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1.0 Introduction of culture (1)

2.0 Language, Culture & Translation ......................................... .2 2.1 Idioms (2)

2.1.1 English and Chinese idioms sharing the same meanings and

cultural images (2)

2.1.2 English and Chinese idioms sharing the similar meanings but

different cultural images (3)

2.1.3 Translation of idioms not restricted to only one version (3)

2.2 Communications with peopl e of different background (4)

2.2.1 Communications in a restaurant (4)

2.2.2 An embarrassing answer (4)

2.3 Animals that bear different cultural connotations (5)

2.4 Colors that have different cultural bearings (6)

2.4.1 B lue (6)

2.4.2 White (6)

2.4.3 Black (7)

3.0 Conclusion (7)

Cultural Factors in English and Chinese Translation

Abstract: This article discusses the influence of cultural factors on translation. Translation is to convey a message of one language into another language. It might not be so easy to get along well with your foreign friends because you have different cultures. You want to be friendly and to show your hospitality towards them when you say or do something. Even if your words or action are acceptable in the Chinese culture might be understood as impolite. So the cultural factors play a very important role in translation.

Keywords: cultural factors, English and Chinese translation

After entering the WTO, we have now got more chances to do business with European countries. Obviously, English, used by most of the countries, makes our communication much easier. So if you can master English, it will help you a lot in your business. Since the cultural factors play a very important role in translation, it is necessary for us to learn the cultures of the English speaking countries. Then you can understand them much better and communicate with them more successfully.

1.0Introduction of culture

Culture is an extremely complex concept and an enormous subject as well. It includes almost everything in the world, whether material or spiritual. But however complex it is, culture can roughly be divided into three categories: the material culture, which refers to all the products of manufacture; the institutional culture which refers to various systems and theories that support them, such as social systems, religious systems, ritual systems, educational systems, kinship systems and language; and the mental culture, which refers to people's mentality and behaviors, their thought patterns, beliefs, conceptions of value, aesthetic tastes.1These three aspects of culture have been formed through a long history of social development. Different countries have undergone different historical developments and thus have had different cultures. Therefore, the English native speakers and the Chinese native speakers have their own cultures.

2.0Language, Culture & Translation


“Every language is part of a c ulture. As such, it cannot but serve and reflect cultural needs.”2In turn, language is a carrier of the culture in which it has been born and developed. In a sense, learning a language is also a kind of learning the culture and habits of the country where the language is spoken. Therefore, how to deal with the cultural factors in translation has become a very important task for the learners of the language.

2.1 Idioms

“Idioms consist of set phrases and short sentences” and “idioms are expressions that are not readily understandable from their literal meanings of individual elements.”3

Idioms, as an indispensable part of a language, are naturally related to the culture from which they have been derived. They are characterized by their colorful and thought-provoking expressions, involving history, religion, social customs and other aspects of the culture. In other words, they are a typical carrier of the culture. In the translation of the idioms, special attention should be paid to the cultural factors involved.

2.1.1 English and Chinese idioms sharing the same meanings and cultural images

Here are some examples:

(1) Seeing is believing 眼见为实;百闻不如一见

(2) Turn a deaf ear 置若罔闻

(3) Draw the curtain 落下帷幕

(4) Pour oil on the flame 火上浇油

(5) Facts speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩

(6) Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁

The above are literal translations. But they are not the only versions, and other expressions are acceptable only if they have similar meanings to and fit in the original context. There are also some examples:

(7) Tom told John he had passed the test, but John said, “Seeing is believing.”

2Zhuanglin Hu and others, Course of Language (Beijing: Beijing University Press,1988) p.250. 3Weiyou Zhang, English Lexicology (Beijing: Foreign language Teaching & Reach Press,1998) p.174.

My translation: 汤姆告诉约翰他通过了考试,但约翰说:“耳听为虚,眼见为实”。

(8) I told him to quit smoking but he just turned a deaf ear to my words.

My translation: 我让他戒烟,但他根本不听。

(9) Mother is in good mood now. Strike while the iron is hot and ask her to let

you go to the cinema.

My translation: 母亲现在情绪很好,趁此机会求她让你去看电影。

2.1.2 English and Chinese idioms sharing similar meanings but different cultural images

There are also two ways of translation. They are the literal translation and the liberal translation. Here are some examples:

(10) Love me love my dog.

Liberal translation: 爱屋及乌In Chinese it means: Love one’s house love the crows around the house. If we translate it literally like “爱我及狗”, I’m afraid, the Chinese readers may not understand.

(11) Beat the dog before the lion.

Liberal translation: 杀鸡骇猴In Chinese it means: Kill the chicken before the monkey. If we translate it like “在狮子面前打狗”, that would make you puzzled.

(12) He cries wine and sells vinegar.

Liberal translation: 挂羊头卖狗肉In Chinese it means: He cries mutton but sells meat of dog instead. If we translate it like “他喊着酒卖着醋”, we also can’t understand it well.

(13) A new broom sweeps clean.

Liberal translation: 新官上任三把火In Chinese it means: a newly appointed officer carries out new efficient policies. If we translate it like “新的扫把扫得干净”, I believe, no one can understand it well.

From all the idioms above we can see that we also have things different that share similar meanings.

2.1.3 Translation of idioms not restricted to only one version

Take a sentence for example,

(14) One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.

It is often translated as “一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水

喝。”In Chinese it means: One Buddhist monk carries water for himself; two Buddhist monks carry water together; three Buddhist monks carry no water for drinking. We can get a similar culture message from the translation. But I think maybe it is better to preserve the original images and avoid cultural loss for this idiom and I would like to translate it into “一人做事尽力,两人做事合力,三人做事没力”, from which the Chinese readers can also be able to grasp the images and meanings.

2.2 Communications with people of different backgrounds

Many interesting things may happen in our daily life. Some of them are caused by the different cultures. Here are two typical examples.

2.2.1 Communications in a restaurant

It happened in America. A Chinese student worked as a waiter in a hotel, his English was not so good.

