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模块十九:首字母填空一、首字母填空解题技巧首字母填空是阅读体中的一个重点和难点,但是只要掌握良好的解题技巧,静下心来认真对待,细心捉摸就一定能攻克这一堡垒。在做这道题是一般应该把握好如下步骤:1、通读全文,理解短文大意,判断需填选项的词性,同时将一眼能够得出的答案迅速填上。2、在理解作者的写作意图上进行换位思考,把自己想象成作者去努力使文章完整、通顺。对于一下子拿不定主意的空项要及时跳过,而不能在上面纠缠,因为往往后面的内容会给予更好的提示。3、进一步阅读全文,力求整篇文章完整通顺,且符合情理,否则宁缺勿乱。4、检查每一个答案的正确性,包括名词的数、动词的时态、形容词和副词的准确运用等等。二、例题分析:A The earth moves round the s 1 . When our part of the earth turns to the sun, it is d 2 .When our part of the earth turns a 3 from the sun, it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it is much n 4 to the earth.The sun is very bright. It gives very strong l 5 . The moon looks quite bright, but it d 6 give any light at all. The light from the moon comes f 7 the sun. The moon looks much bigger and brighter t 8 the stars. But in fact the stars are a lot bigger and brighter than the m 9 . They look smaller than the moon because they are f 10 away from the earth. 【解题指导】本

文是一篇科普文章。第一段说明了地球因自转而产生昼夜交替。第二、四两段说明了人们观看月亮、太阳和星星时发生的近大远小的视觉现象,第三段说明了太阳与月亮发光与反光的特征。本文每一个考点都是对天文知识的考查。因此,没有一定的天文常识,则不易读懂本文,更不用说解题了。近年来,中考完形填空的题材趋于多样化。人物、科普、史地、故事、政治、经济、风土人情,均为选材范围,这就要求考生知识广博、视野开阔、广泛涉猎。【答案及简析】 1. sun. 地球围绕太阳运转是天文常识。2. day. 地球面对太阳的半个球面是白天。

3. away. turn away from 意为“背离”。地球上背对太阳的一面是夜晚。

4. nearer. much 后接比较级。和太阳比起来月亮离地球近多了。

5. light. give light 意为“发光”。太阳是发光体。

6. doesn’t. 月亮不发光。

7. from. 月亮反射太阳的光,人们所看到的月亮的光来自于太阳。

8. than. 由空前的bigger and brighter 可知,此处应填表示比较的连词than。

9. moon. 根据文意,下句的they 代指空格所在句子的主语the stars。因此两句中t han 后的应是同一物,即moon。10. farther. 恒星看起来比月亮小,是因为它们离地球比月亮远。从句中的than the moon 承前省略。此空仍应该用比较级。B Dogs are good pets. They are very f 1 to people and also very beautiful. Most dogs get on very well with c 2 and their parents. Others are good watch-dogs because they cry loudly when a s

3arrives. When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is its s 4 ---buy a small dog if your home is small and a bigger one if y 5 is larger. Many people don’t know how much to feed their dogs. Dogs eat a 6 anything! They like meat, rice and lots of other things. You can buy lots of food m 7 for dogs in shops. Don’t let your dogs eat too much. Feed it only once a day. Always l 8 water for your dog. It can get thirsty very quickly, especially in s 9 . Remember that dogs need e 10 . You should take it for a walk every day. Don’t keep your dog inside all day. 【解题指导】本文最突出的一个特点就是决大多数需填词的后面都有一句或两句话的内容是对所填词的内

容进行补充说明的。因此,同学们在做这种类型的题时,一定要注意分析上下文的内容,进行推理和归纳,正确的理解句意,最后决定出最佳的词及其正确形式。【答案及简析】1. friendly. 人们之所以把狗作为宠物来养,主要是因为它们比较通人性,且对人很友好,能给人们带来欢乐。根据“be very f 1 to people”来分析,此空应填一个形容词,表明狗对人的态度。friend 是名词,friendly 是形容词,故friendly 是正确答案。2. children. 宠物狗自然是在家中养,它们除了听主人的话以外,与家中的小主人即孩子也是好朋友。由于是指大多数家庭的情况,并受their 一词的提示,此处应填“孩子” 的复数形式,即children。3. stranger. 狗的天性是护家。文中的watch-dogs

