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1. vain adj. 自负的;自视过高的

e.g. He was vain about his looks, spending hours in the gym.

adj. 不成功的;无用的;徒劳的

e.g. They made a vain attempt to protect the town from attack.

in vain没有成功;徒劳

e.g. We walked a couple of blocks, looking in vain for a cab.

2. wisdom n. 智慧;学识;明智

e.g. One can not have wisdom without living life.

wise adj. 聪明的,英明的,明智的

3. abuse v. 虐待;凌辱

e.g. Prisoners reported being regularly abused by their guards.

v. 滥用;妄用

e.g. They were accused of abusing their power to keep prices artificially high.

v. 辱骂

e.g. He was fined $ 10,000 for verbally abusing the judge.

4. adaptation n. 适应,改编,改写本;适应

e.g. The play is an adaptation of a short novel.

adapt vt. 使适应,改编

adopt vt. 采用,收养

adapted themselves to city life _________________________

adopt a new technique __________________________

5. twist vt. 使转弯,使扭曲,曲解,歪曲

vi. 扭弯,扭曲,缠绕,扭动,呈螺旋形

e.g. String is made of threads twisted together.

The path twisted up the hill.

to twist the handle

Twist the lid to open it.

n. 转弯,弯曲,曲折路

a twist of fate ____________________

a story with a quirky twist _______________________

twist of the wrist ___________________________

twist off _____________________________

twist up __________________________

twists and turns _________________________

6. fortune n. 财富,运气,大量财产,好运,命运

e.g. She had the good fortune to be free from illness.

Fortune smiled on him. ________________________

make a fortune / make one’s fortune_____________________

seek one’s fortune ___________________________

try one’s fortune ___________________________

7. desperate adj. 绝望的

e.g. The missing man’s family are getting increasingly desperate. .

adj. 孤注一掷的

e.g. In a desperate attempt to escape, he killed the guard.

adj. 极需要的;及向往的

desperate for

e.g. They were sold by families desperate for money to buy food.

be desperate to do sth.

e.g. He was desperate to see her again.

adj. 非常严重的

e.g. Parts of this school are in desperate need of repair.

desperately adv. 绝望地;拼命地;非常;很

8. civil adj. 有教养的,文明的,公民的,国内的

e.g. Keep a civi l tongue in your head! Don’t speak rudely!

be civil to_________________

say sth. civil ________________

9. bent adj. 决意的,极想的,下决心……的

be bent on 一心想要,决心要;专心致志于

He was bent on making them happy.

All eyes were bent on me.

bend v. 弯曲,屈服


e.g. It is possible to bend nature to human will?

She bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor.

10. reform n. 改革,改善

e.g. The reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and colourful life.

vt. 改革,革新,重新组成vi.革新,改过,重组

to reform criminals 改造罪犯to reform society 改革社会

11. pressure n. 压,压力,电压,压迫,强制,紧迫

e.g. Do not put much pressure on the handle, it may break.

He works well under pressure.

put pressure on sb. ______________________________

under the pressure of _________________________-

at high pressure ___________________________

work at high pressure ___________________________

12. resist vt. 抵抗,反抗,抗,忍得住

e.g. She could hardly resist laughing.

resist aggression ______________________

resist temptation ______________________

resistance n. 反抗,抵抗,抵抗力

make some [no] resistance _____________________

13. spin v. 旋转,纺,纺纱

e.g. The wheels of the car were spinning. 小汽车的轮子飞速旋转。

The heavy blow sent the enemy spinning to the ground. 猛烈的一击打得敌人昏头转向,倒在地上。

spin sb. round ___________________________



1. Many people were g_______ enough to donate enough money to the people in the disaster regions.

2. The play is an a_________ of a short novel.

3. Ann’s uncle died suddenly, leaving all his f______ to her.

4. He was v_____ about his looks, spending hours in the gym.

5. Prisoners reported being regularly a______ by their guards.

6. Keep a c_________ tongue in your head! Don’t speak rudely.

7. The _____ (曲折) in the plot is always the attraction to literature lovers.

8. Parts of this school are in d__________ need of repair.

9. John is b_______ on getting the first place in the following race.

10. The a______ chair was made in 1628.

11. Better be envied than p______ (怜悯).

12. This is a new kind of glassware that r_____ heat.

13. He became famous nationwide o_____________.

14. The crew of the tanker were r______ just minutes before it sank in heavy seas.

15. Mother T eresa, who won the Nobel Prize, has earned her r__________ for kind help to the poor

people in India.