A young man walked into a hotel. The Chinese waiter said, “Welcome to our hotel!” The man looked at him and nodded politely. The waiter wanted to be sure how many people would come, so he asked, “Are you lonely?” The young man looked at him amazingly but said nothing. Then the waiter wanted to make himself understood well, so he asked the young man again, in another way, “Are you single?” The young man stood up and made several steps backward and said, “Are you a gay(同性恋者)? I’m sorry, I’m straight!” Then he left the hotel quickly.

We all know why the young man left the hotel. The Chinese waiter’s questions “A re you lonely?” and “A re you single?” show that he did n’t know how to use the words correctly. What’s more, it also shows that he didn’t know the culture there. Thus he made the young man misunderstand the meanings of his words. If we put what he said in Chinese they mean “你孤单吗?”, “你寂寞吗?” or “你单身吗?” The young man was surely unable to understand him. From this, we can see that the young man also didn’t know the Chinese culture. In fact, at that time, the Chinese waiter should say “A re you alone”. In Chinese it means, “您一个人吗”.And the young man’s last sentence “I’m straight” means I’m not a homosexual.

2.2.2 An embarrassing answer

A Chinese manager together with his beautiful wife went to a hotel to meet his distinguished guest from The United States of America. Following them was an interpreter. Seeing his wife was so beautiful, the foreign guest praised, “Your wife is

very beautiful.”To be polite, the manager said in Chinese, “哪里,哪里.”And the interpreter translated it like this, “Where? Where?” The foreign guest was surprised to hear that and didn’t know what to say. Finally, he answered, “Everywhere!” They all felt embarrassed at that.

Whose fault is that? Obviously, that is the interpreter’s. We can see that the manager wanted to be polite in the Chinese way. But in America they won’t do it this way. They just say “thank you”. So if the interpreter knows the culture of America, it would not happen.

2.3 Animals that bear different cultural connotations

Animals in different countries would have different associative meanings. Take dragon for example. In China, dragon means good things. But in the English speaking countries, it means evil. We have a lot of idioms containing the Chinese character “龙” such as 望子成龙、龙飞凤舞、龙腾虎跃、龙肝凤胆. If we turn “望子成龙”literally into English as “long to see one’s son become a dragon” that would frighten our foreign friends. We may translate it into “long to see one’s son win success”. In the English culture, a dog is considered as an honest friend, and even a member of the family. If you ask them which animal they like best, most of them may say, “Dog”. It can be seen from many English idioms such as “help a lame dog over the stile (助人于危难or雪中送炭)”,“let sleeping dog lie (勿惊卧狗,切莫惹是生非or不要自找麻烦)”,“every dog has its day (凡人皆有得意日)”. But in China, a dog is no good. It is looked down upon. So when we translate this kind of phrases, the English culture is needed. Take a look at the following liberal and literal translations:

(15) 龙飞凤舞living and vigorous flourishes

Literal translation: dragons flying and phoenixes dancing

(16) 打落水狗hit a person when he is down

Literal translation: beat a drowning dog

(17) 狗仗人势use the influence of somebody in bullying others

Literal translation: behave like a dog relying up on the power of its owner

(18) 狗拿耗子poke one's nose into other people's business

Literal translation: a dog trying to catch mice

(19) 挂羊头卖狗肉selling horse-meat as beef steak

Literal translation: hang up a sheep's head and selling dog-meat

(20) 狗咬吕洞宾misunderstanding a kind-hearted person

Literal translation: a dog barking at Lu Dongbin

(21) 狐假虎威bully people by virtue of somebody e lse’s influence

Literal translation: the fox borrow the tiger's ferocity

Take “挂羊头卖狗肉” for example, westerners don’t eat dog, so we translate it into “selling horse-meat as beef steak”. Thus we can avoid the cultural conflict.

2.4 Colors that have different cultural bearings

2.4.1 Blue

In Chinese, we don’t have many associative meanings with the color “blue”. But in English, blue is a word with many associative meanings. We should pay more attention to the expression of colors when we translate them into Chinese.

In English, the color “blue” means dejected and unhappy. For example,

(22) They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match.

Translation: 球赛踢输了,他们感到有些沮丧。

(23) ——She looks blue today. What’s the matter with her?

——She is in holiday blue.



In example (23), “holiday blue” means “winter holiday depression”. I n the winter holiday, we all stay at home, feeling lonely and boring because it’s too cold outside, and we have got nowhere to go. And another phrase is “a blue Monday”. In Chinese it means: 倒霉的星期一. It means: after the weekend, it is Monday again. In other words, that means we have to go to work again.

Blue sometimes can be translated into “黄色的”、“下流的”. For example, blue talk 下流的言论; blue video 黄色录像

Sometimes, blue also means posted or highborn. For example, “blue blood”turned into Chinese, it means:贵族血统.

However, it also has other meanings when used in other phrases. For example, out of blue 意想不到; once in a blue 千载难逢; drink till all’s blue 一醉方休.

2.4.2 White

White, either in Chinese or in English, it means pure, but it also has some different meanings in some way. For example, in the Chinese culture, white

sometimes means death. In the Chinese idiom “红白喜事”, the character “白”means funeral. But, in the English culture, white means happy and pure. At the wedding, the white dress the bride wears means pure love.

There are also many other meanings of the color word “white” both in English and in Chinese. For example, in English there are: a white lie 善意的谎言; the white coffee 牛奶咖啡; white man 善良的人,有教养的人; white-livered 怯懦的; white elephant 昂贵又无用之物, etc.

We also have the Chinese character “白”. But its meaning is different to the word “white”in English in some way. For example, in Chinese there are: 白开水(plain boiled water); 白菜(Chinese cabbage); 白字(wrongly written or mispronounced character); 白搭(no use); 白费事(all in vain), etc.

2.4.3 Black

Black, either in Chinese or in English, has the same meanings. For example, black means sad. People would wear black at the funeral.

In English, black also means angry. For example, black in the face 脸色铁青; to look black at someone 怒目而视.