意为“看家狗”,专门指有生人来时发出叫喊的狗。“生人”在英文中即为stranger。4. size. 这个空略微有点难。一是size 一词平时用得较少,二是一般家庭都养小型犬,供狗活动的空间一般不成问题,因此,对狗的体积问题考虑的较少。从后面的句子来看,此处是在谈狗的体积的问题——“如果你的家小,就买一只小狗;如果你的家大,就买一只大狗。” 5. yours. 这是一个名词性物主代词,代替上半句的your home。此句完整的说法应是buy a small dog if your home is small and buy a bigger one if your home is larg er. 为避免词的重复使用,在英文句子中常用名词性物主代词代替前面的那个名词。 6. almost. “狗几乎什么都吃。”这一点我们从日常生活中也都知道,而且本句话的后面也进行了进一步的解释说明,“他们喜欢吃肉,米饭和其它的东西。” 7. made. 这是make 的过去分词,在这里与for dogs 一起做定语,修饰food,整句的意思是“你可以在食品店买到许多为狗做的食物。”这个空也是一个难点。若没有正确理解句意,很容易写成meat。8. leave. 有养狗经验的同学都知道,每天一定要给狗留下供它喝的水。狗是靠舌头来散热的,因此它极易渴,特别是在夏天。9. summer. 如果了解了狗的这一生理功能(靠舌头来散热),就不难填出summer 一词。10. exercise. 如果想让狗养成好习惯并不生病的话,就必须每天带它出去散步。从下面的句子You should take it for a walk every day. Don’t keep your dog

inside al l day. 来看,说明狗也需要运动。exercise 当“运动”讲时,是一个不可数名词,不能在词尾加s。【基础题】1 A driver stopped his car on a street side to have a rest. He lay down in the seat and c_____ his eyes. A man came up and k_____ at the window to ask the time. The driver o______ his eyes and looked at his watch. "It's 8 am. " he said. Then he went to sleep again. But soon he woke up b________ a second person was knocking at the window. "Sir, do you have the time?" he asked. The driver looked at his watch again, and told the man it was 8:30am. At this rate, he could not have a good rest, so he wrote a short n_______ and put it upon the window for all to see. It s_______: "I don't have the time. " Again the man lay down in the seat for his sleep. A few minutes later, a t______ person came along and began knocking at the window. ―Hay, sir,‖he said. "It is a quarter to nine." Keys: closed, knocked, opened, because, note, said, third. 2 It was Sunday. I never get up e________ on Sundays.

I sometime s_____ in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very l_______. I looked out of the window. It was d______ outside. "What a day!" I thought. "It is raining again." Just then, the telephone rang. It was my Aunt Lucy. "I have just arrived by train," she said. "I am c_____ to see you." But I am

s_____ having my breakfast," I said. " "What are you doing?" she asked. I am having breakfast," I r______. "Dear me." she said. "Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!" Keys: early, stay, late, dark, coming, still, replied. 3 Until a few years ago, only boys could become s________ at the University of Ruritania (鲁里坦尼亚). Later the university decided to take girls in. But one of the teachers, Mr. Goller was not pleased at all. He had not wanted to l_____ girl students in. Mr. Goiter always began his lesson with the word Gentlemen". What could he do now? Well, when the girt students came to his lesson for the f________ time, he still began with the word. For him the girls were j________ not there. Then one day there was only one boy in his class among a lot of girls. For a moment, Mr. Goller didn't k____ what to do. Then he began. "Sir!" F_______, a terrible day came when there were no boys in his class. He came into the room, looked at the girls and said, "Oh, nobody's here today!" He turned and went out w_______ giving his lessons. Keys: students, let, first, just, know, finally, without. 4 In 1995, Ray Kroc v________ a small restaurant in California. The

o________ of it was the McDonald brothers. They built it

b______ the road, so people could drive up to the restaurant,

buy food without g______ out of their cars and drive away easily. They called it "drive-in" restaurant. Ray Kroc saw the bright f________ of the restaurant of this kind. He bought the restaurant and used the brothers' family name for his new

