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Application For Job Transfer

员工姓名Employee’s Name:部门 Department:

现在职位Position: 员工编号Staff No: 入店日期Date Joined:

To be completed the Employee员工需填写此栏:

欲申请何职:Position Applied: 属哪个部门Department:

请注明为什么你对该职位感兴趣State why you are interested in the position :

员工签名Employee’s Signature : 日期 Date:

Remarks from Personnel Department以下供人事部用(员工不需填写)

收到此申请表格日期Application Receiving Date:


Initial Screening: Interview面试 Reject after file review 暂不予考虑

面试日期Date of preliminary Interview: 建议Recommendation: Further Interview另约会见 Regret不合适 Agree同意

签名Signature: 日期Date:

Remarks from Div./Dept Heads concerned 以下供有关部门主管批注(员工不需填写)

Existing Dept Head 现在部门主管的意见 Requesting Dept Head 接纳部门主管意见

1.同意\不同意员工调职 1. 接见日期:

I recommend \do not recommend the Employee Interviewed on

2.员工可调离本部门日期 2. 同意\不同意接受:

The Employee can be released on position I accept/do not accept the

Employee 3.

如不同意,请注明理由: 3.其他意见

Reason(if comments are negative) Others

签名Signature: 日期: Date: 签名: Signature 日期: Date: Employee requesting job transfer must fill out this form and return this t o Personnel Dept.

Employee may assume application unsuccessful she is not invited for interview within 3 weeks.


本单一式两联:白-人力资源部蓝-部门 HR-011

Duplicate: White-HR.Dept. Blue-Dept.