What’s more, black also means sinister or evil. But in translation, the word “black” or the character “黑”needn’t appear. For example, 黑心evil mind; 黑手evil backstage manipulator; 黑幕inside story; 黑线a sinister line; black sheep 害群之马; black day 凶日; black future 暗淡的前途

3.0 Conclusion

“Culture consists of all the shared products of human society”. This means mot only such material things as cities, organizations and schools, but also non-material things such as ideas, customs, family patterns, and languages. Putting it simply, culture refers to the entire way of life of a society, that is, “the way of people.”4 Examples like those above are fairly common when people of different languages and cultures communicate with each other. From the cultural differences, misunderstandings may arise, even though the language used in communication may

4Yanchang.Deng and Runqing. Liu , Language and Culture (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and research Press, 1989) p.3.

be faultless. The same words or expressions may not mean the same thing to different peoples. Because of cultural differences, a serious question may cause amusement or laughter; a harmless statement may cause displeasure or anger. Because of cultural differences, jokes by a foreign speaker may be received with blank faces and stony silence. Yet the same stories in the speaker’s own country would leave the audience holding their sides with laughter.


[1] Chen, Wenbo. English Idioms and Chinese idioms, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1982.

[2] Deng, Yanchang., and Liu, Runqing. Language and Culture Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and research Press, 1989.

[3] Hu, zhuanglin. and others, Course of Linguistics, Beijing: Beijing University Press 1988.

[4] Wang, Zhigui, A Collegiate Course in Chinese-English Translation (Revised), Jinan: Shangdong University Press, 2001.

[5] Zhang, Weiyou. Lexicology of English Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1998.

[6] Zhang, Ye. English Proverbs Jilin: Jilin people’s Press, 1986.

[7] Wang, Zhigui, A Collegiate Course in English-Chinese Translation (Revised), Jinan: Shangdong University Press, 1999.

[8] New English-Chinese Dictionary (Revised edition), Shanghai: Shanghai translating Press, 1985.

[9] Longman Modern English Dictionary, World publishing corporation, 1995.

[10] Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, The Commercial Press, 1993.





有关英汉翻译论文 范文一:生态学视域下的英汉翻译 一、引言:英汉翻译研究生态学视域的成立 生态学是研究物质与周围环境关系的一门科学,其发轫之初很长时间里被用于自然科 学研究。而随着生态学的发展和交叉、跨学科研究日趋成熟,社会科学的研究者们发现了 生态学与人文社会科学的相容性,认为人文社会领域和自然一样,事物与事物、事物与环 境间都发生着联系,没有独立于环境之外的事物和现象,故而认为生态学研究的理论、方 法同样适用于社会科学研究。生态学研究与社会科学研究遂真正结合起来。20世纪50年 代以来,人们对文本的认识由仅仅关注认识文本内部自足性问题发展到研究文本内外部关 联问题,研究的视野也随之由微观文字向宏观文化转向,人们对文本的认识,已无法将文 本语言与该语言所蕴含或显现的某国或某民族的文化相割断。对于成功的翻译者来说,他 不仅要作为两种语言的专家,还要是两种语言各自代表的文化的熟知者。对于英汉翻译的 研究者来说,他们需要不断探寻着解释原文本与译文本之间形成文化差异的依据———这 些依据就是社会各层面因素影响文本文字的关系。生态学强调事物与其环境协调、互动、 互相促进。在英汉翻译领域,一个成功或优秀的译作应当是不仅内部自足和谐发展,而且 内部与外部互惠互利、共生共栖的文本。其动态性体现在这种交互作用是永无止息、不断 旋螺式发展的,而非一成不变或者无意义的重复。用生态学视角看待英汉翻译,为的是建 立一种整体性思维。有学者为“整体性”的意义进行了阐释:“整体性是生命的基本属性,整体性不是部分的简单累加,也不是由外力推动而形成的原子集合体,它有着超越部分之 和的更为丰富的内涵和属性。”对翻译及其研究工作来说,把握“整体性”是关键。翻译 活动涵盖原文本和译文本,涉及原文作者、译者、译文读者3方,包括语言和文化2个层面,同时受到政治环境、经济环境、主流意识形态等的影响。梳理和廓清这些形成翻译活 动的要素的动态平衡发展,有助于建构英汉翻译研究的生态学视域。 二、原文本与译文本的交互解读 原文本一经生成,不是一成不变,而是在各种读者解读下成为“一百个读者有一百个 哈姆雷特”的消费品。如果没有读者的阅读,则文本只是完成了生产过程,惟有读者的阅 读才能使文本的意义得以生成,使文本价值得以实现。译文本的产生就是原文本蕴涵得到 复活的一个过程,译文本的产生同时是对原文本的“消费”,促成原文本价值的重新生成 和意义再现。译文本对原文本的意义即在于此:扩大或者新生成原文本意义。译者与原文 作者的生活背景、个人知识、经验、思维方式等都有很大差异,译者对原文本的意义进行 解读的过程中有译者的前结构参与,这种前结构大大影响了原文本意义的重现:原文作者 将生活的客观信息内化于文本,译者在翻译之前先作为原文本的读者,在阅读过程中以自 己的前结构对原文本进行内化,但这次内化的主体是译者而非原文作者,由此不同主体所 作的“内化”经由不同文本载体产生出不同的文本接受。原文本意义和译者根据前结构而 解读出来的意义不同,所以可以说,译者通过内化能扩大原文本的意义,使原文本意义更 加多样。接受美学和读者反应批评两种理论都强调读者阅读对文本的意义,认为读者也是


制作时间:2004年7月21日英美文化与英汉翻译(第1-12期) 作者:snowry_yhn 编辑、制作:yangbb 第1期 MAVERICK (2) 第2期 FBI & SLOAN-KETTERING (3) 第3期 AMA (4) 第4期 GATT (5) 第5期 WESTERN (6) 第6期 GIS & YANK (7) 第7期 GILTS (8) 第8期 JV (9) 第9期 AT&T (10) 第10期 GDP (11) 第11期 MAFIA (12) 第12期 GURU (13) 转载请注明出处,谢谢!