r________. The first McDonald's restaurant chain was born. Now in the United States, there are more than 5.000 restaurants and it has its chain restaurants in 60 other countries. The l________ McDonald's restaurant is in Beijing. China. It has 1,000 workers. About 700 people can sit and eat there at one time. Keys: visited, owners, beside, going, future, restaurant, largest. 5. Millions and millions of years ago, the world was much w________ than it is now. There was never any winter or snow. Warm rain fell on the land. Even the sea was warm. In this warm world lived some beasts called dinosaurs. They were the kings of the world for a long time. In the days of the dinosaurs there were no human beings. So no man has ever seen a r________ dinosaur. But we found a lot about the dinosaurs after years of study. Some dinosaurs lived near the water w_______ some lived on land. Some ate only plants and some ate other a________. After millions of years, something h________ to the dinosaurs. They began to die out at once. No one knows what happened. But we know

that the world grew a little colder. Maybe the dinosaurs could live when it was very warm, and they died out when it became cold. But we are not sure. All we know is that the dinosaurs were the kings of the world for a long time. And no animals like them have ever been seen a______. Keys: warmer, real, while, animals, happened, once, again. 6. A woman saw three old men sitting in front of the house. She said. "You must be h_______. come in and have something to eat." "We do not go into a house together." they replied. "Why is that?" asked the woman. One of the old men

e________, "His name is Wealth, this is Success, and I am Love." Then he went on to say. "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home." Then the woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband said. "Let's invite Wealth! Let him come and fill our home with wealth!" His wife d_______, "My dear, why don't we invite Success?" Then the daughter made a s________, "Would it be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!" "Let's take our daughter's advice," said the father. Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and f_______ him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success, "I only invite Love. Why are you coming

in with him?" The old men answered t________, "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would have stayed out, s_______ you invited Love, there is also Wealth and Success!" Keys: hungry, explained, disagreed, suggestion, followed, together, since 7. When you want to go s________, decide how much money you can s_____ on new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale. There are labels(标签)inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in w________ water. A sweater label may tell you to wash it in cold water The label on a coat may say "dry clean only". If you do as the d_________ say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best. Many clothes must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed. You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes l_______ longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that c________ more money are not always better made. They do not always fit better. Sometimes l______ expensive clothes look and fit better than more

expensive clothes. Keys: shopping, spend, warm, directions, money, last, cost, less, 8. When Albert Einstein started to work in America, someone asked him what he needed. He said he needed a desk, some paper and pencils. He also asked for a big waste-paper basket to hold a_____ of his mistakes. This meant that he knew even the cleverest man in the world can only learn by making m________. Einstein regarded time as something very i________. He never wore socks and he thought p________ on socks was a waste of time as people already wore shoes. He also thought it was a waste of time remembering things that could quickly be found in a

b________. That is w______ he never remembered his own phone number, which was in the phone book. He knew what was worth remembering. It is that if we are going to do great things in our lives, we cannot waste our time. Einstein liked to j_______ too. Once in an examination a student asked him why all the questions were the same as last year's. Einstein said the questions were the same but the answers were

d____ Keys: any, mistakes, important, putting, book, why, true, joke, different 9. Now satellites are to forecast the weather. They are in s______, and they can reach any part of the world. The satellites take the pictures of the atmosphere,

because this is where the weather forms. They send these pictures to the weather station. So the scientists there can see the weather of any part of the world and tell how the weather will c______. Today, n_______ 500 weather stations in 60 countries can receive satellite pictures. When they receive the new pictures, they compare them with the e_______ ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed d_____ the last few hours. This may m______ that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather forecast, they can tell people about it. So the weather satellites are of great h______ to the scientists at the station. In the past they could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now they can make good forecast for 3 or 5 days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or m_______ ahead. Keys: space, change, nearly, earlier, during, mean, help, more. 10. Most parents always think that they have offered the best things they can to make their children live in a c________ world. They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes, strange but e______ school things, and a thousand-yuan-cost bike. They think that they have done e they can for their dear little children. In