16. The posts are i_________ for students who have recently completed a first degree in biology.

2. Many films ________________ classic works.

3. A lot of new books _________ every day.

4. By the death of Ba Jin, one of China’s greatest writers ____________ the world.

5. This is a secret. Who has ______ it _______?

6. The breathtakingly beautiful scenery certainly ______________ expectations.

7. This maths problem is________ easy. In fact, it is difficult.

8. He _________winning at all costs.

9. When her son returned, she was ________ anxiety.

10. I _______ play tennis ______ watch TV.



1. generous

2. adaptation

3. fortune

4. vain

5. abused

6. civil

7. twist 8. desperate 9. bent 10. antique. 11. pitied 12. resists

13. overnight 14. rescued 15. reputation 16. intended


1. gathering dust on the shelf

2. are adapted from

3. come out

4. is lost to

5. let out

6.lived up to

7. far from

8. is bent on

9. free from 10. would rather … than


英语模块三第二单元单词 occupation? ①工作;职业 What do you imagine will be your future occupation?你认为自己将来会从事什么职业呢? He is a lawyer by occupation 他的职业是律师。 ②占领;居住: a country under occupation被占领的国家 the wildlife in occasion of the island这座岛上的野生动植物 occupy? ①占领;占据: During the war,Germany occupied many counties , Including France.战争期间,德国占领了很多国家,包括法国。 ②占时间、空间;占有;占用: His speech occupied only three minutes他的演讲仅用了三分钟。? The bed seemed to occupy most of the room床似乎占据了大半个房间。 ③使忙碌:? His work occupies him for the whole day.工作使他忙了一整天。? be occupied with sth / ( in ) doing sth : I have been so occoupied with work that I haven't had time for social activities.工作太忙,我一直没有时间参加社交活动。 The new comers were occupied(in)writing letters home.新来的人忙着给家里写信。 contribute? ①贡献;捐献;提供:? Immigrants have contributed to the British culture in many ways.移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。? It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum of money.她很大方,捐了这么一大笔钱。? contribute ( sth ) to sth : contribute (money)to the Red Cross 向红十字会捐钱? He never contributes ( ideas ) to the discussion.他在讨论时从不发表意见。 ②造成(某事发生)是…的原因之―: Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year ln the US.在美国,酒精每年造成10万人死亡。? Stress is a contributing factor in many illness.压力是诸多疾病的致病因素。 ③投(稿);撰(稿)? She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.她给这家杂志撰写了多篇文章。 contributor ①捐款人;撰稿人;起作用的因素


U1 重点词汇讲解 1. contribute [v.] 出(钱﹑力﹑主意等);捐助;捐赠;贡献: ~ (sth.) (to/towards sth.) 1) contribute (ten pounds) to a charity collection 捐献(十镑)给慈善事业 2) contribute aid for refugees 向难民提供援助 3) Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford. 人人都应该尽自己的能力作贡献。 4) The chairman encourages everyone to contribute to the discussion. 主席鼓励大家参与讨论。 ~ to sth. 增加某事物; 添加到某事物中: Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject. 她的着作极有助於我们对这个困难问题的了解。 ~ to sth. help to cause sth 促成某事物: Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗?~ (sth.) to sth. write (articles, etc) for a publication 撰稿;投(稿): She has contributed (several poems) to literary magazines. 她给文学刊物投了(几首诗)稿。