制作时间:2004年7月21日[yangbb语] 终于完工了,而且今天是自己的生日,就把这个包子作为生日 礼物送给自己吧!呵呵,好高兴啊! 其实做包子真的是件比较苦的事情,而且体力劳动远大于脑力劳动。但是我想,如果自己辛苦做出来的包子没有人分享,那才是真正 可悲的事情。所以沪友一定要支持我们的劳动啊! 还有两点提醒一下(不要骂我啊,我马上就说完): 1.本文档版权归沪江所有,尊重原创,请网友在转载时注明出处,非常感谢! 2.本文档按A4幅面制作,有条件的网友可直接打印。 [snowry_yhn语] 了解英美文化对我们的英语学习是很有必要的,特别是对于翻译! “白象牌运动鞋”怎么翻译呢?是“White Elephant Sports Shoes” 吗?大家知道White Elephant 在英语中是什么意思吗?”yellow pub lications"又该怎么翻译呢?是"黄色出版物"吗? 由于缺乏对英美文化的了解而造成的误译、谬译或交际中断经常发生。我们这个栏目就是希望让大家更多的了解一些英美文化,基于snow的实际水平,有错误的地方请大家多多包涵! 第1期 Maverick Maverick


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/704570870.html, 浅析英汉互译中的翻译策略 作者:力一轩 来源:《大观》2015年第04期 摘要:本文主要分析“父亲节前夕,中国网民热议爸爸打孩子”译文,举例分析了归化、直译与意译策略的使用,主要着重于由于文化不同和语言差异而导致的表达不同。通过分析,指出归化、直译与意译在翻译中的重要性。 关键字:文化冲突;语言差异;归化;直译;意译 本文选自《华尔街时报》,题目为“父亲节前夕,中国网民热议爸爸打孩子”,译文发表于《华尔街时报》中文版。这篇文章就中西方爸爸的教育方式进行对比,然后发表评论。原文中,作者引用了一些中国博主回忆自己童年被爸爸打的评论。热议中,有网友认为中国式爸爸打孩子不利于孩子健康成长,也有人认为这是一种严苛的爱。 认真对比原文与译文之后,本论文将从文化层面和语言层面,举例分析译文。文化层面上,分析归化策略的使用;语言层面上,分析直译与意译的使用。强调归化、直译与意译策略在翻译中的重要性。 一、归化 所谓“归化”,通常是指译者在翻译时采用一种透明而流畅的译文,从而使得原语文本对于读者的陌生感降至最低。(杨文峰,2010)译者运用归化策略能给读者带来一种亲切感。译文中的一大优势就是运用了归化策略。 (1)原文:To beat is to care,to scold is to love. 译文:打是亲,骂是爱。 分析:译者没有直接去解释原文,而是运用了一句众所周知的中国谚语“打是亲,骂是爱”,这样能够使读者产生共鸣。 (2)原文:A girl said her father beat her only because he was worried when she returned home late.Another wrote her father would buy her delicacies to eat the day after beating her,and apply ointment to her bruises.At the time I was thinking,why not just not beat me in the first place? She says.“I don’t know where he is now,but if it were possible,I would actually like him to beat me again. 译文:一个女孩说:“小的时候有一天晚回家,爸爸刚找到我什么也没说,打了我一巴掌。就那一次。另一个女孩写道:”从小到大父亲最疼我,小时候不听话也打过我不少次,但


浅谈英汉翻译中的文化差异 [摘要]要在两种语言之间进行翻译,除了通晓两种语言文字之外,还必须深刻理 解两种文化之间的差异。本文拟从文化与翻译的关系的角度、以中西文化差异为突破口,对这一问题进行探讨并在此基础上对一些文化差异较大的语言现象提出建议性的翻译方法。 [关键词]文化;文化差异;翻译 根据《现汉》,“文化”有三个定义:1.人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学等;2.考古学用语,指同一历史时期的不依分布地点为转移的遗迹、遗物的综合体。同样的工具、用具、同样的制造技术等,是同一种文化的特征,如仰韶文化、龙山文化;3.指运用文字的能力及一般知识,学习∽ / ∽水平。 而美国1974年出版的The New World Encyclopedia给“Culture”一词下的定义是:It is the totality of the spiritual, intellectual, and artistic attitudes shared by a group, including its tradition, habits, social customs, morals, laws and social relations. Sociologically, every society, on every level, has its culture. The term has no implications of high development.对比这两种定义,不难发现中国人与英美人对“文化”的理解不是完全相同的。英语的Culture定义排除了物质文明发展水平的高低,它只强调艺术、文学、观念、习俗等精神财富,而汉语的“文化”则包括“物质财富”。 据上所述,文化包括了人类生活的方方面面,它包含了人类创造的一切财富,而语言是人类最杰出的创造物之一,因此,语言是文化的产物,同时,又是文化的载体。文化的发展能促进语言的发展,而文化要靠语言来传播和继承。作为记录人类思想和历史的工具,每一种语言都有其独特的文化特色和文化内涵,而翻译就担负着在语言和文化中进行转换、促进交流的重任。正如刘宓庆(1995,316)所说:“语言中几乎处处有所谓‘文化符号’,留待译者‘解码’(decoding)。”在翻译中,译者首先要对原文中的文化符号进行解码。这些文化符号源自我们身处的社会环境,只有悉心分析,敏锐观察才不会有所错漏。在解码之后,译者还需用译语将原文的文化信息重新编码。这一过程则更为不易,要求译者对译语语言和文化有精深通透的了解和把握。正如王佐良先生所言,译者处理的是个别的词,面对的却是两大片文化。(1984:34)美国翻译理论学家尤金.奈达指出:“翻译是两种文化之间的交流,对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比两种语言更重要,因为语言只有在其文化背景中才有意义。” 因此,在翻译工作中,译者除了深厚的语言功底外,还应具备广博的文化知识,才能使两种语言达到真正的交流。尤其是掌握汉英两种语言所反映的中西文化差异这方面的知识更加重要。由于这一问题的广泛性、多变性和复杂性,要进行全面探讨是不可能的。本文仅从以下几个方面对此进行一下论述:


