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Time is, for the average American, of utmost importance. To the foreign visitor, Americans seem to be more concerned with getting things accomplished on time (according to a predetermined schedule) than they are with developing deep interpersonal relations. Schedules, for the American, are meant to be planned and then followed in the smallest detail.

It may seem to you that most Americans are completely controlled by the little machines they wear on their wrists, cutting their discussions off abruptly to make it to their next appointment on time.

Americans’ language is filled with references to time, giving a clear indication of how much it is valued. Time is something to be “on,” to be “kept,” “filled,” “saved,” “wasted,” “gained,” “planned,” “given,” “made the most of,” even “killed.”

The international visitor soon learns that it is considered very rude to be late -- even by 10 minutes -- for an appointment in America.

Time is so valued in America, because by considering time to be important one can clearly achieve more than if one “wastes” time and doesn’t keep busy. This philosophy has proven its worth. It has enabled Americans to be extremely productive, and productivity itself is highly valued in America. Many American proverbs stress the value of guarding time, using it wisely, and setting and working toward specific goals. Americans believe in spending their time and energy today so that the fruits of their labor may be enjoyed at a later time.






Short Conversations 11. W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends? M: It's really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child Q: What does the man imply about Kate? 11. She has always enjoyed great popularity 12. M: They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, the cold weather will last quite a few days. W: Oh! We're so lucky, we'll be getting away for a while, and having a holiday in Florida. But let's call right now to confirm our flight. Q: What do we learn about the two speakers? 12. They are going to have a holiday 13. W: Tony was awarded a medal for rescuing several families from the forest fire. M: I really admire his courage. Q: What do we learn about Tony from the conversation? 13. He was very courageous 14. M: My washing machine is more than fifteen years old and it has worked just fine until last night. W: Y ou'll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest a more recent model. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 14. Buy a new washing machine 15. W: I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled. M: Not really, the new office is huge, but the word load has doubled. Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation? 15. He is not excited about his new position 16. W: I can't decide what to do about the party tomorrow. M: Y ou don't have to go if you don't want to, but I'll be glad to give you a ride if you do. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 16. The man offers to drive the women to the party 17. M: Now if you have any questions about the contract. I'll be happy to answer them. W: Nothing comes to mind right now, but I'd like to go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it. Q: What are the speakers doing right now? 17. Finalizing a contract 18. M: We are out of paper for the printer. Can you please order some? W: I completed the order form online yesterday and it will be here by noon. I'll let you know when it comes in. Q: What did the woman do? 18. She ordered some paper Long Conversation Conversation One W: Bob, do you know who I saw the other day? Old Jake, looking terribly depressed. Did he get


2019年12月大学英语四级听力改革练习题及答案(3)英语四级听力习题: 29. A. He wanted to remain popular with the audience. B. He wished to give more performances. C. He didn't trust others. D. He was extremely anxious about its negative effect. 30. A. He was refused to give performances in 1804. B. He was not able to compose in 1804. C. He was becoming very difficult to be with in 1804. D. He attempted to kill himself in 1804. 31. A. He didn't kill himself because of his friends. B. He remained single all his life. C. He was always not easy to be with. D. He had few friends in his life. 英语四级听力材料 Beethoven probably began to go deaf in 1797, but he tried to keep it a secret, while consulting doctors and trying various remedies, such as the application of almond oil.


2018年12月大学英语四级真题听力原文(第一套) 来源:文都教育 News 1 A device that weighs less than one kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019. If successful, the tiny device will provide the moon with its first ever mobile phone network. The lunar network will support high definition streaming of video and data between the moon and earth. The network is part of a mission to the moon. This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon. The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019. Mission to the moon intends to establish and test the first elements of a communications network on the moon. The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4G rather than a fifth generation or 5G network. This is because fifth generation networks are still in testing and trial phases. This means that a 5G network may not yet be stable enough to work on the mo on’s surface. Question 1: What are scientists planning to do? Question 2: Why did scientists choose to set up a 4G network in their mission? News 2 It’s responded to a fire Wednesday night at an abandoned mall in Heywood. The fire was reported at 9:26 pm at an old shopping center on Michigan Avenue near St. Mary’s Church. Six fire engines, two trucks and two chiefs responded to the scene. Crews had the fire under control in about 45 minutes and managed to contain the fire to its point of origin. There were some people inside the building when the fire broke out but there were no reports of any injuries. Fire investigators have responded to the scene but have not yet determined the cause of the fire. Firefighters will remain on the scene until later this m orning to ensure that the fire doesn’t start up again. The shopping mall had not been in use since 2002. In 2014 City Hall developed a plan to knock down the building and replace it with affordable housing. However the plan was dropped due to lack of funds. Question 3: What does the news item say about the fire? Question 4: What had City Hall planned to do? News 3 Potato chips in Japan are being sold for 6X their normal price. This is after the country’s main manufacturer stopped sales due to a potato shortage. Storms and floods and its main potato growing region last year caused the worst harvest and more than 3 decades. Local media reports suggest Calbee and its main rival Koike-ya are halting almost 50 products. “We don’t know when we’ll be able to restart”, a company spokesman said. Snack lovers are panic buying and many supermarket shelves are bare. Japanese laws limit the amount of imported