2. adopt ~ sb. (as sth.) 收养某人(尤指作为儿女或继承人);过继:1) Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan. 他们因没有亲生儿女, 所以决定领养一个孤儿。 2) Paul’s mother had him adopted because she couldn’t look after him herself. 保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他, 便将他送给别人收养了。 3) He is their adopted son. 他是他们的养子。 ~ sb. as sth. 挑选某人作候选人或代表: She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York. 她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人。 采纳;采取;采用: adopt a name, a custom, an idea, a style of dress 取名﹑随俗﹑采纳一意见﹑采用一服装式样 adopt a hard line towards terrorists 对恐怖分子采取强硬态度adoption [n.] 收养;过继;挑选;采纳;采取;采用;接受: 1) offer a child for adoption 将孩子送给他人收养 2) This textbook has had adoptions in many countries. 这本教科书已被很多国家采用。 adoptive [adj.] 有收养关系的;过继的;采纳的;接受的:

模块二单词讲解Unit 2

牛津高中英语模块二单词讲解 Unit 2 Step 1 Explanation From P22-25 1.adventure n. [U]冒险He is fond of adventure. The old man is telling a story of adventure. [C]一次冒险His trip through Sahara was an adventure. All the children listened to his adventures with eager attention. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe n. adventurer, adventuress adj. adventurous 2.astonishing adj.His victory was really astonishing. It’s astonishing that he should have done that work so early. adj. astonished He looked astonished. adv.a stonishingly n.astonishment in / with astonishment to one’s astonishment v.astonish The news astonished everybody. (= Everybody was astonished at the news.) I was astonished at (to hear) the loud sound. We were astonished that he appeared at the party. 3.camp n.We had a camp by the river. They are in camp(在露营中)now. We stayed in a camp for a week this summer. vi.They camped near the top of the mountain. We’ll go camping next Sunday. 4.in case In case anything important happens, please call me up. Take a taxi in case you are late for the meeting. You had better carry some money in case. in case of In case of fire, call 119. in any case In any case, do your best. in no case In no case should you give up. in this / that case It’s difficult to know what to do in this case. 5.supply n.the supply of gas supply and demand

模块五unit 1-2单元单词

模块五unit1-2词汇练习 1.The things he said hurt me badly, but he has not _______ _(道歉) to me so far. 2.Harry awkwardly a___________ to the lady for stepping on her left foot. 3.Friendship is always a sweet ____________ (责任), never an opportunity. 4.She ____ 发誓that she hadn’t told anyone , but her friend still didn’t forgive her. 5.You can’t fully _____________ (欣赏) foreign literature in translation. 6.She seemed totally ______(专注于)in her book and didn’t notice my coming 7. A woman has been_________ (逮捕)in connection with the robbery. 8.Upon his a________ at the village, the doctor began to operate on the wounded villagers. 9.Peter told others I had failed in my English test, which made me angry. I felt_____ (背叛的) 10.She felt g________ about leaving her sick child and going to work 11.I must a________ for not being able to meet you at the airport on time. 12.She shows a very positive a_________ to her work. 13.The government has taken many m________ to help the unemployed 14.It’s ________(非法的)to carry guns in our country. 15.His world famous works were not a________ until after his death. 16.He who b_____ his country must be punished. 17.He seldom catches a cold mainly because he has an _______ (健壮的) body. 18.He continued to speak, r_____________ of my feeling on the matter. 19.When studying, he f__________ his mind on his lessons. 20.If you want to pass your exams, you’d better change your a________ toward study. 21.He was chosen to be the presenter of the ___________(辩论 22.If you want to pass your exams, you’d better change your a_____ toward study. 23.You’ve put me in a very a_______ position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter 24.we went to the _____马戏团to see the performing animals 25.I’ve never been good at _________ (算术), but I am good at English. 26.I play the piano just for my own __________ (娱乐) 27.The government calls on all factories to reduce production that isn’t e______ friendly. 28.Her father continued _____(责备)her for her poor school work, regardless of her feeling. 29.The schoolboys are more c ____ not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever before. 30.He a___________ to his teacher for not having finished his homework. 31.You have put me in a very a_____position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter 32.She said she was sorry, but her eyes b_____________ her secret delight. 33.Tobby is always looking forward to being f________by his parents after he does something wrong. 34.You are already grown-ups; you are required to take r__________ for what you do. 35.When you asked him about his a______ towards school, he didn’t say anything. 36.People often think that e__ development is bad for the environment. 37.He is honest and kind to others. In other words, he never b______ his friends. 38.What he said hurt me, but he has not a______ to me 39.She was really upset and s______ that she hadn’t told anyone about my low grades.