关于英汉互译中的文化差异现象及处理方 法 " 论文关键词:历史文化差异宗教文化差异习俗差异思维模式审美观 论文摘要:翻译是在接受语中制造出原语信息的最近的自然等值物,首先是在意义方面,其次是在文体方面。翻译不仅仅是语言符号的转换,更是文化模式的交流。每个民族都有自己的文化,在历史、习俗、思维和宗教多方面都具有特殊性。译者要仔细在两种文化中寻找对应的表达方式,做出各种必要的转换,以传递原文中真实的文化信息。 Nida说“翻译是在接受语中制造出原语信息的最近的自然等值物,首先是在意义方面,其次是在文体方面。”翻译不仅仅是语言符号的转换,更是文化模式的交流。语言是文化的一部分,是社会发展、历史衍变的产物,作为文化的载体、信息传递的工具,地位举足轻重。不同民族具有不同的地域文化、历史文化和宗教文化,这些文化差异导致英汉表达法的不同。要掌握一种语言就要熟悉其背后的文化特殊性,就要洞察本民族文化与其他民族文化的差异。为使译文读者得到和原文读者基本相同的文化信息,在翻译中遇到两种文化的差异时,译者就要仔细在两种文化中寻找对应的表达方式,做出各种必要的转换,以传递原文中真实的文化信息。 1.1 历史文化差异

历史文化是由特定的历史发展进程和社会遗产的沉淀而成。不同的历史渊源使各民族间形成了相互不同的性格气质和生活方式。中华文化博大精深,孕育了丰富的具有浓厚民族色彩和鲜明文化个性的成语和历史典故。如“三个臭皮匠,抵上一个诸葛亮”, 诸葛亮在中国家喻户晓,他是智慧的象征。但西方人未必知道他。若直译为“Three cobbles equal Zhuge Liang.”译文读者就会很迷惑,因此,应采取直译和增译相结合的方式,译为“Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Chuge Liang the mastermind. ” 或者采用意译的方式译为, “Two heads are better than one.”与英语中的“Two hands are better than one.”相对应。 西方也蕴藏着大量的历史文化典故。如Achilles’ heel、Penelope’s web、a Pandora’s box等。儒教、道教、佛教是中国的三大宗教,在中国民众中有深远的影响。英美人多信仰基督教,认为世界是上帝创造的,世上的一切都是按上帝的旨意安排的,翻译时应注意。如,《红楼梦》中刘姥姥说“谋事在人,成事在天”。Hawkes 译为“Man proposes, God disposes.”(谋事在人,成事在于上帝。)这就把刘姥姥的宗教错认为是基督教了。杨宪益的翻译“Man proposes, Heaven disposes. ”,则更为贴切,更符合刘姥姥的信仰。 1.3 习俗差异 风俗文化是指贯穿于日常社会生活和交际活动中由民族的风俗习惯形成的文化。中国人见面寒暄多问“你到哪儿去?”“你干什么


