 道,更多的人说他做作;我很伤心,当我看到我们众多的青年人变得冷漠、市侩、欺诈以及 缺乏理想。 到底是我们病了,还是我们亲爱的祖国病了? i dont want to talk about the construction of our country politics, and also speak impassioned speech on the diaoyu island event .i just want to appeal young people,showing the side of youth,good and confidence.we must learn to organize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in future life. china dream actually lies in our young generation, especially of the intellectuals. 我的中国梦,不想大谈政治,也不想对钓鱼岛事件发表慷慨激昂的演讲。我只想呼吁, 呼吁我们年轻人,呼吁我们祖国的希望能够将我们的青春一面,将我们的善良一面,将我们 的自信一面好好展现出来。我们要学会整理自己的思想,端正自己看问题的观念,摆正自己 的人生方向。我们的中国梦实际上正掌握在我们自己手上,掌握在我们年青一代,尤其是知 识分子手上。


小学生英语演讲稿 小学生英语演讲稿(1): Hello! My name is XXX。I'm ten。I study in WZ children arts school。I'm in Class one Grade four 。 Wele to Our ClassroomThis is my classroom。There is a sign on the door。It says: Wele to Our Classroom! There are many desks。This is my desk。My name is on it。] This is my teacher’s desk。There are many interesting things。 There is a fish bowl on the cabinet。His name is Goldy。Her name is Swimmy。 There is a large blackboard on the front wall。My teacher writes our homework on it。 There is a birthday chart on the back wall。My teacher puts our names and birthdays on it。 There is a round clock above the door。It tells us what time it is。 There are our drawings on the side wall。This is mine。This is Jenny’s。


关于小学二年级演讲稿锦集十篇 尊敬的各位家长: 您们好!感谢你们在百忙之中抽时间来参加今晚的家长会和长期以来对学校、对我们班工作的大力支持和帮助。我们今天能有机会坐在一起,是为了一个共同的目的,那就是为了孩子的学习、为了孩子的进步、为了孩子的明天。借这次期中考试,我们召开这个家长会,主要目的也是希望家长多了解孩子的在校表现,加强你们和学校之间的联系,希望家长进一步配合老师,做好一些工作,让孩子们学得更好,取得更好的成绩! 第一方面:班级介绍 半个学期以来,整体看来,学生进步都很大,从刚入学的时候注意力不集中,到现在基本能跟上老师的思路或者说能积极动脑,特别是学校开展班级评比,大家集体荣誉感都增强了,卫生纪律方面都有明显的进步,学习也认真了,作业完成也得又快又好,还有很多方面我就不一一举例了。 第二方面:说说期中检测。 当家长拿到试卷的时候,有喜有忧,喜的是孩子考到了好成绩,忧的是孩子的成绩不理想,其实这正是有关专家早就预料到的,新课程改使孩子的两极分化越来越明显。当你看到孩子的成绩时,不知你有没有想过你为孩子在学习上付出了多少心血,当然,现在的社会并不是一味地看分数,他们更关注的是孩子的能力,注重孩子的全面发展,教师的目标也是一样的。不过,从这张试卷上也可以看出一些问题。很多孩子分析能力判断能力还有待加强。 第三方面:经验交流 1.激发孩子的识字兴趣。 现在有不少家长已经发现生字教学越来越难,如何让孩子对学习生字感兴趣,不仅是老师的责任,也是家长的责任。平时,随时随地都可以让孩子识生字,比如:上街,可以和孩子一起看路边的招牌;逛商场,认识商品标签上的事物名称等等。这样,孩子识字的兴趣可能会更浓。 2.关心孩子的学习。 有的家长总说孩子在家不肯读书,反映的家长很多,我知道,现在都是独生子女,都非常的溺爱孩子,事事都顺着他,使他养成以自我为中心,自私的人,我想,你肯定不希望这样,所以我想告诉你们一句话,教育孩子也是要有手段,有方法的,要有一定的奖罚制度,培养孩子积极的、健康的成长。


