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Model Test Eight

Section A

Directions In this section,

you will hear short conversations

and long conversations

At the end of each conversation,

one or more questions will be asked

about what was said

Both the conversation and the questions

will be spoken only once

After each question there will be a pause

During the pause,

you must read the four choices

marked A), B), C) and D),

and decide which is the best answer

Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet

with a single line through the centre

Now let’s begin with the eight short conversations

M Look! I’m going to take down those oil paintings

and put up new ones on the wall

What do you think?

W Why? What’s wrong with them?

They always look splendid in our house

Q What does the woman think about the oil paintings?

M You should see the new singing program on TV

It is very touching, I think

It is at on every Friday evening

W Normally I wouldn’t,

but this time I would as you recommend so strongly

Q What is the woman’s usual attitude towards singing programs? W The snow is going to continue tomorrow

I wanted to take you to see the park,

but it’s too slippery for that,

and it’s obvious that we can’t walk around to visit the sights in the park that you’ve suggested

M Yes It’s a shame

But we’ll wait until we can go

Q What are the two speakers probably going to do?

W Do you know Jack is going to Italy next year?

His wealthy aunt has left all her property there for him to heir M What a lucky dog

I wish I could come into a fortune like that

Q Why is Jack going to Italy?

W Hey, Tom, were you in the American literature class last week?

I was hoping you could tell me

the reading assignment given by Prof Lane

M I was hoping to ask you the same question

Q What can we learn about the speakers?

W Do you have any idea what you want to do

when you finish your study here in the university?

M I’m thinking about it these days

I’ll consult you if I need your advice

Q What does the man mean?

W:I must go to the supermarket this afternoon

It’s the last day it’s open before the New Year’s Day

M Sure, we don’t want to be out of food

Want a hand?

Q Why is the woman going to the supermarket?

W I’d like to apply for the position you have advertised

in the newspaper yesterday

Is it still available?

M Sure A good command of English and computing

is a must as far as the position is concerned

Q What can we learn from the conversation?

Now you'll hear the two long conversations

Conversation One

W What’s your plan for the interior

decoration of the house we are living in?

M What should come first?

We should list the materials and tools we need to buy first

W As far as the shopping list is concerned,

I think we can get everything we need

to fix up the house in one trip

Then it won’t bother us to purchase again

What do you think?

M We can try

It seems like everybody had the same thought

when they woke up this morning go to the home improvement store! W Yeah, it will be a little bit crowded,

but I still think we can get all we need today

M In order to do that,

I think we need to split up

Let’s look at our list and divide it up

W Okay, we need to get some wiring to install the new lights I’ll go to the electrical department for that

M All right

We need wood for the new fence,

so I’ll go to the building materials department

W What about the pipes and fixtures we need for the bathroom? Can you go to the piping department for those,

while I go to the hardware department for the tools?

M Okay, I can do that,

but aren’t you feeling tired already?

I know I am

Don’t you think we should have a rest after doing those?

W Come on

How are we supposed to be weekend fighters

if we can’t even do some simple shopping?

We’ll meet in the garden department afterwards,


M Whatever you say

W Ready, set, go!

Questions to are based on the conversation

you have just heard

What should the two speakers do first?

What do they hope to do today?

What do we know about their shopping plan?

What is the man’s attitude towards

the woman’s arrangement?

Conversation Two

W Wow, it’s freezing in here!

Why is the air conditioner still on?

What’s the matter?

M I turned it on just now

I just finished my morning exercising as usual

and I’m sweating like a pig

W That’s no reason to turn the air conditioner

on full blast! I’m cold

I’m turning on the heat for a little while

Otherwise, I cannot finish doing the housework

before going to work

M Are you crazy?

It’s ℉ outside!

W I’m no crazier than you are

How come you can turn on the air conditioner and

I can’t turn on the heat?

M I only turned on the air conditioner

because it’s so humid outside,

and it was taking a long time for me to cool down

If you’re cold,

we should just open the windows and doors,

and we’ll get some fresh air in here

It’ll heat up again pretty quickly

W What should I do in the meantime?

Put on my winter coat or crawl under the covers?

M No need to do that

Calm down

Just go sit outside and wait

I’ll do something to make both of us comfortable

I’ll get myself a glass of iced tea

and I’ll get you a cup of hot tea

How does that sound?

