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whether 60 of 16 ,there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders,the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living .in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station :so long as it receives messages of beauty ,hope ,cheer,courage and power from men and from the infinite,so long as you are young .


Studies this matter,lacks the time,but is lacks diligently.-学习不是因为缺少时间,而是缺少努力。

The good seaman is known in bad weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.隔岸风物好;邻家芳草绿。

The shortest answer is doing.最冗长的答复便是举措。

The study certainly is not the life complete.But,since continually life part of -studies also is unable to conquer,what but also can make?-学习不是人生的全部,但连学习都征服不了你还能做什么?-

There is no such thing as a great talent without great will

-power.--Balzac 没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。--巴尔扎克This moment will nap,you will have adream;But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.-现在睡觉的话会做梦,而现在学习的话会让梦实现。

Thought is already is late,exactly isthe earliest time.-觉得已经晚了,恰恰是最早的时候-

I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech!To begin with ,I want to ask a question .Does everybody dream a good dream last night?Actually ,today I want to talk about dream with you.Of course,What I want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream——about life.

Time the study pain is temporary,has not learned the pain is life-long.-学习的痛苦是一时的,而没有学习的痛苦是一辈子的。

Towering genius disdains a beaten path.It seeks regions hit herto unexplored.--Lincoln 卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。

Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.--A.Einstein 不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。--爱因斯坦

While there is life there is hope.一息若存,希望不灭。--英国谚语

You have to believe in yourself.That’sthe secret of