模块二第二单元重点单词精讲 1.adventure ①n.冒险活动; 冒险经历; 奇遇 All the children listened to his adventures with eager attention.孩子们注意力十分集中地听他讲他的冒险经历。 ②冒险, 刺激 The trip to Afghanistan was an adventure for Helen. 到阿富汗旅行对海伦来说是一次冒险的经历。 ③vt. & vi.冒险 It is foolish to haphazardly adventure.随便冒险是愚蠢的。 Those explorers gallantly adventured on unknown seas.那些探险家们大胆地在陌生的海域探险。 相关短语:at all adventure(s) 胡乱地; 不顾一切地 put in adventure 使遭受危险, 使冒风险 2.arrange ① vt. & vi.安排; 准备 I'll arrange somehow. 我总会设法去办的。 Everything has been arranged satisfactorily. 一切都得到了令人满意的安排。 ②vt.整理; 布置 He began to arrange the flowers in the vase. 他开始把花瓶内的花摆好。 相关短语:①arrange for 安排, 准备②arrange with sb. about sth. 与某人商定 某事 3.extraordinary ①adj.非常奇怪的 What an extraordinary hat! 多么奇特的帽子呀! It is very extraordinary that I should meet him here. 很奇怪, 我在这儿碰上他了。 ②非同寻常的, 特别的 A trunk is extraordinary long! 象的鼻子特别的长! Her strength of will was extraordinary. 她的意志力是非凡的。 ③额外安排的, 临时的 There will be an extraordinary meeting next Wednesday to discuss the emergency resolution. 下星期三将有一个额外安排的会议专门讨论紧急决议。 相关短语:①extraordinary power of the president 总统的特权 ②an extraordinary man 非凡的人③extraordinary kindness 特别的和善④extraordinary weather 反常的天气


牛津高中英语模块二单词 表 Jenny was compiled in January 2021

M2 Unit1 tale n.故事,传说 unexplainedadj.无法解释的,神秘的puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然的 stepup 加紧,加强,促进incidentn.发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的) dueadj.由于。因为;预期的,适当的dueto 由于,因为 alien adj.外星人的;n.外星人disappearvi.消失,失踪 witnessn.目击者,证人, vt.目击,见证 spaceshipn.宇宙飞船 creaturen.动物,(具备某种特征的)人flashn.&vi.闪光,闪耀 UFO abbr.不明飞行物(UnidentifiedFlyingObject的缩写)assumevt.假定,认为 constructionn.施工,建筑物 occurvi.发生 showup出现,现身aboardadv.&prep.在(轮船、飞机、火车)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车) possibilityn.可能性 detectiven.侦探 takechargeof 负责,接管 case n.案子,案件 journalistn.记者 makeup 编造,捏造,杜撰amazingadj.令人惊奇(惊叹)的 evidence n.证据 injuryn.伤害 dismissvt.不予考虑,解雇,解散 lookinto 调查;检查 laughtern.笑声,笑 schoolboyn.(学校的)男生 astronomern.天文学家 enthusiasticadj.热情的,热烈的,满腔热情的 basen.基地,大本营,底部,基础 vt.以…为基础 existvi.存在 mystery n.神秘,神秘的事物comicstrip n.连环漫画questionnairen.调查问卷