W That sounds OK

Leave it to you to come up with the best idea of the day! What about the housework?

M Take it easy

We’ll do it together as we newly got married!

Questions to are based on the conversation

you have just heard

Why is the man feeling so hot in the morning?

What’s the weather like today?

What will the man do for the woman?

Section B

Directions In this section,

you will hear short passages

At the end of each passage,

you will hear some questions

Both the passage and the questions

will be spoken only once

After you hear a question,

you must choose the best answer

from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D)

Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet

with a single line through the centre

Passage One

Sixty parents of youth athletes,

aged to ,

were interviewed in Minneapolis and its suburbs

It was found that parents brought post-game snacks

for the team

The snacks typically included such items as candy,

ice cream, pizza, cheese, chips

It was also quite normal for the parents

to stop at fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s

and Dairy Queen or grab a hot dog

and a sugary sports drink at the snack bar during a meet

For growing teenagers,

a big meal after a tough game or race

is necessary to supplement the body

And since they burn a lot of calories,

they also need a fair amount of fat and protein

An active teenage boy requires about calories a day

and an active teenage girl about calories

Younger children require anywhere

from to calories a day

Problems can arise,

though, when young athletes are taking

in calories after games

Very young athletes may be particularly prone to excess intake Actually, they don’t exercise as much,

and they don’t grow as much,

they don’t need to be eating every two hours

The calories they take in are much more

than they burn and do no good to their body

So parents are encouraged to pack healthy meals

for their children so they can avoid fast food,

and to leave fruit out and readily available in the kitchen Schools and sports teams should also provide

and encourage healthier options,

including whole grains and nuts

and other healthy protein sources,

like lean meats and seafood

Questions to are based on the passage

you have just heard

What do we know about the parents of youth athletes?

What do we know about the calorie intake of children?

What problem may arise if young athletes

take in too much calories after games?

What is the suggestion given by the speaker

about teenagers?

Passage Two

About years ago,

the Egyptians and other people in the Near East

began to use pictures as a kind of writing

They drew simple pictures or signs

to represent things and ideas,

and also to represent the sounds of their language

The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet

The Egyptians used to record information and

to tell stories by putting picture writing and pictures together When an important person died,

scenes and stories from his life were painted

on the walls of the place where he was buried

Some of these pictures are like modern comic strip stories

It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic strip

But, for the Egyptians,

pictures still had magic power

So they did not try to make their way of writing simple

The ordinary people could not understand it

By the year BC,

people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea

had developed a simpler system of writing

The signs they used were very easy to write,

and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system

This was because each sign, or letter,

represented only one sound in their language

The Greeks developed this system and formed

the letters of the Greek alphabet

The Romans copied the idea,

and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world

These days, we can write down a story,

or record information,

without using pictures

But we still need pictures of all kinds drawing,

photographs, signs and diagrams

Pictures help us to understand and remember things more easily, and they can make a story much more interesting

Questions to are based on the passage

you have just heard

What did the Egyptians draw simple pictures for?

What do we know about Egyptians’ way of writing?

Which alphabet is used worldwide?

Passage Three

Human beings have used tools for a very long time

In some parts of the world you can still

find tools that people used more than two million years ago They made these tools by hitting one stone against another In this way,

they broke off pieces from one of the stones

These chips of stone were usually sharp on one side

People used them for cutting meat and skin from dead animals, and also for making other tools out of wood

Tools helped people to get food more easily

Working with tools also helped to develop human intelligence The human brain grew bigger,

and human beings began to invent more

and more tools and machines

The stone chip was one of the first tools that people used Some scientists say that it is the key to success of mankind Since ,

a new kind of tool has appeared

That is, the silicon chip—a little chip of silicon crystal It is smaller than a fingernail,

but it can store more than a million “bits” of information It is an electronic brain

Every year these chips get cleverer,

but their size gets smaller,

and their cost gets less

They are used in watches,

calculators and intelligent machines

that we can use in many ways

In the future we will not need to

work with tools in the old way

Human beings used stone chips

for more than two million years,

but human life changed very little in that time

We have used silicon chips for only a few years,

but life is changing faster every day

Questions to are based on the passage

you have just heard

How did early human beings make tools

two million years ago?

Why is the stone chip thought to

be an important tool?

What is the future like according

to the speaker?