_______, they only want their children to give them good

results in the examinations. But their little children still can't understand them. Why? Does it m_______ that they still want more material things? No! As a matter of fact, what they want is a true family. What does a true family mean? I think it means a place where we can hide o_____ from the outside cold world. From here, we can get warmth. We can get consolation(安慰), and we can get h______. And one important thing is that we should be stronger and more confident in the outside world because we know that we have a family. Keys: comfortable, expensive, everything, return, mean, ourselves, help, 11. In Spain there once l ______ a king and he was very fond of joke. "I will give a bag full of gold." he said, "to the person who can tell me the best story. There is only one r____, it must be a story which I can not believe. If I can believe it. then I won't give away the bag of gold." People came to the king from all parts of the c_______. They brought strange and w________ stories. The king sat in his palace and listen to all the stories. He e_______ them very much, but to each person he said. "I can believe that story. It could h________ and it may be true. So I won't give you the bag of gold." At last a poor old man came to the palace. He was carrying a huge stone jar. The old man went into the

king's room and said. "Oh, King, your good father was once a poor man and my father was rich. They were very good friends. My father gave your father a large bag like this one. and it was full of gold. Your father p________ to give back the gold when he became rich. But he didn't give it back. Now I am poor and you are rich. And I want the gold. The king didn't believe the story and he had to give the poor old man the bag of gold. Keys: lived, joke, country, wonderful, enjoyed, happen, promised. 12 Dear Smith, Thank you very much for your letter. I am glad that you enjoyed your

h________ with me. We enjoyed having you and your sister here. We hope that you will b______ be able to come again next year. Perhaps you'll be able to s______ longer next time you come. A week is not really long e________, is it? If your school has five weeks holiday next year, perhaps you will be able to stay with us for two or three weeks. We have been long b________ at school for three weeks. It feels like three months! I know that you are working very hard now that you are in Grade One. I shall have to work hard next year when I am in Grade One. Tom and Ann went for a picnic yesterday but I did not go with them b________ I cut my foot and I couldn't walk very well. They went to an island and enjoyed

themselves there. Do you still remember the island? That is where all five of us s________ the last day of our holiday. We send our best wishes to Betty and you. We hope to see you soon. Yours sincerely. Michael KEYS: holiday, both, stay, enough, back, because, spent 13. We know the mosquito very well. Mosquitoes fly everywhere. They can be found almost all over the world, and there are more than 2,500

k______ of them. No one 1________the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide what she loves. She? Yes, she. It is true that male mosquito doesn't bite


(一) 积极Sleep is not the same every night. We experience some deep sleep and some active sleep( 睡眠), which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking(梦游) would happen in active sleep, but a person isn't physically active d 86 active sleep. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called slow-wave(慢波)or deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers a 87 walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep! Most, however, do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour. Sleepwalkers' e 88 are open, but they don't see the same way they do when they're awake and often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend(往往会) to go back to bed on their own and they won't r 89 it in the morning. Doctors say sleepwalking sometimes occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting e 90 sleep, or is stressed. If sleepwalking occurs frequently, every night or so, it's a good idea for your mom or dad to take you to see your doctor. But occasional(偶然的) sleepwalking generally isn't something to worry about, a 91 " it may look funny or even scary (惊恐的) for the people who see a sleepwalker in action. It's important, of course, that the person is kept safe. Precautions(预防措施) should be t 92 so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something, or walk out the front door while sleepwalking. (二) Everyone needs sleep. In fact, all living things need sleep. Having a sound and good rest m_____86_____ us healthy. It is believed that our brain develops best during sleep. It helps all our systems work well w_____87_____ we are awake. Sleep allows our brain to reorganize all events during the day and will improve our memory development. For a student, eight to ten hours of sleep is required to give him or her e_____88_____ for the following day. A good sleep allows them to grow physically and mentally (心理上). With e_____89_____ sleep at night, students would be able to wake up early and be ready for school activities. They will be able to listen carefully in class and would have the ability to memorize the things that they learn and r_____90_____ them in the future. Eight hours of sleep makes students active t_____91_____ the whole day at school. They would be able to perform well in class, take down notes and finish their homework. When they have slept well, they can e_____92_____ understand their lessons. Good sleep prepares them well for the challenges (挑战) at school, from paperwork to sports. They will be ready to solve difficult tasks that