从奈达的五类文化因素谈英汉文化词的对比及翻译 陈琳琳 (湖北大学外语学院 湖北武汉 430062) [摘 要]语言植根于文化中,人们的世界观反映在他们的语言里。文化因素对语言的影响波及词汇层、语言层直到语境层。本文基于奈达的五类文化 因素来谈汉语文化负载词的文化伴随意义及其翻译问题。笔者认为,在处理文化 因素时,应考虑译作在预期读者中的可接受性,从而实现翻译的跨文化交际功能。 [关键词]文化负载词;文化伴随意义;翻译目的;读者因素 1.语言、文化与翻译 在西方关于“文化”的众多定义中,19世纪最有影响的定义是 人类学家Edward Tylor在《原始文化》(1871)中提出来的。据《文 化学辞典》(1988),Tylor给文化下的定义为:“Culture is that complex whole which includes Knowledge,belief,art,moral,law,custom,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”(所谓文化或文明乃是包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及包括作为社会成员的个人获得的其它任何能力、习惯在内的一种综合体。) 语言与文化密不可分。语言是文化的载体,同时它也受到文化 的制约。正如Juri Lotman 所说:“没有一种语言不是根植于具体的 文化之中的;也没有一种文化不是以某种自然语言的结构为中心 的。”(Susan Bassnett:2004)而在在洪堡特那里,语言反映世界 观。(潘文国,)语言反映人们的文化认知,也有着传达文化意义的 功能。因此,在翻译中如果不谨慎处理,会给跨文化交际带来困难。 从读者接受的角度来讲,不能传达文化意义的翻译无法在读者中引 起应有的文化共鸣,这对原作来讲是一个很大的损失。因此,在处 理翻译中词汇的文化伴随意义时,我们一定要考虑到读者因素,只 有这样才能达到相应的翻译目的,发挥翻译的跨文化交际作用。 例如,随着2008北京奥运会应运而生的“福娃”,这五个可爱 的娃娃,名字分别是“贝贝”“晶晶”“欢欢”“迎迎”和“妮 妮”,看到他们,中国的民众就会想到“北京欢迎您”,作为吉祥 物的这五个中国小精灵承载了中国公民想要传递给世界人民的“和 平、友谊、进步、和谐”等理念。但是“福娃”最初的译名 “Friendlis”仅有“友好、友谊”的指称意义,并没有传达给外国人 上述所承载的特殊的民族文化特色,不利于我们借助奥运会这一盛 会宣传我国的民族文化。因此可以采用异化翻译的策略,翻译成Fuwa,另外附加注释。这样,外国读者在看到Fuwa时才会具体地把它和那五个可爱的中国吉祥物联系在一起,进而联想到它们的特殊文化意义。Fuwa保留了“福娃”的文化蕴含意义,达到了更好的翻译效果。 翻译的最大困难往往不是语言本身,针对语言所承载的文化底 蕴,我们应坚持“文化传真”的翻译基本原则。无论我们采取何种 翻译策略,都应既考虑原文的文化特色,又顾及译作的可读性。 下文在奈达五类文化因素的基础上,浅谈翻译中如何应对词语 搭配的伴随意义传达问题。笔者认为,在处理这类问题时,译者可 根据自己的翻译目的和预期读者来选定相应的翻译策略。 2.奈达的五类文化 奈达将语言中的文化因素可以五类:(1)Ecology生态学;(2)Material Culture物质文化;(3)Social Culture社会文化;(4)Religious Culture宗教文化;(5)Linguistic Culture语言文化。 2.1生态文化。生态文化包括动植物、地理环境、气候变化等 等。从地理位置上讲,中国是个大陆国家,地大物博,幅员辽阔。 而英国是个岛国,四面环水,因此在英语中有这样的表:all at sea (不知所措),burn one’s boats(破釜沉舟),sail before the wind (顺风航行)等。而汉语中呢,有“挥金如土”来形容一个人花钱 大手大脚,英语中则说spend money like water.汉语中形容一个人很 能喝水或喝酒,说他“牛饮”,英语中则说drink like fish. 从生态环境讲,不同民族对动物的喜好各异。汉语里,“狗”总带有贬义,比如汉语里常用“狐朋狗友”来比喻勾结在一起的一帮坏人;用“狼心狗肺”来比喻一个人心肠像狼和狗一个凶恶狠毒。与此相反,英美国家人士却常把狗看作是人类的朋友。英语中关于狗的表达几乎都是褒义的,如“lucky dog”(幸运儿),“Every dog has his day”(人人皆有得意日),“Love me,love my dog”(爱屋及乌),“Barking dog never bite”(会叫的狗不咬人)等。 在《红楼梦》中,有这样一段话: “他素昔眼空心大,是个头等刁钻古怪的丫头,今儿我听了他的短儿,‘人急造反,狗急跳墙’,不但生事,而且我还没趣。……” 杨宪益、戴乃迭和霍克斯的译本对狗的传译迥然不同: 杨译:“…‘Desperation drives men to rebel and a dog to jump over a wall.’…” 霍译:“…,it will be a case of ‘the desperate dog will jump a wall,the desperate man will hazard all’;…”(转引自:邵志洪,2005) 在这里两种译文看上去差别不大,都有直译的成分。原文中,宝玉的丫鬟将红儿比作狗,应该含有侮辱的涵义。杨宪益和戴乃迭的译文针对的国内读者,所以不必大费笔墨去解释“狗急跳墙”的比喻意义,读者应该能明白文字背后隐含的意义。而霍克斯的读者是英文读者,他们无法理解这个习语的意思,但译者添加了desperate 一词,应该能很好地传达原作的意思。 2.2物质文化。物质文化指的是不同的文化里特有的物质产品,它们都是文化的载体。比如中国的长城,各国独特的食物和衣着等等。比如中国的饺子、混沌、包子、豆腐等等,在英语中都没有对应的表达。因此,现在大家都似乎都能接受它们的音译名了,这样才体现了它们的“中国特色”。 请看一下例句:“人家是醋罐子,他是醋缸,醋瓮!……” 杨译:“…If other women are jealous,she’s a hundred times…” 霍译:“…They call jealous people “vinegar bottles”,don’t they? Well,she’s not just a bottle full of vinegar; she’s a storage jar – a whole cistern – full of it! …”(转引自:邵志洪,2005) 汉语里形容一个人爱嫉妒,叫吃醋。因此,醋缸子、醋瓮还有爱嫉妒的文化伴随意义。杨译采用了意译的手法,保留了原文的文化意义,但丢弃了文化形象,对原文来说是种损失。霍译采取了直译和增译的手法,既保留了原文里文化特色,有成功地传达了原文的意思,笔者认为比杨译更出色。 2.3社会文化。社会文化包罗万象,涉及到人们生活的方方面面。比如说风土人情、传统、社会规则、宗教信仰、道德准则、历史背景、意识形态等等。比如不同的文化有不用的节日和庆祝风俗,不用的打招呼的方式,不同的称呼方式,另外还有人们赋予颜色词不用的含义。不同文化里的人们对颜色的认知是不同的。 在汉语里,红色总是和“吉利”“好运”“喜庆”相连,是个有着褒义词,中国文化把婚丧嫁娶称作“红白喜事”。过年要贴对联,对联写在红纸上。哪家有人娶媳妇嫁女儿都要、贴大红喜字。再比如:“开门红”(to begin well/to make a good start),本命年要穿红色的衣服来避邪等等。但是英语文化里,红色却有着截然不用甚至相反的文化伴随意义。西方文化中,红色总是和革命、激进和血腥联系在一起,带有政治色彩。英语“see red”表示“火冒三丈”或“大发脾气”,“to wave a red flag ”是做“惹人生气的事”。汉语中的“眼红”用来形容一个人有嫉妒心理,而相应的英语表达却是green-eyed。例: (1)辜负了,红粉朱楼春色阑。 杨译:Her power and red chamber,her youth and beauty wasted. 144


英汉翻译学期论文 国际商务中信用证翻译特点及策略学期论文题目: __ 指导教师: 学号: 姓名: 外国语学院(部)英语专业2012 届 2012年4月16日

Translation Characteristics and Strategies of Letters of Credit in international Business By Submitted to School of Foreign Languages in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Term Paper For English-Chinese Translation at Under the Supervision of

Translation Characteristics and Strategies of Letters of Credit in international Business ABSTRACT Payment in international trade is crucial for both the seller and the buyer. With the development of international trade, Letters of Credit payment gradually came into being as banks and financial institutions were involved in international trade settlement. With the help of this method of payment, the payment responsibility of the importer is transferred to bank to ensure the safety, as a result, the rapid payment is received by the seller, and meanwhile, the regular shipping documents are given to the buyer conveniently. Therefore, with the benefit of Letters of Credit, the distrust contradiction between the seller and the buyer is solved to a certain extent. Nowadays, payment by Letters of Credit has become the widely adopted method. Letters of Credit English for specific purposes has its own unique vocabulary features. This paper summarizes characteristics of its translation from the credit classification, use of the process, and starting letter words in English, and explores the English translation strategy. It is divided into three chapters: The first chapter probes into the definition of the Letter of Credit, its classification and its use process in international trade; the second describes the characteristics and common errors of the credit translation; The last one is the focus of this article, discussing Letters of Credit translation strategy based on these two chapters, from the perspective of the translation Communicative Theory, Skopos Theory, Functional Equivalence etc. Keywords: Letters of Credit Translation; characteristics; strategies; Functional Theory


