中西文化之鉴 – 跨文化交际 第九单元

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中西文化之鉴 – 跨文化交际课程
Building Culture into the Landscape By 杨昊
Building Culture into the Landscape

We can find basic structures, forms or patterns almost anywhere, because if a pattern is basic to a culture, it will show up in many places, including in the physical world that is part of our daily life…These physical forms both reflect and are reflected in social patterns and in the languages we speak. 我们在任何地方都能找到基本的结构、形状和模式,因为 如果一个模式是某个文化的基本元素,那么该元素会出现 在许多地方,包括作为我们日常生活一部分的物质世界… 这些物质形态反映了社会形态和我们说的语言,也映衬在 了这两者之中。

Not everything you learn in school will become relevant to you immediately, but it increases your chances and adds one more possibility to your life.

Key points about education

To discover your potential and talents;

To make the world a better and safer place to live;

Learning is hard, there is no shortcut.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Where does money fit in in this picture? – only marginally (金钱在教育蓝图中地位如何? 处于边缘地带。) You don’t need college education to get rich; but the truth is, even those who become rich without having college education won’t encourage their children out of college education and they themselves tend to pretend to be educated.
Most metropolitan areas of the western United States are spread over large areas with regular street grid patterns that are highly recognisable from space, ...
Excerpts from a middle school principal’s weekly speech in China

“你追求加内特、詹姆斯、科比、麦蒂、邓肯、霍华德……你不学习, 连一张季前赛门票都买不起。”“你追求金泰熙、宋慧乔、孙艺珍、 全智贤、金秀贤……你不学习,全家搞一顿炸鸡啤酒你都要考虑考 虑。” “没资本还不学习?没背景还不学习?长得不帅还不学习!智商不够 还不学习!” “你要是混到中年,住不起房,开不起车,天天对着现实哼哼唧唧, 鬼才会去聆听你那“凄美感伤”的烦恼。”
China’s inside-outside mentality: in the structure of buildings
China’s inside-outside mentality: in the structure of buildings
Discussion: on education
The French Radiating Star Pattern
The French Radiating Star
Inside outside pattern

A specific cultural mentality (文化思维), once established, will be consistently reflected in many aspects of a culture. For example: the inside-outside pattern. For example: the inside-outside mentality (see the Middle-Eastern example in the textbook at page 158). China is also a culture characterized by inside-outside mentality: In Language:内幕、内部、内参、内审、内控、内刊、内经、内府、内陆、

Education is about possibilities: it may teach people how to make profits and become wealthy; but even more significantly, it is the only way to help people realize dreams beyond the aim of becoming rich and powerful – e.g. to find a cure for AIDS and cancer, to help the poor out of poverty, to make our air cleaner to breathe and water safer to drink, to serve as an ambassador to promote peace and friendship between China and Japan…
Most of all, education prepares more responsible and independent-minded citizens.

The reason why people can get rich without higher education is because the market system rewards those who work hard and are lucky. Anyway, what a horrible world it would become if only the educated can become rich!

The Basic Pattern of Atlantis, the lost civilization
The Grid Pattern (格子模式)
The US. Grid Pattern
A Simple Road Grid Plan, Windermere, Florida
The US. Grid Pattern
内政、内务、内战、内乱、内室、内人、内亲、内心、内情、内耗…… 国家、大家、公家、人家、自家、咱家、国内…… 外人、外乡人、外头人、外国人、外星人…… 男主外,女主内… 肥水不流外人田、内外有别…

China’s inside-outside mentality: in the structure of buildings

1. What do you expect to gain from your 4-year undergraduate study? 2. How could you take advantage of the existing education system in JN university to meet your needs and aims? 3. What should be reformed? 4. Nowadays, more and more people claim that college education is useless, and one can earn much more with some vocational skills or by running a business than a college graduate. How far do you you agree with this view?