Question 1 M: After high school, I’d like to go to college and major in business administration. W: But I’d rather spend my college days finding out how children learn. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? Question 2 W: Is everything ready for the conference? M: The only thing left to do is set up the microphones and speakers. They'll be here in a few minutes. Q: What preparations have yet to be made? Question 3 W: Is it almost time to go home now? I'm so tired. I can hardly see straight. M: Just a few more minutes, then we can go. Q: What is the woman’s problem? Question 4 W: I'm not sure what I’m in a mood for. Ice-cream or sandwiches? They are both really good here. M: The movie starts in an hour. And we still have to get there and park. So just make a decision. Q: What does the man mean? Question 5 W: Tom said he would come to repair our solar heater when he has time. M: He often says he is willing to help, but he never seems to have time. Q: What does the man imply about Tom? Question 6 W: So you know that Sam turns down the job offered by the travel agency.


2014年6月英语四级考试真题听力原文(一) 1. W: I can’t seem to reach the tea at the back of the cupboar d. M: Oh… Why don’t you use the ladder? You might strain your shoulder. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 2. W: Since it’s raining so hard, let’s go and see the new exhibits. M: That’s a good idea. Mary Johnson is one of my favorite p ainters. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 3. M: I hear the students gave the new teacher an unfair ev aluation. W: It depends on which student you are talking about. Q: What does the woman imply? 4. W: It must have taken you a long time to fix up all thes e book shelves.

M: It wasn’t too bad. I got Doris to do some of them. Q: What does the man mean? 5. W: Rod, I hear you’ll be leaving at the end of this mont h. Is it true? M: Yeah. I’ve been offered a much better position with anot her firm. I’d be a fool to turn it down. Q: Why is the man quitting his job? 6. W: I honestly don’t want to continue the gardening tomor row, Tony? M: Neither do I. But I think we should get it over with thi s weekend. Q: What does the man mean? 7. W: You’ve already furnished your apartment? M: I found some used furniture that was dirt cheap. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 8. W: Has the mechanic called the bus repairers? M: Not yet .I’ll let you know when he calls.


2010年12月大学英语四级听力真题的试题与答案, Section A 短对话(11~18) 11. M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead. W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. Q:What does the woman mean? 12. M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know? 13. M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John? W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 14. M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a pl ane. Is there any risk? W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it. Q: What does the man want to know about his mother? 15. M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine? Q: what do we learn from the conversation? 16. M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed. W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough. Q: What will the woman probably do? 17. M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it. W: Congratulations!Does that mean you’ll be moving soon? Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


2019年12月英语四级听力真题原文【完整版】 News 1 A device that weighs less than one kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019。 If successful, the tiny device will provide the moon with its first ever mobile phone network。 The lunar network will support high definition streaming of video and data between the moon and earth。 The network is part of a mission to the moon。 This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon。 The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019。 Mission to the moon intends to establish and test the first elements of a communications network on the moon。 The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4G rather than a fifth generation or 5G network。 This is because fifth generation networks are still in testing and trial phases。 This means that a 5G network may not yet be stable enough to work on the moon‘s surface Question 1:What are scientists planning to do? Question 2:Why did scientists choose to set up a 4G network in their mission? News 2 It‘s responded to a fire Wednesday night at an abandoned mall in Heywood。 The fire was reported at 9:26 pm at an old shopping center on Michigan Avenue near St。 Mary’s Church。 Six fire engines, two trucks and two chiefs


2020年改革后大学英语四级听力重点复习(2) 2020年6月起大学英语四六级考试听力部分有重大调整。陪伴了中国大学生十几年的“短对话”和“短文听写”将退出历史舞台,取而代之的是短片新闻听力和学术讲座。接下来,同学们可能需要花费很多时间来适合新的听力考试模式,但无论怎样变化,基础的知识点仍是我们必须掌握的,一起来看看改革后英语四级考试听力复习的重点吧。 1、paper 论文: (1)paper 常用词义:paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;papers 文件;paper 纸 (2)research 查询资料。对应场景library图书馆。 (3)写论文的步骤:第一步,选题topic,选题难,范围广。第二步,查询资料research,图书馆场景。第三步,打出论文。typewriter 打字机,computer 计算机,printer 打印机,laser printer 激光打印机,laptop 笔记本电脑。论文没打完,typewriter/computer坏了break down 或者typewriter需要新的ribbon。 (4)题目难选,资料难查,打字困难(机房总被占)。 奖学金:fellowship;RA 助研:research assistant;TA 助教:teaching assistant 2、presentation 口头演讲,口头报告: (1)同义词:report, speech, address。 (2)考点:I. 着装正式 formal clothes(考试中另一个考到着装正式的考点是interview面试),会出现change。 II. 演讲人的内心感受:nervous紧张的。