Section C

Directions In this section,

you will hear a passage three times

When the passage is read for the first time,

you should listen carefully for its general idea

When the passage is read for the second time,

you are required to fill in the blanks

with the exact words you have just heard

Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,

you should check what you have written

Now listen to the passage

Accomplished teachers of world languages

are keenly aware that young people learn in various ways They use their knowledge of child

in designing and providing appropriate instruction

to their students

They recognize and make professional accommodations

for variations in students’ age levels,

cognitive, physical, and motor development,

gender, multiple intelligences,

and learning styles

Attitude also plays an important role

in student success

Students with low self-esteem or little confidence

about their ability to learn another language

might benefit from extra encouragement from the teacher Of course, all students can benefit

from positive teacher feedback

Teachers might have students work in groups

so that they can also benefit from the help

and positive reinforcement of their peers

Students who are motivated and confident

might work well independently,

using computer software

Those who teach young children know

the importance of working at concrete levels;

students might learn to tell time

as they manipulate individual student clocks,

or learn children’s songs while using hand

and body movements

As for mature students,

teachers need to provide more abstract

and analytical challenges

Teachers should be aware

that personalizing the language experience

is helpful to students because many students

will talk readily about themselves and their experiences Teachers recognize

that providing learning experiences

in the affective field

by encouraging open-ended personal expression

is a valuable way of enhancing students’ cognitive ability, cultural understanding,

and linguistic proficiency

Teachers provide a range of meaningful,

interesting, and personally relevant instruction

for students at all levels of development or ability

Now the passage will be read again

Now the passage will be read for the third time

This is the end of listening comprehension


2013年12月大学英语四级听力真题 PartⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A) The woman is now working in a kindergarten. B) The man will soon start a business of his own. C) The man would like to be a high school teacher. D) The woman is going to major in child education. 2. A) The furniture has to be rearranged. B) The sound equipment has to be set up. C) The conference room has to be cleaned. D) The video machine has to be checked. 3. A) She is exhausted. B) She is near-sighted. C) She cannot finish work in time. D) She cannot go straight home. 4. A) The woman is too particular about food. B) He would rather have a meal an hour later. C) The woman should order her food quickly. D) He usually prefers ice-cream to sandwiches. 5. A) He is not a good mechanic. B) He doesn't keep his promises. C) He spends his spare time doing repairs. D) He is always ready to offer help to others. 6. A) Sam has a big family to support. B) Sam is not interested in traveling. C) The pay offered by the travel agency is too low. D) The work hours in the travel agency arc too long 7. A) International trade.


2019大学英语四级听力考试模拟试题(9) Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26.[A] The importance of advertisement. [B] The society’s great need of advertisement. [C] The origin of advertisement. [D] The prosperity of advertisement. 27. [A] The local governments. [B] Their owners families. [C] Advertisements. [D] The audience. 28. [A] Advertising is personal. [B] Advertisements are convincing. [C] Advertisements are unreliable. [D] Advertisements are misleading. Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. [A] The games shouldn’t be held in Salt Lake City. [B] The games have met their environmental goals.

[C] The games did little to protect the environment. [D] The games have caused lasting damages to the area. 30. [A] Sports competition. [B] Cultural exchange. [C] Economic development. [D] Environmental protection. 31. [A] Building ski jumps farther away from the city. [B] Developing better public transportation in the city. [C] Planting more trees around the fields. [D] Promoting the use of cleaner energy. 答案和解析: Section B Passage One When you turn on the radio, you hear an advertisement. When you watch television, you hear and see an advertisement. If you turn the pages of a newspaper or magazine, again you find an advertisement. If you walk down the street, you see one advertising board after another. All day, every day, people who want to sell you something competent to catch your attention. As a result, advertisements are almost everywhere. In the West, advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media work. The government does not give money to mass media such as TV stations, newspapers, magazines and radio stations. They are all owned privately. So where does the money come


2010年12月大学英语四级听力真题 (含文本) 11. M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead. W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. Q:What does the woman mean? 12. M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know? 13. M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John? W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 14. M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a plane. Is there any risk? W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it. Q: What does the man want to know about his mother? 15. M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine? Q: what do we learn from the conversation? 16. M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed. W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough.