Introductory Remarks ①.White elephant昂贵而无用的东西 ②.Yellow publications低级趣味出版物 ③.Lame duck跛鸭:不能连任的人 ④.Disinformation假情报 ⑤.Hegemony势力范围 ⑥.Mentor保护人 ⑦.Deep throat秘密消息的来源 ⑧.Paint lily多此一举 ⑨.Smoking gun确凿的犯罪证据 ⑩.Be in high cotton兴隆 ?.Barter trade交换贸易 ?.BBS电子布告栏系统 ?.Anonymous remailer匿名转信站 ?.Cybersalon网络咖啡厅 ?.Cyberspace网络世界 ?.Online prank网络恶作剧 ?.CPI消费者物价指数 ?.ISDN综合服务数字网络 ?.OPEC石油输出国组织 ?.Mitnick affair米尼克事件 21.World Wide Web万维网,全球信息网 22.Cellular phone蜂巢式移动电话 23.Genetic engineering遗传工程 24.The economics of Cloning复制人的经济分析 25.G-7七大工业国集团 26.Reaganomics里根经济学 27.Junk bond垃圾债券 28.Face the music了解美国军队惩罚违纪士兵的方式方法 29.Talk turkey了解美国白人的伪善 30.Come down to the brass tacks了解美国工人的过去 31.Go to the dogs了解英美人破产的辛酸 32.Samaritan源自《圣经》中,指乐善好施者 33.Green Berets指头戴绿色贝雷帽的美国特种部队 34.An Eagle Scout指美国的飞鹰童子军 35.American Dream表意是“美国梦” 36.Forbes list指美国《富布斯》富翁排行榜 37.Madison Avenue是麦迪逊大街,代指美国广告中心 38.A rags-to-riches legacy是美国梦的一个重要的内容,指“留下一笔‘白手起家发财’的遗产” 39.Social Security指美国的“社会保障条例” 40.Medicare指美国为65岁以上的老人专设的“老年保健医疗制” 41.Negative income tax指美国社会的“最低收入补贴” 42.A scapegoat替罪羊


关于英汉翻译论文范文 浅谈英汉翻译、英汉语言特点对比 【摘要】在当今日趋全球化的时代里,翻译在跨文化、跨民族之间的交流和合作中功 不可没,它既是语言之间的相互转换,同时也是不同文化间的交流。事实上,翻译已经成 为了一种普遍性的活动,当今的人们直接或者间接都有意或无意地从事着翻译活动。 【关键词】翻译语系形合意合 英语和汉语分属于不同语系,英语属于印欧语系Indo-European language Family, 是拼音语言,而汉语属于汉藏语系Chinese-Tibetan language family,是表意的语言ideography,所分属的语系不同也就导致了英汉两种语言的差别。对于广大应试四、六级 的考生来说,如果平时学习中了解英汉语言特点,在翻译应试中能满足翻译标准――“信、达、雅”即忠实准确、通顺流畅和贴切原文,这对于想要取得较高翻译分数会有很大帮助,下面本文就将对英汉语言的特点从下几个方面作对比。 一、英语的形合和汉语的意合 相对于汉语来说,英语是一种更加注重形式化的语言,主要体现在运用词汇来联系各 个分句,如我们熟知的“and”用来表示并列连接;“if”用来表示假设条件关 系;“because”用来表示因果关系,虽然说汉语句式也有一定数量的连接词连接,但是使 用频率较之英语小得多。在汉语中,我们通常不用或者少用连接词来表达意思,英汉两种 语言的这种区别就是我们所说的形合――强调结构的完整性和形态的严谨性,结构严密紧凑,主次分明;意合――强调内容和表意的完整性,靠语意的逻辑将句子串起。为了更加 清楚明了,我们试举几个例句: 1跑得了和尚,但是跑不了庙。 The monks may run away,but the temple cannot run away with him. 2Althoughhe has aged physically, he remains young at heart. 尽管他人老但是心不老。 在例句1和2中斜体字下划线的单词“but”和“Although”所要表达的意思和逻辑 关系体现在汉语句子的括号中,这正表明英语语言符号之间有较强的逻辑关系,而我们中 文习惯的表达则是省略了括号内的字词,靠语意的逻辑将句子连接起来,连词介词都少于 英语。 二、英语的末端开放与汉语的首端开放 汉语句式的展开是以中国人逻辑思维顺序展开的,通常是先叙述实物的外围环境和客 观因素,然后再叙述具体事务和中心事件。英语句式则与之相反,除了个别的做定语的单


论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 院系 专业班级 姓名 _ 学号 年月日

目录 摘要 (2) ABSTRACT (3) 引言 (4) 一、绪论 (6) (一) 文化的概念 (6) (二) 翻译的概念 (6) 二、分论 (6) (一) 文化内涵的差异对翻译的影响 (7) 1 宗教文化的差异对翻译的影响 (7) 2 历史文化的差异对翻译的影响 (8) (二) 生活方式的差异对英汉翻译的影响 (6) (三) 价值观的差异对翻译的影响 (10) 三、结语 (11) 参考文献 (12)

文化(culture)是一个内涵丰富而又复杂的概念。语言是文化的重要组成部分,是文化的载体和核心,也是文化赖以语言传播的物质表达形式。翻译是两种语言之间的转换活动,是信息和思想的交流,是语言表达的艺术再创造,而不是文字上的对译。语言与文化的密切关系注定了翻译与文化的密切关系。翻译是把一种语言转换成另一种语言。不言而喻,两种语言转换的过程中必然涉及到两种文化。翻译实质上是不同文化间的交流。 本文在阐述文化和翻译概念的基础上,试从中西文化的相似和差异性,包括不同的文化内涵、生活方式以及价值观等方面,对此问题进行深入的分析和探讨,指出两种语言翻译中应注意的文化问题。 关键词:英汉翻译;文化因素;影响

Culture is a complex conception. Language is a very important part of culture. It is the core of culture. Translation is a transfer activity of two languages. It is the exchange between information and thoughts, but not the direct translation. The close relationship between the language and the culture means the close relationship between the translation and culture. In fact, translation is a kind of tool for us to communicate. This article tries to point out the problem, what cultural factors should be noticed during the translation, will be analyzed and discussed from the aspects of similarity and difference of eastern and western culture, including different cultural connotation, life-style, outlook on values in foundation of explaining idea of culture and translation. Key words: English-Chinese Translation; Cultural Factor;Effects