2016年6月大学英语四级真题听力原文(一二三套) 2016年6月大学英语四级真题第一套听力原文 SectionA News report 1 The international labor organization says the number of people without jobs is increasing. In its latest update on global employment trends, the agency says projections of the number on unemployed people this year range from 210 million to nearly 240 million people. The report warns that 200 million poor workers are at risk of joining the ranks of people leaving on less than 2 dollars per day in the past 3 years. The Director-General of the International Labor Organization Juan Somavia notes that some countries have taken measures to address the effects of the global crisis. However, he points out that many countries have not done so. And based on past experiences, it takes 4-5 years after economic recovery for unemployment to return to pre-crisis levels. Mr. Somavia says the International Labour Organization is proposing a global job agreement to deal with unemployment. “It's key objective is to place the center of recovery efforts, measures will generate higher levels of employment and provide basic social protection for the most vulnerable.” 1、What is the news report main about? 2、What does Juan Somavia, Director-General of the International Labour Organization say? News Report 2 Big fast food chains in New York city have started to obey a first kind of its rule, requiring them to post calorie counts right on the menu. City Nurses is with New York department of health. “We wanted to give people an opportunity to actually see the calories before they purchase the food and make a decision and informed decision that if they want to make the healthier choice. If they want to eat fewer calories, they can. And we expect this will have a huge impact on obesity. And of course, if this has an impact on obesity, it will have an impact on diabetes and heart disease and high blood pressure.” The new rules will be introduced as a part of anti-obesity campaign. That also includes a recent citywide ban on artificial trans-fats in restaurant food. The menu roll only applies to restaurants that serves standardized potion sizes and have fifty or more locations nationwide. Starting last Saturday, chains big enough to fall under the rule will face penalties of up to 2000 dollars for not showing calorie information in a prominent sports on their menus, preferably next to the price. 3. what are big fast food chains in New York city required to do according to the new rule? 4.What will happen to big restaurant chains that violate the new rule? News Report 3 Almost all companies recognize the importance of innovation today, but not many are able to



Part ⅢListening Comprehension section A 11. A)The girls got on well with each other. B) It's understandable that girls don't get along. C) She was angry with the other young stars. D) The girls lacked the courage to fight. 12. A) The woman does her own housework. B) The woman needs a housekeeper. C) The woman's house is in a mess. D) The woman works as a housekeeper. 13.A)The Edwards are quite well off. B) The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses. C) It'll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house. D) It's too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house. 14.A)The woman didn't expect it to be so warm at noon. B) The woman is sensitive to weather changes. C) The woman’s forecast was unrel iable. D) The woman turned cold all of a sudden. 15.A) At a clinic. B) In a supermarket. C) At a restaurant. D) In an ice cream shop. 16.A) The woman did not feel any danger growing up in the Bronx. B) The man thinks it was quite safe living in the Bronx district. C) The woman started working at an early age to support her family. D) The man doesn't think it is safe to send an 8-year-old to buy things. 17.A) The man has never seen the woman before. B) The two speakers work for the same company. C) The two speakers work on the same floor. D) The woman is interested in market research.



Section B 26: While Gail Obcamp, an American artist was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners have their eyes closed. Were they tuned off because an American had the nerve to instruct Japanese in their own art form or they deliberately tried to signal their rejection of her Obcamp later found out that her listeners were not being disrespectful. Japanese listeners sometimes closed their eyes to enhance concentration. Her listeners were showing their respect for her by chewing on her words. Some day you may be either a speaker or a listener in a situation involving people from other countries or members of minority group in North America. Learning how different cultures signal respect can help you avoid misunderstandings. Here are some examples. In the deaf culture of North America, many listeners show applause not by clapping their hands but by waving them in the air. In some cultures, both overseas and in some minority groups in North America, listeners are considered disrespectful if they look directly at the speaker. Respect is shown by looking in the general direction but avoiding direct eye contact. In some countries, whistling by listeners is a sign of approval while in other countries it is a form of insult. 29: Chris is in charge of purchasing and maintaining equipment in his Division at Taxlong Company.


[外语类试卷]大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 144 一、Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter of appeal calling for student participation in an aid-education project in Western, areas following the outline given below. You should write at least120 words but no more than 180 words. 1.市教委组织了一次西部支教的活动,学生会呼吁大学生积极参与 2.活动的时间、要求及作用 Section A (A)The woman has looked for Harry Potter in several bookstores. (B)The woman has found Harry Potter in another bookstore. (C)There is no Harry Potter in other bookstores yet. (D)Harry Potter may be found in other bookstores. (A)A waitress. (B)A cashier. (C)A security. (D)A secretary. (A)He wants to pay. (B)He doesn't want to eat out. (C)He wants to eat somewhere else. (D)He doesn't like Japanese food.

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