2017年6月大学英语四级考试真题(一)听力原文【News Report 1】 One of Google's self-driving cars crashed into a bus in California last month. There were no injuries. It is not the first time one of Google's famed self-driving cars has been involved in a crash, but it may be the first time it has caused one. On February 14th the self-driving car, travelling at 2mph (3km/h), pulled out in front of a public bus going 15mph (24km/h). The man in the Google vehicle reported that he assumed the bus would slow down to let the car out, and so he did not switch to the manual mode. In a statement, Google said: "We clearly bear some responsibility,?because if our car hadn't moved, there wouldn't have been a crash." That said, our test driver believed the bus was going to slow or stop to allow us to merge into the traffic, and that there would be sufficient space to do that." The company's self-driving cars have done well over a million


2010年12月大学英语四级听力真题的试题与答案, Section A 短对话(11~18) 11. M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead. W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. Q:What does the woman mean? 12. M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know? 13. M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John? W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 14. M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a pl ane. Is there any risk? W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it. Q: What does the man want to know about his mother? 15. M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine? Q: what do we learn from the conversation? 16. M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed. W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough. Q: What will the woman probably do? 17. M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it. W: Congratulations!Does that mean you’ll be moving soon? Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


2016下半年英语四级听力模拟训练试题 (三) Long Conversations 2 MAN: Have a seat, please, Miss Jenkins. WOMAN: Thank you, sir. MAN: Well, I'd like to start our conversation with some questions. Shall I start? WOMAN: Sure. MAN: Can you type, Miss Jenkins? WOMAN: Yes, I can. MAN:

How many words a minute? WOMAN: Sixty. MAN: Hmm. Have you ever learned how to operate office computer? WOMAN: Yes, I have. I worked for two years as a computer operator in a school. MAN: Good. Are you familiar with other modern equipment, the fax machine, printer, and things like that? WOMAN: I don't think there's any problem for me to work on these machines. You know, sir, I've even learned shorthand. MAN: You have? That's good. And you speak foreign languages, do you? WOMAN: Yes. I speak German and French. MAN: Do you speak Italian?


2016年12月17日全国大学英语四级考试已结束,本次考试为多题多卷,本站第一时间收集整理不同版本试题,供考生参考: Section A A 16th century castle in Scotland is close to collapsing after lumps of soils were washed away by floods, threatening its foundations. On Sunday, the castle’s owner John Gordon, 76, was forced to move out his property after the River Dee swept away about 60 feet of land, leaving the castle dangerous close to the river. According to the Scottish Daily Record. Abergeldie castle located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland was built by Sir Alexander Gordon of Midmar who later became the Earl of Huntly. The castle which is located on 11,700 acres was leased to members of the royal family between 1848 and 1970, including King Edward VII and George V. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has issued more than 35 flood warnings covering several regions, as Scotland continues to clean up the after Storm Frank hit the country last Wednesday. “This means that rivers will rise more slowly, but then stay high for much longer.” the environmental age ncy said. Q1. Why did John Gordon move out of Abergeldie castle? Q2. What happened in Scotland last Wednesday? Section A - 2 Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at a Cargill rock salt mine near Lansing, New York, according to Marcia Lynch. Public information officer with Tompkins County’s emergency response department, emergency workers have made contact with the miners via a

新题型大学英语四级听力全真模拟试题听力原文 (16)

TEST 15 Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. 1. W: I thought you were going to pick up some strawberries to have after dinner. M: I went by Bailey’s Market to get some, but they were fresh out. Q: What does the man mean? 2. M: I hate missing breakfast! W: Me too, but if we’d stopped for breakfast, we would have missed the appointment. Q: What did the speakers do this morning? 3. M: Is this Dr. Goldsmith’s office? W: No. This is room 301. Dr. Goldsmith’s office is right downstairs from here. Q: Where is Dr. Goldsmith’s office? 4. W: What did you think of Brenda’s story? M: To tell you the truth, I found it hard to keep a straight face while she was telling it. Q: How did the man feel about the story? 5. W: Excuse me, sir. You are not supposed to be here. This area is for airport staff only. M: I’m sorry. I didn’t notice the sign. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 6. M: I would like to move to the suburbs, but I don’t have enough money to pay the high taxes. W: I wish you could. It’s nice to live there. Q: Why isn’t the man moving to the suburbs? 7. M: Good morning. This is John Parker speaking. I’m just ringing to confirm my appointment with Mr. Smith for this afternoon. W: Yes. Mr. Smith’s expecting you at three o’clock. Q: Why is the man making the phone call? 8. M: I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look at them? W: A few? It looks like you bought out the bookstore! Q: What does the woman mean?