上海市中考英语首字母填空练习 附详解

上海市中考英语首字母填空练习 首字母填空类短文题是近几年各省、市中考题经常采用的题型之一,这种题难度相对较大,考生失分现象很严重。 主观型首字母填空也称为限制型完形填空。它的特点是将一篇文章中若干个词“掏空”,留下该词的首字母,它既作为提示又作为限制,让我们根据短文的意思把单词拼写完整,使文章连贯。学生们在通读全文、掌握大意的前提下,采用先易后难,再逐项填空的应试策略。做题时要通过字里行间来捕捉信息,既要理清逻辑,又要综合考虑,最后通过复读全文来消除疏漏。给首字母填空类短文的阅读题属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。下面就讲一讲做这类题的方法与技巧: 1. 通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解 与阅读理解题和其它类型的完形填空一样,首先要通读短文,了解文章的大意。每篇短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文时要一气呵成,只要能了解短文的大意即可,细节不理解可以跳过。因此,在解题之前通读一遍短文,目的是对文章有个全面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。 2. 复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词 在了解文章大意的前提之下再次通读短文,目的是对短文有更进一步的了解。在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头(一般不设空)和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再找解决的方法。有些短文填空题,有时出现约3%~5% 的生词是很正常的,这就要求学生根据构词知识或上、下文的意思加以猜测,来确定它的词义。 3. 反复推敲多分析,慎重答题讲技巧 再次通读短文,对留空的句子进行全面的分析,看它在全文中所处的位置、作用和意义。这一遍阅读要求是精心阅读,要留心找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给首字母的提示,进行填写,并注意单词的正确形式。 4. 认真复查全文,把握整体和词形 做完以后,再认真读一遍,检查所填写的单词是否与文章要求相符,文章是否通顺,前后是否呼应,有无句型结构及语法错误。从实际中看,很多学生能够充分利用词首字母和短文内容填写单词,但是,问题往往出现在单词的形式变化上。比如填q ,要求填写quickly ,而多数考生只知道填写quick ,忽略了词性问题。因此,深思熟虑很重要。 通过以上对首字母填空类型题的讲解,同学们一定对这类题型有了更多的了解,掌握了此类题的考点和做题的技巧后,给同学们准备了以下的练习题,请同学们及时巩固学习内容。


上海初三中考英语首字母填空专项练习 Firefighters or firemen play an important role in our daily life. In some places, firefighters use watchtowers to look for smoke and fires, although they get a fire report by telephone. A high tower is still very u 67 for watching and guarding a place. Fire fighters also make it a place for practice. They learn how to p 68 out fires from bur ning build in gs. They try to c 69 up the outside of the tower as fast as possible. They carry water hoses up to the fire. They practise carry ing imagi nable victims dow n f 70 high ladders. There are reas ons that firefighters are called for help. Maybe a buildi ng or a forest is o 71 fire. A train accide nt happe ns and people are t 72 in side. Still, people n eed to be rescued from floods or an earthquake. When ever there is an emerge ncy situati on, they can be see n f 73 there. Being a fire fighter n eeds a lot of t 74 .In the first place, firefighters should know how to educate the com mun ity (社区)by visit ing schools, com munity cen tres and people in their own homes to p 75 fire and accide nts from starti ng. They have to lear n how to deal with differe nt dangerous situations. Above all, it ' s necessary for firefighters to exercise everyida76o be and strong. _ 、 Man has a big brain. He can think and s 72 Ianguages. Scientists once thought that man isn ' t the same as ani mals b 73 man can think and lear n. They know now that dogs, mon keys and birds can lear n, too. They are beginning to u 74 that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can ' t speak. They make much 75 when they are afraid, or unhappy. Apes(猿)can learn some things more quickly than man. One or two of them have learned a few words. But they can not join words to make s 76 . They cannot think I 77 us because they have no Ianguage. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been a 78 to build a modern world because he has Ian guage. Every child can speak his own Ian guage very w 79 when he is four or five, b 80 no ani mals lear n to speak. How do childre n lear n it? Scien tists don ' tweal8/1 kno wappe ns in side our body whe n we speak. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain. 三、 Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark. Every time he wan ted to come into the garde n he would bark u 72 some one ope ned the gate. As the n eighbours compla ined of the noise, my husband s 73 weeks training him to press his paw on the latch (门闩)to let himself in. Rex soon became good at o 74 the gate. H 75 , when I was going out shopping last week, I n 76 him in the garden near the gate. This time he was bark ing so that some one would let him o 77 ! Since the n, he has developed ano ther bad h 78 . As soon as he ope ns the gate from the outside, he comes i 79 the garde n and waits un til the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks un til some one lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begi ns bark ing a 80 . Yesterday my husba nd removed the gate and Rex got so a 81 that he disappeared. Since the n, we have not see n him. 四、 Elizabeth lived with her six childre n in a small house. One win ter, there was a big flood and quite a f 72 houses were washed away, but Elizabeth ' s houee was high escape it. Elizabeth took in one of the families which had lost everything. She shared her home until the family could build a 74 house. Elizabeth ' s friends could not un derwtan75 she wan ted to give so much whe n she already had so many childre