英汉对比与翻译期末论文 (2)

英汉对比与翻译——词汇三境 [摘要]:本文将英汉语言中词语分布做了对比,并就词汇翻译提出了“意译”、“义译”、“化境”三个要求,从而得知,词汇翻译的地道性很大程度上取决于语境的还原程度。 关键词: 译意、译义、臻化、词汇、语境 正文:英国语言学家George W.W ilk ins在《语言教学中的语言学》一书中指出:“没有语法,表达甚微;没有词汇,表达为零。”由此可见词汇在英语中所居的重要地位。在翻译时,即使一个译者已经掌握了大量的词汇与句法,还是会遇到总不能够突破的瓶颈,这个障碍往往是由词汇,甚至是简单词汇所引起的。例如:“He is a perfect stranger in the city.”这里对于什么是一个“perfect stranger”的理解与处理会造成译文层次的不同,同时也是考量一个译者的水平。如果仅翻译字面意思,翻译成“完美的陌生人”,译文显得晦涩难懂;当我们进一步理解“perfect”这个词的含义,并进入意义层面, “perfect”就是“完完全全”的意思,那么“perfect stranger”该译为“完完全全的陌生人”,“他是这城市中完完全全的陌生人”意思准确但是和全句契合不够完美,同“in the city”在搭配上略有滞涩;所以,我们将其转化,将“完完全全的陌生人”这一名词词组转化为动词词组,意为“对……完全陌生”,这句话就可译为“他对这城市完全陌生”,这样的搭配显得协调,不但译出了源语言想表达的意思,“疏离”这一

语境也得以完整地保留了。 以上例子就体现了英汉互译中一个很重要的规律,即词性转换。世界上的语言,不管其各有多少词类,名词和动词都占最大的比例;不管有多少句型,都能归纳为静态与动态两类。总的来说,汉语呈动态特征,英文呈静态特征。在词汇的使用上,汉语的动态表现为:汉语的动词丰富,使用频率高;而英语中,名词、介词等非动词性此类的使用频率很高。据周志培(2003:390)统计显示截选如下:(1)“邓小平在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地的谈话要点”及英译 语言总 数名 词 介 词 动 词 助 动 非限 定动 词 代 词 形容 词 副 词 数 词 连 词 量 词 冠 词 汉语词数636 167 11 186 27 41 70 70 39 17 8 % 26% 2% 29% 4% 7% 11% 11% 6% 3% 1% 英语词数907 238 99 105 19 30 98 104 43 28 5 84 % 26% 11% 12% 2% 3% 11% 11% 5% 3% 7% 9% (2)“英国首相撒切尔夫人在中国欢迎宴会上的讲话”及汉译文 语言总 数名词介词动词助动非限定 动词 代词形容 词 副词数 词 连词量词冠 词 汉语词数324 99 9 72 5 36 22 42 15 13 2 % 31% 3% 22% 2% 11% 7% 13% 4% 4% 0.6% 英语词数366 91 49 41 1 9 39 50 22 13 23 28 % 25% 14% 11% 0.2% 2% 10% 14% 6% 4% 6% 8% 上述结果表明,若要在英汉互译中,若要翻译出地道的T arget Text,就应当尽量符合Target Language的表达习惯。这必然包含必 要的词性转换。在进行英译汉时,根据需要将英文中的名词,介词等


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英汉翻译论文 浅析隐喻的英汉翻译 【摘要】说明在翻译实践这一特殊形式的跨文化交际中如何有效地解读隐喻。 【关键词】隐喻理解;翻译 一、引言 隐喻翻译是一项以语言为载体的跨文化交际活动,也是将一种语言所承载的信息传递 到另一种语言中去的主体性交往行为。它以“理解”为核心,语言为基础,融社会批判理论、普通语用学、社会进化理论为统一构架。 二、隐喻的解读 隐喻是一种语言使用现象,在“词典中找不到隐喻”。从现代隐喻学观点来看,隐喻 现象应在形式上搭配异常,在语义上类属不同,逻辑错位,从而产生了语义冲突,而当听 者对冲突产生回应时,便生成了隐喻的意义,即理解了某一隐喻式言语。对于隐喻的运作 机制,有人曾作过这样描述:“隐喻涉及两个不同领域范畴的概念,隐喻意义的产生是两 个概念之间相互作用的结果。这一相互作用通过映射的方式进行。在映射过程中,属于某 一领域的相关概念和结构被转移到另一领域,最终形成一种经过合成的新的概念结构,即 隐喻意义。而这一映射和整合过程的基础是两个领域在某些方面的相似性。”这无疑表明 对隐喻的理解需要双重划分。 隐喻的理解过程应由两部分组成:隐喻的辨认和隐喻意义的推断。事实上这就是一个 由一级理解进人二级理解的过程。举一个人们常提到的例子“The tongue is a fire”来说,从表述层理解一级理解,"tongue”被美国传统词典这样定义:"the fleshy,movable, muscular organ, attached in most vertebrates to the floor of the mouth, that is principal organ of taste,important organ of speech"。我们可以认 为舌头作为人体的一个重要器官,首先具有与绝大多数脊椎动物一样的味觉和辅助咀嚼及 吞食的功能,除此之外,还是具有言说能力的人的重要语言器官。以这个基本意义为中心,tongue一词背后形成了一个庞大的意义集合:它可以指形状像舌头的东西,例如tongue of flame火舌,guiding tongue铁路导向尖轨,switch tong开关铜片,而hold one’s tongue keep si lent, lose one’s tongue lose the capacity to speak, as from shock中指人的言说行为和言说能力。这一言语行为中的另一个关键词fire,在美国传统 词典里可以义;" a rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied与flame”。同样,在它背后的意义集合中可以找到诸如,cooking fire炊火,forest fire森林火灾,wild fire野火等火的具体形态。也可以发 现其它意义,如The boy is full of fire这男孩非常热情兴奋,He was under fire for mismanagement因管理不善而受到责难。

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