2016年6月大学英语四级真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A)The International Labor Organization's key objective. B)The basic social protection for the most vulnerable. C)Rising unemployment worldwide. D)Global economic recovery. 2. A)Many countries have not taken measures to create enough jobs. B)Few countries know how to address the current economic crisis. C)Few countries have realized the seriousness of the


2019年英语四级听力考试模拟试题(4) Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. [A] She's worried about the seminar. [B]The man keeps interrupting her. [C] She finds it too hard. [D] She lacks interest in it. 23.本文来源:考试大网 [A] The lecturers are boring. [B] The course is poorly designed. [C] She prefers Philosophy to English. [D] She enjoys literature more. 24. [A] Karen's friend. [B] Karen's parents. [C] Karen's lecturers. [D] Karen herself. 25. [A] Changing her major. [B]Spending less of her parents' money.

[C] Getting transferred to the English Department. [D] Leaving the university. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken. After you hear a question, you must choose the best and from the four choices marked [A], , [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. [A] Rent a grave. [B]Burn the body. [C] Bury the dead near a church. [D] Buy a piece of land for a grave. 27. [A] To solve the problem of lack of land. [B]To see whether they have decayed. [C] To follow the Greek religious practice. [D] To move them to a multi-storey graveyard.



Part II Listening Comprehension Section A News Report One 【话题预测】由college students,sleep,problem,stress,psychological 等词可推断,本则新闻与大学生 睡眠或心理健康有关。 【正确答案】1—2 B D 听力原文 You probably think college students are experts at sleeping, but parties, preparations for tests, personal problems and general stress can wreck a student’s sleep habits, which can be bad for the body and the mind. Texas Tech University is even offering a class called “Improving Your Sleep Habits”. People suffering from sleep loss are at an increased risk from obesity, psychological problems and car crashes. Students who don’t get enough sleep have poor attendance and lower grades. On top of all that, a new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off



Section A 11. W: I ran into Sally the other day. I could hardly recognize her. Do you remember her from high school? M: Yeah, she was a little out of shape back then. Well, has she lost a lot of weight? Q: What does the man remember of Sally? 12. W: We don’t seem to have a reservation for you, sir. I’m sorry. M: But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got on board the plane. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 13. W: What would you do if you were in my place?

M: If Paul were my son, I’d just not worry. Now that his teacher is giving him extra help and he’s working hard himself, he’s sure to do well in the next exam. Q: What’s the man’s suggestion to the woman? 14. M: You’ve had your hands full and have been overworked during the last two weeks. I think you really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine. W: You are right. That’s just what I’m thinking about. Q: What is the woman most probably going to do? 15. W: Hello, John. How are you feeling now? I hear you’ve been ill. M: They must have confused me with my twin brother Rods. He’s been sick all week,but I’ve never felt better in my life. Q: What do we learn about the man?



2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案 (第一套) Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) The man in the car was absent-minded. B) The test driver made a wrong judgment. C) The self-driving system was faulty. D) The car was moving at a fast speed. 2. A) They have done better than conventional cars. B) They have caused several severe crashes. C) They have posed a threat to other drivers. D) They have generally done quite well. Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3. A) He works at a national park. B) He is a queen been specialist. C) He removed the beyond from the boot. D) He drove the bees away from his car. 4. A) They were looking after the queen B) They were making a lot of noise C) They were looking for a new box to live in 第2页共 18 页


大学英语四级听力模拟试题(一)及答案 听力试题 Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A.,B.,C.and D.,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet l with a single line through the centre. 回答1-25题: 1、A.To a museum. B.To awedding. C.To New Mexico. D.To visit a friend in Afizona. 2、A.They are politicians. B.They are news reporters. C.They are TV actors. D.They are cat lovers. 3、A.He dresses more formally now. B.What he wears does not match his position. C.He has ignored his friends since graduation. D.He failed to do well at college. 4、A.Peaches are in season now. B.Peaches are not at their best now. C.The woman didn’t know how to bargain. D.The woman helped the man choose the fruit.

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