六年级英语首字母填空专项练习 练习(1) It’s Sunday tomorrow. We are going to w_1___ a football match. We are very ___2___about it. It’s b____3___ a Japanese team and a Chinese team. The football match is going to __4____ at four o’clock in the afternoon and ____5_ at six o’clock in the evening. Our teachers Mr. Li and Mr. Wang are going to watch the football match w__6__ us. We are going there by bike. We think we can c__7__ back at about __8___ past six in the e___9___. We are going to have ___10___in the resturant. 1. ________; 2. ________; 3. _________; 4. _________; 5. _________ 6. ________; 7. ________; 8. _________; 9. _________; 10. ________ (1.watch, 2.excited,3.between, 4.begin.5.end, 6.with, https://www.doczj.com/doc/7017833413.html,e, 8.half, 9.evening, 10 dinner.) 练习(2) It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still s____1___ on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time. Suddenly the ice broke(破裂). One of the boys f___2_ into the water. The children s____3_____ , “Help! Help!” They didn’t know w__4__ to do. The two Canadian friends heard that and skated over to get the boy out of the water. The ice was t___5__. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to reach the little boy. They knew they must be q__6____. If they didn’t push him up onto the ice, he would soon die(死的).


模块十九:首字母填空 一、首字母填空解题技巧 首字母填空是阅读体中的一个重点和难点,但是只要掌握良好的解题技巧,静下心来认真对待,细心捉摸就一定能攻克这一堡垒。在做这道题是一般应该把握好如下步骤: 1、通读全文,理解短文大意,判断需填选项的词性,同时将一眼能够得出的答案迅速填上。 2、在理解作者的写作意图上进行换位思考,把自己想象成作者去努力使文章完整、通顺。对于一下子拿不定主意的空项要及时跳过,而不能在上面纠缠,因为往往后面的内容会给予更好的提示。 3、进一步阅读全文,力求整篇文章完整通顺,且符合情理,否则宁缺勿乱。 4、检查每一个答案的正确性,包括名词的数、动词的时态、形容词和副词的准确运用等等。 二、例题分析: A The earth moves round the s 1 . When our part of the earth turns to the sun, it is d 2 .When our part of th e earth turns a 3 from the sun, it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it is much n 4 to the earth.The sun is very bright. It gives very strong l 5 . The moon looks quite bright, but it d 6 give any light at all. The light from the moon comes f 7 the sun. The moon looks much bigger and brighter t 8 the stars. But in fact the stars are a lot bigger and brighter than the m9 . They look smaller than the moon because they are f 10 away from the earth. 【解题指导】 本文是一篇科普文章。第一段说明了地球因自转而产生昼夜交替。第二、四两段说明了人们观看月亮、太阳和星星时发生的近大远小的视觉现象,第三段说明了太阳与月亮发光与反光的特征。本文每一个考点都是对天文知识的考查。因此,没有一定的天文常识,则不易读懂本文,更不用说解题了。近年来,中考完形填空的题材趋于多样化。人物、科普、史地、故事、政治、经济、风土人情,均为选材范围,这就要求考生知识广博、视野开阔、广泛涉猎。 63 / 1 【答案及简析】 1. sun. 地球围绕太阳运转是天文常识。 2. day. 地球面对太阳的半个球面是白天。 3. away. turn away from意为“背离”。地球上背对太阳的一面是夜晚。 4. nearer. much 后接比较级。和太阳比起来月亮离地球近多了。 5. light. give light意为“发光”。太阳是发光体。 6. doesn't. 月亮不发光。 7. from. 月亮反射太阳的光,人们所看到的月亮的光来自于太阳。