模块一第一第二单元单选和单词拼写汇编 1. She had a tense expression on her face, ______ she were expecting trouble. A. even though B. as though C. now that D. in case 2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ________. A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken 3. The badly wounded soldier slowly opened his lips as if ______ something. A. to say B. said C. he had said D. was saying 4. The actor threw himself from the horse, as if _________. A. to be shot B. being shot C. shooting D. shot 5. It was no use trying to give explanations. They insisted ______ the project ahead of time. A. you to complete B. that you completed C. on your completing D. completing 6. The woman asked for the money, but the man dressed in blue insisted that he _______ his debts. A. should pay B. paid C. pays D. had paid 7. The doctor insisted that Mrs White ______ more exercise to keep fit, but Mrs White insisted that she ______ all right. A. do; was B. did; was C. do; be D. should do; should be 8. The place he ______ is quite far from here. A. suggested hold the meeting B. suggested to hold the meeting C. suggested holding the meeting D. suggested should hold the meeting 9. ––– How do you_________we go to Beijing for our holidays? –––I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more comfortable. A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest 10. _______ has been suggested is that we ________ there much earlier than planned. A. What; be B. That; will be C. It; should be D. Which; would be 11. The smile on the old man’s face suggested that he ______ satisfied with the results. A. is B. should be C. was D. would be 12. He came back ______ later than ________. A. much; expecting B. very; expected C. much; expected D. even; to be expected 13. Does this meal cost $50? I ______ something far better than this! A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose 14. ––– Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? ––– Yes. They have better players, so I ______ them to win. A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want 15. _____ his father, Wang Lin entered the room, ______ by his two brothers. A. Follow; follow B. Following; follow C. Followed; following D. Following; followed 16. There was a terrible noise ______ the sudden burst of light. A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed 17.. Mother sat there, silent, ______ of her past. A. to think B. thought C. thinking D. was thinking 18.. He is a student at Oxford University, ______ for a degree in computer science. A. studied B. studying C. to have studied D. to be studying 19. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not ______, and asked myself what I was going to do. A. moved B. moving C. to move D. being moved 1) 用“介词+关系代词”填空 1. The girl _____ _____ I shook hands at the school gate is the best singer in our school. 2. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ______ _______ she could turn for help. 3. The gentleman _______ ________ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. 4. He is an experienced worker, _____ _____ we can learn a lot. 5. We thought you were a person _____ _____ we could expect good decisions. 6. The two subjects _____ _____ my friend was not sure were maths and geography. 7. The girl _____ _____ I lent my dictionary is honest.


M2 Unit 1 tale n.故事,传说 unexplained adj.无法解释的,神秘的 puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然的 step up 加紧,加强,促进 incident n.发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的) due adj.由于。因为;预期的,适当的 due to 由于,因为 alien adj.外星人的;n.外星人 disappear vi. 消失,失踪 witness n. 目击者,证人, vt.目击,见证 spaceship n.宇宙飞船 creature n. 动物,(具备某种特征的)人 flash n. & vi. 闪光,闪耀 UFO abbr.不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object的缩写)assume vt. 假定,认为 construction n. 施工,建筑物 occur vi. 发生 show up 出现,现身 aboard adv.&prep.在(轮船、飞机、火车)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车) possibility n.可能性 detective n.侦探 take charge of 负责,接管 case n.案子,案件 journalist n.记者 make up 编造,捏造,杜撰 amazing adj.令人惊奇(惊叹)的 evidence n.证据 injury n.伤害 dismiss vt.不予考虑,解雇,解散 look into 调查;检查 laughter n. 笑声,笑 schoolboy n.(学校的)男生 astronomer n.天文学家 enthusiastic adj.热情的,热烈的,满腔热情的 base n.基地,大本营,底部,基础 vt.以…为基础 exist vi.存在 mystery n.神秘,神秘的事物 comic strip n.连环漫画 questionnaire n.调查问卷 tick vt.标记号,打上勾,打对号 statement n. 陈述,声明 disagree vi.不同意 appropriate adj.适当的blank n.(文件等)空白处,空格 adj.空白的,无表情的 humour n.幽默 discount n.折扣 table tennis n.乒乓球运动 badminton n.羽毛球 organize vt.组织,筹备,安排,处理tournament n.联赛,锦标赛 award n.奖,奖品,奖金 vt.授予,奖励 Yeti n.雪人,野人(=Abominable Snowman)Bigfoot n.北美野人 Wild Man of Shennongjia n.神农架野人hairy adj.多毛的,毛茸茸的 human being n.人 attack vi. &n.攻击,进攻 villager n.村民 fur n.(动物的)皮毛,毛皮 track n.足迹,踪迹 centimetre n.厘米 length n.长度 examine vt.检查 north-west n.西北 dozen n.(一)打,十二个,十来个 dozens of 许多,很多 reserve n.(动植物的)保护区,储备 vt.预订,保留,储备 strength n.力量,力气 belong vi.应在(某处),适应 belong to 属于 existence n.存在 convince vt.是确信,使相信 link vt.&n. 联系,关联 ancestor n.祖先,祖宗 make one’s way to前往,到…去 survive vi. &vt.生存,挺过(难关)