2分钟英语演讲稿范文3篇 2分钟英语演讲稿范文一: My dream I enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation(准备). But life in the university is not as satisfactory(满意) as what I had expected. I become lazy and dont want to study.I become silcent. I become puzzled. I dont know what I can do in the future. Then I become unhappy. Four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. Now it has passed a half. In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. I dont want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style. So I think carefully. I have been a young volunteer(志愿者) for five years.Its very happy and significant. Then I have a dream.I want to join the University Student Volunteers Go West Programe. I think I can be a teacher in the west.I want to try my best to help them and help me. I want to see the world cearly. Now I cant reach its demand and its very diffcult,but I will work hard in the next two years. There is an old sayingwhere there


Good morning, everyone !My name is Wang Jinkun,my English name is Sam. I am ten years old. I like reading books in my free time. Today I’ll tell an English story for you. The name of the story is《The poor man and The rich man》. There is a poor man. He has an orange tree. On the tree ,there are many fine oranges. One of them is very, very big. It is as big as a football. Nobody sees so big an orange. The poor man is very happy. He takes it to the king. The king is so happy that he gives the man a lot of money for it. When a rich man hears of it, he says to himself, “It’s only an orange. Why does the king give so much money for it? I’ll take my gold cup to the king. He’ll give me more money.” The next day when the king receives the gold cup, he says to the rich man, “What a beautiful cup! I’ll show you something wonderful. Please take this great orange.” That’s all ,Thank you。 大家早上好,我叫王锦坤,英文名字叫Sam。我今年10岁了,在课外时间我喜欢读英语故事,今天我将给大家讲个英语故事,故事的名字是《穷人和富人》。 从前有个穷人,他有一颗橘子树,树上有许多非常好的橘子,其中有一个非常非常的大,差不多和足球一样大,从来没有人见过如此大的一个橘子,穷人非常的高兴。就把它带给了国王,国王非常高兴,就给了他很多的钱有一个富人听说了这件事,心里想,“就只有一个橘子,为什么国王给他那么多钱,如果我把我的金杯给国王,,他会给我更多的钱。第二天,当国王收到这个金杯的时候,就对这个富人说:“多么漂亮的金杯,我要给你看一件好东西,请把这个大橘子拿走吧。” 这就是我的故事,谢谢大家!


小学二年级英语演讲稿 一个快乐女孩(A happy girl) i’m a happy english name is you happy? i’m very have a good name is cheng xin has a pair of big like her.i like birthday is in ‘m a good ‘m ten years ‘m in class seven grade teacher’s name is yao hui is a good teacher!i like her.what color do you like? i like pink and want a rabbit for my like to eat like to go to shool.i have a good have a good father. oh,no!i’m hugry! “mumy! i’m hugry!”good bye!我的可爱老师(My Lovely Teacher)最好的朋友(best friends)美丽的老师(Sweet teacher)秋天的颜色(The Colour of Autumn)Hello , dear teachers and friends. I’m very glad to stand here and give my speech. The name of my speech is “Respect the freedom of animals”If I ask you if you love animals,which answer would come into your mind first? Of course you would say “yes” .Because you have many many reasons to show it in your mind. Forexample, you keep a pet dog or cat in your house; your parents often take you to visit animals in the zoo ; you put a bird in a cage to feed it every day and so on. But is it right to keep the animals we love in cages or houses? I don’t think it’


两分钟英语演讲稿 演讲稿一:两分钟英语演讲稿 Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. ?? Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really


小学1分钟英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语演讲稿1分钟 my favourite colour is green,we can see the colour everywhere:tree leaves are green,grass is green and so on.green is also a healthy colour,during our lives,we seeing this colour more often is good for our eyes,and why we d on’t called those natural food like “red food”,”blue food” or “purple food”? so you can understand how impotant it is.green means life,hope youth and etc.that’s my favourite colour:green,i hope more and more people will like green like me.thanks for listing! 第二篇:1分钟英语演讲稿 1、beauty beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye. a nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful. a bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful. a splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful. beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind. the virtue of the chinese nation-industry and bravery are taken as beautiful, because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world. einstein’s theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful, for it explains many natural phenomena so perfectly. beauty is around us. if you keep an eye or pay some attention, it is never

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