2012年宝山(嘉定)区初三英语第二学期学习能力诊断试卷 Sleep is not the same every night. We experience some deep sleep and some active sleep(积极 睡眠), which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking(梦游) would happen in active sleep, but a person isn't physically active d 86 active sleep. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called slow-wave(慢波)or deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers a 87 walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep! Most, however, do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour. Sleepwalkers' e 88 are open, but they don't see the same way they do when they're awake and often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend(往往会) to go back to bed on their own and they won't r 89 it in the morning. Doctors say sleepwalking sometimes occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting e 90 sleep, or is stressed. If sleepwalking occurs frequently, every night or so, it's a good idea for your mom or dad to take you to see your doctor. But occasional(偶然的) sleepwalking generally isn't something to worry about, a 91 " it may look funny or even scary (惊恐的) for the people who see a sleepwalker in action. It's important, of course, that the person is kept safe. Precautions(预防措施) should be t 92 so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something, or walk out the front door while sleepwalking. 长宁区初三英语第二学期学习能力诊断试卷 Everyone needs sleep. In fact, all living things need sleep. Having a sound and good rest m_____86_____ us healthy. It is believed that our brain develops best during sleep. It helps all our systems work well w_____87_____ we are awake. Sleep allows our brain to reorganize all events during the day and will improve our memory development. For a student, eight to ten hours of sleep is required to give him or her e_____88_____ for the following day. A good sleep allows them to grow physically and mentally (心理上). With e_____89_____ sleep at night, students would be able to wake up early and be ready for school activities. They will be able to listen carefully in class and would have the ability to memorize the things that they learn and r_____90_____ them in the future. Eight hours of sleep makes students active t_____91_____ the whole day at school. They would be able to perform well in class, take down notes and finish their homework. When they have slept well, they can e_____92_____ understand their lessons. Good sleep prepares them well for the challenges (挑战) at school, from paperwork to sports. They will be ready to solve difficult tasks that require mental ability and skills.


2019年中考英语首字母填空真题练习 (名师精选全国真题+详细解析答案,值得下载打印练习) 第一篇 For thousands of years, poems have been the favorite types of literature in China. There were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese h 1 , and most of their poems are s 2 read and enjoyed today. To remind people o 3 those classic Chinese poems, CCTV has produced a TV p 4 called Chinese Poem Competition. The final of the show’s second season was shown in February. A girl named Wu Yishu w 5 studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan University, came out to be the w 6 of the competition. She recited lines from the Classic of Poetry (《诗经》): “In July, the crickets in the field; In A7 , they are in the yard; In September, they are at the door; In October, the crickets enter and crawl under our “I r eally admire her k8 of poems. The first time I saw her w 9 beds.”  traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impressed by her classical looks. She always keeps said Huang Zijin after so calm through the show, which is very u 10 for her age,”  watching the final show. Mr. Huang also said we would find Chinese cultures and taste the beauty of life by enjoying poems. 参考答案 1. history 2. still 3. of 4. program(me) 5. who 6. winner 7. August 8. knowledge 9. wearing 10. unusual 第二篇 At some time in your life, you might have a roommate. It is a good idea to share a flat, e _1__ for students or people who have just finished school, because flats are usually expensive. And money is not the only reason for having a roommate. Sharing a flat can be fun.But life with a roommate can also be a t _2_ _ experience. Some experts did a study of college students who shared a room. They found that students who had problems with their