牛津版高一英语模块二Unit 1单词讲解 1.puzzled adj. I was puzzled how to deal with the situation. * puzzling It’s a puzzling question to me. * puzzle 1)Vt. This sentence puzzles me. He puzzled his brain all day over the problem, but didn’t solve it. 2)n. It’s quite a puzzle to us how he did that. I am in a puzzle. (= I am puzzled / at a loss.) 2.search v. * search sth. for sth. The police searched the house for the stolen ring. * search (through) sp for sth. He searched through all the drawers for the key. * search for sth I have been searching for the same kind of shoes as these. n.* The search for the missing men was given up. * in search of: He went to Paris in search of a better life. * make a search for 3.witness n. witness to/of sth The police found the witness to the murder case. v.witness sth Did you witness the accident? witness to doing sth / sth.He witnessed to having seen the man entering the room. He witnessed (to)the truth of my statement. 4.research n.[U][C]research on/into sth He was doing/making research on the subject in Roman history. Please carry out a research into the causes of the plane crash. v. research into/on sth They have been researching into the subject these days. 5.frightening adj. He spoke in a frightening manner(样子). * frightened adj. The child stared at the man with frightened eyes. The frightened girl was speechless. She was very frightened to(做--- 而害怕)look down from the top of the building. The boy was frightened that(对----感到害怕)he would get lost. * frighten Vt. The sudden noise frightened us. The little girl was frightened by/at the big dog. The dog frightened the thief away. * fright n.



英语模块三第二单元单词 occupation ①工作;职业 What do you imagine will be your future occupation?你认为自己将来会从事什么职业呢? He is a lawyer by occupation 他的职业是律师。 ②占领;居住: a country under occupation被占领的国家 the wildlife in occasion of the island这座岛上的野生动植物 occupy ①占领;占据: During the war,Germany occupied many counties , Including France.战争期间,德国占领了很多国家,包括法国。 ②占时间、空间;占有;占用: His speech occupied only three minutes他的演讲仅用了三分钟。 The bed seemed to occupy most of the room床似乎占据了大半个房间。 ③使忙碌: His work occupies him for the whole day.工作使他忙了一整天。 be occupied with sth / ( in ) doing sth : I have been so occoupied with work that I haven't had time for social activities.工作太忙,我一直没有时间参加社交活动。The new comers were occupied(in)writing letters home.新来的人忙着给家里写信。 contribute ①贡献;捐献;提供: Immigrants have contributed to the British culture in many ways.移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。 It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum of money.她很大方,捐了这么一大笔钱。 contribute ( sth ) to sth : contribute (money)to the Red Cross 向红十字会捐钱 He never contributes ( ideas ) to the discussion.他在讨论时从不发表意见。 ②造成(某事发生)是…的原因之―:Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year ln the US.在美国,酒精每年造成10万人死亡。 Stress is a contributing factor in many illness.压力是诸多疾病的致病因素。 ③投(稿);撰(稿) She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.她给这家杂志撰写了多篇文章。 contributor ①捐款人;撰稿人;起作用的因素


英语单词详解系列[高中译林模块11单元1]第一篇 sly 音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[sla?] 美[sla?] 附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 比较级slyer 或slier 最高级slyest 或sliest ] 释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 狡猾的;淘气的;诡密的 n. (Sly)人名;(英)斯莱 短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sly James:詹姆斯;堪萨斯市市长詹姆斯 SLY MOUSSY:香港跟日本有专柜 Sly Collection:怪盗史库柏合辑 Sly Devil:狡猾的恶棍 SLY TRIBES:城领明子 sly person:白鼻子 sly babyphat:连衣裙 Sleek sly:圆滑狡猾的 例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.ADJ A sly look, expression, or remark shows that you know something that other people do not know or that was meant to be a secret. (眼神、表情或话语) 会意的 例:His lips were spread in a sly smile. 他的双唇在会心的微笑中张开。 2.slyly ADV 会意地 例:Anna grinned slyly. 安娜会意地咧嘴笑了。


Unit 2 Healthy eating diet n.日常饮食vi.节食get over 克服;复原 be/go on a diet节食get through 完成;通过 put sb. on a diet 使某人节食get together 聚会;收集 a healthy diet 健康饮食get up 起床;组织;筹划 diet & food lie& lay diet定量定质的食物,food 食物统称lie(平躺;位于)---lay---lain----lying nut 可数+s lie(撒谎) ----lied----lied----lying protect (v.) sb. from harm 保护某人免收伤害lay(放置;搁;产卵)---laid----laid---laying under the protection(n.) of 在…保护下lie on the floor 躺在地板上(紧挨着)protective adj. be protective of sb. 保护某人down 躺下in 位于(一个范围内);在--- balance vt.& n. to(不接壤) weigh sth. in the balance 用天平称某物tell a lie 说谎a white lie 善意的谎言lie to sb. keep one’s balance 保持平衡at a discount 打折 lose one’s balance 失去平衡give/get/offer a discount 给予、得到、提供折扣on balance 总的来说consult sb. about sth consult with sb.(about/on sth.) be out of balance 失去平衡earn one’s/a living =make one’s/a living 谋生balanced(adj.平衡的,平稳的)diet 平衡膳食earn fame 赢得名望 fried(adj.油煎油炸的)fry的过去式和过去分词one’s respect 赢得尊敬 He looks so sad; I oughtn’t to have told him the bad news so early. Earn money Ought he to see the doctor? Yes, he ought to. No, he doesn’t have to. /needn’t. earn&gain&win Put on /gain weight 体重增加pay off one’s debt 还清债务 Watch one’s weight 控制体重in debt 欠债out of debt 不欠债 Lose weight 减肥be in debt to sb.=be in one’s debt欠某人的人情债Have a weight problem 体重过胖glare at =look at … angrily向人瞪眼,怒目而视Slim=thin=slender stare at 盯着看;凝视 Thin反义词fat胖的thick厚的catch/get a glimpse of 瞥见,看的结果 Be curious about sth. take a glance at 朝---看了一眼,看的动作 Be curious to do sth. spy on 暗中监视;侦查 Have curiosity to do sth. spy sth. out 查明 Out of curiosity 出于好奇within limits 适度地within the limits of 限定在----范围内Satisfy one’s curiosity 满足好奇心without limit 无限地beyond the limit 超过限度Host 男主人hostesses复数limit----to----把—限定在---范围内 Raw materials 原材料benefit from----从---中获益 Get about 四处走动;传开be of great benefit to 对---有很大好处across 被理解;传达for the benefit of 为了---的好处 along/on with进展;相处for the good of 为了某人的利益 away with 被放过in the interest of 为了某人的利益 down 记下;写下;下车;使忧愁combine A and/with B down to(介词)开始认真干combine into--- 合并为--- in 收割;进入;被录用CUT down in插话off 中止out 删除up 切碎across 走捷径off 出发;下车before long 不久以后 on 上车long before 很久以前 out 泄露;逃离

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