解题技巧指导:这种题型主要是对学生的四项能力(即对词语分析的能力;对英语学习的掌握运用能力;对语法知识的准确运用能力;以及对上下文语境中逻辑意义的推断理解能力。 方法介绍: 1。读短文,晓大意;在做题之前,仔细阅读短文通晓其大意;(可调动脑中相关信息帮助答题) 2。上下文,是提示,首字母,不放弃;在解答时根据上下文确定词性(即是什么词类),再结合所给首字母确定该单词意思,写出该单词。 3.做完后,试一试。单词写出以后,检查其形式是否正确,意思是否合理。然后通篇朗读短文进行检查。 八年级英语专项练习——首字母填空 一 On the evening of October 7, Li Feng was watching TV while his mother was b cooking supper in the kitchen. S the telephone rang. Li Feng q picked it up to a the call. It was from a good friend of his m . She wanted to say “Happy Birthday”to his mother. “Today is Mother’s birthday, but I have already f all about it. Mother gives me a lot of l and care while I didn’t care for her e . From now on, I must always r this, s my love to her and care for her enough,” Li Feng thought to himself, feeling a little ashamed(惭愧的). 二 Coca-Cola is very popular now. It is e all over the world. 1.6 billion gallons are s every year, in over one hundred and sixty c . The d was invented by Dr. John Pemberton in Atlanta, on 8 May,1886, but it was g the name Coca-Cola by his partner, Frank Robinson. In the first year, only nine drinks a day w sold. The business was bought by a man c Asa Candler in 1888, and the first factory was o in Dallas, Texas, in 1895. Coca-Coca is s made there. Billions of bottles and cans have been produced s 1895. It’s certain that Coca-Coca will be drunk far into the twenty-second century. 三 Mary didn’t u such sentences as “she is blue today.” You’re yellow. “He has a g thumb(拇指).”“He has told a little white lie.” and so on. And she went to her teacher f help. “Mrs Smith, there’s a c in each of these sentences, what do they mean?”She asked “In e English. Mary, blue means ‘sad’, yellow means ‘afraid’. A person w a green thumb grows plants well. And a white lie doesn’t mean a bad one”, the teacher said. “Would you give me an e for a white lie, Mrs Smith?”


-1- My husband and I are very lucky. We have close friends in this city, and they are all interesting people. Our first friend Greta is an a____1____. We see her when she isn’t making a movie in Hollywood. When we meet her, she always tells us about her l____2____ in Hollywood as a movie star. Greta is our very close friend. We like her very much. Our second friend Dan is a scientist. We see him when he isn’t busy in his lab. When we get together with hi, he always tells us about his new e____3____. Bob and Carol are also our friends. They are famous newspaper r____4____. Bob is 46 years old and Carol is 50 years old. We see them when they aren’t travelling around the world. However, we don't see Greta, Dan, Bob, and Carol very often. In f____5____, we seldom see them b____6____ they’re usually so busy. But we think about them a____7____ the time. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -2- My favorite shop is c____1____ “Model World”. It is located on the second f____2____ of Happy Plaza. It is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. “Model World”s____3____ all kinds of models. It has model soldiers, cars, boats, planes, space rockets and even dinosaurs. It has models for people of all age. The shop assistants at “Model World”are very nice. They are quite interested in making models t____4____. They will give you useful a____5____ and they are pleased to answer all of your questions. The prices there are neither very cheap nor e____6____. My best buy was a model of a helicopter. It cost me $240, but it had over 400 pieces. It was really f____7____ to make models. If you are interested in models, you should visit this shop. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -3- People began making clocks over 500 years ago. The first clocks had o____1____ one hand — the hour hand. The minute hand appeared at a later time. The first clocks were big and heavy. Some rich people had servants to c____2____ their clocks. Time p____3____ and clocks became smaller. Clockmakers were able to make smaller parts for clocks and the sizes were reduced. Bells became a p____4____ of some large clocks in cities and towns. They were for people unable to s____5____ the clock. Some clocks were put in large towers. Many of these clocks s____6____ exist today in Europe. Some of them are 400 to 500 years old. Big Ben in London is a very famous tower clock. The first alarm clocks were used by monks(僧人) to w____7____ them for prayers(祈祷). Today many clocks even alarm clocks are electric. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -4- Early men did not have clocks. They told time by the sun and the shadows of trees. Then, they placed sticks in the ground instead of t_____1_____. They made marks on the ground, and the s_____2_____ from the sticks told the time of day. Later, men began to use sundials(日晷). But sundials

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